The recipe for manna with kefir is classic without flour. Mannik on water with cherries without the use of milk and kefir

It’s very easy to turn semolina, which you haven’t loved since childhood, into a tasty, satisfying and healthy dish. Mannik without flour will delight you with its novelty of taste, ease and speed of preparation. The peculiarity of manna is that it is a low-calorie dessert, as it does not contain flour.

Recipes for manna without flour are very diverse; they can be prepared on the basis of sour cream, kefir or milk. Include your favorite spices, dried fruits, apples, berries, chocolate, coconut, poppy seeds, nuts.

Crumbly manna without flour on kefir

Mannik with kefir is a classic recipe. Kefir gives the casserole the lightness and fluffiness that we need from this dish.

For 6-8 servings of wonderful manna with kefir without flour you will need:

● Semolina 300 gr.
● Kefir 1 glass
● Eggs 2 pieces
● Sugar 100 gr.
● Baking powder 10 gr.
● Butter 100 gr.
● Salt, vanilla, cinnamon to taste.

Step by step recipe:

1. Kefir, like any other liquid that we can add to semolina, should not be cold.
2. The semolina needs to be mixed well to get rid of lumps. After this, pour in kefir and let it brew for about half an hour. We need this for softness and volume, since the manna dough does not rise.
3. Beat eggs with sugar and add to the dough after it has settled.
4. At the end, add baking powder and melted butter. Vanillin to taste.
5. Prepare the baking dish. It can be anything: silicone, metal or foil. Grease with oil and pour in the dough.
6. While the oven is heating up to 160-180 degrees, let the dough stand for a few minutes.
7. Bake for 30-40 minutes. The finished pie can be greased with jam or preserves, sprinkled with powdered sugar or poppy seeds.

Recipe with milk

The principle of preparing manna with milk is the same as with kefir. We will include vegetable oil in the recipe with milk.

We will need:

● 1.5 cups semolina
● 1 glass of milk
● 1 cup sugar
● 100 ml vegetable oil
● 2 eggs
● Salt, spices, baking powder

Preparation progress:

1. Add butter to warm milk, add semolina and leave to saturate.
2. Beat eggs with sugar until foam appears. Add to the dough along with the baking powder, mixing well.
3. For taste, choose fillers - lemon zest, poppy seeds, dried fruits, candied fruits. Don't forget about vanilla and cinnamon.
4. Grease the mold and fill it with dough. Bake for 40 minutes. Decorate as desired.
If the dough turns out to be too thin, you can thicken it with oatmeal or corn flakes. A great way to add benefits and new flavors to a dish.

Mannik without flour based on sour cream

Mannik with sour cream is prepared similarly to other methods.

The features are as follows:

1. You don’t have to add butter to manna with sour cream, especially if you use fatty sour cream. Mayonnaise lovers can also use that.
2. Baking powder in any recipe can be replaced with slaked soda, and vice versa. The main thing is not to forget to add it for splendor.
3. Mix sour cream with eggs and sugar, beat well. In a recipe with sour cream, it is better to use powdered sugar instead of sugar.
4. Pour the semolina with the resulting mixture and leave for 40-60 minutes at room temperature.
5. You can add chopped apples, raisins, dried apricots, lemon zest, and cocoa to the finished dough. Each time you can experiment and get a new taste of the pie.
6. Bake until done at a temperature of 160-180 degrees.


● A glass of semolina
● A glass of sugar
● A glass of sour cream
● A spoon of soda and vinegar or 15 gr. baking powder
● Spices and vegetable oil for greasing the mold.

Juicy manna without flour in a slow cooker

Manna in a slow cooker can be prepared using any ingredient you prefer: milk, kefir, whey, sour cream, yogurt.
The dough preparation technology does not change. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and leave for half an hour. Grease the walls of the multicooker with a piece of butter, pour in the dough, put it in baking mode and wait.

After the multicooker has finished operating, do not rush to take out the baked goods. Let it cool a little.

Mannik cooked in a slow cooker will resemble a soft and tender sponge cake. All that remains is to decorate the pie with powdered sugar, cream or topping.

Mannik is good both warm and cooled. But you shouldn’t store it for a long time, it will lose its airiness.


