Technical supply for construction. Material and technical supply of construction

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Chapter 1. Management of material and technical supplies of a construction organization in market conditions

1.1 Material and technical resources of construction, main functions and logistics bodies

1.2 Forms of organizing logistics in modern conditions

1.3 Logistics in supply management

Chapter 2. Analysis of the supply process for the enterprises of Stroyservis LLC

2.1 Main characteristics of the enterprise Stroyservis LLC

2.2 Analysis of supply process management at the enterprise

2.3 Measures to improve the supply management process of Stroyservis LLC

2.4 Calculation of the economic efficiency of the proposed measures





In order to provide the enterprise with the materials it needs in accordance with the identified need, the logistics of the enterprise are organized. Its task is to determine the enterprise’s needs for materials and technical resources, find ways to cover these needs, organize the storage of materials and issue them to workshops, as well as monitor the correct use of material and technical resources and assist in saving them.

In solving this problem, supply chain managers must study and take into account the supply and demand for all material resources consumed by the enterprise, the level and changes in prices for them and for the services of intermediary organizations, choose the most economical form of product distribution, optimize inventories, reduce transportation, procurement and storage costs.

Material resources represent part of the working capital of the enterprise. Working capital is those means of production that are completely consumed in each production cycle, transfer their entire value to finished products and, during the production process, change or lose their consumer properties.

The working capital includes: 1) basic and auxiliary materials, fuel, energy and semi-finished products received from outside; 2) low-value and wear-out tools and spare parts for equipment repair; 3) work in progress and semi-finished products of own production; 4) container.

It should be noted that when dividing the means of production into fixed and circulating assets, some quite justified conventions are allowed in practice. Tools and equipment are divided into two parts. The first of them includes low-value and fast-wearing (with a service life of less than one year) tools and equipment. They belong to revolving funds. The other part, which includes all other tools and equipment, refers to fixed assets.

For the uninterrupted functioning of production, well-established logistics are necessary, which at enterprises is carried out through logistics authorities.

In market conditions, enterprises have the right to choose a supplier, and therefore the right to purchase more efficient material resources. This forces the company's supply personnel to carefully study the quality characteristics of products manufactured by various suppliers.

Raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, fuel and other material assets in factories and factories are stored in warehouses. The composition, number and size of the latter depend on the nomenclature and quantity of material assets consumed.

Of no small importance is the constant improvement of the qualification level of logistics service workers, the development of warehousing, the reduction of low-productivity labor when performing loading and unloading and other work, the introduction of scientific organization of labor, the widespread use of computer technology and automated control systems.

Relevance The chosen topic is that the quality of products and services is the key to the competitiveness of an enterprise, it is a means of saving resources and increasing production efficiency, it is a guarantee of the safety of products and services for consumers and the environment.

The goal of the diplomath work- improving the supply process of a construction organization. To achieve this goal, you must complete the following hAdachas:

1) Reveal the role of material resources in the activities of the organization;

2) Characterize material resources and logistics management bodies;

3) Consider the forms of organizing material supply in modern conditions;

4) Conduct a production and economic analysis of the activities and analysis of the supply of material resources to Stroyservis LLC;

5) Develop measures to improve the supply activities of Stroyservis LLC.

Object of this study are the economic relations that arise in the sphere of organizing the supply of material resources to a construction organization.

Subject The study is the organization of the supply of material resources using the example of the construction organization Stroyservis LLC.

Work structure. The thesis project consists of an introduction, two chapters and a conclusion. Contains 3 figures, 9 tables. The work is written on 70 pages.

The first chapter shows the role and components of the enterprise supply system.

The second chapter is devoted to the analysis of the supply activities of Stroyservis LLC. Based on the analysis, conclusions were drawn to improve the supply process of this organization.

Chapter 1. Management of material and technical supplies of a construction organization in market conditions

1.1 Material and technical resources of construction, main functions and logistics bodies

Logistics is a form of distribution of means of production based on organizational relationships and contracts between suppliers and consumers directly or through an intermediary. It largely determines the effectiveness of construction production, having a direct impact on the use of production assets, the rhythm of production of construction material resources, cost, labor productivity, construction duration and other indicators.

With the transition to a market economy, a large number of small intermediary structures have appeared, which, although they operate in limited sectors of this market (non-production construction, repairs, private housing construction), take on a certain part of the resources and thereby compete not only with similar ones, but also large wholesale intermediaries (at least in terms of receiving orders).

Material and technical base of construction - a system of enterprises for the production of building materials, parts and structures, enterprises for the operation and repair of construction machinery and transport, stationary and mobile production plants, energy and storage facilities of construction organizations, research, design, educational and other institutions and farms serving construction.

Contracting construction organizations performing work under general and subcontracting agreements, and customer organizations provide construction sites with all types of material and technical resources in accordance with the technological sequence of construction and installation work.

Material and technical resources used for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures, depending on the main purpose, are divided into resources: for the manufacture of load-bearing and enclosing structures and parts, for the installation of coatings that insulate and protect against the penetration of moisture, gases, sound, corrosion, rotting, fires, etc.; for the installation of structures, parts and coatings that provide everyday amenities and comfortable conditions in residential, public and industrial buildings and structures (installation of sanitary and engineering systems); for fastening materials, parts and products; for the production of other materials and semi-finished products.

Material and technical resources, depending on the sources of financing when paying for materials and with the current accounting system, are divided into the following groups: building materials and equipment for installation, low-value and wearable items.

Construction materials and equipment are divided into the following subgroups; basic materials, structures and parts, other materials, equipment for installation.

Basic materials are all materials that are materially included in the structures of buildings and structures. Sanitary equipment is taken into account as part of the main materials if it is provided for in the estimates for construction work and is included in the scope of construction work under the item “Materials”.

Structures and parts - prefabricated and reinforced concrete, wooden, metal, asbestos-cement and other structures, prefabricated buildings and structures, pipes from various materials, rails, sleepers, prefabricated elements for sanitary work, etc.

Other materials - non-inventory containers, spare parts, fuel, maintenance materials, auxiliary materials. Spare parts include parts and assemblies of construction mechanisms, vehicles, equipment, machines intended for major and current repairs of these means of production. In addition, this subgroup includes materials obtained in the process of construction work as a by-product under the article “By-product materials”, provided that they are semi-finished products or even finished products that can be used or sold.

Material and technical resources, characterized by a complex of characteristics reflecting various characteristics of materials (physical-mechanical, geometric, structural, etc.), include materials and products made of natural stone, materials for the manufacture of metal, wood, concrete and reinforced concrete structures, binders, mortars construction, ceramic and silicate materials and products, materials and products based on polymers, timber and products, gypsum and gypsum cement products, roofing, waterproofing and vapor barrier materials, thermal insulation and acoustic, fireproof materials and products resistant to corrosion, materials for the protection of wooden structures from rotting, woodworm damage and burnout, materials and products for the construction of railways, materials and equipment for the construction of sanitary systems, etc.


The main functions of the MTO of construction production are: providing construction flows with the necessary raw materials, semi-finished products and parts; storage, processing and supply of raw materials at the request of consumers - construction and installation organizations; provision of tools, devices and repair of technological, energy, transport and other equipment, care and supervision of them, constant maintenance of equipment in working condition; providing the enterprise with electrical and thermal energy, compressed air and water; movement of goods inside and outside the site; carrying out all loading and unloading operations.

The composition and nature of farms providing logistics are determined by the characteristics of the main production.

