American chess player Bobby Fischer: biography, interesting facts, photos. Bobby Fischer (chess) Bobby Schiffer

Evgeniy Gik, chess columnist, for RIA Novosti.

On March 9, Robert Fischer, perhaps the most brilliant chess player in history, would have turned 70 years old. At 14, the child prodigy became the US champion, at 15 - a grandmaster and a contender for the world crown. Fischer ascended to the chess throne in 1972, but perhaps he could have done it earlier: in 1967, in the interzonal tournament, he was in the lead by a large margin, but announced a boycott of the organizers.

Some consider Fischer the greatest champion of all time, others consider him an egocentric, unpredictable loner, mentally unstable person. His brain contained truly encyclopedic information. He knew everything about chess, he specially studied Russian because Botvinnik, Smyslov, Tal spoke it...

Total chess

They said about Fischer that he plays total chess. He felt the harmony of the position so well, he placed the pieces on the board so skillfully that they were always in time for him at the right moment in the right place. And the partners involuntarily began to think that what was sitting in front of them was not a living chess player, but a robot of incredible strength.

During the game, he leaned over the table, hovered over the enemy pieces, his eyes sparkled. The feeling was as if in front of you was a conjuring shaman, a priest saying a prayer.

Robert began his enchanting path to the top in 1970 in a candidates match with Mark Taimanov. This match shocked the chess world. It has never happened before that in a battle between two outstanding players, one defeated the other with an implausible, clean score - 6:0.

Returning to his homeland, Taimanov was subjected to a thorough customs inspection at the Moscow airport. And, as luck would have it, Solzhenitsyn’s novel “Cancer Ward” was found in his luggage. For attempting to smuggle a book by a future Nobel Prize winner, the grandmaster was stripped of many titles.

Thanks to that sad incident, an incomparable joke was born, which Mstislav Rostropovich came up with: “Did you hear? Solzhenitsyn is in big trouble! - Really! What happened? - You don’t know? They found Taimanov’s book “Nimzowitsch’s Defense!”

Because of this fiasco, Taimanov was even accused of betraying the socialist system. But then support came from an unexpected quarter. “Thanks to Bent Larsen, who also lost to Fischer, and also in a close game,” Taimanov thanked the Danish grandmaster, his fellow sufferer, in absentia. Indeed, Fischer's second candidate victory 6:0 somewhat sobered up Taimanov's pursuers. There was no way they could suspect the Dane of secret collusion with the capitalists.

The beginning of the candidates' match with Tigran Petrosyan was tense, but the ex-world champion lasted only five games, and then the familiar story repeated itself: another palisade of units, this time Fischer won four times in a row.

Before the fight with Boris Spassky, Fischer made endless demands to FIDE, and Spassky had every reason to leave Reykjavik, retaining his crown. Some people thought he didn't do it because of the money.

Of course, banknotes are important to anyone, but one could only thank him for his sportsmanship and for not depriving the world of a long-awaited match.

The start of the match was chaotic: in the first game, Fischer went too far in a drawn position and lost, and for the second he did not show up at all. But then everything fell into place: in subsequent meetings, Spassky gave up seven times, and the matter ended with an early victory for Fischer - 12.5:8.5, three games were not needed.

Kingdom without a king

Three years later, Fischer had to defend the championship title, and he named 63 conditions that had to be met. FIDE satisfied "only" 62, and the champion abdicated the throne. Karpov took the throne without making a single move.

For almost four decades, fans of the game have been asking the question: “Why did Fischer voluntarily leave the chess scene?” The easiest way to answer is using terms from the field of psychiatry. But perhaps the most accurate explanation was given by Taimanov.

The point is that for Fischer, chess was the whole meaning of his existence, his atmosphere, and the champion title meant more than just recognition of his sporting merits. The crown seemed to assign to him the role of the chess messiah on earth. And if the game is the main and only value in life, and he is the king, then he must be infallible at the board. This is probably what Fischer reasoned.

Convincing himself that he had to be first in any tournament and had no right to lose at all, Fischer took on such a burden of obligations that he simply could not bear the weight of it.

As a result, the passionate love of chess that distinguished Fischer in earlier years gave way to a feeling of fear, not of any specific opponent, but of the game itself.


Twenty years after Robert won the crown, the so-called Fischer-Spassky rematch took place. But the euphoria over the resurrection of the champion from oblivion gave way to bitter disappointment among the chess players.

Fischer did not appear at all as he was once admired. Years of seclusion left their mark on his appearance and, most importantly, on his creative appearance. The world saw an aged, lagging behind in chess views and a weakened grandmaster.

The new success did not bring him laurels, especially since his partner was no longer among the top 100 players. While playing in Yugoslavia, Fischer violated a political ban, and also did not pay taxes, so prison awaited him in America. But he did not return home, but moved to Budapest.

