What does high creatinine mean in a blood test? Creatinine in the blood: normal creatinine, reasons for the increase and why it is dangerous

Creatinine is a special molecular structure that can appear during muscle metabolism in the human body. Creatinine can only come from the creatine molecule, which plays an important role in fueling and stimulating energy and muscle tone. Approximately 2 percent of all creatine found in any person's body is converted to creatinine. In turn, it can “travel” throughout the body using blood circulation.

Thus, it penetrates the kidneys, is filtered and excreted in the urine. The kidneys allow you to completely remove it from the body within a day if they are in normal healthy condition. Thanks to this filter, creatinine is completely eliminated from the body without having time to affect or modify the body’s muscle mass.

Why do they check the level of creatinine in the body?

With the help of the body's filters, the kidneys, creatinine is eliminated almost completely. The amount of it produced per day is successfully removed and does not have time to cause any harm to a person. Even with a small amount that remains in the blood, nothing major can happen to the body. This value is small, so it will not affect the vital functions of other organs. However, if the kidneys have problems, diseases or inflammation, the level of creatinine in the body constantly increases. The kidneys are not able to remove it completely with urine and therefore creatinine in the blood constantly increases. With its help, during tests you can quickly identify certain abnormalities in the functioning of the kidneys.

A fairly high creatinine level, which cannot be brought down, indicates a not entirely rosy situation with the kidneys. The higher its level, the more serious problems exist at the moment. Kidney failure at different stages can be manifested by the presence of this molecular structure. To avoid such health complications, it is important to promptly check and monitor a person’s blood creatinine. Such an analysis will instantly dot the i's and show the actual condition of the kidneys.

To identify abnormalities in health, you need to know the norm that any blood test should show. On average, the creatinine norm is about 70-110 µmol/L in adult men and 35-90 µmol/L in women.

Depending on age and gender, the creatinine level may fluctuate and go beyond this range. Each person can have their own average, at which the person will still feel normal and appear to be a completely healthy person.

For example, young men of strong physique may well have a slightly higher molecular structure score, since their physical condition will be at a completely different level than that of the average person. Elderly people, on the contrary, will have a low level, and at the same time their kidneys can function at the required quality level. The urine creatinine of small children has a completely different norm and indicators. On average, their indicators fluctuate within 20 µmol/l, as their muscle mass is steadily growing, changing and developing. The creatinine norm for a sick person or for a person with poor nutrition and muscle development will also be significantly less than the standard norm.

For those who have only one kidney, the level and norm of tests will be no more than 180-190 µmol/l, since the load on one healthy kidney will be maximum. In those people where the creatinine test rate exceeds 200 µmol/l, it indicates that there is a serious violation of all vital functions of the kidneys. The same can happen in children, in whom the result will exceed 40 µmol/l. If for some reason creatinine shows more than 800 µmol/l, then you urgently need to consider options for a kidney transplant or connecting to an artificial kidney machine (dialysis).

Reasons for high creatinine analysis

Creatinine is elevated in the blood, which may be due to many factors and reasons. First of all, you need to examine your body in detail, find disturbances in the functioning of the kidneys and try to eliminate them as much as possible in a short period of time.

Symptoms of such problems can be various factors that negatively affect the overall condition of renal activity. Most often, the cause of poor functioning of these organs is high physical activity, hereditary diseases, malignant tumors, inflammation or poor lifestyle. Poor kidney function always manifests itself as painful symptoms in the back and lower back. The pain can be of different types, but mostly it is aching and very painful. If the creatine level is high, a person may experience the following negative symptoms:

  • constant fatigue;
  • lethargy of the whole body;
  • constant drowsiness;
  • feeling of exhaustion;
  • broken breathing rhythm;
  • depressive state.

Creatinine clearance

Having carried out a test or analysis for creatinine, it becomes clear with what high rhythm the waste product of the body’s muscle tissue breaks down and ceases to be excreted. A urine creatinine test shows how well this molecular structure is excreted from the body.

A person has the right to control the process of creatinine production through his life processes and activities. In general, the rate of formation of this harmful substance occurs when a person stops exercising and eats improperly. To increase the level of creatinine in the urine and decrease in the blood, you can help your kidneys fight it with your life rhythm and correct lifestyle.

Today, there are 3 stages of detecting creatinine in the body:

  • the presence of creatinine in the blood;
  • creatinine clearance (a more accurate test that is done on the basis of fresh human urine and blood);
  • the ratio of nitrogen and creatinine in the body (shows the percentage of dehydration of the body over a certain hourly period).

What is needed for analysis?

In order to properly prepare for taking your indicators, you need to adhere to some rules that will help identify and show the real numbers of this molecular substance in the body.

Before going to the laboratory, it is advisable not to bother yourself with physical activity two days before this process. Also, the day before taking the test, you need to limit your diet. This primarily applies to meat and other protein foods. The maximum consumption before analysis is 150-200 grams of lean meat. It is also recommended to drink enough water 24 hours before the test, completely avoiding drinks such as coffee, tea or carbonated water.

How is the analysis carried out?

