What is the lemonade diet and how to lose weight on it? Beyonce's Extreme Lemon Diet: drink recipe Beyonce's Lemonade Diet.

Beyoncé has repeatedly admitted that she is prone to being overweight and, in order to keep herself in shape, she has to watch her diet and. However, sometimes the singer, like any living person, has breakdowns and she gains extra pounds. And in such a situation, of course, you have to go on a diet.


Boyoncé is not afraid of radical changes in nutrition. So, the singer can give up a number of products without any problems, and at the same time not break down for a long time. Or rather, until the result is achieved. It is worth noting that the diet that Boyoncé uses is quite strict and requires a specific attitude and willpower.

Its essence is to refuse any food of animal origin for 22-25 days. This means that all this time you will not be able to eat dairy, fermented milk products, fish, seafood, or eggs. In addition, as part of the diet, you cannot drink carbonated drinks, visit fast food, eat chips, crackers and similar products.

It is worth noting that doctors consider this diet to be one of the most stringent, so it must be taken with full responsibility. In addition, the transition from habitual food to plant-based should be gradual: first eliminate meat, then fish, then eggs, then dairy products. And only after that completely switch to plant-based foods.


As part of the diet, the diet should include 5 meals, which will consist of food of plant origin. Sutra - porridge with fruit (or with vegetable salad), second breakfast - fruit, lunch - hot, afternoon snack - fruit, and dinner - also hot. In fact, the menu can be very varied, since today there are a large number of delicious and interesting vegan recipes. Here is a sample menu.

Breakfast: oatmeal with banana.

Lunch: fruit salad.

Dinner: mushrooms with rice, vegetable salad.

Afternoon snack: apples.

Dinner: salad of vegetables and nuts.

The most important thing in this diet is to stick to the eating schedule, not skip meals and eat in normal portions. You have to admit that you may feel hungry at first. This will pass in a few days. Don't forget to drink enough water. Unfortunately, you can't drink coffee on Beyoncé's diet.

Do not follow this diet for more than 22-25 days. Long-term refusal of food of animal origin can have a bad effect on the condition of the skin: it will begin to age prematurely.

The world famous Beyonce is famous not only for her amazing and unique voice, but also for her beautiful appearance. In particular, many are truly admired by the singer’s charming forms, because her figure is both very slim and very feminine.

In order to be the owner of such a beautiful body, Beyonce undoubtedly has to work hard. There is even a special Beyonce diet, which was originally used by the celebrity as an individual weight loss program, but is now successfully practiced by many women around the world. And all because this method of weight loss is really effective and as safe as possible for health!

How does Beyonce lose weight?

The singer practices a dietary course developed back in the 40s. However, this method of fighting extra pounds became especially popular and known throughout the world after Beyonce began to practice it. With its help, the celebrity managed to lose 30 kilograms of weight gained during pregnancy in just 3 months.

According to those who have adopted Beyonce's experience in dieting, the hardest thing is not to give up food at all, but to follow the intense rhythm of intense training. Beyonce herself worked out every day for 2 hours! Undoubtedly, it is difficult - both physically and psychologically.

Diet menu

Days 1 and 2 (body cleansing):

  • drink the Salt Water Flush drink (however, you can replace it with regular salted water).

3rd day:

  • Drink a lemon drink made with plain water, fresh lemons, cayenne pepper and maple syrup 9 times a day;
  • you can afford low-calorie solid food (boiled or baked chicken fillet, fish, meat, fresh vegetables and fruits, etc.).

4th day:

  • after three days aimed at cleansing the body, Beyonce allows herself to eat a little and drink wine (due to the previous three days of the hunger strike, you are unlikely to get too carried away with such foods, but you will cheer yourself up and recharge yourself to continue the diet).

5th and 6th days:

  • oatmeal cookies or oatmeal crackers;
  • a lot of apples.

7th and 8th days (protein):

  • for breakfast - egg whites (you can make an omelet from them with the addition of turkey);
  • during the day - cucumber salad with lemon and vinegar;
  • for dinner - a fish dish (for example, sashimi), sometimes you can afford frozen yogurt.

Day 9:

  • follow the rules of the previous days, and you can also include chicken salad (the singer’s favorite dish) in the menu.

10th day:

  • completion of the diet, smoothly transition to a normal balanced menu.

Of course, such a diet cannot be called simple. However, those who have tested it “in their own skin” claim that this method of weight loss is indeed very effective. On average, in these 10 days you can lose about 5 kilograms of excess weight.

Do not forget that such weight loss programs are considered “emergency”. That is, they can only be observed in cases of extreme necessity. It is also not worth repeating such a dietary course too often. Ideally, go on the Beyonce diet no more than once every six months.

