The First of September. First of September

Topic: My usual day at school

Topic: My typical school day

I well my first day at school. There were oodles of flowers, excited parents and nice songs older pupils were singing. Then it somehow became usual or even boring – parents who woke me up, when, classes that seemed to be endless and the weekdays, which looked very much alike. Every school day began early, so I often crawled to school sleepy.

I remember my first day at school well. There were lots of flowers, excited parents and good songs sung by high school students. Then everything somehow became ordinary or even boring - parents who woke me up when I had my sweetest dreams, activities that seemed endless, and weekdays that looked very similar. Every school day started early, so I often dragged myself to school sleepy.

Now, when I'm, everything looks different. We are in classes, have discos and go picnicking. My parents any more. . I do some exercises to keep fit and run into the bathroom. When, I do without exercises at all, as I’m short of time. I generally do them before going to bed or don’t do at all.

Now that I'm a senior, things look different. We have fun in classes, arrange discos and go on picnics. My parents don't have to wake me up anymore. I get up myself. I do some exercises to get in shape and run to the bathroom. When I'm lazy, I do without exercise at all because I don't have much time. Then I usually do them before bed or not at all.

My breakfast is simple – cocoa or decaffeinated coffee with a cookie or a buttered bread. My parents always make me eat something before school. When my mom is away on business and dad goes early, I can have no breakfast, because I’ve got in my bag – an apple or a chocolate bar.

My breakfast is simple - cocoa or decaffeinated coffee with pastries or bread and butter. My parents always make me eat something before school. When my mom is on a business trip and my dad leaves early, I don’t have to have breakfast, because I always have something to snack in my bag - an apple or a chocolate bar.

My way to school is short. I get there in five minutes. I remember how long to it when I was 6. Our classes start at 8.30 a.m. and finish at about 2 p.m. I've got seven or six classes. After classes I stay at school later three or four times a week because I attend the English language club and participate in some sports activities.

My journey to school is short. I get there in five minutes. I remember how long I dragged myself to her when I was 6 years old. Classes start at 8.30 and end around two in the afternoon. I have seven or six lessons. After classes I stay at school three or four times a week because I attend the English Language Club and take part in some sporting activities.

When I am back home, I have dinner. Then I listen to music or look through newspapers or magazines. After a short rest, I get down to my home assignment. It usually takes me three or four hours to cope with it properly. I don’t have much time for television or my friends. But sometimes I find time for an interesting TV program or for doing things with my friends.

The first of September is the first day of school. It is a happy day for all schoolchildren and their parents. It is especially a great holiday for those boys and girls who are beginning to go to school.

Let’s go out and see what people are doing in the streets this morning. There are a lot of schoolchildren in the streets. They are going to school. Boys and girls are carrying schoolbags, many of them have flowers in their hands. Senior pupils are going to school by themselves, but small children are going with their parents at their side.

There are pupils in the schoolyard. They are not playing games this morning. They are speaking about the summer holidays, about their new teachers and what is new at school. Music is playing and soon a meeting begins. The pupils, their parents and other people who are present listening to the director’s speech. Then a small girl with flowers is ringing the bell. The pupils are going to their classrooms and school year is beginning.

First of September

The first of September is the first day of school. This is a happy day for all schoolchildren and their parents. This is especially a big holiday for those boys and girls who start going to school.

Let's go outside and see what people are doing on the streets this morning. There are a lot of schoolchildren there. They are going to school. Boys and girls carry briefcases, many of them with flowers in their hands. High school students go to school on their own, and small children go with their parents.

There are many students in the schoolyard. They're not playing games this morning. They talk about summer holidays, their new teachers, and what's new at school. The music is playing and the lineup will begin soon. The students, their parents and other people who are present listen to the principal's speech. Then a little girl with flowers rings a bell. Students go to class and the school year begins.

My School Day

On week days I get my alarm-clock for a quarter past seven but I get up at half-past seven.It takes me about ten minutes to wash and get dressed and then I go downstairs and have breakfast. Usually for breakfast I drink a cup of tea and have some marmalade and a toast. Then quickly I sort out my books for the day and meet my friend at the corner of my street at ten past eight.

By twenty past eight we are at school and we are able to talk to out friends for twenty minutes before we have to go to our separate classes for registration at twenty minutes to nine. At nine o’clock our lessons start. They last for forty-five minutes but then at eleven o’clock we have mid-morning breakfast for twenty minutes and then have one more lesson before lunch-time.

At twenty past twelve we have a lunch break and usually we all sit in the dining-hall and eat our sandwiches with our friends, or a few of us have school dinner. If the weather is I nice we sit in the playground and eat our lunch there. We have two lessons from half-past one to half-past three and then it is home-time.

After a tiring day at school I relax by sitting down and talking to my mother about my day until dinner is ready at five o’clock. After dinner I start my homework. I always have something to do, either to read a book, or to do some exercises or write an essay or learn for a test. By nine o’clock I always try to finish doing my homework so then I can relax by talking to my family and watching television. Then I go to bed at half-past ten in order to be up bright and early the following day.

My school day

On weekdays I set my alarm for a quarter past seven, but I get up at half past seven. It takes me about ten minutes to wash and dress, and then I go downstairs to have breakfast. I usually have a cup of tea and toast with jam for breakfast. Then I quickly pack my books and meet my friend on the street corner at eight o'clock ten minutes.

At twenty minutes past eight we are already at school, and we can chat with friends for twenty minutes before we have to go to our classes at twenty minutes to nine. At nine o'clock classes begin. They last for forty-five minutes, but at eleven o'clock we have breakfast for twenty minutes and then we have another lesson before lunch.

At 12:20 we have a lunch break, and usually we sit in the dining room with friends and eat sandwiches that we took from home, several of us take an afternoon snack here - in the dining room. If the weather is good, we sit on the playground and eat there. Then we have two more lessons until half past four, and then it's time to go home.

After a tiring day at school, I relax by chatting with my mom about my day while lunch is being prepared. After lunch I start doing my homework. I always need to do something: read a book, do exercises, write an essay or study for a test. By nine o'clock I always try to finish my homework so I can relax and chat with my family and watch TV. Then I go to bed at half past ten so that I can wake up energized the next morning.

The first of September is an unforgettable day for all of us.
Here, I have placed three templates that will help you write a short essay on this topic.
The essays are prepared by level - for the youngest and beginners, and for the more advanced.
All texts are given in English with translation.
The last topic with audio voiceover will be very useful for those who train their listening comprehension of English speech.

My First Day Of School - Beginner level

I'm Nastya Ivanova.
I study in class 3rd.
I love my school very much.
Every child is eager to join school.

I remember my first day in the school.
I was very small at that time.

My mom took me to the 1st grade.
My class teacher’s name was Maria Ivanovna.
She took me to the class.
She was very kind to me.
She used to love me a lot.

We only played games the first day.
On this day my mom had prepared my favorite lunch and I told to my parents about my first day at school.


My first day of school

My name is Nastya Ivanovna.
I'm in third grade.
I love my school very much.
Every child wants to go to school.

I remember my first day at school.
I was still very young then.

My mother took me to first grade.
My class teacher's name was Maria Ivanovna.
She took me to class.
She was very kind to me.
She loved me very much.

On the first day of school we only played games.
That day my mother cooked my favorite food and I told my parents about my first day at school.

My First Day in School - Intermediate level

I remember my first day at school very vividly.
I was six years old at that time.
It was a bright sunny day.
It was September 1st. I woke up early that day.
I remember feeling very excited.
I got myself prepared.
“I'm grown up now. Today is my first day of school,” I said.

My mom took me to my school.
I was excited and scared a little bit on the way to school.
I had flowers in my hands.
My blue bag contained some new books, exercise books, pencils and pens.

There were many children near my new school.
Some came by bus, some came by car and some walked like me.
When I entered the classroom my classmates came running up and asked my name.
A teacher told me to sit in the first bench. Then, all students in the class introduced their names and information.
Our teacher was telling us stories and was showing us pictures.

At 12-30 the last bell went. The classes were over.
When I reached home, I was quite glad. I told my mother about the new school.
She was glad to hear the account of my first day.
This day was a memorable day for me, because I liked the school.
Every child’s first day at school is always very exciting!


I remember my first day at school very well.
I was six years old. It was a bright sunny day. September 1st.
That day I woke up early.
I remember how very worried I was.
“Now, I’m already big, today I’m going to school.” - I said.

My mother took me to school.
On the way, I was worried and a little afraid.
I had flowers in my hands.
And in the blue briefcase were new textbooks, notebooks, pencils and pens.

There were many children near the school.
Some came by bus, some came by car, and some came on foot, like me.

When I entered the class, my classmates ran up to me and asked my name.
The teacher told me to sit at the first desk.
Then, each student said their name and provided information about themselves.
Our teacher told us all sorts of stories and showed us illustrations.

At 12:30 the last bell rang. Classes are over.
When I came home I was very pleased. I told my mother about the new school. She was glad to hear my opinion about my first day of school. This day was unforgettable for me because I liked school.
The first day of school is always very exciting for every child!

My First Day Of School – listening

I remember my first day of school.
I was excited, but I was afraid.
I held my mother’s hand as we walked to the school.
When we got near the school, I wouldn't let her hold my hand anymore.
I didn't want to look like a baby.

We got to the school.
The school looked very big and frightening.
There were children outside on the playground.
They all looked very big.
I looked at them, and some of them looked at me.
I felt very small.

My mother and I went into the school and found the kindergarten room.
There were children in there.
Most of them were the same size as me.
My mother spoke to the kindergarten teacher.
The teacher was very nice.
She said my name, and she introduced me to some of the other children.
I already knew some of the children because they lived near me.

I began to play with some of the things that were in the classroom.
There were toy trucks, coloring books, and even a doll house.
I soon forgot to be scared, and I began to play with the other children.
I didn’t even notice that my mother had left the room.

In school we sang songs, played some games and listened as the teacher read us a story.
I had a lot of fun on my first day of school.
I even drew a picture of my teacher.
I took the picture home, and my mother put it on the refrigerator.
I like school.
It is a good place to meet new friends and learn all about the world.


I remember my first day at school. I was happy, but I was afraid.
When we walked to school, I held my mother's hand.
When we got to the school, I didn't let her hold my hand anymore because I didn't want to look like a child anymore.

We came to school.
The school looked very big and scary.
There were children on the playground. They all looked very big.
I looked at them and they looked at me.
I felt very small.

My mother and I went into the school and found the children's room.
There were children there. Most of them were the same height as me.

My mother talked to the teacher. She was very nice.
She said my name and introduced me to other children.
I already knew some of the kids because they lived near me.

I started playing with the toys that were in the classroom.
There were toy trucks, coloring books and even a doll's house.

Very soon my fear passed and I began to play with other children.
I didn't even notice that my mom wasn't in class.
At school we sang songs, played games and listened to the teacher read a story to us.

I really enjoyed my first day at school.
I even drew a portrait of my teacher.
I took this picture home and my mother put it on the refrigerator.
I like school.
This is a good place to meet new friends and learn everything about the world.