Japanese facial massage Kobido is an ancient recipe for skin rejuvenation. Kobido facial massage - Japanese rejuvenation technique Kobido facial massage technique

Japanese masters are several steps ahead of the European and American school of massage.

It is thanks to their achievements that women all over the world have beauty, self-love and self-confidence. In this article we will talk about one of these techniques.

The name of the ancient Japanese massage technique Kobido (KoBiDo) translates as “traditional image of beauty”. This technique was created specifically for geishas, ​​and it was based on the practice of anma - the oldest oriental type of facial massage.

The effects of Kobido were experienced not only by Japanese geishas, ​​but also by samurai. With the help of a Kobido session, they restored their inner strength.

Many years later, the Kobido technique was not only not forgotten, but also became one of the most beloved among the wealthy segment of the Japanese population, starting from the fifteenth century. The rulers of that time used Kobido to maintain the freshness and healthy appearance of their skin.

The popularity of ancient Japanese technology is explained by its extremely high efficiency.

The technique allows you to speed up the process of restoration of the deep layers of the epithelium and relax the muscles of the face, neck and décolleté. The result is achieved through special massage techniques combining kneading, rubbing, pinching and stroking.

During the procedure, the lines that interact with certain organs and systems of the body are affected.

Increased attention is paid to the lines that are responsible for the functioning of the large intestine and urinary system. At the same time The cleansing process is accelerated and digestion is stimulated.

Working on these areas gives good results: The tone of the face is evened out, and overall health improves. It also affects the areas responsible for the functioning of the spleen and stomach.

The skin absorbs nutrients better and literally glows from the inside.

Benefits of Kobido massage

During the session, collagen and elastin begin to be actively produced. These anti-aging proteins are responsible for tissue repair.
Thanks to collagen and elastin, a powerful appearance appears on the skin.
The work is done with three fingers - thumb, middle and index. Every millimeter of the skin of the face, neck and décolleté is massaged.

Movements should be soft, careful, not causing pain or discomfort

It is impossible to influence the lymph nodes, because they are highly sensitive.

Indications and contraindications

Japanese Kobido massage will be effective for people who have the following problems:

  • facial or age wrinkles;
  • black dots;
  • loss of skin firmness and elasticity;
  • formation of age spots on the face;
  • excessive activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • too dry skin;
    headaches, migraines;
  • frequent fatigue, stress factors, tearfulness, signs of depression.
The technique will show excellent results in the winter season, when the skin has accumulated fatigue, turned red and covered with a rash.

Kobido massage technique has some limitations. Contraindications include:

  • epithelial diseases of infectious nature;
  • psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis;
  • recent salon procedures on the face, including injections, injections, plastic surgery, peeling;
  • injury to the neck, face or décolleté (scald, deep scratches, rash);
  • allergic manifestations on the surface of the skin;
  • low intracranial pressure;
  • diseases of the heart muscle, kidneys or liver;
  • oncological formations of any localization;
  • the first three months of pregnancy due to changes in the woman’s emotional background.

Massage technique

The Kobido technique is within the power of every woman; you just need to take the time to study it. Of primary importance is a correct understanding of the anatomical atlas on which the lymph nodes and facial muscle fibers are located.

A massage therapist practicing the Kobido technique must know by heart the location of the main lines and joints to be worked on.

The technique consists of several stages:

Cleansing and warming up. The first step is always to free the skin from makeup and cleanse it with a cleansing gel.

The second step is to open the pores. To do this, you can apply a hot towel rolled into a tourniquet to the skin of your face and neck. A hot bath has the same effect.

Next, it is necessary to deeply cleanse the skin of dead cells and excess fat. A delicate scrub is a great helper in this matter.

The final step before the procedure is to treat the epithelium with oil or cream. For oily skin, a light moisturizer will be enough; for dry skin, olive or linseed oil will be enough.

Active phase. Combines acupressure and lymphatic drainage techniques. During the massage, the specialist makes circular movements, while the massaged area becomes slightly numb.

