Corus consulting CIS edi. Sending reports to the Federal Tax Service, Pension Fund, Social Insurance Fund, and Rosstat

Exchange of a full range of electronic commercial documents accompanying all stages of ordering and delivery of goods, directly from customer accounting systems.

Full control of the goods delivery process

Exchange of a full range of electronic documents in the Federal Tax Service format, accompanying all stages of delivery and return of goods, mutual settlements, directly from customer accounting systems.

Storage of electronic accounting documents.

The manufacturer posts data about its products and creates its own sales channel for each distributor, fills it with an assortment and sets prices, provides distributors with access to their personal account with personal product catalogs and price conditions.

Distributors generate orders and reports on sales and balances in relation to the agreed assortment.

Allows you to quickly and reliably synchronize information about products in all sales channels: with retail chains, distributors, online stores, and your own retail.

Processes and stores logistics parameters, pricing conditions, consumer properties, media data and permitting documents.

Instant registration of batches of manufactured products Generation and cancellation of veterinary certificates directly at the time of shipment and acceptance of goods in connection with shipping documents

Monitoring and adjustments of documents in real time

Supporting the process of financing monetary claims with the participation of the buyer of the claim (factoring company or bank), the supplier of the goods (creditor) and the buyer of the goods (debtor).

Transparent and secure automated three-way interaction between participants in a factoring transaction, assignment and confirmation of rights of monetary claim.

A complete set of electronic documents accompanying factoring operations in EDI and Federal Tax Service formats

Balance sheet and other financial indicators

Government contracts won and placed

Report to cover risks to the Federal Tax Service and the head

Affiliates, connections between companies and their owners


Lawsuits, register of unscrupulous suppliers

Select and purchase tickets at the best prices, make hotel reservations, transfers, travel documents, generate accounting reports

Convenient travel management and control of travel expenses within the organization

Possibility of postpayment, all travel expenses are collected in one invoice

Procurement 44-FZ, 223-FZ

Commercial auctions, bankruptcy auctions

Registration of legal entities/individual entrepreneurs, cash desks

Submitting reports to government agencies, electronic document management

State portals and public services, federal customs service, EGAIS FSRAR

Doctor's electronic signature

A comprehensive solution for preparing for mandatory labeling of goods: issuing an electronic signature for registration in the Chestny ZNAK system, setting up an accounting system for working with goods, exchanging electronic documents with the corresponding labeling code.

KORUS Consulting CIS is an operator of electronic inter-corporate document management, providing organizations and individual entrepreneurs with services for the exchange of commercial and legally significant documents, as well as services for the transfer of mandatory reporting to government bodies of the Russian Federation. The company is a leader in the Russian EDI technology market with a wide network of partners throughout the country.

160 retail chains

are clients
KORUS Consulting CIS: international manufacturing companies, logistics and telecommunications operators, housing and communal services providers, etc.

15 million electronic documents

transmitted using services
KORUS Consulting CIS

300 thousand clients

Sberbank use the service
electronic document management

KORUS Consulting CIS LLC is:

  • EDI operator, partner of the international EDI provider COMARCH in Russia;
  • fiscal data operator (FDO);
  • trusted Certification Center of the Federal State Statistics Service (UC FSSSS);
  • trusted EDI operator of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, EDI operator of Rosstat and the Pension Fund of Russia;
  • EDF operator, member of the roaming center of EDF operators;
  • Certification center accredited by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation;
  • developer of online services for Sberbank;
  • developer of a factoring platform for retail;
  • developer of a counterparty verification service.

TOP-100 Russian IT companies

TOP 20 IT suppliers for retail

TOP 10
SaaS providers


EDI technology came to Russia in partnership with COMARCH.

Registration "KORUS Consulting CIS". First clients: METRO C&C, Auchan, Craftfoods, Unilever, Procter&Gamble.
The total number of connected companies is 50.

Mass connection of goods suppliers to the EDI service. Creating your own Certification Authority.

A new product SPHERE EDI is being created. Beginning of integration of EDI and enterprise accounting systems.

SPHERE Courier and Reporting Plus services have been created for submitting mandatory reporting to the Federal Tax Service, Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, Social Insurance Fund and Rosstat.

