Homemade chicken sausages. Homemade chicken breast sausages

Everyone knows that store-bought sausages and sausages contain a large number of harmful and dangerous components, which can harm the body. Pediatricians do not recommend consuming such products for children under at least three years of age. It’s better to limit your child from store-bought sausages, frankfurters and sausages for as long as possible. A suitable solution in this case would be to prepare the products at home. In this article we will learn how to prepare homemade sausages for children.

Composition and harm of store-bought sausages

Store-bought sausages contain various chemical fillers, flavors and dyes, thickeners and flavor enhancers. The composition includes such dangerous components as phosphates and nitrates, nitrites, carrageenan and others. They make sausages attractive and tasty, but at the same time harmful. In addition, the child gets used to the rich and piquant taste, and then refuses healthier and bland food without spices.

Today, only 10-30% meat is allowed in sausages and sausages. Moreover, this is not meat pulp, but animal fat or skin. In addition, various protein-fat emulsions and protein stabilizers, vegetable oil and water, soy protein, flour, starch and various cereals are added to the composition.

Such products can cause serious poisoning and stomach upsets. They burn and irritate the digestion and negatively affect the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, kidneys and liver. Poor-quality meat products cause food allergies, dysbacteriosis, and a number of chronic diseases, including ulcers, gastritis and others.

The components in the sausages are not completely digested. In addition, they have no nutritional value and do not saturate the body. This product is prohibited for children under three years of age. If you nevertheless decide to introduce sausages into your diet, you need to choose a high-quality product that meets GOST standards, or take a special children's sausage. How to choose sausages for a child, see.

How to cook sausages at home

If you want to diversify your baby’s diet, you can make sausages with your own hands. This way you will get a tasty and safe product. The big plus of sausages is that they are quick and easy to prepare. If you freeze several pieces, if necessary, you can take out a homemade semi-finished product and cook it in a few minutes. The result is a satisfying and nutritious product with a safe composition.

To prepare, take a special microwave-safe cling film that can withstand high boiling and cooking temperatures. Ordinary film will not withstand this temperature and will burst. Let's look at the basic recipes for making sausages for children.

Sausage recipes for children

Classic chicken sausages

  • Chicken fillet or breast – 500 grams;
  • Chicken egg – 1 piece;
  • Milk – 100 ml;
  • Onion – 1 head;
  • Salt and pepper to taste.

Chicken sausages are the easiest to prepare products, loved by children. Grind the chicken in a blender or through a meat grinder along with the peeled onion (onion may not be used). Then add the egg and milk, salt and pepper. Mix the mixture thoroughly and leave for 15 minutes.

Lay out and roll out the cling film to about 15 centimeters long. Place two tablespoons of minced chicken on the edge. Roll it into a roll, cut off the film at the ends, tie tightly and tightly into knots. You can easily make sausages of any thickness and length. Instead of chicken, you can use turkey. Turkey products are more tender and dietary.

Appetizing chicken sausages

  • Chicken fillet – 2 pieces;
  • Milk – 100 ml;
  • Chicken egg – 1 piece;
  • Salt and pepper to taste;
  • Beetroot – 1 large fruit.

Chicken fillet sausages with beets have a rich, piquant and original taste, as well as an attractive color. However, they do not contain hot spices, seasonings or dyes. Cut the fillet into pieces, then pass through a meat grinder until you obtain a paste-like minced meat. To do this, it is advisable to scroll the fillet three times.

Add milk to the minced meat, break the egg and mix. Peel the beets, grate them on a fine grater and squeeze out the beet juice through several layers of gauze. The juice is poured into the minced meat, it gives the sausages an original taste, attractive color and appetizing appearance.

Stir the minced meat thoroughly, add salt and pepper, and leave for a while. Then we form the sausages and place them in pre-rolled cling film. Roll the products into a tube, making sure to release the air. Cut the film from the roll and tie it tightly at the ends.

Beef sausages

  • Beef – 1 kg;
  • Milk – 200 ml;
  • Chicken egg – 1 piece;
  • Butter – 100 grams;
  • Greens (parsley and/or dill) – 1 bunch;
  • Pepper and salt to taste.

Beef is a suitable meat for children. It is low-fat and extremely rarely causes allergies, which is why doctors recommend introducing it first among all types of meat into children’s diets. Pass the beef through a meat grinder until it becomes soft and pliable. Heat the milk slightly, but do not boil, pour it into the meat mixture.

Finely chop the greens and add to the minced meat, break the egg, add a piece of butter and stir the mixture thoroughly. Add salt and pepper, stir again and pound several times, as beef is tough meat. Place the minced meat on cling film and wrap as described in previous recipes.

How to cook and store homemade sausages

You need to cook homemade sausages in cling film for five to seven minutes. To do this, place the products in boiling and lightly salted water. To prevent sausages from bursting during cooking, before putting the products in water, make two or three punctures in the film with a fork. Air will flow freely through the holes and the film will not burst.

To store sausages, wrap them in food paper or place them in a food-grade plastic container. Sausages, sausages and sausages must not be stored in plastic bags! Place the products in the refrigerator and use within five to seven days.

The finished product is cooled slightly and then the film is removed. Such products can be served boiled with any side dish, or fried in a frying pan, or used in baking. For example, make sausages in dough. To prepare the dough, take the following ingredients:

  • Wheat flour – 450 grams;
  • Milk – 150 ml;
  • Vegetable oil – 1 tablespoon;
  • Dry yeast – 5 grams;
  • Chicken egg – 1 piece;
  • Salt – ½ teaspoon;
  • Sugar – 1 teaspoon.

Mix the yeast with two tablespoons of warm, but not boiled milk, add sugar, a tablespoon of flour and mix thoroughly. Cover the container with a towel and leave in a warm place for half an hour until a foam cap appears. Meanwhile, sift the flour and mix with salt. Add the ripened yeast, the remaining warm milk, butter and egg.

Knead the dough thoroughly so that the mass becomes elastic and does not stick to your hands. Cover the kneaded dough with a towel and put it in a warm place for two hours. Knead the mass every hour. Then roll out the dough to a thickness of half a centimeter and cut into strips.

The sausages need to be boiled until half cooked, carefully remove the film, place on a strip of dough and twist in a spiral. The pieces are baked for about twenty minutes. The result is delicious and appetizing homemade sausages in dough. You will find other interesting recipes for children's dishes at the link.

I finally figured out how to make homemade sausages for children - tasty, juicy, tender and most importantly - healthy!

My kids love sausages! And we ourselves are not averse to boiling a delicious sausage for dinner, especially when we don’t have time to cook. But, although there are now special sausages for children on sale, such as “Tiger Cub” and “Leopardik”, there is some doubt that they are actually useful. And what can we say about inexpensive chicken sausages and other GMOs with all sorts of additives. But almost everything we buy in the store can be prepared at home, and home-cooked food will be much tastier and healthier. And, and candies, and, and sausages! It's worth taking a little time to feed your kids homemade food!

Ingredients for homemade chicken sausages:

  • Chicken fillet – 500-700 g (breast, or cut the flesh from the thighs). It is better if the chicken is also not broiler, but homemade;
  • Egg – 1 pc.;
  • Milk – 100 ml;
  • Onion - 1 pc.;
  • Spices – I used only salt and pepper as the most natural seasonings. I think all sorts of curries and seasonings for chicken are unnecessary for a children's dish. But you can add fresh or dried herbs for taste!

We will also need cling film. But - attention! - not an ordinary one, because it cannot be heated to more than 40-60C, but one that is suitable for a microwave, as readers suggest in the comments.

How to cook homemade sausages:

If you have a blender, grind the fillet and onion with it, then add the egg, milk, spices and beat some more. When using a blender, the consistency of sausages will be especially homogeneous and tender, almost like “real” ones.
And if you don’t have a blender, then simply grind the chicken and onions in a meat grinder, and then mix thoroughly with the rest of the ingredients.

Let the minced meat sit for 10-15 minutes, and you can begin the most exciting stage - forming the sausages! I was very interested. True, at first the sausages turn out to be slightly different sizes - but once you get the hang of it, you will have them exactly the same, just like at the factory!

So, unwind about 15 cm of film, put 2 tablespoons of minced chicken on its edge.

Give it an oblong shape. We cut off a piece of film and carefully, tightly wrap the minced meat in it, trying to leave less air under the film - air bubbles create small voids in the sausage.

Having rolled the film with minced meat into a “pipe”, we twist both edges, like a candy wrapper. And then we tightly tie the edges of the film on the sides into knots.

What a great sausage this turned out to be! Where are the shops? Everything in our home production is natural 😀

We wrap the rest in the same way. If you make it longer and thinner, you get homemade sausages; if you make it thicker and shorter, you get sausages. I got 11 sausages, slightly larger in size than store-bought ones.

Place the sausages in boiling salted water and cook for 5-7 minutes.

Then we catch them and wait until they cool down a little, after which we remove the film.

Delicious homemade chicken sausages are ready!

You can eat them simply boiled, or you can lightly fry them in a frying pan with vegetable oil to give them a more appetizing look.

You can also prepare homemade sausages for future use and store them in the freezer, taking them out and boiling them as needed. Very convenient, so now we will cook sausages at home.

I think it will be possible to experiment and diversify the recipe: add pieces of cheese - you will have sausages with cheese; for dad you can make “shpikachki” - sausages with pieces of lard; for kids - colorful, healthy and fun sausages with pieces of vegetables - carrot cubes, green peas, broccoli... Get creative!

Bon appetit to you and your children!

(Read 1 time, 51 visits today)

Are we always confident in the quality of the sausages we buy in stores? Alas, no. On the contrary, it seems that every year there is less and less meat in industrial sausages, and more and more all kinds of substitutes, additives and “improvers”. However, the quality can be controlled if you have a little time and the desire to prepare natural homemade chicken sausages yourself. It's not difficult at all.

The dietary product is tender, juicy and aromatic. Homemade sausages are cooked in double or triple quantities, wrapped in cling film and frozen, so they will always be on hand: just defrost in the microwave or fry in a frying pan, and a nutritious dinner is ready. Homemade semi-finished products often serve as the basis for preparing other dishes and are convenient for picnics.

If you add pork to the chicken, you will get equally tasty homemade chicken and pork sausages. True, they will have to cook a little longer.

Cooking time: 50-60 minutes / Yield: 12-14 small or 8 large sausages


  • chicken fillet 2 pieces
  • milk 1 glass
  • cream 30 ml
  • onion 1 piece
  • egg 1 piece
  • starch 1 teaspoon
  • salt, pepper to taste


Big photos Small photos

    Cut the chicken fillet into small pieces.

    Place the meat in a blender. Place peeled and chopped onions there.

    Grind the meat and onions until smooth. You can also use a meat grinder, passing the chicken through a fine grate 2-3 times.
    Add an egg to the minced meat.

    Transfer the minced meat into a deep bowl and add cream. Stir the cream into the meat and lightly beat the minced meat.

    Pour milk into the meat mixture. Mix thoroughly.

    Add starch and salt and pepper to taste. You can use other spices if desired.

    Unwind a little cling film and place 2-3 tbsp in the center. spoons of minced meat.

    Wrap the minced meat in film so that you get a dense sausage. Make sure that there is not a single open area left where the minced meat could “escape”. Tie the ends securely with a knot or thread.

    Boil water in a large saucepan and add the sausages. Cook for 15 minutes.

    Boiled sausages are completely ready to eat. If desired, they can be additionally fried or baked. If you are making ahead, let it cool before putting it in the freezer.

Favorite sausages, the quality and usefulness of which cannot be doubted. After all, we will prepare them at home according to a proven dietary recipe.

Are we always confident in the quality of the sausages we buy in stores? Alas, no. On the contrary, it seems that every year there is less and less meat in industrial sausages, and more and more all kinds of substitutes, additives and “improvers”. However, the quality can be controlled if you have a little time and the desire to prepare natural homemade chicken sausages yourself. It's not difficult at all.

The dietary product is tender, juicy and aromatic. Homemade sausages are cooked in double or triple quantities, wrapped in cling film and frozen, so they will always be on hand: just defrost in the microwave or fry in a frying pan, and a nutritious dinner is ready. Homemade semi-finished products often serve as the basis for preparing other dishes and are convenient for picnics.

Step-by-step video recipe

If you add pork to the chicken, you will get equally tasty homemade chicken and pork sausages. True, they will have to cook a little longer.


  • chicken fillet 2 pieces (or one chicken breast, the skin from which must be removed)
  • milk 1 glass
  • cream 30 ml
  • onion 1 piece
  • egg 1 piece
  • starch 1 teaspoon
  • salt, pepper to taste

How to cook chicken sausages

Cut the chicken fillet into small pieces.

Place the meat in a blender. Place peeled and chopped onions there.

Grind the meat and onions until smooth. You can also use a meat grinder, passing the chicken through a fine grate 2-3 times.
Add an egg to the minced meat.

Transfer the minced meat into a deep bowl and add cream. Stir the cream into the meat and lightly beat the minced meat.

Pour milk into the meat mixture. Mix thoroughly.

Add starch and salt and pepper to taste. You can use other spices if desired.

Unwind a little cling film and place 2-3 tbsp in the center. spoons of minced meat.

Wrap the minced meat in film so that you get a dense sausage. Make sure that there is not a single open area left where the minced meat could “escape”. Tie the ends securely with a knot or thread.

Homemade sausages are a healthy and tasty alternative to store-bought ones. These sausages can be made from chicken or turkey fillet. Use cling film as a shell. If you wish, you can add shelled pistachios, champignons, sweet peppers or herbs to the sausages, and replace the milk with cream. If you are preparing sausages for small children, then exclude garlic and ground black pepper from the recipe. Sausages can be prepared for future use - just freeze them.

Prepare the necessary products.

Wash the chicken fillet, dry it and cut into pieces.

Mince the chicken fillet, peeled onion and garlic twice.

Add softened butter, warm milk, egg, salt and spices to the minced chicken.

Mix thoroughly.

Spread cling film on the table. Place 2 tablespoons of minced meat on the edge of the film. Form a sausage by wrapping the minced meat tightly in 2-3 layers of film. Cut off excess film. Tie one end of the film with a strong knot.

Tie the other end of the film into a knot, making sure that there is no air left inside the film with minced meat.

Sausages can be made in different sizes. Children will love the little sausages.

Place the sausages in boiling water and cook for 15 minutes.

Place the finished sausages in a colander and let the water drain. Remove the film. Be careful not to burn your fingers - there may be hot air inside the film.

From this amount of ingredients I get about 20 medium-sized sausages. If you make baby sausages for children, you will get twice as many of them.

Serve the chicken sausages hot.

As a side dish for homemade chicken sausages, serve porridge from any cereal, pasta, boiled or fresh vegetables, and herbs.

Sausages can be fried on all sides until golden brown.

Bon appetit and delicious experiments!