Protein-vegetable diet: description, menu, reviews and results. Types of diets: first day – drinking, second – vegetable Diet drinking vegetable protein

The name of the protein-vegetable diet speaks for itself - its diet consists of vegetables, fruits and protein products.

The most common cause of excess weight is the abuse of sweet and starchy foods containing large amounts of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the body, proteins are building materials, and fat is a reserve of energy for future use. If the intake of carbohydrates is reduced, the body begins to actively consume fat reserves. This is one of the main processes in a protein-vegetable diet. Another principle is the separate consumption of proteins and carbohydrates, which also activates metabolism, and therefore contributes to weight loss.

The duration of the diet is 20 days.

The rules of the protein-vegetable diet are as follows:

  1. A clear schedule: two days of fasting, two of protein, two of fruits and vegetables, then the cycle repeats.
  2. Four meals a day.
  3. During fruit and vegetable days, vegetables can be eaten without restrictions, and fruits can be eaten in moderation, otherwise the weight loss process will slow down.
  4. At least half of vegetables and fruits should be consumed fresh.
  5. On fasting days and fruit and vegetable days, you need to drink 1-1.5 liters of clean still water. On protein days, this amount should be increased to 2 liters per day.

Advantages of a protein-vegetable diet

In 20 days of a protein-vegetable diet, you can get rid of 5-8 kg of excess weight.

The habit of eating small meals is developed. A diet rich in fresh vegetables and fruits has a healing effect.

The diet has a beneficial effect on the skin, helping to cleanse, tighten, and improve complexion.

The list of permitted products allows you to create a fairly varied menu, and this reduces the risk of failure.

Disadvantages and contraindications of a protein-vegetable diet

On fasting days, due to an excessively limited diet, your health may deteriorate significantly.

If you immediately return to your usual menu after finishing the diet, rapid weight gain may occur, so the exit should be smooth.

Contraindications to a protein-vegetable diet are diseases of the digestive system, kidneys, and endocrine disorders. People with chronic illnesses should consult their doctor before starting the diet.

What products are allowed?

  • Vegetables (except potatoes).
  • Fruits and berries (except mangoes, bananas, grapes).
  • Kefir and low fat cheese.
  • Lean meats, poultry and fish.
  • Seafood.
  • Eggs.
  • Whole grain and rye bread.
  • Unrefined vegetable oil.
  • Green tea, black coffee.

What products are prohibited?

All products not included in the permitted list are prohibited, including salt and sugar.

Protein-vegetable diet menu

Fasting days menu:

Example of a protein day menu:

Example of a fruit and vegetable day menu:

Tip 1. On any days except fasting days, you can eat 1-2 tsp. natural honey.

Tip 2. The best time for such a diet is the summer-autumn period, when there is a wide selection of vegetables and fruits and they contain the most nutrients.

Video from YouTube on the topic of the article:

The protein-vegetable diet may have a different menu, but in any of its variants it brings an undoubted effect. We bring to your attention several “subtypes” of this simple weight loss technique - choose any of them and improve your figure.

First option

The duration of this weight loss method does not exceed 5 days, while it takes away 3-5 kg ​​of excess weight. Alcoholic and carbonated drinks, sugar and potatoes are completely excluded.

Day No. 1
Products for the whole day: fresh and boiled vegetables, tomato juice (1.5-2 l), as well as a couple of black bread toasts

Days No. 2 and 3
Breakfast: a cup of tea with 1 tsp. natural honey and toast, brushed with a “transparent” layer of butter
Lunch: boiled skinless chicken fillet (150 g) and low-fat chicken broth, as well as boiled white beans and diet bread toast
Afternoon snack: green tea with 1 tsp. natural honey or maple syrup
Dinner (to choose from):

1. Boiled meat (poultry, fish) – 200 g
2. Low-fat cottage cheese (200 g)
3. Soft-boiled eggs or in a bag (2 pcs.)

Days No. 4 and 5
Breakfast: any fruit, as well as low-fat yogurt (150 g)
Lunch: vegetable soup with diet bread toast, as well as any fruit
Afternoon snack: any fruit
Dinner: salad of boiled or fresh vegetables, as well as low-fat cottage cheese (100-150 g) with a slice of day-old rye bread

Throughout the day, you can drink still water and unsweetened teas (herbal teas are most suitable).