Sberbank acquires 90% of shares of KORUS Consulting CIS. Beginning of integration of KORUS Consulting CIS services with banking products.

Creation of a new E-Invoicing service for Sberbank clients.

Sberbank becomes the sole shareholder and owner of KORUS Consulting CIS.

KORUS Consulting CIS is included in the TOP 20 IT Suppliers in retail according to CNews Analytics. Clients include all the largest federal retail chains, many regional retail chains, and thousands of companies supplying FMCG goods.

Two lines of business have been formed: Retail&Distribution (RND) and work with Sberbank. The company connects Russia's largest retailers to the OFD service. For the third year in a row, KORUS Consulting CIS is included in the TOP-10 Russian SaaS operators and for the second year confirms its 6th position in the ranking.

Obtained the status of fiscal data operator. Together with Rosselkhoznadzor, an integration service with the FSIS “Mercury” is being created. An online digital services platform is being developed for Sberbank.

KORUS Consulting CIS LLC:

  • EDI operator;
  • trusted EDI operator of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, EDI operator of Rosstat and the Pension Fund of Russia;
  • fiscal data operator (FDO);
  • member of the roaming center of EDI operators;
  • knowledge center EDI School;
  • Certification center accredited by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia;
  • trusted certification center of the Federal State Statistics Service (TC FSGS);
  • exclusive partner of the international EDI provider Comarch in Russia.


  • Roskomnadzor for the provision of telematic communication services
  • FSB of Russia for activities related to encryption tools
  • FSTEC of Russia for activities related to technical protection of confidential information

Performance indicators

*2018: Revenue growth 32.7%

At the end of 2018, the revenue of Corus Consulting CIS increased by 32.7% and amounted to 1 billion 507.3 million rubles. Net profit increased by 66% and amounted to 185.2 million rubles.

Corus Consulting CIS continued to develop its business line - electronic document management (EDI and EDI) in the B2B and B2G segments. In 2018, the number of electronic documents in supply chains amounted to more than 245 million.

In 2018, the company focused its efforts on product integration, automating new customer business processes using a line of interconnected solutions. Suppliers and manufacturers were offered a set of services for managing sales channels not only with retail chains, but also with logistics companies, small retail, restaurants, distribution and retail outlets of any format. The number of clients working on the Pro Store distribution management platform increased more than 7 times in 2018, reaching 860 companies.

A project has begun to bring to market a solution for managing product master data. A platform for corporate management of the entire infrastructure for issuing and renewing electronic signature certificates for large network clients was put into commercial operation. Work is underway to prepare for the implementation of ETTN, an updated UPD format.

In 2018, Corus Consulting CIS, as part of the transition to mandatory veterinary certification of meat, fish and poultry, successfully fulfilled all obligations to connect its clients to the FSIS Mercury system. In 2019, the company will continue to develop similar projects with dairy suppliers using its Vet.Connect product.

At the same time, the company’s activities are developing to integrate EDI services into banking systems and develop services for automating bank business processes. Thanks to Corus Consulting CIS, more than 91% of Sberbank invoices at the end of 2018 were issued electronically.

An integration solution was implemented (the bank's SAP and the SPHERE Courier product) for the end-to-end transition of the bank's suppliers to electronic document management. The number of bank clients who switched to EDI increased by 69%, and the traffic of electronic documents between the bank and its counterparties increased by 50%.

The company continues to increase its expertise in the field of lending, develops and maintains technological infrastructure at all stages of issuing loans (from the front system to the master data system for all borrowers). The number of loan documents processed by Sberbank electronically increased by 183% over the year.

In 2018, Corus Consulting CIS developed 4 products for the digital bank Sberbank Business Online: Document Designer, Electronic Archive, Electronic Signature for bidding and a service for organizing business trips Business Travel.

One of the company's key customers is Sberbank. In 2019, the company plans to increase the volume of developments for Sberbank by 4 times and become the largest vendor in the Corporate and Investment Business block.