To ensure that you do not need to follow such a strict diet again, take care to complete it correctly. After these 10 days, it is very important that the transition to a regular diet is gradual. Give preference to light soups, fresh salads, fruits, low-fat fermented milk products, etc.

If you ignore the rule about a smooth exit from the diet, most likely the kilograms lost during Beyonce’s diet will very quickly return. By doing this, you will harm not only your figure, but the entire body as a whole, since such drastic changes in nutrition will be significant stress for it. Such a neglectful approach to your diet after finishing the diet can be fraught with disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system, a slowdown in metabolic processes, etc.

Dermatologist, cosmetologist-esthetician, honored author of Evehealth


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This article is based on scientific evidence, written and peer-reviewed by experts. Our team of licensed nutritionists and estheticians strive to be objective, unbiased, honest and present both sides of the argument.

There is probably not a single woman in the world who would not envy the ideal figure of the famous singer Beyoncé. Even though she gained a lot of excess weight during pregnancy, after giving birth she managed to easily lose it and even become even thinner than before pregnancy. What's the secret, you ask? The secret is in the diet that the singer was advised by her friend. And the diet is called vegan.

According to nutritionists, the vegan diet is the most unsafe for the body. Beyoncé has always stood out among other famous personalities in the fashion business because she constantly went on strict diets, without any fear for her health. Let's take the same one on which the singer “sat” twice a year. Thanks to her, Beyoncé lost up to 9 kg in just 10 days, and the results lasted a very long time.

And the essence of this diet is to consume only home-made juice from several types of lemon, hot red pepper and maple syrup for 10 days. But that’s not about that now. Let's talk about what Beyoncé's vegan diet is and what results can be achieved by “sitting” on it.

The essence of the vegan diet is a complete abstinence from foods of animal origin, including milk and eggs. The duration of this diet is more than 2 months. During this time you can lose 20 or more kg. Impressive results, right?

However, this diet has a negative impact on health. While “sitting” on it the following may be observed:

  • severe headaches;
  • disruptions in the menstrual cycle;
  • bleeding;
  • stomach ache;
  • general malaise and weakness;
  • fatigue;
  • increased body temperature;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases.

If Beyoncé is your idol and you are willing to make sacrifices such as avoiding animal products, then you should know that before cutting out meat from your diet and switching to a completely plant-based diet, you need to prepare your body in advance.

First, try to give up meat and meat products (sausages, sausages, etc.). However, this must be done gradually. After you give up meat products, wait a month, or better yet two, until your body gets used to the new lifestyle. Then start giving up milk, and then eggs and other dairy and fermented milk products. This should also be done gradually.

In total, it should take you at least 6 months to prepare your body for the diet. During this time, you will notice that your weight begins to decrease. And after you completely switch to plant-based foods, the weight will begin to come off much faster. However, it should be understood that the body needs fats and proteins of animal origin, so you should not “stay too long” on this diet, but you should also gradually return to your usual diet.

If you experience any health problems while giving up your usual diet, you should give up the diet and find another way to lose weight that is more suitable for you.

And if your body reacted normally to the innovations, then in order for your weight loss to be delicious, we advise you to watch the following videos, which contain recipes for vegan dishes.

Vegan recipe videos

Video with recipe for meatless cutlets

In order to always remain slim, Beyoncé sometimes has to resort to using various diets. And this is quite logical, because for a world-class star it is extremely important to always stay in good shape, since the annoying press notices the slightest changes in the appearance of the public’s favorites, especially when it comes to weight gain.

With a height of 167 centimeters, Beyoncé weighs about 58 kilograms. Fans of overly slender parameters, which border on anorexia, can say that this weight is quite a lot for such a height, but do not forget about the singer’s athletic physique. All 58 kilograms are strong muscle mass, leaving no chance for fat deposits.

So, what is the secret of such graceful and feminine forms of the famous beauty?

Beyonce has practiced a variety of diets, but most often she uses lemon. Its essence lies in the regular consumption of special dietary lemonade.

In fact, this method of losing weight was developed by American naturopath Stanley Burroughs, but today the technique is better known as Beyoncé's lemon diet. However, it should be noted that other Hollywood stars also use this recipe.

How to make diet lemonade?

For one serving you will need a glass of purified boiled water (or distilled), the juice of half a lemon, a couple of tablespoons of natural unsweetened maple syrup, and a pinch of ground cayenne pepper (or regular red).

You can drink up to six glasses of this drink per day. Unsweetened herbal tea (or laxative) is also allowed. Any other foods are prohibited during the diet.