● 1 glass of dairy product (milk, sour cream, kefir, etc.)
● 250 gr. decoys
● 0.5 cups sugar
● 3 eggs
● 10 gr. baking powder
● 1 piece of butter
● vanillin

Chocolate recipe

In combination with cocoa, fluffy and crumbly manna will turn into a real chocolate dessert for the holiday table.

For 8-10 servings you will need:

● 1 glass semolina
● 1.5 cups low-fat kefir
● A pack of premium cocoa
● 100 gr. butter or margarine
● 1 egg
● Salt, vanillin, cinnamon, saffron, soda.

We start cooking by infusing semolina in kefir for at least half an hour. During this time:
1. Soft, maybe slightly melted butter, grind with sugar, add an egg and beat well.
2. Combine the swollen semolina with the oil mixture and all the bulk ingredients. We quench the soda in vinegar. Mix into a homogeneous mass.
3. Place the dough in a greased mold. You can line the pan with baking paper.
4. Bake for 30-40 minutes until done.
A chocolate sponge cake can be decorated with chocolate glaze, custard, grated chocolate or powdered sugar.

Curd manna

Curd pastries are not only incredibly tasty, but also healthy.

You will need:

● 300 gr. cottage cheese
● 1 cup semolina
● 250 gr. kefir or sour cream
● 200 gr. Sahara
● 2 eggs
● 1 tsp. baking soda or baking powder
● Fillers to choose from
● A piece of butter

No special cooking instructions are required. Just follow the classic recipe, only add well-ground cottage cheese to the milk mass. Manna with cottage cheese can be cooked in the oven or in a slow cooker.

Each housewife will be able to add her own twist to the recipe by adding her favorite ingredients. Cottage cheese goes well with dried apricots, raisins, prunes, orange zest, nuts, fresh berries, fruits, and honey. Manna can be used in the form of cake layers for more complex cakes and desserts.

Curd manna can be baked without eggs using kefir; it will be more dietary, but no less nutritious.

Lush, ruddy manna will definitely find a worthy place in your cookbook. Bon appetit!

Every housewife has several favorite baking recipes, including ones for every day. Such desserts include mannik - a very easy-to-prepare pie from available products. If you cook it with kefir, it turns out especially airy, light and crumbly.

Classic recipe for airy manna from the oven

Try the simplest and most common method of preparing manna, familiar to our grandmothers. You will need:

  • 1 glass of kefir;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 1 cup semolina;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 5 tbsp. l. flour;
  • 1 tsp. soda;
  • 1 tsp. vanillin.

The amount of vanillin can be reduced: for me personally, a whole teaspoon is too much, the aroma turns out to be too intrusive. I usually add a pinch of vanilla and sometimes the same amount of cinnamon.

Try making classic manna with kefir, it’s very simple

  1. Pour kefir into a blender bowl or deep bowl (if you are using a mixer) and add eggs to it. Beat until the mixture becomes homogeneous.

    Beat eggs with kefir in a blender

  2. Add semolina to the mixture. Mix everything thoroughly with a spoon or fork and set aside for about 40 minutes until the semolina swells.

    Mix semolina with eggs and kefir and leave to swell

  3. Now gradually, in portions or in a thin stream, add sugar and flour to the dough, stirring constantly. Vanillin and soda are added last. In this case, there is no need to extinguish the soda - it will react with kefir.

    Add the rest of the ingredients and knead the dough

  4. At this point, the oven should be preheated to 200° C. Pour the dough into a mold previously greased with a small amount of butter and place in the oven for 35–40 minutes.

    The finished manna has a golden brown crust

  5. Take out the finished manna, place it on the table to cool slightly, then transfer it to a dish. Sprinkle the top generously with powdered sugar.

    Sprinkle manna with powdered sugar and serve

Note! You only need to beat the dough at the first stage, when you combine the eggs with kefir. This will give the mass lightness and airiness. Next, you just need to mix thoroughly with a spoon, spatula or fork: this way the finished pie will become crumbly.

Video recipe for manna with kefir from the oven

Lush manna with kefir without flour

Semolina can replace flour in many dishes. Well, in manna, even more so, you can do without flour, you just need to follow some rules.

Mannik with kefir can be prepared without flour

You will need:

This amount of dough is designed for a mold with dimensions 21 X 21 X 5 cm (length/width/height, respectively).