To perform a correct blood draw, you must initially treat the puncture site with an alcohol solution and bend the elbow joint so that the medical worker can apply a tourniquet. Blood is taken from a vein with a sterile needle in the required quantity. After completing the procedure, the puncture is sealed with a special septic plaster or held with cotton wool until the bleeding stops completely.

To properly donate urine, you need to collect it for 24 hours, bypassing the first morning urination. All subsequent doses must be collected and stored in a special container with a volume of at least 5 liters. Collecting and storing it in different containers is prohibited. The entire collection must be stored in a dark and cool place until its final transportation to its destination. The ideal place for such a container would be the refrigerator. The last dose of your urine will be the morning urination on the day you submit your urine to the laboratory. The presence of foreign objects in the urine that could affect the final analysis data is not allowed. For example, such substances and objects could be: pieces of toilet paper, menstrual fluid, feces or pubic hair of the person being tested.

Risks when drawing blood

Quite rarely, but still, there are exceptions when a blood test can result in unpleasant consequences. First of all, small blue hematomas appear under the skin as a result of needle penetration. In the rarest cases, blood sampling may cause slight swelling, which can be removed in a few days with a regular heat compress.

Taking blood can contribute to constant bleeding if a person has poor clotting ability or is currently taking special medications that thin a person’s blood. The most common drugs used are aspirin and warfarin.

Analysis results

Averages may vary slightly between testing locations. This is not the fault of laboratories and hospitals. Most often, such differences are caused by external factors and different units of measurement of analysis.

Average blood creatinine levels:

  • men: 0.5-1.2 mg/dl or 70-105 µmol/l;
  • women: 0.3-1.0 mg/dl or 35-91 µmol/l.

Creatinine clearance:

  • men under 40 years old - 106-140 ml/min;
  • women under 40 years old - 85-105 ml/min.

Creatinine clearance rates most often decrease with age by 6-7 ml/min every 10-12 years. Normal nitrogen to creatinine ratio is 10:1 to 20:1

High performance

High values ​​of creatinine in the blood indicate that a person has serious abnormalities in kidney function. This can be caused by many reasons and factors. The most serious and irreversible of them that affect the condition of the kidneys are cancer, stress, nervous shock, fatal infections, and low blood flow. Less dangerous, but serious conditions for poor kidney function are stones, heart failure, polycystic disease, dehydration, gout, muscle pathology. A high level of creatinine in the blood indicates that creatinine clearance is significantly below normal.

Higher than normal clearance may be accompanied by a variety of physical influences and factors that affect or have affected the body in the past. Most often, such causes are: pregnancy, poisoning, hypothyroidism, burns, active physical activity, muscle tears.

The third indicator, the ratio of creatinine and nitrogen in the body, can also be guided by a number of reasons and conditions. Their high rates indicate that the person is experiencing severe kidney failure due to dehydration or nervous shock. Also, high rates can be caused by blockage of the urinary tract. The reason for this is stones and sand in the kidneys. Quite rarely, a symptom of such high nitrogen levels is internal bleeding in the respiratory tract or digestive tract.

Low performance

Creatinine and all its accompanying indicators may be low, which is also not desirable for human health. Low creatinine levels are most often caused by a decrease in muscle mass, which is also called muscular dystrophy. Such indicators may also indicate serious liver diseases. Low creatinine also occurs during long-term strict diets in which there is no protein food, as well as during pregnancy.

Low creatinine clearance indicates serious functional renal failures that put life at risk. These could be various infections, cancerous tumors, low blood flow to the kidneys due to stones and sand. Cirrhosis of the liver, dehydration, and heart failure may also be the cause.

Low nitrogen and creatinine levels show a clear picture of all the factors that a person has been earning recently. Similar figures appear during the period of bearing a child, with limited and strict long-term diets, severe injuries or serious complex physical activity.

Creatinine is a product of the creatine phosphate reaction. This substance involved in the energy metabolism of tissues is formed in the muscles and is partially released into the circulatory system. It is excreted from the body along with urine.

Impaired creatinine metabolism is a disorder of the kidneys. A high degree of creatinine in the blood is a sign of renal failure of various stages, as well as hormonal disorders, diseases of various organs.

To determine the status of creatinine, a special biochemical urine test is performed

When is such an analysis prescribed?

A blood test for creatinine is one of the most common types of diagnostics, which is prescribed by a doctor in order to determine the nature and causes of disorders in the kidneys and muscle system.

Blood test for Creatine level determination is necessary if:

  • there are signs indicating an increase in the amount of creatinine;
  • a person who has expressed a desire to become a kidney donor is examined;
  • urolithiasis, pathologies of the muscular system or kidneys are diagnosed;
  • The required dose of a drug with a toxic effect is determined, which is excreted from the body by the kidneys.

If the creatinine concentration increases, the following symptoms are observed: difficulty breathing, aching pain or a feeling of heaviness in the lumbar region, fatigue, confusion, and a feeling of severe exhaustion.

Creatinine in the blood - what is it?

What does creatinine mean and what is it? This substance is considered one of the final products in the body of direct protein metabolism, which makes it possible to determine the state of the human muscular system and kidneys.