Since this is a fairly radical way to lose weight, it is strictly not recommended to follow the diet for more than three days. In this case, it is advisable to first consult with a doctor, since this drink may be contraindicated for a number of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

How to get out of a diet?

If you have ever tried express diets or mono-diets, you are well aware of the importance of a competent “exit” from them. The main disadvantage of such harsh weight loss methods is the risk of returning all the lost pounds (and sometimes even more). That is why it is important to return to a normal diet very carefully and gradually.

The ideal solution would be a juice diet. For one or several days after the lemon diet, drink only vegetable and fruit juices without salt and sugar. It is advisable that they be freshly squeezed - in this form they retain a maximum of vitamins and nutrients.

Over the next few days, you can start adding low-fat broths, puree soups, dairy and fermented milk products with a small percentage of fat to your menu. Then gradually switch to higher-calorie and more solid foods. A gradual return to your usual diet will help you avoid weight gain again, and also not create discomfort for the body, because sudden changes in diet can become stressful for it, which leads to disturbances in metabolic and digestive processes.

Lemon diet and exercise

Due to the fact that the lemon drink contains practically no calories, of course, the body will not have a worthy source of energy during such a diet. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid any physical activity during this period. They can cause you dizziness, headaches and even fainting. Moreover, it is best to use a lemon drink during weekends or vacations in order to protect yourself as much as possible even from the usual everyday activities.

Lemon diet and weight loss

If you decide to start a course on a diet lemon drink, you must understand that you will not achieve weight loss with its help. This short-term course is aimed only at cleansing the body. In order to influence existing fat deposits, such a diet is clearly not suitable. But it can be relevant as the first step to losing weight. After completing the lemon diet course, you can switch to a properly balanced diet, combining it with regular exercise.

You can use this drink during your usual diet with normal daily calorie content. Pepper helps speed up the metabolic process, and lemon juice breaks down fats that enter the body with food.

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Lemonade diet

This method of fighting extra pounds was known back in the 70s of the last century. This is what Beyoncé used to lose weight.

The diet is very effective, and this is not surprising. After all, it involves a complete refusal to eat. You can only drink. Moreover, not just anything, but fat-burning lemonade.

It is prepared as follows: take the juice of one lemon, five grams of cayenne pepper, two tablespoons of maple syrup or one spoon of honey; dissolve all this in 1.5 liters of water (preferably purified) and drink a glass every three hours. These ingredients are just enough for the day.

If desired, the liquid can be heated. Also, nutritionists allow you to drink lemonade more often than once every 3 hours if you are very thirsty. Well, for those who just can’t do without food, they offer a light celery soup with the addition of green onions and cabbage.

Beyoncé lasted 30 days on lemonade alone! It's up to you to envy her or sympathize with her. We don’t know what ultimately happened to the star’s liver and stomach after such an ordeal. But as far as weight is concerned, the result was simply amazing.

Nutritionists call the advantages of this method a total cleansing of the body, restoration of metabolism and the absence of the risk that the kilograms will return later.

But doctors warn: you should not sit on lemonade for more than five days. Otherwise, you can cause irreparable harm to your health. Before you “sentence” yourself to such fasting, be sure to consult your doctor. This kind of extreme is not for everyone.

Only cereals!

One of Beyoncé's favorite diets is the grain-based macrobiotic diet. Porridges are prepared from them, which should be eaten without salt, three to five servings a day. This method allows you to lose 6 kg weekly. But doctors also do not recommend eating this way for longer than 5 days. A long-term lack of fats and proteins can negatively affect your health.

You should exit the diet by gradually adding vegetables and fruits to your diet, and then dairy products, meat and fish.

Beyonce's South Beach Diet

The star came up with it herself, including her favorite foods in the diet of the same name. Beyoncé's diet includes seafood, fish, green vegetables, olive oil, tomatoes and salad. But vegetables (except green ones), cookies and chocolate - under no circumstances. They are prohibited even in the “mildest” times.

"Five Factors"

And another Beyoncé diet, created for her by her personal fitness trainer.

The “Five Factors” are very simple: harmoniously combine fats, proteins and carbohydrates at every meal. You need to eat three times a day, and be sure to train, doing fitness exercises for at least 20 minutes every day. Food must be processed thermally, but not more than 5 minutes. Products must be organic.

Once a week, indulgences in the form of fast food are allowed. After such “belly holidays” there is no need to do fasting days.

Having chosen one of the diets of the famous singer, actress and model, also listen to her advice: “Love yourself for who you are! This is the key to beauty and happiness.”

You can admire the slender Beyoncé in this video: