Anna's conception is in the corner. Temple of the Conception of Righteous Anna in the corner

Church of the Conception of Righteous Anna, in the Corner

Over the centuries of its existence, this temple has had many names: the Conception of Righteous Anna at the Eastern End, near the city wall in the Corner, in Kitai-Gorod on the shore, behind the Salt Row.

The Church of the Conception of Righteous Anna, in the Corner, is one of the oldest in Moscow. The first mention of it dates back to 1493. But then, during the reign of Ivan III Vasilyevich, it was apparently made of wood.

Chroniclers called Ivan III Vasilyevich “gatherer of the Russian land.” Under him, the Horde yoke was finally overthrown. Accepted by his father Vasily Vasilyevich the Dark as a co-ruler, Ivan III Vasilyevich ascended the Moscow throne after the death of his father as the complete ruler of Rus'. During his lifetime, he was called the Great by his contemporaries. It was under him that the reconstruction of the dilapidated Kremlin began: instead of white stone walls and towers, brick ones began to rise. The walls and towers of the Kremlin were erected by Italian architects Anton Fryazin (Antonio Gilardi), Marco Fryazin (Marco Ruffo), Pyotr Fryazin (Pietro Antonio Solari), Aleviz Fryazin the Old (Aloisio da Carcano). From that time on, the Kremlin began to acquire its current appearance.

Church of the Conception of Anna, in the Corner

The Church of the Conception of Anna at the Eastern End was built immediately after the panic associated with the expectation of the end of the world. According to Christian chronology, in 1492 the seventh thousand years from the biblical Creation of the world began (5508 years before the birth of Christ plus 1492 years after the birth of Christ equals 7000 years). In Orthodox Easter, the calculation of the celebration of Easter, the Resurrection of Christ, was extended only to 1491, and in relation to the fateful year 1492, postscripts were made: “woe, woe to those who have reached the end of the ages.” The end of the world was awaited with fear and trembling, it seemed inevitable, the exact date was even announced - on the night of March 25, 1492.

In this situation of complete doom and hopelessness, by order of Ivan III Vasilyevich, the Church of the Conception of Righteous Anna was erected at the end of the main Velikaya Street of the ancient settlement. In 1493, when the church was first mentioned in documents, Ivan III Vasilyevich took the title “Sovereign of All Rus'”. It is interesting that after this, the Tsar of All Rus' forbade Muscovites to receive merchants who came to the city in their homes and ordered the construction of “gostiny dvors” to begin. These were the first hotels in the capital city.

At the beginning of the 16th century, a white stone temple was built on the basement. But it suffered from a terrible fire in 1547. That year, in the Assumption Cathedral of the Kremlin, Ivan IV Vasilyevich was crowned king with the Monomakh cap, barmas and cross. Following this, Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich married Anastasia Romanovna Zakharyina-Yuryeva. And then, on a hot June day, a few days after a large bell fell from the bell tower of the Annunciation Cathedral, the church on Arbat caught fire. A strong wind blew and the fire spread “like lightning.” An hour later the whole Neglinka was already burning. Then the wind blew towards the Kremlin. The roofs of the Kremlin cathedrals caught fire. The fire burned across the throne for more than ten hours. The treasury, the Armory, and the royal stable were destroyed in the fire. The Annunciation Cathedral, whose frescoes were painted by Andrei Rublev, burned down. Explosions of gunpowder reserves destroyed part of the Kremlin walls and towers. 25 thousand households burned down. About two thousand residents died in the fire.

Before Moscow had time to recover from the consequences of the fire, such a strong hailstorm passed through that the chronicler considered it necessary to note it in the chronicle. The hail was “strong and large, as big as a forest apple,” and the hailstones were of different shapes: “round and faceted.”

After all these natural disasters, Ivan IV Vasilyevich ordered the city to begin to be rebuilt, including the renovation of the Church of the Conception of Righteous Anna. By this time, after the construction of the fortifications of Kitai-Gorod, by order of Ivan Vasilyevich’s mother Elena Glinskaya, the church had already received its now familiar name - “what’s in the Corner”, since it was between the eastern and southern walls. This location is reflected in its name.

