The role of the lady in the fate of Gerasim. Essay “The tragic fate of Gerasim

The fate of Gerasim (based on the story "Mumu" by I.S. Turgenev)

Gerasim was "the most wonderful person." The author wrote about him: “A man 12 inches tall, built like a hero and deaf and dumb from birth.” He is gifted with extraordinary strength. He worked for four people - everything worked out in his hands. This is how Gerasim differed from the other servants of the lady, who were afraid of him.

Gerasim lived in the village and was “the most serviceable draft man.” And so the lady ordered him to be brought to Moscow and assigned to him as a janitor. He didn’t really like Moscow and work. In half an hour everything was done for him. But people get used to everything, he’s used to and Gerasim.

Gerasim faced two trials: separation from Tatyana and Mumu.

“At first Gerasim did not pay attention to her,” writes Turgenev, “then he began to chuckle when he came across her, then he began to look at her until, finally, he did not take his eyes off her at all. movements - God knows..."Then Gerasim began to give her gifts: either a gingerbread cockerel or a ribbon. But the lady's order changed everything. Tatyana married the drunken shoemaker Kapiton. The next day the newlyweds were taken to the village. When they parted, Gerasim gave Tatyana red scarf.

Soon after this, our hero found a dog and named her Mumu (after all, he couldn’t say anything other than the sound mu). She was 8 months old, weak, puny, but under Gerasim’s care she became like a Spanish breed dog.

When the lady wanted to pet her, the dog growled. She even came up with the idea that Mumu had bitten her!!! She gave the order and Stepan sold her, but the dog was smart and came back. Then the angry lady ordered her to be drowned, but Gerasim indicated with a sign that he would kill Mumu myself.

And he drowned her. Why? Because he was a slave and could not resist the will of the lady.

After that, Gerasim left the lady because he realized that he was also a man and had the right to choose. He returned to the village. At first the lady ordered: “Bring him back to Moscow,” but then she realized that she did not need such workers.

The fate of Gerasim, the main character of I. Turgenev’s story “Mumu,” is very sad.

From birth, Gerasim was deprived of a chance for a happy life. He was born deaf and dumb, and therefore people had little contact with him. His life was lonely; he found joy only in physical labor in the village. Then, at the whim of the lady, he was taken to the city and appointed a janitor. At first Gerasim was bored and unusual living in the city with his mistress, but then he got used to it. The main character was tall and possessed heroic strength. He was also hardworking and diligent, for which the lady highly valued him and did not even pay attention to the fact that the courtyard people sometimes complained about him.

While living with the lady, two main events occurred in Gerasim’s life that forced him to flee back to the village. At first, Gerasim really liked the laundress Tatyana, he began to look after her and give her gifts. But the lady took it into her head to marry Tatyana to the drunkard Kapiton. For Gerasim it was a blow, but he withstood it and came to terms with the fact that he was not destined to become Tatyana’s husband. The main character only became more gloomy. Then he saved a little puppy who almost drowned in the river. Caring for the dog, who was named Mumu, melted Gerasim’s heart, he began to have a meaning in life. But the lady again intervened in his life. One day she noticed a dog, wanted to pet it, but Mumu, who was affectionate to everyone, almost bit the lady, and she ordered to get rid of the dog. The servants were afraid to take Mumu from Gerasim, but by cunning they managed to do it. Gerasim ran around Moscow all day in search of his favorite. Gerasim was never able to find the dog and was very sad. Then Mumu escaped and returned to her owner, but her fate was already decided. At the whim of the lady, Gerasim drowned his favorite. After that, he fled from the city to the village. He again found freedom from the whims of his mistress, but remained alone forever.

I feel very sorry for the main character, because with his own hands he killed the only creature who loved him. Why did he kill Mumu himself? Perhaps Gerasim realized that if he had taken Mumu away, she would still have returned back. Although by this time, the lady could already have forgotten about her whim. And Gerasim could have escaped to the village with Mumu.

Gerasim is a mute janitor, the main character of the story “Mumu”. Due to circumstances, he was forced with his own hands to kill the creature that was most dear to him in the whole world. The image of Gerasim from the story “Mumu” ​​personifies devotion and honesty and tells the reader that appearance and inner world are not always the same.

Appearance of Gerasim

The main character of the work “Mumu”, the mute janitor Gerasim, looked like a hero. He was very tall and strong built, had a thick beard and long hair. Gerasim's appearance was a little frightening. He scared away the entire city rabble from the lady’s house. It was for this purpose that the lady brought him to Moscow from her native village. Gerasim didn’t have a lot of clothes, but they were always clean and tidy. For special occasions, the janitor had a special caftan. This is what the janitor put on when he had to go drown Mumu.

Character of Gerasim

From the behavior of the janitor, it is clear that he is a very kind and sympathetic person. Despite his intimidating appearance and huge physique, Gerasim is very kind to everyone. He is reasonable and has a great sense of responsibility. If the hostess ordered something, he would certainly carry out her whims without any questions asked. Such commitment and helpfulness is not humiliating. Rather, on the contrary, it paints Gerasim as a person. The janitor endures all the blows of fate. At first, the mistress deprived him of the opportunity to love. But it didn’t cost her anything to allow Gerasim to marry the woman he loved. But after he was forced in such a harsh and cruel way to say goodbye to his dearest being forever, the limit was reached. Gerasim could no longer return to the house where cruelty and misunderstanding of ordinary human feelings reigned.

The fate of Gerasim

Submitting to his mistress, Gerasim worshiped fate for a long time. He was a serf, it is difficult for a modern person to understand what it was like. But serfs learned from childhood to obey and follow orders. From childhood, Gerasim was destined for the fate of a disabled person. But this did not make him evil or cruel. Quite the contrary - that is why he perceived the world very subtly. Gerasim is one of those who are capable of true friendship. But fate prepared a cruel test for him. He was forced to lose the most precious thing in his life. All Russian literature does not know a more tragic image.

Despite the title of my essay, I believe that in order to understand the fate of Gerasim, the format of the story is clearly not enough. To have an idea of ​​a person’s fate, in my opinion, it is necessary to have information about his entire life, or at least about its main milestones. In the story “Mumu” ​​the author describes only an episode of Gerasim’s life associated with his residence in Moscow. And at the same time, Turgenev, a master of portrait and landscape, managed in all its “glory” to convey the image of the serf system of the 19th century, this way of life, in which the complete arbitrariness of the landowners gave rise to complete lack of rights and depersonalization of the serf people.

The main character of the story “Mumu” ​​Gerasim was deaf and mute from birth. Being a native village resident, he was brought to Moscow against his will. Being already an elderly man and having grown up on the land, Gerasim had difficulty getting used to the city way of life. Imagine! Having no friends (who would be interested in spending time and communicating with a deaf-mute?!!), having no prospects for changing his life for the better (what prospects could people of the class to which Gerasim belonged!!!), Gerasim nevertheless continued to regularly perform the work assigned to him as a janitor at the court of a capricious lady suffering from constant migraines.

However, fate would seem to give Gerasim the opportunity to bring order and meaning into his life. He is trying to look after Tatyana. Showing her small signs of attention from time to time, Gerasim then generally took her under his protection (the courtyard people could sometimes make fun of and offend her). And he’s even seriously considering going to the lady to ask permission to marry. But while Gerasim is making up his mind, while he is waiting for a new caftan to go to the lady, she decides to give Tatyana in marriage to Kapiton, a drunken shoemaker. It is useless to argue and Tatyana is lost to Gerasim forever. Only Gerasim knows what was going on in his soul at that time. The author helps us understand this by describing the wedding day, when he arrived from the river without water, having broken a barrel, and the torment of the horse, which staggered when Gerasim cleaned him with irrepressible zeal. Gerasim came to terms with the loss only after Tatyana left for the village.

Returning after seeing Tatyana off, Gerasim saw a small puppy in the river who could not get out of the water. Gerasim looked after the dog all evening and only fell into a restless but joyful sleep in the morning. Of course, because he again has the meaning of life. He now has a being to whom he can devote himself and who will reciprocate. A simple retelling of what happened subsequently cannot convey the full tragedy in the fate of Gerasim. The author, as if emphasizing this, or perhaps not finding it possible to describe Gerasim’s state of mind, rather quickly ends his story with lines about Gerasim’s return to the village, about the death of his lady, about how Gerasim now lives alone, without a wife, and about that he doesn't like dogs...

And only two tears of Gerasim, which Turgenev nevertheless told us about, make it possible to try to understand what the dog with the funny nickname Mumu really was for Gerasim. The man, who probably never cried at all and always remained outwardly calm, could not control himself. After all, by order of the noblewoman - a tyrant, he had to destroy the only creature dear to him, and with him his love, affection, hope.

I believe that in his work “Mumu” ​​I.S. Turgenev fully revealed the tragic fate of not only Gerasim, but also of all serfs in Russia in the 19th century.

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Gerasim was “the most wonderful person.” The author wrote about him: “A man 12 inches tall, built like a hero and deaf and dumb from birth.” He is gifted with extraordinary strength. He worked for four people - everything worked out in his hands.

This is how Gerasim differed from the other servants of the lady, who were afraid of him.
Gerasim lived in the village and was “the most serviceable draft man.” And so the lady ordered him to be brought to Moscow and assigned to a janitor. He really didn’t like Moscow and his work. In half an hour everything was done.

But they get used to everything

People, Gerasim is used to it too.
Gerasim faced two trials: separation from Tatyana and Mumu.
“At first Gerasim did not pay attention to her,” writes Turgenev, “then he began to chuckle when he came across her, then he began to look into her until, finally, he did not take his eyes off her at all. He fell in love with her: whether it was the meek expression on her face, or the timidity of her movements - God knows...” Then Gerasim began to give her gifts: either a gingerbread cockerel or a ribbon. But the lady’s order changed everything.

Tatyana married the drunkard shoemaker Kapiton. The next day the newlyweds were taken to the village. When parting, Gerasim gave

Tatyana has a red scarf.
Soon after this, our hero found a dog and named her Mumu (after all, he couldn’t say anything except the sound mu). She was 8 months old, weak, puny, but under Gerasim’s care she became like a Spanish breed dog.
When the lady wanted to pet her, the dog growled. She even came up with the idea that Mumu bit her!!! She gave the order and Stepan sold her, but the dog was smart and came back. Then the enraged lady ordered to drown her, but Gerasim indicated with a sign that he would kill Mumu himself.
And he drowned her. Why? Because he was a slave and could not resist the will of the lady.
After this, Gerasim left the lady because he realized that he was also a man and had the right to choose. He returned to the village. At first the lady ordered: “Return him to Moscow,” but then she realized that her such workers were not needed.

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The fate of Gerasim (based on the story “Mumu” ​​by I. S. Turgenev)