Fischer's genius continued to manifest itself even after he left chess. Two discoveries allowed him to take a place in the annals of chess and as its reformer.

The “Fisher clock” has long been in use: adding a few seconds to each move (Bobby’s super idea!) completely eliminates time-trouble disasters. Now, having an extra queen, you will always have time to checkmate the enemy king.

“Fischer Chess” also gained popularity. In them, the pawns at the beginning of the game stand in their places, but the pieces behind them are placed by lot. When the opening theory has exhausted itself, the game will be saved!

Grandmasters often have fun playing Fischer chess; several unofficial world championships have even taken place.

Personal life

On the way, Fischer met various ladies, but he did not connect his life with any of them. In 1990, he met the Hungarian chess player Petra Stadler, she often visited him in Los Angeles. How did their romance end?

As Petra herself wrote, Fischer tormented her with incessant conversations on anti-Semitic topics, and in the end it tired her. Yes, despite the fact that both his mother and father were Jews, he himself is a rare case! - was distinguished by militant anti-Semitism.

Fischer missed another chance to get married in the early 1990s, and the Hungarian woman again became the subject of his passion. Seventeen-year-old Zita Raicani was strongly impressed by the ex-king’s games, and, overcoming her shyness, the girl sent a letter to her idol.

A year later, Fischer responded to his fan. Soon Zita went to Los Angeles, and mutual sympathy could develop into something serious. Raichani decided to worry about the future and one day whispered to her chosen one: “Bobby, dear, well, at least you play with someone, because we are facing such expenses!”

And in 1992, Fischer again fought with Spassky, beat him again, and earned more than three million. Zita accompanied Robert to the match, which took place in Belgrade, and could be pleased that her idea was so successfully realized.

However, this triumph turned into drama for Fischer. As we know, he could not return to America due to violating the terms of the blockade of Yugoslavia, and at a press conference he publicly spat on a warning letter from the US State Department. Not to mention the fact that Fischer did not even think about paying taxes on the royalties he received.

Here a blow awaited him again. Although the material future of Robert and Zita was secured, the saying that money does not buy happiness was once again confirmed. Raicani also left Fischer, refusing to become his wife, despite the fact that he proposed to her almost every day.

Prison romance

In 2000, sensational news spread: Fischer was having an affair with the Japanese Miyoko Watai, and this was not some geisha, but a prominent chess player, a repeated national champion, who had competed at the Olympics more than once, and the president of the Japanese Chess Federation.

Back in the early 70s, when Fischer had just become a champion, he visited the Land of the Rising Sun and was asked to play with the best players of the stronger and weaker sex. Miyoko was lucky, to whom Robert complimented her, saying that their game turned out to be very exciting.

In 1974, on the way to the Olympics in Colombia, the girl visited Fischer, and since then they often called each other and corresponded. Many years later, their mutual sympathy grew into something more, and Fischer moved to Japan, staying in Miyoko’s house. She was a year younger than him, but, like most Japanese women, she looked like a lady of indeterminate age.

It seemed that Fischer had finally found his happiness, but soon there were rumors that he had a Filipino mistress, Mariling Young, who gave birth to a daughter, Jinka, in 2001 (Robert often visited the Philippines, where he conducted radio programs on various topics - mainly criticized America). Although Fischer was listed as the father, he did not consider this romantic episode important for himself and did not intend to leave Vatai. They hid their relationship from everyone, but in the summer of 2004 an emergency occurred, as a result of which the secret became clear.

When boarding a plane flying to the Philippines, Fischer presented his passport, only to find out that it had been canceled by the American authorities. Apparently, the fight against terrorism has intensified, and everyone who previously had criminal cases brought against them has been blacklisted.

US justice recalled the chess player's old sins, and perhaps the anti-Fischer action was carried out on the initiative of George Bush, who learned that Fischer supported the terrible terrorist attack of September 11, 2001. He was arrested by immigration officials and jailed awaiting deportation.

The first to actively stand up for Robert was. She called on the world community to save him and shelter him in some country. And soon the whole world learned intimate details: it turned out that Robert and Miyoko were going to get married, and the defendant proposed directly from prison.

Every day, the devoted Miyoko prayed for his release, and God eventually heard her. In 2005, Fischer received political asylum, and he received a legal passport.

Once free, Fischer immediately flew to Reykjavik (he won the crown in 1972 in this city, glorifying it, and now the northern country was able to thank him in such a unique way...).

The whole world watched on TV as Fischer, this huge man with a large beard, similar to Karl Marx, barely moved, leaving the plane, walking as if on wobbly legs, throwing curses at Japan and... And not far from him, a miniature woman devoted to him minced, smiling Miyoko, who had done so much to free her prince.