Sometimes after the numbness there is a tingling sensation. Then, using the pads of your fingers, the skin moves, but without strong tension.

In this case, the tingling is replaced by itching and a feeling of a rush of hot warmth. Lymphatic drainage techniques include circular stroking movements, effleurage, and pinching along the main massage lines.

Duration and cost

The Kobido procedure in a beauty salon is performed on a massage couch. For better glide, use special facial oil. On average, the Kobido procedure lasts from 45 minutes to one and a half hours.

The price for this service varies depending on the status of the beauty salon and its location. For example, in the price list of a Moscow beauty salon, the procedure costs 2,500 rubles per session.

But in the capital you can often visit a massage therapist at a huge discount. Some salons in Moscow offer three procedures for only 1,500–2,000 rubles. The massage lasts 35–40 minutes.

In Perm, for a massage session using the Japanese Kobido technique, you will have to pay from 2,000 to 4,000 thousand rubles. For this amount, clients are offered one hour of relaxation and pleasure.

In Yekaterinburg, you can visit a Kobido specialist for only 1,300 to 1,500 rubles. In the capital of the Urals, the session lasts about 200 minutes. These three hours include: the preparation procedure, the massage itself and the relaxation period after the procedure.

Effect of massage

Kobido helps stop skin aging and gives it a healthy appearance. This type of massage eliminates tension and has a strong healing and restorative effect. The skin begins to “light up” from the inside.

The practice of Kobido has great value in quality.

At the first signs of age-related changes, Kobido can give an amazing effect

In one course, the skin completely gets rid of the first wrinkles, dullness and tired appearance.

Kobido is also very effective for aging facial skin:

  • deep relaxation of muscle tissue is achieved,
  • healing and regeneration of the body as a whole;
  • the direction of energy flows becomes more pronounced;
  • headaches disappear, nervousness and irritability disappear;
  • micro-tension of each muscle fiber on the face, as well as in the neck and décolleté is relieved;
  • the tone of the face is smoothed;
  • the skin becomes elastic, elastic, skin tightness increases;
  • the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized, the skin is saturated with moisture and oxygen;
  • blackheads and pimples are eliminated;
  • facial contours become clearer;
  • a lifting effect appears, the face tightens and “falls into place”;
  • age-related pigmentation disappears;
  • blood circulation improves, facial lymphatic drainage returns to normal;
  • Toxins, toxic elements, decay products and other harmful substances are removed from the body.

The result of regularly taking the Kobido course will please a woman with both visual changes in her appearance and an improvement in her emotional and physical state.


Japanese Kobido massage, with a professional approach, can give amazing results. However, you need to remember that an insufficiently qualified massage therapist can have an extremely negative impact on the skin.

Due to incorrect elaboration of lines and points, complications or disruptions in the functioning of various organs and systems are possible.

A little history. About Kobido massage

"Kobido is the oldest secret of Japanese facial rejuvenation. Kobido became famous in 1472 in Japan thanks to the beautiful Empress of that time, who, receiving massage treatments and skin care, especially requested Kobido sessions.

Kobido massage is part of traditional Japanese medicine, drawing on the ancient tradition of diagnostic medicine such as Anma and acupuncture. In a technical sense, massage has evolved from Anma, reaching its peak in areas such as cosmetology and the cosmetic industry in the last 200 - 300 years.

Kobido massage is the best therapeutic method that, through various hand movements, can significantly improve the condition of the skin and slow down the aging process. It also helps to enhance the regeneration of skin cells in deeper tissues, also promotes the synthesis of natural collagen and helps to relax and relieve tension from the muscles of the face, head and neck, has a general healing and rejuvenating effect. As a result, the face takes on a healthy appearance, is tightened, the skin is elastic and begins to glow." (Based on materials from www.kobido.kz)

The self-massage presented below can hardly be called a full-fledged Kobido massage, because Kobido, as a rule, is performed by a master who has undergone special training and has certain skills. The arsenal of movements is quite diverse, and includes tapping (percussion), elements of acupressure, and lymphatic drainage, the combination of which works the skin, muscles and fascia of the face, and also stimulates the facial nerves.