Second option

This diet lasts exactly 20 days and removes 5-10 kg of excess weight.

Days No. 1, 2 and 7
Daily diet: a couple of black bread toasts and 1.5 liters of low-fat kefir

Days No. 3, 4, 8 and 9
Breakfast: boiled eggs (2 pcs.) or boiled lean meat (150 g)
Lunch: beef or low-fat chicken broth and boiled meat or poultry (150 g)
Dinner: low-fat cottage cheese (200 g) and kefir 1% (200 ml)

Days No. 5, 6, 10 and 11
Daily diet: fresh, boiled or steamed vegetables

From the 12th day, the diet cycle repeats from the very beginning. Throughout the 20 days you need to drink still water, vegetable juices and unsweetened teas.

Third option

This version of the protein-vegetable diet lasts 3-4 days and takes away 2-3 kg.

Throughout the day:
Fresh or boiled vegetables (potatoes will have to be completely excluded) – 1 kg
Low-calorie hard cheese – 50 g
Boiled egg in a bag – 1 pc.
Low-fat ham – 50 g
Lean meat (poultry, fish, cottage cheese as an option) – 100 g

The liquid diet should include still water, unsweetened green tea and rosehip infusion.

Fourth option

The duration of this protein-vegetable diet is 3-4 days. Daily weight loss averages 0.5 kg.

Breakfast: kefir 1% – 200-250 ml
Second breakfast: kefir 1% – 200-250 ml and a portion of low-fat cottage cheese (no more than 100 g)
Lunch: lean borscht and green vegetable salad dressed with lemon juice
Dinner: a piece of boiled lean meat, leafy vegetables and green tea or rosehip infusion

A sparse menu of any of the diet options allows you to quickly lose extra pounds. When giving preference to one of them, do not forget that a lack of fatty acids can lead to certain problems - do not delay the diet, even if it does not cause any discomfort.

Every woman has struggled with excess weight at least once in her life and has probably heard about the “Drinking Day” diet (or the Favorite diet). This method of weight loss has a very attractive name, and the result, if you believe the reviews, is very good. It is very difficult to say exactly how many extra pounds you can lose. It all depends on the initial weight, as well as on how long the person will follow the diet. If we talk about averages, the Favorite diet helps you lose 4-6 kilograms of weight.

The “Drinking Day” diet is a very effective way to lose weight, which is guaranteed to help you lose weight. The diet is very gentle, so it practically does not harm health. All the foods you need to eat can be easily bought in the store, and their cost is low. True, there is also a stricter version of the diet. Although it is not easy to withstand, the result will be much higher. Today we will look at both diet options.

Favorite diet menu (Drinking day): gentle option

Here is a gentle version of the diet menu:

  • Day 1 - drinking. You can drink anything except alcohol and carbonated drinks. Broths and any dairy products are allowed; the amount of herbal and green tea without sugar is not limited. It is very important to drink at least two liters of fluid per day. Broths should be prepared without salt. This first drinking day of the diet helps remove excess fluid from the body.
  • Day 2 – vegetable day. It is necessary to eat fresh vegetables or salads seasoned with a minimum amount of vegetable oil. You can eat after two to three hours so that you don’t feel hungry. You can also make vegetable stew without potatoes.
  • 3rd day - drinking. The drinking day of the Beloved’s diet should be carried out by analogy with the first day.
  • Day 4 - fruity. On this day, it is advisable to eat pineapples and grapefruits, but if you are haunted by a feeling of hunger, you can slightly diversify your diet. The main thing is to give up grapes and bananas.
  • Day 5 – protein day. On this day you need to lean on lean boiled meat. Chicken breast and rabbit meat are suitable. You can eat seafood, lean fish, cottage cheese and eggs.
  • 6th day - drinking. This drinking day is carried out like the first.
  • Day 7 – exit from the diet. During the day you can afford two boiled eggs, fruit, meat broth, vegetable salad, seasoned with sunflower oil.

Why is the first day of the diet drinking?

The diet has become popular relatively recently, and of course, women are interested in why a drinking day diet is needed. I know everything about the beneficial properties of water. It normalizes metabolism, cleanses the body, removing everything unnecessary from it.

The first day of a drinking diet brings discomfort only because a person is used to chewing something throughout the day. If someone who is losing weight overcomes the habit of constantly chewing something at the beginning of the diet, then it will be quite easy for them to continue losing weight.

A day of drinking and a day of vegetable diet will add willpower to the body, which means there will be a chance that the extra pounds will not return immediately after the diet.

And the conclusion is simple: if you want to lose weight, you don’t need to exhaust your body with hunger strikes or eat tiny portions. You just need to wean yourself from the habit of chewing.

A more stringent diet option

Let's consider a more stringent dietary option. Diet menu - vegetable day, drinking day. The principle of nutrition is to drink as much water as possible. You need to drink if you feel thirsty or hungry. It is better to eat vegetables raw, if possible. Vegetable salads are a very simple and tasty diet dish.

On the days of eating vegetables, there is ample room for food maneuvers. With this diet, the body receives a minimum of calories, so the effect of such a diet will be noticeable immediately. You can lose 5-6 kilograms in a week. It is optimal if the “Drinking Day - Vegetable Day” diet lasts seven to ten days.

A favorite diet is a regulated and effective nutrition system. It has proven more than once that it is an effective and, more importantly, effective means for losing weight and improving your figure. The diet does not last long (only seven days), and its diet is relatively gentle.

The favorite 7-day diet does not belong to the category of mono-diets. If you pay attention to finances, then it will not hit your wallet too much. The favorite diet received very positive reviews. This is likely due to the results of the diet. You will lose from five to ten kilograms in just one week!

Favorite means best?

No matter how enthusiasts try to elevate this method, diet is not a panacea and the only true salvation from excess weight. It is effective as a one-time and quick way to lose weight, and should not be abused. In addition, you need to seriously prepare for it: if you have gastritis, colitis and kidney disease, you should generally hold off on losing weight.

Favorite is a 7-day diet in which each day is dedicated to a product. Depending on the caloric content of the diet, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the exercise and walking regimen so that the process of natural fat burning coincides with the overall physical activity. In general, this diet is very simple; any housewife can find the entire menu in her refrigerator. The diet is designed in such a way that it includes breakfast, lunch, and dinner - different each time. Therefore, he will not get bored, and the week will pass unnoticed.

Diet of the “Favorite” diet

Day 1. Drinking

Day 2. Vegetable

Only liquids are allowed to drink. Especially soups, teas, and most importantly - water, not ice cold, cool, cold, hot, but warm. Tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, carrots, peppers, white cabbage (a natural means of burning fat), salad - the diet of the second day of the diet.

Day 3. Drinking

Day 4. Fruity

We do what we did on the first day. On this day you can eat absolutely any fruit: apples, oranges, bananas, it is especially advisable to include grapefruit and kiwi, which are also natural fat burners.

Day 5. Protein

Day 6. Drinking

The body will be saturated with proteins. Be sure to include boiled fish, eggs, yoghurts, and chicken breast. However, despite the abundance of choice, you should not immediately fill up. 4-5 small servings per day are enough. Pamper your body with enough fluid (see day 1, day 3)

Day 7. Balanced diet

Transition from dietary to normal nutrition. But the menu remains individual. Throughout the day, you can consume a couple of hard-boiled eggs, vegetable and fruit salads in small portions, soup and broth, adding a minimal amount of salt to quickly remove fluid.

A hard version of your favorite diet for 7 days

The first two days – drinking

Kefir and water - in large quantities.

Third day - apple

Classic fasting menu. If you don't have a big love for apples, then replace them with oranges. Also drink fluids to neutralize the acid.

The fourth, fifth and sixth days are chicken days

Boiled chicken without skin and plenty of liquid.

Day seven – alcoholic (wine)

During the day, dry wine and cheese. Thirty grams of cheese per glass of wine.

Along with approved products, nutritionists advise consuming vitamins and minerals (in pills, tablets, capsules).

Sample menu for 7 days of your favorite diet

First day: Breakfast
Afternoon snack- yogurt 150 gr.
Dinner- 200 ml milk.
Second day: Breakfast- 2 medium tomatoes.
Dinner- salad made from fresh cabbage, cucumbers and herbs. Can be seasoned with vegetable oil.
Afternoon snack- 2 medium cucumbers.
Dinner- salad of cucumbers, sweet peppers and herbs.
Third day: Breakfast- a cup of unsweetened tea with 200 ml of milkshake.
Lunch- 200 ml milk.
Dinner- chicken broth without salt 200 ml.
Afternoon snack- 200 ml kefir.
Dinner- 200 ml milk.

During the day, only unsweetened tea is consumed.

Fourth day: Breakfast- 2 pcs. orange
Lunch- one grapefruit.
Dinner- assorted fruit of oranges, kiwis and apples.
Afternoon snack- apple and pear.
Dinner- 200 ml milk.
Fifth day: Breakfast- 2 eggs.
Lunch- boiled fish, 200 gr.
Dinner- 150 grams of boiled chicken meat and 100 grams of boiled peas.
Afternoon snack- 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese.
Dinner- 100 grams of cheese.
Sixth day: Breakfast- a cup of unsweetened tea with 200 ml of kefir.
Lunch- 200 ml grapefruit juice.
Dinner- chicken broth without salt 200 ml.
Afternoon snack- 200 ml milkshake.
Dinner- 200 ml milk.

During the day, only unsweetened tea is consumed.

Seventh day: Breakfast- a cup of green tea and 2 eggs.
Lunch- any fruit.
Dinner- light soup with rice or buckwheat.
Afternoon snack- any fruit.
Dinner- vegetable salad seasoned with vegetable oil and salted.

You don’t have to stick to this menu; you can change foods based on the following recommendations for your loved one’s diet.

Judging by the reviews of people who have tried this diet, it is quite effective and in most cases really helps to get rid of excess weight.

As with any other diet, the hardest part is the first day. Therefore, there are no large restrictions on caloric intake for him. However, some may still find it difficult to tolerate giving up solid food. Therefore, in reviews of the “Favorite” 7-day diet, you can often find advice to limit physical activity and refuse training, if any are present in your daily routine, since the first diet is characterized by dizziness, nausea, and loss of strength.

Eating on a fruit day should be frequent, every 2-3 hours, so that there is no painful feeling of hunger.

On protein days, it is better to make up a diet of chicken, fish, shrimp, and egg whites, since eating cottage cheese or yogurt can reduce the effectiveness of the diet (this is due to the ability of lactose to retain fluid). Throughout the diet, it is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day.

And finally, it is very important to exit the diet correctly. After finishing the “Beloved” diet for 7 days, you should under no circumstances pounce on food. Breakfast on the first day after the diet can consist of a couple of boiled eggs, lunch should be a light soup with vegetable or chicken broth, and dinner should be a light salad. You can snack on fruit throughout the day.

As a result of the “Favorite” diet for 7 days, the total loss of adipose tissue is up to 2%, but in order to consolidate the result and develop it, you should slightly limit the calorie content of your usual diet over the next month.

How to maintain results

When you use the Favorite diet, you lose up to 10 kg in 7 days. However, like many weight loss techniques, this one has its limitations after a week of restricted nutrition. For a month, it is advisable to limit the caloric content of your diet, avoiding flour and sweets. Through careful trial and error, you need to figure out the foods that add weight gain and eliminate them. However, you should not abuse your body in order to achieve this ideal result.

There is a lot of talk about what kind of reviews the diet receives and what results it shows. But overall the impression is good - this is a great way to eat a balanced diet and at the same time lose weight. However, the main thing is moderation, and then your body will delight you not only with a beautiful figure, but also with good health.

Pros of your favorite diet

Shake-up and result. Prepare for an important meeting, get in shape, break through the “plateau” when the last kilograms stubbornly refuse to go away.

Strengthening willpower– a week is just a small milestone, but you have already realized that the brain controls the body, and not vice versa. This knowledge will come in handy more than once on the path to building the body of your dreams.

Disadvantages of the beloved diet

The disadvantages of the diet include, first of all, the fact that during it there is a large load on the human body, in addition, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, various anemias and other deficiency conditions may arise - which is quite often a phenomenon after such experiments.

In addition, the metabolism begins to slow down during such food fasts - then you will need to spend a lot of effort in order to restore it.

The human body is not designed for dieting, so fasting sets the organs to a special mode of existence, through which a smaller amount of calories is burned than usual.

Therefore, these are peculiar risks and before you decide to go on a diet, think carefully about it.


Before starting a diet, consultation with a doctor is required.

Diet Favorite is contraindicated:

  1. during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  2. for hypertension;
  3. for diabetes;
  4. for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  5. during depression;
  6. for renal and heart failure;
  7. after surgery on the abdominal organs.

Firstly, some nutritionists are categorical about the inclusion of broth in this nutrition system, advising to exclude this product from the daily drinking diet, explaining this by its high content of salt and fat.

Thirdly, nutritionists advise replacing traditional white cabbage with broccoli, which has the maximum fat-burning effect.

Fourth, in order for the results of your favorite diet to be maximum, protein foods (eggs, yogurt, chicken) should be consumed in different meals, separately from each other.

There are many reviews about this trendy diet. At the same time, it is interesting to note that most of the fair sex do not fully realize that all, absolutely all diets are designed for overweight people. If your weight is almost within the normal range, during the diet you will lose these extra couple of kilograms and not a bit more, exactly as much as your body needs.

But at the same time, remember the consequences of the “favorite” diet. You may feel dizzy while dieting, and the weight may return after you finish it. It is also worth noting that metabolism decreases slightly.

It is worth saying that the “Favorite” diet also cleanses the body very well. But we note that if you have a tendency to constipation, then before going on this diet you need additional bowel cleansing. The night before your first day, you can take a laxative at night. Well, on the first day (drinking) the body will remove the remaining toxins from the intestines.

There are many recipes for losing weight. It is difficult to decide and find “yours”: effective, safe and “nourishing”. The diet in question is known as “Favorite” and is designed for seven days. It deservedly received its name. The fact is that by adhering to her rules, in just a week you can easily lose 10 kilograms!

The essence of the diet

This nutrition system is universal and consists of five mono-diets. She combined several options for fasting days. Thanks to the variety and availability of the products included in it, it is easy to follow. So it has become a favorite for many who want to lose weight.

The “favorite” diet, due to the variety of its menu, is very popular among those who want to lose weight

Indications and contraindications

The “favorite” diet is right for you if:

  • you need to quickly lose extra pounds before some event or “break through” a plateau when the last “extra” pounds don’t go away (800–1000 g are “lost” on each day of the diet);
  • you have a strong will;
  • want to “cleanse” your body.

Your “favorite” diet is contraindicated for you if:

  • it occurs during physical (competition) or mental (session) stress;
  • have chronic diseases of the stomach and intestines, diabetes, hypertension or a tendency to anemia;

Anemia (anemia) is a painful condition when there is little hemoglobin in the blood.
Everyone should know the symptoms of anemia: pale skin, tachycardia, shortness of breath, fainting, weakness and fatigue.
Foods that increase hemoglobin: red meat (beef), walnuts, pomegranates, buckwheat, apples, nuts, grapes, garlic, rowan, bananas, beets, fresh carrot juice, watermelon and melon.

  • you are pregnant or breastfeeding;
  • recently underwent surgery;
  • you suffer from chronic constipation (the diet further slows down the normal course of metabolic processes);
  • you have a cold, or two weeks have not passed since;
  • you are depressed.

Where to start

If the choice is made in favor of the “Favorite” diet, you must:

  • consult a competent doctor who, taking into account your state of health, can give recommendations specifically for you;
  • write a detailed menu for each day of the seven-day week;
  • purchase all necessary products.

Menu for every day

The “Favorite” diet menu is quite varied

On each day of the “Favorite” diet, you need to eat only one type of food. When the next morning arrives, the diet changes completely. The exception is the last, seventh day, when the diet becomes more varied.

Day 1 – “drinking”

Water is the main component of the first day of the “Favorite” diet

On the first day of the diet, you are allowed to consume only liquid foods and drinks, but in any quantity. Preference should be given to broth, tea and kefir. Some people replace kefir with fermented baked milk. You need to give up store-bought juices and sweet soda. Drinking jelly is also not allowed, as it contains starch. On this day you may feel hungry, because the daily calorie intake does not exceed 1500 kcal.

This is interesting!
The feeling of hunger is dulled by inhaling the aromas of mint, banana and apple.

Breakfast: a glass of low-fat kefir and a cup of tea without sugar.
Lunch: about 200 ml. chicken broth without salt.
Before dinner - 150 g of yogurt.
In the evening – a glass of 1.5% milk.

Day 2 – “vegetable”

Even low-calorie vegetables are great for satisfying hunger.

As the name suggests, you can only eat vegetables during the second day. The ban is imposed only on potatoes because of the starch they contain, which inhibits weight loss. Preference should be given to cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, onions and carrots. You cannot fry vegetables in oil!

Breakfast: two medium tomatoes.
Lunch: vegetable salad. This could be beet salad, grated carrots, cucumber and tomato salad, stewed zucchini. You should not season the dish with mayonnaise or sour cream.

Salad recipe
1. Cut the cucumbers into cubes.
2. Shred white cabbage.
3. Wash and chop parsley, dill and cilantro.
4. Mix everything well and season with olive oil or lemon juice.

A couple of cucumbers will make an afternoon snack.
Dinner includes a salad of peppers, gherkins, parsley and dill.

Day 3 – “milk”

For breakfast, you can drink a glass of skim milk and a cup of tea without sugar.
Before lunch you are allowed to drink a glass of 1.5% milk.
Lunch consists of chicken broth without salt and unsweetened tea.
For an afternoon snack, you should drink a cup of low-fat kefir.
In the evening, only a cup of milk and tea without sugar are allowed again.

Day 4 – “fruit”

This is a very tasty day! Judge for yourself: all fruits are allowed in quantities up to three kilograms. Especially kiwi and grapefruit.

This is interesting!
Grapefruit burns fat thanks to its inositol and naringin content. Daily consumption of half a grapefruit (necessarily with white partitions!) or 150 g of grapefruit juice with each meal reduces weight by 2 kg in an average of two weeks.
Kiwi helps burn fat. It is recommended to eat two kiwis per day.

It is better to avoid bananas and grapes, as they contain a lot of sugar.
A couple of oranges and a grapefruit are breakfast.
Lunch – apples, oranges and kiwi.
Afternoon snack – apples and pears.
Dinner - milk.

Day 5 – “protein”

This day is the most satisfying. There is a lot of protein in eggs, shrimp, chicken fillet, fish, cheese, beans, nuts, peas, and dairy products.
Breakfast consists of boiled fish and a couple of boiled eggs.
For lunch you need to boil peas and cook chicken breast.
Dinner - 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese and cheese.

Day 6 – “drinking”

You can only drink again! Day repeats the first.
In the morning – a cup of 1% kefir and tea without sugar.
Snack – a glass of grapefruit juice.
Lunch – lean chicken broth.
Evening – 1.5% milk.

Day 7 – “balanced” or “final”

The seventh day is different: you must strictly follow the established menu. It is “mixed”. There are five meals on this day. It helps the body gradually transition to normal, nutritious nutrition.
In the morning you are allowed to eat two boiled eggs with green tea without sugar.
The snack consists of any fruit.
For lunch you need to cook vegetarian soup with buckwheat or rice.
The afternoon snack consists of fruit.
A vegetable salad dressed with olive oil is the dinner of the last day of the diet.

