Shooting and armor penetration.  questions “how” and “why” relate to the process of armor penetration World of Tank what is average armor penetration

The process of calculating the armor penetration value is very complex and depends on many factors. Among them are the thickness of the armor, the angle of inclination of the armored plate, the armor penetration of the gun and many others.

Factors that are taken into account when approximately calculating armor penetration:

  1. The projectile can hit any place in the aiming circle.
  2. The armor penetration of armor-piercing and sub-caliber projectiles decreases with increasing distance to the target.
  3. The projectile flies along a ballistic trajectory. This condition applies to all weapons. But the tank destroyer has a fairly high muzzle velocity, so the projectile trajectory is close to a straight line, but it is not, which is why the projectile may be deflected. The sight takes this into account, showing the calculated area of ​​impact.
  4. The projectile hits the target:
    • Calculation of the armor penetration of a projectile depending on the average value specified in the tactical and technical characteristics (TTC) of the gun (±25% of the average armor penetration value).
    • Check for ricochet. Armor-piercing and sub-caliber shells ricochet if the angle of contact with the tank's armor is 70 degrees or exceeds this value. Ricochet does not occur if the caliber of the gun is more than 3 times the thickness of the armor. In this case, the projectile tries to penetrate the armor regardless of the angle at which it hits it. When hitting external modules (chassis, surveillance devices, etc.), a ricochet also does not occur.
    • Calculation of normalization.
    • Calculation of the final armor penetration.
  5. Cumulative shells are premium shells that are available on all vehicle classes. Quite often used on short-barreled guns with a low initial projectile velocity. The damage dealt to a tank is usually equal to that of armor-piercing shells, but penetration is noticeably higher due to the armor penetration mechanics that differ from other types of shells. To overcome the armor, the kinetic energy of the projectile is not used - penetration of the armor occurs due to the transformation of the metal shell of the cumulative funnel into liquid under high pressure. Under its influence, monolithic armor behaves in the same way as liquid, which is why penetration occurs.
    • HEAT shells do not normalize and ricochet (85 degrees).
    • The rule of three calibers does not apply to this type of projectile, since upon collision a cumulative jet is immediately formed.
    • The armor penetration of shells does not decrease with distance.
    • The cumulative jet easily dissipates, therefore, if the projectile fires not on the main armor, but on an element of the chassis or armor screen remote from the armor, the armor penetration of the jet drops the more, the greater the distance that separates the trigger point from the main armor.
    • HEAT projectiles have a relatively low flight speed.
  6. If a shell penetrates armor, then on average it removes the number of tank strength points specified in its parameters (this is true for all types of shells). When hitting some modules (gun, track), they can completely or partially absorb the armor penetration of the projectile, while receiving critical damage depending on the area of ​​impact.
  7. The projectile inside the tank moves in a straight line, hitting the modules and penetrating them (both equipment and crew members).
    • Each object has its own number of strength points - HP (from the English hit points - strength points).
    • The tank's HP is removed only once - when a shell penetrates the tank's main armor.
    • The amount of HP removed depends only on the damage value that was rolled for the projectile (±25% of its average damage value). In this case, the greatest damage is taken, which occurred if several sheets of the main armor were pierced.
    • The projectile tries to penetrate any thickness of armor plate, taking into account the given armor.
  8. The projectile passes through the modules and causes damage to them (or does not cause damage if the module “dodges” the projectile).
    • As the projectile passes through the tank's internal modules, the projectile loses any armor penetration it has left after penetrating the previous armor in its path.
    • The game does not provide for through penetration of a tank: if the residual armor penetration value of a projectile is high, then inside the tank this projectile will travel a distance equal to 10 of its calibers (for example, if the caliber of a projectile is less than 50 mm, then inside the tank it will travel a distance of 0.5 meters).
    • Internal modules can also be damaged by fire from another ignited module (gas tank or engine) as a result of its critical damage.
    • Critical damage to the ammunition module causes its instant detonation and, as a result, the instant destruction of the tank.

Example in practice

Let's consider a simplified example of firing a 105 mm Gun T5E1 gun with armor penetration 198/245/53 at an ARL 44 tank, which has 120/50/50 mm hull armor and 100/60/60 mm turret armor.

  1. The thickness of the reduced armor of any tank in the general case will be the value expressed by the formula:
    X * (1/cos(Y))= Z,
    X- sheet thickness at the point of impact,
    Y- the angle to the normal at which the projectile and armor come into contact,
    Z- armor thickness in millimeters.
  2. Let's calculate:
    • We shoot from a 105 mm gun. The table armor penetration of the projectile is about 198 mm.
    • Actual fluctuating armor penetration is 149–248 mm at a distance of 100 meters.
    • We shoot in the forehead of the ARL 44 (120 mm) hull.
    • The forehead of the body is located at an angle of approximately 55 degrees.

For such a shooting situation, the thickness of the reduced reservation will be approximately:

120*(1/cos (55)) = 209.213 (mm).

And this is more than the table armor penetration of this weapon (see above). Therefore, in most cases, either such an armor plate will not penetrate, or the shells will ricochet off the armor (if the angle of impact with it is equal to or greater than 70 degrees).

The thickness of the armor when checking for ricochet is only relevant for the three-caliber rule.

Penetration of a gun in World of Tanks is one of the main parameters of a gun. It doesn't matter what accuracy or rate of fire the gun has. If the armor penetration of a projectile is low, the weapon is useless. The gun's low penetration is most noticeable in combat with a heavily armored enemy. Many players ask the question: “What is the most penetrating gun in WoT?”

However, before you give an answer, you need to understand that the game has about three hundred tanks of ten levels, each of which has its own penetrating gun. Moreover, each weapon has its own types of projectiles. However, all shells are classified into armor-piercing, sub-caliber, cumulative, and high-explosive fragmentation.

The most penetrating guns

Thus, the owner of the most penetrating gun is the FV215 (183). The average penetration of a 183 mm gun by an armor-piercing projectile is 310 mm. This is the absolute penetration rate among all armor-piercing shells in the game.

However, the British tank destroyer is also the record holder for penetration by a high-explosive fragmentation shell. True, this projectile belongs to the “gold” category. The “Golden High Explosive” penetrates an average armor thickness of 275 millimeters.

We invite you to watch a video guide about this killer tank destroyer:

Among tanks whose guns are capable of firing cumulative charges, the record holder in armor penetration is the German tank destroyer JgPzE100 with a colossal penetration of 420 millimeters. Such penetration is enough to pierce Mouse even into the cannon mask.

Although before the great “artonerf” the record for gun penetration belonged to the Soviet Object 268 - 450 millimeters. But the developers lowered this figure to 395 mm.

Other levels, other tanks

Undoubtedly, the higher the level of the tank, the higher the armor penetration rate. But even at lower levels there are steel monsters with killer weapons. So, for example, at the first level, the nomination “The most penetrating gun in World of Tanks” belongs to the Soviet MS-1 with a penetration rate of 88 mm with a gold shell. At the second level, the American-made T18 tank destroyer with a two-pound gun (121 mm) stands out.

At the third level in the armor penetration rating is the French-made UE57 tank destroyer with a penetration of 180 mm. Moreover, this bird is the smallest and lightest in WoT (3 tons). The fourth level is represented by the Soviet anti-tank self-propelled gun SU-85B. The ZIS-2 57 mm caliber gun penetrates an average armor thickness of 189 mm.

At the fifth level, heavy tanks enter the battle for the title of the most penetrating gun. But tank destroyers still win, and the Pz takes the podium. Sfl. IVc with a penetration of 237 mm. Sixth place belongs to the French ARL V39 and ARL 44. Both tanks are equipped with a 90-mm gun, which penetrates 259 mm of armor.

The AMX AC mle.46 rightfully ranks seventh in the armor penetration rating of guns with a 263 mm gold shell. Eighth place unconditionally belongs to ISU-152 (USSR tank destroyer). The BL-10 gun terrifies all enemies, has a colossal damage of 750 units and a penetration of 329 mm.

Ninth place is occupied by two German tank destroyers (WT auf PZ.IV and JagdTiger) with a 12.8 cm Kanone L/61 gun. As for Tier 10 tanks with piercing barrels, they were discussed at the beginning of the article.

As a matter of fact, if you want to beat everyone in the game, then develop branches of tank destroyers in each of the nations. The anti-tank self-propelled guns of the Germans, French and USSR have the most penetrating guns.

Surely, any “tanker”’s heart skips a beat when the barrel of such an enemy’s gun is turned in his direction. And more than once a chill ran down my spine at the sound of a shot from it. After all, each such salvo could be the last.

In previous articles, we compiled ratings and... This time will be presented rating of armor-piercing tanks in World of Tanks, as well as self-propelled guns from levels 1 to 10. Using the most powerful weapons for each model. The criterion for selection will be only the maximum damage from a shot (Alpha). All other characteristics will not be taken into account.

1st level.

Vickers Medium Mk I
This colossus stands out among its fellows due to its huge dimensions and amazing slowness. Despite this, he is almost devoid of adequate armor. It can be punched almost anywhere, especially since it is very difficult to miss.
The best weapon is the QF 6-pdr 8cwt Mk. II.
Shells - two types of armor-piercing and high-explosive fragmentation.
Maximum damage – 71-119 units.
Now and in the future, damage from high-explosive shells is indicated. Let this tank have only 29 mm penetration. Although at this level the MS-1 has the thickest armor – 18 mm.

2nd level.

The safety margin of this tank destroyer is of course very small, but it has the best frontal armor. In addition, the machine is quite nimble.
The best weapon is the 75 mm Howitzer M1A1.
Projectiles - high-explosive and cumulative.
Maximum damage – 131-219 units.
This damage is enough to destroy a tank one level older, unless you shoot it head-on. HEAT shells have better penetration.

Sturmpanzer I Bison
Even though this self-propelled gun does not have a frightening appearance, it has a stern disposition.
The best weapon is also the only one.
Projectiles - regular and cumulative.
Maximum damage – 225-375 units.
The penetration of its cumulative projectile is 171-285 mm. With this indicator, even a level 5 tank will suffer, but they are really very expensive.

3rd level.

Cruiser MK II
The tank cannot boast of practically anything. The protection is weak, even on the frontal part, maneuverability and mobility are also zero, the gun takes a long time to bring down and does not hit accurately. It also has a very long projectile flight time. But it does the most damage.
The best gun is the 3.7-inch Howitzer.
Maximum damage – 278-463 units.
Cumulative ones penetrate armor better, but they destroy less and he needs to buy them for gold.

Lorraine 39 Lam
The self-propelled gun takes a long time to reload the gun and takes a long time to close down, but the player’s patience will be rewarded. In addition, its shells are already flying overhead. The enemy will no longer be able to sit quietly behind cover.
The best weapon is level 5.
The projectiles are cumulative and high-explosive fragmentation.
The M37 and Wespe have the same damage.

4th level.

The tank destroyer moves quite quickly, although it has good armor. Successful angles of inclination cause projectiles to ricochet.
The best gun is the 10.5 cm StuH 42 L/28.
Maximum damage – 308-513 units.
Somua SAu-40 and T40 have the same damage.

It is not for nothing that German artillery enjoys well-deserved popularity. It has the longest shot range at its level. Although of course the impression is spoiled by the horizontal aiming angles. Do not move the mouse at this moment and do not rush to shoot.
The best weapon is the standard one.
The projectiles are high-explosive and cumulative.
Maximum damage – 510-850 units.
For some reason, this self-propelled gun has the same damage from different shells, but the purpose of the shells is different.

Level 5.

It rightfully takes first place at its level. The remarkable turret armor has made the tank a favorite of many gamers.
The best gun is the 122 mm U-11.
Shells – Only high-explosive and cumulative shells are suitable for this weapon.
Maximum damage – 338-563 units.
When hit by this cannon, light tanks will shatter into pieces the first time.
The SU-85 has the same damage.

Arta boasts excellent horizontal aiming angles and a high maximum speed (56 km/h). True, it takes her a long time to type it. Very good reload time.
The best weapon is the 155 mm Gun M1918M1.
Shells – two types of high-explosive fragmentation shells (gold ones have better penetration and a greater dispersion of fragments).
The Hummel and AMX 13 F3 AM have the same damage.

Level 6.

The tank became slightly larger than its younger brother, and the accuracy of the gun began to limp. It is recommended to fight in urban environments, as there will be an opportunity to hide the tank after firing for reloading.
The best gun is the 152 mm M-10.
Shells - high-explosive, armor-piercing and cumulative.

This self-propelled gun is jokingly called “Pinocchio”. Unlike its counterpart SU-14, which has the same damage, the S-51 has greater mobility. Therefore, she can quickly change position in battle.
The best gun is the 203 mm B-4.
The shells are high explosive.
Maximum damage – 1388-2313 units.

Level 7.

As in the case of the KV-2, when choosing high-explosive shells, the gun sags in accuracy. For this reason, the tank will have to go to meet the enemy. And it’s best to come from the stern - that’s when the damage will happen!
The best gun is the 152 mm ML-20.
Shells - armor-piercing, cumulative and high-explosive fragmentation.
Maximum damage – 683-1138 units.

GW Tiger
Since this self-propelled gun has a long gun reload time and almost no mobility, it would be wise not to be distracted by small equipment. You need to hunt first of all for “fat” very heavy tanks. And if one shell doesn’t penetrate, another one will arrive.
The best weapon is the standard one.
The shells are high-explosive and armor-piercing.
Maximum damage – 1500-2500 units.

Level 8.

This Soviet tank destroyer may no longer use shells purchased for gold. Ordinary ammunition will penetrate any enemy without them. The tolerable accuracy of the gun will allow the tank not to get close and support the brothers with fire from a longer distance.
The shells are high-explosive and armor-piercing.
Maximum damage – 713-1188 units.

Self-propelled guns are disliked for several reasons. Let's start with the fact that by the time it recharges, the battle will end. In addition, its elevation angles do not have negative values. It must be said that the damage and radius of scattering of fragments is, of course, the largest, but fragments can catch allies (11 meters).
The best weapon is the standard one.
Shells - regular and premium high-explosive fragmentation.
Maximum damage – 1688-2813 units.

Level 9.

It has a very solid turret, but the hull armor is a bit let down, so it’s not really worth the risk. Although you can go closer to the battle site. By the way, the turret turns perfectly, although the gun takes a long time to reload. It’s more pleasant to play when you have armor-piercing shells in your arsenal.
The best gun is the 152 mm BL-10.
Shells - armor-piercing, sub-caliber and high-explosive.
Maximum damage – 713-1188 units.

Level 10.

This English monster is a tank destroyer. When using special land mines, armor penetration increases to 206-344 mm of armor. But it has poor accuracy and reloads very slowly. In appearance, the car is similar to a “slipper” - the turret is located at the rear. It is recommended not to ride alone, but to take someone with you as a distraction. The armor on the sides of the tank destroyer is only 50 mm.
The best weapon is the standard one.
Shells - regular and premium.
The maximum damage from a HESH landmine is 1313-2188 units.

Now, top 10 most armor-piercing tanks in World of Tanks, compiled, but based on changes in the balance from patch to patch, some tanks may lose their positions or more worthy competitors will appear.

Process calculation of armor penetration very complex, ambiguous and depends on many factors. Among them are the thickness of the armor, the penetration of a projectile, the penetration of a gun, the angle of inclination of the armored plate, etc.

It is almost impossible to calculate the probability of armor penetration, much less the exact amount of damage inflicted, on your own. There are also miss and rebound probabilities built into the software. Do not forget to take into account that many values ​​​​in the descriptions are not maximum or minimum, but average.

Below are the criteria by which the approximate armor penetration calculation.

Calculation of armor penetration

  1. The sight circle is the circular deviation at the moment the projectile meets the target/obstacle. In other words, even if the target overlaps the circle, the projectile can hit the edge (the junction of the armor plates) or pass tangent to the armor.
  2. The reduction in projectile energy is calculated depending on the range.
  3. The projectile flies along a ballistic trajectory. This condition applies to all weapons. But for anti-tank weapons, the muzzle velocity is quite high, so the trajectory is close to a straight line. The projectile's flight path is not straight, and therefore deviations are possible. The sight takes this into account, showing the calculated area of ​​impact.
  4. The projectile hits the target. First, its position at the moment of impact is calculated - for the possibility of a rebound. If there is a rebound, then a new trajectory is taken and recalculated. If not, the armor penetration is calculated.
    In this situation, the probability of penetration is determined from the calculated armor thickness(this takes into account the angle and inclination) and the armor penetration of the projectile, and is + -30% of the standard armor penetration. Normalization is also taken into account.
  5. If a shell penetrates the armor, then it removes the number of hit points of the tank specified in its parameters (Relevant only for armor-piercing, sub-caliber and cumulative shells). Moreover, there is a possibility that when hit by some modules (cannon mantlet, caterpillar) they can completely or partially absorb the damage of the projectile, while receiving critical damage, depending on the area of ​​impact of the projectile. There is no absorption when armor is penetrated by an armor-piercing projectile. In cases with high-explosive fragmentation shells, there is absorption (slightly different algorithms are used for them). The damage of a high-explosive projectile upon penetration is the same as that of an armor-piercing one. If not penetrated, it is calculated according to the formula:
    Half the damage of a high-explosive fragmentation projectile - (armor thickness in mm * armor absorption coefficient). The armor absorption coefficient is approximately equal to 1.3, if the Anti-fragmentation lining module is installed, then 1.3 * 1.15
  6. The projectile inside the tank “moves” in a straight line, hitting and “piercing” modules (equipment and tankers), each of the objects has its own number of hit points. The damage dealt (proportional to the energy from point 5) is divided into damage directly to the tank and critical damage to modules. The number of hit points removed is a total number, so the more one-time critical damage, the fewer hit points are removed from the tank. And everywhere there is a probability of +- 30%. For different armor-piercing shells- the formulas use different coefficients. If the caliber of the projectile is 3 or more times greater than the thickness of the armor at the point of impact, then ricochet is excluded by a special rule.
  7. When passing through modules and causing critical damage to them, the projectile spends energy, and in the process completely loses it. Through penetration of the tank is not provided for in the game. But there is a possibility of receiving critical damage to a module through a chain reaction caused by a damaged module (gas tank, engine) if it catches fire and begins to cause damage to other modules, or explodes (ammunition rack), completely removing the hit points of the tank. Some places in the tank are recalculated separately. For example, the caterpillar and cannon mask receive only critical damage, without removing hit points from the tank, if armor-piercing projectile didn't go any further. Or the optics and hatch for the driver - in some tanks they are “weak points”.

Armor penetration of the tank depends on its level. The higher the level of the tank, the more difficult it is to penetrate it. Top tanks have maximum protection and minimal armor penetration.