Historians cannot accurately determine the architect of the stone church. It is generally accepted that the proportions of volumes and the nature of the profiles are reminiscent of some of the buildings of Aleviz Novy.

The ancient core of the temple is a cubic volume with a semicircular apse on a vaulted basement somewhat buried in the ground. The pillarless quadrangle is covered with a cross vault and crowned with a slender drum with semi-circular kokoshniks at the base and elegant arcature.

The windows of the originally blank drum were cut out later.

The basement of the main church and its walls up to the base of the vault are made of white stone; the top of the church is made of small bricks.

The facades, which retain perspective portals on three sides, are dissected by blades and completed with three-blade zakomaras. The planes of the walls are enlivened by frame platbands and wide keel-shaped perspective portals in the center of each of the three walls.

The top of the walls is surrounded by a running belt. Two single-domed aisles with rectangular apses, similar in composition, and a two-tier arcade-gallery from the west, added in the 17th century, form a compact, plastic silhouette.

The southern chapel of the Holy Great Martyr Mina was built at the expense of Prince Dmitry Mikhailovich Pozharsky in 1617. A small, brick aisle with a rectangular apse in plan is covered with a cross vault. In the architectural heritage of Moscow, this is one of the last vaults of this type. A head on a blind drum rises above the hipped roof. There is a version that the chapel existed in the wooden church and was founded in memory of the liberation of Rus' from the Golden Horde yoke - on November 11, 1480, on the day of St. Mina, the Mongol-Tatars withdrew and left the Ugra River. And Pozharsky, in fact, restored the chapel in stone. The name of Prince Pozharsky is associated with the story of the unique bell of the temple. The bell was cast in 1547 in France, and in 1610 it was purchased and donated to the temple by the Moscow merchant Ivan Grigorievich Tverdikov. At the same time, the first inscription was engraved on the bell: “This bell was given to the house of the Most Pure Mother of God of Her honorable and glorious Conception, in the city of China, Ivan Grigoriev, son of the Tverdikovs by his parents...” During the period of the Polish-Lithuanian occupation of Moscow, the bell was stolen by “Russian thieves.” " In 1617, having learned that a bell stolen from a church was being sold, Dmitry Mikhailovich bought it and returned it to the Conception Church. Then a second inscription appeared on the bell. Again, with a request to remember the parents. Nowadays the 30-pound bell is kept in the Intercession Cathedral on the Moat (St. Basil's Cathedral). He got there after the bell tower was demolished.

The northern aisle of St. Catherine the Great Martyr was erected in 1658–1668. There is an assumption that the reason for the construction of the chapel was the birth of the daughter of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. It is covered with a closed vault and repeats the composition of the southern aisle, but in its decorative elements it is typical of the second half of the 17th century.

The belfry towered over the southwestern corner of the church.

But after the church was closed in the 20s of the twentieth century, the belfry was demolished.

In 1994, the temple was returned to the Orthodox Church and consecrated. And in one of the oldest churches in Moscow, the inexorable lamps were lit again.

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5. INSTRUCTION IN THE BOTTOM LEFT CORNER OF THE CARD, see fig. p.18, fig. p.23 ??? “The third part is designated Europe, the lot of the lesser Noah’s son Aphetus. It extends from the Middle Sea to the Great Sea of ​​Okiyan. On the other side to the Varangian Sea. From the third side to the Murmansk Sea and to Studenoye

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4.19. The “Armory on the Corner” of the Jerusalem Fortress is the Arsenal in the corner of the Kremlin, at the Corner Tower. The next reference from the Bible to Jerusalem buildings sounds like this: “Opposite the exit to the ARMORY ON THE CORNER” (Nehemiah 3:19). See Church Slavonic quote 186. Everything is correct. Continuing our movement

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Orthodox Church
Church of the Conception of Anna