Nevertheless, this practice of self-massage is a successful and noteworthy attempt to adapt a number of basic Kobido movements for independent performance, which, with a little practice, can be used at home.
Just as a part of the whole acquires the properties of the whole, so this self-massage, even in this very simplified form, composed of Kobido elements, acquires its wonderful properties - testing this self-massage on myself for two weeks, I was able to verify this.

Let's start from the bottom.

Before the massage, it is advisable to apply a damp hot towel to the cleansed skin for a few minutes to warm up the tissues and expand the pores, thus preparing the face for the massage.
Self-massage is performed on well-oiled skin. The oil can be replaced with another equivalent cosmetic product, massage cream, foam, or use professional Japanese lines of cosmetics for massage. It is important to ensure that the skin is moisturized (oiled) throughout the massage, so you can add a little oil (cosmetics) to the massaged area before each exercise.

1. Using your fingers to line the jawline and neck. Light tapping movements from bottom to top.

2. Outlining the oval of the face. Smoothing, stretching the chin area from the center to the periphery. Movements are made with moderate pressure. This exercise helps create a defined jawline. Perform 5-6 times.

3. Repeat the previous steps, combining them into one sequential exercise.

4. Tapping massage of the lower cheeks. The finger movements are similar to those in step 1. Move from the center of the face to the ears and back. Make 2-3 such passes. This massage improves blood circulation and stimulates metabolic processes in skin cells.

5. We pinch the skin-muscular “roller” of the bottom of the cheeks and work it along the contour to the ears and back. Make 5-10 passes

6. We continue to form the oval of the face. We pinch the musculocutaneous cushion of the bottom of the cheek and perform stretching movements with resistance from the chin to the ears. First 5-6 times on one side of the face, then on the other.

7. Tapping movements of the middle and zygomatic parts of the cheeks to stimulate blood circulation and increase skin elasticity. The movements are similar to those performed on the lower part of the face. Move from the center of the face to the ears and back. Make 2-3 such passes. Then perform the movement on the other side of the face.

8. Gently grasp the cheek fold between your fingers, at the level starting from the cheekbone. Hold with one hand near the nose, creating resistance, with the other hand make smooth sliding movements of the fingers towards the ears. Fingers from below stroke the zygomaticus major muscle, fingers from above - the area under the eye. The movement must be performed on skin lubricated with cosmetic product (cream). Repeat 5-6 times on one side of the face. Then change hands and repeat the exercise on the other side.

9. Stretching the orbicularis oris muscle. Grasp the lip area between your fingers and, gently pressing, make stroking and stretching movements to the sides. Make 5-6 movements.

Note. Several years ago, while working with the orbicularis oris muscle, I unknowingly came up with a similar exercise. No matter how intimidating this movement may seem at first glance, in terms of fears that the skin will be stretched, from my own experience I can say that during long-term work there is no stretched skin. On the contrary, the skin near the mouth smoothed out, became more elastic, the muscles straightened, and the lip line became clearer.

10. Massage the bridge of the nose and between the eyebrows. Carry out quick whipping movements along the proud muscles, directed upward, capturing the area of ​​​​the bridge of the nose. Perform 20 whisking movements

11. Massage and smooth the upper part of the orbicularis oculi muscle, upper eyelids and subeyebrow area. Make 10 smoothing movements.

Note. I really like this exercise. After it, the eyebrow area opens up and smoothes out before your eyes. If you remember the feeling of straightening in the muscles and skin during the exercise, and then, after finishing the exercise, try to maintain this feeling, the effect will increase many times over. This exercise also releases and relieves tension from the area between the eyebrows.

12. Forehead massage. Perform tapping movements along the forehead from one side to the other and back. Make 5 such passes.

13. Kneading movements of the forehead area. The exercise relaxes the forehead muscles well and fluffs them up, stimulates blood circulation, and reduces wrinkles on the skin. Perform 4-5 passes.