Creatinine is one of the elements of residual nitrogen. In turn, residual nitrogen is a collection of non-protein substances in the blood that contain nitrogen. It promotes the removal of urea, ammonia, and uric acid from the body through the kidneys. It is by the level of creatinine in the blood (and other components of residual nitrogen) that the state of the excretory function of human kidneys is judged.

Normal creatinine levels for men and women

The normal level of creatinine in the blood depends on gender and age, and the level, in addition to renal activity, depends on body type (accumulation of muscle mass) and food preferences. The creatinine of the male body should almost always be higher than that of women of the same age group.

  • In a child from 0 to 1 year 3.0 – 11.0
  • In children from one to 7 years old 2.0 – 5.0
  • Children and adolescents 7-14 years old 3.0 – 8.0
  • Boys and girls 15-16 years old 5.0 – 11.0
  • Men 8.4 – 13.6
  • Women 6.6 – 11.7

When carrying out analysis in other cases, other units of measurement are used - micromoles per liter (µmol/l). Then the norm for women is considered to be values ​​in the range from 44.0 to 97.0 µmol/l, and for men – from 44.0 to 115.0 µmol/liter.

Causes of elevated creatinine

What does it mean? If we consider the main reasons why creatinine in the blood is elevated in men or women, then among them we can highlight:

  1. Kidney dysfunction, which is a consequence of absolutely any kidney disease, for example, chronic glomerulonephritis, polycystic kidney disease, etc.
  2. Destruction of muscle tissue, necrosis, gangrene.
  3. An increase in creatinine in the blood can be caused by extensive muscle damage due to injuries or burns.
  4. Loss of fluid, dehydration.
  5. Hyperthyroidism is a disease in which muscle tissue begins to break down due to increased production of thyroid hormones.
  6. Circulatory disorders(heart failure) with insufficient blood pressure in the glomeruli of the kidneys, which reduces the filtration of primary urine in them (glomerular filtration) and the excretion of creatinine.
  7. Radiation sickness – due to the action of ionizing radiation, gradual destruction of all cells of the body, including muscle cells, occurs.

If a blood test reveals an increase in creatinine levels, first of all it is necessary to repeat it, because no one is immune from laboratory errors. If the indicators deviate from the norm again, the doctor prescribes an additional examination and then treatment, which, as a rule, is aimed at restoring kidney function.

Physiological reasons

What does this mean? First of all, an increase in creatinine in the blood may be a consequence of an unbalanced diet, in which protein is present in large quantities. In this case, the synthesis of creatine phosphate is activated, which automatically leads to an increase in creatinine. This is typical for bodybuilders, because they must consume large amounts of protein to build muscle mass.

In adults who do not exercise, an increase in creatinine above normal may be caused by the following: physiological factors:

  • intense physical activity;
  • heavy internal bleeding;
  • taking certain medications;
  • damage to muscle tissue caused by disease or injury;
  • dehydration of the body (with a lack of fluid, the concentration of certain substances, including creatinine, in the blood begins to increase);
  • pregnancy is a “test” for the whole body, including muscles and kidneys, so an increase in creatinine in this case occurs often.
  • intestinal obstruction and blockage of the urinary tract (if creatinine does not leave the body naturally, it begins to accumulate in the blood).

In all of these cases, creatinine in the blood is elevated, usually uncritically. When you correct your diet, stop taking medications, and normalize your weight, “everything returns to normal.”

Clearance - what does it mean?

Clearance is the ability of organs to clear the blood of specific substances. When we talk about creatinine clearance, we mean the ability of the kidneys to completely remove this substance from the blood. Kidney function can be assessed by the rate of blood purification from creatinine and inulin. Inulin is used for scientific purposes, and creatinine is used in medical practice, due to stable concentrations in the blood and urine.

To do this, its concentration in urine per day is determined, and the patient collects urine in one container during this time. Nowadays, only a single biochemical analysis is more often used to determine the concentration of creatinine in the blood, and to calculate clearance there is a special formula that takes into account the weight and age of the person being studied.

Low clearance indicates a decrease in glomerular filtration with the development of renal failure.


With a high level of creatinine in the patient's blood, in most cases, kidney damage is diagnosed. They can be recognized by the following manifestations:

  1. Disturbance in urination. Moreover, the patient may develop both diuresis (urine ceases to be excreted from the body altogether) and polyuria, more than 2 liters of urine are excreted during the day.
  2. Specific pain sensations appear in the lower back, in the lower back.
  3. High blood pressure appears.
  4. Swelling is observed.

A biochemical blood test shows not only high creatinine, but also high levels of urea or other constituents of residual nitrogen.

How to reduce creatinine levels in the blood?

Remember that the first thing you should do is consult your doctor. Only after a person has been fully examined can we talk about specific recommendations that will help reduce creatinine concentrations.

In cases of a significant increase in creatinine, drugs may be prescribed that help normalize the process of protein breakdown (ketosteril, lespephan, lespinefril). If a biochemical blood test indicates a slight increase in creatinine, but there are no alarming symptoms, you need to reconsider your lifestyle and adjust your diet.