Logistics services include:

logistics, which must promptly provide and regulate supplies for the production process - raw materials, semi-finished products, components. In addition, supply and sales authorities ensure the provision of services in the volume, range and time frame established by business contracts;

warehousing and storage materials, fuel, raw materials and finished products, which is provided by warehouse facilities, which are the production and technical base of supply and sales systems;

production and technological package of finished products; it is especially important since the construction of buildings and structures requires the delivery of a set of prefabricated rack elements according to calendar schedules. Therefore, production and technological procurement services provide complete selection of products and structures, strictly according to daily and hourly schedules agreed with construction organizations;

tool management and technological equipment services; they must provide production with tools , devices, technological equipment, high quality molds with minimal costs for their production. These services determine the success of the introduction of advanced technology, mechanization of labor-intensive work;

mechanical repair shops and services must ensure the working condition of a large and complex fleet of equipment and machines through its repair and modernization. The precise work of these services largely determines the results of the work of a construction organization;

transport industry, which ensures the movement inside and outside the construction site of huge masses of cargo necessary for the normal functioning of the production process. Especially rhythmic work is required by technological transport, connecting individual processes into a single production system.

1.2 Forms of organizing logistics in modern conditions

material technical construction supply logistics

Currently, the construction of any facility or complex of facilities is usually organized using the “project management” method.

The scientific literature provides a broad and detailed description of the process of implementing investment and construction projects based on the “project management” method with characteristics and analysis of all its phases. In accordance with this method, the organization of procurement and supply of material resources in the project life cycle takes a leading place, is a task of paramount importance and is characterized by the following:

Planning and organization are carried out on the basis of data from design and estimate documentation;

Delivery schedules are developed in conjunction with the overall project implementation plan;

The selection of suppliers of material resources is carried out on the basis of studying the so-called qualification questionnaires designed to highlight the managerial, technical, production and financial capabilities of the supplier;

The list of applicants, developed based on the study of questionnaires, is agreed with the customer and the project manager;

The final selection of suppliers is carried out as a result of tenders;

Accounting and control over suppliers is carried out on the basis of special schedules, according to nomenclature groups of material resources, based on the general plan for project implementation.

However, it should be noted that the “project management” method is well developed for one individual project and does not take into account the specifics when a contractor carries out the construction of a certain number of projects based on its production capacity.

Currently, the issues of determining and optimizing the forms of organizing material and technical support for the construction of facilities at the contractor level require special attention.

This is due to the fact that the management of the organization needs to combine the contradictory requirements expressed in contracts for the construction of individual facilities with the requirements for the effective use of material, technical and financial resources for the construction and installation organization as a whole and its obtaining high final results. Such a contradiction may be due to the uneven consumption of material resources across calendar periods of the year, the need to maintain inventory at a level that ensures there is no downtime in production, etc.

In this regard, the effective organization of the process of material and technical support for construction, the choice of its rational forms, which should take into account the uncertainty of economic relations in the supply of resources, acquire paramount importance.

All the variety of forms of organizing material and technical support for construction can currently be reduced into three groups.

First, let's call her autonomous, be built on predominantly direct connections with suppliers of material resources and is organizationally completely confined to the framework of a construction company. Such an organization of construction logistics is typical for fairly large construction firms that have stable orders and maintain a certain specialization. They, as a rule, have their own network of economically dependent supply units, including production and technological equipment units.

Second The group includes construction companies that equally use both direct business relations and the services of commercial intermediaries. Usually these are medium and small construction enterprises, prone to universalization and diversification of production. They most often use only elements (fragments) of the production and technical equipment system at individual facilities.

Third the group is formed by specialized enterprises and organizations for material and technical support of construction (including UPTK).

The composition of the production departments of the logistics service of a construction company is also quite diverse and depends primarily on such factors as: the scale and geography of the company’s activities; industry affiliation of the company and product specialization; level of cooperation in the field of logistics of construction, etc.

As property relations in the field of capital construction are reformed, along with taking into account quantitative indicators (volume of purchases, cost estimates, etc.), much attention is paid to qualitative criteria (reliability, connectivity, service, etc.). However, this is not surprising, since in a market economy, economic ties for the purchase of material and technical resources are established not under duress (based on funds), but due to economic feasibility.

To assess the priorities in the choice of suppliers of material and technical resources by construction firms, sociological studies were conducted among the managers of construction organizations in the region. They were asked to evaluate their suppliers on a ten-point system based on such criteria as reliability, technological connectivity, service, sales price, form of material flow, supplier image, purchasing costs and creditworthiness. The distribution of respondents' answers is shown in Table. 1.

As expected, the majority of respondents give absolute priority to the reliability of the supplier (every eighth of the interviewed heads of construction organizations put the criterion of reliability in first place when evaluating suppliers). However, a more detailed decoding of the supplier’s “reliability” criterion showed an ambiguous interpretation of it by respondents.

Many people understand the reliability of a supplier as the stability of economic ties, timely and full fulfillment of contractual obligations for the supply of industrial and technical products. Others add to this the ability to satisfy the unforeseen needs of a construction company. But everyone certainly agrees that a reliable supplier is one that fully fulfills its contractual obligations.

Obviously, due to the payment crisis, among the criteria for evaluating suppliers, most respondents put their creditworthiness in second place. As a rule, under supplier's creditworthiness it is understood that it is possible to purchase material and technical resources from him without prepayment or other guarantees of the construction company’s solvency.

Table 1. - Priorities of evaluation criteria by construction firms

region of suppliers of material and technical resources

All managers of construction companies, without exception, give preference to the system of settlements with suppliers in the form of subsequent payment of invoices after the receipt of purchased material and technical resources.

In third place when evaluating suppliers, respondents put such a criterion as “sales price.”

Fourth place was taken by the “service” criterion. Most of the respondents under service understand the supplier’s ability not only to supply the necessary material and technical resources, but also to provide a range of services accompanying these supplies. The service range of services expected by construction firms from suppliers is quite wide and includes the delivery of material and technical resources to the place of consumption by the supplier, the preparation of purchased materials for industrial consumption, etc., up to the performance of installation supervision work on the supplied equipment and after-sales maintenance. Very close in meaning to service for many respondents is the criterion for evaluating a supplier based on technological connectivity. The technological connection between the supplier and the construction company is expressed in the possibility of organizing the logistics of construction sites with materials and equipment of a high degree of readiness for industrial consumption. If the supplier is a commercial intermediary, then technological conjugacy They already understand his ability to organize the production and technological components of construction projects.

technological connectivity;

supplier image (usually it is important during the initial selection of suppliers, when choosing new procurement channels, etc.);

procurement costs (under procurement costs refers to the total costs of a construction company for organizing logistics);

form of material movement (as a rule, there is an alternative choice between transit and warehouse forms of material movement).

At the same time, the main task of the logistics system for a construction contracting company in modern economic conditions is the organization of timely ensuring construction with the entire required range of material resources at minimal costs (distribution costs). It should be noted that the logistics costs of a construction company account for 55-60% of the total total costs for the production of construction products. Solving the problem of minimizing these costs is one of the main reserves for reducing the cost of construction and installation work.

The total costs of handling the logistics system of a construction company are calculated using the following formula:

And sum = And oz + And r + And tr + And escl + And pp,

where I oz are the costs of placing and processing an order;

And p is the price of material and technical resources;

And tr - transport costs;

And eskl - procurement and warehouse costs;

And pp - the costs of tracking material resources in transit.

In turn, transport costs when using a warehouse form of supply are calculated using the formula:

I tr = I z + I d,

where I s are the costs of delivering resources to the company’s warehouse;

And d - the costs of delivering resources to objects.

The possibility of achieving different values ​​of distribution costs with different forms of logistics organizations in a construction company poses the task of a technical and economic analysis of options and choosing a rational one, in which the total logistics costs (the sum of all types of costs) will be minimal, which can be expressed by the following formula:

And o = ? And i min

where i = 1, 2, 3…n - types of distribution costs.

In this regard, the most significant factors influencing distribution costs are the volume of purchased material and technical resources, the increase of which creates conditions for profitable contracting of transport and obtaining discounts on the price of material and technical resources, as well as the characteristics of the channels for promoting material flow from supplier to consumer.

