Topic: “Lexical norms of the Russian language.” Open Library - open library of educational information II

Lexical and phraseological norms

Lesson 3.

Lexical norms regulate the rules for the use of words, ᴛ.ᴇ. the accuracy of the choice of word according to the meaning of the statement and the appropriateness of its use in social meaning and generally accepted combinations. When determining lexical norms, changes in the vocabulary of a language should be taken into account: the polysemy of a word, the phenomena of synonymy, antonymy, stylistic consideration of vocabulary, the concept of active and passive vocabulary, the social sphere of vocabulary use, the extreme importance of a justified choice of word in a specific speech situation, and many others .

Changes in the vocabulary of the Russian language occur in parallel with changes in the life of society; to denote new phenomena in social life, a new word can be created using existing word-formation means, or a foreign word is borrowed, or a complex, compound name is formed, or, finally, a word that already exists in the language is adapted, and in this case it modifies its meaning in a certain way (and often its stylistic coloring).

Polysemy It is customary to refer to the presence of several (two or more) meanings for a word. The consequences of a careless attitude towards polysemantic words are ambiguity and ambiguity of expression, as well as unlawful, excessive expansion of the meanings of known words.

Homonymy should be distinguished from polysemy. Homonyms- ϶ᴛᴏ words that match in sound, are identical in form, but whose meanings are in no way related to each other, ᴛ.ᴇ. do not contain any common elements of meaning. Highlight lexical homonyms(words that match in all grammatical forms), homophones(words that are spelled differently but pronounced the same, for example: meadow - onion), homoforms(words that sound the same in some grammatical form, for example: clear glassglass on the roof) And homographs(words that have the same form but different sounds, for example: locklock). Ignorance of the existence in the language reduces the accuracy of speech paronyms– words that are close, similar in sound and spelling, but different in meaning (for example: excavatorescalator).

Synonymy is the opposite of polysemy and homonymy. With synonymy, different forms express the same (or similar) content. Synonyms- ϶ᴛᴏ words that sound different, but are the same or very close in meaning. Οʜᴎ there are conceptual(close, not quite identical in meaning) and stylistic(identical in meaning, but having different stylistic overtones). The presence of synonyms ensures the expressiveness of speech and at the same time obliges all speakers and writers to be attentive to the choice of words from a number of close, similar ones.

Antonyms- ϶ᴛᴏ words with the opposite meaning. Οʜᴎ have long been used as a technique for creating contrasting patterns, for sharply contrasting features and phenomena.

A number of words are marked in explanatory dictionaries with the labels “lofty”, “bookish”, on the one hand, and “colloquial”, “colloquial” - on the other. These marks indicate a stylistic stratification of the vocabulary. The main part of the vocabulary fund is the so-called “ neutral” vocabulary, against the background of which the expressive capabilities of stylistically colored words appear, the use of which in speech requires a developed linguistic sense and aesthetic taste.

Vocabulary can be viewed in terms of active and passive vocabulary. Passive vocabulary includes obsolete words: archaisms(outdated synonyms of modern words) and historicisms(obsolete words denoting former, now non-existent concepts), as well as new words (neologisms). Some obsolete words “return” to the active stock of the dictionary, sometimes acquiring new meanings, for example: thought, governor, banker, goalkeeper.

From the point of view of the social sphere of use, all words of the Russian language can be divided into vocabulary of an unlimited sphere of use and vocabulary of a limited sphere of use, which includes professionalism(words and expressions used in oral speech by people of the same profession), dialectisms(elements of territorial dialects used by native speakers of the literary language), terms(precise designations of certain concepts of any special field of science, technology, art), jargon(elements of various social dialects in literary speech). Words of limited use may eventually become part of the lexical composition of a literary language. At the same time, regional words lose their dialect coloring (for example: outskirts, plow, stubble), and the terms are determinologized (for example: public reaction, Wednesday, atmosphere).

The clarity and intelligibility of speech depends on the correct use of borrowed (foreign) words. Errors in their use are associated primarily with ignorance of the exact meaning of the word, which often leads to pleonasm(speech redundancy), for example: first debut, memorable souvenirs. A type of pleonasm is tautology– the use of adjacent words of the same root in speech.

Phraseological norms- ϶ᴛᴏ rules for the use of phraseological units, non-free combinations of words that are not produced in speech, but are reproduced in it. Phraseologisms are distinguished by a stable relationship between semantic content, lexical composition and grammatical structure; therefore, any changes in the composition and structure of these expressions lead to speech errors.


2. Characterize the vocabulary of the Russian language in terms of the scope of its use.

3. How is the richness of the vocabulary of the modern Russian language manifested?

4. Give a description of lexical speech errors associated with a violation of the requirement for a justified choice of word in a certain speech situation.

5. What are the features of phraseological norms? Describe the main types of phraseological speech errors.


Task 1. Determine the meaning of the following words. Make up several phrases with them.

Appeal, concentrate, apogee, arrangement, acoustics, subscription, run, balance, vernissage, stained glass, gravity, size, gamma, hypothesis, vacuum, lawn, grilled food, gourmet, degradation, decade, range, detector, dessert, jumble, ordinary, ideogram, illusion, instinct, intonation, cavalcade, cinematize, credo, sidelines, collision, lexicon, leitmotif, mannequin, memoirs, matrix, meridian, scanty, ignorant, outskirts, ornament, galaxy, claim, prosody, fiction, aesthetics, titular.

Task 2. Write down the unambiguous words first, then the polysemous ones. Give reasons for your answer.

B. Admiral, diver, year, rook, university, run, Tuesday, trainee, lampshade.

V. Fugitive, harp, biologist, dawn, thing, hero, go, soil, fire, house.

Task 3. Determine which of the highlighted words are used in a figurative meaning.

1. So blazing with self-will, youth grumbled daring. (A. Pushkin.). 2. I want to breathe near warm body art.(M. Svetlov). 3. Furious the wind pushed the traveler in the back. (M. Matusovsky). 4. Book - ϶ᴛᴏ spiritual testament one generation to another. (A. Herzen) 5. Had favorite words and their grandfather would release them after a word in an hour. (N. Nekrasov).

Task 4. Eliminate errors associated with the use of words without taking into account their semantics.

1. One act of Chatsky led me into confusion. 2. Nowadays many writers are closely involved in politics. 3. The students listened intently to the artist’s performance. 4. But before I use the material and lightly vibrate it, I want to express my thoughts about Bazarov. 5. The idea of ​​this work is a call to the Russian princes to form a single principality and stand up for the defense of the Russian land. 6. All this paints an idea of ​​“The Tale of Igor’s Campaign.” 7. Sketches also help the reader understand the text better. This is a wayward explanation. 8. Students themselves can pose questions to the speaker. 9. “Garnet Bracelet” is one of Kuprin’s most confirming works.

Task 5. Indicate errors associated with violation of lexical compatibility of words.

1. The students listened to a conversation about the work of I. Bunin twice. 2. Kuprin’s story “The Duel” was prepared by a whole galaxy of stories dedicated to the life of the army. 3. “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” will be understood by every person who truly loves his homeland. 4. A kind of cult of Pushkin emanated from Bunin’s mother. 5. Many were unable to solve problems and found themselves on the edge of poverty. 6. The image of Igor is distinguished by selfless courage and military ardor. 7. Tell me what time it is. 8. Each student expressed his own credo.

Task 6. Determine the meaning of the following paronyms. Explain what causes errors when using them.

Subscriber - subscription, dress - put on, diplomat - diplomat, romantic - romantic, reason - justification, weighty - weighty, thrifty - thrifty, addressee - addressee, courtier - feigned, serf - serf owner, statute - status.

Task 7. Distribute the synonyms into groups: 1) semantic, 2) stylistic.

Calm, quiet, calm, calm; applaud, applaud, clap; take out, extract; pale, dim, faded, dull; duty, obligation; love, infatuation, passion, infatuation; break, respite, recess, smoke break; poet, poet, poet, bard, singer; gray, smoky, ashy, mousey.

Task 8. Determine which words given in brackets can be combined with members of the same synonymous series. Indicate what other words they can be combined with.

A. Silent, silent, dumb (recognition, forest, grief, man); big, big, healthy (child, grain, oak, city, sum, fighter); foreign, foreign, foreign (product, language, events); refined, refined (manners, food).

B. Personal, individual, personal (transport, car, freedom, law); incredible, unimaginable, inconceivable, unimaginable (laziness, noise, tension, container); lively, lively, lively (street, conversation, trade, game); unpleasant, annoying, offensive (error, omission, oversight, blunder, incident).

Task 9. Read the following examples from the works of M.Yu. Lermontov. Write down antonyms from them. Determine which part of speech they belong to and what stylistic function they perform in a literary text. Are there any contextual antonyms among the examples given??

1. But for a long time this heart faded, and peace be upon it! - in one moment it stopped loving and hating: not everyone is destined for such happiness! 2. No! Persecution has never been able to cool love; She is her own good and evil! 3. Look where the swearing smoke is redder, where the dust is thicker and the cry of death is stronger, where blood is poured over the dead and the living... 4. To the right, dark bushes hang, touching their hats... to the left is an abyss; along the edges there are a row of red stones, here and there always ready to collapse . 5. And you will not wash away the righteous blood of the poet with your black blood.

Task 10. Highlight archaic words. Explain how they differ from historicisms. Determine what role obsolete words play in speech.

1. Kaftan, falconer, altyn, velmi.

2. Charm, magical, kissing, fiery.

3. March, erect, speak, inspire.

4. Battle, oprichnina, squad, division.

5. High school student, serf, knight, youth.

6. Bailiff, bursa, bulldozer, especially (especially).

Task 11. Analyze the highlighted words and indicate which lexical group they belong to in terms of the scope of its use: 1) a word of the national language; 2) dialectism; 3) jargon; 4) professionalism.

1. How many in youth, unloved, unsung (A. Surkov). 2. The regiment marched in flux gait, and the horses were noticeably sweating (M. Sholokhov). 3. Treasures music inexhaustible (D. Shostakovich) 4. A cap of light brown curls swayed on his big head (M. Gorky). 5. Gasping, Andrey pulls the reins and introduces to the bases a horse staggering from fatigue (M. Sholokhov). 6. Falcon peregrine falcon a flying flock of ducks hits from above (N. Przhevalsky). 7. The steamer was leaving to land at landing stage(K. Fedin). 8. The swan answers the prince: “The light about the squirrel is true strikes"(A. Pushkin) 9. Fight - fight is not a toy; even though his face is burning with fire, even though he is a red German yushka decorated like an egg (A. Tvardovsky).

Task 12. Find out for what purpose professional terminological vocabulary is used in the examples given: 1) to describe technical processes; 2) as a means of figurative characterization.

1. Pokrovsky plant sends us plowshares tractor plows, harrow teeth(P. Proskurin). 2. His face is ugly, but very attractive. The nostrils are fleshy, mobile, and the eyes like two traffic light(G. Nikolaeva). 3. Crop rotations approved, sitting on the bow (G. Nikolaeva). 4. The wind began to blow in the pine forest. Obviously transit the wind that came here from another continent (I. Petrov). 5. Internal cavity valve isolated from the external environment bellows device. 6. Fast acting integral regulator power has a strong stabilizing effect on the power distribution control system. 7. Martins, bloomings, caissons this is the tribe of your idols. You lived physically sleeplessly, and morally you slept cowardly (E. Yevtushenko). 8. I am a troubadour turbogenerators(A. Voznesensky). 10. Hydraulic turbines are built only stationary and used at hydroelectric power plants for drive hydrogen generators.

Task 13. Make up sentences with the following words of foreign origin. Indicate the source language for each of them, using information from the Dictionary of Foreign Words.

Compasses, fantasy, despot, vacancy, assault, pate, patriot, kebab, prestige, tunnel, officer, conservative, trend, guard, talent, cosmopolitan, bazaar, piano, screen, aroma.

Task 14. Find stationery, edit sentences.

1. Due to lack of discipline, the class did not go to the theater. 2. All students should be aware of changes to the lesson schedule. 3. The above students did not come to school. 4. It is necessary to inform all students about the general meeting. 5. At the meeting, the issue of discipline was acute.

Task 15. Correct errors related to verbosity and determine their type.

1. I have already talked about my autobiography in the introductory article. 2. The institute has developed new methods and developments on this problem. 3. The patient was immediately admitted to the hospital. 4. The company announced a vacancy for the position of chief accountant. 5. It is still unknown who the creator of this unique creation is. 6. Already at the beginning of his creative career as a writer, strengths and weaknesses became apparent. 7. There is no longer any significant difference between nature and man. 8. Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin” is one of Pushkin’s most complex works. 9. She had very huge eyes. 10. The president of the company called on everyone to cooperate together. 11. It is necessary to weigh our economic chances realistically and without illusions. 12. The princes did not want to understand that the unification of their troops into a single army was extremely important.

Task 16. Explain the meanings of the borrowed words. Evaluate the appropriateness of their use.

1. My friend recently bought himself a bike. 2. For the artist, tanks and bucks were not the main thing in life. 3. The foreigner paid fifteen pure American greens for the painting. 4. One of the features of a non-market economy is the shortage of goods and services. 5. The government’s task is to contain and curb inflation. 6. The hero of the day was given a fashionable case. 7. After much debate, a consensus was reached at the meeting. 8. It is necessary to give the protest a legitimate form. 9. When you buy an imported item, be sure to study the label(s). 10. Organizers of theatrical performances and all kinds of shows strive to gain not only profit, but also publicity.

Task 17. Give stylistic characteristics of the given phraseological expressions.

Achilles' heel, white crow, wash your hands, puppet government, play the fool, knee-deep sea, first swallow, get into trouble, in broad daylight, lead by the nose, fall for the bait, the cat cried, give a bath.

Task 18.Using dictionaries, determine the meaning of phraseological units and the scope of their use. Choose synonymous phraseological units for them.

Rub your glasses, once or twice, and you've miscalculated, in the openwork, at full speed, wash your hands, under your boot, a drop in the ocean, too tough, get into trouble, the trail is gone, just before dawn, cut with one brush.

Lesson 4

Morphological norms

Punctuation marks in a complex sentence

Exercise 1.Place the missing commas, note the number of simple parts in the complex sentence.

1. The waves are playing, the wind is whistling and the mast bends and creaks (L.) 2. Hadji Murat stopped, his tanned face turned brown and his eyes were bloodshot (L. T.) 3. Around noon the sky frowned, a dark cloud approached and made a noise under the cheerful rumbles of thunder downpour (Kor) 4. Under the canopy in front of the sakla, steps were heard, the door creaked and the owner entered (L. T.) 5. He did not answer the interrogation and became noticeably lethargic every day and his end was near (L.) 6. The July moon was shining the night was quiet, occasionally a breeze rose and a light rustle ran through the whole garden (P.) 7. Walking through the trees, walking, crackling on the frozen water and the bright sun playing in his shaggy beard (N.) 8. The ground was damp, the leaves began to rumble in some places sounds: voices and the liquid early breeze had already begun to wander and flutter over the earth (T.) 9. A fierce wind was blowing, muddy waves were moving all over the pond, the muddy sky was reflected in them, the reeds had dried up, the waves had turned yellow and the wind was tossing them from all sides and they were sad and dull made noise (Ax.) 10. The poplars swayed loudly and because of them the windows sparkled and the castle cast gloomy glances at everyone (Cor.) I. And in the taiga Makar cried and the tears froze on his eyelashes and from grief the cold penetrated to the very heart (Cor.) 12. In long-forgotten times, perhaps, there was also a black equestrian figure on the mound and an eagle screeched and a steppe beast prowled and a gray feather grass vaguely worried and victorious guttural cries rushed freely over the steppe expanse (Seraph.) 13. In two fingers The wind whistles like a boatswain and the clouds are packed together tightly. And the steering wheel fidgets and the casing cracks and the canvas is pulled into the reefs (Bagr.) 14. Behind the wheels, the solid shafts inside the mill slowly and solidly began to move; the gears rustled?..: millstones and white flour dust rose in whole clouds from the cracks of the old, old mill building ( Cor.) 15. The rains passed and the winds roared, the old ocean trembled in chills, the shore shells sang and the seagulls rushed lightly into the fog (Bagr.) 16. A hot wind pulls from Perekop, a fire roars and the cannons roar (Bagr.) 17. The front is very close and Both seriously and lightly wounded soldiers are taken to the medical battalion (N. Virta).

Exercise 2.Fill in the missing commas, highlighting the number of simple parts in a complex sentence.

1. Captain Titenkov hoped that if enemy bombs exploded, they would not hit him with shrapnel (V. Stav.) 2. Mechik felt that if he had to shoot back again, he would no longer be different from Pike (Fad.) 3. I thought that if in At this decisive moment I won’t out-argue the old man, then later it will be difficult for me to free myself from his tutelage (P.) 4. Hadji Murat sat down and said that if only they send to the Lezgin line and give an army, then he guarantees that he will raise the whole of Dagestan (L. T.) 5. The bear loved Nikita so much that when he went somewhere the animal anxiously sniffed the air (M. G.) 6. I thought that when the prisoners saw the stairs many would want to run (M. G.) 7. Anton Prokofievich, by the way, had alone trousers of such a strange quality that when he put them on, dogs always bit him on the calves (G.) 8. I slept for a long time because when I woke up it was already night (Garsch.) 9. It seemed the road led to heaven because how many eyes could she see everything was rising (L.) 10. The blind man knew that the sun was looking into the room and that if he stretched out his hand through the window, dew would fall from the bushes (Cor.) 11. Sobakevich... in a little over a quarter of an hour he reached him (the sturgeon) just like that that when the police chief remembered about him, he saw that only one tail remained from the product of nature (G.) 12. The maid was an orphan who, in order to feed herself, had to go into service (L. T.).

Exercise 3.Place punctuation marks in non-conjunctive complex sentences.

1. The ladies immediately surrounded him with a shining garland and brought with them whole clouds of all kinds of fragrances, one breathed roses from another, smelled of spring and violets, the third was all scented with mignonette (G.) 2. At such words, the guest all turned to hearing, her ears stretched out of its own accord, she stood up almost without sitting or holding on to the sofa and... suddenly became thinner... (G.) 3. There was a crush at the door, everyone was in a hurry to grab a gang of which was not enough for at least a third of the students, as a result of which they had to were sitting for about an hour waiting until someone freed (Pom.) 4. It was best to doze off, but he couldn’t, he listened whether they were going to drag him for interrogation to the ataman, then he was worried about the thoughts that the boy would get shy (A.T.) 5. It began Either it was a fever or some kind of nonsense, I was shivering so that my entire skin was covered with pimples (A.T.) 6. I understood that only an accident could help us out, or the water would suddenly stop rising, or we would stumble upon an abandoned boat on this shore (Paust. ) 7. Something similar happens only in love, the eyes open as if in a new way and you see something that you have not seen before and that is inaccessible to ordinary eyes (I. Nov.) 8. Carpenter Elizarov judged each person or thing only from the point of view of strength; is repair needed? (Ch.) 9. Everyone assessed Nagulnov’s behavior differently, some approved of others, condemned some, kept a reserved silence (Shol.) 10. The old man’s excitement had passed and now fatigue was taking its toll, his tongue was slurred, his head was shaking, his eyes were watering (Cor.) I. However, one thing struck me: the blind man spoke to me in the Little Russian dialect and now spoke purely in Russian (L.) 12. In the whole village there were only two decent houses; one housed the volost government; the other lived Tsybukin, an Epifan tradesman (Ch.) 13. Vavila’s face changes every minute sad and frowning, then stern, then soft and pale and lights up with a blush (M. G.) 14. He has bearish strength for whatever he undertakes boils in his hands (Shol.) 15. Two heavy tears suddenly rolled out of Gerasim’s eyes, one fell on steep forehead of the dog, another in cabbage soup (T.) 16. Vasilisa Egorovna did not stop talking for a minute and showered me with questions about who my parents are, are they alive, where do they live and what is their condition (P.) 17. I looked out of the wagon, everything was darkness and whirlwind (P.) 18. I crawled through the thick grass along the ravine, I saw the forest had ended, several Cossacks were driving out of it into the clearing (L.) 19. We galloped headlong at the shot, we looked at the rampart, the soldiers gathered in a heap and pointed into the field and there he flew headlong horseman and holding something white on himself (L. )


Option 1

I. Accentological norms.

Alcohol, satin, aristocracy, spoiled, barge, exorbitant price, high, turn on, production, contract, leisure, blinds, rust, ring, seal, industry, catalogue, quarter, more beautiful, cooking, thinking, intention, obituary, oil pipeline.

1) Please give me a kilogram of sour cream.

2) Relatives from Tobolsk came to visit me. They say that they are native Tobolsk residents.

3) Now I’ll quickly fry some potatoes.

4) Wait, I'll change the money.

5) My sister sewed herself a gorgeous dress.

avocado, communique, jury, slob, doctor, UGPPU, shampoo, Sochi, highway, muffler, coffee, porter, piano, boa, blinds

2. Form the genitive plural form of words: pineapple, boot, saucer, banana, boot, avocado, eggplant, fable, jeans, business, Tatars

accountant, editor, driver, lecturer, choice, address, doctor, vacation, boat, master

4. Form the imperative mood of the first letter. units part of the verb. Example: write - write.

ride, glue, wave, give drink, decorate, run out


1) Grandfather brought seven foxes from the hunt for mother’s fur coat.

2) Another example of unfulfilled hopes.

3) My sisters have completely different characters.

4) In the essay, the schoolchildren wrote about summer holidays.

5) I’ll do my laundry this evening.

a) Explain the meaning of foreign words in one of the ways known to you (logical, synonymous, etc. b) Make up sentences with each of them.

adaptation, appropriations, virtual, devaluation, tolerance, misanthrope.

V. Syntax (norms for sentence construction) Find and correct errors caused by violation of syntactic norms.

1) For the sake of his goal, a person makes many mistakes and sacrifices.

2) Now Natasha dreamed of a happy life, and how she would have many children.

3) There was no talk of progress.

4) You can’t blame her for how she got the money.

5) After reading this story, one gets the impression that Kuprin himself was a miner.

Option 2

I. Accentological norms.

Place stress on the words:

Rate, ensure, facilitate, uncork, inquire, viewing, pullover, beets, fathom, symmetry, orphans, cottage cheese, customs, strengthening, speed up, Ukrainian, deceased, phenomenon, petition, cement, driver, sorrel, expert

II. Word formation (word formation norms)

Find and correct errors caused by violation of word formation norms.

1) The medicine is intended for the treatment of nervous diseases.

2) Residents of Vladimir are called Vladimir residents.

3) Today mom will do her laundry.

4) Measure me three meters of fabric.

5) Some students are regularly late for classes.

III.Morphology (norms for the formation of word forms)

1. Determine the gender of nouns:

Batumi, scoreboard, tulle, dressing table, avenue, foyer, UN, attache, kangaroo, sconce, kiwi, flamingo, corn, mediocrity, bully

2. Form the genitive plural forms of words:

tangerines, songs, sneakers, felt boots, Greek, kitchen, seats, sprats, shoes, towel, Bashkirs

3. Form the nominative plural form of words:

director, boat, watchman, tractor, graduation, rector, engineer, cook, coach, professor

4. Form the imperative mood 1l. units part of the verb. Example: write - write.

milk, try on, clear, put, cut out, weigh

5. Find and correct errors caused by violation of morphological norms:

1) Be careful, the hot oil will burn your hand.

2) We will collect the fare later.

3) On the platform, my sister waves her hand to me,

4) Nationalism is the most severe scourge of society.

5) The hero shoots himself.

IV. Vocabulary (norms for using words depending on


a) Explain the meaning of foreign words in one of the ways known to you (logical, synonymous, etc. b) Make up sentences with each of them.

adapt, analogue, dogmatism, genesis, dividends, dissident, marketing.

V. Syntax (norms for sentence construction) Find and correct errors caused by violation of syntactic norms.

1) The majority of the country's population were illiterate.

2) And every time he thought about it, he had thoughts about a new job.

3) Most of the forecasts of politicians, economists, and scientists are pessimistic.

4) The question involuntarily arises that there can be two truths.

5) Society has lost faith in the future, the desire to be like someone.

Option 3

I. Accentological norms.

1) Place accents in the words:

doze, omen, flint, dowry, diopter, turn purple, clog, rust, ease, intention, gas pipeline, contract, leisure, omen, invention, flint, hunk, garbage chute, thinking, bowl, dowry, beetroot, statue, petition, sorrel

2) Explain the meaning of words with different accents:

characteristic - characteristic, armor - armor, inclined - inclined, wrinkle - wrinkle, atlas - atlas

3) Establish the pronunciation features of these words and write them down


hopeless, faded, grenadier, worthless, clothed, bakery, candlestick, dishonest, of course, boring, meringue, delicacy, thermos, flannel, plywood, safe, alternative, atheism, overcoat, tempo, dean's office, fragrant, glass, dossier, zoologist, speaker, take, afraid, ask, study, looks, Bolshevik, communism, capitalism

II. Word formation (word formation norms)

purple, full, beautiful, sharp, round heavy, white, expensive, funny

III. Morphology (norms for the formation of word forms)

bow, door, goulash, goose, klok, amps, hussars, Romanians, knee socks

IV. Vocabulary (norms for the use of words depending on their meaning).

alliance, alternative, genocide, integration, dissident, elite

1) At the last competitions, the factory football team suffered complete

2) The new season opens up good prospects for further evolution in the field of sports work. ,

Noted signs of this phenomenon (heterogeneous, heterogeneous)

1) The cleanliness of the streets in general did not improve as a result.
2) A very grandiose action is expected.

3) All the children were extremely happy about the new cartoon.

4) Any person can be a little rude, although he must take care of himself.

5) Here a person is taken into such a turn that he sings a farewell swan song

6) The capital's drivers were buzzing at the wedding.

8) Before he had time to leave the house, Kuznetsov entered it.

9) I can support any conversation not because I am a polyglot, but because
that I can insert two or three phrases on a topic into a conversation.

10) You are intelligent, reliable, and gifted with good looks.

11) He reads poetry very expressively.

12) Many readers of our newspaper pay great attention to the section
"The world through the eyes of a traveler."

13) A year later, being blind and deaf, he was brought to the king.

14) According to the police report, the driver was fined.

15) I believe that, taking into account our traditions, taking into account the problems of the present period, taking into account the ongoing reforms, we need to introduce the presidency.

16) Let's first establish the reason for the completeness, and then select
homeopathic or other treatments.

Option 4

I. Accentological norms.

gas pipeline, agreement, apostrophe, convocation, dispensary, statue, iconography, bowl, apocrypha, bureaucracy, gastronomy, diopter, significance, rubber, aches, ordeal, lampoon, funeral, means, aggravate, strengthening, extravaganza, phenomenon, drowsiness, thinking

flap - flap, lingual - lingual, vision - vision, clubs - clubs, sputum - sputum

simultaneous, eponymous, faded, predicted, successor, milky, deliberately, trifling, creamy, scrambled eggs, bacteria, museum, codex, cruiser, synthesis, model, nocturne, sings, veto, bolero, dispensary, term, depot, rector, tour, gather, believe, study, hold on, pre-Marxist, socialism, patriotism

II. Word formation (word formation norms)

Form all possible short forms and simple forms of degrees of comparison; place emphasis:

white, natural, beautiful, red, clear, crisp, bold, heavy, cunning.

III. Morphology (norms for the formation of word forms)

Form the genitive case and place emphasis:

bandage, coat of arms, staff, priest, cake, stockings, soldiers, stripes, lemons

IV. Vocabulary (norms for the use of words depending on their meaning).

1.) Explain the meaning of the following words of foreign language origin:

adaptation, dogmatism, insinuation, integration, manipulation, sovereignty

2.) Determine the appropriateness of using foreign language vocabulary. Correct the sentences, if necessary, make synonymous replacements:

1) Young people prevailed among those gathered.

2) The girl confidentially admitted to her friends that she had changed her name

Katya likes Carmen because the latter appeals to her appearance.

3) From the words in brackets, select the desired option:

Achieving this humanistic goal (is not limited, not limited) neither by the state of science and technology, nor (resources, capabilities, reserves) of labor and means

V. Syntax (norms for sentence construction). Find and correct errors caused by violation of lexical and syntactic norms. Explain what the errors are.

1) His nostalgia stuck or the call of business called.

2) Ordinary people and those passionately interested in the salon paraded

3) Many people still don’t give a damn about popularity.

4) Parking near the Printing House took place thanks to permission

5) Only this kind of still life of clothing is suitable for such furniture.

6) Then trainers and combat masters came into play, giving orders to the slaves
whipping or burning with a hot iron is not enough

7) I went to see her, but she didn’t have it.

8) The weather was wonderful, beautiful, sunny, clear, no rain at all,
no wind.

9) Just recently I bought a very beautiful sconce

10) The boy, soaked to the skin, finally reached the house.

11) He behaved very badly in class again.

12) The head of the hospital greeted us “coolly”.

13) Reading this story, one gets the impression that Kuprin himself was a miner.

14) Elderly people from all parts of the city were able to come to this evening.

15) The Zhiguli, covered in mud, stopped.

Option 5

I. Accentological norms.

1) Place emphasis in words:

pamper, cough, purple, force, intention, phenomenon, drowsiness, convocation, spark, illness, asymmetry, gas pipeline, religion, veterinary medicine, bungalow, genesis, grenadier, dispensary, dogma, life support, flounder, catalogue, quarter, obituary, oil pipeline.

2.) Explain the meanings of words with different accents:

credit - credit, book - book, immersed - immersed, clubs - clubs, iris - iris.

3.) Establish the pronunciation features of these words and write down their transcription:

cut, different times, unsaddled, pronominal, whitish, laundry, thrush, Ilyinichna, birdhouse, disorderly, depression, crater, credo, criterion, external, bullfighter, trio, highway, poetess, sonnet, academy, trend, museum, timbre, Odessa, thesis, fight, dream, decide, say, revanchist, Marxism, revisionism.

II. Word formation (word formation norms)

Form all possible short forms and simple forms of degrees of comparison; place emphasis:

beautiful, funny, cunning, healthy, purple, round, full, expensive, natural

III. Morphology (norms for the formation of word forms)


to be, howl, howl, soar, be angry, know, drink, have a reputation

IV. Vocabulary (norms for the use of words depending on their meaning).

1.) Explain the meaning of the following words of foreign language origin:

antipode, unprecedented, briefing, intensification, moratorium, status quo.

2.) Determine the appropriateness of using foreign language vocabulary. Correct the sentences, if necessary, make synonymous replacements:

1) Trade unions place a strong emphasis on cultural work.

2) An identical decision was made by students of the second group.

3.) From the words in brackets, select the desired option:

The (preventive, warning) effect of new drugs is even more striking.

V. Syntax (norms for sentence construction). Find and correct errors caused by violation of lexical and syntactic norms. Explain what the errors are.

1) In the 12th century, the general culture of the people of Rus' was at a high
degree of development.

2) All shareholders of the mutual company were present at the meeting.

3) They still hate those in power.

4) Without paying attention to anything around him, he began to speak.

5) He knows a lot of interesting things and talks very clearly.

6) Among the guests were professors, scientists, businessmen,

7) Heat mostly escapes through the window, so identify it
optimal sizes.

8) Our group was sociable, united, friendly, in a word.

9) The mourners wave their hands after the departing train.

10) All I need is a glass of strong tea.
11) They gave me a new book to read.

12) All these events are designed for the benefit of nature.

13) After reading about the battles, I immediately imagined this picture.

14) We inherited these symbols from the very beginnings of humanity.

15) In St. Petersburg, on Pushkinskaya Street, two American girls live.

Option 6

I. Accentological norms.

1) Place emphasis in words:

garbage chute, perspective, ordeal, uncork, notify, rust, frost, chunk, strengthening, dialogue, play, spark, pantry, colossus, ailment, stalls, bonus, purple, overpass, perspective, carpenter, fraction, legalization, porcelain, Christian, bookplate

2.) Explain the meaning of words with different accents:

coal - coal, vision - vision , sharpness - sharpness, laurel - laurel, coward - coward

3.) Establish the pronunciation features of these words and write down their transcription:

ragman, spearhead, maneuver, athlete, being, felt, everyday, bachelorette party, herring, mustard plaster, pathetic, patent, orchid, Odessa, session, oasis, poetry, novel, sombrero, chaos, patronage, tunnel, trend, antenna, lane, see each other, rushes, laughs, avoids, revisionist, imperialism, existentialism

II. Word formation (word formation norms)

Form all possible short forms and simple forms of degrees of comparison; place emphasis:

artificial, isolated, beautiful, old, stupid, bad, healthy, bold, clear

III. Morphology (norms for the formation of word forms)

Form past tense forms (g.r. and plural) and arrange


sleep, fight, fall apart, rot, drive, weave, know, pour.

IV. Vocabulary (norms for the use of words depending on their meaning).

1.) Explain the meaning of the following words of foreign language origin:

apartheid, hegemonism, declaration, confrontation, pact, sponsor.

2.) Determine the appropriateness of using foreign language vocabulary. Correct the sentences, if necessary, make synonymous replacements:

1) A wide variety of people appeared as witnesses at the trial

2) No reasons acted on the stubborn arguer, and no
arguments could not convince him

3.) From the words in brackets, select the desired option:

Varieties of new crops are more (constant, stable), that is, they better (transmit, transform) to the offspring such properties as yield, fruit size, taste.

V. Syntax (norms for sentence construction). Find and correct errors caused by violation of lexical and syntactic norms. Explain what the errors are.

1) The new substance is natural, as it is created from the resin of the camphor tree.

2) This department contains scientific monographs on physics, mathematics, and law.

3) As soon as the actor appeared on stage, the audience gave him a real benefit performance.

4) Members of the government will not be held criminally liable.

5) They began to publish little and poorly, thick magazines quickly went down the drain.

6) Sports camps are located near the city.

7) Many students say that the new teacher is kinder than the old one.

8) The kid fell, but getting up from his knees, he ran on.

9) The actors played on a stage installed in the central square.

10) The new accountant will start work on Monday.

11) Didn’t you meet your classmates at the theater?

12) Pay attention to your health.

13) How nice it is to know that when the kitten comes home after school, he will meet
me with a joyful meow.

14) Having arrived from Moscow, he settled with relatives in the center

15) A number of Riga schools will definitely go on strike.

Option 7

I. Accentological norms.

1) Place emphasis in words:

anatomist, agency, pamper, acquisition, genesis, more beautiful, leisure, confession, catalogue, at the same time, bonus, call, pseudonym, quarter, kilometer, Ukrainian, mention, aggravate, expert, export, escort.

2.) Explain the meanings of words with different accents:

vyazanka - vyazanka, coal - coal, characteristic - characteristic, coward - coward, credit - credit.

3.) Establish the pronunciation features of these words and write down their transcription:

guardianship, stiff, ridge, tip, glider, pepper shaker, buckwheat, to the head, match, dishonest, therapist, test, flannel, thesis, stamp, highway, detective, polonaise, pool, track, briefcase, sonata, foyer, cottage, bordeaux, fight, fight, wash, achieve, anti-fascist, impressionism, modernism

II. Word formation (word formation norms)

Form all possible short forms and simple forms of degrees of comparison; place emphasis:

healthy, red, beautiful, full, heavy, funny, cunning, purple.

III. Morphology (norms for the formation of word forms)

Form the genitive case forms and place accents:

oranges, Armenians, boots, hectares, grams, Georgians, Kyrgyz, kilograms, commentators.

IV. Vocabulary (norms for the use of words depending on their meaning).

1.) Explain the meaning of the following words of foreign language origin:

landscape, haze, marine painter, level, cliche, fiction.

2.) Determine the appropriateness of using foreign language vocabulary. Correct the sentences, if necessary, make synonymous replacements:

1) Many pre-revolutionary intellectuals who considered themselves liberals
were indifferent to religious issues.

2) Passengers rested on canvas sun loungers on the deck of a comfortable

3.) From the words in brackets, select the desired option: In the depiction of a character there must be a (predominant, dominant) feature, which must (hypostatize, make self-sufficient) (writer, author)

V. Syntax (norms for sentence construction). Find and correct errors caused by violation of lexical and syntactic norms. Explain what the errors are.

1) Most of the game has already passed.

2) This actor has long earned the fame of the audience.

3) The students showed particular interest in the exhibition of school crafts.

4) Many were able to solve problems and found themselves on the edge of poverty.

5) The students listened to a conversation about the work of I. Bunin twice.

6) Each student expressed his credo.

7) The image of Igor (“The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”) is distinguished by selfless courage and military ardor.

8) Bunin’s mother emanated a kind of cult of Pushkin.

9) Extracurricular activities play a positive role in the development of children.

10) I don’t trust a politician who sprinkles beautiful phrases with pearls.

11) His look is either pleading, or serious, or outrageous.

12) The artist won the gratitude of the audience.

13) My life this year is filled with concerns about finishing school.

14) I already talked about my autobiography in the introductory article.

15) There is no longer any significant difference between nature and man.

Phonetic norms

Theoretical part

1. The concept of norm. Signs of normality.

2. Literary pronunciation: characteristic features.

3. Russian verbal stress: its characteristics. Fluctuations in stress.

4. Pronunciation styles. Orthoepic features of borrowed words.

5. Stage pronunciation and its features (message).

6. Moscow and St. Petersburg pronunciation (message).

Practical part

1. Based on the “Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language” or the “Big Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language,” put emphasis in the words, prove that Russian stress is varied and mobile.

Augustovsky, alcohol, anatomist, anonymous, apostrophe, scam, Athenians, pampered, pamper, incessantly, gas pipeline, good news, bombard, boutique, plenty, religion, launches, distillation, gerbera, corrugated, caterpillar, cousin, hyphen, dispensary, dogma , agreement, completely, dispensary, completely, dry, drape, pole, doze, confessor, enviable, regular, curled sheet, ahead of time, prisoner, storeroom, locked, ringing, sign, significant, jagged, hieroglyph, spoiled, curved, iconography, blinds, gutter, vent, catalogue, rubber, quarter, kilometer, lay, bookseller, casing, goats (coachman's seat), whooping cough, collapse, sneaking, burning bush, kitchen, lasso, hunk, marketing, scanty, ordeal, top, plant, watchful eye, obituary, newborn, provision, detection, wholesale, uncork, loop, plateau, mold, time payment, waited, call, printing, sent, anticipate, not fail, bonus, force, options vary, dispersed, rocky mountains , plum wine, remember, recruit, sensi (canopy), beets, convocation, funds, carpenter, customs, small part, notify, Ukrainian, smart, phenomenon, petition, appreciating, skewer, sorrel, endgame, expert, legal adviser, holy fool, Kizhi, Bali.

2. Read these words. Pay attention to the correct pronunciation of the consonant sound [g].

Gagra, Holland, Gogol, genius, glossary, verb, gallant, geography, geologist, guarantee, Georgia, Germany, Zagreb, Genoa, Hurghada.

3. Describe the highlighted consonant sound.

Naro h but, dull h but, bulo h naya, prache h naya, say h ny, Nikiti h on, taken h nickname, backlight h nick, mess h ny, melo h ny; Bo G, four G, surgeon G, suddenly G, le G cue, me G cue, take G; ra sch yes, and sch life; An d Yersen, Ant V Erpin, Du r er, D ate, O d Essa, Mar With spruce, Men d Elson; accountant T er, ban d erol, shi n spruce, orchid d her, pa T ent, T trend, prog r ess, T ermin, in d ex, and T eism, k r food, d declaration, pre T Enzia, k r eat, lib r etto, With session, T eology.

4. Determine in which words the double consonant is not pronounced, in

which ones are preserved and which ones allow variant pronunciation.

1. Assembly, assorted, terrace, gram, dissonance, cash desk, annals, proofreading, mass, assimilation, massive, alley, parallel, symmetrical, attache, attraction, manna (heavenly), flu, influenza.

2. Association, assortment, assistant, metal, abstract, bath, terror, territory, correspondent, tunnel, dissimilation, Saturday, Saturday, ballast, grammar, grammatical, gamma.

3. Dissertation, group, million, billion, diffusion, fiction, neat, certificate, cool, program, unreal, accordion, cellophane, run, Moroccan.

5. Which words of foreign language origin retain the unstressed sound [o]?

1. Fragrant, baobab, bordeaux, dossier, zoologist, communique, concert, cooperation, college, model, nocturne, poet, speaker, bullfighter, trio, foyer, highway.

2. Boa, glass, burgundy, veto, bolero, concrete, concert, cottage, oasis, briefcase, poetry, poetess, novel, sombrero, sonata, sonnet trio, chaos.

6. Determine the meanings of words and create phrases with them.

A piece of iron is a piece of iron, expired - expired, sky - palate, case - case, catechumen - catechumen.

7. What sound ([o] or [e]) is pronounced under stress in the following words?

Hopeless, faded, grenadier, bile, worthless, clothed, encircled, simultaneous, eponymous, glider, faded, hooked, predicted, successor, multi-time, unsaddled, ragpicker, black grouse, pronominal, maneuver, whitish, lattice, athlete, being, guardianship, numb, sharp, named, brought, wandered, faded.

8. Are the consonants before the sound [e] pronounced softly or firmly in the following borrowed words? Which words allow variant pronunciation?

1. Iceberg, bacteria, meringue, delicacy, delta, dean, depression, intelligence, interview, coffee, code, crater, credo, cruiser, criterion, model, museum, neologism, net, Odessa, orchid, patent, pathetic, panther, pince-nez, session, sweater, synthesis, tent, therapist, term, thermos, test, flannel, stamp, energy, effect.

2. Adequate, anesthesia, annexation, artery, sandwich, pool, genesis, decadent, neckline, detective, clarinet, crater, crepe de Chine, pleated, polonaise, session, safe, sonnet, stand, thesis, tenor, tempo, terror, term, tennis, tête-à-tête, track, plywood, phoneme, phonetics, overcoat, road, stamp, eden, extern, essence, ethnogenesis.

Norms of word usage

Theoretical part

1. Concept norms of word usage.

2. Correlation of concepts verbosity And lexical incompleteness of the utterance. Types of verbosity.

3. Use of words of a narrow scope of use (using examples).

4. Concept phraseological unit(FE). Errors associated with the use of phraseological units.

Practical part

1. Find errors associated with violation of word usage norms, correct them, explain your choice.

1. One of the means of expressiveness that the author widely uses is personification.

2. A.N. Ostrovsky creates truthful, realistic images and pictures of reality taken from life.

3. “The Thunderstorm” exposes the tyranny, despotism and arbitrariness of merchants.

4. As soon as you read a book, immediately return it back to the library.

5. In the kiosks of our city you can buy memorable souvenirs and gifts.

6. The people will be able to defend their independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity.

7. The disadvantage of the work is the simplicity of the tasks in the Russian language, the insufficient degree of difficulty of the sentences proposed for analysis.

8. One of the main images in Ostrovsky’s “The Thunderstorm” is the image of Katerina.

9. All this indicates that we were not able to fully utilize the power of the new equipment.

2. Indicate in which examples the error is associated with a misunderstanding of the meaning of the word, in which – with an unlawful expansion or narrowing of its meaning.

1. Bunin touches on the themes of the existence of officials, teachers, and impoverished nobles.

2. The poet’s love for his homeland often revived him from decadent moods.

3. “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” still attracts the attention of contemporaries.

4. Before starting my studies, I read back A.P.’s stories. Chekhov.

5. Speakers usually appear with expressions such as “takes place,” “provides assistance,” etc.

3. Find and correct errors in the use of words with abstract and specific meanings.

1. Kern in Pushkin’s thinking remained just a fleeting vision.

2. A drug den was discovered in Riga.

3. When Rus' was fragmented, it was able to be conquered by the Tatar-Mongol yoke.

4. How does choleric differ from other types of nervous activity?

5. I want to learn the language so that I cannot be distinguished from the English-speaking population.

6. There is architecture in the park.

7. Almost all products are unnamed, only a few have authorship.

8. Pavel - in the forefront of the construction of a narrow-gauge railway.

4. Indicate cases of violation of word compatibility. Explain what they are.

1. A number of joint ventures continue this type of activity, which contributes to the loss of production in the quality and finishing of fabrics.

2. The first years of perestroika had a positive impact on housing construction.

3. The Decree of Emperor Paul 1 had a beneficial effect on industrialists.

4. Both the experience of Western countries and domestic practice are rich in facts of ruin and collapse of not only small enterprises, but also large factories.

5. There is a possibility of severe complications.

6. Numerous spontaneous bazaars have significantly disfigured the city.

7. At the same time, the international situation showed a negative attitude towards the state of affairs in Russian textile production.

8. Now these functions are consolidated in the person of one person.

9. Looking deeper into the centuries of Russian history, we will notice that the superstructure has relative independence.

5. Determine in which cases lexical compatibility is violated intentionally, in which - as a result of ignorance of the true meaning of the word.

A living corpse, three only daughters, an ordinary miracle, an obvious - incredible, a greater or lesser half, burst into light childish laughter, lean your back, a terrible beauty, break a glass vase, an excellent scoundrel, a terribly interesting book, terribly comfortable shoes.

6. Indicate errors associated with ignorance of the combinability of word meanings.

1. The students listened to a conversation about the work of I. Bunin twice.

2. Kuprin’s story “The Duel” was prepared by a whole galaxy of stories dedicated to the life of the army.

3. “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” will be understood by every person who truly loves his homeland.

4. A kind of cult of Pushkin emanated from Bunin’s mother.

5. Many were unable to solve problems and found themselves on the edge of poverty.

6. The image of Igor (“The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”) is distinguished by selfless courage and military ardor.

7. Tell me what time it is.

8. Each student expressed his credo.

7. Find and correct errors associated with the use of phraseological units. Determine the causes of phraseological errors: 1. The use of phraseological units without taking into account their meanings. 2. Change in the component composition of phraseological units (substitution). 3. Expansion of the component composition of PU. 4. Reduction of the component composition of PU. 5. Contamination. 6. Changing the grammatical form of the components of phraseological units. 7. Violation of lexical and phraseological compatibility. 8. Inconsistency between stylistic and emotionally expressive.

1. The writer keeps pace with the times.

2. We will be able to improve the quality of products only if everyone fully understands their personal responsibility for the assigned work and makes their contribution to the common pot.

3. Yes, we gave up on everything a long time ago and resigned ourselves.

4. I listen to this beautiful music, and tears come out and a chill runs through my skin.

5. Khlestakov always throws pearls before swine, and everyone believes him.

6. Khlestakov managed to trick the mayor.

7. ... the game is not worth a damn.

8. The engine shop is the holy of holies of the new service station.

9. Katerina committed suicide and threw herself into the river.

10. Together with the writer, we go to another world, full of secrets and adventures.

11. They turn a blind eye to shortcomings.

12. We didn’t come here to work, but to chase long rubles.

Morphological norms

Theoretical part

1. Use of forms of nouns.

Gender of nouns.

Features of the declension of nouns.

Variants of case endings in the plural.

2. Use of forms of adjectives.

3. Use of numerals.

4. Use of pronouns.

5. Use of verb forms.

Practical part

1. Determine the gender of these nouns and motivate your answer.

Avenue, alibi, Borjomi, Ivasi, impresario, incognito, interview, kangaroo, kohlrabi, contralto, entertainer, confetti, croupier, lady, mango, penalty, pony, receptionist, stew, rugby, Swahili, taxi, flamingo, tsunami, attache, purse, vis-a-vis, sommelier, protégé, maestro; Bali, Baku, Batumi, Capri, Kizhi, Peru, Sukhumi.

2. Find and correct grammatical errors. Indicate cases where multiple options are acceptable.

Olympic Sochi, distant Oslo, evening Helsinki, mysterious Tokyo, densely populated Grodno, wide Limpopo, sunny Brescia, ancient Bruges, forgotten Testaments of Ilyich (collective farm), restless Onego, coastal Turku, Khimki near Moscow, beautiful Shiraz, misty Osaka,
independent Haiti.

3. Explain the use of collective numerals in the sentences below.

1. Three friends stood in the back and looked and looked at everything that was familiar from childhood.

2. Soon the room was filled with children, lovely girls and boys. There were five of them.

3. The commandant sent two sledges.

4. In the crowd of prisoners, men stood in a small group. Four of them stepped forward.

4. Write down the numeral 128 287 685 letters and decline it.

5. Correct the errors in these sentences, write down the correct version, explain the errors.

1. The head of the department signed an application for granting the next leave to Albert Nikolaevich Hartman and Anna Mikhailovna Fridman.

2. According to the order, all employees of the department received bonuses.

3. It will be warmest this week in the Krasnodar Territory and Kuban.

4. At the World Rhythmic Gymnastics Championships, the entire podium was ours: three athletes received medals.

5. Diplomas were awarded to four hundred and thirty-five college graduates.

6. The sown area was about 50 thousand hectares.

7. Upon arrival on vacation, the president held a working meeting with the mayor of the city.

6. Explain cases of incorrect use of pronouns of different categories.

1. I. I. Yakushin is an outstanding figure who combines his extensive scientific and educational work with social work.

2. It is impossible not to mention the works of geographers; their works are still of scientific interest to researchers.

3. The Don Cossacks dispersed to their farms; they no longer wanted to fight.

Syntactic norms

Theoretical part

1. Syntactic norms. Word order in a sentence. Inversion.

2. Syntactic norms. Grammatical connection between subject and predicate.

3. Syntactic norms. The use of participial and participial phrases, passive and impersonal constructions.

4. Syntactic norms. Harmonization of definitions and applications.

5. Syntactic norms. Sentences with homogeneous members.

6. Syntactic norms. Errors in the construction of complex sentences.

Practical part

1. Complete the endings, matching the predicate with the subject.

1. The vast majority of students showed... deep knowledge in the exams.

2. How did two months pass in one minute?

3. A row of tables is located in the middle of a large room.

4. It seems that 11 o’clock has struck... .

5. Half the city took part in the strike.

6. Doctor Kuznetsov received... patients.

7. “Ruslan and Lyudmila” was written by... A. S. Pushkin.

2. Open the brackets and put proper names in the new form.

1. We were approaching the city (Florence).

2. The ancient Russian city of Zvenigorod stands on the (Moscow River).

3. Trade between the Russian Federation and the Republic (Lebanon) has been ongoing for many years.

4. The Russian State Scientific Library is located on the street (Vozdvizhenka).

5. The political elite loves to relax at a resort (Davos).

3. Find and explain errors in the use of gerunds and

participle turnover. Correct the sentences.

1. How nice it is to know that when I come home after school, the kitten will greet me with a joyful meow.

2. After reading about the battles, I immediately imagined this whole picture.

3. Reading this story, one gets the impression that Kuprin himself was a miner.

4. A year later, being blind and deaf, he was brought to the king.

5. Walking along the wet path, the rain had not yet stopped.

6. Sergei Efron, returning to his homeland, was arrested and killed.

7. Having met with Khlebnikov, Romashov stepped forward in his soul.

8. Animals already know the smells of many dangers when they are born.

4. Find and correct errors associated with violation of syntactic norms, motivate your answer.

1. Pancake flour is also sold in rented stores without a markup.

2. Currently, state-owned industry and agriculture are collapsing.

3. Bunin considered “Dark Alleys” his best book, which includes 38 short stories.

4. Most of Tsvetaeva’s poems are imbued with lyricism and beauty of writing.

5. He understands the need to help the people.

6. I kindly ask the person who found the work book in the name of Olga Petrova, lost on May 2, to return it.

7. Danger can only appear to a person or a cow.

8. In order for the text and our speech to be more beautiful and fabulous, the author and people use means of expression.

9. Firstly, I am a true patriot, therefore I really love and respect my Motherland: be it war, elections or the same brain drain.

10. The performers of the main roles, as well as all other participants in the performance, performed successfully.

11. In “Farewell to Matera,” V. Rasputin touches on the topic of human spirituality, which is relevant at all times, and also touches on the most important issues of the era of global projects.

5. Find and correct grammatical violations in the text.

The sky flares up, awakening the wind,

Cursing everything in this world,

I again run into the untrodden forests.

Animals rustle, running out to meet you,

With friendly paws Masha:

I'll be here all evening,

Writing immortal creations.

But, crawling out for a moment from the unsteady mud,

Swamp, green creature

Pokes me with a caring smile

Large Spelling Dictionary.

(A. Matyushkin-Gerke)

Basics of public speaking

Theoretical part
1. Features of oral public speech. The speaker and his audience.
2. Preparation of speech. Rules for constructing speech.
3. Verbal presentation of a public speech. Understanding, informativeness and expressiveness of public speech.
Practical part
Prepare a speech (3-4 minutes), based on the rules for constructing oral public speech.

Scientific style

Theoretical part

1. Define scientific style.

2. Name the genres of scientific style.

3. Describe the linguistic means characteristic of the scientific style.

The film the festival (shown).

8. The actor knew how to... (copy) the singing of a nightingale.

This house... is a small castle (is).

Task 12

Divide all words into 2 groups depending on their compatibility with the paronyms oily - oily.

Task 1 3

Select from the given paronyms the one that is needed in this context. Explain your choice.

1. In front of us (stood- became a question... 2. Report (submitted- provided) in two copies. 3. The actor played (the main- title) role. 4. Girl (dressed- put on) fancy dress. 5. Teacher (held- conducted a survey of students.

Task 14

Correct mistakes made as a result of mixing paronyms.

1. The teacher was forced to once again explain the new material. 2. The scientist stood at the sources of rocket science. 3. I was attracted by the early romantic works of A. S. Pushkin. 4. The artist won the gratitude of the audience. 5. Art influences the growth of human culture. 6. The main thing for a writer- human spiritual world. 7. He had long dreamed of the title role in Crime and Punishment. 8. She came in a flowery dress. 9. The business traveler had to wait a long time for the documents to be processed. 10. His gaze is either pleading, or serious, or outrageous.

Task 1 5

Indicate cases of violation of traditional contextual lexical compatibility.

Reduce the number of products, reduce study, reduce academic performance, reduce requests, reduce requirements.

Task 1 6

In the given sentences the boundaries of lexical compatibility are violated. Fix this issue.

1. Most of the game has already passed. 2. All the children were terribly happy. 3. Extracurricular activities play a positive role in the development of children. 4. This actor has long earned the fame of the audience. 5. The vast majority of tasks have been completed. 6. The students showed particular interest in the exhibition of school crafts.

Task 1 7

Determine in which cases lexical compatibility is violated intentionally, in which - as a result of ignorance of the true meaning of the word.

A living corpse, three only daughters, an ordinary miracle, obvious - incredible, larger or smaller half, be filled with light childish laughter, lean your back, a terrible beauty, break a glass vase, an excellent scoundrel, a terribly interesting book, terribly comfortable shoes.

Task 1 8

Name the phrases from the confusion (contamination) of which new non-standardized expressions emerged.

Waste your nerves - fray, spoil your nerves + waste your health and strength.

1. To achieve success -
Give attention
Put on an evening, a concert -
Suffer a loss =
Raise a toast =

Play value = Do harm =

2. Take, take a bet on something =
Win the title of champion =
Protect degree =
Make an impact =
Lead ideas =
Dream fulfillment =

Giving a hint =

Task 19

Indicate errors associated with ignorance of the combinability of word meanings.

Lexical norms regulate the rules for the use of words, i.e. the accuracy of the choice of word according to the meaning of the statement and the appropriateness of its use in social meaning and generally accepted combinations. When determining lexical norms, changes in the vocabulary of a language should be taken into account: the polysemy of a word, the phenomena of synonymy, antonymy, stylistic consideration of vocabulary, the concept of active and passive vocabulary, the social sphere of vocabulary use, the need for a justified choice of word in a specific speech situation, and many others.

Changes in the vocabulary of the Russian language occur in parallel with changes in the life of society; to denote new phenomena in social life, a new word can be created using existing word-formation means, or a foreign word is borrowed, or a complex, compound name is formed, or, finally, a word that already exists in the language is adapted, which in this case modifies its meaning in a certain way (and often its stylistic coloring).

Polysemy is the presence of several (two or more) meanings for a word. The consequences of a careless attitude towards polysemantic words are ambiguity and ambiguity of expression, as well as unlawful, excessive expansion of the meanings of known words.

Homonymy should be distinguished from polysemy. Homonyms- these are words that have the same sound, the same form, but whose meanings are in no way related to each other, i.e. do not contain any common elements of meaning. Highlight lexical homonyms(words that match in all grammatical forms), homophones(words that are spelled differently but pronounced the same, for example: meadow - onion), homoforms(words that sound the same in some grammatical form, for example: clear glassglass on the roof) And homographs(words that have the same form but different sounds, for example: locklock). Ignorance of the existence in the language reduces the accuracy of speech paronyms– words that are close, similar in sound and spelling, but different in meaning (for example: excavatorescalator).

Synonymy is the opposite of polysemy and homonymy. With synonymy, different forms express the same (or similar) content. Synonyms- these are words that sound differently, but are the same or very close in meaning. They happen conceptual(close, not quite identical in meaning) and stylistic(identical in meaning, but having different stylistic overtones). The presence of synonyms ensures the expressiveness of speech and at the same time obliges all speakers and writers to be attentive to the choice of words from a number of close, similar ones.

Antonyms- these are words with the opposite meaning. They have long been used as a technique for creating contrasting patterns, for sharply contrasting features and phenomena.

A number of words are marked in explanatory dictionaries with the labels “lofty”, “bookish”, on the one hand, and “colloquial”, “colloquial” - on the other. These marks indicate a stylistic stratification of the vocabulary. The main part of the vocabulary fund is the so-called “ neutral” vocabulary, against the background of which the expressive capabilities of stylistically colored words appear, the use of which in speech requires a developed linguistic sense and aesthetic taste.

Vocabulary can be viewed in terms of active and passive vocabulary. Passive vocabulary includes obsolete words: archaisms(outdated synonyms of modern words) and historicisms(obsolete words denoting former, now non-existent concepts), as well as new words (neologisms). Individual obsolete words “return” to the active stock of the dictionary, sometimes acquiring new meanings, for example: thought, governor, banker, goalkeeper.

From the point of view of the social sphere of use, all words of the Russian language can be divided into vocabulary of an unlimited sphere of use and vocabulary of a limited sphere of use, which includes professionalism(words and expressions used in oral speech by people of the same profession), dialectisms(elements of territorial dialects used by native speakers of the literary language), terms(precise designations of certain concepts of any special field of science, technology, art), jargon(elements of various social dialects in literary speech). Words of limited use may eventually become part of the lexical composition of a literary language. In this case, regional words lose their dialect coloring (for example: outskirts, plow, stubble), and the terms are determinologized (for example: public reaction, Wednesday, atmosphere).

The clarity and intelligibility of speech depends on the correct use of borrowed (foreign) words. Errors in their use are associated primarily with ignorance of the exact meaning of the word, which often leads to pleonasm(speech redundancy), for example: first debut, memorable souvenirs. A type of pleonasm is tautology– the use of adjacent words of the same root in speech.

Phraseological norms- these are the rules for the use of phraseological units, non-free combinations of words that are not produced in speech, but are reproduced in it. Phraseologisms are distinguished by a stable relationship between semantic content, lexical composition and grammatical structure, therefore any changes in the composition and structure of these expressions lead to speech errors.


2. Characterize the vocabulary of the Russian language in terms of the scope of its use.

3. How is the richness of the vocabulary of the modern Russian language manifested?

4. Give a description of lexical speech errors associated with a violation of the requirement for a justified choice of words in a certain speech situation.

5. What are the features of phraseological norms? Describe the main types of phraseological speech errors.


Task 1. Determine the meaning of the following words. Make up several phrases with them.

Appeal, concentrate, apogee, arrangement, acoustics, subscription, run, balance, vernissage, stained glass, gravity, size, gamma, hypothesis, vacuum, lawn, grilled food, gourmet, degradation, decade, range, detector, dessert, jumble, ordinary, ideogram, illusion, instinct, intonation, cavalcade, cinematize, credo, sidelines, collision, lexicon, leitmotif, mannequin, memoirs, matrix, meridian, scanty, ignorant, outskirts, ornament, galaxy, claim, prosody, fiction, aesthetics, titular.

Task 2. Write down the unambiguous words first, then the polysemous ones. Give reasons for your answer.

B. Admiral, diver, year, rook, university, run, Tuesday, trainee, lampshade.

V. Fugitive, harp, biologist, dawn, thing, hero, go, soil, fire, house.

Task 3. Determine which of the highlighted words are used figuratively.

1. So blazing with self-will, youth grumbled daring. (A. Pushkin.). 2. I want to breathe near warm body art.(M. Svetlov). 3. Furious the wind pushed the traveler in the back. (M. Matusovsky). 4. A book is spiritual testament one generation to another. (A. Herzen) 5. Had favorite words and their grandfather would release them after a word in an hour. (N. Nekrasov).

Task 4. Eliminate errors associated with the use of words without taking into account their semantics.

1. One act of Chatsky led me into confusion. 2. Nowadays many writers are closely involved in politics. 3. The students listened intently to the artist’s performance. 4. But before I use the material and lightly vibrate it, I want to express my thoughts about Bazarov. 5. The idea of ​​this work is a call to the Russian princes to form a single principality and stand up for the defense of the Russian land. 6. All this paints an idea of ​​“The Tale of Igor’s Campaign.” 7. Sketches also help the reader understand the text better. This is a wayward explanation. 8. Students themselves can pose questions to the speaker. 9. “Garnet Bracelet” is one of Kuprin’s most confirming works.

Task 5. Indicate errors associated with violation of lexical compatibility of words.

1. The students listened to a conversation about the work of I. Bunin twice. 2. Kuprin’s story “The Duel” was prepared by a whole galaxy of stories dedicated to the life of the army. 3. “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” will be understood by every person who truly loves his homeland. 4. A kind of cult of Pushkin emanated from Bunin’s mother. 5. Many were unable to solve problems and found themselves on the edge of poverty. 6. The image of Igor is distinguished by selfless courage and military ardor. 7. Tell me what time it is. 8. Each student expressed his own credo.

Task 6. Determine the meaning of the following paronyms. Explain what causes errors when using them.

Subscriber - subscription, dress - put on, diplomat - diplomat, romantic - romantic, reason - justification, weighty - weighty, thrifty - thrifty, addressee - addressee, courtier - feigned, serf - serf owner, statute - status.

Task 7. Distribute the synonyms into groups: 1) semantic, 2) stylistic.

Calm, quiet, calm, calm; applaud, applaud, clap; take out, extract; pale, dim, faded, dull; duty, obligation; love, infatuation, passion, infatuation; break, respite, recess, smoke break; poet, poet, poet, bard, singer; gray, smoky, ashy, mousey.

Task 8. Determine which words given in brackets can be combined with members of the same synonymous series. Indicate what other words they can be combined with.

A. Silent, silent, dumb (recognition, forest, grief, man); big, big, healthy (child, grain, oak, city, sum, fighter); foreign, foreign, foreign (product, language, events); refined, refined (manners, food).

B. Personal, individual, personal (transport, car, freedom, law); incredible, unimaginable, inconceivable, unimaginable (laziness, noise, tension, container); lively, lively, lively (street, conversation, trade, game); unpleasant, annoying, offensive (error, omission, oversight, blunder, incident).

Task 9. Read the following examples from the works of M.Yu. Lermontov. Write down antonyms from them. Determine which part of speech they belong to and what stylistic function they perform in a literary text. Are there any contextual antonyms among the examples given??

1. But for a long time this heart faded, and peace be upon it! - in one moment it stopped loving and hating: not everyone is destined for such happiness! 2. No! Persecution has never been able to cool love; She is her own good and evil! 3. Look where the swearing smoke is redder, where the dust is thicker and the cry of death is stronger, where blood is poured over the dead and the living... 4. To the right, dark bushes hang, touching their hats... to the left is an abyss; along the edges there are a row of red stones, here and there always ready to collapse . 5. And you will not wash away the righteous blood of the poet with your black blood.

Task 10. Highlight archaic words. Explain how they differ from historicisms. Determine what role obsolete words play in speech.

1. Kaftan, falconer, altyn, velmi.

2. Charm, magical, kissing, fiery.

3. March, erect, speak, inspire.

4. Battle, oprichnina, squad, division.

5. High school student, serf, knight, youth.

6. Bailiff, bursa, bulldozer, especially (especially).

Task 11. Analyze the highlighted words and indicate which lexical group they belong to in terms of the scope of its use: 1) a word of the national language; 2) dialectism; 3) jargon; 4) professionalism.

1. How many in youth, unloved, unsung (A. Surkov). 2. The regiment marched in flux gait, and the horses were noticeably sweating (M. Sholokhov). 3. Treasures music inexhaustible (D. Shostakovich) 4. A cap of light brown curls swayed on his big head (M. Gorky). 5. Gasping, Andrey pulls the reins and introduces to the bases a horse staggering from fatigue (M. Sholokhov). 6. Falcon peregrine falcon a flying flock of ducks hits from above (N. Przhevalsky). 7. The steamer was leaving to land at landing stage(K. Fedin). 8. The swan answers the prince: “The light about the squirrel is true strikes"(A. Pushkin) 9. Fight - fight is not a toy; even though his face is burning with fire, even though he is a red German yushka decorated like an egg (A. Tvardovsky).

Task 12. Find out for what purpose professional terminological vocabulary is used in the examples given: 1) to describe technical processes; 2) as a means of figurative characterization.

1. Pokrovsky plant sends us plowshares tractor plows, harrow teeth(P. Proskurin). 2. His face is ugly, but very attractive. The nostrils are fleshy, mobile, and the eyes like two traffic light(G. Nikolaeva). 3. Crop rotations approved, sitting on the bow (G. Nikolaeva). 4. The wind began to blow in the pine forest. Obviously transit the wind that came here from another continent (I. Petrov). 5. Internal cavity valve isolated from the external environment bellows device. 6. Fast acting integral regulator power has a strong stabilizing effect on the power distribution control system. 7. Martins, bloomings, caissons this is the tribe of your idols. You lived physically sleeplessly, and morally you slept cowardly (E. Yevtushenko). 8. I am a troubadour turbogenerators(A. Voznesensky). 10. Hydraulic turbines are built only stationary and used at hydroelectric power plants for drive hydrogen generators.

Task 13. Make up sentences with the following words of foreign origin. Indicate the source language for each of them, using information from the Dictionary of Foreign Words.

Compasses, fantasy, despot, vacancy, assault, pate, patriot, kebab, prestige, tunnel, officer, conservative, trend, guard, talent, cosmopolitan, bazaar, piano, screen, aroma.

Task 14. Find stationery, edit sentences.

1. Due to lack of discipline, the class did not go to the theater. 2. All students should be aware of changes to the lesson schedule. 3. The above students did not come to school. 4. It is necessary to inform all students about the general meeting. 5. At the meeting, the issue of discipline was acute.

Task 15. Correct errors related to verbosity and determine their type.

1. I have already talked about my autobiography in the introductory article. 2. The institute has developed new methods and developments on this problem. 3. The patient was immediately admitted to the hospital. 4. The company announced a vacancy for the position of chief accountant. 5. It is still unknown who the creator of this unique creation is. 6. Already at the beginning of his creative career as a writer, strengths and weaknesses became apparent. 7. There is no longer any significant difference between nature and man. 8. Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin” is one of Pushkin’s most complex works. 9. She had very huge eyes. 10. The president of the company called on everyone to cooperate together. 11. It is necessary to weigh our economic chances realistically and without illusions. 12. The princes did not want to understand that the unification of their troops into a single army was necessary.

Task 16. Explain the meanings of the borrowed words. Evaluate the appropriateness of their use.

1. My friend recently bought himself a bike. 2. For the artist, tanks and bucks were not the main thing in life. 3. The foreigner paid fifteen pure American greens for the painting. 4. One of the features of a non-market economy is the shortage of goods and services. 5. The government’s task is to contain and curb inflation. 6. The hero of the day was given a fashionable case. 7. After much debate, a consensus was reached at the meeting. 8. It is necessary to give the protest a legitimate form. 9. When you buy an imported item, be sure to study the label(s). 10. Organizers of theatrical performances and all kinds of shows strive to gain not only profit, but also publicity.

Task 17. Give stylistic characteristics of the given phraseological expressions.

Achilles' heel, black sheep, wash your hands, puppet government, play the fool, knee-deep sea, first swallow, get into trouble, in broad daylight, lead by the nose, fall for the bait, the cat cried, give a bath.

Task 18.Using dictionaries, determine the meaning of phraseological units and the scope of their use. Choose synonymous phraseological units for them.

Rub your glasses, once or twice, and you've miscalculated, in the openwork, at full speed, wash your hands, under your boot, a drop in the ocean, too tough, get into trouble, the trail is gone, just before dawn, cut with one brush.

Lesson 4

Morphological norms