Correction of lifestyle and physical activity is also necessary. They must be brought into line with the actual capabilities of the body. If no pathological causes of increased creatinine have been identified and the only option for this condition is excessive physical activity, they should be reduced as much as possible.


Elevated levels of creatinine in the blood can be reduced quickly and easily by normalizing the diet in qualitative and quantitative terms. To do this you need to eat more:

  • pomegranates;
  • buckwheat;
  • wheat;
  • citrus fruits;
  • pears;
  • oats;
  • barley.

At the same time, limit the use of:

  • protein food;
  • dried fruits;
  • salt;
  • sugar (including that contained in finished products).

Correction of physical activity will not be superfluous. It must correspond to the actual capabilities of the body.

Creatinine is a chemical substance that is formed in human muscles during physical activity as a result of the breakdown of chemical compounds (creatine - creatine phosphate reaction), which are the source of energy for the contraction of muscle fibers.

From muscle fibers, creatinine enters the bloodstream and, after purification of the blood serum by the kidneys, is completely excreted from the body in the urine. An increase in creatinine in the blood is called hypercreatinemia and indicates disorders of the excretory or musculoskeletal systems of the body.

To determine the normal level of creatine phosphate reaction products, the first test is a biochemical blood test for creatinine, which is performed if renal failure is suspected.

Norm of cretin by age (table)

The normal level of creatinine in the blood differs depending on gender, age and the amount of muscle mass in each person. At the same time, the concentration of creatinine is stable and depends little on external physical factors (for example, nutrition).

In women, the normal level of creatinine in the blood is almost two times lower than in men, due to less muscle.

To assess kidney function, a set of tests called creatinine clearance (or Rehberg test, glomerular filtration rate) is used.

Clearance in medicine is the speed and quality of blood purification by the kidneys from waste products of human vital activity. Creatinine clearance determines the amount of purified blood in 1 minute. Thus, the functioning of the kidneys and the degree of disruption of the cleansing processes are assessed.

To calculate creatinine clearance, you need to take a blood and urine test. In this case, urine is collected several times over 2-5 hours, depending on the research method. There are special formulas for assessing the cleansing work of the kidneys using creatinine in both biological fluids.

A clearance study is prescribed when creatinine increases, if systemic lupus erythematosus, glomerulosclerosis, nephropathy, or renal failure are suspected.

Causes of elevated creatinine in the blood

Among the reasons for increased creatinine, the main categories can be distinguished: disruption of chemical processes in muscles (destruction of proteins), as well as malfunctions of the excretory system.

A significant increase in creatinine in the blood can occur with the following diseases:

  • renal failure in acute or chronic stages;
  • liver and kidney tumors;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • blockage of the urinary tract;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland, when increased breakdown or growth of muscle tissue occurs (hyperthyroidism, acromegaly, gigantism);
  • adrenal hypofunction;
  • oncological neoplasms;
  • internal bleeding;
  • dehydration.

If creatinine is significantly higher than normal, then this may also indicate an increase in other blood parameters (bilirubin, uric acid, red blood cells, protein, etc.) exceeding the norm due to pathology of the liver and kidneys.

There is the concept of a false increase in creatinine, which is used in cases where the reasons for the increase are related to physiological processes in the body. Such reasons include:

  • significant amount of muscle mass;
  • physical activity;
  • taking a creatine supplement;
  • use of medications to lower blood pressure (Capoten, Zofenopril, Benazepril, Lisinopril);
  • long-term use of drugs that have a toxic effect on the kidneys (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, immunosuppressants, immunoglobulins).

In cases where high creatinine occurs due to long-term use of drugs that have a toxic effect on the kidneys, it is necessary to reconsider the treatment and change the drugs. If you do not take measures and continue treatment with nephrotoxic drugs that increase the amount of creatinine in the blood, then after some time kidney failure may occur.


As a rule, a significant increase in creatinine indicates renal dysfunction and may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • nagging pain in the lower back;
  • the occurrence of edema;
  • impaired urine output;
  • high blood pressure;
  • convulsions;
  • muscle pain during movement and at rest;
  • constant fatigue;
  • nausea and loss of appetite;
  • memory impairment;
  • apathy.

Since an increase in creatinine levels indicates a violation of the kidneys, additional blood and urine tests are performed to fully diagnose the excretory system:

  • excretion of albumin in urine;
  • level of uric acid in the blood;
  • norm of catecholamines in daily urine;
  • urea clearance.

How to reduce creatinine levels

Reducing creatinine levels consists of drug therapy and a therapeutic diet, the effect of which is aimed at improving the functioning of the excretory system.

Most often, elevated creatinine in the blood is normalized when using drug therapy with the following drugs:

  • enterosorbents – drugs that are used to cleanse the body of waste products, as well as toxic substances (Enterosgel, Smecta, Polysorb, Lignin);
  • drugs that improve the excretion of protein breakdown products - creatinine, uric acid, urea (Ketosteril, Chitosan, Lespefan);
  • diuretics - activate the kidneys and promote the removal of fluid from the body (Indapamide, Trifas, Diuver, Furosemide);
  • blood pressure lowering agents (for hypertensive patients with elevated creatinine) (Hydrosaluretil, Hypothiazide).