The certification center "Corus Consulting CIS" in 2018 increased the production of electronic signatures by more than 2 times. This became possible, among other things, due to the modernization of software and hardware capabilities. The scope of application of the certificate was expanded, for which the CA was authorized on more than 200 electronic trading platforms and information resources. The geography of obtaining the certificate has been expanded to almost the entire territory of Russia.



Revenue growth by 25%

The Corus Consulting CIS company, a 100% subsidiary of Sberbank, announced on April 9, 2018 an increase in revenue at the end of 2017 by 25% to 1.3 billion rubles. The growth of net profit was 115%.

In 2017, Corus Consulting CIS launched services for clients of the bank, the parent company, as a result of which, compared to 2016, the share of banking projects in the company’s revenue in 2017 increased to 19%. Corus Consulting CIS plans to offer proven banking and non-banking services to all financial market participants.

The key areas for us continue to be the development and development of digital online services - both for the banking market, including the parent company Sberbank PJSC, and for the retail market. In 2017, we updated and significantly expanded our technological base, increased infrastructure capacity, and increased competencies. The company has grown to almost 500 people. The coming 2018 for us is a year of large federal projects and the rapid implementation of the most daring ideas,” Sergey Vershkov commented on the results of the activities of Corus Consulting CIS.

Fiscal data operator

Coming under Ukrainian sanctions

Compliance of technical means of the OFD with the legislation of the Russian Federation

The company employs more than 350 specialists. KORUS Consulting CIS offices are located in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg and Novosibirsk.


Revenue growth by 30%

Previously (as of March 2012), Corus Consulting CIS was 65% owned by the Cyprus company Dorinetco Limited, 20% by Leonid Yakubovsky, and 15% by Alexander Semenov, CEO of the Corus Consulting group.

A source close to Sberbank said that the acquired company will be integrated into the business of working with corporate clients.

Let us note that the leaders of Sberbank have repeatedly stated their intention to turn the bank into a hi-tech corporation.

“Carrying out settlements, money transfers, creating electronic demand and supply for goods and services have become as everyday as the communication of Internet users through social networks and e-mail,” Viktor Orlovsky, senior vice president of Sberbank, told TAdviser, explaining the essence “Business Environment” project launched by Sberbank. This project, according to Orlovsky, will become “evidence of the formation of a new business-oriented social architecture for Russia, in which the interests of entrepreneurs, consumers, the state and the bank itself will be closely integrated.”
“On the one hand, the solutions of Corus Consulting CIS will allow Sberbank to expand the range of tools for ensuring communications between its clients,” says Petr Didenko, director of strategic development at SKB Kontur. “On the other hand, access to the EDI system will allow the bank to see more data about customer transactions and offer them more targeted services.”


On November 3, 2005, the KORUS Consulting CIS brand was registered as a separate legal entity under the idea that electronic document management will eventually cover the entire united market of the CIS countries.

Exchange of a full range of electronic commercial documents accompanying all stages of ordering and delivery of goods, directly from customer accounting systems.

Full control of the goods delivery process

Exchange of a full range of electronic documents in the Federal Tax Service format, accompanying all stages of delivery and return of goods, mutual settlements, directly from customer accounting systems.

Storage of electronic accounting documents.

The manufacturer posts data about its products and creates its own sales channel for each distributor, fills it with an assortment and sets prices, provides distributors with access to their personal account with personal product catalogs and price conditions.

Distributors generate orders and reports on sales and balances in relation to the agreed assortment.

Allows you to quickly and reliably synchronize information about products in all sales channels: with retail chains, distributors, online stores, and your own retail.

Processes and stores logistics parameters, pricing conditions, consumer properties, media data and permitting documents.

Instant registration of batches of manufactured products Generation and cancellation of veterinary certificates directly at the time of shipment and acceptance of goods in connection with shipping documents

Monitoring and adjustments of documents in real time

Supporting the process of financing monetary claims with the participation of the buyer of the claim (factoring company or bank), the supplier of the goods (creditor) and the buyer of the goods (debtor).

Transparent and secure automated three-way interaction between participants in a factoring transaction, assignment and confirmation of rights of monetary claim.

