Conspiracies of the great Vanga for love, prosperity and prosperity. Vanga's advice for getting married Signs from Vanga for the home

Vanga's advice constantly helped not only her neighbors and loved ones, but also many other people from all over the world. Most of them have real scientific justifications and relate, first of all, to the banal worldly wisdom that our ancestors possessed. However, some of her recommendations are not at all obvious and can be an interesting addition that can radically change your life and satisfaction with it.

In the article:

One of Vanga’s tips for every day is to learn to follow a routine and rest properly. She warned people against going to bed and waking up late. According to the Bulgarian prophetess, a person should go to bed no later than 22:00 and get up at dawn. You should avoid staying awake at night, because the day was created for work, and the night was created for rest.

Think before you say anything. All words are material, never say anything you don’t want. With the help of words you can bring trouble, but you can also attract happiness if you know how to do it.

Another useful piece of advice from Vanga is to teach your children to work. People who do not work set a bad example for their descendants. It is necessary to accustom them to work from an early age, to develop a desire for work. Children who do not live on everything ready never leave their parents in old age.

Move more, engage in mental and physical labor. If there is only rest in a person’s life, this leads to diseases that destroy the soul and body. Instead of calling a repairman, try doing it yourself. Prepare a delicious dinner instead of going to a restaurant. Make a homemade gift instead of buying it - there are plenty of options.

In any situation, remain human and do not disgrace your family. You can't lie, steal or kill. Do not consider yourself superior to anyone, only God knows who is superior to whom and how much superior. Know how to listen to other people, respect them and show attention to your interlocutor. Do not rush to judge a person until you fully understand his situation and decide what you would do in his place.

You need to start the day with a smile, only then will it bring joy. Resentment, fear and anger lead to illnesses, avoid them, and you can maintain good health until old age. Do a good deed every day, at least one thing for which you have enough time. In old age, you will remember these things and understand that your life was not lived in vain. Vanga said a lot about the inadmissibility of revenge and living in evil, even the last words of the fortuneteller were devoted to this.

Don't waste your time. If you want time for entertainment, learn to manage your time, and only then will you have it. If you have fun instead of doing business, it will not increase your time.

Another piece of Vanga’s advice for good luck and money is keeping your body clean. Dirt is the cause of disease, as well as a shame for a person. God's creation is always pure and beautiful, and dirt is abhorrent to him. A shower washes away all worries, bad mood and negative energy. It's better to do this before bed. If you don't have the opportunity to take a shower in the evening, at least wash your feet to get rid of fatigue and everything that has accumulated during the day. But you don’t need to wash with too hot water; the water for washing should be at a natural temperature for a person.

If you have been given great abilities and opportunities, God will ask more from you than from those who have received less. Only perseverance and productivity can meet the expectations of the Almighty that he places on you. Develop and achieve your goals by putting maximum effort into it.

In order to ward off enemies, the evil eye and damage, as well as other troubles, you can make a simple amulet. To do this, hang a cross made of elderberry branches above the front door on the inside of the house.

You should not swear while cooking or be in a bad mood. Negative energy will be absorbed into food and lead to illness, failure and other bad consequences.

If there is a mirror in a room in which someone was ill for a long time or died, it is first hung up for the duration of the funeral, and then wiped with holy water. Mirrors have a memory, and those that were near unpleasant events can negatively affect the lives of the people who use them.

Vanga’s main advice for every woman who happened to come to the seer for help was to follow the main purpose for a woman. Vanga believed that the main thing was the birth of children and their upbringing. This is what a woman should devote her life to. According to the famous soothsayer, without the desire to have children, there can be no love.

Vanga was famous for her harsh attitude towards the people she was supposed to help, but she could not boast of having sympathy. The seer never refused help, but she could shout at a person who, in her opinion, was doing wrong. Vanga's adopted daughter remembered a woman who was about to leave for her lover and then fell ill. The soothsayer yelled at her and told her to return to her family, to her husband and children.

True, whether to follow Vanga’s advice regarding childbirth, family and love is another question. It is known that her husband died due to alcoholism, and the children in the clairvoyant’s family were adopted. In addition, these are not the Middle Ages, and you can find many interesting activities besides solving everyday difficulties and raising children.

Among all that remains of the great fortuneteller, Vanga’s advice for getting married is relevant. She advised women who were unable to find or attract a lover to keep round stones and shells at home. Precious stones and minerals also become assistants in achieving family happiness if they are smooth to the touch. It is best to bring stones and shells from vacation. You can only accept them as gifts from loved ones in whom you are confident.

Stones and shells contain the power of the Earth, which is needed for procreation, and this becomes impossible without relationships and marriage. Therefore, such objects attract love, give happiness in marriage and promise the birth of healthy children. In order for this to work, objects need to be admired more often. It’s even better to designate a shelf specifically for stones and shells. If it is possible to store them on a windowsill, let the moonlight fall on them more often.

A woman's attractiveness depends on her feminine strength. It can be provided by a comb made of natural material - horn, bone, stone or wood. A woman who uses such a comb will not remain lonely. You need to store the comb above the bed, hanging it on a linen thread. You need to comb it every night before going to bed. The comb will help both from feeling unwell during critical days and to get married.

Every woman should have a veil or scarf. It is not given into the hands of a man, especially if it is a husband - to quarrels in the family and betrayal. You need to make it yourself from a piece of blue or red fabric - these are the colors of the Mother of God, with whose cover Vanga identified the veil or women's scarf. It may have a design on it - flowers or birds. But there should not be a single black thread on the cover. The edges are brightly hemmed; you can decorate the scarf with fringe, braid and other decorative elements.

Wrap the icon in a scarf Mother of God and store among personal belongings, but not where underwear is. They place icons and candles on the shawl, read prayers about family life, prayers to the Mother of God in front of them, and communicate with the veil in their own words. The prayed cover shares feminine power with its owner.

Blessed church cahors will help with family quarrels if you drink a little with your spouse. It is added little by little to all people whose relationships are deteriorating. You can serve this wine to your enemies if you have to sit at the same table with them, then they will not be able to harm you.

Vanga's advice, according to rumors, is popular among rich people in our country. Perhaps this is true, because some of the advice really makes practical sense. Vanga was not only a soothsayer, but also a wise woman.