Therapeutic nutrition for increased creatinine in the blood consists of eliminating foods from the diet that put a strain on the kidneys:

  • purine compounds - when digesting proteins of animal origin (they contain purines), an additional concentration of creatinine, uric acid, urea, etc. occurs, which must be removed from the body;
  • phosphates (phosphorus salts) are vital compounds, but in excess they lead to a decrease in calcium levels in the body (present in meat, fish, canned food, and in products with preservatives in their composition).

In order to reduce creatinine in the body (in the blood and in the urine), medicinal therapy is used, as well as table 7a and 7b, which are prescribed at different stages of acute and chronic nephritis.

To improve the excretory capacity of the kidneys, the diet consists mainly of plant carbohydrates with a minimal amount of protein. If there is a high level of creatinine in the blood, the main diet should consist of the following foods:

  • vegetables (except potatoes), herbs, moderately sweet fruits, berries;
  • dried fruits, nuts, honey;
  • low-fat fermented milk products (cottage cheese, sour cream, fermented baked milk, kefir);
  • cereal porridges and soups with vegetable broth;
  • pasta from durum wheat;
  • dietary salt-free bread;
  • vegetable oil.

In limited quantities you can use:

  • dietary meat (chicken, turkey, rabbit) 2 times a week;
  • low-fat fish;
  • potato;
  • boiled eggs – 3 pieces per week;
  • low-fat fish.

If creatinine significantly exceeds the norm, the above foods are completely excluded from the diet.

When creatinine increases, the following foods are prohibited:

  • fatty meats (pork, duck, goose);
  • fatty fish;
  • smoked and fried foods;
  • hot seasonings and sauces;
  • a lot of salt;
  • baked goods;
  • strong tea and coffee;
  • milk.

In the process of cooking, preference is given to boiling, stewing, baking, and steaming.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine recipes, which are used if creatinine in the blood is elevated, are aimed at improving kidney function. As a rule, infusions and decoctions of herbs with diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties are used.

Nettle tea. Nettle leaves are known in folk medicine as a blood purifier, and can also reduce creatinine concentrations and stimulate the urinary system.

To prepare one serving of tea you will need 3 teaspoons of dried nettle leaves and a glass of boiling water. The tea is steeped for 7-10 minutes and half a teaspoon of honey is added for taste.

Tea made from dried nettle leaves is consumed 2-3 times a day for a month.

Chamomile infusion. Chamomile helps remove toxic substances from the body and reduces creatinine in the blood.

To prepare the infusion, mix two teaspoons of dried chamomile flowers and 200 ml of boiling water and cover with a lid for 5-7 minutes. Next, the chamomile infusion should be filtered and consumed as tea several times a day.

Treatment with chamomile infusion is carried out for no more than 3 weeks. After a ten-day break, the course can be repeated.

Cinnamon. Consumption of cinnamon improves kidney function, namely, it activates the filtration and throughput capacity of the excretory organs, thereby reducing urea, uric acid and creatinine in the blood. You need to add cinnamon to your diet every day, but do not consume more than 1 teaspoon per day.

Eleutherococcus or Siberian ginseng. Eleutherococcus is able to stop the increase in the amount of creatinine, since it enhances circulatory processes and blood circulation in the kidneys, stimulates the functioning of the nervous and hormonal systems.

You can use dragees, tablets, capsules with Eleutherococcus or a tincture of the plant in alcohol. The dry extract of the plant (in tablets, etc.) must be taken three times a day for a month. Eleutherococcus tincture should be consumed depending on age from 15 to 30 drops 2 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 25-30 days.

For any movement muscles require synthesis reactions with the help of which creatine is formed, then creatine phosphate, which will provide the necessary energy when broken down, the residual component - creatinine - enters the blood and is excreted from the body through the kidneys.

Its amount is always within a certain norm, deviations from which are a symptom of pathology.

Blood creatinine level Doctors check if the patient complains of muscle pain, swelling, frequent urination, or when diagnosing kidney problems. After all, this connection is in the blood constantly present, its amount fluctuates slightly, but there are maximum permissible values ​​for men, women and children, as well as for age groups. And serious deviations from the norm are a clear sign of the presence of a disease or pathology.

Learn about content creatinine can be obtained with a biochemical blood test, and with kidney tests, when the blood is checked for the content of creatinine, urea nitrogen and electrolytes.

It is the fluid running through the veins, and not urine, that can tell the most detailed story about whether the excretory system is functioning normally, whether through tissue buds and organs, non-protein nitrogenous components, products of reactions of splitting and breakdown of many amino acids, enzymes, hormones, which can cause serious harm to health.

Specifically, a creatinine test is prescribed for chronic renal failure to assess the performance of the kidneys, or to prescribe hemodialysis.