Currently, several channels for promoting material flow are being implemented in practice. Data channels got the name horizontal. Their main characteristic is that each link in the channel is a separate enterprise striving to ensure maximum profit. The maximum possible profit of an individual link in the channel may be to the detriment of the maximum profitability of the system as a whole, since none of the links in the channel has complete or sufficient control over the activities of the remaining links in the channel.

In the construction system, in each of these channels there is currently one more intermediate link. This is a highly specialized subcontractor company that supplies materials and performs work using them (waterproofing, installation of fiberglass windows and doors, finishing work, installation of engineering systems, etc.).

Figure 1.1 - Channels for promoting material flow

If there are a large number of links in the channel, the costs in the channel of production costs when creating construction products increase significantly, which in turn leads to the cost of construction.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the most effective would be the use of the so-called vertical channel for the promotion of material flow. In this case, one of the channel links, as a rule, is the owner of the others.

Construction companies that have structural units performing the functions of construction logistics are currently carrying out reorganizations, the essence of which boils down to the liquidation of the legal entity of supply units and their subordination as departments or departments.

The form of organization of construction logistics, which is based primarily on direct relations with suppliers and is completely organizationally confined within the framework of a construction company, is the most effective in the current conditions and allows achieving minimal costs when implementing the logistics process.

Thus, vertical channels for promoting material flow are the most economical and allow for control of material flow, which is the most important condition for the timeliness and reliability of the composition of material and technical resources.

The successful functioning of construction companies depends on many factors. At the same time, the development and implementation of a cost-effective form of organizing construction logistics is a significant reserve for increasing the organization’s profit.

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Fig 1.2 - Vertical channel for promoting material flow

In conditions of uncertainty of economic relations, low contractual, payment and overall production and economic discipline, construction companies need to organize the flow of materials, interact directly with the manufacturer of material and technical resources, and manage the flow of materials by their structural divisions of logistics.

1.3 Logistics in supply management

Warehousing includes:

territory intended for the placement of reserves of material resources;

a set of special devices and equipment for storing, moving, stacking, laying materials (racks, handling equipment, etc.) and preparing them for industrial consumption;

fire-fighting devices and equipment;

an information and management system necessary for accounting, control, regulation and implementation of material circulation, as well as for checking the availability of resources and their safety.

Material means that perform the role of objects of labor in the production process participate in it once and transfer their entire value to the cost of manufactured products at a time. To carry out a continuous technological production process, enterprises must create appropriate reserves of materials, semi-finished products, fuel, etc. in stock.

However, inventories should not be excessive, since otherwise the funds spent on their creation will remain idle and therefore cannot be used to perform other business operations. Limits, or required standards, of material reserves are established by subjects based on the volume of consumption, frequency of delivery of materials and other indicators. The compliance of actual reserves with established standards should be constantly monitored and regulated during management decision-making. Based on this, the organization of accounting of material assets should ensure the solution of the following tasks:

control over compliance with established standards of material reserves, their safety, timely and complete posting of inventories;

timely and complete documentation of all operations on the movement of inventories and calculation of their actual cost;

monitoring the state of warehouse stocks in order to identify and sell those unnecessary in the production of the entity. [ 18, p. 17]

The consumption of materials during the production process leads to the generation of waste, which is divided into returnable and non-returnable.

Irrevocable waste in the form of waste, spray, drying, etc., which has no real value, cannot be returned to the warehouse and assessed.

Organization of warehouse and weighing facilities. The level of inventory accounting is inextricably linked with the state and organization of warehouse and weighing facilities.

The necessary conditions for organizing a warehouse are:

the presence of equipped warehouses or specially equipped concreted and fenced areas for open storage materials;

placement of materials into warehouse sections, and within them into separate groups and standard sizes;

equipping storage areas for materials with the necessary weighing equipment, measuring instruments and measuring containers.

The following types of warehouses can be organized at different economic entities:

specialized - for storing material assets of a strictly defined nomenclature;

universal or central warehouses that unite various groups and types of stored inventory. The central warehouses of supply authorities and production and technological equipment serve several construction organizations; are designed for receiving and storing materials and products, which are subsequently sent to warehouses for other purposes, as well as to workshops for processing and packaging.

The following storage facility options are possible:

closed(single-story and multi-story, heated and unheated);

semi-closed canopies for protection from precipitation;

specialized- with bunkers for bulk materials, containers for fuel, acids, etc.

Warehouses must be equipped with technical security equipment, automatic (stationary) fire protection and fire alarms.

The placement of material assets in sections of warehouses, in separate groups and standard sizes (in stacks, racks, on shelves, etc.) should ensure their rapid acceptance, release and checking of availability. In places where each type of material (product) is stored, a label is attached indicating data about the material (product) located there. The storage of the same materials (goods) in different warehouses should not be allowed.

Warehouses for storing piece materials(goods) must meet the following requirements:

ensure the safety of valuables without changing their quality;

be convenient when placing and removing valuables;

allow maximum use of the useful volume of storage space;

ensure structural changes in the container when the dimensions and quantity of materials (goods) stored in them change.

Storage areas must be equipped with the necessary weighing instruments and measuring containers. All measuring equipment installed in storage areas for inventory items is subject to inspection and calibration within the established time limits.

Warehouses must be equipped with automatic control, accounting and management tools.

Warehouses for storing material and technical resources are created in compliance with current standards for warehouse space and inventory standards.

Total warehouse area, m2,

F general = f floor + f pr + f sl + f sp,

where f floor is the usable area, i.e. the area occupied directly under the stored material (under racks, stacks, bins, bins and other devices for storing materials); f pr - area occupied by acceptance and release areas; f sl - office space occupied by office and other service premises; f secondary - auxiliary area occupied by driveways and passages.

Nomenclature - price tag

When there are significant quantities of materials used or goods sold, a particularly important point in organizing their accounting is the identical and correct indication of the names of values, units of measurement, grade, brand, etc. in all receipts, expenses and other documents reflecting the movement of materials and goods. This is important for computer processing of primary information, when certain codes must be indicated on all documents. For this purpose it is used nomenclature of material assets indicating the nomenclature numbers.

Nomenclature- this is a systematic list of established names of materials (goods) and their units of measurement used by an economic entity. In the nomenclature, each name, brand, grade and size of materials (goods) is assigned a conventional number (code), called a nomenclature number, which is necessarily indicated in all documents for recording the movement of materials (goods). If the nomenclature indicates the accounting price of materials (goods), i.e. contractual or planned and calculated, accepted by the subject in current accounting, then this will be a nomenclature - a price tag.

The nomenclature and item numbers must be developed by the business entity independently or on a contractual basis with the help of consulting services and approved by the head of the entity. The nomenclature of materials (goods) and the nomenclature - price tag are reproduced in the required number of copies and transferred to the relevant services and financially responsible persons of the subject.

When compiling the nomenclature and item numbers, all materials (products) are divided into groups. Each group of materials (products) is divided into subgroups - accounting groups.

If the number of subgroups is greater than groups, then they can be encrypted with two characters 00-99.

In the subgroup, materials (products) are divided into types, brands, grades and sizes. In forest materials there may be a subgroup of lumber, type - sleepers, grade - first, etc.

If there is a very significant list of materials consumed or goods sold, three characters 000-999 can be used to encrypt brands, grades and sizes. As a rule, the first three characters correspond to the accounting code, the next to the subaccount code in the working chart of accounts, and the subsequent characters to the group and subgroup codes of a specific type of value.

The nomenclature - price tag of materials (goods) can be presented in the following form:

In order to simplify the calculation, it is advisable to determine the optimal number of accounting groups of materials, combining several grade sizes of homogeneous materials with the same prices into one product number.

The presence of a price tag nomenclature is one of the conditions that facilitates the use by an economic entity of the most progressive operational accounting (balance sheet) method of analytical accounting of material assets.


A single rule for all business entities should be the correct organization of accounting for inventory items separately by financially responsible persons, and, if necessary, by places where valuables are stored.