Alas, this story did not end with a happy ending. Fischer lived in Iceland for less than three years, and he was diagnosed with a serious illness - kidney failure. An operation was required that could save him, but he refused it.

Fischer spent his last days in the hospital. A chess genius, he was buried in the cemetery of a Catholic parish in the small town of Selfoss, 50 km from Reykjavik. He was only 64 - one year for each square of the chessboard!

Just a few Icelandic friends and his long-term companion Vatai. Not a single American or media representative was present. This was Fischer’s will: he took revenge for his departure on his homeland and on the journalists who, as he believed, had spoiled a lot of blood for him.


Surprisingly, even after the death of the legendary chess player, the mysteries around his name did not decrease. Passions flared up over his inheritance - Fischer himself did not leave any will. But he had about two million dollars in his account. Who would get them was of interest to many.

Vatai called him a widow; she had a marriage contract in her hands. However, not everything was clear with his registration, whether the “prison wedding” was legal, because at that moment Fischer did not have any documents. Not to mention the fact that in his interviews he did not hide the fact that the marriage was concluded with the goal of breaking out of captivity.

And then there was the little Filipino girl Jinki, with whom Fischer regularly exchanged text messages, the last time, according to her mother, the day before his death.

He helped her financially; a transfer in the amount of one and a half thousand euros was received shortly before his death. The issue of inheritance was considered for a long time, and then Marilyn Young could not stand it and turned to the Reykjavik District Court with a demand to confirm that Fisher is the father of nine-year-old Jinka.

However, the remittance receipts did not convince the court and the case was referred to the higher court. As a result, the Icelandic Supreme Court ordered Fischer's exhumation. His body was removed from the grave to take a DNA sample.

His hypothetical daughter also donated a sample of her blood. If paternity had been established, then, according to Icelandic law, she could claim two-thirds of the fortune.

The exhumation was carried out in the presence of a doctor, priest and local sheriff. After experts took tissue samples for analysis, Fischer's body was buried again. Alas, unfortunately for Marilyn, the analysis did not confirm that Jinki was his daughter.

This. The question of two million hung in the air again. And in 2011, the dispute over the inheritance, which had lasted for three years, finally ended.

After reviewing additional documents submitted by Watai, the Supreme Court confirmed the legality of their marriage and recognized Fischer's widow as the sole heir. Justice has prevailed.

The Robert Fisher phenomenon continues to excite the public to this day. It all started in 1958, when amazing news spread around the world: fourteen-year-old genius and prodigy Bobby Fischer became the US chess champion. Sports commentators then spoke of a “national sensation.” Thus began the story of a new star who shook the foundations of the entire chess world.

Childhood and youth

Robert Fisher was born in Chicago on March 9, 1943. His father, Hans-Gerhard Fischer, was a German biologist and ideological communist living in the USSR. Mother, Regina Wender, was a Swiss Jew. Bobby's parents met at Moscow Medical University, where Regina studied. In 1939, they left the USSR, but their paths diverged: Gerhard moved to Chile, and Regina settled in Brooklyn, USA.

The fact that the couple lived separately haunted Fischer’s biographers for a long time and gave rise to the version that the chess player’s real father was Paul Nemenyi, a mathematician who fled from Germany to the USA during the war. This version is supported by the fact that Nemenyi took an active part in raising the boy, paid for his studies and helped him financially in every possible way.

When Robert was 6 years old, his sister taught him to play chess. He became so carried away by this game that he gradually began to withdraw into himself. Bobby stopped communicating with his classmates, and at some point his worried mother turned to doctors. They advised not to hinder their son’s passion, but rather to encourage it. At the age of 10, his mother sent him to a chess club, and he won the first tournament in his life.

e Robert also showed unusual abilities. Possessing a phenomenal memory, he independently learned German, Spanish, Russian and Serbo-Croatian. Already at an early age he freely read foreign chess literature. Bobby said more than once that there was nothing to learn at school, and that all the teachers were “stupid.” The only intelligent person at school, according to Fisher, was the physical education teacher. He played chess well, so he was almost Robert's only friend.

Ultimately, Fischer dropped out of school and devoted his life entirely to his favorite sport. According to Robert, all he wanted to do was play chess. He quarreled with his mother, and she left him the apartment and left. From that moment on, Bobby was left to his own devices.

Path to glory

Robert Fischer's goal was the world championship, and for this he did everything possible. To maintain his health, he played not only chess, but also other sports: tennis, skating, swimming, skiing.

At the age of 14, Robert won the US Championship, and at 15 he became an international grandmaster. Most famous chess players saw him as just a child with an unusual mentality, but when they started playing, they encountered

with a mature master who is ready to do anything to win.