For kids A normal level is considered to be from 45 to 105 µmol/l, for children from 6 to 16 years old - from 27 to 62, for women it is from 44 to 80, for men - from 74 to 110 µmol/l

Levels can be determined by diet, amount of fluid drunk, dietary supplements taken, strength and duration of physical activity, time of day. The lowest creatinine in the morning can double in the evening, while remaining within acceptable values.

And if low creatinine is extremely rare and indicates muscle dystrophy, atrophy of some of their groups due to diseases, exhaustion, can be recorded in the first months of pregnancy, then high is very alarming signal.

The level of creatinine in itself is not a disease, so under no circumstances should you take any action to increase or decrease it, as this can be life-threatening. Moreover, to clarify, it is recommended to take tests more than once.

When creatinine is detected in the blood is 40 - 100 µmol/l above normal values, the doctor must refer the patient for a repeat test, this time with strict adherence to all the rules: in the morning, preferably on an empty stomach, without first undergoing physical activity. It is advisable to do a urine test; a decrease in the metabolite in it will confirm the presence of kidney problems.

Temporary promotion creatinine is fixed:

  • when taking dietary supplements such as Vanadium Bio, Creatine to change metabolism;
  • when the body is dehydrated;
  • with a diet that includes large amounts of protein and fatty meat;
  • when building muscle mass.

Deviations from the norm Some medications can also cause this, so the doctor must be informed about what medications or medications the patient began taking shortly before the test. This will help you choose the right examination method and make an accurate diagnosis.

How can I lower the level?

About chronic diseases It is very important to promptly reduce creatinine to normal. An important aspect of this is proper nutrition, because many foods can cause kidney failure.

Need to reduce consumption of protein-rich foods. It is advisable to exclude not only meat, but also legumes, including beans, dairy and fish dishes, and eggs. A diet for chronic diseases can only be prescribed by a doctor; strict restrictions are rarely required. Fish, lean meat, and foods containing plant-based protein do not increase the load on the kidneys too much, so if you take the measure, you don’t have to completely exclude them.

Limit consumption salt: it retains fluid in the body and leads to an increase in blood pressure. This also leads to an increase in creatinine.

Control the amount in the diet of foods rich in phosphorus and potassium, which increase the load on the kidneys, ultimately disrupting the filtration process and increasing the level of creatinine in the blood.

Water should be present in the required quantity. Dehydration is extremely dangerous for many functions; it can also sharply increase creatinine, but entering the body with more than 3 liters of fluid can seriously damage the kidneys.

If the level increases metabolite is not caused by pathological conditions or illness; in 7 days, a diet of fruits, boiled buckwheat porridge, fresh herbs will help reduce its content in the blood; the best liquid is clean water, or mineral, but still, water. Citrus fruits are allowed, as well as pears; pomegranates are indispensable for blood. Bread, baked goods, and sweets will have to be completely excluded during this time.

Experienced nutritionists who help patients say that changing the diet will not help quickly and dramatically reduce this figure, but the person will have the opportunity control creatinine.

To improve performance, many weightlifters and professionals take dietary supplements that contain creatine. It is considered harmless, it is not prohibited for world-class competition participants, but it is worth remembering that creatinine is a product of the breakdown of creatine, and is completely cannot be harmless.

Rest is also necessary for those whose creatinine levels are high. You need to follow a daily routine, sleep at least 8 hours, so that not only your brain, but also your muscles rest. In a calm state, creatine breaks down much more slowly, preventing excess creatinine from ending up in the blood, allowing the kidneys to remove it almost completely.

Improve blood flow, the speed of its filtration will be helped by massage, warm baths with soothing and relaxing herbs, sea salt.

It is worth discussing with your doctor the medications you are taking for treatment of chronic diseases. Ibuprofen, cyclosporine, and some hormonal drugs can increase creatinine. It is better to replace them with less dangerous analogues.

If creatinine increases For diabetes, usually type 2, you need to take insulin as prescribed by your doctor. This will stop the process of kidney destruction. You need to talk to your endocrinologist about the dosage, because this drug is vital.

The pressure also needs to be controlled, reducing it to working pressure with the help of medications.

Often it is preventive measures help people control the quality of their blood, preventing harmful substances from accumulating in it and preventing slow poisoning of the body.

Creatinine in the blood of men

For the stronger sex level creatinine 75 – 115 µmol/l considered normal. But when taking tests, it is necessary to pay attention to the reference values, which are necessarily indicated in laboratories, so that the patient does not get confused in the features of the technologies and reagents of each of them. Average, extremely low and high for normal numbers will help you understand whether everything is normal. And if there is a deviation, consult a doctor immediately.

High performance creatinine in the blood of men is due to greater muscle mass and greater physical activity, so the upper limit can fluctuate by 10 - 15% if a person is seriously involved in weightlifting, powerlifting, if there is a lot of protein in the diet.

Elderly men, as a rule, are faced with a decrease in creatinine levels, because muscle mass becomes smaller. Therefore, test results must be interpreted based on age.

Exhaustion, feeling tired, difficulty breathing, pain in the lower back, high blood pressure and difficulty urinating (urine does not come out or the urge has become too frequent) are the most common symptoms kidney problems in men causing an increase in creatinine.

