Rooster - description and characteristics. Chinese horoscope rooster

According to the Chinese calendar, the New Year of the Rooster will begin January 28, 2017 during the second New Moon following the Solstice Day. The 2017 New Year, or "Spring Festival" as it is traditionally called in China, is the longest and most important holiday in China. This holiday usually lasts two weeks and ends with the Lantern Festival, which takes place on the 15th day of the first month of the new year.

Peace and Politics in 2017 Fire Rooster

Even in the most difficult and intractable life situations, the Rooster will look like a cheerful and lively early bird. Let us remember Don Quixote, who was literally imbued with the spirit of adventure, and chased the impossible, making a killing out of it. As for the personal sphere, equality and independence are the qualities that will move society. At the same time, there will be many lovers of theatrical dramas, books and classic films, and old stories will be retold in a new way and will always be held in high esteem.

In the upcoming 2017, the Rooster will fly a lot of feathers among public figures, because due to constant criticism, their pride will be suppressed, but such a thrashing will only benefit them. Instead of the expected fuss or reckless decisions in relation to their own money, we will see that most Roosters will take the path of prudence, because, first of all, they are wonderful economists.

In 2017, the Rooster, we will hear a lot of criticism towards public people, which will hurt their pride, but such a shake-up will benefit them, and in terms of handling money, the Roosters will not fuss and throw it away because, at their core, they are excellent managers and will be able to manage them correctly.

From a political point of view, the coming 2017 Year of the Rooster will force most states to adhere to a tough, uncompromising position. Governments of all countries of the world will be like roosters, it is important to puff up and puff out their cheeks, flex their muscles and periodically threaten, but, more often than not, these will be just words that will not be translated into actions except in cases where no other measures will help. Most countries will throw all their strength into defending their homeland, and many leaders and politicians, unfortunately, will be inclined to take offense over trifles.

Business and money in the horoscope for 2017 Year of the Rooster

Imagine a rooster in a chicken coop: he constantly defends his hens and flaunts his farm, puffing out his feathers with his head held high, being overly proud of his flock. Well, that says it all! The Year of the Rooster 2017 will be the year when any vital promise on the way to its implementation will cause impeccable work, regardless of the amount of effort and energy that will be expended. In fact, in 2017 the Rooster should work less, but with more diligence.

According to the 2017 Rooster horoscope forecasts, we will all need a lot of effort to refrain from trying to chase what is not destined to come true. They will have to avoid dubious enterprises, because otherwise we will face a series of disappointments and conflicts. There will be a desire to literally flaunt your authority, which will bring a lot of trouble from such behavior.

Of course, the 2017 Year of the Rooster will teach lessons regarding the need to organize order, conduct research and strategic planning. Next year you will benefit from the wise advice given by Sun Tzu, which is still studied in military circles and which says:

“Try to achieve your goal through psychological superiority, and resort to force only as a last resort.”

We believe that we should all heed this advice in 2017 of the Rooster, when diplomacy will be held in high esteem!

Also, Roosters are supporters of the community and therefore next year, according to predictions, promises success for those who trusted the Chinese predictions for the current year and were able to organize a joint business. According to Chinese astrology, next year promises these lucky ones a huge number of new connections and signed contracts. Definitely, the circle of friends will be significantly expanded, however, do not forget that family should be at the forefront!

In 2017 of the Rooster, all zodiac signs will need to make maximum efforts to obtain minimal benefits. At the same time, fuss should be avoided! You should not pay attention to details, try to study the full picture of what is happening. Be careful. Don't try to aim too high, because even falling from one shot will be very painful.

However, your confidence can be the key to the emergence of new ambitious enterprises.

Also, in the coming 2017 Rooster, many funny incidents await us. However, there will be no problems with money, because the Rooster knows its value, knows how to correctly draw up a budget and stick to it. At this time, you should not look for gold where the rainbow touches the ground and you should not jump above your head. After all, the Rooster's horoscope for 2017 promises us gold, which is hidden not somewhere over the horizon, but right in our own yard on the lawn!

Love and family in the Chinese horoscope for 2017 Year of the Fire Rooster

The rooster is a very fertile bird and the data of the Chinese horoscope for 2017 confirms this. You can easily expect a new addition to your family.

If you still haven't found your soul mate, then next year will be the perfect time to find the love of your life and start your own family. An incredible number of romantic dates will await you next year.

Chinese astrologers also predict that the upcoming 2017 Year of the Rooster will be entirely devoted to family and family values, and also predict a surge in the birth rate (massive additions to families are expected next year).

Health in the Chinese horoscope for 2017 Year of the Fire Rooster

The Rooster is proud of his appearance, and next year everyone will spend a lot of money on replenishing their wardrobe and on their style in order to make the right impression on others. When it comes to health, the old medicines and pills we used previously will be replaced by newer and more practical substitutes. Herbs, vitamins, yoga, healthy eating and quitting smoking and alcohol will increasingly be in demand by more and more people.

Yes, in the Year of the Rooster 2017, all zodiac signs should persistently continue to cleanse their bodies and dress like London dandies. This is the time to tilt at windmills, because the Rooster is the most underrated and extravagant Don Quixote of the Chinese Zodiac Signs.

So under what slogans should the Year of the Rooster 2017 pass?“Kiss more often”, “Don’t complicate anything and don’t give in to provocations”!

There is such a good Chinese expression - “If you take a step back, you can see the sea and the boundless sky.” Remember that good values ​​never go out of style, no matter how difficult they are to apply in a given situation. And the one who dares to encroach on them, as a result, will be left with empty pockets, but will wave his fists for a long time after the fight. Yes, there is a piece of the Rooster in each of us!

Other features of 2017 according to the Chinese horoscope

The astrological year 2017, the year of the Fire Rooster and One, corresponds to constellation number 16, “Hill”. This is one of the few constellations that have no negative qualities. It patronizes large gatherings of people and portends peace and harmony in the family and state. Hill is an extremely favorable constellation for important commercial and personal matters.

For all the years of the Fire Rooster, and for 2017 too, there is the hexagram Xian (Mutual Attraction). The text of this hexagram in the “Book of Changes” reads: Mutual attraction leads to success. Persistence is good. Taking a girl as a wife is fortunate.

The Xian hexagram personifies a situation when you are on the threshold of real success, but there is a big risk that you simply do not have enough strength to make the final breakthrough, the last step due to the fact that you either overestimated your strength or did not notice something. there are dangers on the way. But in any case, a positive future remains in question, so you should be careful and respond adequately to rapidly changing events.

In the very near future, a turning point may come in your destiny, and in a really good way. And in principle, no special effort is required from you; on the contrary, you need to relax and accept what you deserve.

The astrological (solar) year of the Fire Rooster, corresponding to 2017, will undoubtedly be better than the previous two years for all zodiac signs. Many conflicts will calm down, and a way out of many dead-end situations will be found. In a number of countries playing key roles in geopolitics, leaders will change. Something very important will come from the north.

2017 will be extremely favorable for starting new large-scale and ambitious projects. Daring alone means good luck. A wedding is a great blessing (especially if you choose the right date). You should beware of thieves and crazy people.

Rooster and Aries Sign

The zodiac sign of Aries only enhances the advantages and disadvantages of the Rooster. Such a person is very brave and is used to fighting even in hopeless situations. They are capable of heroic deeds and are constantly drawn to noble gestures. They are often incomprehensible to others. Aries Roosters are honest and do not tolerate lies. It is difficult for them to invent a fable, so if they need to deceive, then it is easy to determine from their face that something wrong is happening. These people are not Don Juans and only express their feelings if they are real. Love often brings them great disappointment, since they are naive and great idealists at heart. Such Roosters are very easy to deceive; they do not detect falsehood at all. Aries Roosters are too straightforward, their frankness often harms them. Diplomacy is completely unusual for them; they have a poor sense of other people. At the same time, they are incredibly persistent and difficult to resist.

Rooster and Taurus Sign

Roosters-Taurus know how to find balance in almost everything, especially in the pleasant aspects of life. These individuals experience satisfaction in helping people. They never refuse those who need help. Roosters-Taurus are accustomed to delving into the state of things. The only thing they don’t like is fulfilling the whims of even the most beloved people. Roosters-Taurus are strong and energetic, but they are too sensitive and do not like to waste time. They are used to telling the truth, whatever it may be. They have a reason for this, because they rarely make mistakes. They will never be the first to start a conflict, but if they encounter injustice, they will attack without hesitation. They boldly admit their mistakes and ask for forgiveness - as a rule, they are forgiven. Such people are always independent and are used to being admired. Both signs love to be appreciated. The biggest advantage is sexuality, which knows practically no restrictions.

Rooster and Gemini Sign

This is probably the windiest of the Roosters. Versatile, very active, he seems somewhat vain. Often overestimates his capabilities and leads himself to overwork. It is very difficult to get along with him, because his constant activity drives his partner crazy. Gemini Roosters are very capable, they can accomplish a lot, and then do a lot of stupid things. They don't care what to do, as long as they do something. If you exclude jealousy and give them complete freedom, then they will always be faithful. This is the type of enthusiast and dreamer who can make his dreams come true. Gemini Roosters are not devoid of common sense; they will not mess around without a reason. They have a natural nose for business and love. They are very helpful, life is easy for them, because they never hurt the interests of other people, but in all situations they demand that they be treated in the same way.

Rooster and Cancer Sign

This is probably the most complex and contradictory type of Rooster. He always knows what he wants, but cannot overcome his contradictions. These people are very sensitive and easily hurt, which makes them too vindictive. Disappointments often leave deep marks in their lives. They constantly seek recognition, but they do it awkwardly because they judge everything from their own bell tower. These people have a very difficult time adapting to a new environment. They are big homebodies and do not like to leave their homes. In no case can it be said that they do not have willpower. On the contrary, they are too persistent, but do not take decisive action until they have thought through all the details. They often seem unhappy and passive, but there is no need to rely on the first impression, because this is just a disguise for the Cancer Rooster. If something affects his interests, he instantly turns into a fighting Rooster. Such a Rooster is especially happy when surrounded by family. This is the most faithful of the Roosters, he is gentle, calm and affectionate. He will never be the first to meet you halfway, but he will always appreciate other people’s feelings. If he is inspired, he will follow his beloved to the ends of the earth.

Rooster and Leo Sign

These Roosters love luxury and are always very proud. They are used to commanding and getting their way. They always make plans on a grand scale and strictly follow them. Having achieved what they want, they look condescendingly at those around them from the height of their throne. Such people know how to be grateful, they are always honest. Rooster egoism is not as noticeable in them as in other zodiac signs. In any situation, they try to look magnanimous and noble. They take pleasure in being virtuous. In no case should you abuse their patience - you risk awakening the predator in them.

Rooster and Virgo Sign

This is a favorable combination of signs. The Rooster gives Virgo the courage she lacks, which helps her succeed. Such people are constantly worried, they work hard and never allow themselves to stop. They don’t impose their point of view because they don’t know what will happen tomorrow. This expresses their hypertrophied realism; in any situation they try to be principled and fair. For them, good relationships are most important. Roosters-Virgos are always economical and thrifty. They make a modest impression, but you don’t need to believe it, because Virgos cannot eradicate the Rooster’s boasting in themselves. Such people constantly feel the need to shine. You should not disturb them, because Virgo-Roosters are capable of pecking. Such individuals are very attached to their projects and ideas. They rely on certain principles and do not like it when their words are questioned. You need to be extremely generous with them.

Rooster and Libra Sign

This cannot be said to be a very good option, although it is not without positive aspects. Libra is very diplomatic and rarely capable of aggression, so they can give the Rooster flexibility. However, this flexibility does not always translate into sensitivity and understanding. Such people try to avoid exaggeration and do not shock anyone. True, they are often overly talkative and like to argue, but their arguments are always well-reasoned, because Roosters-Libra cannot stand nonsense. They make excellent guardians of the law and military personnel. Often Roosters-Libra are boastful, vain and preoccupied with their appearance. They are in love with themselves and do not spare money to improve their life. They cannot stand lies and are always too cautious about new beginnings and other people's proposals. They can do stupid things only in love affairs. Love blinds them, and they judge people by their appearance, often idealizing them.

Rooster and Scorpio Sign

This is a difficult Rooster to communicate with, with whom it is difficult to argue and compete. Such people are very dangerous because they cannot control their emotions. They are always energetic and courageous, and enjoy unshakable authority. Scorpio Roosters know how to work themselves and can make others work. They are very eloquent, have a critical mind and are not used to lying. Scorpio Roosters are accustomed to being on their guard and do not like weak opponents. These people will find a way to eliminate the enemy in time. Scorpio Roosters have a sense of humor, although sometimes it can be dark.
Such individuals are used to commanding and do not like roundabout ways. They can unsettle anyone; their favorite tactic is to take them by surprise. They may be incomprehensible to others. But still, these are not bad people, they are just hampered by the constant fear of danger. Scorpio Roosters need love. Without love, they become angry and aggressive towards the opposite sex.

Rooster and Sagittarius Sign

This is the most boastful and unbalanced type of Rooster; he is capable of chatting incessantly. Their plans are usually grandiose. Sagittarius Roosters can convince anyone. They are very active and conventional methods are too simple for them. They are impressionable, but do not suffer from excess imagination. These are ecstatic enthusiasts. True, they rarely manage to complete the task, because they are accustomed to scattering themselves. Sagittarius Roosters do not like to sit still; they love travel and change. The Rooster can somewhat curb the passion of Sagittarius. Then such Roosters become good family men.
However, they always remain ardent, carefree and independent. As they age, they may become more dogmatic, which will reflect poorly on others. As a rule, everything is forgiven for their courage and frankness.

Rooster and Capricorn Sign

The Rooster's bragging here turns into cold and stern authority. Such people are honest and fair, they can always distinguish the real from the fake. They can be too frank, and others don’t really like this. Capricorn Roosters do not tolerate lies, even for good. But they cannot be called cruel. These are respectable people whose innate correctness does not allow them to act indecently. Capricorn Roosters are incredibly hard-working and diligent, they do not stop halfway and always strive to quickly finish what they start. They constantly strive for excellence, which often leads to great results. These people are very popular in society because they know how to respect traditions and always behave modestly and at ease. They are interesting conversationalists because they know what they are talking about. True, they are sometimes carried into the jungle of philosophy, which is why Roosters-Capricorns begin to get carried away with abstract reasoning. Their intellectual life is richer than the world of feelings, which often leads to loneliness.

Rooster and Aquarius Sign

In this combination, the Rooster enhances Aquarius's tendency towards utopias. Such people suffer from over-idealism; they are constantly busy with impossible projects, trying to make humanity happy. They often rush into all sorts of adventures and are ready to give everything to achieve their goal. Many ideas and brilliant inventions swarm in their heads. Probably only such eccentrics are capable of carrying out vitally needed reforms. Aquarius Roosters are capable of any sacrifice, but often unscrupulous people take advantage of their kindness, because they suffer from excessive naivety. They love to give advice, but often lack logic and objectivity.
They are always kind to others and therefore give the impression of understanding people. This is due to their ability to listen and understand the essence of the problem. Aquarius Roosters are capable of chatting up anyone. When the interlocutor's vigilance is dulled, they begin to take more decisive actions. They can make you fall in love with their sweet speeches. To please, they are able to promise anything, although they are unlikely to fulfill it.

Rooster and Pisces Sign

These are the most elusive Roosters, slippery like Pisces, it is impossible to grab onto them. They love people very much because they are overly sensitive. They know how to listen and sympathize with other people's troubles. However, they are not always self-confident and are often contradictory. They always choose the lesser of two evils. It is impossible to determine whether they are prey or disguised predators, but in any situation they are better than they are given credit for and are capable of self-sacrifice. These are real dreamers who can spend eternity in the world of their fantasies. While remaining physically with you, they seem to be absent. They cannot be tamed. But don’t forget - this is still a real Rooster! Roosters-Pisces know how to please and have achieved special perfection in this. It is difficult to take such people by surprise; they can come out of any fight without a single scratch.

The Rooster is insightful, pedantic, self-confident, but loves to show off and pull the blanket over himself. This is very symbolic for 2017. The fiery character that will be inherent in this year will leave bright impressions in everyone’s life. It must be remembered that in addition to noisy holidays and heated debates, it requires a high level of diligence and responsibility for the obligations taken. Therefore, you should not put anything off until later, you need to do everything in a timely manner. Then the year will be rich in excellent results.

During this period, Aries will meet numerous acquaintances, which will make him sometimes want to escape to cozy and quiet places. Changes for the better await them both on the personal and business fronts. You should definitely take the opportunity to invest funds, as this will give a good result. Large acquisitions will be favorable.

Numerous activities will require additional sources of energy. From the very beginning of the year, those born under this constellation should master relaxation techniques, as well as learn to set priorities correctly.

There is no need to demonstrate your fiery temper once again, this can lead to conflicts that take up time and energy. At the end of the year, Aries will be able to responsibly declare that 2017 was a success!

Throughout the entire period, Taurus will need the ability to delegate authority, as well as a focus on results. If you organize teamwork correctly, you will be able to successfully combine different types of activities. Learning rational planning is useful, because there are a lot of things to do.

The family will become Taurus’ main area of ​​attention, but at the same time there will be an opportunity to change jobs or implement a new project. The fire symbol of the year will give you the opportunity to see how important it is to have loved ones nearby.

This year will be favorable for Taurus who will create their own families or have toddlers.

Updates to your image will also be useful. All this will give a powerful impetus to the development of positive events in the lives of representatives of this zodiac sign.


For Geminis who love the fast pace of life, 2017 will bring many pleasant surprises. There will be everything that inspires representatives of this sign to exploits: love, new acquaintances, career advancement and successful resolution of financial issues.

In 2017, conflicts should be avoided, which is difficult for impulsive Geminis. But the ability to negotiate with a manager, partners or your significant other will allow you to achieve all your goals.

This year will present convenient opportunities for making quick money. The ability to navigate a situation and make the right decision is in Gemini’s blood. By realizing opportunities, they will raise their own self-esteem.

This does not mean that money can be spent easily. It is best to identify the main tasks and distribute the money according to the designated priorities. You should not limit yourself only to the desire to give joy to loved ones, because the selfish nature of Gemini so rarely manifests itself in this way.


Cancers should not go back in 2017. On the contrary, having gathered strength, remembering stubbornness, they must slowly move forward. It will be useful to learn new activities or undergo training. This will allow you to expand your own horizons and outline the future path of your development.

Meeting interesting people can overtake them in the most unexpected places. If you receive job offers, you should not refuse them. Changes will also occur in the love sphere, where the main task will be the ability to restrain your negative emotions.

The discovery of the year for Cancers may be participation in sporting events focused on team play. We must remember that it is more convenient to fight on any front together with someone. By adopting this simple rule, Cancers will begin to unravel the tangle of life’s difficulties much faster.

a lion

2017 will give you many reasons to praise yourself for skillfully resolving issues. Leos will have to accept the fact that the fiery Rooster has decided to test their strength. To have enough energy for everything, you should give yourself a break, do more sports, or even just go for a walk. The horoscope does not recommend abusing medications that can relieve fatigue.

In 2017, the interest of others in the extraordinary and bright people of Lviv will not fade for a minute. This will increase the requirements for self-organization, the ability to plan and prioritize.

Despite the fact that Leos will be more interested in current affairs than personal relationships, they should not forget about the latter at all. It is better to leave jealousy aside.

The biggest deal is planned at the end of the year, but we need to prepare for it. The stars do not advise investing existing savings in one project. And Leos’ interests can vary greatly, so it’s worth resorting to diversification.


Unlike many, Virgos do not like unnecessary fuss. That is why they will be surprised and not entirely accustomed to the amount of attention that will fall on them from the beginning of the year. The stars strongly advise not to give up your endeavors if Virgos accept the offers that come their way. Despite the fact that they will have to do everything at once, they should demonstrate their natural diplomacy and pedantry so that the fiery Rooster will generously reward them.

A lot of events during this period will be associated with long distances. Travel will be successful, foreign internships or connections with partners from distant countries may be successful. You shouldn’t be afraid of big changes, because they will all benefit Virgos and their loved ones.

Libra Horoscope

Libras should take advantage of everything that 2017 will reward them with. To do this, you don’t need to think long about the proposals received. It is important to have the right mindset and also to mobilize all your resources.

The love for introspection may reawaken. This is very useful, but you should not devote all your attention to it. It is better to take a balanced approach to assessing your capabilities and undergo additional training.

Unlike many, Libra will be able to successfully use natural intuition. The location of the stars during this period indicates the need to adapt to circumstances and be more flexible. If Libra wants to force someone to perform the desired actions, then they will receive nothing but a negative result. Be consistent, and then the rewards for your work will delight you.


Scorpios by nature love to work with information. The coming year of the Rooster encourages them to use their skills more often, as well as broaden their horizons and update their existing knowledge. A penchant for self-development will come in handy both in your career and in your personal life.

Proposals that will be received in 2017 should be carefully considered and not rejected immediately. Remember that from the outside, irrepressible Scorpios who achieve high results can irritate others with their success. You will have to play on good terms so as not to provoke streams of envy.

The stars also predict many “hellos” from the past. But it should not always be turned into the present. However, among the new acquaintances who appear on the horizon, there may be future spouses and excellent business partners.

The financial issue will no longer be an issue, so Scorpios can enjoy the results of their labor and recuperate somewhere on the Cote d'Azur.


The year of love, romance and tenderness - this is how 2017 can be called for Sagittarius. The attention of the opposite sex will be very flattering, and sometimes even disturbing. After all, it distracts from work and other important matters, of which there will be many.

Stars demonstrate excellent opportunities for acquiring new knowledge or professional skills. The funds invested in this direction will quickly pay off, and with interest.

Business acquaintances need to be turned into strong, useful connections. But do not confuse partnerships and personal relationships.

Sagittarians who work in the IT field should be especially attentive to incoming offers. 2017 gives you a great chance to prove yourself. You can't miss it.

Capricorns will have an active and eventful life in 2017. The more movement required, the more comfortable they feel. This is exactly what the Year of the Rooster will be like.

In order to have enough strength for everything, you need to accumulate it, and also be able to recover quickly, with which your loved ones will help.

You should not leave previously started projects unfinished. The best period for completing them will be the second half of the year.

While getting carried away with professional and other projects, we must not forget about those around us. After all, loved ones, children, and older relatives all require attention. It is recommended that the whole family gather more often to give each other the opportunity to communicate and express their opinions. This will strengthen existing relationships, even if Capricorns previously seemed to be distant from family members or friends.


“No need to reinvent the wheel” is the main advice of the stars to representatives of this zodiac sign. The ability to use ready-made templates for making decisions or organizing processes is expensive.

If something is promised, it must be fulfilled so as not to spoil the reputation. A love of communication can lead to active movement up the career ladder.

The placement of the stars also shows that there will be an opportunity to find personal happiness for those who are still single. But here you will have to make some effort. The family will be a good support system, which will be appreciated by Aquarius.

The situation at work and at home will be much better if Aquarius does not forget to apologize to those whom he even unwittingly offended. Moreover, 2017 will provide an opportunity to apologize even to people from the distant past.

The Year of the Rooster will provide an excellent period to apply your skills and knowledge. Pisces have long been waiting for an opportunity to say goodbye to accumulated fatigue and boredom from the daily routine. The burden of the recent past will be successfully lifted.

The feeling of happiness will be passed on even to those around you. They will definitely notice how renewed Pisces will be in 2017.

Pleasant acquaintances, travel, interesting work projects will fill the whole year.

Neither finances, nor family, nor health will greatly disturb the representatives of this sign, which will make it possible to implement everything planned faster and better.


The energy of Ophiuchus will fill any space wherever he appears. Many will want to be nearby to get a little saturated with the air that representatives of this sign breathe.

Their wisdom and a little cunning will serve you well and will allow you to realize all your plans for 2017. In return, the Year of the Rooster will give you a lot of pleasant bonuses.

Large expenses, a change of job, a pleasant, promising acquaintance with a person of the opposite sex - all this will happen in the life of Ophiuchus. The horoscope confidently demonstrates an excellent period for all achievements.

According to Eastern tradition, the approaching 2017 is considered the year of the Fiery Red Rooster. It sounds a little scary - the color red is associated with risk and blood, and the “red rooster” in Russian tradition means fire. Moreover, we have been visited by two fire years in a row - the outgoing year is dedicated to the Fire Monkey. But is everything so bad? Should we be afraid of what awaits us in the new year?

What to expect in 2017

The succession of two “lights” is really alarming - it seems that the era of great changes has not yet passed, and we have to once again experience a year that is preparing to securely gain a foothold in history. The Fire Rooster itself encourages determination, energy, the ability to get things done and some adventurism. Associations with the “yard general” are quite appropriate - in the year of the Rooster, cockfights are possible in all areas of life.

No one will have to count on calmness and carefreeness - the forecast for all zodiac signs promises an uneven year, with ups and downs. We will have to overcome difficulties that not only arose directly in the new year, but also emerged from the relatively distant past.

Finance will move in a sine wave - from success to failure and vice versa. It is best to get rid of the debts of the previous year at the beginning of the year, and you certainly cannot end the Year of the Rooster with debts - troubles will appear.

The work will require a lot of time and effort. Success in the Year of the Rooster loves those who are hardworking and persistent. It's best to start promoting your ambitions from the very beginning of the year, without going to a ski resort for the holidays. Stubbornness will also not be useful - in the new year those who quickly adapt to changes in the situation will win.

Love and family will represent a pleasant island of stability among global changes. True, this will largely be related to that. That both men and women will be too busy with business issues and establishing themselves in public opinion to have enough time for family squabbles or love affairs.

There may be tense relationships with children, especially in the summer. You need to understand that young people will have a hard time in the new year; the Rooster does not seek to help maintain control over themselves.

Of course, you can’t go anywhere without violent passions. But this will mainly affect those who, in principle, are prone to increased emotionality and easily lose their heads.

What to watch out for in 2017

In the new year, many will be caught up with old problems. It is best to analyze unresolved issues even before the New Year's feast in order to understand what kind of surprises may come in the Year of the Rooster. Otherwise, completely forgotten information may emerge at the most unexpected moment and force you to repay the debts of the past.

Those who have been lucky so far may not be lucky. Many hopes and illusions will not survive the new year. This is unpleasant, but useful - you should live in the real world. It is better to consciously take a different course and change your life than to allow fate to have its way.

During the year, invaluable life experience will be gained, but it must be borne in mind that it usually comes along with a certain amount of mental and physical damage. It’s not scary, it’s better to face a relatively small danger face to face than for a truly terrible one to strike unexpectedly, on the sly. Those who try to avoid the trials of the coming year will regret it and, as a result, will remain losers.

We must remember that not everything is always what it seems. The Year of the Rooster will make this truth especially obvious, but this is great because it will allow you to make your self-esteem truly real. The Rooster loves those who are ready to fight, do not give in to the blows of fate and are full of optimistic hope to snatch success from life on their own.

According to the Chinese calendar, the New Year of the Rooster will begin on January 28, 2017, during the second new moon following the solstice.

The 2017 New Year, or "Spring Festival" as it is traditionally called in China, is the longest and most important holiday in China. This holiday usually lasts two weeks and ends with the Lantern Festival, which takes place on the 15th day of the first month of the new year.


Even in the most difficult and intractable life situations, the Rooster will look like a cheerful and lively early bird. Let us remember Don Quixote, who was literally imbued with the spirit of adventure, and chased the impossible, making a killing out of it. As for the personal sphere, equality and independence are the qualities that will move society. At the same time, there will be many lovers of theatrical dramas, books and classic films, and old stories will be retold in a new way and will always be held in high esteem.

In the upcoming 2017, the Rooster will fly a lot of feathers among public figures, because due to constant criticism, their pride will be suppressed, but such a thrashing will only benefit them. Instead of the expected fuss or reckless decisions in relation to their own money, we will see that most Roosters will take the path of prudence, because, first of all, they are wonderful economists.

In 2017, the Rooster, we will hear a lot of criticism towards public people, which will hurt their pride, but such a shake-up will benefit them, and in terms of handling money, the Roosters will not fuss and throw it away because, at their core, they are excellent managers and will be able to manage them correctly.

From a political point of view, the coming 2017 Year of the Rooster will force most states to adhere to a tough, uncompromising position. Governments of all countries of the world will be like roosters, it is important to puff up and puff out their cheeks, flex their muscles and periodically threaten, but, more often than not, these will be just words that will not be translated into actions except in cases where no other measures will help. Most countries will throw all their strength into defending their homeland, and many leaders and politicians, unfortunately, will be inclined to take offense over trifles.


Imagine a rooster in a chicken coop: he constantly defends his hens and flaunts his farm, puffing out his feathers with his head held high, being overly proud of his flock. Well, that says it all! The Year of the Rooster 2017 will be the year when any vital promise on the way to its implementation will cause impeccable work, regardless of the amount of effort and energy that will be expended. In fact, in 2017 the Rooster should work less, but with more diligence.

According to the 2017 Rooster horoscope forecasts, we will all need a lot of effort to refrain from trying to chase what is not destined to come true. They will have to avoid dubious enterprises, because otherwise we will face a series of disappointments and conflicts. There will be a desire to literally flaunt your authority, which will bring a lot of trouble from such behavior.

Of course, the 2017 Year of the Rooster will teach lessons regarding the need to organize order, conduct research and strategic planning. Next year you will benefit from the wise advice given by Sun Tzu, which is still studied in military circles and which says:

“Try to achieve your goal through psychological superiority, and resort to force only as a last resort.”

We believe that we should all heed this advice in 2017 of the Rooster, when diplomacy will be held in high esteem!

Also, Roosters are supporters of the community and therefore next year, according to predictions, promises success for those who trusted the Chinese predictions for the current year and were able to organize a joint business. According to Chinese astrology, next year promises these lucky ones a huge number of new connections and signed contracts. Definitely, the circle of friends will be significantly expanded, however, do not forget that family should be at the forefront!

In 2017 of the Rooster, all zodiac signs will need to make maximum efforts to obtain minimal benefits. At the same time, fuss should be avoided! You should not pay attention to details, try to study the full picture of what is happening. Be careful. Don't try to aim too high, because even falling from one shot will be very painful.

However, your confidence can be the key to the emergence of new ambitious enterprises.

Also, in the coming 2017 Rooster, many funny incidents await us. However, there will be no problems with money, because the Rooster knows its value, knows how to correctly draw up a budget and stick to it. At this time, you should not look for gold where the rainbow touches the ground and you should not jump above your head. After all, the Rooster's horoscope for 2017 promises us gold, which is hidden not somewhere over the horizon, but right in our own yard on the lawn!


The rooster is a very fertile bird and the data of the Chinese horoscope for 2017 confirms this. You can easily expect a new addition to your family.

If you still haven't found your soul mate, then next year will be the perfect time to find the love of your life and start your own family. An incredible number of romantic dates will await you next year.

Chinese astrologers also predict that the upcoming 2017 Year of the Rooster will be entirely devoted to family and family values, and also predict a surge in the birth rate (massive additions to families are expected next year).


The Rooster is proud of his appearance, and next year everyone will spend a lot of money on replenishing their wardrobe and on their style in order to make the right impression on others. When it comes to health, the old medicines and pills we used previously will be replaced by newer and more practical substitutes. Herbs, vitamins, yoga, healthy eating and quitting smoking and alcohol will increasingly be in demand by more and more people.

Yes, in the Year of the Rooster 2017, all zodiac signs should persistently continue to cleanse their bodies and dress like London dandies. This is the time to tilt at windmills, because the Rooster is the most underrated and extravagant Don Quixote of the Chinese Zodiac Signs.

So under what slogans should the Year of the Rooster 2017 pass? “Kiss more often”, “Don’t complicate anything and don’t give in to provocations”!

There is such a good Chinese expression - “If you take a step back, you can see the sea and the boundless sky.” Remember that good values ​​never go out of style, no matter how difficult they are to apply in a given situation. And the one who dares to encroach on them, as a result, will be left with empty pockets, but will wave his fists for a long time after the fight. Yes, there is a piece of the Rooster in each of us!


The astrological year 2017, the year of the Fire Rooster and One, corresponds to constellation number 16, “Hill”. This is one of the few constellations that have no negative qualities. It patronizes large gatherings of people and portends peace and harmony in the family and state. Hill is an extremely favorable constellation for important commercial and personal matters.

For all years of the Fire Rooster, and for 2017 too, there is the hexagram Xian (Mutual Attraction). The text of this hexagram in the “Book of Changes” reads: Mutual attraction leads to success. Persistence is good. Taking a girl as a wife is fortunate.

The Xian hexagram personifies a situation when you are on the threshold of real success, but there is a big risk that you simply do not have enough strength to make the final breakthrough, the last step due to the fact that you either overestimated your strength or did not notice something. there are dangers on the way. But in any case, a positive future remains in question, so you should be careful and respond adequately to rapidly changing events.

In the very near future, a turning point may come in your destiny, and in a really good way. And in principle, no special effort is required from you; on the contrary, you need to relax and accept what you deserve.

The astrological (solar) year of the Fire Rooster, corresponding to 2017, will undoubtedly be better than the previous two years for all zodiac signs. Many conflicts will calm down, and a way out of many dead-end situations will be found. In a number of countries playing key roles in geopolitics, leaders will change. Something very important will come from the north.

2017 will be extremely favorable for starting new large-scale and ambitious projects. Daring alone means good luck. A wedding is a great blessing (especially if you choose the right date). You should beware of thieves and crazy people.



Years of birth of the Rat: 1948,1960,1972,1984,1996,2008

Lucky numbers: 1,4,5,10,11,14,41,45,51,54

Western Astrology Equivalent: Sagittarius

Black color


The Rat's personal life will be full of conflicts and misunderstandings. If you don’t completely quarrel with your partner this year and are able to maintain a good relationship, then next year fate will give you a more harmonious period. Relieve tension at gatherings with friends, ask them for advice or simply talk about your problems.


The influence of the Fire Rooster can bring many experiences to the Rat. Therefore, you should seriously improve your health and pay special attention to chronic diseases that may worsen this year. Treatment with herbs and meditative practices that calm the nervous system will be especially effective.


It is better for you not to change anything in your lifestyle. New implementations can completely unexpectedly undo all your work and achievements. But applying a repeatedly proven strategy to develop your business will bring tangible progress. Perhaps very influential people will become your clients or partners. Pay special attention to planning your affairs, carefully control the smallest tasks, and then it will be easier for you to endure all the unforeseen turns of fate that the gambling Rooster is preparing.


This year it is worth eliminating all financial risks, even when, at first glance, very lucrative offers come from strangers. You should be especially wary if you are asked to make an urgent decision. People in creative professions will be able to make good money this year.

FIRE RAT (1936,1996) IN 2017

Fire Rats are very attractive to the Fire Rooster; he appreciates them for their honesty and dynamism. But excessive emotionality and a penchant for adventure this year can play a bad joke on Rats. Earn honestly the Money Horoscope for 2017, don’t assert yourself at the expense of your work colleagues, don’t force your loved ones to do things they don’t like, and then the Rooster won’t want to peck you.

EARTH RAT (1948) IN 2017

The Earth Rat's prudence and foresight will be very useful this year. She will make provisions for a “rainy day”, will not waste time fighting windmills and will be busy with a lot of useful things. The Rooster will highly appreciate your conscientious work and may give you unexpected profits, for example, from the sale of your grandmother’s necklace lying in the closet, which turns out to be an antique.

METAL RAT (1960) IN 2017

Metal Rats tend to solve all issues using iron logic and reason. But this year emotions will take over, you will worry about your relatives and take on the responsibility of solving their problems. At work, you should not get involved in conflict situations and succumb to the influence of an overbearing boss. Delicacy and diplomacy are your correct tactics this year.

WATER RAT (1972) IN 2017

Intuition, gifted to the Rat by the element of water, may fail it in the year of the Rooster. There is a chance that serious mistakes that you make at the beginning of the year will have bad consequences. Don't panic, don't jump ship, you will be able to get out of all difficult situations. The secret to family happiness this year will be the ability to admit your mistakes - Water Rats can find a compromise much better than others.

WOOD RAT (1984) IN 2017

The qualities inherent in the Wood Rat, economy and love of life, will be very useful in the year of the Fire Rooster. With their help, the Rat will steadfastly endure adversity and at the same time manage to increase his money reserves. A difficult start to the year will make the Rat nervous about his loved ones, but in the summer life will stop tripping him up.


Years of birth of the Ox: 1949,1961,1973,1985,1997,2009

Lucky numbers: 1,3,5,12,15,33,35,51,53

Western Astrology Equivalent: Capricorn

Yellow color


The Year of the Rooster will be extremely successful for the Ox. You can safely start a new business, move on to a more promising job and count on an influx of money. Of course, not everything will go smoothly and you will have to work hard, but if you set certain rules by which you move forward and do not force others to follow your guidelines, then the right people will be around you at the right time and will help you realize your dreams.


The time has finally come when you will probably get lucky with money. It’s worth thinking about where exactly it’s best to spend it. Don’t waste your time on trifles; it’s better to save up a decent amount and buy something significant. You should not talk about your financial successes and brag about your purchases; you may have envious people who will try to tarnish your reputation.


Try to avoid conflicts with loved ones. Pay more attention to your children, give your wife (husband) a gift for no reason, arrange a holiday for your parents, and improve your home. Start doing this as soon as possible; your peace of mind in the year of the Fire Rooster will directly depend on your personal relationships.


Do not overwork yourself, nervous overload can have a detrimental effect on the heart, be sure to consult a cardiologist. After work, it would be nice to go for a massage or a walk. The heart resonates very much with stringed instruments, so going to a concert of a famous guitarist or violinist will give you great pleasure and balance your shaky energy.

FIRE BULL (1937,1997) IN 2017

This year the Fire Ox strives to annoy everyone with his impatience and aggression. You can worsen relationships not only at home, but also at work, and the consequences of this can be very depressing. Go to psychological training on anger control. This is a fashionable trend among business people who want to improve their quality of life. And keep an eye on your expenses, otherwise the money, under the influence of emotions, will flow away to no one knows where.

THE EARTH BULL (1949) IN 2017

This year, the Earth Ox will plow at work like never before, and his work will be adequately rewarded. People of creative professions will be especially lucky. But personal life can bring chronic conflicts and even separations. Don’t be sad, nature requires balance, and next year you will make up for it.

METAL BULL (1961) IN 2017

In 2017, the Metal Ox is able to move mountains. He will work from dawn to dusk, implement long-standing ideas and change his attitude towards money - instead of the usual tight-fistedness, he will be seized by bouts of generosity that can quickly lighten his wallet. Personal life may also be brought by the wind of change, and the Ox will experience experiences unprecedented for his conservative way of life.

WATER BULL (1973) IN 2017

The Water Ox loves leadership and direction. True, at the same time he always strives to pull the blanket over himself or attribute the merits of others to his own account. In addition, the Ox practically cannot tolerate the weaknesses and shortcomings of other people. In the year of the Fire Rooster, all these “wonderful” character traits will intensify many times over, and the Ox may lose the usual support of others. Try to listen to people and not impose your ideas about life on them.

THE WOODEN BULL (1985) IN 2017

The Ox, as always, will work hard, but your pragmatic views on life may change dramatically. This year you will quickly feel that an unloved but well-paid job will not make you happy, and labile personal relationships bring neither joy nor pleasure. Change your priorities, break the stagnation of your life and launch new programs for the future.


Years of birth of the Tiger: 1938,1950,1962,1974,1986,1998,2010

Lucky numbers: 4,5,1,9,13,34,44,45,54

Western Astrology Equivalent: Aquarius

Green color


Personal life in the year of the Fire Rooster will bring a lot of experiences. You won’t complain and, most likely, you will suppress your emotions, which can undermine your psyche and health. The tiger is not able to take the first step towards reconciliation, apologize or admit that he was wrong; most often he will portray coldness and arrogance. Be more mature! Learn to forgive the mistakes of others and constructively sort things out without raising your tone.


Throughout the year of the Fire Rooster, the Tiger will be irritated a lot, especially with the onset of spring. Therefore, you should prepare in advance - go to an appointment with a homeopathic doctor or herbalist, start a course of spa treatments or buy a yoga video course. Try to relax with health benefits, for example, go on vacation to a sanatorium or resort where there is a spring with thermal or mineral water.


The Fire Rooster will not bring any special difficulties to the Tiger in his work. The only thing worth considering: do not trust your work to other people, do everything yourself and do not impose your rules of life on everyone, because everyone has their own karma, and a person must clear it himself.


Your intuition will tell you when to act immediately and when to back off, but still be careful with large expenses, collect information in advance and check it carefully. You should not lend money - otherwise you will never see them again and ruin your relationship with an old acquaintance.

FIRE TIGER (1926,1986) IN 2017

In the year of the Fire Rooster, the Fire Tiger will be so overwhelmed by emotions that he risks breaking things. You are determined and even aggressive, but any active actions now will not bring the desired result. Be patient, use diplomacy and enlist the support of influential people. No matter how difficult things may be for you right now, remember that everything can be fixed before the final whistle blows. Believe in yourself - and you will succeed!

EARTH TIGER (1938,1998) IN 2017

2017 will bring the Tiger stability at work, many new useful contacts, but sometimes you will be vulnerable to dishonest partners who will try to knock you out of your rut. You will cope with the problems, but you will have to pay for it with sleepless nights and exacerbations of the gastrointestinal tract.

METAL TIGER (1950) IN 2017

You can realize yourself wonderfully in creativity. Perhaps right now the great artist or writer in you will awaken. Take life into your own hands, stop listening to the advice of others, only you can know what you really need. And act: it’s time to realize what has been just a dream for a very long time. Now you will succeed.

WATER TIGER (1962) IN 2017

Modesty, of course, is a wonderful character trait, but not this year. If you sit quietly in the corner, do not expect that your superiors will appreciate you. You can embellish your merits a little, the main thing is not to be in the shadows. You will want change, a craving for risk, including financial, will awaken. Well, smart investing can now bear fruit, just carefully weigh the pros and cons and listen to the opinions of your business partners.

WOODEN TIGER (1974) IN 2017

An unexpected obstacle may appear on your road. It's okay - taking the easy way is not in your rules. You can cope with any difficulties. Don't give up, but fight hard for your dream. In the second half of the year there will be a chance to fully demonstrate your charm and make new useful acquaintances. Don’t close yourself off within four walls, go out more often, communicate, at least call old friends.


Years of birth of the Rabbit: 1951,1963,1975,1987,1999,2011.

Lucky numbers: 1,3,5,9,15,19,35

Western Astrology Equivalent: Pisces

Green color


The year will begin with nervousness in relations with a partner, because the Rabbit will be very busy with new plans and, most likely, will pay little attention to his soul mate. In the spring, this trend may even worsen. In the summer, interest in your career will subside a little - there will be a chance to improve relationships in your family or, if you don’t have one, meet a loved one. And this will happen in the fall. Lonely Rabbits will feel a thirst for adventure in the spring and will frivolously change partners.


Some problems await you in spring: indigestion, nervous tremors or deep fatigue. Get enough sleep, exercise, go on a diet, then you can avoid these excesses. Fall is ideal for finding new treatments that are right for you. During this same period, you will crave gastronomic pleasures more than ever!


This year the Rabbit will experience changes at work. The rabbit will easily find the necessary solutions and crack difficult problems like seeds. By the end of the year, you will be so off the ground that you will be determined to have an affair with at least a prince (princess), or at least an angel. Come down - it's time to stop drowning in illusions.


At the beginning of the year, the Rabbit should not particularly listen to his partners, because only the plan he outlined with Spring will be successfully implemented; at an incredibly old age, he will think about changing his job or his own enterprise. Go ahead - the time is right. In the summer of the Rabbit, boring paperwork is expected, but new contacts will appear, which will bring revitalization and new prospects.

FIRE RABBIT (1987) IN 2017

For the Rabbit, the year of the Red Fire Rooster will bring a lot of new acquaintances. Friendly get-togethers will completely distract him from important matters. And they will require attention. Meanwhile, no one can solve their problems by simply pretending that they do not exist. And although sometimes it seems completely impossible to find a solution, an optimistic outlook and some effort will help you find a way out of the current difficulties.


This year will bring the Earth Rabbit a lot of positive emotions - he will easily find a reliable partner and will be delighted with how much they have in common. In the fall, family Rabbits will be surprised to discover that their relatives also provide some benefit.

METAL RABBIT (1951) IN 2017

If you already have a family or a regular partner, then you will feel a terrible lack of love and tenderness and will crave more sublime relationships. Talk about this with your loved one: he will most likely want to find a way out of the situation with you. By the beginning of autumn, the intensity of passions will cool down.

WATER RABBIT (1963) IN 2017

At the beginning of the year, the Water Rabbit will finally find eternal love. True, it will look strange. By breaking hearts, you will test your power of seduction and assert yourself at the expense of others. Starting in the fall, your personal life will no longer be saturated with passion and sentiment, but your partner’s understanding and participation in it will be guaranteed. In addition, at this time you will have a need for freedom and independence.

WOODEN RABBIT (1975) IN 2017

Lonely Wood Rabbits will be overwhelmed by doubts and thoughts. Under such circumstances, avoid any promises or marriage. Perhaps you are simply not ready for something in your life at the moment. If you want to be happy, then, starting in the fall, do not allow relatives to interfere in your matters. Listen only to your heart.


Years of birth of the Dragon: 1940,1952,1964,1976,1988,2000

Lucky numbers: 3,4,5,6,15,21,34,35,36,45

Western Astrology Equivalent: Aries

Yellow color


Family Dragons will be delighted to do household chores: from bringing to life the recipe for a new pie to the long-awaited renovation of the apartment. Spring will bring disagreements with your partner, but most likely they will not be serious. For lonely Dragons, the beginning of the year may be marked by the meeting of a loved one with whom many romantic experiences await you.


Don’t take your health too lightly; illnesses can arise from trifles: even a scarf forgotten at home in windy weather can lead to a cold. In the summer you will think that playing sports is exactly what you need right now. Don't start with "records". To relieve fatigue, short daily exercise will be enough. The main thing is regularity, not intensity.


The Year of the Rooster will bring a lot of difficulties to the Dragon. First of all, because he will shoulder an unbearable burden, and his pride will not allow him to admit even to himself that he has gone too far. A sober assessment of your capabilities will help you not waste time satisfying your ego.


The Fire Rooster will help you strengthen your financial well-being. The main thing now is to decide exactly how to earn extra money for 2017, because the events changing around you are scattering your attention. Don’t stop looking for options for new earnings, involve your friends and acquaintances in this, because right now you are creating a springboard for future achievements.


In the summer, one of your former comrades will try to renew contacts with you. The repentance of a returning friend will not inspire confidence in you, and you will try to find out the true reason for the return. Starting from the summer, such a furor is promised in your personal life that you can only be envied, but your neighbors will not. Passions will heat up to the limit, and it will seem that the air is electrified.


The stars promise the Earth Dragon that the year of the Rooster will be extremely favorable for new love encounters. Therefore, if the situation seems completely hopeless to you, you can resume your past relationships in order to open up the future with a pure heart. During this time you will feel truly liberated.


Representatives of the Dragon sign know better than anyone that most of the problems that you have experienced were caused by your extravagant behavior. Your heart always contradicts your mind, and here again fate gives you the opportunity to verify this or... correct the situation. Try to be more caring towards your significant other in winter - a kind word, a small sign of attention can work wonders.


Towards the end of September, even the most modest natures will take steps towards sensual pleasure. You will be surprised at how much the topic of erotica will mean to you now. You will feel that you need to gain new experiences. Especially if during this period you started a relationship with a new person.


In a union that has been around for a long time, you can experience a truly deep sense of unity. You will discover that you now understand your partner much better, and you will become closer to him both spiritually and physically. From the beginning of autumn, a real test of strength awaits you - you will find out whether you are capable of being faithful.


Years of birth of the Snake: 1941,1953,1965,1977,1989,2001

Lucky numbers: 1,2,4,6, 13,24,42,46

Western Astrology Equivalent: Taurus

Color: red


“Oh, it’s not difficult to deceive me, I’m glad to be deceived myself” - if you live by this motto, you will not avoid a problematic romance and other disappointments. Don't despair, by summer everything will change - you will begin to look at life more realistically, get rid of oppressive relationships and will remain alone for some time. But autumn will bring a new meeting - do not miss your destiny.


Don't overload yourself at work, otherwise it will affect your health. Limit time for important things. In spring, positive changes in your life await you, and this will require a lot of strength. Summer will pass calmly, but in the fall it is better to take a break from the hustle and bustle, because at work your efficiency will be quite low.


The wisdom and intuition of the Snake this year will help her spend the year calmly and measuredly. Even noticeable success in business will not force the Snake to make any special efforts. At the beginning of the year, you shouldn’t put things off, solve them slowly, but bring them to the end. Otherwise, the delay may slow down other projects. In the spring, you may be drawn into behind-the-scenes intrigue. Remain indifferent to this mouse fuss, and then you will be a winner. At the same time, you have a chance to get promoted at work.


Spring and summer are a great time to realize professional ambitions; financial issues should be resolved independently, without relying on the participation of a partner - he may let you down. In the fall, the Snake may find an additional source of income to start his own business.

METAL SNAKE (1941,2001)

The Metal Snake is about to travel, where a holiday romance will certainly await her. And even if she stays at home on her vacation, she is still guaranteed a romantic meeting with an old friend or even a neighbor. Autumn will bring peace, stability and restraint of feelings into everyday life.


The Water Snake is very sensitive. Passion usually guides her, and under its influence she can commit impulsive, rash acts. In the spring you will have to work a lot without feeling tired and without noticing problems with the digestive system. It's time to go on a diet!


This year you are guaranteed a lot of acquaintances and declarations of sympathy. Married couples are also not far behind, they will have the opportunity to start a new honeymoon. However, in the spring some details from the past may come to light and poison the entire romantic atmosphere. Admit your guilt and resolve the conflict situation once and for all.


In fact, you are just looking for how to add something new to your relationship with your partner. If you want to preserve an already established union, call on your imagination to help. After all, even without supernova ideas, you really have the power to make your relationship interesting for both.


Starting in the fall, your matters of the heart will intensify. You will experience unforgettable moments of bliss, although it may not be possible without suffering. But you won't complain, because you will be captivated by an exciting love game. If you are not married, then at the end of the year your personal life may undergo a number of upheavals due to your partner’s jealousy or stubbornness. In these moments, you will truly feel who you are dealing with and finally decide whether this relationship has a future.


Years of birth of the Dog: 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2008

Lucky numbers: 1,4,5,9,10,14,19,28,30

Western Astrology Equivalent: Libra

Yellow color


Dogs love stability, and the Rooster will take this into account when writing a script for married couples. There will be practically no problems left in your personal life, and if there are troubles, they will be mostly pleasant ones. By the way, in 2017 Dogs may think about starting a family. Surprises await them - numerous romances, fateful meetings, loud breakups - in a word, a fireworks display of emotions and events that will be remembered for a lifetime.


Until May, you may be somewhat careless about your health. The stars allow you to do this. Even if you get sick, the illness will pass easily and quickly. If you are suffering from a chronic illness, then thanks to the support of the stars you will undoubtedly find the best treatment. At this time, special attention should be paid only to the digestive organs.


In the spring, there will be some tension in communication with the team, but by summer everything will get better, interest in work and new partners will appear again. Make the most of this time, it will be the most successful this year. Autumn will be marked by the launch of new projects and serious work. There will be practically no time to rest.


The beginning of the Year of the Fire Rooster will be marked by an increase in strength and an increase in wages. You can also learn a new profession and change jobs. Starting in the summer, it may seem to you that many of your actions are not noticed, and your efforts are wasted. But this is only a temporary period. Don’t stop taking active steps, because right now you are creating a springboard for future achievements.

FIRE DOG (1946)

Right from the beginning of the year, the Dog will be determined to make new acquaintances and romantic adventures. And perhaps even a stamp in the passport will not be a reason for one of the spouses to give up an affair on the side. In the spring, passions will subside, and in the summer, conflicts will arise like mushrooms after rain. Autumn will bring the desire to be at home with your family. Single Dogs can go to a resort to make new acquaintances, and they will certainly succeed.

EARTH DOG (1958)

At the beginning of the year, the Dog should stick to its own opinion and not particularly listen to the proposals of its partners, because only the plan outlined by itself will be successfully implemented. In the spring, the Dog’s activity will increase incredibly, she will no longer be satisfied with her current salary, and she will think about changing jobs or starting her own enterprise. Go for it - the time is perfect for this.

METAL DOG ​​(1970)

The year will begin with nervousness in relations with a partner, because the Dog will be very busy with new plans and may, for example, forget about the anniversary of meeting his other half. In the spring, this trend may even worsen. There will be a chance to meet your loved one. And this will happen in the fall.

WATER DOG (1982)

This year, Dogs can go wild and change a lot in their lives. First of all, changes are expected at work. The dog, more than ever, will easily find the necessary solutions and solve difficult problems like seeds. Good mood for Dogs is guaranteed for the whole year.


Responsibility and initiative will help the Dog reach new milestones in 2017. The successes of this year, which will begin in the first months, should not turn your head, because the matter must first be completed, and then draw some conclusions. There will be a lot of work in the summer, and it is very important not to spoil relationships with colleagues due to tension.


Years of birth of the Goat: 1931,1943,1955, 1967,1979,1991,2003

Lucky numbers: 3,4,5,12,34,45,54

Western Astrology Equivalent: Cancer

Yellow color


Some Goats will try to live frivolously in 2017 - one partner will replace the other so quickly that there will be absolutely no regret when parting. But few of them will feel satisfaction from this lifestyle. In the spring, family Goats will immerse themselves in the household, and in the summer they may begin to suffer due to the fact that they are too bogged down in everyday problems. In the fall, many free Goats will think about registering marriage and having children.


Spring will bring intrigue in relationships with colleagues, and the Goat may turn out to be “extreme”. In the summer she will work intensively, projects in the field of art will be especially successful. The end of the year may bring an offer of a new position or a new job. The first few months of the year will seem frighteningly intense to the Goat. Go boldly forward - the whole year will be successful and will give you so many material and social benefits that you can safely consider it one of the most successful in life.


At the beginning of the year, you may experience some anxiety, since many of your financial plans are not destined to be realized and will encounter obstacles or fall apart. Don’t be upset - this should be accepted as a positive experience. And any obstacles are just steps on the way to the goal. Everything will change by the summer. There will be people around you who can improve your financial affairs. Accept their help - and you will meet the year in a great mood


Already at the beginning of the year, the Goat will begin to realize her long-standing dream, but will not be able to “see the forests for the trees,” that is, she will not take into account a lot of important little things that will interfere with every step. Start a diary, carefully work out all the details, and then there will be a chance that your dreams will come true.


Take heart, your energy this year will require translation into real action. All year, the Earth Goat will be involved in organizing and leading all kinds of projects. Helping people and competent mentoring will fill her life with meaning and push her personal interests into the background.


The Metal Goat is an excellent and conscientious worker. She does not strive for familiarity and gossip gatherings over a cup of tea, which her colleagues do not always like. After all, people so value sincerity and the opportunity to pour out their soul to someone. Try to change your principles and habits. This year you need to become a little closer to the people and less prim - this will bring a lot of useful dividends.


The Water Goat will be drawn to adventure, travel and the endless celebration of life. Oddly enough, in 2017 such dreams may come true. Look for vacancies in tourism or event management agencies. Just don’t quit what you started halfway, if you don’t see immediate results - there will be success, but with some delay.


This year, you will attract very important people who can contribute to your career and make some adjustments to your lifestyle. To begin with, even agree to work for free; later it can turn into a very profitable enterprise. Save money, you will have serious expenses at the end of the year.


Years of birth of the Monkey: 1944,1956,1968,1980,1992,2004

Lucky numbers: 3,4,5,2, 16,23,34,45,54

White color


At the end of spring, you will finally start to get lucky, and you will not force fate to give you this chance again, but will immediately take advantage of it. You will be able to realize even old ideas and implement projects that you have long given up on. During this period, you will decide to reconsider your approach to your career and will begin to choose business partners more carefully. The beginning of autumn this year will be a truly important stage for you, get ready to realize your most cherished dream.


This year will be truly successful for the Monkey. She will be very lucky, especially in creative matters. Usually you won’t make a lot of money from this, but not in the year of the Rooster! You will be appreciated, and financially too. Everything that was developed in the past should be multiplied this year. Only for the Monkey himself everything will not be enough, so even big victories will not be able to distract him from sad thoughts.


Spring will become a real time of sentimentality - and let them not say that this is the last century. You will be able to express your feelings and will not be afraid to do it even in front of others. At the same time, you will no longer be as demanding as you used to be. You will receive many compliments, noting that you have become more patient. You will notice that your life has become much easier.


You will be in great shape until spring. At this time, you have a chance to recover from some chronic illness or stabilize your condition. In the summer, do not overdo it with spicy foods and stimulants, which can be bad for your skin and stomach, as well as weaken your nervous system.


The beginning of 2017 will be marked by an increase in strength and an increase in wages. You can also learn a new profession and change jobs. In the spring there will be some tension in communication with the team, but by summer it will all resolve, interest in work and new partners will appear again. Autumn will be marked by the launch of new projects and serious work. There will be practically no time to rest.


2017 will be a very productive year for the Monkey. You will easily cope with the most difficult tasks and feel at ease in difficult situations. In the summer, quarrels and misunderstandings between spouses are possible, but by autumn peace and tranquility will reign in the family.


At the beginning of the year, the Monkey will want to work together with his partner. Perhaps this will bring you even closer. But the Monkey should be careful and not provoke conflicts with his persistence. In the spring, lonely Monkeys may meet a congenial person with whom they will go down the aisle.


In the year of the Rooster, it is worth checking the serviceability of electrical wiring, gas stove, taps and batteries, so that household disasters do not annoy you and do not interfere with the implementation of your plans. And you shouldn’t think that the success achieved this year will become stable - most likely, this will be one of your successful, but short-lived experiments.

WOODEN MONKEY (1944,2004)

Be decisive, take risks, and the horoscope of luck for 2017 will smile at you many times. Responding immediately to a situation can pay incredible dividends. The only thing worth considering is that the income from these enterprises can disappear as quickly as it appeared, but the pleasure from the money spent can be simply enormous.


Years of birth of the Rooster: 1945,1957,1969,1981,1993,2005

Lucky numbers: 1,5,6,12,15,16,24,51

Western Astrology Equivalent: Leo

White color


You need not to mix logic with matters of the heart and not test harmony with algebra. Of course, it is sometimes difficult for the sensible Rooster to relax and accept life as it is. But it is in the spring that you will have such a chance. The main thing is to stop constantly testing the person who is next to you. Accept it without formalities, otherwise you will have every chance of losing your dear partner.


Until spring, your nervous tension will lead to attacks of allergies, rheumatism, and colds. But in general, these troubles will not deeply affect your immunity, and you will be in good shape. When driving a car or exercising in a fitness club, be as careful as possible - there is a risk of minor injury.


It will not be boring. But the opportunities opening up in the coming year may turn your head. You should not play in competition with your employees, you will only make enemies for yourself. In the spring, unemployed Roosters will be able to find a good job and earn great authority in their new place. In the summer, don't try to take on everything at once. And in the fall, calculate your income.


At the beginning of autumn, your plans will begin to be realized very quickly. Meanwhile, you want to have more control over what happened, because the feeling of helplessness gives you a lot of inconvenience. Allow yourself, at least for a short period, to succumb to the charms of the stars. Now the optimal form of behavior for you is not strict control, but only a gentle adjustment of the events that unfold around you.

FIRE COCK (1957)

In 2017, the Rooster's personal life is not threatened by peace and quiet. But there is every chance to understand your relationship with your partner at a new level. Lonely Roosters can meet their happiness. Starting in the summer, passions in families will subside, but single representatives of this sign are unlikely to step over their pride and go to the registry office.


Not striving for a goal. The rooster is bored. Set realistic goals for yourself and make efforts to achieve them. This is exactly the scheme of action that will be relevant for the Rooster this year. Just don’t overdo it in guiding your colleagues and loved ones; they probably won’t like it.


Lonely Roosters will feel a thirst for adventure in the spring and will frivolously change partners. Summer will bring decline, and you should not plan the launch of new financial ventures or major purchases at this time. The Rooster will face a lot of boring paperwork, but in the fall new contacts will appear that will bring excitement and good prospects.


In winter, the Rooster will experience career growth and a salary increase. This pleasant fact will improve the mood of representatives of this sign and add enthusiasm. The Rooster will begin to attend cultural events more often and be inspired by new communication. In the spring, you will want to update your wardrobe or home interior; in a word, the Rooster will be occupied exclusively with himself, and this may lead to some omissions in his work.

WOODEN COCK (1945,2005)

Slow down your pace a little and everything will fall into place. In the fall, due to the huge number of things to do, the accumulated irritation will overwhelm you, which can affect your health. To prevent this from happening, just postpone solving some problems until later.