Money, in her opinion, should be spent, not saved. The clairvoyant often said during her lifetime that you cannot put wealth in a coffin. Money is not a goal, but a means to achieve goals. Avoid pointlessly storing money, spend it on new experiences and things you need. The one who saves money will not use it, but will give it to others.

Relevant - don’t put things off until tomorrow and don’t be lazy. Life severely punishes inactivity and encourages all movement. Hurry towards your goal, but do it wisely.

Don't tell anyone your salary. Don't answer questions about how much you earn, and especially don't start a conversation about your income. If you cannot get rid of intrusive questions, it is better to say a smaller amount. It's not just about the possibility of the evil eye or human envy. Even simple curiosity can block the cash flow, and this problem will have to be solved later.

In order to have money in your wallet for a whole year, you need to count the money on New Year's Eve. In this case, the amount must be large and belong to you personally. This needs to be done every year.

To add money to your home, keep some moss or algae under the carpet in any room. This is one of Vanga’s simplest tips for attracting money, because nowadays there is algae in almost every refrigerator.

Many things cannot be given at all. If you are going to give a wallet, put a bill or at least a coin in it. This way you will bring income to your loved one, but you will also start to have money. Empty bags and suitcases also cannot be given as gifts, for the same reason. Put something in them, even a free newspaper. Do the same with dishes and any containers, for example, vases. The latter can be given along with flowers, dishes - with refreshments, etc. This should also be done when returning borrowed items.

The most powerful money spells are made for gold and precious stones. In order to attract money, you can carry a small piece of turquoise or quartz in your wallet.

You cannot leave a knife in bread, it takes money away from the person who did this.

Herbal teas are a source of strength that will help tidy up your appearance and improve your health. Study literature on herbal medicine, replace tea and coffee with healthy herbal infusions. Teas made from forest herbs and plants that grow in your climate are especially good. Bulgaria, according to the healer, is a blessed country in which many useful herbs grow. Bulgarian herbal teas may be useful for people who do not want to collect plants.

If possible, you need to replace all medications with herbs. Medicines block the path of positive energy that enters the body along with medicinal plants. There are diseases for which it is impossible to do without medication, but a common cold can be cured with herbal preparations very easily. Herbs are useful not only in tea. You can fill your pillow with hops and natural hay, then it will be easier to fall asleep.

The main and most relevant of Vanga’s advice is to gradually reduce fat in the diet. You should not overeat; too much food harms the body, overloading the digestive organs. In addition, Vanga knew that in the future products would contain a lot of chemicals, and this is another reason for dietary restrictions.

Only sick and weak people need meat. If you are healthy, you should gradually give up meat dishes. The same goes for dairy products and eggs. The basis of a healthy person’s diet should be vegetables, fruits, cereals, mushrooms, nuts and vegetable fats. This promotes not only good health, but also expansion of consciousness.

You should eat boiled rye or wheat at least once a week to protect yourself from diseases and not have problems with excess weight. Rye bread is also healthy. Vanga once said that if she were asked about what should be sown in the field, she would recommend rye. She considered this culture one of the most useful.

Morning dew has special properties. You can bathe restless children in it; washing with dew will make a girl more attractive without any beauty spells. Vanga believed that early in the morning plants release many useful substances, which is why dew has healing properties. The seer advised to moisten a blanket or towel with dew and wrap yourself in it.

If it's summer outside, there is no need to prohibit children from playing where they want. The advice of the great Vanga is to let the children get dirty, get scratches and bruises. In winter this will protect them from diseases. An active childhood improves a person's immunity. If you have children, it is better to relax in the forest rather than at the sea, it brings more health benefits. Swimming in river water has a good effect on treating insomnia in a child.

Vanga advised using homemade soap and other cosmetics. If you reduce the amount of factory-made household chemicals and cosmetics, you can take good care of your health. But this is not the only reason that worried the seer. She knew that in the future the planet would be heavily polluted, and nature would be suffocated due to large amounts of chemicals and fertilizers. Once a month you can wash yourself in a decoction of the Mother of God herb - thyme, this improves immunity.

The tree remains healthy. If you are sick, wear wooden jewelry. The house should have as much wooden furniture and household items as possible. Wooden rosary will be a good amulet for health. It is useful to walk barefoot on a wooden floor and lie on the boards.

One of Vanga’s tips for good luck is to walk barefoot on bare ground more often. This way a person restores his connection with the earth, which gives him luck, fame, health and wealth. This is easy to do in the summer, at least on the beach or in the country. If you live on the ground floor, it is better to forget about slippers and walk barefoot around the house.

You need to wait for the new moon and start rearranging the furniture.

To prevent luck from leaving your home, do not leave uneaten pieces of food. This is especially true for bread. If they do appear, do not throw them away. Give the leftovers to animals or birds, or you can leave them in a place where they often visit.

If luck has turned away from you, you can speed up changes for the better with the help of salt. Place a few handfuls on every window sill in the house. Only when the bad luck goes away can the salt be removed and thrown away without touching it with your hands. It is better to bury the bag of salt so that the negativity absorbed into it does not reach someone else.

In order not to jinx or scare away good luck by talking about something good, knock on wood three times and spit.

Horseshoe is a symbol of good luck and happiness. Every home should have a horseshoe. It is nailed to the front door or above it. Finding a horseshoe is a sign of happiness and good luck. Amulets and talismans in the form of a horseshoe also bring happiness, they are simply a personal talisman, and not a talisman for the home. In the latter role, the horseshoe drives away evil and does not allow enemies into the house, bringing wealth. According to Vanga, a horseshoe should be hung in the form of a bowl, with its horns facing up.

You should not eat or drink from cracked or chipped containers. If you find a dish with a chip or crack, throw it away. Just as dishes crack, life can crack too. Luck, health and happiness leave the lives of those who use damaged things. Even if the defect is not too noticeable, it is better to get rid of the container without regret.

To have a successful day, first put on your shoes on your right foot, and then on your left. In order not to push away your luck, you should not walk around with one shoe on, looking for the second. First, find both shoes, and then put on your shoes.

In general, some of the advice of the old Bulgarian clairvoyant may seem more than strange, while others simply do not fit in with the modern way of life, but in general, Vanga advises many useful and well-known things that people sometimes shirk and ignore. At the same time, most of the recommendations concern little things, so it’s unlikely that anything can stop you from making such small changes in your life in order to independently convince yourself of the unique gift of the seer.

The phenomenal abilities of the Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga amaze people even after her death. Numerous fulfilled prophecies made by this extraordinary woman are known. She passed on to humanity her unique knowledge that she received from entities that revealed secret worlds to her. Vanga's conspiracies and prayers allow people to get rid of failures, strengthen their family ties, and remain happy on the path of life.

The legendary seer described rituals and ceremonies in detail, gave advice on how to carry them out, and handed over the original texts of the spells so that ordinary people could use them. White magic from Vanga carries a powerful charge of beneficial energy and is a safe tool that helps you get the desired result. This is how a great woman takes care of people and helps them even after her death. The reputation of the soothsayer today is such that the most inveterate skeptics trust her words and do not question the conspiracies from her rich magical heritage. The spells of the Bulgarian clairvoyant save from illnesses and troubles, bring healing, attract good luck, wealth and prosperity, restore health and beauty. Vanga’s spells for love and marriage are especially popular, helping to find female happiness. The sphere of love is the most fertile soil for white magic, and the white conspiracies of the great Vanga are a sure way to awaken the love of a desired man.

What to read on love and marriage

Every woman deserves the happiness of meeting the man she loves, getting married and creating a strong family. But often personal life stubbornly does not go well. Fate did not prepare mutual love for Vanga, choosing for her the path of the spiritual life of a believer. Having fully experienced loneliness and melancholy, the clairvoyant from the bottom of her heart wished happiness for others. Higher Powers gave her spells and prayers that evoked and developed a feeling of love. Strong love rituals from Vanga help you find your loved one and preserve your feelings for many years. By turning to white magic, you can easily bring the end of boring loneliness closer.

“Red sun, clear rays, instill in the heart of the servant of God (the guy’s name) longing, tormenting and dryness for me, the servant of God (his name). I read the words, I invoke the power of the sun, I attract the love of God’s servant (the guy’s name). My words are molded, true and strong. Amen".

Here is another dawn plot for a man’s love from Vanga. You need to read the text of the conspiracy as soon as you get out of bed, wash your face and stand by the window:

“It’s early morning, the sky is blue, help, attract the servant of God (the name of your loved one) to me. Awaken his love, whisper in his ears, call him, hurry him to me, lead him. Let the servant of God (the name of the beloved) love me with all his heart, not forget me for a moment, suffer and get bored without me, and not welcome other women. Amen".

How to spell food and drinks

Vanga's spell for food and drink also helps to force a loved one to show more feelings for his life partner. Magic words can be read to women if the husband has become indifferent to his wife. A quick love spell on food prepared for a man will allow you to transform the energy structure of the food and, with their help, gently influence the object of the spell. All Vanga's spells for food and drink have a strong effect and always work. Before offering a dish to your beloved man, say the words of the conspiracy over the food:

“Just as life is impossible without food, so the servant of God (the man’s name) cannot live without me. Let him fall in love with me, let him leave his love-struck girlfriends. As I speak the words and feed (the man’s name), his love will awaken and turn to me. Words come true, love awakens. Amen".

For water and drinks, you can use the following prayer text:

“I will give my beloved water under the spell. Let his love awaken in his soul and direct it towards me. Just as God’s servant (name) drinks this water, so never forget about me. Amen".

This plot is read three times.

You can perform a love spell on alcohol. Here is a spell for the love and fidelity of a man, which is read with wine. You need to whisper the words below over the glass of your chosen one:

“The wine is tart, my business is strong. My words are molded, and the bonds of love are strong. Drink, (name), finish your drink, and don’t forget about me. Love me, miss me, never know rest from longing for me. Don't look at others, just come to me alone. Amen".

A salt spell can also be used as a love spell on your husband. The ritual will restore and strengthen the connection with the spouse, strengthen his attachment to the family, and return lost love. Among all Vanga's love spells, this one has many positive reviews. Pour salt into the palm of your left hand and whisper the words of the spell:

“Just as people love salt and cannot live without it, so that my husband would love me just as much and could not live without me, not a day pass, not an hour pass, a minute passes, he would keep following me and admiring me. Amen".

Add the charmed salt to your husband’s food. To be on the safe side, you can add a little salt to the food, and if your husband notices that it’s too salty, laugh it off, saying it’s because you fell in love with him. One spoon of food with this salt is enough for the love spell to work.

Fortune telling from photos

A strong ritual can be performed if you have a photograph of your beloved guy. For a conspiracy, you need a photograph in which he is depicted alone in close-up. It is advisable to carry out this love spell on the night of Monday to Tuesday, which are considered men's days in practical magic. They work on a full or waning moon. When it gets completely dark, light a church candle, go to the window, kiss the photo and whisper without taking it away from your lips:

“Darling, let only me be in your thoughts, forget about freedom, come to me. Just as the dawn rises in the night sky, so love for me is born in your heart. Let it be as I wish. Let my word come true. Amen".

Place a little wax on the photo, put the photo in a clean white envelope, and hide it under your pillow. Pay attention to the candle. While the wick burns out, look at the fire and think about your love. When you go to bed, your thoughts remain with your beloved man. Repeat this love ritual nine times, once a week. Gradually you will notice that the conspiracy has worked. At first, the man will begin to show minor signs of attention, a little later he will begin to look at you, his feelings will manifest themselves more and more, and with the last ritual he will love you deeply.

The following photo conspiracy from Vanga allows you to receive the love of a man if you perform the ritual once, at any time convenient for you. Take a photo of your loved one, carefully light it from the flame of a church candle and let the photo burn completely. Throw the ashes into a cup of water, saying the words of the conspiracy:

“Both you and your heart are with me from now on, my love is inside you, and you are not free to resist it. Just as the photograph smoldered, so you will smolder if you want to be with someone else.”

After casting this spell, drink all the water.

Powerful love spell

Since you already have a photo of your chosen one, let’s take a closer look at another love spell, a very old one, for strong, blind love. This conspiracy to love a man from Vanga requires important preliminary preparation.

Buy in advance, without haggling with the seller and without change:

  • two church candles;
  • red wool threads;
  • a new kitchen knife with a handle made of natural wood;
  • red beets.

To work, you need two photos - yours and your beloved guy. Both before and after the ritual, the prayers “Our Father” and “The Most Holy Theotokos” should be read. Start the ritual in the evening, when it gets dark:

  1. Cut the beet root into 4 parts, as if cutting it with a cross.
  2. Drizzle red beet juice onto each photo.
  3. Place the photos together with right sides facing inwards.
  4. Tie tightly with red thread.
  5. Insert interconnected candles between the photos.
  6. Place this bundle on the table so that it stands up and is resistant to falling.
  7. Light the candles.
  8. Using a knife, draw a circle so that the burning candles and the photographs tied to them are in its center.

Whisper the white magic spell:

“I, servant of God (name), will go early in the morning to a green grove, catch a clear falcon, tell it to fly to the unknown-unknown spirit, so that that unknown-unknown spirit will fly to the place where the servant of God (name of the man) lives. And let him whisper in his ear and in his heart, let him speak until the love in him for me, the servant of God (name), burns with a bright flame. Let him (the man’s name) in reality and in his sleep think only about me (name), rave about me at night, and let melancholy gnaw at him without me, like a rattlesnake, like a mortal disease. Let him know neither day nor night, and see my clear eyes, and rush to me from any place lighter than the midday wind, faster than fiery lightning, lighter than a silver gull. Let other girls be scary for him, like lionesses, like spotted hyenas, toothy pikes, swamp kikimoras, like big-nosed owls, club-footed bears, hairy witches. And for him, I, the beautiful maiden (name), let me seem like a firebird, a sea queen, a red dawn, a clear star, a blessed spring, a fragrant violet, a light fluff, a white snowflake, a May night, a bird of paradise. Let him (name) wander night and day like a shadow without me, bored, killed, like a feather grass staggering across an open field. May he have no joy without me, either in the middle of a dark night or in broad daylight. Just as I cannot feed my dear without a knife, so my dear (the man’s name) will not be able to eat, sleep, or drink without me. Just as I value my knife, so let my dear one value me. The knife will help me, and I will help the knife. I’ll sharpen that knife, I’ll feed that knife, I’ll tell him everything, I’ll put him to bed. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The plot is read three times. Now it is important to dull the knife properly on a hard stone and ask your beloved man to sharpen it. Dull the knife thoroughly, this is important - the longer your loved one has to sharpen it, the stronger the effect of the spell.

How to enchant a gift

Among the love rituals from Vanga there is this, unusual and interesting, plot for a gift. When a woman wants to attract the attention of a man she likes, she needs to read a spell for the thing she plans to give him. White magic will begin to work when your gift is in the hands of the chosen one. It is better to wait for a suitable occasion and present a charmed gift for the holiday. The text of the spell is:

“His body is my business. The Higher Forces will help me, they will be able to kindle the love of (the man’s name). Let his blood boil from passion, let his veins tug from melancholy, let him miss me. As soon as (name) touches this thing, his love will awaken. Even if (name) cannot sleep or eat, even if he doesn’t drink water, everyone strives and waits to meet me. She said the words to the thing and closed the case with a lock. Amen".

The love spell will work as long as the man uses your gift. Therefore, it is better to give a practical thing that is constantly needed. This could be a good lighter, a wallet or business card holder, an expensive pen or notepad for a businessman.

Fortune telling on the bed

Vanga's collection of conspiracies includes a spell for the marital bed. This is the place where spouses meet after a hard day at work. If you see that feelings have begun to cool down, a conspiracy will help you quickly return passion to the relationship and reawaken your husband’s love on the emotional, spiritual and physical levels, and his sexual attraction to you. Light the candle you bought at the church in advance. Looking at the bright, even flame, say the spell out loud:

“To the glory of the Holy Trinity! Higher powers, help me, stick the servant of God (name) to me. How much I love him, how sad I am without him, how much my darling suffers, you can see. Help, do not refuse, help, make the servant of God (name) fall in love with me. Let him suffer without me, get bored, don’t know other women, avoid company. Amen".

How to get married sooner

A plot to get married soon will help girls who dream of marriage and are already desperate to meet their betrothed boyfriend. Vanga suggested that such brides perform an ancient ritual, familiar to our great-grandmothers. In essence, this spell is an easy and safe love spell that enhances female attractiveness to the opposite sex.

On the last Friday of the summer month, put on a long dress and go out into a field or wasteland where burdock grows. Walk through the thicket saying:

“As a burdock clings to the hem, so would suitors cling to me, fall in love with me and not leave me behind, asking me to marry them. Amen".

Returning home, remove the attached burrs from the dress, gather them into a ball and tie them in a clean white scarf. Hide the resulting bundle in a secluded place, inaccessible to strangers. Very soon you will get married. And then don’t forget about the hidden knot with thorns. Return to the previous place in the field and pour out the dry burdock. Mentally thank the plant for its help.

Another interesting plot for marriage, which can be read with the key. For the ritual you will need a small figured key. It must have a hole, preferably a beautiful carved one, but it can also have a regular round hole for a keychain. For the ritual you need to prepare a red woolen thread and a church candle. The best time for this ritual is deep at night. They work like this:

  1. Sit at the table, place a candle in front of you and light it.
  2. Take the key in your hand.
  3. Close your eyes for a few seconds and think about the marriage you want. About what your chosen one should be like, try to feel the happiness that you are only dreaming about.

Looking at the candle light through the hole in the key, quietly but clearly read the plot:

“The key to happiness, the key to the heart, a husband for happiness, a husband after my own heart. Me, (name)!”

Then blow on the candle twice - lightly, and on the third blow the candle out, doing this through the hole in the key. Then hang the enchanted key on the red thread and wear it hidden under your clothes, without removing it until the problem is solved.

Another conspiracy to call a betrothed guy will help draw his attention to the witching girl. For the ritual, prepare a ring. It’s better if it’s a piece of jewelry that’s dear to your heart, ideally a family piece that’s passed down from generation to generation. You will need a candle purchased from a church shop and some holy water. At night, on the new moon, begin the ritual. Pour holy water into a cup and light a candle. Throw a ring into a cup of water and say three times:

“I throw the ring into some water and repeat the magic speeches. So that my betrothed finds me, so that he finds happiness and love with me. So that we can have a wedding and children. Be that way. Amen".

Then remove the ring from the water and keep it on the ring finger of your right hand until the morning. When falling asleep in bed, do not remove the ring. The next day, when you wake up, hide the ring in a safe hiding place. And don’t get him out of there until you meet your soul mate and get married.

The plot for a successful marriage can be read on a new broom. On men's day of the week, buy a good broom. Don't haggle and keep the change. Mentally praise your treasured purchase, think how deftly and with pleasure you will sweep the floor with a fresh fragrant broom, how pleasant it is to clean up and create comfort. At home, rejoice at your purchase once again, stroke the tight twigs and hide the broom for the time being away from prying eyes. The ritual should be performed at the beginning of the lunar cycle, on the first or second day. On the right day, take out a broom and cleanly sweep the entire house or apartment, and then the yard or, accordingly, the entrance. Carefully collect all garbage, do not leave a speck. During ritual cleaning, read Vanga's plot:

“I drive young people into my house - not lazy people, not misers, not thieves. Come to me, grooms, from your own and other people's yards. Rock, paper, scissors. Amen, amen, amen."

For the spell to work effectively, repeat it nine times. Bury the swept trash near the porch or wrap it in a scarf and hide it in the pantry. In the near future, many worthy guys will appear in your environment who are ready to court you. Don’t get lost here and keep an eye on the guy destined to be your destiny and don’t miss out on your happiness, because fortune has generously given you the chance to get married successfully. Do not doubt that this will be a strong marriage, and that family life will be comfortable and easy, despite life’s difficulties.

For Vangelia conspiracies to work, follow the general recommendations:

  1. Pronounce words as confidently, legibly and clearly as possible, without errors or hesitations.
  2. If it is difficult for you to learn the text word for word, read from a page or from a book, this is quite acceptable.
  3. Do not raise your voice, speak clearly but quietly, because love spells require an atmosphere of absolute calm and intimacy.
  4. Take your time, pronounce the words consciously.
  5. Every word read must be felt and imbued with the emotions of the person who is casting a spell, for only emotions allow the text to acquire magical power.

The decisive role is played by your trust in the author of the conspiracies, your internal acceptance of his help in such a personal area as love. Reading Vanga’s prayers and conspiracies, let her give you the fulfillment of your most cherished desires, because to bring love and light to people - this was and is the purpose of this special woman.

Vanga, a clairvoyant from Bulgaria, is widely known for her predictions. Everyone has heard about them. But few people know about her conspiracies. Nevertheless, the use of Vanga's spells brings many benefits to people. Another big plus is that all rituals belong to the section of white magic, and therefore are safe, simple and understandable even to a beginner.

Vanga made a lot of prophecies for the modern world.

Vanga was born in 1911 in the city of Strumica in modern Macedonia. The name for the baby was chosen according to folk tradition - the parents went out into the street and asked the first person they met. As a result, they named it Vangelia, which translated from Greek means “good news.” Vanga's childhood was overshadowed by sad events - her mother died when she was three years old, her father was mobilized into the army. The family lived very poorly.

When the girl was 12 years old, she lost her sight due to a hurricane. The whirlwind carried her hundreds of meters from her home, and it took several hours to find her. When Vanga was found, she was unconscious, and her eyes were filled with sand. The operation to save vision was quite expensive - the family did not have such funds. Four years after that fateful day, the girl completely lost her sight. But, according to her, by depriving her of normal vision, God gave her the opportunity to see the future.

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At that time, relatives began to notice that she seemed to be talking with someone. Vanga received information about upcoming events, although at first she herself could not explain how she did it.

Rumors about the prophetess quickly spread, and people began to come to her for advice. Vanga has been engaged in such activities for 55 years. She has received more than a million people. She saw not only the past and future of a person, but also the state of his health. Thus, she helped solve their pressing issues and recover from many diseases.

She also predicted her own death. The day before leaving, she asked to wash her and put on clean clothes.

Vanga's most famous prophecies

Vanga made about 7,000 true predictions; people from all over the world came to her for advice.

Among the events in world history she predicted were:

  • the beginning of the Second World War;
  • death of Stalin;
  • assassination of American President John Kennedy;
  • collapse of the USSR;
  • sinking of the Kursk submarine;
  • the coming to power of Barack Obama in the United States;
  • the September 11 terrorist attack in the United States, when planes hijacked by terrorists flew into the Twin Towers;
  • separation of Crimea from Ukraine and annexation to Russia;
  • civil war in Ukraine;
  • economic crisis of 2015-2016 in Russia;
  • creation of the “Immortal Regiment” campaign.

Alas, some prophecies of the great clairvoyant become clear only when they come true. However, nothing can allow one to doubt her abilities.

Vanga always tried to help people who sought her advice. That is why she gave many recommendations on how to get rid of bad luck and attract good luck and happiness. These recommendations are given in the form of conspiracies and written down by her inner circle.

To attract money

Vanga said that money does not go to a house in which there is a mess. Therefore, before carrying out money rituals, put your home in order, do general cleaning and carefully maintain cleanliness in the future.

Sugar plot

Stay alone in the room, place a piece of sugar on your left palm. Get ready to receive the funds you need. Be clear about how much money you need and for what purposes. Then say three times:

Bees fly to the sweet sugar. They work day and night, for the benefit of everyone. So let the bees taste sugar and give me honeycombs full of prosperity. Wherever the money comes from, let it end up in my wallet.

This ritual is best performed on Thursday late in the evening. After reading the words, put the charmed sugar in your wallet. When you wake up in the morning, eat this piece on an empty stomach. And say the spell again.

For bread and water

Such a conspiracy is read not for a one-time attraction of the required amount of money, but for the long-term financial well-being of the family. It will require fresh bread and holy water.

When you wake up at dawn, sit at the table. Break off a piece of bread and pour holy water into a glass.

Say three times:

Lord Christ, you fed hundreds of people with five loaves of bread and two fish, so give food to me and my family.

Make our life well-fed, prosperous, happy. Open the road to wealth, turn money into your home.

I promise to spend money wisely and with a pure heart, to glorify the Lord my God, to help the poor. Amen.

Then cross yourself, eat bread and wash it down with holy water.

To the moon

For this ritual you need a coin of any denomination. On a moonlit night, go outside or go to the window if the moon is shining through it. It is advisable to perform this ritual on a full moon. While looking at the moon, hold a coin in your fist and repeat three times:

Just as you, Moon, grew and grew and grew, you rule the sky, you shine with a silver light - so let my money grow and grow and turn into wealth. Just as the moon is full, so my hands are full of money.

Then put the coin in your wallet and carry it without spending or changing it. After a month, add it to your total and buy something for yourself.

On a pin

If you want failures and financial difficulties to bypass you, create a talisman for yourself. A pin is suitable for this. Place it on your palm and say the words of the conspiracy:

Lord my God, I am before You. I ask You to save me, to protect me with a talisman.

I ask you to save and protect the entire holy army:

Ivan the Theologian, Ivan the Long-Sufferer, Ivan the Headless,

Ivan the Baptist, Ivan Postitel, Michael the Archangel,

Archangel Gabriel, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Praskov the Great Martyr,

Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sofia.

I stand under your shield, which will save me.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Pin the pin to the wrong side of the garment and always wear it. It is important that it is not visible to strangers, otherwise the amulet will quickly lose its power.

To wallet

This ritual is carried out on a new wallet. You need to take it, a coin of any denomination, and go to the shore of the reservoir. There you need to wet your left hand and lightly spray the wallet so that the water gets inside.

It is preferable if the wallet is made of genuine leather.

The water in a river (spring, lake) never ends. So let there be a lot of money in my wallet. Rivers flow, seas fill. So let the money flow into my wallet forever, for my joy and for the benefit of everyone.

The coin must be spent within three days.

On fish scales

It’s not for nothing that fish scales resemble coins – they have been used since ancient times to attract money into the house. Using fish scales you can create a powerful talisman to attract money. To do this, take an odd number of white alloy coins. Place seven fish scales on each of them. Cover them carefully with a black cloth. Cast the spell:

Previously, you were a fish of protection and armor, but now you have found your best friends - coins. Love them, call them, protect them and invite them to visit as often as possible.

Don't touch anything for one night. The next morning, collect the scales in a cloth bag and place them in the kitchen drawer. Coins must be spent on the same day.

Then, from each salary, put three coins in a bag overnight. Then the cash flow will not dry up.

To the apple

This ritual is performed if you want money to love you. To people who love money, it comes easily and in abundance. For this simple plot you will need one apple. Cut it in half and say:

I call on the money spirit, I speak the words, I infuse it into the apple. I eat an apple and give myself the money spirit. Love me, money, be with me, money. Where there is a money spirit, money goes there. Amen.

After that, eat an apple.

For love

A love spell from Vanga is, in fact, a white love spell. It cannot harm anyone, but it must be done with caution and only when you are absolutely sure that you want to see this particular person next to you.

To carry out the ritual, buy a thin church candle, and also prepare a photograph of your chosen one, in which he is alone.

This ritual is carried out on the night from Saturday to Sunday. Stand near an open window, light a candle and say:

A clear lightning rises, leading the power of nature behind it. Black melancholy runs from the forests and swamps. The terrible sadness is leaving the old pools. There is no limit to my strength, there are no barriers to my desire. Now you will not see others, you will not wish for freedom, you will only think about me. My words are strong. What will happen cannot be avoided. Amen.

Then drip wax onto the photo so that it falls on the figure of your chosen one. Then put the photo under your pillow and go to bed.

This conspiracy must be carried out for nine weeks.

To get married

For this ritual you will need a freshly cut white rose, a silver ring, a tall white candle and a glass of water. The ritual is carried out on the night before the holiday of Intercession. Lay out all the items in front of you, light a candle and tune in to the ritual. Imagine yourself in a wedding dress, a man next to you, a wedding ceremony. Then say:

Just as a white candle burns and sparkles, so I will stand happy in my wedding dress. Just as a white rose is beautiful and tender, so I will be a desired wife for my beloved. Just as silver shines, so I will shine in the eyes of my husband! Amen!

Bring the rose to the candle so that it slightly scorches its petals. Then move the petals around the ring. Drop the ring into a glass of water.

In the morning, take it out and put it on. You need to walk in this ring until midnight.

To the aid of the saints

This is a very powerful prayer. You will feel its effect immediately after reading it. But it will work if you strictly follow the necessary requirements.

You need to observe strict fasting for three days - do not eat meat, fish, do not drink milk or alcohol. During these days, learn the prayer by heart.

On the fourth day you should go to church. Before leaving the house, read Vanga’s prayer. You must go to church silently, without speaking to anyone and, if possible, without answering. In the church, light seven candles for different saints. And read the prayer again. And once again - returning home.

The fast must be observed until the end of this day.

Text of the prayer:

Holy saints of the Lord God, heavenly intercessors!

I ask for help and protection. Pray for me, a sinner,

Before our God Jesus Christ, pray for me forgiveness of my sins,

Ask for a share of a happy, joyful life. May my dreams come true.

May the Lord protect me from sins, illnesses and troubles.

May he give me love, teach me wisdom and humility,

So that I may walk my earthly path with dignity

And I coped with my earthly affairs, and was awarded the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen.

To the front door

This is a conspiracy to bring good luck to your home. But happiness and prosperity will not enter through dirty doors. Therefore, the threshold and door should always be clean and tidy.

The door must be clean. You can add some kind of amulet or talisman, for example a horseshoe...

The ritual is performed during the waxing moon. For this you need to prepare a glass of clean spring water. It is he who needs to be spoken with a spell:

How many people come through my door, so many helpers there will be.
But non-humans and enemies are not allowed to enter my door.
The more times the door opens, the more good will come into my home.
But grief and misfortune have no way through this door.
Luck - to the house, happiness - to the house, health - to the house, wealth - to the house, money - to the house.
So be it.

After this, spray the door with this water on both sides.

For the well-being of children

Vanga always said that parents’ prayers for the well-being of their children have enormous power. After praying in your own words, say the spell:

The duckling fluttered out of the house on strong wings. Take wealth for yourself so that you can spend your days and spend your nights.

Raspberry spell for work

Such a conspiracy will attract a promotion or a new job that you will be happy with.

Find a small piece of bark in the forest or park. It is important not to tear the bark off the tree, but to find it on the ground. Remember this place.

When you get home, grate the bark with fresh raspberries. The piece should turn red. When the bark is dry, write on the smooth side the desired company and position, as well as your name.

Go back to the tree where you found the bark. And bury the charmed piece under it.

At the same time say:

Let my career ripen like a raspberry.

How to read Vanga's conspiracies?

In order for the conspiracy to work and be as successful as possible, you need to follow some recommendations.

  • Perform the ritual alone and in complete silence;
  • Learn the text of the spell or prayer by heart;
  • Do not deviate from the rules of the ritual, follow them exactly;
  • Do not perform the ritual in a dirty house or in unkempt clothes;

Vanga’s advice will seem a little childish or outdated to many, but try to abstract yourself and simply perform the ritual. It's simple and logical. For example, one of the first commandments of a healer is to live according to the Sun. It is important for a person to lead an active life during daylight hours, and to rest during the dark. Modern scientists absolutely agree with this routine, since this is the most reliable basis for a healthy lifestyle.

Vanga always repeated that a person must be clean, and this applied not only to thoughts, but also to the body. Only pathogenic flora develop well in mud, leading to diseases and troubles. Dirt puts people off, so it's important to be tidy. Water (shower, bath, sauna, pool) washes away the day and its experiences. Water tones and gives rest, so a shower before bed is the best option, but make sure that the water is not very hot.

  1. Prosperity and prosperity will not leave your home if there is nothing chipped or cracked in it. Usually these are dishes or mirrors. Check them for integrity and get rid of substandard ones. Another tip: eat and drink from utensils that make you happy. Don’t leave beautiful sets and porcelain “for later”, life cannot be put off, live in joy, then there will be good energy in the house.
  2. Happiness in the house can be maintained with a couple of silver coins: antique, foreign or simply unusual. Such miracle money should be kept away from prying eyes, in a secluded place. This will be the habitat of well-being in your home.
  3. For those who love rearranging and cleaning, Vanga advises performing these rituals on the new moon. Then happiness and luck will always be your guests: the power of the emerging Moon will help maintain good energy in the house. Pleasant physical fatigue after cleaning and updating your home will be your reward: the next morning will be simply magical, as comfort and harmony will reign in the house.
  4. Elderberry branches hung above the front door will protect your home from any evil - this is a belief that exists in Vanga’s homeland. Europeans revere the elderberry, but in our latitudes the plant is not particularly favored. On the advice of a clairvoyant, you need to cross the branches of sambuca (this is the second name of the plant) so that happiness does not go anywhere, then negativity will not be able to break into the house. This is a universal amulet against evil spirits and bad thoughts, which include depression, apathy and other blues, which so greatly poison the life of modern man.
  5. Perform a simple, effective ritual every day to retain good energy in your home. Pour water into a clean, transparent bowl and say the following mantra: “At the threshold, evil will stop, good will pass in.” Every guest in my house will bring me joy.” Then simply throw the water over the threshold.
  6. Every morning, when you wake up, start putting on your shoes on the right foot - this way you will maintain happiness in your home. This is probably why it is customary to leave slippers by the bed. By the way, it is useful to walk around the house barefoot, especially if the floor is wooden and you live on the ground floor. This is how a person is charged with the energy of the earth, and this is very powerful!
  7. Cleanliness is the key to health, and cleanliness in the kitchen is extremely important. Therefore, Vanga advised not to leave any food on the table, especially bread. Uneaten morsels and crumbs are said to attract poverty and misfortune. If there is food left, share it with your little brothers: feed it to the birds, cats or dogs. This way you will do a good deed and earn yourself a little happiness and peace of mind - it’s always nice to help!
  8. It is not customary to brag or simply boast about your happiness. This is even harmful, Vanga assured, especially if such conversations are conducted with strangers. The evil eye is a dangerous thing, there is no need to tempt fate once again.
  9. When you stumble with your right foot, be sure to knock it on the ground with the words: “Trouble, get away from me.” If you trip over your left foot, then expect good luck.
  10. Do not store broken or cracked mirrors in your home. They take away your personal happiness. Such items have no place in the house; always take out the fragments in a thick, opaque bag or box: others should not look like fragments either.
  11. Mirrors require constant care, that's why they are mirrors. Wipe them from dust, not only with a glass cleaner, but also with holy water - let there be no place for quarrels and illnesses in the house.
  12. Carry money only in your wallet; money likes to have its own home and a good aura. Then your budget won't be full of holes. Never leave bills crumpled or store coins in the same compartment as them. Orderliness is what money respects. Order in your wallet or purse invariably brings financial well-being into life.

A crisis is a time when people have to change in one direction or another. Some give up, others look in the history of civilization for ways to make money. What to do is up to the person to decide. And we will give the advice of the prophetess Vanga. Note that the woman gained worldwide fame for her ability to see future trends with her inner gaze. And her contemporaries are grateful to her for simple everyday support, her ability to suggest the right decision to everyone or guide them in the direction of happiness.

The seer's advice is simple. Every person can use them. This is no wonder; she gave them not to tycoons, but to ordinary people who lived in very difficult post-war times. There was no time for wealth then, as long as there was enough for a piece of bread. Despite the circumstances under which Vanga’s recommendations were born, they still help to cope with financial problems if you follow them honestly with an open soul.

To make money, the prophetess said to do the following:

  1. On New Year's Eve, you need to set aside a little time and count large bills. And hang them on the New Year's tree, let them celebrate the holiday there.
  2. If you want money to be constantly present, then bring some moss or algae (which grows nearby) into the house. Dry on a sunny day when there are no clouds in the sky. Place it under the carpet close to the front door. Then big money will come to your doorstep.
  3. You should count bills, give them to someone or borrow them only before noon. Anyone who conducts financial transactions in the evening loses more than he gains. If you had to take or give in the afternoon, you need to hold a wooden cross in your hand. It will ward off financial failure.
  4. In order for money to flow, it should not be given into the hands of another person after sunset. In general, it is advisable to perform such operations in the morning. And if you had to give someone a few bills, then they should be thrown on the floor. Then prosperity will not turn away from the giver and will not go to the taker.
  5. To attract money, you need to rearrange the furniture in your apartment or house during the new moon. Just arrange it in such a way that it is convenient and comfortable. Yes, so as not to block the light.
  6. If you want money to always be present, then keep a mint leaf in your wallet, picked with your own hand.
  7. You need to put a gold item in a new wallet and wear it there for at least a week.

What to do so as not to scare away your luck in money

The great seer, by and large, was not particularly interested in accumulating wealth, and she did not advise people to worship the Golden Calf. She said that the time will come when the people will understand the deception with which they are lured into the devilish trap of consumerism. Then people will understand that the main happiness of a person is in peaceful, calm development, love and friendship.

To ensure that luck is always with a person, Vangelia recommended doing the following things:

  1. Silver coins attract good luck. If you collect these in the currencies of different countries, then they will reach your home from all sides of the world.
  2. When luck runs out, you need to return it to the house again. To do this, Vanga advised taking coarse salt and pouring it on the window sills and threshold of the front door. Let him lie there until things get better. And when life gets better, you need to sweep away the salt without touching it with your hands and collect it in a bag. She advised me to take it away from the house and bury it in the ground.

Attention: the bag must be paper, not cellophane. It will decompose in the ground and the salt will be absorbed with water into the soil. The bad energy will go away for good and dissolve.

  1. Vanga said that stones attract money luck. She recommended her friends to carry green quartz in their wallets. And turquoise is also suitable for this.
  2. It is only desirable that jewelry with turquoise be given by a loving person. Then the stone will be protection and a magnet for monetary luck.
  3. Quartz in a ring also affects financial prospects. It’s not for nothing that tiger and cat’s eye stones are now considered amulets. Vanga loved them very much and recommended wearing them to attract money.
  4. As soon as the money begins to arrive, buy jewelry with topazes or carnelians set in precious metals.
  5. In the morning, first find your slippers, then put on the right one, and then the left one. Don't look for a second one if the first one is already on your feet. This discourages prosperity and monetary success.

What not to do

According to the seer, every second we create for ourselves either monetary luck or financial problems. This is done through thoughts and actions. So, she forbade:

  1. Place keys or hats on the table. She said that this reduces well-being.
  2. You can’t sit on the tabletop yet; there are chairs for that.
  3. Bread must be treated with special respect. You can’t throw away even a tiny bit, otherwise poverty will settle in the house forever. If the bread has dried out or spoiled (they didn’t keep track of it), then it must be fed to animals or taken out and placed where the birds fly.
  4. Under no circumstances should you leave a knife stuck in the bread. This attracts trouble to the house.
  5. When asking for alms, it is forbidden to give away coins received as change for purchasing salt and bread. Money luck will go away along with the coins. Plunge yourself into poverty and hunger.
  6. Beggars should not give the last coins from their wallet; the luck that went with them will not return for a long time.
  7. In general, always leave a few coins or bills in your wallet, and don’t spend until the very last. Then they will come constantly.
  8. Housewives must remember how the dough was put on the pies; you cannot swear or think badly about someone. If the dough does not rise, it means good luck will leave the house.
  9. You cannot place a bag containing a wallet on the floor.
  10. Banknotes must be kept unfolded and folded carefully. It is forbidden to make tubes, envelopes, lumps or simply crush them.
  11. If you're saving for something, don't count your coins or bills until you decide to part with them.

What to do to prevent a bad omen from coming true

  1. If the mirror broke by accident, then Wang ordered to collect all the fragments and wash them thoroughly in running water. Then you need to bury them deeper away from the house. Trouble blowjob side.
  2. To prevent the mirror from transmitting accumulated pain and misfortune to others, it must be washed regularly with holy water. It is especially recommended to do this in those rooms where a seriously ill person has been lying for a long time or there has been a strong scandal.
  3. Vanga forbade anyone who did not want to scare her away from boasting about her luck. And once the words come out of your tongue, you immediately need to knock on a wooden object.
  4. Stumbling on your right foot portends trouble. This is what people said during the life of the seer. She advised not to take anything bad into your head. You need to stop, stamp your right foot three times and say: “Go to the land of trouble, don’t stick to me!”

Vanga always had a vase for sugar in the hallway. Everyone knew about this. She often told her people that they couldn’t empty her completely. It harms the house. She also recommended filling any container with something before passing it on to another person.

  1. We decided to give a wallet as a birthday present - be sure to put a coin or a purse mouse in it.
  2. You need to take the jar to your neighbor and put some sweets in it.
  3. If a suitcase or bag was taken for use, it will not be returned empty.

If such things are conveyed without content, then poverty sets in for both people. It is difficult for them to get out of a difficult situation later.

Money conspiracy

The fortuneteller helped many ordinary people with her kind words. She ordered me to tell others my advice. Share powerful conspiracies for wealth. Everyone can read it. Vangelia assured that the words were magical. They will support those who are worthy with monetary energy.

For quick income

You need to fill the jug with natural water. Pour it into a glass without any pattern or edges. Read at the same time:

“The water will flow quickly, but I will soon be useful to the merchant and get hold of gold. Amen!".

You should drink a full glass. And wash your feet with water from a jug. Dry with a new towel.

For successful financial management

For any drink that enters the stomach first thing in the morning, read Vanga’s strong spell:

“Ever-Virgin Mary Mother of God, intercede, pray for the Lord servant (name). You wandered through the meadows with bare legs, collecting dew with a golden cup. She gave a drink to a suffering person. One sip is good for business, the second is out of need, the third in your mouth is an increase in income. I'll drink to the bottom - I'll grab the wealth. Lord, have mercy and bless with good, gold and silver. Amen!".

So that the cash flow does not stop and grows

You need to buy a meter-long red ribbon. It is sewn into a ring (do not knit). At the early dawn of the new moon, place the circle on the floor. Stand in the middle. Read these magical words from a clairvoyant:

“God is pleased with my work. Will take you to the golden city. It's behind, in front, right and left, and I'm in the middle. Profit spins in circles, but strives for me in the center. This flow will never stop. Amen!".

Raise the ribbon over yourself (without leaving the circle). Immediately turn on any subject related to professional activity. For example, on a table leg, chair leg, pen, etc. Do not remove it under any circumstances.

Amulet from Vanga to attract good luck and money

The seer sometimes forced her to go beyond the outskirts and bring home a few branches of elderberry. She hung them crosswise above the front door. She said that there is no truer defense against a bad person. And all sorts of people came to her, including insidious, angry, offended people.

Vanga has many more interesting tips to ensure that money flows and luck never leaves the house. We'll tell you about them another time. This information, if followed, will allow everyone to find peace. Share it with your friends (social media icons below), give them a chance for well-being.