Normal level in women

For women, indicators are considered normal from 55 to 100 µmol/l. You should especially carefully monitor your blood during pregnancy, during which the level should decrease slightly. An increase is fraught with serious problems for the mother and fetus, which may indicate renal failure or other diseases, pathological conditions that caused an increase in creatinine at any stage of metabolism from synthesis in the liver and breakdown in the muscles to the hematopoietic systems and excretory system.

Women with high creatinine complain of headache, difficulty concentrating, oxygen deprivation, loss of appetite, swelling, muscle pain.

The diseases that are detected during the examination are very serious and require long-term, sometimes lifelong treatment.

Common reasons for exceeding the norm

Among reasons for increased creatinine protein diet, rapid growth of muscle mass, serious physical activity, taking certain medications and hormonal drugs, dietary supplements.

But this symptom is also observed in diseases such as

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • disorders of the kidneys;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • acromegaly.

This list is far from complete. Just like on its own increase in creatinine, these diseases lead to sad consequences and do not go away on their own.

Only treatment of the underlying disease, lifestyle change and following all doctor’s recommendations will help avoid life-threatening complications.

What treatment is required?

There are also means to reduce creatinine.

  • Ketosteril is now one of the best drugs. Take 4 to 8 tablets 3 times a day with food, if prescribed by a doctor. Supplements with alpha lipoic acid, which neutralizes toxins such as creatinine, will help reduce the level.
  • In a hospital setting If the test result for creatinine is negative, doctors prescribe detoxification procedures: sorbents are introduced into the body intravenously using a dropper to cleanse the blood. This also greatly facilitates the well-being of patients.
  • In the most difficult In cases where life is at stake, doctors use hemodialysis - blood transfusion to cleanse it of toxins, or perineal dialysis. The indications for this expensive and complex procedure are the results of a blood test showing high levels of urea nitrogen, creatinine, and the same level of creatinine in urine and blood. In case of renal failure, has passed into the chronic stage Some other diseases require dialysis for life.

The decision to prescribe treatment can only be made by a doctor, taking into account many factors. Self-medication is dangerous and unacceptable.

Creatinine is a substance involved in metabolic processes. It is formed in muscle tissue and partially enters the blood. Excess substances are removed from the body through urine.

Elevated creatinine in the blood is one of the symptoms of kidney dysfunction. In addition, it indicates a deficiency of hormones and the development of pathological processes in various organs and systems. What this means will be discussed below.

Basic Concepts

Creatinine is a product of metabolic processes associated with the absorption of proteins. It is formed as a result of the breakdown of creatine phosphate. The substance is a molecular structure that provides energy to muscles.

With the bloodstream, excess substance enters the kidneys, from where it is excreted in the urine. Its level remains at an acceptable concentration during normal functioning of the kidneys and urinary tract.

This indicator largely depends on the state of muscle mass.

Excess values ​​are detected using a biochemical blood test.

About the need for control

The amount of this substance in the blood is a kind of indicator of the state of the renal system. An elevated level indicates the development of pathologies at various stages of the clinical process.

An additional method for studying kidney activity is to take into account the excretion of a component over a certain period of time. Such data is displayed in studies called “creatinine clearance”.

These values ​​give an idea of ​​how efficiently the kidneys remove creatinine and inulin from the bloodstream. In addition to performing a blood test, the concentration of the substance in the urine is examined. A low elimination rate indicates renal failure.

Indications for examination

Detection of deviations from the norm, to a greater or lesser extent, greatly facilitates the diagnosis of kidney diseases and allows us to identify the root cause of pathological changes.

Carrying out a biochemical blood test to detect deviations in the values ​​of this substance is recommended in the following situations:

  • the appearance of symptoms characteristic of pathologies (they will be discussed below);
  • before the proposed kidney donation;
  • suspicion of diseases of the genitourinary, renal or muscular systems.

Estimating creatinine levels makes it easier to determine the dosage of medications that remove toxins from the body.

Normal creatinine

Depending on gender, age, and body weight, normal levels of the substance in the blood are established.

A significant difference in values ​​can be seen in creatinine readings in adults and children. At the same time, higher values ​​are considered normal for men than for women.

This is clearly seen from the table:

As already mentioned, an equally important indicator of the full functioning of the kidneys is the excretion of creatinine in the urine. Normally, the value is at least 2 g per day.

In old age, a decrease in values ​​is observed. However, this is not always an indicator of good kidney function.

Large muscle mass and a commitment to eating protein foods of animal origin become a prerequisite for a slight deviation from the norm. This factor must be taken into account when interpreting the analyses.

Reasons for the increase

Among the main reasons for high creatinine levels, one should note the increased production of this substance, associated with various pathological conditions, or the difficulty of its elimination process.