By the way, you can make this manna dietary. If for some reason you are against butter, I recommend replacing it with two eggs. That is, 4 eggs will go into the dough. Believe me, the quality and taste of the finished pie will not change. Also try replacing kefir with fermented baked milk - it turns out very interesting! And, of course, in the absence of kefir, you can use yogurt.

  1. Pour semolina into a bowl of suitable depth and fill with kefir. You need to mix everything and leave for half an hour so that the grains swell.

    Leave the semolina to swell in kefir

  2. Combine sugar and eggs in a separate bowl, beat with a whisk or fork, but not with a mixer.

    Beat eggs and sugar with a whisk

  3. Melt the butter in a separate bowl and pour it into the eggs and sugar. Please note that the butter should melt, but not boil, so heat over medium heat, or better yet, in a water bath. Stirring constantly, add salt, vanillin and quicklime soda.

    The butter must be melted before adding.

  4. Now mix the egg-sugar and semolina-kefir masses until smooth. Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 180°C.

    Knead the dough from all prepared products

  5. Grease the mold with oil and spread the dough over it. Place in the oven for 20–30 minutes, depending on how golden brown the crust on the manna should be in your opinion.

    Allow the finished manna to cool slightly

  6. Remove the pie from the oven. After it has cooled slightly, transfer it to a dish from the mold.

Note! If you are using a silicone mold, place it on a wire rack or baking sheet before pouring the batter into it. The filled pan is very difficult to move into the oven.

When the manna has completely cooled, you can immediately cut it into portions or decorate it as you wish. We suggest you make a mini-cake from manna: it’s very simple, and the cake turns out even tastier and more tender. For example, mix 200 g of sour cream and 0.5 cups of sugar. Cut the pie crosswise into 2 layers and spread with this cream.

Today I invite you to try a very tasty semolina pie for dessert - this is mannik. Delicate, crumbly, with a light vanilla aroma and a crispy crust. It is prepared simply, from readily available and very inexpensive ingredients. This recipe is classic and uses only basic ingredients. Their proportions should not be changed, since the recipe has been proven over the years and you can only ruin everything. But you can experiment with additional ingredients as you wish. For example, you can add dried fruits, raisins and nuts, or you can make chocolate manna with cocoa. What I also like about this recipe is that manna can be given to young children (from 2 years old). I won’t say that the product turns out to be very dietary, but it also doesn’t contain anything harmful. If you are preparing manna for children, you can remove the baking powder from the ingredients and halve the amount of butter - these products are not very healthy. The mannik will, of course, not be as fluffy, but for kids it’s what you need. And you can serve a simple classic manna with jam or fresh berries and fruits.


  • 2 tbsp. kefir;
  • 2 tbsp. semolina;
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 150 g butter at room temperature;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 3 tsp baking powder for dough;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 2 small pinches of vanillin.

Recipe for classic manna with kefir

1. Pour kefir into the dough bowl and add semolina. To begin with, it is better to use 1.5 cups. From my own experience, I noticed that semolina swells differently. For a glass of cereal from one manufacturer you need 1 glass of kefir, and from another you may need 1.5-2 glasses of kefir. Of course, the thickness of the kefir itself also plays a role here. Mix.

2. Leave for 5-10 minutes while we work on other ingredients. The semolina should absorb some of the liquid and our “porridge” will thicken. The step-by-step photo shows the mass as it should be: it is not liquid, but not dry either. If the porridge has thickened, but it mixes easily, that’s it, move on to the next step. If the mass turns out to be very thick, dry and dense, add a little more kefir.

3. Transfer the butter to another bowl and rub it with sugar using a fork. It is very important that the oil is at room temperature, this makes it much easier to work with.

I also want to say a little about butter. It is better to take oil that is not very fatty, about 72%, so that the manna does not turn out to be too fatty. And don’t be afraid if during the baking process you see a thin layer of oil “bubbling” on top. It will boil away, and a delicious and slightly crispy golden crust will remain on top of the manna.

4. Break eggs into a bowl with butter and sugar. Add 3 tsp. baking powder for dough, add 2 small pinches of vanillin.

5. Mix everything thoroughly with a fork.

6. Pour the egg-butter mixture into the semolina with kefir.

7. Mix with a whisk so that there are no lumps. Please note: the mass should be liquid, its consistency resembles biscuit dough.

8. Lightly grease the baking dish with vegetable oil. I use a springform pan with a diameter of 20 cm and a height of 6.5 cm. It is just perfect for the given amount of ingredients.

9. Pour the dough into the mold and place it in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 35-45 minutes (depending on the height of the mold). The mannik rises just a little. Therefore, you don’t have to be especially afraid that he will run away from the form.

10. Take the finished manna out of the oven, let it cool a little, then remove it from the mold. Despite its delicate structure, manna springs out of shape remarkably well.

Classic manna with kefir is ready. Enjoy your tea! 🙂

I would like to assert that the classic mannik with kefir is the simplest dessert pie in Russian cuisine. Our semolina pie has enough variations in preparation, but there is one constant ingredient - semolina.

Semolina, when combined with dairy or fermented milk products, ideally replaces wheat flour. So semolina makes incomparably delicious baked goods.

There is an assumption that the first semolina pie appeared in the 12th-13th centuries along with the advent of this very semolina. Since then, the taste of the pie has remained virtually unchanged. It's all about a simple selection of products.

So, to prepare classic manna with kefir without flour, take the products from the list.

Add the entire portion of kefir to the bowl. Kefir must be brought to room temperature. I recommend removing it from the refrigerator 30 minutes before preparing the dough.

Pour semolina into kefir.

Mix thoroughly with a plastic spoon or spatula. There should be no lumps. Leave the semolina with kefir in a warm place to swell. 30 minutes will be enough.

Beat chicken eggs with sugar until foamy. Add sugar to taste. Half a glass was enough for me, but those with a sweet tooth can use more. Place the beaten eggs into a mixture of swollen semolina and kefir.

Stir the dough until smooth. Add baking powder, a little salt and mix well again. Leave the dough for another 15 minutes and move into the baking pan.

Prepare a baking dish. To make the manna into a cake, use a container that is small in diameter but tall. Pre-lubricate it with butter and sprinkle with a light layer of dry semolina.

Bake the manna until done at 180°C. Cooking time - 40-50 minutes. Check doneness with a knife blade or wooden skewer. If you pierce the finished semolina pie, the dough will not stick to the knife or skewer.

After baking, the cake needs to be cooled slightly. Cover the form with manna with a plate and quickly turn it over. Properly prepared manna will jump out of the mold like this cute cake. How smooth and beautiful it turned out...

Look, friends, what a golden brown crust it has! It’s even a pity to cut it, but what can you do if the kettle has already boiled and the whole home “team” is waiting at the table.

Cut the classic manna with kefir without flour into portioned triangles, like a cake.

The pie is perfectly cut into even triangles. Help yourself to the manna before it gets cold. When warm, our simple dessert pie tastes amazing and has a very tender base. Enjoy your tea!

Irina Kamshilina

Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than cooking for yourself))


Are you tired of standard desserts - cakes and pastries, and want something new? Try making manna! This baking option is easy to prepare and is especially popular with children; it is prepared without the use of yeast, and all the ingredients for the dish are likely to be found in your kitchen. First, we will look at how to prepare manna according to the classic recipe, and then we will go through the most popular and delicious recipes for cooking this dish. Step-by-step cooking instructions and photos of this light and tasty dessert will help you properly prepare a delicious dessert at home. Let's begin!

How to prepare classic manna: step-by-step recipe

The technology for preparing classic manna involves adding a dairy product. According to your desire and taste preferences, use kefir, sour cream or yogurt.

You will need :

  • Semolina – 1 cup
  • Granulated sugar – 1 cup
  • Dairy ingredient (kefir, sour milk or sour cream) – 1 cup
  • Eggs – 3 pcs.
  • Baking soda – 1 tsp. l.
  • Butter – 100 g
  • Premium wheat flour – 1.5 cups

  1. Pre-soak the semolina in fermented milk product for an hour.
  2. In another bowl, beat the eggs with sugar with a mixer until the grains are completely dissolved.
  3. Melt the butter (in the microwave or in a double boiler) and add it to the beaten eggs.
  4. Enter the soaked semolina.
  5. Add soda.
  6. Gradually add the sifted flour and constantly beat the mixture with a mixer. When using thick sour cream instead of kefir or yogurt, the amount of flour should be reduced. The dough should not be very thick.
  7. Grease a heatproof dish with butter. The bottom and walls are lightly sprinkled with semolina.
  8. Pour the dough into the mold and bake in an oven heated to 190 degrees for about 40 minutes.
  9. Cool the finished cake directly in the mold, then carefully remove it and sprinkle with powdered sugar.
  10. Serve warm!

The best recipes for making manna

This dessert recipe is very simple, and is suitable for those occasions when you need to cook it quickly.

Ingredients :

  • Kefir of any fat content – ​​500 ml
  • Semolina – 200 g
  • Chicken eggs – 3 pcs.
  • Baking powder – 10 g
  • Salt - a small pinch
  • Sugar – 100 g
  • Butter for greasing the pan
  • Vanilla sugar – 1 sachet

Cooking sequence:

  1. In a deep plate, pour kefir over the semolina, cover with a lid and leave to soak for an hour or more.
  2. Using a blender, beat the eggs with the addition of sugar and a pinch of salt.
  3. Add baking powder and vanilla sugar to the mixture and beat again.
  4. Mix the egg-sugar mixture with kefir and semolina. Whisk.
  5. Add fillers as desired: dried fruits, berries, candied fruits, nuts, etc.
  6. To make the pie crumbly and not liquid, add less kefir and more flour.
  7. Grease a baking dish with butter and sprinkle with semolina. Place the dough and bake at 190 °C in a preheated oven or bread maker for about 40-50 minutes. Readiness is checked with a toothpick or match.

Children especially love this recipe. Cottage cheese manna turns out to be satisfying, and it can also become an afternoon snack. The filling in the form of cottage cheese adds a piquant taste, moisture and lightness to the dish.

You will need :

  • Semolina - glass
  • Cottage cheese – 200 g
  • Kefir – 100 ml
  • Eggs – 3 pcs.
  • Wheat flour - glass
  • Sugar – 150 g
  • Baking powder – 1 pack

Cooking sequence:

  1. Soak the semolina in kefir for an hour, the mass needs to be thickened.
  2. Beat the eggs with a blender together with sugar until fluffy foam forms.
  3. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, add it to the eggs and mix.
  4. Add baking powder.
  5. Add flour little by little, stirring constantly.
  6. For beauty, add candied fruits, lemon zest, and chocolate chips to the dough.
  7. Grease a baking sheet with oil and sprinkle with semolina. Pour the dough into it and bake in a preheated oven at 190˚C for 40 minutes.
  8. Sprinkle the finished cooled manna with powdered sugar.

This manna recipe, like in kindergarten or like grandma prepares, can be varied with other fruits, at your discretion - pear, banana, kiwi. To make the pie more biscuit-like, you need to beat the whites until an airy foam forms and let the mass rise. How long will it take to prepare? Just an hour and your family is already enjoying a delicious pie.

Ingredients :

  • A glass of semolina, flour, granulated sugar and full-fat kefir
  • Eggs – 2 pcs.
  • Baking powder – 1 tsp. l.
  • Apples with sourness – 5-6 pcs.
  • Cinnamon – 1 tsp. l
  • Raisins, dried apricots - optional.


  1. Prepare all ingredients. To swell and make the semolina moist, pre-soak it and pour kefir over the semolina for an hour.
  2. Beat the eggs with a whisk together with the sugar, add a teaspoon of baking powder and a glass of flour.
  3. Combine them with semolina in kefir. Semolina does not need to be cooked first. Mix the mixture well.
  4. Grease a baking dish with oil and sprinkle with semolina.
  5. First pour half of the dough into the mold. Place a layer of peeled and sliced ​​apples on top. Fill it with the remaining dough.
  6. Lightly sprinkle the top with cinnamon and add raisins or dried apricots.
  7. Bake at 190˚C for 40-50 minutes.

Orange vegetable lovers will definitely love this recipe. The pie will acquire a more piquant taste and become an excellent holiday dessert if it is soaked in sweet syrup. This manna cake will be low in calories if you exclude the addition of sugar. To make a pumpkin pecan pie, add a cup of hazelnuts or walnuts to the ingredients.

You will need :

  • Grated fresh pumpkin – 2 cups
  • Semolina – 1.5 cups
  • Full-fat kefir – 1 glass
  • Water - optional.
  • Baking soda – 1/2 tsp. l.
  • Granulated sugar – 250 g
  • Freshly squeezed juice of one orange
  • Lemon juice – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Cinnamon - optional.


  1. Peel the fresh pumpkin and grate it on a medium grater. Squeeze out the liquid.
  2. Add soda to kefir and stir.
  3. Pour kefir over the pumpkin, add semolina and 120 g of sugar.
  4. Pour the dough into a baking sheet greased and sprinkled with semolina (you can bake in a frying pan with a removable handle) and bake the crust in the oven for 40 minutes. Temperature – 190˚С.
  5. Prepare the syrup: mix orange juice with lemon juice, add 130 g of sugar. At this stage, add cinnamon if desired. Boil the ingredients in a saucepan or frying pan with a deep bottom.
  6. Pour syrup over the baked hot cake and leave to soak for an hour. During this time, the cake will be completely saturated with syrup and acquire an extraordinary aroma and taste.
  7. To make the dessert porous, add whipped egg whites.

How to prepare manna in a slow cooker

All the recipes described above are suitable for cooking in the oven. But more and more women are choosing a multicooker, which significantly reduces the cooking time of their favorite dishes and simplifies the entire process. Therefore, we offer you a recipe for delicious manna in a slow cooker.

You will need :

  • Semolina, flour, sugar, kefir - one glass each
  • Egg – 3 pcs.
  • Baking powder - 2 hours. l.
  • Butter – 100 g

Cooking sequence:

  1. The cereal can be boiled or pre-soaked in kefir for an hour or more
  2. Using a mixer, beat the eggs into a fluffy foam with the addition of sugar.
  3. Pour the melted butter into the egg mixture.
  4. Mix baking powder into flour.
  5. Add semolina with kefir. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.
  6. Grease the multicooker bowl with butter. Pour the dough into the bowl.
  7. Cook the pie in the “Bake” mode for an hour.
  8. After the sound signal indicates the end of cooking, leave the manna with the multicooker lid closed for another 20 minutes.
  9. After 20 minutes, open the lid and leave the pie in the slow cooker until it cools completely.

How to cook manna in the microwave

A quick and simple recipe for baking baked goods in the microwave will become a real lifesaver for any housewife.

Ingredients :

  • Semolina - half a glass
  • Kefir – half a glass
  • Butter – 100 g
  • Granulated sugar - half a glass
  • Egg – 1 pc.
  • Baking powder – 1 tsp. l.
  • Flour - half a glass


  1. Melt butter in a microwave-safe bowl, add sugar and egg, beat.
  2. Add pre-soaked semolina in kefir and flour with baking powder in the indicated proportions. Mix the ingredients until smooth. The dishes should be of such a size that there is 4-5 cm of reserve left from the dough level to the upper edge of the walls for raising the cake during baking. It is not necessary to lubricate the walls of the dishes, the dish will not have time to burn in the microwave.
  3. Place the pan with the dough in the microwave, uncovered, for 6-7 minutes. Power – 600 W, mode – “microwave”.
  4. After 6-7 minutes, the delicious manna is ready!

Cut the finished manna lengthwise into two or three layers. Soak it with any cream: boiled condensed milk, sour cream, whipped with sugar, custard milk cream. Jams and preserves are also used for soaking. Mannik is good because it goes well with all types of creams. Fill the top of this cake with chocolate fondant and decorate with fresh berries - you are guaranteed an original dessert!

  • To make the pie tender and tasty, it is recommended to first soak its main ingredient - semolina - in liquid.
  • Pour the cereal with the milk ingredient from your recipe for an hour, so it will be saturated with moisture, swell, and then its individual grains will not be felt in the finished dish.
  • All products must be fresh and of high quality, only then the manna will be successful.
  • As a decoration, sprinkle the finished cake with powdered sugar, pour it with melted chocolate, brush it with fondant or soak it in cream to make a full-fledged cake. Sometimes semolina biscuit is soaked in syrup, rum, liqueur or cognac.

Unlike ordinary sponge cakes made with flour, which do not always become fluffy and tall when baked, manna always rises well. In addition, the dough is very simple to prepare - even a beginner and inexperienced cook can make manna on their own. Involve your child in preparing the pie, and he will definitely enjoy the exciting process of creating a dessert with his own hands.

If you find it difficult to prepare manna according to a written recipe, watch the video master class.

Do you have your own version of making manna? Share it in the comments!

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How to cook manna