14. From the center of the forehead, make smoothing movements with your hands towards your temples. In the first movement, stroke the area under the eyebrows with your fingers, in the second, the emphasis is above the eyebrows.
Perform 5-6 such movements in a complex.

© Maite
© Comments and animation Laine Butter, especially for the site website

The ideal faces of Japanese women are not legends. You can verify this thanks to the unique Japanese imperial facial massage Kobido, which combines aesthetics, relaxation, and meditation at the same time.

Kobido, translated from Japanese, means the Way of Preserving Beauty and is the most effective known natural method for qualitatively improving skin condition and slowing down the aging process.

One of the earliest mentions of Kobido massage can be found in ancient Japanese chronicles in 1472. The Empress of that time, receiving beauty treatments, attached particular importance to Kobido facial massage sessions and noted it as “her most beloved” and “having an incomparable effect.” As a result, the technique became more famous and in demand among the noble ladies of Japan, “so that their smooth and delicate skin, like a cherry petal, would intoxicate and drive them crazy.” Even the inexorable time could not leave a mark on their faces, and all this thanks to a mysterious technique.

The theoretical basis of Japanese facial massage is the concepts of the ancient tradition of diagnostic medicine such as Anma, acupuncture working with the facial meridians and tsubo (acupressure points), as well as a clear presentation of various techniques of hand movement.

Everything about Japanese massage is unusual - a unique, completely different from Western, technique of performing fascial-muscular groups, and not individual muscles, reflects a holistic view of the world, characteristic of the East. Japanese massage is distinguished by a special sophistication and elegance of movements, similar to a magical, bewitching dance of hands. All techniques are performed with light, “airy” movements. The technique of placing hands in this massage differs significantly from similar techniques in the West.

Another striking difference is versatility. Each of the massage techniques is characterized by a multifaceted effect on various layers of the skin, muscles, subcutaneous fat, blood vessels, for example, stroking, which simultaneously increases blood circulation, stimulates skin turgor, and calms the nervous system.

Regular Japanese facial massage Kobido will make the skin elastic, bright, refresh the complexion, restore the oval of the face and muscle turgor, smooth out wrinkles and remove swelling. It will also help you find peace of mind and inner harmony - massage has a psycho-emotional effect.

This massage has collected centuries-old knowledge on medicine, philosophy, and physiology. It has stood the test of time and has helped many women restore and maintain their beauty. Such knowledge is worth getting acquainted with!

Indications for use of massage:

  • loss of skin firmness and elasticity;
  • loss of turgor and muscle volume;
  • ptosis;
  • fine and deep wrinkles;
  • oily, dry, problem skin;
  • rosacea;
  • stress;
  • swelling of the face and paraorbital area;
  • age-related changes;
  • muscular asymmetry of the face;
  • sallow complexion;
  • chronic fatigue.


  • infectious diseases;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • surgical operations in the face and neck area (less than 1 month);
  • first three months of pregnancy;
  • acute mental disorders.

Kobido training is based on the gradual development of massage techniques according to the principle from simple to complex.

1 course

  • The concept of beauty in Japanese culture.
  • History of Kobido.
  • Indications and contraindications for facial massage.
  • Types of massage oils. Criteria for selecting oil for massage.
  • Special exercises to develop sensitivity in the fingers and hand.
  • Basic anatomy of the face and neck necessary to perform massage.
  • Hand care.
  • Safety precautions.
  • Massage techniques for the front and side of the neck.
  • Basic facial massage techniques.
  • Lymphatic drainage massage techniques.
  • Massage techniques for the back of the neck.
  • Scalp massage techniques.
  • Consistent massage.
  • Practicing acquired skills.