Financial liability is a legal relationship between a trading enterprise and its employees, which obliges them to compensate for damage arising from shortages, damage, theft of valuables as a result of incorrect actions or inaction of employees that resulted in damage.

Due to the fact that warehouse workers are materially responsible persons, they are obliged to ensure the safety and prevent theft of goods entrusted to them.

A liability agreement is a bilateral agreement under which the parties undertake certain responsibilities and have the opportunity to demand from each other the fulfillment of the accepted clauses of the agreement. The agreement is concluded in writing in two copies and signed, on the one hand, by the administration, on the other, by the financially responsible person. The first copy is kept by the administration, the second by the financially responsible person. All changes must be made to both copies of the agreement. The agreement comes into force from the date of its signing and is valid for the entire period of work of the financially responsible person.

The agreement on liability should stipulate working conditions, the procedure for maintaining records and submitting reports to the accounting department, measures to ensure the safety of valuables and the procedure for compensation for damage caused. The liability agreement may be terminated at the initiative of the parties if either party fails to comply with its obligations.

The movement of employees with financial responsibility (transfer, dismissal, going on vacation and returning from vacation, long-term illness, etc.) is necessarily accompanied by inventory of valuables. In case of failure to ensure the safety of valuables, financially responsible persons are held accountable. The basis for this is the inventory data and a written explanation from the financially responsible person about the cause of the damage. Damage must be compensated voluntarily. If voluntary compensation is refused, disputes are resolved through court.

Compensation for damage is made regardless of whether the employee is brought to disciplinary, administrative or criminal liability for an action (inaction) that resulted in damage to the business entity.

Materially responsible persons storing material assets must have:

instructions for acceptance, storage, release and accounting of material assets, approved by the head of the entity;

nomenclature-price tag of materials in circulation in this warehouse;

material stock standards, deviations from which must be reported to the marketing service;

a list of officials who have the right to request and authorize the release of materials, with samples of their signatures;

a list of officials who are required to be members of the commissions for the acceptance of material assets;

a list of materials that must be accepted with the mandatory participation of the commission;

warehouse work schedule;

timing of checking scales and measuring instruments.

Issueclaims and execution of powers of attorney

To receive material assets from the supplier's warehouse, a warehouse employee is given a power of attorney. A power of attorney is a document authorizing a certain person to receive inventory items. Responsibility for the correct issuance of powers of attorney, their recording and control over the implementation of instructions rests with the chief accountant. The power of attorney is signed by the manager and chief accountant or persons authorized by them by order. Powers of attorney issued must be strictly respected. To do this, they are registered in a special journal, which must be laced, numbered and sealed. It indicates the number of the power of attorney, date of issue, validity period, position and surname of the person to whom the power of attorney was issued, his signature, name of the supplier, name and quantity of goods or the document by which the goods are received (number and date of order, invoice, specification, etc. ). This journal must contain a receipt for receipt of the power of attorney and a note from the accounting department about its use. An employee who has received a power of attorney is obliged to report to the accounting department by providing documents on the execution of the order, and to return unused powers of attorney. Powers of attorney are issued for a certain period, but as a rule, no more than fifteen days. An exception is powers of attorney for the receipt of inventory items, payments for which are carried out in the order of scheduled payments. The validity period of such powers of attorney is a month or even a quarter.

Control over the supplier's compliance with the established procedure for releasing inventory items under powers of attorney is assigned to its manager and chief accountant. Control over the timely and complete posting of materials should be carried out systematically on the basis of relevant documents from suppliers by the recipient entity.

Documentationoperations for the receipt of inventory

Business entities can receive material assets from different suppliers on the basis of contracts, which are legal documents defining the rights and obligations of the supplier and buyer. The main details of such an agreement are: the names of the parties (supplier and buyer), the subject of the agreement (name and quantity of materials), prices, delivery times, payment procedures, etc.

Suppliers, when shipping (releasing) goods, issue two types of documents. One type of documents (commodity documents) accompanies goods along the entire route from the supplier to the final recipient. Another type of documents (settlements) is submitted to the bank and serves as the basis for payments for goods.

Main commodity The documents are an invoice and a waybill.

Invoice issued in cases where the list of goods shipped is large, the invoice is issued in four copies. The first remains with the supplier, the second is intended for the buyer, the third and fourth are attached to the payment documents for transfer to the bank.

Depending on the form of payment agreed upon in the supply contract, calculated the document can be a payment request or a payment order.

Suppliers' sales and payment documents must be carefully checked. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the extent to which the terms of the supply contract are met in terms of timing, quantity, assortment, quality of goods, as well as the correctness of prices, possible discounts on transportation costs, and arithmetic calculations.

According to the nature of acceptance, acceptance is distinguished:

by quantity;

in terms of quality and completeness.

Quality acceptance- this is the acceptance of goods within the established time frame:

by net weight and number of product units supplied without containers or in open containers;

or by gross weight and number of locations of products supplied in containers, followed by checking the net weight and number of product units in each location.

Quality acceptance - This is a check within the established time frame for the safety of the quality and completeness of goods, compliance with the requirements of standards, technical specifications, samples, recipes and other conditions stipulated by the supply contract.

In all cases, goods must be accepted by employees of the enterprise, with whom an agreement has been concluded on financial responsibility for the safety of the valuables entrusted to them, since in accounting, the procedure for accepting goods is closely related precisely to the moment when material liability arises.

Liability arises from the moment goods are accepted in quantity by financially responsible persons.

If the acceptance of goods in terms of quality coincides in time with the acceptance in terms of quantity, then it complements the latter, and financial liability arises in full. Acceptance of materials in terms of quality and completeness, in the event of a discrepancy in time with acceptance in terms of quantity, provides grounds for writing off the amounts associated with the discrepancy in quality or completeness of goods from financially responsible persons according to acts, as well as for presenting claims and sanctions to the supplier.

Reception of goods should be carried out within the established time frame and organized in such a way that it is possible to determine where, when and through whose fault the shortage of goods or deterioration in their quality occurred. All this is important in ensuring the safety of inventory and reducing commodity losses.

Documentation of transactions for issue, sale andotherwise retiredyu inventory

The accounting policy of an economic entity must provide for the procedure for releasing materials from warehouses, as well as a list of persons who are allowed to request and receive materials from warehouses. Materials must be released from warehouses only on the basis of documents. To formalize business transactions related to the release of materials from warehouses and use in production, the following documents are mainly used:

one-time consumables that issue a one-time release of materials for various directions and purposes;

accumulative, issuing multiple releases of materials for one direction and purpose;

limit-normative, designed to control established consumption standards and the use of materials in production.

The use of various consumable documents is due to the fact that at enterprises that differ in the organization and technology of production, they use a variety of methods to control the limited supply of materials for production needs, which is documented using limit cards or picking lists.

Limit fence card is a cumulative document reflecting the consumption of one or more item numbers of materials for a specific purpose. It is issued with a systematically repeated release of identical materials for a month, and in some cases it is opened as a whole to order. Usually this document is issued in two copies. When receiving materials using limit cards, a copy located at the recipient of the materials is presented to the warehouse. The warehouse employee puts down the actual and cumulative total quantity of materials issued in both copies of the limit and withdrawal card and signs the recipient’s copy, and the recipient, in turn, signs the copy remaining in the warehouse. The remainder of the unused limit is entered in both copies of limit and withdrawal cards after each transaction. To reduce the number of limit-withdrawal cards for a small number of transactions, you can use quarterly cards with tear-off monthly coupons. One-time release of materials in various areas is documented by requirements.

Requirements are issued by shops (departments) for each item number of materials (single-line) or group of materials (multi-line). The warehouse must release materials in strict accordance with the requirements of the workshops. The requirements are the basis for operational accounting of material release in the warehouse, analytical and synthetic accounting of materials in accounting. They are also used when receiving materials in excess of the established limit with the permission of the administration (additional release of materials when the production program is overfulfilled, to cover overruns and compensate for defects, in this case the reason or culprit for the overrun is indicated in the request).

Components for production needs are sold according to picking lists compiled for the entire need for products for each order.

Usage picking lists significantly reduces the amount of technical work on issuing and processing expense documents.

It is advisable to sell auxiliary materials, fuel and spare parts according to intake sheets (books). Fence sheets are opened in separate workshops and are used for the release of various types of materials from the warehouse during the reporting period, cumulatively in chronological order.

The release of materials to the outside and for processing is documented by an invoice for the release of materials to the outside, issued by the marketing service.

The invoice for the release of materials to the third party and the delivery note are used in the warehouse for operational accounting of the release, and in the accounting department for issuing invoices to recipients, as well as maintaining analytical and synthetic records of material consumption.

When moving materials from one warehouse or storeroom of a workshop (site) to another warehouse or another storeroom of a given enterprise, an invoice for internal movement of materials is issued, issued by order of the marketing service. When returning unused materials, as well as when handing over waste and defects, invoices are drawn up by financially responsible persons of the workshop (site) handing over the valuables.

Materials received from the central warehouse or workshop warehouses (storerooms) by a representative of the workshop (site) must be completely handed over to the storeroom. The delivery of manufactured or processed material assets by workshops and areas from production to warehouse is documented with invoices for internal movement. The same invoices are used to formalize the delivery by workshops (sites) to the warehouse from production of leftover unspent materials, waste generated during the production process, materials received from the liquidation of fixed assets, during repairs, etc.

Control over the use of materials in production is aimed at establishing compliance of actual consumption with the standards approved by the enterprise. The main reasons for deviations in material consumption standards are: savings or excess consumption of material when cutting, poor adjustment of equipment, substandard conditions, defects, etc.

Distinguish three methods for controlling material consumption and identifying deviations:

documenting deviations;

accounting for batch cutting of material;

inventory method.

Documentation method used to identify deviations arising from replacement of materials, defects, consumption in excess of established standards, etc. These deviations from the norms are formalized by one-time requirements issued in addition to limit cards indicating the reasons and culprits of the deviations.

Method of batch cutting of materials- a method in which cutting sheets, cutting cards or sheets are used. A cutting card or sheet is opened for each batch of material to be cut into a certain number of specified parts on one work sheet. By comparing the actual consumption with the standard, deviations during cutting, their causes and the persons on whom these deviations depended are identified.

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Any enterprise that works with goods, materials and products in the industrial field needs a specialist involved in procurement. In this case, the enterprise can be engaged in the chemical, food, construction and other industries.

The responsibilities of a construction company supplier include equipping the company with all the necessary materials to carry out production activities. In other words, this is a specialist who is engaged in the timely provision of a firm, plant, enterprise or company with the necessary raw materials for further effective functioning. Most likely, you will also want to buy a used light commercial vehicle; specialists from the website will help you with this.

Features of the profession

Managers set an important task for employees - choosing a quality product at the best price. The supplier must be able to calculate the quantity of products so that enterprise managers do not have to spend money on purchasing additional raw materials. This entails stopping the production process and making a profit. At the same time, it is important to ensure that residues are not formed, which often cause losses.

If there are changes in the market, demand or decline in the products produced by the employer company, then the supplier must immediately respond to this factor in order to buy more or less materials for production.

Advantages and disadvantages of the profession

The advantages include high salaries, constant improvement of communication skills, communication with people, as well as regular analysis of market conditions.

The disadvantages of the profession are responsibility, the occurrence of unforeseen situations that entail the risk of stress. The employee needs to thoroughly study all stages of construction, as well as the amount of necessary materials and tools for the work of the craftsmen.

Main functions of the supply department

The responsibilities of a supplier in a construction company include the following:

  • Provide the manufacturing enterprise with the necessary building materials at different stages.
  • Fast delivery and further safety. It is important to take into account the requests of construction and installation organizations.
  • Builders must receive the necessary equipment and reliable tools for the job.
  • For each individual stage of construction, a certain amount of materials is needed.
  • Climatic conditions and time of year affect the uniformity of construction work, so materials are dispersed in a similar way.

Construction work is carried out at various construction sites, which are located at a great distance from each other. This is what causes difficulties when organizing the delivery of building materials to workers.

When moving to new facilities, the supplier must quickly think through and create temporary storage space. At the same time, the scheme of delivery and transportation of building materials is changing. Today, the supply profession is considered the most promising in the field of logistics. Applicants have the opportunity to qualify for a good salary, as well as career growth.

Qualities of a supplier in a construction company

Employers who are looking for a candidate for a supply position place the following professional and personal requirements on applicants:

  • Thorough knowledge of the specialized market related to building materials.
  • Basic knowledge of psychological aspects. This is due to the fact that suppliers spend most of their working time negotiating with suppliers.
  • Preparation of documentation.
  • Responsibility.
  • Attentiveness.
  • Communication skills and the ability to find a common language with different people.
  • Activity.

Employers pay attention to the presence of a diploma of secondary specialized or higher education. This gives you a better chance of getting the desired position and achieving results in your career growth.

To carry out construction and construction work, construction organizations need: ?

building materials for mass use in construction production (cement, brick, etc.); ?

non-metallic building materials (sand, gravel, stone, crushed stone, etc.); ?

metals and products made from them (pipes, roofing iron, etc.); ?

timber and lumber; ?

products and semi-finished products (wall materials, prefabricated reinforced concrete structures, metal and reinforcement structures, electrical products, etc.); ?

cable products; ?

equipment (technological, sanitary, etc.); ?

construction machines and mechanisms, means of transport, small-scale mechanization equipment, etc.

Providing construction with materials and products necessary to perform construction and installation work stipulated by the contract is the responsibility of the contractor, with the exception of equipment and apparatus, the provision of which is the responsibility of the customer.

In the conditions of transition to a market economy, the supply of construction organizations with building materials and equipment has become sharply more complicated. The supply difficulties in the country are partly explained by the decline in industrial production of building materials, the destruction of economic ties between consumers and manufacturers, and other reasons.

Improving the supply of construction organizations to consumer cooperation, it seems, should be carried out in the following main areas:

firstly, by improving the work of departmental organizations for the material and technical supply of consumer cooperation, developing and strengthening economic accounting; ?

secondly, by strengthening the technical supply base (warehouse facilities and its technical equipment); ?

thirdly, by expanding and strengthening ties between supply and sales organizations of consumer cooperation with enterprises that supply products of various forms of ownership (factories, concerns, joint-stock companies, cooperatives, etc.). It is inevitable that construction organizations will enter commodity and investment exchanges.

In the context of the transition to market relations, it is necessary that the departmental system of supply and sales organizations of consumer cooperation be adapted to the specific operating conditions of consumer cooperation and market conditions. In this regard, it is advisable to transfer all warehouses, bases, and logistics departments to full accounting.

The rational organization of supply to construction organizations of consumer cooperatives requires the creation without interruptions in this area of ​​inventory in the required optimal sizes and assortment. The creation of inventories and the formation of a product range necessitate the fulfillment of the function of storing inventories and, in connection with this, the need for an appropriate material and technical base.

Warehousing, being the main element of the material and technical base, plays an important role in the formation of inventory and the formation of the assortment necessary for the uninterrupted, rhythmic and complete supply of construction sites with products for industrial purposes. The presence of a well-organized warehouse allows, therefore, to ensure the process of forming a product range, its safety, accelerate turnover and thereby improve the entire process of supplying construction organizations and consumer societies with products.

Improving the supply of materials requires the widespread introduction of centralized delivery of products to construction sites. It is necessary to closely link the delivery time of construction production with the mode of construction production, the delivery time of equipment with the commissioning time of enterprises under construction and reconstruction.

Major tasks in the field of improving the supply of building materials and products to consumer cooperation organizations lie in the further development in consumer cooperation of its own construction industry enterprises - factories for the production of reinforced concrete products, bricks, tiles, slate, enterprises for the production of lumber and wood products, etc.

In connection with the transition from centralized supply of products to material and technical supply through wholesale trade, it is advisable for supply bodies of consumer cooperation to enter commodity exchanges to purchase certain types of construction materials and equipment.

The problem of rhythmic supply of construction materials and equipment remains relevant.

The rhythmic supply of materials and equipment ensures the continuity of the production process in construction.

The rhythm of supply refers to the supply of materials at relatively equal intervals of time. In addition, the rhythm is complemented by the uniformity of the volumes of delivery batches.

In this case, uniformity implies the supply of materials, as a rule, in the same quantities in a certain period of time. However, the delivery schedule may provide for other delivery volumes by period, taking into account the objects of construction and installation work and the seasonality of production.

The terms (periods) for the supply of materials (quarterly, monthly, ten-day, five-day) must be established in the supply contract and delivery schedules, taking into account the need for uninterrupted supply of materials and equipment to the construction site.

To change the rhythm of supplying construction sites with materials, a calculated indicator can be used - the supply rhythm coefficient (Kr).

It can be calculated by two methods:


^ /7] + P2 +... + Pp

where F1 p is the actual delivery for the period within the plan; P1 p - delivery plan for each period under the contract. Example. Decades According to plan, thousand rubles. Actual delivery within the plan, thousand rubles. I 100 80 II 100 90 III 100 100 Total 300 270 _ 80 + 90 + 100 _ 270 _0^ p~ 100 + 100 + 100 " 300 '

Ig _ 1 N (short delivery) Second calculation method: Kr -1 -

1.0-OD = 0.9.

The issue of selecting suppliers based on the criterion of lowest costs for transporting building materials is relevant.

When choosing suppliers of construction materials and equipment, the principle of expediency and economic efficiency of transportation must be observed.

The criterion for selecting suppliers is the lowest cost of transporting building materials, which is equivalent to the shortest total distance for transporting building materials.

With a relatively small number of suppliers and recipients of products, the determination of the choice of supplier, in terms of the shortest distance of cargo transportation, is carried out using one of the following three methods: 1)

distance comparison method; 2)

method of comparing “distance differences”; 3)

graphic-analytical method.

The distance comparison method is used in the simplest cases, when there are no more than two or three potential suppliers and consumers; it lies in the fact that the supplier who is closest to the consumer of the product (equipment) is selected.

However, in practice it often occurs when a supplier (enterprise) located close to the consumer does not have a sufficient quantity of products to satisfy the needs of all consumers. Some of the trust's construction organizations are forced to turn to another supplier. In such cases, to find the most rational option for determining the supplier, the so-called “distance difference” comparison method is used.

The method of comparing “distance differences” is that when choosing suppliers (shipment points), not the absolute distance is taken into account, but the difference that is obtained by comparing the distances between the points of departure and destination. This method makes it easy to find the smallest total mileage of cargo.

Let's say there are two suppliers, one of which is located in Moscow and can supply 2 wagons of products (100 tons) monthly, and the second is in St. Petersburg, it can also supply 2 wagons of products (100 tons) monthly. The products of these supplying enterprises should be received by consumers monthly, 1 wagon each (4 wagons in total, i.e. 200 tons).

The distance between the point of shipment and receipt is as follows - see table. 11.3.

Table 11.3

Distance between recipients and consumers of products Receipt points Departure points and distance, km Moscow St. Petersburg 1. Vologda 500 600 2. Kirov 950 1300 3. Tver 160 500 4. Yaroslavl 320 700 From the table. 11.3 shows that out of 4 recipients, 4 gravitate towards Moscow. We need to divide the recipients in such a way that they can receive products in Moscow and St. Petersburg, taking into account the possible shipment volume and the smallest total cargo mileage.

We find a profitable option by comparing distance differences (Table 11.4). Calculation of distance differences Receipt points Departure points and distance, km Distance difference in relation to Moscow, km Moscow St. Petersburg 1. Vologda 500 600 -100 2. Kirov 950 1300 -350 3. Tver 160 500 -340 4. Yaroslavl 320 700 -380 Difference distances with a minus sign indicate the advantageous advantage of receiving products from a supplier in Moscow. Moreover, the greater the difference with a minus sign, the more profitable the first supplier. The difference in distances with a “plus” sign means that the costs of transporting building materials from a supplier in Moscow exceed the costs of transporting from a supplier in St. Petersburg.

Thus, the calculation allows us to make the optimal choice of suppliers for product consumers (Table 11.5).

Table 11.5

Sequence of selection of suppliers according to the criterion of least cost for transportation of building materials Receipt points Difference of distances in relation to Moscow, km Sequence of selection of suppliers from Moscow to St. Petersburg Yaroslavl -380 1 4 Kirov -350 2 3 Tver -340 3 2 Vologda -100 4 1 List of recipients, placed in the table. 11.5 from top to bottom shows the most advantageous sequence for choosing a supplier in Moscow, and the list of the same recipients from bottom to top shows the sequence of choosing a supplier in St. Petersburg.

Such tables with the calculation of the minimum total mileage of cargo can be developed only once and are constantly used in the practice of supply and marketing organizations and construction trusts.

The essence of the 3rd, graphic-analytical method is to construct a diagram of cargo flows on a map or diagram of transport routes. If you plot the locations of suppliers and the locations of consumers on a geographical map or diagram of transport routes, you can establish the shortest routes for the delivery of building materials without resorting to complex calculations.

In the most complex situations, that is, when there are many suppliers and many consumers located in different economic regions, the supply of product lots of different sizes is decided using linear programming methods using computer technology.

The material and technical supply of an enterprise is understood as the process of providing it with all types of material and technical resources in the required time frame and in the volumes necessary for the normal implementation of its production and economic activities.

Material and technical resources include: raw materials, materials, components, equipment, purchased fuel, energy, water, etc.

Objectives of logistics support for construction:

Timely provision of the enterprise and its divisions with the necessary types of resources of the required quantity and quality;

Improving the use of resources: increasing labor productivity, capital productivity, ensuring the rhythm of processes, etc.

The supply process should be carried out with minimal transport and storage costs and the best use of material resources in production.

Supply authorities perform the following functions:

Participate in the development and implementation of progressive consumption standards in construction;

Together with other construction services, they determine the need for material and technical resources;

Organize the acceptance of materials;

Ensure the safety of delivered materials and systematic control over the targeted and economical use of resources;

Organize the engineering supply of facilities under construction with material resources in accordance with the technological sequence of construction and installation works;

Organize storage facilities.

There are two forms of supply; transit and warehouse.

In transit form of supply the enterprise receives raw materials and materials directly from the enterprises that extract or produce them. The use of this form is justified in cases where the amount of raw materials and supplies required for a given period of time is equal to or greater than the transit norm.

Warehouse supply form, in which the enterprise receives the necessary resources from the bases and warehouses of supply and distribution organizations, it is economically feasible to use for materials consumed in small quantities.

Thus, economic relations of enterprises with suppliers of material resources are organized both directly between them and with supply authorities. In the first case, the most important task is the development of direct long-term ties, which is understood as this form of economic relations when specific terms of supply, assortment, quality, timing, mutual financial responsibility and other issues are agreed upon on the basis of direct contracts.

Currently, the following methods of providing an enterprise with material resources are widespread:

Through commodity exchanges;

Auctions, competitions;

Wholesale purchases;

Procurement as needed;

Supply of production according to requests;

Own production, etc.

The enterprise chooses a specific form of provision of material and technical resources (MTR) based on the characteristics of the resource, the duration of its receipt, the number of offers, the quality and price of the resource and other factors.

When determining the form of providing an enterprise with resources, one should take into account the reliability of the supplier and the level of competitiveness of its products.

Most often, the main criteria for choosing a supplier are:

The cost of purchasing goods or services;

Quality of product and service.

In addition to the main ones, other indicators are used as criteria for choosing a supplier:

Distance of the supplier from the consumer;

Lead times for current and emergency orders;

Availability of reserve capacity at the supplier;

Creditworthiness and financial position of the supplier, etc.

The supply of enterprises with raw materials, materials, fuel and other resources is carried out by logistics departments (MTS).

The organizational structure of the logistics department depends on the type of production, its scale, the range of raw materials consumed, the degree of cooperation, etc.

In small enterprises, supply functions are performed by individual employees. At medium and large enterprises they are performed by MTS departments.

The organizational structure of enterprise supply services is very diverse. The structure of the MTS department may include various bureaus (marketing bureau, regulation and planning, inventory management, etc.).

In general, the structure of the bureau can be formed according to functional or subject characteristics (materials, components, etc.).

The functions of logistics bodies in construction organizations are also performed by production and technological procurement departments (UPTK) as production units. The main task of the UPTK is to link into a single whole the processes of procurement of materials and parts, production of semi-finished products, design and their complete delivery to construction sites in accordance with the schedule of construction and installation work.

Material support is an integral part and continuation of the sphere of material production. It performs the functions of distributing and bringing means of production from manufacturing enterprises to consumers.

Capital construction consumes over 13 thousand types of materials, products and structures.

The share of the cost of materials in the total estimated cost of construction and installation work reaches 60%, and in prefabricated construction this figure reaches 80%. Industrialization and technological progress in construction cause a further increase in the share of costs for materials.

The successful and rhythmic implementation of the production program by construction organizations, the timely commissioning of facilities and capacities, improving the quality of construction and installation work, and increasing labor productivity largely depend on the level of organization of material support. Therefore, the planned timing of production and sale of construction products must be strictly balanced with the volumes and timing of supplies of materials and structures. Excessive stocks of materials and structures worsen the financial performance of a construction organization, and their shortage disrupts the progress of the construction process. The successful work of a construction organization can only be ensured if materials are received in a timely manner, complete and in the required quantity.

Providing construction with materials and structures includes:

Determining the need for material resources;

Planning to meet this need;

Timely, uniform and complete supply, creation. and maintaining material reserves at the required level;

Organization of warehousing (reception, storage and release of materials);

Accounting and control of consumption of material resources;

Introduction of progressive consumption standards, development and implementation of cost-saving measures to ensure the safety of materials and structures.

Thus, material support refers to the procedure for planning, distributing and bringing means of production to direct consumers, as well as the relationships that arise between manufacturing enterprises, supply and sales and construction organizations.

Materials, equipment, components and other material and technical resources necessary to carry out construction and installation work (including under government contracts) are, as a rule, acquired by construction organizations independently on the basis of direct business agreements with manufacturing companies or with intermediary organizations -suppliers at freely developing prices.

A distinctive feature of railway construction is the many production connections. It is served by almost all sectors of the national economy and is a consumer of about 20% of rolled ferrous metals produced in the country, 40% of timber, 10% of engineering products.

The sources of supply of transport construction organizations with material and technical resources are: industrial enterprises of the construction industry; own industrial enterprises; supply, sales and intermediary organizations; auxiliary productions included on the balance sheet of construction organizations; customer organizations.

The material and technical base of railway construction is industrial enterprises of the construction industry, steel rolling plants and factories for the production of metal structures, sleeper-making plants and others.

Construction industry enterprises produce: semi-finished products (concrete, mortar and asphalt-concrete mixtures); construction parts and products (concrete, reinforced concrete and wooden blocks and panels, metal structures, assembly blanks and non-standard equipment); structures with a high degree of factory readiness (bridge and floor trusses, volumetric blocks of buildings and structures, wooden houses, etc.).

Construction industry enterprises are divided into roadside enterprises, owned by construction organizations; specialized and complex plants serving economic regions; industrial enterprises producing products for the country's transport construction projects.

Along-road enterprises include: landfills with mechanized installations for the production of concrete and mortar mixtures, producing prefabricated elements, blocks and parts made of concrete, reinforced concrete, metal and wood; quarries of stone, sand, gravel; workshops producing block and prefabricated elements, components, blanks and products for sanitary, electrical and other works; installations, bases, workshops for maintenance and repair of construction machines, equipment and vehicles.

Near-route enterprises, as a rule, have a limited service life, are built according to standard designs and are on the balance sheet of the construction organization. The need for their construction must be confirmed by technical and economic calculations. It should be taken into account that the products produced by stationary enterprises under centralized subordination are of higher quality, and their selling price is lower. Along-road landfills allow for more widespread use of local building materials (wood, sand, gravel, stone, shell rock, etc.), which significantly reduces transportation costs.

Complex factories of building parts and structures are created to meet the needs of all divisions of the territorial trust. The plant consists of several workshops: sawmill, carpentry, concrete and reinforced concrete products, metal structures, etc.

Specialized factories of regional significance are permanent, capital, and equipped with modern equipment. These include factories for concrete and reinforced concrete structures, house-building plants.

When locating construction industry enterprises, factors such as their distance from objects on the route of the railway under construction, the location of the raw material base, the availability of water and electricity sources, etc. should be taken into account.

Construction industry enterprises are located near sources of raw materials or near the railway, if these enterprises operate on imported raw materials, since transporting finished products is cheaper than raw materials, since their production waste remains on site.

When designing a construction organization, options for providing construction with parts and structures from stationary factories or from mobile testing sites created by construction organizations can be considered. An economically feasible option is selected based on the minimum cost of supplying a conventional unit (piece, ton, m3, etc.) of building materials, structures and parts to the construction site, taking into account all pricing factors.

When constructing new and reconstructing existing railways in populated areas with a developed local industrial base, the task of attaching objects (for example, a section of a railway) to existing enterprises, taking, if necessary, measures to increase their production capacity, becomes of paramount importance.

Fierce competition between contractors for orders for construction products has necessitated the search for new forms and methods of managing material flows in construction. Moreover, this problem is relevant for literally every single construction organization. Just as in modern conditions there are not at least two absolutely similar construction organizations performing equal volumes of construction and installation work of the same structure in the same conditions (natural-climatic, economic, demographic, etc.), there is not and cannot be a single all standard schemes for providing material and technical resources.

The practice of developing construction activities in countries with developed market economies shows that one of the most effective mechanisms for the coordinated management of material and information flows, ensuring high final results of the company, is logistics. It is with the intensification of logistics activities in countries such as the USA, Japan, etc. that many Western economists associate their recovery from the economic crisis and the receipt of up to 25-30% of the gross national product. Of course, simply copying what has brought success to the economies of other countries is unlikely to be as effective in our country, if we do not take into account the real conditions and features of the development of the domestic economy. Therefore, considering logistics as a mechanism for the rational management of material flows in construction production and related information flows, one should take into account the diversity of connections and relationships that have developed in the field of providing construction with material resources.

In business and scientific research, the definition of logistics has acquired at least two aspects: managerial and economic.

In the management aspect, logistics is understood as planning, management and control of the movement of material flow in an enterprise, including the receipt of material resources, their processing during the production process and the sale of finished products, and the corresponding information flow.

In the economic aspect, logistics is defined as a certain system that operates in an enterprise with the aim of increasing its profitability by accelerating the movement of material resources, starting from the purchase of raw materials, supplies and products to settlements with buyers (customers) for finished products.

In a number of cases, in relation to one or more private functions (procurement, transportation, loading and unloading, warehousing and storage, etc.), the corresponding types of logistics are considered: purchasing, transport, warehouse, production, sales.

The list of areas of application of logistics in economic activity is not limited to this. The subject of our consideration in this section of the textbook will be the logistics of material support for a construction enterprise.

The main elements of logistics for material support of a construction enterprise are: procurement of materials, structures and products, transportation, creation of reserves and their storage, organization of supplies of material resources in strict accordance with technological processes. Performing various functions, all these elements are united by one goal - increasing the profitability of the enterprise by minimizing the costs associated with the material support of construction production.

It should be borne in mind that reducing costs at any particular stage of supply does not always lead to an improvement in the overall performance of the enterprise. Often, an attempt to reduce costs as much as possible through just one element leads to an overall increase in production costs. This situation may arise if you select a supplier whose prices for materials are the lowest, without taking into account the cost of delivering materials to construction sites. Even worse results can be expected if this supplier does not meet contractual delivery times or the quality of its products does not meet the required quality.

Because When developing and implementing logistics systems at an enterprise, it is necessary to proceed from a common goal - achieving maximum efficiency of the entire enterprise. The criterion for assessing the effectiveness of the support system with this approach is the minimum distribution and production costs of the enterprise as a whole.

At the same time, it should be taken into account that a construction enterprise consists of many structural divisions, the interests of which very often do not coincide. Thus, the production department is interested in ensuring that supplies of material resources are carried out in a timely manner and in complete quantities in volumes that ensure the continuity of the production process. At the same time, the production department is of little interest in the cost of purchasing and transporting materials; to some extent, he is interested in a high level of inventory, ensuring reliability and rhythm of production. The supply department, which performs the function of supporting the production process, strives for maximum satisfaction of requests for materials; at the same time, he is also interested in creating reserves, but with a different goal - to minimize conflicts with the management of the enterprise due to lack of materials. The storage service is not interested in either increasing inventories or increasing the speed at which materials pass through warehouses, but following these interests can lead to a decrease in the reliability of the enterprise as a whole. The transport service of the enterprise is more profitable in bulk transportation, which ensures the fullest loading of vehicles, but this leads to a decrease in the rhythm of deliveries and an increase in stocks of materials both in the storage service and in production areas. The financial service, trying to increase the turnover of the company's working capital, is interested in reducing inventories to a minimum.

Achieving an optimal balance between the interests of various divisions of an enterprise requires finding certain compromise solutions between them, in which the value of the criterion for the efficiency of the enterprise's functioning will be the highest. At the same time, the criterion for assessing the activities of the supply service is the costs associated with providing construction sites with materials and structures. A graphical representation of the problem of finding an optimal solution is shown in the figure

To solve the problem of creating an effective system for providing a construction organization with material resources, a logistics chain is built through which material flows from suppliers to consumers of material resources.

The organizational basis for building a logistics chain is information flows, directed, as a rule, from consumers to suppliers

The main links in the supply chain are:

Purchase of materials and their transportation from suppliers to destinations;

Storage of inventories of material resources;

Delivery of materials to production sites.

The main goal of purchasing logistics is to meet the needs of construction production for materials and structures with the highest possible economic efficiency or, in accordance with the criterion for assessing the effectiveness of the supply system, with a minimum of distribution costs.

Achieving this goal is possible if the following conditions (requirements) are met:

The volume of purchases of building materials, products and structures must correspond to the volume of construction and installation work of the organization;

Material resources must arrive at construction sites in a timely and complete manner so that, firstly, the production process is not interrupted due to their absence and, secondly, large stocks are not created in warehouses and construction sites;

The quality of building materials, products and structures must meet established requirements.

The basis for the economic efficiency of purchasing logistics is usually the search and purchase of necessary materials of the required quality at minimum prices. But a significant role in studying the materials market is also played by taking into account and analyzing other factors, including transportation costs, delivery times, minimum and maximum volumes of supply lots. Important factors taken into account when choosing a supplier are its financial condition, the availability and condition of production facilities (if the supplier is also a manufacturer), business reputation and reliability in partnerships, and others.

In the business practice of purchasing activities, a number of “unwritten” rules have been developed that not only create conditions for establishing and strengthening partnerships with suppliers, but also contribute to the survival of the enterprise in competition. This unique code of ethical standards for relations with partners is based on the following basic principles:

In business contacts, reliable, proven suppliers should be used;

Treat suppliers the same as you treat your customers and subcontractors;

Determine the interests of the supplier and find their commonality with your tasks;

Inform the supplier about your tasks and be aware of his problems;

Be willing to help the supplier if problems arise;

Fulfill assumed obligations and monitor the fulfillment of obligations by partners.

The decision to select a supplier can be made through direct negotiations or on a competitive basis based on the results of tenders (the selection of suppliers for government needs should be carried out only on a competitive basis). In both cases, the relationship between the buyer and the supplier is formalized by an agreement (contract) for the supply of building materials. The main elements of the contract are the volumes and terms of delivery, as well as the price of an accounting unit of materials.

The volumes and timing of deliveries in the contract are usually dictated by the buyer based on the needs of the construction industry. As for the price, it is formed mainly on the basis of study and analysis of market conditions, taking into account the mutual interests of the buyer and supplier. For example, the guaranteed quality of products, supply volumes and prospects for continuing business relationships with the buyer, payment methods, the presence of competitors producing similar products, and others may be of great importance in determining the price.

Transportation costs have a significant impact on the choice of supplier. In some cases (for example, when supplying ballast materials), transportation costs may even exceed the selling price of the materials themselves. Therefore, in each specific case, not only the distance of transportation must be taken into account, but also the type of transport, delivery speed, the amount of materials in one shipment, methods of packaging and loading of goods, and methods of transshipment in the case of multimodal transport.

In addition to transportation costs, storage of materials inventories causes significant costs.

The need to create reserves of material resources in transport construction is due to the presence of at least one of the following factors:

Receipt of cargo in batches in accordance with vehicle loading standards;

Insufficient coordination of the planned rhythm of material receipt with construction production plans;

Deviations both in the supply of materials and in the production process caused by various factors (problems with suppliers, interruptions in transport, unfavorable climatic conditions, breakdown of construction machines, etc.).

Inventories created to ensure the continuity of the production process are usually called production inventories. Depending on their purpose, inventories are divided into preparatory, current, insurance and seasonal.

Preparatory stocks are created in cases where it is necessary to pre-prepare building materials for use in the production process. In railway construction, such reserves are timber that is being dried; materials of the upper structure of the track (rails, spar, fastenings) undergoing assembly at link assembly bases; metal for the manufacture of non-serial products and structures, etc.

Current inventories are intended to ensure continuity of the production process between two subsequent receipts of material resources. They constitute the bulk of industrial inventories and therefore should be the object of the closest attention both from the point of view of ensuring production and from the point of view of minimizing the costs associated with their storage.

Current reserves are measured in physical terms (number of pieces, tons, m 3, etc.), value and in conditionally physical terms (in days).

The measurement in days D tk is determined by the ratio of current inventories Z tek in physical or value terms to the average daily consumption of materials in production R day avg

The maximum level of current stocks of materials of a particular type is observed at the time of their next receipt, and the minimum level is observed before the next delivery. With balanced consumption of material resources and their receipt, the minimum level of current inventories should be zero.

It is extremely difficult to achieve such a movement of inventories in practice, since in each element of the “supplier-transport-consumer” system, deviations are possible both in the frequency and size of supply lots, and in the intensity of use of material resources in production. To reduce the negative impact of deviations regarding the continuity of the production process, safety stocks are created.

The composition and amount of safety stocks are determined, as a rule, by calculation and analytical methods, taking into account the conditions of the specific production situation.

Seasonal reserves are created to ensure the normal operation of construction organizations and the uninterrupted operation of production processes during a seasonal break in the production or transportation of material resources. For railway construction, this type of reserves is of particular importance, since most often transport builders have to carry out their tasks in difficult climatic conditions in uninhabited areas with a poorly developed road network. The amount of seasonal reserves is determined as the product of the average daily consumption of a given type of material resource by the time of interruption in the receipt of supplies.