Delicious varieties of carrots for storage. The best varieties of carrots for winter storage

Even large and healthy carrots can begin to turn black and become rotten after just a few months of storage. This unpleasant situation occurs while maintaining optimal temperature and humidity conditions. This is explained by the wrong choice of carrot variety.

Experienced gardeners say that The duration and quality of storage depend on the time of planting the seeds and the ripening of the root crop.. In order not to get lost in the variety of varieties and hybrids, it is important to take into account some nuances.

  1. It is preferable to buy varieties of domestic selection, as they are adapted to the soils and climate of our country.
  2. Seeds from foreign producers may have a better appearance, but require certain growing conditions (only in a greenhouse or with plenty of fertilizing).
  3. Long root vegetables are suitable for loose soil that is saturated with oxygen. You need to put the second crop in the cellar, which was planted at the beginning of summer.
  4. Round carrots ripen quickly and have low yields.

Reference! For long-term storage, it is recommended to choose late-ripening varieties. Early ripening types of carrots are preferable to be used immediately after harvest, but some varieties are also suitable for long-term aging.

When selecting a variety, it is important to pay attention to resistance to cracking, since even a small crack on the surface of a root crop is an open path for the penetration of harmful bacteria and fungi. If carrots are damaged, they can be stored for no more than 2 months.

You can find out more about suitable varieties of carrots and their shelf life.

Late ripening group

This group includes root crops that ripen 120-140 days after germination. Among the features are adaptation to cold weather and resistance to disease. When stored for a long time, carrots do not lose their taste, all beneficial properties are preserved. You can recognize late varieties for long-term storage by their characteristic shape: the root crop is long and pointed.

So, what varieties are included in the group?

Queen of Autumn

Takes first place in keeping quality. The average fruit weight is 200 g, length is 20-25 cm. The time from germination to technical maturity is 125 days. Root vegetables can be used for fresh consumption or for preservation. It is stored in the basement or cellar until May-June, without losing its marketable qualities.


Ripening time – 110-120 days after germination. Carrots are bright orange in color, elongated in shape, and the flesh is juicy. Consumer properties are not lost during storage.

Vita Longa

Recently bred variety. It has a relatively long growing season - about 140 days. Recommended for winter storage, but can also be consumed fresh.


Ripening period – 130 days. Feature – high sugar content in fruits(not recommended for people with diabetes). If you follow the storage rules, carrots will last until the spring months.

Mid-season vegetables

The ripening period varies from 90 to 120 days. The fruits contain nutrients and have excellent taste. When choosing a variety, you need to pay attention to the following names.


Carrots are easy to cultivate. There is no core; the pulp contains large amounts of carotene, vitamins, and microelements. The variety is adapted to the domestic climate. Root vegetables are stored until summer, as are late-ripening varieties.


The variety was bred by breeders specifically for winter maturation.. The growing season is 110 days. The length of the fruit is 17 cm. Simple care and moderate watering affect the juiciness and taste of carrots.


Mid-season and high-yielding variety. The ripening time is 90-110 days. Root vegetables do not crush during transportation and do not crack during storage.


Feature – rich bright orange color. Carrots reach a length of 18 cm and a weight of 120 g. They grow even in areas of risky farming. Characterized by high shelf life.


Early ripening varieties can survive until mid-winter when adjusting the timing of planting in the ground. It is important that the ripening period occurs at the end of September and beginning of October. If the ripening period for a particular variety is 90 days, it must be sown no earlier than the end of June. In 90 days (3 months) the carrots will ripen and be suitable for storage. If the temperature and humidity conditions are maintained, early varieties of carrots will be stored for up to 4 months.

Attention! When sowing carrot seeds in summer, it is important to ensure abundant watering. Otherwise, the seeds will take a long time to germinate, and the first shoots will dry out quickly.

What varieties are allowed to be stored?


The growing season is 80-85 days. The shape of the root crop resembles a cylinder. Carrots have a good taste, juiciness, the surface of the fruit is even and smooth. Before planting, high-quality soil preparation is required. The variety also needs frequent watering. With proper care, the weight of one carrot is 100 g, length – 15 cm.


Refers to varieties of Dutch selection. The harvest can be harvested within 2 months after germination. For winter storage, you need to remove carrots from the beds no earlier than after 85 days.


Root crops do not crack and are resistant to fusarium.


The fruits have an even shape, are resistant to cracking, and are stored for a long time.

Sweet view

If there are children in the family or those who like to crunch carrots, it is advisable to choose sweet varieties for storage for the winter. The list of sweet species includes Minicore, Vitaminnaya carrots, Krasa Devitsa and Nastena. All presented varieties tolerate maturation well and are resistant to rotting processes.

comparison table

Storage methods

There are several methods available for high-quality harvest aging. All technologies are not complicated and are suitable for any personal plot. needed in a basement or garage pit.

To extend the shelf life and minimize various problems (rot infection, germination), the following methods are recommended.

  • Carrots in the sand. The bottom of the box must be filled with sand (layer 4-5 cm). Place the fruits so that they do not touch each other. Cover with sand on top and repeat layers.
  • In sawdust. The method is identical to storage in sawdust. For long-term aging, you should take pine sawdust: the phytoncides in their composition will kill bacteria and protect against germination.
  • In an open plastic bag. Dry smooth and even fruits without deformation in the sun, then put them in a plastic bag. It is forbidden to tie, as the root crops will suffocate.
  • Carrots in clay. Whole carrots need to be dipped in a thick clay solution, then dried. Next, put the harvest in boxes and lower it into the basement.

Advice! For each storage method, it is important to adhere to the temperature regime (you can read more about the required temperature for storing carrots). Optimal indicators: from -1 to +2 in a room with sufficient air circulation.

You can learn more nuances about ways to store carrots from, and we told you how to store carrots at home.

So, for winter storage the best late-ripening and mid-ripening varieties. Early ripe carrots will be stored only if planted late in the ground (June-July). The aging period of early varieties does not exceed 4 months. To prevent root vegetables from losing their taste, rotting and sprouting, it is important to maintain temperature and humidity conditions.

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​I can advise you to buy 3-4 different varieties of carrots every year, sow a couple of rows in different places on the plot - maybe somewhere you will like the carrots. This way you can choose the variety to suit your taste and find a suitable place.​

​the most successful is still Nantes and its subspecies

  • - a productive mid-late variety. The fruits are red-orange, up to 20 cm, conical. The pulp is juicy and tasty. Stores well. You can sow before winter. I sowed this variety last year and liked it. Really tasty, juicy, sweet carrots. It was stored well, already eaten.​
  • ​ 9. Forto
  • ​– a productive popular variety (90 - 110 days), time-tested. The fruits are elongated with a blunt tip and a small core. The bright orange flesh is juicy and sweet. The variety is well stored in winter - until spring, and is resistant to flowering. Suitable for winter sowing.​

​7. Finchor​

​2. Carotel Parisian

​Division does not greatly affect the quality and taste of root vegetables. It’s just that the early ones can be used for food and processing, while the others are good for storage.​

​When choosing the best variety of carrots for the Moscow region, there is no particular difficulty. Almost any variety of this root vegetable is suitable here. It does not require special skills from the gardener. In addition, it is unpretentious to growing conditions. She is not afraid of slight frosts. For those who decide to plant carrots, the best varieties for the Moscow region will be: ​These root crops produce a harvest within 1.5-2 months after germination. Therefore, already in the middle of summer you can make salads from the fresh harvest. This is very good, because at this time there are still few other vegetables and fruits. In order to achieve this, choose the earliest carrot variety from the following: ​To determine which carrot variety is the best, you need to understand one thing. It lies in answering the question: “Why will it be planted?” If in order to be used in summer salads, then it is better to choose early carrot seeds. Then the root vegetables will grow quickly enough and will delight you with their juiciness and taste. If you want to enjoy the harvest until spring, then late-harvesting varieties of carrots are suitable. They differ in that good root crops grow just in time for harvesting and are stored for a long time in suitable conditions.​

​Here is a photo of carrots from our garden (this is the largest of the entire harvest, the rest are smaller).​

​My favorite is “Golden Autumn”, large, juicy, tasty, stored perfectly and never disappoints expectations, always a good harvest.​

Early ripening varieties of carrots

​Variety "MO"​

- high-yielding (100-110 days). Cylindrical fruits, large, weighing up to 200 g, up to 20 cm long. The taste is good. Can be grown in all regions, stores well and produces stable yields.​

​Variety “Moscow Winter A 515”​

- a productive variety. The fruits ripen in 80 days. The carrots are large, up to 150 grams, smooth, conical with a blunt tip. Almost no core. The fruit has a dessert taste and is rich in carotene. There is no need to hill up the plants, since they do not grow above the ground. Very resistant to various diseases. Unfortunately, it is not suitable for long-term storage.​ - the earliest and most famous carrot. One of the oldest varieties. Short, almost round fruits, orange, with excellent dessert taste - tender and sweet. Children love her very much. The yield is small. Grows well on heavy soils and loams.​ ​I would like to note that domestic varieties of carrots are much tastier and store better than foreign ones. Foreign breeders are trying to develop varieties for sale - the main thing is that they are smooth and beautiful, even at the expense of taste.​

Sweet varieties of carrots

​Nantes (early carrots), Vitaminnaya and Losinoostrovskaya varieties will delight you with sweetness, Moscow Winter and Shantanay 2461 will last until spring, Volzhskaya, Rote Riesen, Geranda and Cardinal.​

​Nantes number 4 or 14, Miniko or Touchon, Artek or Rex, Mother-in-law F1 or Zabava F1, Lydia.​

The largest varieties of carrots

​Carrot varieties for winter storage​

In my opinion, the sweetest carrot is

​And I imprison Samson!​ ​5. Chantenay 2461​

​Variety “Forte”​​5. Incomparable

​Variety "Finkhor"​

​Variety “Carotel Parisskaya”​

​How to choose the right variety?​​The best varieties of carrots for Siberia​

Special types of these root vegetables

​The first ones on this list are distinguished by their neat shape with a rounded tip. The size of the root crops is not large. They are the most popular carrot varieties also because they have a long shelf life. Its harvest may last until spring. And this despite his early maturation.​

In order for it to lie for a long time, several conditions must be met:

​collaborator Nantes​

​And for me now there is no better variety than Emperor. Firstly, the seeds are so large that they make it possible to sow carrots immediately at the required distance (I gave up granular ones a long time ago due to poor germination on our land). Secondly, the carrots themselves correspond to the seeds - very large, smooth, sweet and juicy.​

- A widely grown variety. Conical fruits, short and thick. The pulp is orange, dense. Weight up to 300 g, but they grow up to 500 g with sufficient moisture. The taste is average. They keep well until spring.​

The best varieties of carrots with photos and descriptions

​They are slightly inferior in sweetness to mid-ripening varieties, but are stored very well. Usually with large root vegetables.​

- a productive variety with a rich carotene content. Conical fruits with a blunt tip. Orange flesh with a thin center. Excellent taste, weighing up to 200 g, up to 17 cm long. The variety is resistant to flowering. Suitable for sowing before winter.​

  • ​They ripen in the fall, by this time they gain sweetness and juiciness; the most delicious carrots grow from these varieties. Well stored.​
  • ​3. Parmex
  • ​It is difficult to choose the right variety in the store. Therefore, think in advance: why you will grow carrots, and what kind of soil is on your site. Here are some guidelines for choosing:​

​practically no different from those recommended for other regions. The only exception that can be included in the carrot seeds for Siberia is the Altai shortened hybrid.​

​do not take a long break between harvesting and storing it;​

​, it is also flat, so it will be convenient to clean it. This variety is also very juicy, so it will make tasty and healthy carrot juice. I recommend it to everyone.​

  • ​These are Emperor carrot seeds, next to them for comparison are radish seeds​
  • ​Variety “Chantenay 2461”​
  • ​1. Vita Longa
  • ​Variety “Incomparable”​
  • ​1. Nantes 4​
  • - the fruits are almost spherical, bright orange, up to 4 cm in diameter, weighing about 50 g. The pulp is very tasty - tender, juicy. The variety is suitable for growing on heavy soils with a thin fertile layer. Good for whole fruit canning. Root crops with a diameter of 2-3 cm are collected. A variety of the Karotel variety, similar in appearance to it.​

The best varieties of carrots

Early varieties of carrots

​If you have light, loose soil, then feel free to plant long-fruited varieties.​

​The first thing worth mentioning is the varieties of carrots without cores. In such hybrids, the nutritional value is increased, because it is this that tends to accumulate nitrates. And the juiciest and most delicious part is around the core.​

​create a microclimate with a temperature of about 2 ºС and a humidity of 98%;​

​Carrots have several juicy varieties, I agree with the opinion that these are “Nantes” and “Queen of Autumn”, etc. Carrot juice from them is simply excellent, the fruits are smooth, are never clumsy, and do not spoil in storage.​ ​And this the carrots themselves, dug up in August for food

​I only talked about the best varietal carrots with photos and descriptions. I didn’t mention hybrids as a matter of principle. Because I don’t grow them myself and don’t recommend them to others.​

- long fruits, well stored until spring. They do not crack when grown. Very tasty fruits, rich in sugar and carotene. An excellent variety for obtaining juice.​ ​6. NIIOH 336​

- a variety grown everywhere in Russia. Productivity is average. A very tasty variety - it’s correct to say - a delicious variety of carrots. The pulp is orange-red. The fruits are cylindrical, up to 150 g. weight. Stored until mid-winter. Suitable for winter sowing.​ ​4. Dragon

​Varieties with short root crops are the earliest ripening; plant them in early spring.​

​Next will be the yellow carrot varieties. It is not very nutritious or contains vitamins. However, in some regions it is very popular. The greatest benefit comes from those root vegetables that have a uniform color from the core to the edges. Particularly interesting are purple and other types of carrots.​

​choose healthy root vegetables without damage.​

​It was already written above that a good juicy variety is “Nantes”, so it will never let you down, no matter how many times I bought it, it was not dry or green at the tail. When I make a salad from it, it’s a lovely thing, the salad is always juicy. In stores, I used to occasionally come across carrots of this variety with a blunt nose, but now I don’t see them at all. I buy from summer residents and gardeners. Queen of Autumn

​I like the Children's room the most, then Nantes and then Forte and Flaquet. Samson planted, nothing unusual. I read that there is a good Kamarin variety, but I haven’t seen it on sale.​

​Vita Longa variety​- also a common productive variety. Delicious fruits up to 18 cm in size, cylindrical, tasty, orange, weighing up to 130 g. This variety contains a lot of carotene (19 mg per 100 g) and is stored well. There is no need to hill it up; it is completely immersed in the ground when growing.​

​Variety “Nantes 4”​

Mid-season varieties

- carrots with purple skin and orange flesh. The taste is sweet and spicy. If you like unusual plants, this variety is for you. A very healthy carrot.​

​Round varieties grow quickly, but are not very productive.​

​If there are little sweet tooths in the family who love to crunch carrots, then it is better to choose sweeter varieties. To determine which varieties of carrots are best to plant in this case, you can use the following list:

​The best variety of carrots for long-term storage will be those that have late ripening periods. Then you can easily achieve compliance with the first condition.​ ​The “Caramel” variety is considered the sweetest. “Vitamin” is also sweet. It’s kind of like “Children’s”. “Nantes” is considered sweet, and it stores well. The taste of carrots also depends on the soil and the care of this very soil.​

​don’t you want to experiment???. then plant Samson!! ! the best option!!)))))​

​here is a TV show about carrot seeds:​​2. Yellowstone

​Variety “NIIOKH 336”​

​2. Vitamin 6​ Variety "Dragon"

​If you want to grow carrots for sale, choose imported varieties, this is what we talked about above.​

​To the delight of the little family members, mini carrots were bred, the seeds of which belong to the following varieties: Granddaughter or Sophie. They can grow even in small containers. And they grow within two months. Minikor (its fruits are fragrant and juicy), already mentioned Vitaminnaya and Losinoostrovskaya, Children's Joy, Beauty Maiden, Beloved or Nastena.

​Among the late hybrids, we can distinguish those that can be characterized as the best varieties of carrots for storage:

​I am an experienced gardener and have tried planting different varieties of carrots. My carrots of the Nantes and Touchon varieties grew sweet and juicy. Carrots with a blunt tip, not very large. Carrots will be sweeter if they do not grow gigantic in size, when part of the root crop comes out of the ground and turns green. Manure should not be poured under the carrots; the root crops will grow with many tails and are gnarled; the plantings must be thinned out, watered at the beginning of growth, and then stopped watering, otherwise the carrots may crack when dug up. In recent years I have been planting carrots of the Altai Gourmand variety; the root crops are smooth, sweet, medium-sized, and store well until spring. Very good varieties are Nantes, Losinoostrovskaya, and Shanton. from late varieties - Queen of Autumn

- fruits are spindle-shaped, aligned with a sharp tip, weighing up to 200 g. Yellow color. The variety is very productive and has good taste.​ ​7. Rothe-Riesen (Red Giant)​

- a widespread variety. Grows well in peaty soils. The fruits are cylindrical, up to 20 cm, with orange-red pulp. Average shelf life. Increased carotene content (16.4 mg per 100 g of carrots).​

​5. Touchon​​For yourself, it is better to plant domestic varieties, the taste is richer and there is more carotene.​

So, each gardener decides for himself which carrots are best to plant. Fortunately, there are quite a lot of varieties. In addition, the same hybrids have such properties that they will satisfy the tastes and needs of all gourmets. This healthy root vegetable will diversify your diet and give you all the accumulated vitamins.​

​These root vegetables grow up to 20 cm in length and the weight of each of them can be about 200 g. All of them are suitable for long-term storage. So, the varieties of large carrots are: Golden Autumn, Queen of Autumn, Monastyrskaya, Cascade, Narbonne, Flaccoro, Red Giant, Chantane, Valeria, Moscow Winter, Incomparable, Flakke. Each of them deserves to be in every summer resident’s garden.​

​Several years ago I sowed 8 varieties of carrots in 8 rows: Children's, Gourmet and others with sweet names and the Queen of Autumn. In the fall I collected each variety separately, squeezed out the juice of 8 glasses, all labeled. We tried it with the whole family and it turned out that only the QUEEN OF AUTUMN is very SWEET, the rest are slightly sweeter than water. Most likely it all depends on the COMPOSITION OF THE SOIL, the number of sunny days, and watering. Therefore, look for your own variety for the soil of your garden!​

Late-ripening varieties of carrots

​And we really like the Queen of Autumn, and from the early ones Squirrel.​

​Chanton, Nantes Variety "Yellowstone"

- high-yielding variety. The fruits are large, up to 20 cm, conical. Red-orange, very tasty. Well stored.​

​Vitamin 6 variety​- fruits are cylindrical up to 20 cm, smooth. The bright orange flesh is juicy and sweet. It is not stored for very long, it is better to use fresh and for processing.​

​And they are better adapted to our climate.​

​Good afternoon everyone!​​Canada F1 (distinguished by its small core), Nantes 4 (already appeared several times in other lists), Amsterdam (very valuable because it gives a stable harvest and is not prone to cracking of root crops), Nandrin F1 - unpretentious to the composition of the soil, Gourmand.​

​I planted several varieties of carrots. In the fall I gave it to everyone (We have 3 families) to try, everyone unanimously recognized the variety “Queen of Autumn”. Now every year I only plant it and start it from seed. I now have my own seeds. If you take care of it, the harvest will be excellent. I just don’t like very large ones. When it is medium, it is better suitable for storage and for eating.​ ​depending on what you are growing carrots for, for long winter storage it is good, the queen of autumn, a real queen grows up, for baby food and juices -, baby, floko, just for summer - autumn consumption - orange honey, it’s up to you

I really like Losinoostrovskaya! It's growing huge!​

​3. Queen of Autumn​Variety "Rote Risen"​

​3. Losinoostrovskaya 13​

​Variety "Touchon"​

Give me some advice on carrot varieties, I thought there was nothing better than Samson.


​Basically, these varieties provide early production for eating and for bunching. Often the ripe fruits of these varieties are not very sweet. The yield is small and does not last long. But they provide an early harvest.​


​Today we’ll talk about the best varieties of carrots with photos and a short description. Of course, you can’t tell about everything, there are a lot of them. I will focus on well-known, time-tested varieties that do not give up their positions, even in the presence of new hybrids. All of them are divided according to ripening period into:

Nadezhda Incognito


​I really liked the carrots of the Children's Joy variety. Very tasty, you won't regret it. I’m also a gardener with little experience, I haven’t tried many varieties, but I fell in love with this one right away.​

Summer resident

​I haven’t seen anything better than the NANDRIN variety; I’ve been planting carrots for years now, not carrots, but simply super, I don’t want any other
​If you want equal and tasty, here are the varieties.​
- a popular variety with red fruits, cylindrical in shape, up to 22 cm long, smooth with a sharp tip. The pulp is sweet, aromatic, tasty. The variety is resistant to flowering. Suitable for sowing before winter. It is stored almost until the new harvest.​


​8. Samson

New day

​– The variety is well-known and quite old; it is very popular among gardeners. The fruits are cylindrical, up to 18 cm long. Orange-red pulp with a high content of carotene (up to 18.5 mg per 100g). A valuable variety for dietary and baby food, fresh carrots are useful in salads. The variety is very productive and stores well.​


Tatyana Savchenko SIBERIA

​1. Amsterdam​
​Early (65 – 90 days),​



​I had this bag of seeds.​

Alla Alla

Nantes is poorly stored. I really liked the flagoro carrots, large, smooth, well stored

Svetlana Kosareva

​Nantes improved, Nantes 4, NIIOH 336 are from the early varieties.​


​Variety “Queen of Autumn”​

Svetlana Burova

​– mid-ripening (110-120 days), cylindrical fruits, orange, weighing up to 200 g. The variety is high-yielding, the root crops are tasty and even. The pulp is sweet, crispy, juicy - very tasty. Suitable for processing, long-term storage, useful fresh. Suitable variety for winter sowing.​

Andrey Sherstnyov

​Variety “Losinoostrovskaya 13”​

What do you think is the sweetest variety of carrot?

​– the universal purpose of carrots. Stores well in winter. Cylindrical fruits, weighing up to 170 g.​


- the fruits are bright orange with a blunt tip, small cylindrical, weighing 50-120 g. The pulp is tender, very sweet, juicy with a small center. Grown for early production, the variety is resistant to cracking, flowering, and high-yielding.​

​average(100-110 days),​

​Carrot seeds for the Moscow region​


​To eat delicious carrots longer, the varieties for storage are as follows:​​For juicy carrots, you need fertile soil, loose and timely watering, soil fertilization (moderate) with phosphates. Carrots should be planted at a distance from each other, otherwise they will be small.

Some gardeners store the harvested crops in the cellar, using techniques that allow them to enjoy the sweet taste of vegetables for a very long time and sometimes even after winter. Carrots, for example, tolerate winter storage well if they are put in a box and covered with sand. At the same time, its late and medium-ripening varieties are stored much better than early ones, which can become unusable in just four months.

Selection of seeds and quality control of root crops

It is difficult to find a dish that would not taste better after adding carrots to it. It is not surprising that many gardeners want to preserve its fruits until the onset of cold weather and even until the arrival of spring. Alas, not all varieties of carrots can safely withstand the test for such a long time. That is why you need to know exactly which of them can be stored, how exactly this should be done and during what period it is advisable to eat such vegetables. Having received comprehensive answers to these questions, a gardener or a thrifty housewife will delight themselves and their family with a “summer” lunch at the end of autumn, and on New Year’s, and during Maslenitsa festivities.

We know from experience that keeping carrots edible for many months is not nearly as easy as some other vegetables. However, by choosing the right seeds for the future harvest and correctly calculating the time of planting, you can significantly extend the life of root crops in the cellar or on the balcony.

It has been noticed, for example, that varieties bred for local soil and weather conditions are better suited to achieve this goal. If it was decided to opt for foreign seeds, then they will have to be grown in the same way as is customary abroad. That is, carrots will need to be planted either in a greenhouse or in a generously fertilized garden bed in the open air.

When buying seeds, it is better to opt for late-ripening varieties. As for early-ripening species, it is preferable to eat them soon after ripening, since they tolerate long-term storage much worse. The seeds should be planted around the beginning of summer so that the carrots that grow from them will ripen during the cool days of autumn. But even late-ripening carrots will be unsuitable for storage if cracks appear on their surface, so when selecting seed material, you should ask the seller about the tendency of future root crops to crack. You can learn about this in numerous books that give advice to gardeners.

Late-ripening varieties usually include those types of carrots whose growing season is 120 days or more. Such varieties are resistant to pathogens and tolerate cold weather well. Long-term storage of such carrots does not affect its taste and nutritional value. On the store counter, late varieties can be identified by their characteristic root shape. They should be long and have pointed ends, making them look like a spindle.

The most famous varieties of this group are:

  • "Queen of Autumn";
  • "Flaccoro";
  • "Vita Longa";
  • "Carlena."

“Queen of Autumn” has a particularly long shelf life, so it is best to choose this variety for storage. The weight of such a root crop is about 200 grams, and it can reach 25 centimeters in length. This variety of carrots can also be used for preservation. It will lie in a cool cellar or basement until the beginning of next summer, without losing much of its valuable qualities.

Root crops of the Flakkoro variety ripen approximately four months after planting. Their characteristic features are a bright orange color, slightly rounded ends and juicy flesh. Long-term storage does not lead to loss of their original taste and nutritional characteristics.

The Vita Longa variety was developed relatively recently. It is distinguished by a very long growth period of approximately 140 days. Despite the fact that Vita Longa carrots withstand long-term storage well, they are recommended to be consumed fresh.

The ripening period for root crops of the Carlena variety is approximately 130 days. Provided they are stored correctly in the cellar, such carrots will be successfully preserved until spring. A distinctive feature of “Carlena” is the high sugar content in its root vegetables. For this reason, this variety is not suitable for people suffering from diabetes.

The ripening of root crops of mid-season varieties lasts from three to four months. They are praised for their outstanding taste and also contain beneficial nutrients. It will be quite difficult for a non-specialist to identify these varieties on the counter by the length and shape of the root crop. They do not have the same general characteristic distinguishing feature that late-maturing varieties have.

Some of them can be mistaken for early-ripening varieties, and some for late-ripening varieties, so if you decide to store carrots of a mid-ripening variety, you should not buy them, but grow them.

The following varieties of this group are quite widespread:

  • "Samson";
  • "Vitamin";
  • "Chantaney";
  • "NIIOKH-336".

To grow carrots of the Samson variety, special soil conditions are not required. Such root vegetables do not have a core, and their pulp contains trace elements, vitamins and a lot of carotene. Thanks to the unpretentiousness of this variety, it can be planted in the difficult northern climate. Like late-ripening root vegetables, Samson carrots can be stored until next summer.

It is worth paying special attention to the “Vitaminnaya” variety, since it was bred specifically for long winter storage. Compared to other types of carrots, these root vegetables can be called medium in length. Unlike late-ripening varieties, they have a slightly curved shape. Such carrots grow for about 110 days, reaching a length of 17 centimeters. To give it a rich taste and juiciness, you need to regularly water and loosen the beds, remove weeds from them and fertilize them with organic matter.

The variety "Chantane" is a high-yielding variety. Its fruits ripen in more than a hundred days, easily withstand transportation and do not crack during storage.

A characteristic feature of the fruits of the “NIIOKH-336” variety is their deep orange color. The weight of its root crop reaches 120 grams; this crop is capable of growing even in geographical latitudes unfavorable for agriculture. As for keeping quality, in this case its long duration is noted.

If carrots are planted late, early-ripening fruits can be preserved until about mid-January. In order for it to ripen as close to winter as possible, that is, for example, at the beginning of October, it needs to be planted at the end of June. In three months, such carrots can ripen completely, after which they can be stored for storage. Maintaining optimal temperature and humidity in the cellar, carrots of these varieties can withstand storage for no more than four months.

In order for the seeds of early varieties to germinate faster, after planting they need to be watered frequently and abundantly, which will at the same time save the seedlings from possible drought in mid-summer.

The varieties of this group most suitable for long-term storage are:

  • "Alenka";
  • "Lagoon";
  • "Artek";
  • "Nandrin."

Carrots of the “Alenka” variety grow for about 85 days and form a root crop shaped like a narrow truncated cone. It is characterized by a pleasant taste, juicy pulp and smooth surface. They are sweet and suitable for the climate of the Urals. To successfully grow “Alenka,” the soil must be generously saturated with organic fertilizers and, if necessary, saltpeter, urea, and superphosphate must be added sparingly. Subject to frequent watering, the weight of such a root crop will reach 100 grams and its length – 15 centimeters.

"Laguna" is included in the category of varieties of Dutch selection. It only takes two months to reach maturity. However, if this variety is grown for long-term storage, the harvest can only be harvested after 85 days after germination.

Root crops of the Artek variety are resistant to cracking and fusarium.

Root vegetables of the “Nandrin” variety are characterized by a geometrically correct shape and the ability to be stored for a long time without loss of nutritional value.

How to store it correctly?

Those who want to experience the taste of almost fresh carrots in the bitter winter cold have several ways to achieve their goal. All these methods do not require the use of complex technical devices or expensive chemicals. This means that you can use them almost anywhere, and at the same time the entire storage operation will take very little time. However, it will not be possible to store carrots, for example, in a heated house or city apartment. To do this, you need to have cooler rooms at your disposal: a basement, garage pit or cellar.

One of the most popular methods is storing carrots in sand. It consists of pouring a layer of sand five centimeters thick onto the bottom of the box. Next, root vegetables are placed on it, making sure that they do not come into contact with each other. Then they are covered with a new layer of sand, on which, in turn, the vegetables can be laid again.

It is advisable to carry out this entire procedure directly in the storage room, so as not to have difficulty carrying a heavy box there and not to go down the steep stairs leading to the cellar with it in your hands.

In a similar way, carrots can be stored by covering them with sawdust. In this case, it is preferable to use pine sawdust, as they have an antibacterial effect. Putting root vegetables in a plastic bag looks a little different. To do this, they are thoroughly dried in the sun, after which they are carefully transferred to a plastic container. Under no circumstances should you tie such a bag, as this will lead to mold damage to the fruit.

Carrots are good in winter! And in soup, and in salad, and in general, nibble on it to the delight of children. But not every root vegetable will remain juicy, strong, and sweet all winter. For long-term storage in winter certain ones will do carrot varieties. Having looked through the country literature, we found varieties designated as long-lasting.

Not for long term storage

Early ripening varieties and hybrids of carrots ripen in 80-100 days and differ in taste. But for winter storage they are no good. In addition, it is believed that domestic varieties and hybrids are stored better than foreign ones.

Carrots planted before winter will not be stored either. In the spring, it will ripen early and delight gardeners with its sweet, fresh taste and crispy flesh.

Carrot varieties for winter storage

Mid-early varieties for long-term winter storage:

Nantes 2


Among the mid-season varieties (100-110 days) the following have good keeping quality:

Shantane 2461
Moscow winter A-515


F1 Olympian

Among the mid-late varieties (110-130 days) for winter storage there are:



Flacchino F1
Nevis F1

Rothe Riesen

It is worth mentioning that, with proper storage, carrot varieties that are not characterized by excellent keeping quality can also remain fresh for a long time. Carrots are stored well in boxes with sand or sawdust, in a basement or caisson. Harvesting also needs to be done correctly. But this will be discussed in the next article 😉

Carrots are one of the most consumed vegetables, and it is quite difficult to imagine your diet without them. Owners of their own gardens prefer to grow them themselves rather than buy them on the market, because getting a good harvest of carrots with proper care is not at all difficult. The problem here is different - how to preserve the grown root crops until spring, protect them from rotting and drying out.

Almost every gardener is familiar with the situation when large, ripe and absolutely healthy carrots begin to rot by the New Year, turn black inside, and lose their elasticity and taste. Moreover, this happens even in those cellars and basements where the required temperature and humidity conditions are met. As you know, the duration of storage largely depends on the timing of planting and harvesting carrots, as well as growing conditions, but the decisive factor is the choice of variety.

Criteria for choosing a carrot variety

The range of carrot seeds is now simply huge, and it is easy for a novice gardener to get confused in this abundance of varieties and hybrids. In order not to make a mistake when choosing, you need to take into account some important nuances:

Among the mid-season and early varieties there are also those that are distinguished by high shelf life, but not all of them retain their taste. In addition, they need to be sown in two terms: in early spring and early June, then the first harvest goes for summer-autumn use, and the second for storage. Another criterion for selecting seeds is resistance to cracking. Often, during the ripening process, carrots crack in the ground, the unprotected pulp is affected by pests and diseases, and it can no longer be stored.

Popular keeping varieties

Late ripening carrots

Late-ripening varieties are considered to be those that ripen 120-140 days after germination. They are more cold-resistant, less susceptible to diseases, and therefore are stored better. At optimal moisture and temperature values, late carrots are perfectly stored until June, practically without losing their taste. As a rule, late-ripening varieties have long, pointed roots.

Name Characteristic

It is deservedly considered one of the most shelf-stable varieties of domestic selection. Forms attractive dense conical carrots 25 cm long and weighing from 80 to 230 g. Individual specimens grow up to 30 cm. The pulp is very crispy and sweet, quite juicy. Both canned and in fresh salads, this variety is simply magnificent. The average yield is 4-9 kg/m2. Does not shoot, does not crack when ripening. The growing season lasts about 120 days, stored until June

It has very high productivity. The growing season is 140-150 days, the bright conical roots grow up to 20 cm. The pulp contains a lot of sugars and carotene. It retains its presentation and rich taste until June. Universal use, very resistant to shooting, does not crack

A productive variety, ideal for long-term storage. Carrots are about 20 cm long, average weight - 130 g. The dense flesh has a sweet taste, the color is deep orange. It does not lose its taste until the end of spring, and does not crack during ripening. Universal use

Popular late variety. Valued for large root crops, the length of which reaches 28 cm, and the average weight is about 200 g. The growing season lasts 130 days, the yield per square meter of area is 8.8 kg. Rich, sweet taste, high carotene content

A well-known German variety that has proven itself well in our country. Forms large root crops weighing up to 140 g and about 25 cm long. It is well stored until the end of April, then its commercial quality decreases. The average yield is 3 kg/m2, gives good results with winter sowing. Quite resistant to diseases and bolting

A universal variety, characterized by keeping quality and transportability. The growing season lasts 130-135 days. The root vegetables have a pleasant sweet taste, are juicy, and reach 25-30 cm in length. The shape of carrots is blunt-conical, the flesh is dark orange, almost red. Resistance to diseases is high, resistance to bolting is average

Polish variety. Very productive, does not throw out flower stalks. The length of the carrots is 25-28 cm, the average weight is 130 g. It is well stored until the end of spring, has satisfactory resistance to carrot fly and fusarium

Mid-season varieties

The ripening period for mid-season carrots lasts 100-120 days. It is believed that the sweetest and juiciest root vegetables grow from mid-season varieties. By the time of harvest, carrots have time to absorb the maximum amount of nutrients from the soil, due to which not only the taste improves, but also the shelf life increases.

Name Characteristic

Ripening period is 108-115 days. The shape is blunt-conical, the length reaches 15 cm, the average weight is 150 g. It is stored very well, does not lose commercial quality and taste during storage, root vegetables do not crack

The most popular variety. The weight of the root vegetable is 120 g, conical shape, the color of the pulp is very rich. Valued for its resistance to black and gray rot, high transportability, and keeping quality. Suitable for canning, fresh consumption and juices

Ripens in 110-120 days, the shape is elongated, pointed, the flesh is dark orange in color. Carrot length is 10-16 cm, average weight is 150 g. Productivity per meter of area is 5-7 kg. Does not crack, has average resistance to rot, can be stored without loss of presentation until April

An excellent proven variety. It takes 110 days to ripen, the average weight is 120 g, the length of carrots is up to 18 cm. It has a cylindrical, blunt-ended shape, the flesh is almost red. Prized for its excellent taste and consistent yields, as well as its resistance to cracking. Stored until February-March without losing commercial quality

The growing season lasts 110-112 days. The shape is cylindrical, the color is light orange. Carrots grow 16 cm long, with an average weight of 150 g. The variety is valued for its high carotene content, tasty pulp, and ease of care. The variety is widely zoned and produces stable yields in different climatic zones. Root vegetables do not crack during ripening and are stored until February

Ripens in 110-120 days. Root vegetables are smooth, spindle-shaped, weighing 150 g. Juicy and very crispy pulp, with a high sugar content. The length of carrots is 20-22 cm. They are stored until May, do not crack when ripe, and are not susceptible to blooming

A productive Dutch variety. It has very long (up to 30 cm) root crops, the weight of which reaches 170 g. It has an excellent taste, is perfectly preserved until spring, and tolerates transportation well. Has average resistance to diseases, does not crack or shoot

Dutch selection, zoned in the Central region. Root crops grow up to 20 cm long and have a cylindrical shape. Root weight 90-100 g. Valued for excellent keeping quality and stable yields

Very cold-resistant and productive. The root crops are blunt-conical, smooth, weighing from 80 to 130 g. They have juicy, tasty pulp, used for processing and fresh. Rarely affected by diseases, stored until March

Early varieties

If the growing season is no more than 100 days, these are early ripening varieties. As a rule, they are grown for summer-autumn consumption, and do not differ in keeping quality. But among them there are those that, when ripened early, can be stored until spring, without losing either taste or presentation.

Name Characteristic

The growing season lasts 75-90 days. Root vegetables are slightly conical in shape, with a blunt tip, and rich in color. Carrot length is 10-12 cm, average weight is about 90 g. The variety is rarely affected by gray rot, does not crack when ripe, and is stored very well

One of the most popular early varieties. The harvest is harvested 70 days after germination; the roots are smooth, even, orange-red in color. The average weight of carrots is 120 g, length up to 16 cm. For winter storage, seeds are sown in early summer. Root crops are little affected by fusarium, are not susceptible to flowering and do not crack

One of the new improved varieties from Dutch breeders. The growing season is 100 days, the roots are cylindrical, leveled, up to 20 cm long. They are valued for their high resistance to cracking and long shelf life

There are several effective ways to preserve carrots in winter. All of them are quite simple and do not require much effort from the gardener.

Option 1. This method requires a box of boards and sifted fine sand. The box is lowered into a cellar or basement, the bottom is covered with a 5 cm thick layer of sand and the root vegetables are laid on top so that they do not touch. Having finished laying the first layer, cover the root crops with sand and repeat everything again. The topmost layer is sand. If desired, you can moisten the sand a little, although carrots are perfectly stored in dry conditions until spring. Instead of sand, pine sawdust, moss and dry onion peels are also used.

Option 3. Selected carrots without tops and visible damage are dipped in a clay solution and laid out to dry under a canopy. The clay for the solution is taken clean, without any impurities of earth or plant residues. The solution should be thick, like sour cream, then it will not drain from the carrots and will form a protective shell. After drying, the root vegetables are placed in cardboard or wooden boxes and stored in a dry basement.

Option 4. It is recommended to store only part of the crop using this method, since there will be no access to root crops throughout the winter. When harvesting carrots from the garden, several beds are left untouched. Before the first frost arrives, the tops are cut off close to the ground, the beds are covered with a layer of sand and covered with a thick film. A layer of sawdust, peat, fallen leaves or humus is placed on top, and everything is covered again with film. Carrots are perfectly preserved underground, remaining sweet and juicy.

Video - The best varieties of carrots for winter storage