A complete set of electronic documents accompanying factoring operations in EDI and Federal Tax Service formats

Balance sheet and other financial indicators

Government contracts won and placed

Report to cover risks to the Federal Tax Service and the head

Affiliates, connections between companies and their owners


Lawsuits, register of unscrupulous suppliers

Select and purchase tickets at the best prices, make hotel reservations, transfers, travel documents, generate accounting reports

Convenient travel management and control of travel expenses within the organization

Possibility of postpayment, all travel expenses are collected in one invoice

Procurement 44-FZ, 223-FZ

Commercial auctions, bankruptcy auctions

Registration of legal entities/individual entrepreneurs, cash desks

Submitting reports to government agencies, electronic document management

State portals and public services, federal customs service, EGAIS FSRAR

Doctor's electronic signature

A comprehensive solution for preparing for mandatory labeling of goods: issuing an electronic signature for registration in the Chestny ZNAK system, setting up an accounting system for working with goods, exchanging electronic documents with the corresponding labeling code.

KORUS Consulting together with Comarch began promoting EDI technology in Russia. The term “EDI” caused confusion and mistrust among clients. It took a lot of strength and perseverance, flexibility and determination. The enthusiasm of young specialists, the wisdom and endurance of shareholders did their job.


The first connections of clients, including METRO Cash & Carry, Auchan, Craftfoods, Unilever, Procter&Gamble, Lenta, Eurosib, Mosmart. The total number of connected companies was several dozen. But what companies! Largely thanks to their support and example, the project received a powerful impetus for development.


Mass connection of companies to the EDI platform. Recruitment and training of personnel. Building internal processes for quick processing of lists of suppliers for connection to the service, high-quality technical support. Interaction with ECR and GS1.


All necessary licenses and permits have been obtained to work with cryptography, interact with government agencies regarding electronic reporting, and connections have been established with the Federal Tax Service, Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, Rosstat, and Social Insurance. We opened our own Certification Center. A dialogue has begun with the Federal Tax Service on the transition to cloud platforms for submitting reports electronically, without installing equipment in territorial divisions and branches.


Our own IT development is being formed. In addition to the line of integration products, the company developed and offered clients the “SPHERE EDI” solution, which combines EDI exchange and electronic signature technologies. Specialists have implemented a number of unique integration solutions that allow the use of the SPHERE EDI platform directly from clients’ own accounting systems.


The new legislative framework has given impetus to the introduction of legally binding electronic documents. The SPHERE Courier product offered, in addition to the transfer and signing of documents, support for routes for their approval within the divisions of the client company. The SPHERE Reporting solution is the first cloud-based web solution for submitting mandatory reports to the Federal Tax Service, Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, Social Insurance Fund and Rosstat in electronic form.


PJSC Sberbank, having assessed the company's potential, acquires 90% of the shares of KORUS Consulting CIS. This was the first transaction in the market of EDI and EDI operators in Russia. Sberbank has launched the integration of the company's integration services into banking products. The “E-invoicing” product was developed specifically for Sberbank, which is currently regularly used by about 40,000 bank clients.


Sberbank becomes a 100% shareholder of KORUS Consulting CIS. The company is undergoing significant transformation. The development of banking services is a separate area. An attempt is being made to integrate into the bank’s processes and develop the authority of a reliable partner. At the same time, the task of maintaining the pace of development in the retail and distribution market is being solved.


CNews Analytics conducted a study of the IT services market in Russia, according to the results of which KORUS Consulting CIS entered the TOP 20 IT suppliers in the retail sector. Clients include all the largest federal retail chains, many regional retail chains, as well as thousands of companies supplying goods in the FMCG segment.


Launch of the CRF service to the market, start of work on creating our own platform for managing master data about goods, replicating a solution for distribution management for the largest manufacturers in Russia. For the second year in a row, sixth place in the ranking of Russian SaaS operators.


Integration services Sfera-EGAIS and Vetconnect for data transfer to Rosalkogolregulirovanie (EGAIS) and Rosselkhoznadzor (FGIS "Mercury"). The development of an online platform for digital services specifically for Sberbank has begun. The development of mobile applications for supply management for small retail and transport logistics has started.


The company rises to fourth place in the ranking of SaaS operators in Russia. We create the future together with you. We create the future for you.