Sergey Yesenin - Everything alive has a special meta. Analysis of Yesenin's poem black then smelling howl

All living things have a special meaning
Celebrated from an early age.
If I weren't a poet,
4 He was probably a swindler and a thief.

Thin and short,
There is always a hero among boys,
Often, often with a broken nose
8 I came to my home.

And towards the frightened mother
I muttered through my bloody mouth:
"Nothing! I tripped over a stone
12 It will all heal by tomorrow.”

And now, when I caught a cold
These days are boiling water,
Restless, defiant force
16 It spilled over my poems.

Golden, verbal pile,
And above each line without end
The old prowess is reflected
20 Bullies and tomboys.

As then, I am brave and proud,
Only newness splashes my step...
If earlier they hit me in the face,
24 Now my soul is covered in blood.

And I’m not already telling my mother,
And into the alien and laughing rabble:
"Nothing! I tripped over a stone
28 It will all heal by tomorrow!”

All zhivoye osoboy metoy
Otmechayetsya s rannikh por.
Yesli ne byl by ya poetom,
To, naverno, byl moshennik i vor.

Khudoshchavy i nizkorosly,
Sred malchishek vsegda heroy,
Often, often s razbitym nosom
Prikhodil ya k sebe domoy.

I navstrechu ispagannoy mame
Ya tsedil skvoz bloody rot:
“Nothing! Ya spotknulsya o kamen,
Eto k zavtramu vse zazhivet.”

I now vot, when prostyla
Etikh day kipyatkovaya vyaz,
Bespokoynaya, derzkaya sila
Na poemy moi prolilas.

Zolotaya, slovesnaya gruda,
I nad kazhdoy strokoy bez kontsa
Otrazhayetsya prezhnyaya udal
Zabiaki i sorvantsa.

How then, ya otvazhny i ​​gordy,
Tolko novyu moy bryzzhet step...
Yesli ranshe mne bili v mordu,
To now vsya v blood soul.

I uzhe govoryu ya ne mame,
A v chuzhoy i khokhochushchy sbrod:
“Nothing! ya spotknulsya o kamen,
Eto k zavtramu vse zazhivet!”

Dct ;bdjt jcj,jq vtnjq
Jnvtxftncz c hfyyb[ gjh/
Tckb yt ,sk ,s z gj"njv,
Nj, yfdthyj,sk vjityybr b djh/