How to “get out”

It is imperative to control your diet after “exiting” the diet. High-calorie foods, sweets, carbonated drinks are prohibited if you do not want to regain your previous kilograms. The first two weeks, the menu should consist exclusively of low-fat broths, light soups, vegetable and fruit salads. Many people recommend “going out” of the diet on oatmeal and a salad of fresh beets, cabbage and carrots.

How to cook oatmeal correctly
1.To make the cereal soft and tender, soak a glass of oatmeal in water in the evening. It is recommended to soak even “instant” porridges.
2. In the morning, drain the water and add two to three glasses of skim milk, a little salt and sugar to the cereal.
3. Place the contents on the fire until it boils.
4. As soon as the porridge boils, reduce the heat to low and cook for about 5-7 minutes.
5. Let the porridge brew under the lid for at least five minutes.

There is an optimal option for beginners who have decided to lose weight for the first time. This is a five-day version of the “Favorite” diet.

The essence of the “Favorite” diet for five days

Within five days of the diet, the body is cleansed of “toxins” and starts fat burning processes. In the future, you can easily maintain your weight by simply controlling the total calorie content of your daily diet.

Five-day meal plan

  • first (“unloading”): only 1.5% kefir and water are allowed;
  • second (“cleansing”): preference is given to fiber, which is abundant in vegetables and fruits;
  • third (“protein”): you need to eat low-fat dairy products, chicken breast and boiled egg whites;
  • the fourth - repeats the first, but you can also use freshly squeezed citrus juices;
  • fifth – any vegetables and fruits are allowed.

For three days after the “five-day week”, canned food, sausages, fatty and fried foods are prohibited.

"Hard" option

Do you want the effect of your “Favorite” diet to be even greater? There is another variation of it. It is more difficult to follow the “hard” option due to the limited menu, but the size of portions is not limited. Parallel intake of vitamins is required.

The first and second days are drinking days. You should only drink low-fat kefir.

The third one is apple. If you don't like apples, you can eat citrus fruits, such as oranges or grapefruits. It is recommended to eat only one type of fruit during the day.
The next three days are chicken days. You should only eat skinless chicken and drink plenty of plain water.

Alcohol (wine) day is the last. It is recommended to drink good quality dry red wine with a small piece of low-fat cheese (for 150 g of wine - 30 g of cheese). In extreme cases, wine can be replaced with pomegranate juice (this will affect the effectiveness of the diet).

Secrets that will help you lose weight more effectively

1. Before dieting, you should thoroughly “cleanse” your intestines.

One-day kefir and beet juice will help you cope with constipation perfectly. “Yesterday’s” kefir, on the contrary, “strengthens”.

You can give an enema the day before or take a mild laxative. A week before the diet, it is recommended to minimize the consumption of alcohol, fried foods, baked goods and sweets.
2. In order not to feel hungry, you need to eat often - every 2-3 hours. A reasonable amount of food consumed should be observed. The size of one serving is equal to the volume of a glass (approximately 250 g).
3.Alcohol, salt, spices and sugar are excluded during the “Favorite” diet.
4. Drink plenty of water. The minimum volume is 2 liters. Water suppresses the feeling of hunger well, although only for a short time. In addition, it speeds up metabolism, preventing constipation.
5. Remove chicken broth from the menu.
6. It is better to replace white cabbage with broccoli.

You need to know this!
Broccoli is a product of youth, health and beauty. 100 g of cabbage contains only 30 kilocalories. Thanks to its high calcium and vitamin C content, it speeds up metabolism and helps in weight loss. This cabbage prevents the development of cancer.

7. It is better not to eat yogurt on a “protein” day. It contains a lot of lactose, which retains water. Considering that this day is already the most high-calorie day in the diet, eating yogurt will negatively affect the result.
8. Swap vegetable and fruit days.
9. To consolidate the effect of the “Favorite” diet, it can be repeated, but not earlier than after three months.
10. During “drinking” days, physical activity should be kept to a minimum. These days, the body already expends a lot of energy and experiences a deficiency of nutrients. Static exercises are allowed: for example, calanetics, Pilates. You can drink soy milk during your workout.

“Favorite” diet is a great tool for quick weight loss

Do you want to lose weight deliciously and quickly? Then start your “Favorite” diet!