By the way, Fischer was called a “cold-blooded killer.” He never spared his opponent and, if possible, crushed him with amazing ruthlessness. One of the most significant cases occurred in 1971, when Robert set a record of 12:0 in candidate matches with Larsen and Taimanov. No professional chess player had ever experienced such defeat before.

However, all this was later, when Fischer reached the peak of his skills. But at first he studied a lot and often made mistakes. So, in 1959, at his first international tournament, which took place in Yugoslavia, he lost to Mikhail Tal with a dry score of 0:4. In games with top-class grandmasters, Bobby's inexperience was visible: he overestimated his chances and neglected tournament tactics.

However, failures only spurred Fischer to improve himself. Over time, he began to win brilliant victories, and in 1971, in a fight against contenders, he reached the final, where he beat Tigran Petrosyan with a score of 6.5:2.5. This gave him the right to fight the current world champion Boris Spassky. In 1972, Reykjavik hosted one of the most exciting and passionate games of all time.

Oriya of chess. And Fischer confidently won, becoming world champion.

Scandals, scandals...

Perhaps Robert Fisher would not have gained such fame if not for the constant scandals that accompanied him. In addition, he was a manic person, and possibly mentally ill. He constantly violated regulations, demanded privileges and special treatment. For example, in 1967, at a tournament in Sousse, he called the chief judge a communist because he refused to comply with his demands and violate the regulations. But this case is one of the most innocent. As a rule, if Fischer could not agree on “special” conditions for his stay at the tournament, he did not participate in it at all.

At some point, Robert's strangeness reached its climax. In 1975, he refused the match for the world championship, and FIDE declared Karpov the new champion. After this, Fischer stopped playing in official tournaments. Until the 90s, he lived secludedly in the Californian town of Pasadena, where for some time he even spent time in the religious sect “Worldwide Church of the Creator.” And then he met eighteen-year-old chess player Zita Rajcsani by correspondence and moved to Hungary.

This is not the end of the story of the brilliant grandmaster.

ended. In 1992, he unexpectedly agreed to an offer from a Yugoslav banker to play a rematch with Spassky. Fischer won confidently, but never returned to the USA. In America, he faced a huge fine and 10 years in prison for violating international law, since the United States at that time declared a boycott of Yugoslavia.

Fischer left for the East. He first lived in the Philippines with Marilyn Young, and then in Japan with his old friend Mieko Watai. In 2000, he secretly moved to America, but three years later his passport was revoked, and soon he was arrested at one of the Japanese airports. A serious international scandal broke out. The United States demanded that the criminal Fischer be handed over to them, but famous grandmasters stood up for him. Crazy Bobby called his arrest a kidnapping, accused George Bush and the Japanese Prime Minister of conspiracy, and also did not forget to mention the ubiquitous Jews, once again blaming them for all the world's ills.

Iceland granted Fischer citizenship and he was deported in 2005. He lived his last years in Reykjavik. On January 17, 2008, the genius and madman Robert Fisher died of kidney failure. He was buried in the Selfoss cemetery near Reykjavik

Among the most famous players known throughout the world in the sport of chess, there are only a few people who have attracted attention with their extraordinary minds. Their geniuses brought many innovations and unique games to the world of sports. One of the most controversial is Bobby Fischer, the strongest chess player of all time. His IQ level was 186, one of the highest in the world.

Early years

Bobby Fischer was born on a beautiful March day into an international family. In 1933, the mother of the future champion, Regina Wender, fled from Germany to the Soviet Union when the Nazis came to power in her country. She lived for some time in a friendly country, where she met her future husband, Gerhard Fischer. In 1938, the couple formalized their marriage and after some time left for the USA.

Bobby Fischer was born in the states on March 9, 1943. After 2 years, the father left the family, returning to Germany. The mother raised the boy and his older sister Joan on her own. It was the girl who gave the first chess to her brother, after which the whole world changed for him. Joan and Robert (Bobby Fisher) began learning the rules and playing together. Over time, the boy began to immerse himself more and more in the world of chess.

At that time, the family lived in Brooklyn. Every day, young Bobby spent several hours completely alone, playing his favorite game with himself. This caused concern in the mother, and she decided to find a sparring partner for her son. Not knowing where to turn, she decided to place an ad in the newspaper. The Brooklyn Eagle employees, not quite understanding in which section to place such a text, decided to redirect it to a specialist in chess journalism. It turned out to be Herman Helms, who responded to the ad by writing to Bobby's mother about the Brooklyn Chess Club.

The first chess club and coach

Studying for long hours alone, the young chess player could not learn all the intricacies of the game. The Brooklyn club opened up new opportunities for him. Bobby Fischer, whose biography will soon become known to everyone, begins training with Carmine Nigro. This man was the president of the club at that time. Young Bobby spent almost all his free time in this place.

When the club was closed, the young chess player begged his mother to take him to Washington Square Park. At that time, all fans of this game gathered there - from young to old, from different social strata. Bobby Fischer was born to play chess, this was evident even in those years. A year later, he began studying at the Horton Club, and also studied the skill several times a month and trained visiting his home. At that time, many players and grandmasters came to him. It was in the house of an authoritative coach that Fischer began reading special literature related to the game.

First victories

While studying in various clubs, Robert participated in all competitions that were held there. His first victories can be considered winning matches in local competitions at the age of 10. He stood out significantly among his peers not only in his playing style, but also in his desire to be the best.

News of the brilliant player began to spread throughout the small chess community in America. Bobby began to attract attention, and at the age of 13 he was invited to many tournaments. He often participated in simultaneous games, where his opponents were several of the strongest participants at once. Once a similar tournament took place in Cuba, where he went with Regina Wender, his mother. Famous grandmasters invited the young prodigy to play a game, to which Robert always agreed, because this was a chance to learn something new and comprehend the wisdom of the masters.

At the age of 16, Fischer decided to leave secondary education to devote himself entirely to studying and playing chess. At home, he independently arranged several parallel games with himself. Having placed the boards in the rooms, he alternately moved from one to the other, calculating and thinking through the moves on both sides.


In the summer of 1956, the US Junior Tournament was held, in which young Bobby Fischer received his first championship and became the youngest winner of the competition. After this, a whole series of tournaments began that would lead him to the crown of a chess player, which the guy had dreamed of since childhood.

In 1958 he participated in Yugoslavia at the interzonal games. There he meets many leading grandmasters. Fischer spends all his free time developing new strategies and practically never leaves his room. Tournament participants said that the guy seems like a simpleton, but when he sits down at the table, the game speaks for him.

It was the Yugoslav victories that brought Robert the opportunity to participate in higher-level competitions. In 1959, the Candidates Tournament took place, where the young prodigy faced the strongest chess players in the world. Finding himself alone in a foreign country, he did not have an assistant, second or friend next to him. He made all decisions and actions independently. Every day in his free time, Bobby sat in his room and played chess, while his opponents had the right routine and took quiet walks. Fischer made many mistakes, but still took 5th place, which further strengthened his reputation and opened up broad prospects.

In 1961, another tournament was held in the city of Bled. The matured and well-prepared American chess player Bobby Fischer wins almost all his games and takes second place in points. The young prodigy took the same position, having slightly lost to Spassky, in 1966 at the Pyatigorsky Cup, which took place in Santa Monica.

Subsequent tournaments brought Robert more and more popularity in the world of chess. He won most of the matches and finished 1st or 2nd. His playing style became more and more confident and strong. With such preparation and an already established capricious, hot-tempered and evil character, the genius approached the main competitions of his life. At the age of 29, he had to fight the strongest grandmaster of the USSR.

Game with Boris Spassky

In 1972, Bobby Fischer, the strongest chess player in the United States, had to win the fight to receive the championship title. His opponent was This game is considered the tournament of the century, it brought a lot of emotions not only to the countries of the players, but also to the whole world who watched the fight. This was the period of the Cold War, and many associated the party of Spassky and Fischer with the confrontation between the two major powers.

The match took place in Reykjavik. Already the first minutes of the game showed that anything can be expected from an American chess player. Everything was supposed to start at 5 pm, Spassky was ready and sat waiting for the start. The game has begun, the Soviet grandmaster makes the first move and presses the chess clock. Everyone is impatiently waiting for the second participant in the battle.

Minutes pass, and Bobby Fischer, the US champion, still does not appear. Spassky approaches the judge, apparently to consult on further actions, and then Robert enters the courtroom. This situation will be discussed by all the newspapers in the world for weeks to come. Already at that time, the American grandmaster attracted attention to himself and the game with his eccentric nature and unpredictable behavior. Therefore, the whole world watched the game, and besides, this confrontation went beyond the scope of an ordinary match.

Fischer came into the game through a series of victories. He prepared for this tournament for many years, losing to Spassky in competitions at an early age. The Soviet grandmaster, on the contrary, after receiving the champion title, began to pay less attention to training and playing. This subsequently affected the results.

Meanwhile, the first game began. Bobby Fischer, who was about 185 cm tall, towered over the table, sitting in his own chair, which was specially brought for this tournament. Everything bothered him: the light of the lamps, the noise of the camera shutters, and the people present, regardless of their rank and purpose.

Despite this, the game went well, but at one point Fischer makes a mistake that only a beginner could make and loses. This infuriated him, and he began to demand from the organizers that all paparazzi and their equipment be removed from the premises. Having received a refusal, the American grandmaster leaves, refusing to continue the fight. The match was disrupted, and Spassky was automatically awarded the victory in the second game.

After 1.5 months, Bobby Fischer still agreed to finish the match, but convinced the organizers to move the game to a more suitable place. It turned out to be a small table tennis room. The third game and all subsequent ones followed a different scenario. And in the end the American won. Bobby Fischer, the eleventh world champion, had been waiting for this title for 15 long years, since defeating all US players.

There was immediate hype around this match. Soviet representatives of the chess association demanded to check the air, lighting and chair where Spassky was, citing the fact that the player was influenced by chemicals or radio waves. After a thorough study by an international organization of all aspects, no evidence for this theory was found.

Last Stand

After receiving the title of world champion, Bobby Fischer, whose biography began to interest all aspiring chess players and professionals, leaves the screens and disappears for some time. In 1975, he had to appear at a game with Anatoly Karpov to confirm his title. But the grandmaster ignored this event too.

For a long time there was no information about it. This showed what a secretive person Bobby Fischer was. His personal life is also shrouded in mystery. Sometimes you could hear that he was seen in different parts of the world.

In 1992, the world association organized a rematch between Spassky and Fischer. There was a lot of money at stake, with a prize pool of over $3 million. This game was timed to coincide with the 20th anniversary of the Spassky-Fischer match, which went down in the history of world chess.

It was decided to hold the rematch in Yugoslavia. But America had difficult political relations with this country at that time, and the Treasury Department threatened Fischer with sanctions. But this did not stop the grandmaster, but, on the contrary, even spurred him on. After his retirement from major chess in 1975, he constantly criticized Washington's policies and the entire American government.

The game went well, the opponents played 30 games, and Bobby Fischer again emerged victorious. Despite this, all the experts unanimously insisted that the level of both players was no longer the same. But the grandmaster himself considered the match a championship and always said that he did not lose his crown as the winner, since he had never met an opponent stronger than himself.

Personal life

Bobby Fischer, whose personal life is shrouded in mystery, devoted all his time to the game. He was almost never seen with girls. In an interview during the 1962 Olympics, he shared some nuances with reporters. When asked about women, he said that he was looking for a worthy match. But he chose not to choose from American women, since, in his opinion, they are too independent and willful. His gaze was directed at the girls from the East.

Once, when 17-year-old Fischer was participating in a tournament, his competitors sent him a woman who was able to captivate the child prodigy. He played poorly throughout the entire competition period, as he spent all his free time with his new lover. The result was that the brilliant player found himself in low positions in the rating table. This served as a good lesson for young Robert, and from then on his only love was playing chess.

Bobby Fischer: interesting facts

During his life, the famous chess player was able to stand out not only for his brilliant game. After he received the champion title, his demands and whims increased significantly. For example, he started playing no earlier than 4 o’clock in the afternoon, as he liked to sleep. And before the tournament I had to swim in the pool or play tennis on the court.

American chess player Bobby Fischer is considered not only a brilliant player, but also the most famous paranoid of that time. After receiving the title, he becomes interested in it and reads many books and articles about it. After some time, his harsh statements against Jews, Americans and Africans appeared in the press.

After defeating Boris Spassky in 1972, Bobby Fischer became a national hero. Many eminent companies wanted to sign contracts with him, but they were refused almost immediately. Celebrities tried to lure him to their parties and holidays. A large line lined up to learn the game from him. But after some time, the famous champion Bobby Fischer, whose photo was published in all publications, will be called a traitor and deserter.

Robert was jealous of the game and believed that little attention was paid to chess in sports. Therefore, he demanded inflated fees for participation in the tournament, arguing that chess players should not receive less than boxers or other athletes from more popular disciplines. This attitude of the famous player brought results, and the championships began to attract more spectators and fans to the screens.

One of the developers of chess theories and the author of many articles on the game is Bobby Fischer, whose photo can be found in publications on this topic. He carefully studied the games of men's and women's tournaments and looked at them from different angles, identifying the necessary criteria and steps for future victories.

One of the grandmaster's characteristics was his lack of a sense of humor, which led him to purchase 157 suits. The reason for this was that in one of the games with an opponent, Bobby Fischer asked about his handsome and elegant appearance and asked how many suits he had. He replied that it was 150 pieces, but this was a joke that Robert did not understand. But the champion had to be a winner in everything, and he replenished his wardrobe with 157 suits.

Fischer stood out for his genius not only in the game of chess. He was a polyglot and could speak 5 languages. He was fond of literature and always read books in the original. In terms of money, he was always calm. We can say that Fischer did not need them, he did not collect art or expensive things, and was indifferent to haute cuisine and all the delights of rich people. But despite this, he had a special price list for the public, fans and journalists.

With the advent of computer technology and the Internet everywhere, many chess masters began to start tournaments in electronic spaces. In this way they could find a worthy opponent, develop new strategies and give newcomers the opportunity to learn from professionals. One day, high-class English chess player Nigel Short announced that he was playing on the Internet with Fischer. Of course, the great grandmaster did not sign his name, but from the style of play it was clear that it was him.

Radical views

Bobby Fischer, whose birth date fell during World War II, became interested in conspiracy theories and political literature from his youth. After receiving the championship title, he repeatedly spoke out against the American government. But his hostility towards Jews, communists and sexual minorities began back in the 60s. At this time, his mother was in the Soviet Union meeting with Nina Khrushcheva and regularly appeared on the radio. This infuriated Fischer and inflamed his hatred even more.

He also believed that Jews control everything in the world, they are in all leadership positions and in all organizations. He believed that they urgently needed to be removed and America cleaned of unnecessary people. And this despite the fact that their blood flows in him! In his homeland, he began to be considered a traitor, a deserter. His loudest confession was his approval of the actions of terrorists against the United States on September 11, 2001. He said that it was high time to give America a kick, and that he wanted to witness how this country disappears from the face of the planet.

Recent years

After the game with Boris Spassky, Fischer had to hide from justice. The reason for this is the American government’s ban on the participation of the great chess player in a tournament in this country. At that time, sanctions were imposed against Yugoslavia due to the war in the Balkans. But Fischer did not care about this, but he could not return to his homeland, since he was facing trial and 10 years in prison.

Having won the anniversary tournament, he took his fee and left for Switzerland. After a short stay in this country, he moved to Hungary. The US Federal Bureau issued an arrest warrant for the grandmaster. This led to Fischer going into hiding, first in the Philippines, then in Japan, and periodically moving from place to place.

Since the grandmaster could not return to America, he decided to seek refuge in the homeland of his parents. Bobby, whose photo was published by the most famous publications in the world, now needed a new home. He applies for citizenship in Germany, but is refused. In mid-summer 2004, he was arrested at a Japanese airport while trying to leave the country. The United States, under an extradition treaty, demands the extradition of Fischer.

In the meantime, the former champion's lawyers recommend applying for citizenship in Iceland, where his unforgettable and victorious tournament took place. In the spring of 2005, the decision was made. officially becomes a citizen of this country, receives a passport and leaves Japan for his new homeland.

The last years of the great grandmaster are taking place in Reykjavik. In 2007, Fischer was admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of liver failure. The treatment did not help, and in January 2008, the great and extraordinary player of all time passed away. He introduced a large number of innovations to the game and brought it to a new level.

For many years before his death, Bobby Fischer lived in complete solitude and received royalties from his books, in which he described his matches and taught the art of playing chess. A few friends periodically visited him and supported him.

On January 8, 1957, Robert Fischer became the youngest US chess champion at the age of 13.

He made a show out of chess, breathing life and passion into it. Many considered him a madman and a poseur. He literally didn't care. He could not be ignored. He was a child prodigy and a genius. His name was Bobby Fischer.

Fischer is one of the most brilliant chess players of the 20th century.

Fischer's chess talent manifested itself early. At age 13, he won the U.S. junior title, and on January 8, 1957, he became the youngest U.S. champion.

A year later he became the youngest grandmaster in the history of chess.

He was constantly in the spotlight, not only due to his phenomenal successes, but also because of his sensational statements. “There is nothing to learn at school. Teachers are stupid. Women should not be allowed to work as teachers. At my school, only the physical education teacher was not stupid - he played chess well,” said the teenager.

Bobby promised to beat Soviet chess players as soon as possible and become world champion. But getting through the gauntlet of Soviet grandmasters turned out to be not so easy. For fifteen years Fischer walked towards his goal. But in the end, he did break the chain of Soviet world chess champions and became the first and last American to win the title after defeating Boris Spassky in 1972 in Reykjavik, Iceland. Over the years, he gained a reputation as a chess fanatic.

The last game of the match with Spassky was the last official game played by Fischer.

Scandals have become another constant companion of the American. He always demanded something: either a higher fee, or good lighting, or permission not to play on Saturdays. And if his conditions were not met, he refused to perform, and could pack his bags in the middle of the competition and go home. It is now clear that many of Fischer’s demands were fair and justified, but to his contemporaries they seemed shocking and extravagant.

For example, in 1975, FIDE rejected the conditions set by Fischer for the World Championship, in which he was supposed to play Anatoly Karpov from the USSR, after which Fischer refused to play. The consequence of this action by Fischer was the awarding of the title of world champion to Karpov. After this scandal, Fischer stopped appearing in public for two decades and moved to Europe.

Fanaticism, including in relation to chess, does not lead to good things. Fischer was a “client” of one of the religious sects for many years. His ideas about the world around him became not entirely adequate. Thus, he refused the traditional reception with the president for American triumphant athletes, having learned that he would not be paid any money for this. Fischer left because he believed that he would be exploited, and because all his life he was terrified of defeat. He lost so rarely that a separate book, “How Bobby Fischer was Defeated,” was published about his failures.

Robert James "Bobby" Fisher(Robert James "Bobby" Fischer) was born on March 9, 1943 in Chicago (USA), and died on January 17, 2008 in Reykjavik (Iceland).

When Robert was six years old, his sister Joan taught him to play chess. He immediately showed a natural gift for chess, which the boy actively developed. His passion for chess completely turned Robert away from communicating with his peers (he perceived only those who could play chess with him, and there were no such people among his peers). The concerned mother first turned to doctors, then placed an advertisement in the local newspaper asking children interested in chess to respond. chess so they could keep Robert company, but she couldn’t find anyone.

Robert joined the local chess club, at the age of 10 he participated in his first chess tournament and won it. An excellent memory allowed him to study German, Russian, Spanish and Serbo-Croatian languages, and he read foreign chess literature in the original.

At the age of 15, Fischer left school to devote himself entirely to chess. “All I ever want to do is play chess,” he said.

In 1958, at the age of 15 and a half, he became the youngest grandmaster in chess history, breaking the previous record of Soviet chess player Boris Spassky, who received the title of grandmaster at age 17.

Already in 1958, at a tournament in Zurich, Fischer’s extravagant character became apparent. The fifteen-year-old chess player in the game with the oldest participant, the Hungarian grandmaster Gedeon Bartsa, did not have any advantage, but, not wanting to let his opponent go in peace, he played until the 103rd move. The game was postponed three times, the partners filled out two forms, but even after only kings remained on the board, Fischer made two more moves! Draw! Shocked by such a fantastic onslaught, Barza barely rose from his chair, and Robert said, as if nothing had happened: “Let's watch the game from the first move. Somewhere I could have played stronger!” And then Bartsa begged: “What are you talking about! I have a wife and children, who will feed them in the event of my untimely death!”

In 1959, Fischer took part in the World Championship Candidates Tournament for the first time in Yugoslavia. The performance was unsuccessful: Fischer shared 5th-6th places.

11th world chess champion Bobby Fischer called the most brilliant chess player of all time - and the most famous paranoid of the 21st century, a national hero of America and at the same time - a deserter and traitor. Perhaps this is one of the most scandalous, paradoxical and mysterious figures of recent times. And perhaps a confirmation of the fact that genius and madness are always somewhere nearby.

Robert James Fisher inherited the best qualities from his mathematician father and polyglot mother: he spoke 5 languages, had a phenomenal memory, his IQ was 186. Ever since his older sister gave him chess for his 6th birthday, he became so interested in it that they soon replaced the entire world around him. At the age of 10, Bobby took part in his first tournament and won it, at 14 he became the youngest US champion, and at 15 he became the youngest international grandmaster in the world. Chess was his main, but far from his only hobby. All his life he was interested in history, philosophy, music, literature, and studied foreign languages ​​(German, Russian, Spanish, Serbian, Croatian).

Even at a young age, he puzzled journalists during interviews: “I like not just winning, but crushing the egos of my opponents. According to the horoscope, I was born under the constellation Pisces. I am a big fish, I will swallow all the grandmasters and become the world champion.” From 1960 to 1970 Bobby Fischer played 65 games, of which he won 40. But when he became famous, his demands and whims began to irritate the organizers: a hotel room of at least luxury class, the start of the game no earlier than 16.00, since he liked to wake up late, before the game - tennis court or swimming pool.

In 1972, Bobby Fischer achieved a legendary victory over Russian chess player Boris Spassky in the world championship match. This was his last official game. At the top of his career, he decided to take a break from chess for a while, became interested in books about world conspiracies and racist theories, despite his Jewish origin, complained that the Jews had seized all the power in the world and suggested that blacks return to Africa and give American lands to the Indians .

In 1975, he was stripped of his championship title because he refused to defend it. In 1992, Bobby Fischer agreed to participate in the fatal tournament for him - it was an unofficial commercial rematch with Spassky. The match took place in Yugoslavia, which the United States at that time declared a boycott. The chess player knew that violating the ban would threaten him with 10 years in prison, but did not give up his intentions. As a result, he was unable to return to the United States. Since then, he has never missed an opportunity to express contempt for the American government, and after the terrible terrorist attack of September 11, 2001, he publicly declared his support for terrorists: “I applaud this operation and want to witness how America disappears from the world map.”