The most common reasons for all categories of patients are the same:

  1. Failure or diffuse changes in the kidneys, impaired functional activity of the adrenal glands.
  2. Kidney pathologies - polycystic disease, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis.
  3. Diseases caused by pathological changes in muscle tissue - gangrenous processes, necrotic phenomena.
  4. Muscle injuries and burns.
  5. Dehydration of the body as a result of infectious diseases.
  6. Hyperthyroidism.
  7. Diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract.
  8. Disturbances in the activity of the cardiac and vascular system.
  9. Inflammatory processes in the body.
  10. Pathology of the urinary system.
  11. Diabetes mellitus.

Determining the root cause is fundamental to the subsequent course of treatment.

Physiological features of increase

In addition to serious diseases, the level of indications is influenced by factors such as:

  • unbalanced diet, replete with foods containing large amounts of protein, which provokes a rapid increase in creatinine;
  • weight loss due to fad diets;
  • exceeding the permissible physical load on the muscular system;
  • changes in hormonal levels associated with pregnancy;
  • negative effects of medications.

During fasting and pregnancy, both increased and decreased levels of creatinine in the blood are possible.

Physiological factors lead to minor deviations from the norm, and the concentration of the substance is normalized naturally, provided that provocateurs are excluded.


Most often, deviations from the norm are the result of pathological changes in the kidneys. These processes are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. Difficulty emptying the ureter (diuresis) or, conversely, excessive excretion of urine, exceeding the permissible daily norm (polyuria).
  2. Painful sensations in the lumbar region.
  3. Increased blood pressure.
  4. Swelling.
  5. General weakness.

Such manifestations become an indication for examination, which is based on a biochemical blood test.

Preparation for the procedure

No special preparation is required before blood collection. However, compliance with some requirements is still necessary.

2 days before the procedure you should refrain from:

  • active sports;
  • performing strenuous physical work;
  • eating heavy food in the form of beef, fatty and spicy foods;
  • alcohol, tea and coffee.

Progress of the procedure

Blood in a volume of 5 ml is taken from a vein. The results of the examination are given to the patient. They should be provided to the attending physician for deciphering and prescribing a course of treatment if necessary.

The importance of indicators for making a diagnosis

The level of this component in the blood is important for determining the severity of various diseases, especially kidney pathology. No less informative is the level of creatinine clearance, which is used to evaluate the removal of a substance from the body.


The main focus is, first of all, identifying the cause of high values ​​and reducing creatinine through an integrated approach to treatment.

In addition to the use of medications, adjustments to the patient’s lifestyle are provided in order to improve his general condition.

Among the possible methods that can reduce performance, the most effective are:

  • the use of medications that help normalize metabolic processes in the body (in particular, protein metabolism);
  • the appointment of Lespenefril and Lespeflan, which significantly improve the removal of excess substances from the body;
  • the use of Ketosteril in treatment, which contains essential amino acids, promotes the utilization of metabolic products.

In the case of exceptionally high creatinine values ​​caused by concomitant diseases, the patient is hospitalized and undergoes the necessary treatment course of the underlying pathological process, which results in stabilization of creatinine levels.

If therapeutic treatment with drugs is not effective, there is a need for hemodialysis and extracorporeal detoxification of the body.

Power Requirements

A diet with elevated creatinine is one of the main conditions for achieving a normal level of this component in the blood. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the recommendations of the attending physician regarding compliance with nutritional norms and rules.

The main requirements are:

  1. Strict adherence to the regime, that is, eating at least 5 times a day at certain hours.
  2. Portions should be small. Overeating, as well as fasting, provokes uneven production and excretion of creatinine.
  3. Exclusion from the diet of fatty, fried, spicy foods.
  4. Limit the consumption of salt, sugar, alcohol, marinades, smoked meats.
  5. Food should be steamed, boiled, baked, stewed.

Particular attention must be paid to maintaining the drinking regime. This greatly facilitates the removal of metabolic products.

Problems associated with diseases of the ureter and kidney dysfunction require control over the amount of fluid consumed and excreted. The daily volume of drinks should not exceed by more than 500 ml the amount of urine excreted during the previous day.

Fulfilling these simple requirements will help improve the general condition of the body and stabilize the level of the component in question in the blood.

Using traditional medicine recipes

The use of folk remedies must be agreed with your doctor. Infusions of medicinal plants - chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort, peppermint - can be prescribed.

They are prepared according to the same recipe:

  • take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dry leaves or flowers;
  • pour 250 ml of boiling water over the medicinal raw material;
  • leave for 30 minutes and strain.

Drink 30-50 ml before meals 3 times a day.

One should not hope that using infusions and decoctions can reduce creatinine. Their use will help smooth out the picture of the clinical condition, but it will be possible to stabilize the levels of the substance in the blood only if the doctor’s prescriptions are followed and not the symptoms are eradicated, but the reasons for exceeding the norm.

We must not forget about the beneficial effects of small physical activities on the body. The main thing is to avoid excessive activity associated with overwork or intense sports.

By reviewing your lifestyle, eliminating the harmful effects of certain foods and the wrong approach to work and rest, you can prevent the likelihood of deviations from the norm in blood biochemistry.

The forecasts for adjusting creatinine values ​​are quite reassuring. A timely examination and an adequate course of treatment prevent the development of serious diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract.