Consultation for parents “Poisonous plants and mushrooms” consultation on the topic. Consultation for parents “Poisonous berries and mushrooms Consultation on edible and inedible mushrooms

Reminder on preventing poisoning from poisonous plants

The problem of acute poisoning in children is one of the most pressing, especially in the summer. Poisoning often occurs between the ages of 1 and 5 years. Unlike adults, poisoning from poisonous mushrooms and plants in children is more severe because:

    All organ systems are still immature.

    Low resistance of the body to poison.

    Characterized by faster penetration of poison into the body.

    The tendency of the child's body to toxicosis and exicosis (dehydration).

Prevention of poisoning from poisonous plants and mushrooms consists of precautions.

Dear parents! Teach your children the following:

    You cannot taste unknown berries, leaves, plant stems, fruits, seeds, mushrooms, no matter how attractive they look.

    You should not even touch unfamiliar plants, as you may get a burn or an allergic reaction.

    Poisonous plants contain poisons that can cause poisoning both when inhaling volatile aromatic substances released by the plants and when the juice gets on the skin.

    The most severe poisoning can be obtained by ingesting the toxin with berries, leaves, and roots.

Actions in case of poisoning by poisonous plants:

If poisonous plants enter the body, or if this is suspected, it is necessary to immediately take first aid measures:

    Call a doctor or emergency medical help immediately

    If the victim is conscious, you need to rinse his stomach: give him 3-4 glasses of water to drink and, using a finger or the handle of a spoon, pressing on the root of his tongue, induce vomiting. Gastric lavage should be repeated 2-3 times.

    In case of poisoning with aconite and hemlock, the stomach is washed with a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate).

    Since many poisons are well adsorbed by activated carbon, it is recommended to take activated carbon (carbolene) after gastric lavage.

    After providing first aid, it is recommended to take the victim to a medical facility as quickly as possible. institution. Particular urgency arises in cases where poisoning is caused by plants that affect the nervous system and heart.

    When convulsions develop, it is important to prevent breathing problems due to spasms of the masticatory muscles, so a spoon handle wrapped in a bandage or handkerchief should be inserted into the victim’s mouth.

Poisonous plants of the Saratov region

Black elderberry Crow's eye Datura

Ledum Common castor bean

Lily of the valley Black root

Adonis Hemlock Goldenrod

Reminder for preventing mushroom poisoning

Isn't it unpleasant to go into the forest to pick mushrooms? However, mushroom pickers and lovers of this food may face a terrible danger - poisoning by poisonous mushrooms, since not everyone knows which of them are edible and which are poisonous, and mushroom poisoning in children poses an even greater danger.

To prevent poisoning, never pick mushrooms:

    Near industrial enterprises, landfills, fields treated with chemicals, railways and roads, under high-voltage lines, within the city, including in parks.

    With an unpleasant odor, having a tuberous thickening at the base, with a shell, a “bag” at the base of the stem.

    Appearing after the first frost, which can cause the appearance of toxic substances in mushrooms.

    Many types of poisonous mushrooms can easily be confused with edible ones, remember this!

    Improper cooking of edible mushrooms can also cause poisoning. Process mushrooms correctly.

There are no absolutely reliable methods for determining whether mushrooms are poisonous or not. The only way out is to know exactly each of the mushrooms and not take those you doubt.

What to do if poisoning could not be avoided?

The first symptoms of poisoning may appear within 2-3 hours after eating. Signs of poisoning: weakness, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, acute abdominal pain, headache; sometimes there may be: a rare pulse, cold sweat, visual disturbances, delirium, hallucinations, convulsions.


    Call an ambulance immediately and, if possible, save the remains of the mushrooms that caused the poisoning.

    Immediately begin gastric lavage with water using a tube or by artificially induced vomiting.

    Give the victim crushed tablets of activated carbon, mixing them with water, at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg. weight.

    Cover the victim warmly, rub his arms and legs.

    Place a cold compress on your head.

Poisonous mushrooms of the Saratov region

Morels Stitches

Edible honey mushrooms False honey mushrooms

White mushroom False white mushroom Satanic mushroom

Pale grebe Amanita

The main rule of careful behavior in nature don't touch what you don't know .

There are many poisonous plants in the forest. Therefore, you should strictly order your child not to touch unfamiliar mushrooms, and not to taste the fruits of trees or shrubs without your consent.

The best thing is to look at special literature with illustrations of edible mushrooms and berries at home with your children.

In a conversation with your child, be sure to emphasize that mushrooms that are inedible for humans are suitable for other forest inhabitants. Therefore, in the forest, it is better to refrain from the temptation to kick them, expressing your contempt and displeasure that they got in your way.

Rules of behavior in the forest

In advance, at home, before a walk in the forest, be sure to take time to talk with your child about how to behave in the forest.

Explain to your child that the forest is unfamiliar territory. Therefore, running without looking at your feet can be dangerous to your health, since it is easy to miss a hole in the tall grass, fallen branches and protruding tree roots. Running far ahead or playing hide and seek is not allowed without your permission!

When passing by spreading bushes and trees with low-lying branches, you will have to move the branches away. In this case, you need to make sure that the person walking behind is not hit in the face by a branch.

Be careful when touching the grass! The edges of the blades of grass are razor-sharp. If you want to rip off the bunch, you can cut the delicate skin on your palms.

We wish you and your baby a bright and joyful summer,

and of course health!!!

Elena Matytsina
Consultation for parents “Mushrooms”

Another one has come mushroom season. Baskets and camping clothes were recovered from secluded places.

Collection mushrooms - activity, fraught with a certain risk. Alas, poisoning mushrooms are not that rare.

Who has not heard about the extreme poisonousness of the pale grebe? And yet this mushroom, masquerading either as a champignon or as a russula, no, no, and it will end up with an inexperienced mushroom picker.

One summer day, a five-year-old girl, going for a walk in the forest with her twelve-year-old sister, found mushroom and tried it. A few hours later she began to feel nausea and vomiting. She was urgently hospitalized. At the hospital they performed gastric and intestinal lavage. After this, the girl’s health became so good that parents contrary to the doctor’s advice, they rushed to take her away from the clinic. A few hours later, the child’s condition worsened, and soon the girl died. The cause of death was determined to be poisoning by toadstool.

This is exactly how, in most cases, children are poisoned when they are left without proper supervision.

Poisonous mushrooms often cause serious illness, especially among children.

Pale grebe. This one is growing mushroom in the forest area, especially in the southern part, is found on the edges, clearings and in other places where edible plants grow mushrooms. The fruiting season is from June to October. It looks like an old champignon, sometimes like a russula. The pulp is white, without any special taste or smell. Pale grebe - the most dangerous and poisonous mushroom, even a quarter of a cap is enough to cause death. ATTENTION! Rescues in case of use mushroom practically impossible to eat.

The fox is false. It grows next to real chanterelles and differs in the shape and color of the cap - rounded funnel-shaped, with smooth edges, from reddish-orange to copper-red. The plates are bright-colored. The pulp is hard, woody. Inedible mushroom.

Main reason mushroom poisoning - inability to recognize edible and poisonous mushrooms, improper preparation of dishes from some edible mushrooms, as well as possible mutations of edible mushrooms. Poisonous species There are relatively few mushrooms, and only the pale grebe is deadly poisonous. Signs of poisoning with toadstool appear only 8-12 hours after it use: severe abdominal pain, frequent diarrhea with continuous vomiting, severe thirst, headaches, cold sweat. A person’s body temperature drops to 36-35, the pulse becomes weak, and the limbs become cold. Consciousness is preserved in most cases.

Going to the forest for mushrooms and if you are going to eat them, you must have the appropriate knowledge and skills, strictly follow the rules that will allow you to avoid serious poisoning:

Collect only those mushrooms that you know well;

Do not taste raw mushrooms;

Do not eat overripe, slimy, flabby or spoiled food. mushrooms;

Collected mushrooms pre-rinse with running cold water, soak, boil and drain the broth (and not cook from it mushroom soup) ; cannot be used for heat treatment mushrooms galvanized and pewter utensils;

Do not store collected mushrooms more than 24 hours without processing;

At canning mushrooms To prevent botulism, it is necessary to add a sufficient amount of salt and vinegar; the jars should not be sealed.

REMEMBER! Poisonous mushrooms They never grow in fields or meadows; they are usually found alone. At the base of their legs there is always a sac-like formation, and on the top of the cap there are white flake scales. Smell poisonous mushrooms reminiscent of the smell of radishes or potatoes. All poisonous mushrooms have a lamellar structure: on the underside of the cap, the plates fan out to the stem.

Publications on the topic:

Consultation for parents “Outdoor games at home” Consultation for parents “Outdoor games at home.” In kindergarten practice, outdoor games in which everyone plays are widely used.

Consultation for parents "Children's safety - parents' care" Attention, road! Knowing the rules of the road is an important point in the upbringing and development of a child’s skills, it is providing him.

Consultation for parents “Basic rules for interaction between parents and children” Consultation for parents of the younger group on the topic: “Basic rules for interaction between parents and children.” When the child wakes up: -required.

Consultation for parents “On the role of parents in the development of a child’s speech” Consultation for parents: “On the role of parents in the development of a child’s speech” - Look, here is Lika, the neighbor’s girl, as she speaks well.

Consultation for parents “Memo for smart parents” REMINDER FOR SMART PARENTS 1. Praise your child even for small successes. 2. Always respond to children's curiosity. 3. Do joint activities with your child.

Consultation for parents “Rights and responsibilities of parents” MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education.

" Carefully! Poisonous mushrooms!

Another mushroom season has arrived. Baskets and camping clothes were recovered from secluded places.

Mushroom picking is an activity that carries a certain risk. Alas, mushroom poisoning is not that rare.

Who has not heard about the extreme poisonousness of the pale grebe? And yet this mushroom, masquerading either as a champignon or as a russula, no, no, will end up in the hands of an inexperienced mushroom picker.

One summer day, a five-year-old girl, going for a walk in the forest with her twelve-year-old sister, found a mushroom and tried it. A few hours later she began to feel nausea and vomiting. She was urgently hospitalized. At the hospital they performed gastric and intestinal lavage. After this, the girl’s health became so good that her parents, contrary to the doctor’s advice, rushed to pick her up from the clinic. A few hours later, the child’s condition worsened, and soon the girl died. The cause of death was determined to be poisoning by toadstool.

This is exactly how, in most cases, children are poisoned when they are left without proper supervision.

The pale grebe has long gained notoriety for its poisonousness. Every year, hundreds of people around the world suffer because of it, many of them die. Such a high mortality rate is explained not only by the strong effect of the poison that is part of these mushrooms, but also by its unusual properties. Amanitotoxin plays the main role in the mechanism of poisoning by toadstool. 25-30 milligrams of this poison, contained in one toadstool mushroom, is quite enough to cause fatal poisoning. In addition, amanitotoxin is completely insoluble in water and retains its toxicity even after 20 minutes of boiling. And once in the body, the poison makes itself known not immediately, but several hours later. When signs of poisoning appear, it is already difficult to save a person: the fungal toxin that has entered the bloodstream is difficult to remove from the body. Therefore, treatment does not always give reliable results.

What are the symptoms of poisoning? Most often they occur 6-12 hours after eating mushrooms. These include profuse salivation, severe colicky abdominal pain, uncontrollable vomiting, and intestinal upset. Due to the large loss of fluid, the victim develops excruciating thirst. Severe pain in the liver is accompanied by the rapid development of jaundice. Often there are convulsions, difficulty breathing, and the face takes on a bluish tint. With each passing hour the patient weakens and falls into oblivion. And in a day or two a tragic outcome may come.

To avoid a dangerous encounter with poisonous mushrooms, you need to know the distinctive signs of mushrooms. Some people seriously think that poisonous mushrooms somehow signal their toxicity: by an unpleasant smell or taste, or by the fact that worms and snails do not touch them. As sad as it may be, such views are a dangerous delusion. Those who were poisoned, for example, by toadstool often spoke with great praise about its taste, and its smell is very reminiscent of the smell of champignons. How then does this mushroom differ from champignon? The pale grebe on the lower part of the leg always has a tuberous swelling covered with a membranous sheath. At the top of the leg there is a membranous ring of white, greenish or pale yellow color. The plates on the lower surface of the cap are frequent, white, and do not change their color. At the same time, the champignon has these plates - from pale pink to dark brown tones; rings, tuberous thickenings on the stem and films are absent. As for russula, the main difference is the same: this mushroom does not have a tuberous swelling with a membranous cover and a ring on the stalk, characteristic of the toadstool.

A thorough knowledge of the “portrait” of the pale grebe will help you avoid dangerous consequences. Of course, kids are not able to remember all this, so you need to keep an eye on them, as they say.

At first glance, the conversation about fly agaric poisoning is of only theoretical interest: fly agaric, especially red fly agaric, is difficult to confuse with any edible mushroom. And yet, even red fly agarics are poisoned. But there are also gray-pink and panther fly agarics, which are much more modest in appearance.

And yet fly agaric poisoning is extremely rare. The toxicity of fly agarics has been greatly exaggerated. Fatal poisoning is very rare and occurs only when eating a large number of fly agaric mushrooms. This is explained simply. The venom of fly agarics has only a functional effect on the victim’s nervous system and does not cause damage to internal organs.

The chemical composition of fly agaric venom and the mechanism of its action on the human body are now well studied. The main poisonous principle of fly agarics is muscarine. Despite the name (“muska” - translated from Greek as “fly”), muscarine is completely safe for insects, but very harmful to humans. 3-5 milligrams of this poison can kill the poisoned person. It is generally accepted that this amount of muscarine is contained in 3 or 4 fly agarics.

The fly agaric owes its name to other substances that actually kill flies. They are called toxoalbumin.

Symptoms of red fly agaric poisoning usually develop after 30-40 minutes (less often after 1-2 hours). The victim usually sweats, begins to drool, has intestinal upset with abdominal pain, pupils constrict, the heartbeat slows, blood pressure drops, and suffocation occurs.

If a person has eaten a panther fly agaric, a disorder of the central nervous system is revealed more sharply.

Fly agaric poisoning is most severe in children. Let us give a rather typical example.

In one of the Siberian villages, two boys aged three and four years old ate dried red fly agarics, which their parents saved for making poison for flies. Half an hour later, both children developed vomiting and intestinal upset, followed by profuse sweating and drooling. By the evening, convulsions appeared, the pulse became difficult to palpate, and both children lost consciousness.

Fortunately, medical help arrived in time, and everything ended well. Already on the fifth day, the children were discharged from the hospital completely healthy.

And this story happened in one of the dacha villages. A three-year-old girl walking along the edge of the forest near her house. I found a red fly agaric and decided to try it. Fortunately, as it turned out later, she only ate part of the mushroom. Therefore, not severe poisoning developed. However, the girl had to be admitted to the hospital.

As you can see, in both cases the parents are to blame for leaving their small children unattended. But such carelessness and carelessness on the part of adults could cost the lives of the children! Adults are obliged to strive in every possible way to protect children from unwanted encounters. For this purpose, it is necessary to organize throughout the entire summer period a widespread morning inspection of lawns, places for children to walk and play in institutions and at dachas, in order to promptly remove detected poisonous plants and mushrooms. During forest walks, parents, educators and other adults must exercise strict supervision with all children and especially with those who collect flowers, mushrooms and herbs and try them. We should also not forget about careful monitoring of the consumption of mushrooms collected by older children.

In order to carry out these activities, both parents and employees of child care institutions must themselves be well aware of the essence of this issue. It is also a good idea to stock up on special literature, colorful tables, booklets and posters. As they say, they take every mushroom in their hands, but not every mushroom - they put it in a box. Every adult. Those who are entrusted with the health of children should know well which mushroom to take and which to throw away.

So, in order to avoid poisoning from poisonous mushrooms, you need to collect only those that you know well.

The health, and even the life of a person poisoned by mushrooms, largely depends on how promptly he receives medical assistance. It should be remembered that in case of any mushroom poisoning, even if it is not severe at first glance, you must immediately consult a doctor. But even before the doctor arrives, you need to act quickly and decisively. If you are poisoned by any of the poisonous mushrooms, you should try to remove the toxic substances from the body: take a laxative, rinse the stomach with a solution of potassium permanganate. The injured child must remain in bed; it is harmful for him to walk and sit.

Any mushroom poisoning is accompanied by vomiting and intestinal upset, causing dehydration and excruciating thirst. To alleviate the condition of a sick child, you need to give him cold, slightly salted water, iced tea, coffee, and milk.

Mushroom poisoning is usually treated only in hospitals. To make it easier for the doctor to understand the causes of poisoning, the remains of the mushrooms should be saved for research in the laboratory.




Widely distributed, especially in the northern half of the forest zone of coniferous and mixed forests, from July to October.

It is easy to distinguish it from other types of mushrooms by its bright red cap and whitish dots scattered across its surface.

Its plates are white. The leg is white, with a filmy white or yellowish ring, tuberous and swollen at the base.

The mushroom is poisonous! Its poison causes suffocation, convulsions, fainting, and sometimes leads to death. In some places, fly agaric is used to kill flies.

Fly agaric

Found in coniferous and deciduous forests from July to October. Its cap is up to 10 cm in diameter, hemispherical, then convex, pale yellow, covered with white flakes in the form of patches. The leg is up to 12 cm long, white or slightly yellowish, with a membranous ring, tuberous at the very base, slightly thinned at the top. The plates are white, slightly yellowish.

The mushroom is poisonous! Its action is almost similar to that of toadstool.


Grows in coniferous and deciduous forests from July to October. The cap is up to 10 cm in diameter, rounded, then flatter, yellow-red or brown or even gray, with small white flakes scattered over the surface. The leg is white, with a white wide ring at the top, and tuberous and swollen at the base. The plates are white.

The mushroom is poisonous! Similar to the red fly agaric.


It is found rarely, in places in abundance, especially in the south of the forest zone, in oak groves and deciduous forests, often on the edges, clearings, from June to October. The cap is up to 11 cm, at first bell-shaped, then slightly convex, silky, white, pale green, yellow-green, usually darker in the middle - to olive-brown, without flakes on the surface. The plates are white. The leg is up to 15 cm long, up to 2 cm thick, narrowed at the top, white or greenish, with a membranous ring. The pulp is white, odorless and tasteless.

The mushroom is poisonous! This is the most dangerous mushroom; all its species, even its spores, cause severe poisoning and death.


Found in deciduous forests of central and southern Russia. The cap is up to 8 cm in diameter, cushion-shaped, grayish or greenish, and mucous in wet weather. The tubular layer is red, the stalk is tuberous, swollen at the base, with a red mesh pattern. The lower end of the leg near the ground is thick brick, and the top of the leg is orange. The flesh is white, first turns red when broken, then turns blue, and tastes sweet.

The mushroom is poisonous!


They are found in the southern half of the forest zone and in the Caucasus, in deciduous forests, on the edges, among bushes from July to October. The cap is up to 17 cm in diameter, smooth, glabrous, whitish, flesh-colored, at first convex with a tubercle, later funnel-shaped, with a wavy curved thin edge. Soon it becomes fibrous - striped, sagging. The leg is up to 10 cm long, cylindrical, whitish, silky. The pulp is white, with the smell of flour. The plates are first yellowish, then yellow-pink.

The mushroom is poisonous!

Grishanina Lyudmila Aleksandrovna, teacher, Lyceum No. 1561, Moscow

Another mushroom season has arrived. Baskets and camping clothes were recovered from secluded places. Mushroom picking is an activity that carries a certain risk. Alas, mushroom poisoning is not that rare. Who has not heard about the extreme poisonousness of the pale grebe? And yet this mushroom, masquerading either as a champignon or as a russula, no, no, will end up in the hands of an inexperienced mushroom picker.

The pale grebe has long gained notoriety for its poisonousness. Every year, hundreds of people around the world suffer because of it, many of them die. Such a high mortality rate is explained not only by the strong effect of the poison that is part of these mushrooms, but also by its unusual properties. Amanitotoxin plays the main role in the mechanism of poisoning by toadstool. 25-30 milligrams of this poison, contained in one toadstool mushroom, is quite enough to cause fatal poisoning. In addition, amanitotoxin is completely insoluble in water and retains its toxicity even after 20 minutes of boiling. And once in the body, the poison makes itself known not immediately, but several hours later. When signs of poisoning appear, it is already difficult to save a person: the fungal toxin that has entered the bloodstream is difficult to remove from the body. Therefore, treatment does not always give reliable results.