Church of the Conception of Anna, in the Corner (2017)
55°45′00″ N. w. 37°37′51″ E. d. HGIOL
Country Russia Russia
City Moscow
Confession Orthodoxy
Diocese Moscow
Date of foundation second quarter of the 16th century
Status Cultural heritage site № 7710445000 № 7710445000
Media files on Wikimedia Commons


For the first time, the church “Conception, on the Eastern corner” was mentioned in the chronicle in connection with the fire of 1493, when the wooden church burned down completely. It was also called the Church of Anna “at the Eastern End”, as it was built in the tract [ ] river, which extended into Vasilyevsky Meadow. During the fire of 1547, the temple was damaged and then restored. The exact date of the appearance of a stone church on the site of a wooden church is unknown, as Andrei Batalov notes, the earliest possible start of construction is after the fire of 1547. For the first time, the temple was listed as a stone building in the Census Book of 1626.

The northern aisle of the temple is in honor of the Great Martyr Catherine (built in -1668). There is a hypothesis that he appeared in connection with the birth of a daughter named Ekaterina to Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. In 1658-1668, a gallery-porch (promenade) was built around the temple.

The renovation of the temple took place in 1752 (at the expense of merchant Zamyatina) and in the 19th century. By the middle of the 19th century, chapels of the Nine Martyrs, the martyrs Victor and Vincent, appeared in the church.

A handwritten collection was kept in the church (it has not survived to this day), which contained a story that Ivan the Terrible, after the fire of 1547, sent a miraculous image of the Mother of God to the temple.

In the 1920s (according to other sources - in 1929) the temple was closed, but remained under state protection as a historical monument. Then the building housed office and tourist establishments. The decoration of the interior of the temple was irretrievably lost.

In 1947-1948, the structure was examined by the architect Alexander Fufaev, who compiled the results of his research into a graphic reconstruction. Some of the provisions of Fufaev's reconstruction were recognized as erroneous during the restoration of the church in 1954-1957.

Due to the demolition of the Rossiya Hotel, and then the construction of Zaryadye Park, services were temporarily not held in the temple.


Initially, the temple was covered with black-polished tiles with pointed ends. Remains of the original covering were discovered above the southwest corner of the temple during restoration. The most recent covering of the church (at the time of restoration in the mid-1950s) was a hipped roof.

As David notes, the location of the church was extremely advantageous: the building towered over Velikaya Street, and from under the arch of the Kosmodemyansky Gate, at the entrance to Kitay-gorod, the view of the temple opened against the background of the panorama of the Moscow Kremlin.


In 1954-1957, the temple was studied and restored (on-site research and the restoration project of the Lion of David together with Boris Altshuller and Sergei Podyapolsky). The purpose of the restoration work was to remove later layers of the monument (starting from the 18th century) and restore the architectural forms of the 16th century. The chapels of St. Mina, St. Catherine and the walkway, which appeared in the 17th century, were recognized as having “historical and historical-architectural significance”; their creators, according to the restorers, achieved “a certain compositional balance and harmony” with the main ancient core of the temple. These later buildings have been preserved.

David noted the discovery and restoration of the original portals, which were considered lost, as a great success of the restoration work. Three perspective portals with keel-shaped endings were returned to the temple - of the type that is “classical for early Moscow architecture.” At the same time, no traces of walkways or stairs were found that should have led to these portals.

When examining the ancient covering of the church above its southwestern corner, the base of the southern pillar of the old belfry, located diagonally, was discovered. The question of its composition remains open.

During the restoration, the bell tower, built in the mid-19th century, was demolished.


  1. , With. 56-57.
  2. Church of the Conception of Righteous Anna / Moskvoretskaya embankment, 3 (undefined) . Russian churches. Retrieved July 30, 2014.

Church of the Conception of Righteous Anna, in the Corner

Krivoy Lane, 13; now, after the demolition of most of Zaryadye for the Rossiya Hotel, Moskvoretskaya embankment, 3

“This church is one of the oldest stone buildings in Moscow outside the Kremlin. It was first mentioned in the chronicle in 1493 in connection with a fire that turned the entire capital to ashes in a few hours: “The same month at 7 o’clock on the days of July at 28 week the church caught fire from the candle of St. Nikola on Peska... From the city the market caught fire and from there the settlement burned down near the Moscow River to the Conception at the Eastern end and along Vasilyevsky Meadow, and along All Saints on Kulishka... and the chronicler and old people say: as Moscow became, such is the fire “I haven’t been to Moscow.”

“In descriptions of numerous fires before 1493, the Church of the Conception of Anna is not mentioned. From this we can conclude that it was built shortly before this year. The church was designated “that at the city wall in the Corner” (1657), “that in China- city ​​on the shore" (1677), "on the corner in China" (1681), "behind the salt row" (1622). It was built in a tract called the Sharp End. This place is near the Moscow River , which jutted out at an angle into the marshy Vasilyevsky meadow, had some special attractive qualities for the location of the church.

Church of the Conception of St. Anna was built from white stone - a material widely used in construction at that time. During the fire of 1547, the white stone vault and the upper part of the structure collapsed. Soon, during the restoration of the fire-damaged building, a so-called “cross vault” made of brick appeared, essentially a closed vault, cut by four cross-shaped formworks. It made it possible to cover the interior space of the church without pillars. The facades at this time were completed in the form of a three-lobed arch. At the same time, a new chapter was made with kokoshniks at the base. The neck of the light dome is decorated not with semi-columns, but with flat pilasters and is reminiscent of the design of the domes of the Archangel Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. Over the four hundred years of its existence, the church building has acquired extensions and undergone significant changes.

From the south of the quadrangle a chapel of St. Mines. The chapel was probably erected in memory of the liberation from the Tatar-Mongol yoke in 1480 on St. Mines (November 11), when the Tatars retreated from the Ugra. At first, apparently, it was made of wood. At the beginning of the 17th century, around 1617, a stone chapel was built, which still exists today. It is associated with the name of the prince. Dmitry Pozharsky, who erected a chapel in memory of the deliverance of Moscow from the Polish-Lithuanian invaders. The architecture of this later addition is interesting both for its artistic and structural details. The cross vault covering the aisle is one of the most recent examples of such a design in Moscow architecture. The head no longer cuts through the vault, and there are no windows in the formwork. The hipped roof of the aisle, made around 1617, is one of the earliest examples of such a design in the construction of stone religious buildings. The interpretation of its altar part is peculiar - rectangular in plan.

Second chapel of St. Catherine, located on the north side, was added in 1658. The gallery-porch surrounding the building also dates back to the 17th century.

Recently, extensive restoration work has been carried out on the monument (under the leadership of L. A. David, B. L. Altshuller and S. S. Podyapolsky), the building has been freed from late additions that do not represent artistic and scientific interest and the cultural value that has grown during its existence layer. Despite the fact that there was every opportunity to document the restoration of the ancient core of the complex from its base to its completion, remarkable for its architectural merits, the authors of the restoration did not follow this path. They have preserved layers of historical, historical-architectural and aesthetic significance. These layers arose in pre-Petrine times and did not compete with the architectural forms of the 16th century. The nature of the adjoining of later extensions to the main, more ancient temple made it possible to completely restore the main elements of its original architecture."

“The first mention of Anna’s Church is in the chronicle in 1493 in connection with a fire. The chronicler called it “Anna’s Church at the Sharp End” - without, however, indicating whether it was wooden or stone. The church acquired its modern appearance after the restoration of 1955- 1958 (led by architect L.A. David). The architectural and archaeological study of the temple made it possible to more accurately determine the time of its construction, as well as to identify the original forms and structures. It turned out that the existing church was built in the second quarter of the 16th century. and not in 1493, as was previously believed (this opinion is not shared by all researchers. - P.P.); in the 17th century it was built with chapels and galleries. As for the mention of the “Church of Anna at the Sharp End” in the chronicle of 1493. g., then it obviously refers to a building unknown to us.

With a device in the 16th century. Of the Kitay-Gorod wall-fortress, the church ended up in the corner formed by the eastern and southern walls, which is why it began to be called “Anna’s Church in Kitay-Gorod in the corner.” Nowadays there is no wall here, but this designation still has not lost its meaning - the church is located at the intersection of Kitaisky Proezd and Moskvoretskaya Embankment.

The chapels of Mina and Catherine were built of brick, the temple of Anna itself was built of soft limestone."

“The basement of the main temple and its walls up to the toes of the vault are white stone, the top of the church is made of small-sized brick. Above the southwestern corner there was a belfry, apparently the same as that of the Church of Tryphon in Naprudny (1492), with which The Conception Church has many similarities. It was built in stone, probably in the first decades of the 16th century, and was restored after a fire in 1547. The design of the temple facades, its slender proportions, and the accuracy of classical profiles indicate the influence of the buildings of Italian masters, in particular Aleviz the New. the church had a roof made of silver-black polished tiles and a helmet-shaped covering of the dome, which was later replaced by an onion-shaped poppy.

The northern Catherine's chapel was built in 1658-1668, presumably in connection with the birth of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich's daughter, Catherine. It is covered with a closed vault and repeats the composition of the southern aisle, but in its decorative elements it is typical of the second half of the 17th century. The interior of the church has not been preserved."

"The church was renewed in 1752." "There are alterations from the 19th century."

“Before the closure, many 16th-century icons were preserved, especially in the main iconostasis. On the bell tower there was a bell from 1547 with a French signature, which most likely came here through Cola in 1566 as a result of the iconoclastic movement in the Netherlands.”

"The bell tower of the mid-18th century." During the restoration it was destroyed without any particular reason. “A similar thing happened with the Church of Anna, which is in the Corner. The temple has a complex, not fully understood history of construction (even a report on the restoration has not been published). Some of its parts date back to the 16th century, however, the presence of architectural elements from the 15th century is also possible century. Other parts belong to the 17th century. In other words, the monument was created at different times, but with subsequent additions until the 18th century. During its restoration, the oldest parts were preserved, and the missing ones were restored, but rare for the architecture of Moscow in the mid-18th century. The bell tower was destroyed because... it was not ancient, and its architectural qualities were quite modest (but, we would add, not anti-artistic). Do we have the right to be so free with such a restoration technique? In my opinion, no. a mistake was made."

With the destruction of the bell tower, naturally, there was no place left for bells.

In 1990, the temple housed the Dispatch Department of the Moscow City Association "Tourist" of the Moscow City Council of Labor Unions.

“Medicine is powerless in this case,” is a phrase often heard by women who cannot get pregnant for a long time. But, fortunately, such a verdict from doctors is not a reason to despair. There are many places in the world where, after visiting them, women were able to experience the joy of motherhood. Many of them are located in Moscow and the surrounding Moscow region.

Holy places in Moscow that help you get pregnant

Temple of the Holy Righteous Blessed Matrona of Moscow in the Pokrovsky Convent.

Matrona of Moscow is the most famous and revered saint in Russia. It is believed that her relics have miraculous powers and help to heal from various diseases, including infertility. Pilgrims from all over the world come to pray to Matrona of Moscow. Every day, more than a thousand people venerate the saint’s relics, and on weekends the queue stretches for 8 hours.

In addition to the Church of the Intercession Monastery in Moscow and the Moscow region, there are other places where you can pray before the icon of the saint. Temples and chapels of the Matrona of Moscow are located:

  • in the Dmitrovsky district of Moscow;
  • in Belyaevo, Teply Stan district of Moscow;
  • at the Kursky railway station;
  • in the city of Vereya, Moscow region;
  • in the city of Iksha, Moscow region;
  • in Lobnya, Moscow region.

There are known cases of healing from infertility even of non-Orthodox people who came to faith only after performing a miracle. This is a holy place in Moscow that is worth visiting to gain faith in miracles.

Conception Monastery

In 1584, in Moscow, on the site of an ancient monastery that burned down during a great fire, the Conception Monastery was built. Its founder is considered to be the Tsar of All Rus' Fyodor Ioannovich, whose wife, Irina Godunova, suffered from infertility for a long time. After a temple was consecrated on the territory of the monastery in memory of the Conception of Anna the Virgin Mary, the queen was able to become pregnant and gave birth to a long-awaited daughter.

Irina Godunova prayed for the birth of a child in front of the icon of the Mother of God “Merciful”, which has been preserved in the monastery to this day. The Conception Monastery is one of the holy places in Moscow that helps even those women who despair of finding the happiness of motherhood to become pregnant.

Church of the Righteous Zechariah and Elizabeth on the territory of the Donskoy Monastery (built 1730-1755).

The Lord sent the righteous Zechariah and Elizabeth a great test - infertility, which among the Jews was considered a punishment for sins. Until old age, they could not have children, but they retained love and devotion to God. For this, the Lord chose their parent John the Baptist and Baptist of Christ, the most revered saint after the Most Holy Theotokos.

You can turn in prayer to Zechariah and Elizabeth in Moscow in front of the icons in the ancient church located above the western gates of the Donskoy Monastery and in the Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Temple of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God

It has long been believed that the miraculous icon protects all babies and is their patroness. No wonder she is also called baby. Prayers of the Tikhvin Mother of God help children recover quickly from illnesses and improve family relationships. Women turn to the icon with prayer when they cannot conceive a child, as well as during pregnancy and immediately before childbirth.

These holy Orthodox places in Moscow, which help to get pregnant, have become a real salvation for many families on the path to a happy life. Prayers in front of icons can create a miracle, as evidenced by the words of Christ: “If you abide in Me and My words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.”

Holy places in the Moscow region that help you get pregnant

Some holy places that are worth visiting for an early pregnancy are located not in Moscow, but outside it, in the Moscow region.

Church of the Holy Great Martyr Paraskeva Friday.

Since ancient times, Paraskeva Friday has been revered by Orthodox Christians all over the world. Icons of the saint protect family well-being and happiness. The miraculous icons kept in the temple made it as popular and visited as other holy places in the Moscow region that help to heal. Prayers to Paraskeva Pyatnitsa help in healing from physical and mental illnesses. Women turn to her in prayers asking for conception and safe bearing of the baby.

The village of Kachalovo, where the temple is located, was part of the Moscow region until 1997. Today this is the territory of the Northern Butovo district of the capital.

Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve

Within the boundaries of the Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve in the Moscow region there are several miraculous boulders. One of them - the Maiden Stone - fulfills the most cherished desire of infertile women. For the miracle to happen, you need to draw water from a stream that flows nearby, sit on a stone, make a wish to yourself and drink it without getting up. Soon after performing the “rite,” many women managed to get pregnant.

Anno-Conception Church in Chekhov, Moscow Region

Just 50 kilometers from Moscow there is an ancient church in honor of the conception of the righteous Anna of the Virgin Mary. It was built in the 17th century by steward Savva Vasilchikov. His wife Anna could not get pregnant, and then the nobleman made a vow, if a child was born into the family, to build a church at his own expense. As soon as the construction of the temple began, Anna was able to conceive, and after a while she gave birth to a healthy girl. Later, the couple had other children.

In the church there are several icons that have miraculous powers, and not far from the entrance to the temple, a holy spring with healing water flows out of the ground, consecrated in honor of Joachim and Anna, the parents of the Virgin Mary. Pilgrims from all over the world come to him to ask the Lord for childbearing.

Miracles happen - thousands of women from different parts of Russia and the world who were once considered childless know this for sure. For those who considered it important to visit the holy places of Moscow and the Moscow region, healing from ailments is a well-deserved reward. Only after visiting holy places in Moscow and the Moscow region do you gain strength and can you finally find the joy of long-awaited motherhood.

Moscow is a city of thousands of routes and many thousands of attractions. And like any city with an ancient history, there are hidden, inconspicuous places, buildings and phenomena in Moscow, which nevertheless form the very essence of this multifaceted, multifaceted city.

Around Moscow with the Eight Travels club: Church of the Conception of St. Anna

Such a “hidden pearl” is undoubtedly a temple with an unusual name - Church of the Conception of Anna, in the Corner . Due to its location, the site of this ancient temple was undoubtedly named because Velikaya, or Bolshaya Street and the tyn with an earthen rampart ended here.

When the stone wall of Kitai-Gorod was being erected, the builders had to demolish the temple in honor of Saint Nicholas of Myra, standing in the way of the construction of the wall, but in order to preserve this temple, it was decided to make a ledge, which saved the unique structure. Thus, here the eastern and southern walls of Kitay-Gorod form an angle, which is why the location of the modern church continues to be called "in the Corner".

This place is often mentioned in chronicles, acts and legends, which serves as proof that it was known in folk life for various events. Since ancient times, within the boundaries of this tract there was a Tatar courtyard, perhaps the same one that was moved here from the Moscow Detina by the wife of John III, Sophia. In addition, there was the Black Chamber, or Great Prison with a torture chamber and the place of the kissing of the cross.

The chronicle first mentions this church in 1493, when it, along with the planting and trading, fell victim to flames. During the terrible fire of 1547, which devastated Moscow, the church was already made of stone. It is said that its wooden roof burned down and the vaults collapsed. Then there were wooden courtyards and huts around it, which were incinerated by fire.

Among them, only the wooden mansion of clerk Tretyak Teplov survived, and in it the Hodegetria icon of the Mother of God, revered by the owner, was preserved unharmed. When Tsar John Vasilyevich learned about this miracle, he ordered the unburned shrine to be raised into his chambers, and restored the damaged church, making it new brick ones instead of white stone collapsed vaults. He enriched the temple with icons and utensils, of which a silver censer, candlesticks and vessels were kept in it until 1812, and then the miraculous image of the Mother of God itself was placed in the renewed temple.

In the Hard Years, which caused so much disaster and devastation to Moscow, in 1611, the church again suffered from a fire that incinerated the entire Kitay-Gorod, and from the predation of not only foreigners, but also marauders who even encroached on the church bells, as evidenced by the inscription on the bell , donated to the Conception Church by Prince Dmitry Pozharsky.

During the reign of Mikhail Fedorovich, the temple was restored to its original form. The church was also patronized by subsequent Russian sovereigns. During Soviet times, the temple was closed and the building was used for utilitarian purposes, but, fortunately, it was not demolished, although the interior decoration was completely lost.

Architecture of the Church of the Conception of St. Anne

If you decide to go on bus tours around Moscow , the guides of the “Eight Travels” club will tell you that this ancient votive temple attracts the attention of Russian and foreign tourists not only for its ancient history, but also for its unique architectural style, as well as numerous monuments of foundry art, icon painting and, of course, architecture and different centuries, preserved in the ensemble.

The temple, square in plan, was built of hewn white stone with the middle filled with cobblestones and rubble, so that the white stone forms the cladding, traditional for stone construction of the 15th and 16th centuries. The external outline of the temple is very unusual. On each of the outer walls of this square, the architectural ornaments were replaced by three arches converging upward, on such arches or mosquitoes lay a shingle roof, but they were subsequently leveled with brick in a straight line.

From such a roof protrudes the “neck” or “tribune” of the dome, as this part is inserted into the roof separately, and not initially established on its basis. Such an incongruity can be seen in other ancient and ancient churches, in which the arc roof was replaced with a hipped, hipped roof. Here, above the windows, the stands are surrounded by bolsters, semicircular and jagged, and the windows are decorated with platbands. The pear-shaped dome, now lined with painted iron, was once studded with gilded stars. Its top is crowned with a gilded iron lattice cross with a crescent at its foot.

Attached to the eastern part is an altar consisting of one semicircle, or apse. Its semicircular top is crowned with the same crosses that were on the Church of the Nativity of St., dismantled in the Moscow Kremlin. John the Baptist near Bor.

The Church of the Conception of St. Anna is one of the oldest and most architecturally interesting churches in Moscow, and will soon undoubtedly become one of the main decorations of the new park area under construction in Zaryadye.

  • April 22, 2017