What are the symptoms of poisoning? Most often they occur 6-12 hours after eating mushrooms. These include profuse salivation, severe colicky abdominal pain, uncontrollable vomiting, and intestinal upset. Due to the large loss of fluid, the victim develops excruciating thirst. Severe pain in the liver is accompanied by the rapid development of jaundice. Often there are convulsions, difficulty breathing, and the face takes on a bluish tint. With each passing hour the patient weakens and falls into oblivion. And in a day or two a tragic outcome may come.

To avoid a dangerous encounter with poisonous mushrooms, you need to know the distinctive signs of mushrooms. Some people seriously think that poisonous mushrooms somehow signal their toxicity: by an unpleasant smell or taste, or by the fact that worms and snails do not touch them. As sad as it may be, such views are a dangerous delusion. Those who were poisoned, for example, by toadstool often spoke with great praise about its taste, and its smell is very reminiscent of the smell of champignons. How then does this mushroom differ from champignon? The pale grebe on the lower part of the leg always has a tuberous swelling covered with a membranous sheath. At the top of the leg there is a membranous ring of white, greenish or pale yellow color. The plates on the lower surface of the cap are frequent, white, and do not change their color. At the same time, the champignon has these plates - from pale pink to dark brown tones; rings, tuberous thickenings on the stem and films are absent. As for russula, the main difference is the same: this mushroom does not have a tuberous swelling with a membranous cover and a ring on the stalk, characteristic of the toadstool.

A thorough knowledge of the “portrait” of the pale grebe will help you avoid dangerous consequences. Of course, kids are not able to remember all this, so you need to keep an eye on them, as they say.

At first glance, the conversation about fly agaric poisoning is of only theoretical interest: fly agaric, especially red fly agaric, is difficult to confuse with any edible mushroom. And yet, even red fly agarics are poisoned. But there are also gray-pink and panther fly agarics, which are much more modest in appearance.

And yet fly agaric poisoning is extremely rare. The toxicity of fly agarics has been greatly exaggerated. Fatal poisoning is very rare and occurs only when eating a large number of fly agaric mushrooms. This is explained simply. The venom of fly agarics has only a functional effect on the victim’s nervous system and does not cause damage to internal organs.

Symptoms of red fly agaric poisoning usually develop after 30-40 minutes, less often after 1-2 hours). The victim usually sweats, begins to drool, has intestinal upset with abdominal pain, pupils constrict, the heartbeat slows, blood pressure drops, and suffocation occurs.

If a person has eaten a panther fly agaric, a disorder of the central nervous system is revealed more sharply.

Fly agaric poisoning is most severe in children.

Adults are obliged to strive in every possible way to protect children from unwanted encounters. For this purpose, it is necessary to organize throughout the entire summer period a widespread morning inspection of lawns, places for children to walk and play in institutions and at dachas, in order to promptly remove detected poisonous plants and mushrooms. During forest walks, parents, educators and other adults must exercise strict supervision with all children and especially with those who collect flowers, mushrooms and herbs and try them. We should also not forget about careful monitoring of the consumption of mushrooms collected by older children.

So, in order to avoid poisoning from poisonous mushrooms, you need to collect only those that you know well.

The health, and even the life of a person poisoned by mushrooms, largely depends on how promptly he receives medical assistance. It should be remembered that in case of any mushroom poisoning, even if it is not severe at first glance, you must immediately consult a doctor. But even before the doctor arrives, you need to act quickly and decisively. If you are poisoned by any of the poisonous mushrooms, you should try to remove the toxic substances from the body: take a laxative, rinse the stomach with a solution of potassium permanganate. The injured child must remain in bed; it is harmful for him to walk and sit.

Any mushroom poisoning is accompanied by vomiting and intestinal upset, causing dehydration and excruciating thirst. To alleviate the condition of a sick child, you need to give him cold, slightly salted water, iced tea, coffee, and milk.

Mushroom poisoning is usually treated only in hospitals. To make it easier for the doctor to understand the causes of poisoning, the remains of mushrooms should be saved for research in the laboratory