2nd year

  • Techniques for correcting the anterior surface of the neck.
  • Facial correction techniques.
  • Features of massage in different age groups and different skin types.
  • Features of their correction.
  • Features of facial massage for age-related facial changes (wrinkles, ptosis) and deformities (injuries, scars, scars after plastic surgery)
  • History and features of Japanese acupressure.
  • The concept of the five types of elemental energy.
  • The theory of yin-yang, wu-xing.
  • Indications and contraindications.
  • Techniques for working with meridians and points on the face.
  • Techniques for working with meridians and points of the scalp.
  • Techniques for working with out-of-channel points.
  • Consistent acupressure.
  • Practicing acquired skills.

Our experience, teaching methods, and curriculum show the highest results and allow students to achieve noticeable success in their massage practice. We train both massage therapists without medical education and specialists who already have a medical diploma. Regardless of your education, the course will be clear and will allow you to successfully apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

Kobido facial massage is a simple and at the same time effective way to improve the condition of your facial skin. Carrying out such procedures in a timely and regular manner allows you to achieve the desired results and significantly slow down age-related changes.

The method of implementation is simple, the main thing is to follow all the basic recommendations and strictly follow the key rules. Massage is suitable, including for an older group of people, and has minimal contraindications.

Kobido massage is a Japanese technique aimed at rejuvenating and improving the general condition of the facial epidermis. During the execution, the hands press on some tissues and facial muscles.

Features are:

  • the ability to perform the procedure independently or with the help of a specialist;
  • relatively short sessions;
  • visible improvement after one procedure.

Most people who do massage regularly note that energy saturation occurs for a long period, and all kinds of wrinkles are reduced after several sessions.

  • swelling of the face;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • with the appearance of wrinkles;
  • with muscle tension;
  • if you have uneven skin color and so on.

Massages are also performed to generally improve the condition of the epidermis and improve mood for the whole day.


Significant benefits from Kobido are observed even with major skin problems, as well as pronounced age-related changes. Conducting a session at the proper level ensures the following positive dynamics:

After the session, you feel a colossal surge of energy, a positive mood and relief from nervous tension.


Effectiveness is directly related to when the procedure is performed. It is necessary to follow clear rules in this matter:

  • conduct sessions only in the morning or in the evening;
  • do at the initial signs of skin withering;
  • perform 2 to 3 times a week and a course of 10 sessions.

According to Japanese cosmetologists, the ideal time for such procedures is before 8 am, when saturation at the cellular level is maximum. In addition, it is recommended to be in an excellent mood and only with positive thoughts in your head.

Main contraindications

Kobido has some contraindications, so people who have:

To prevent negative consequences, it is more advisable to discuss possible individual contraindications with a specialist.

The effect of Kobido massage

It is considered an excellent technique that allows you to see noticeable rejuvenation and overall improvement of the skin in a short time. This technique, when carried out properly, gives the following effect:

  • smoothes wrinkles;
  • relieves tension and fatigue;
  • relieves swelling;
  • normalizes metabolic processes;
  • gives a healthy tone to the skin;
  • evens out the oval of the face and so on.

At the end of each massage, you feel complete relaxation, as well as a sense of harmony on the inner level.

Preparing the face

A positive result largely depends on the implementation of preparatory measures. Experts recommend that before each session:

  1. Perform a complete facial cleansing:
  • remove all traces of makeup;
  • wash your face thoroughly, preferably with purified water;
  • Allow the skin to dry on its own after washing.
  1. Take the most comfortable position
  2. Drive away all negative thoughts and tune into a positive mood.

How to do Kobido massage, watch in this video:

It is advisable to turn off all phones at the preparatory stage and minimize the likelihood that there will be any external distractions during the meeting.

Massage technique

Kobido massage should be performed according to a certain technique. It is quite simple, but ignoring it will not bring the expected results or will worsen the condition of the epidermis.

How to do a massage correctly

Kobido must be done in compliance with a number of key rules:

  1. Before starting, assess the condition of the epidermis, highlight the most problematic areas that require maximum treatment.
  2. Perform movements using both the full palm and only the pads of the fingers.
  3. Alternate superficial and deep effects.
  4. The movements are performed in the appropriate order.
  5. For this purpose, only natural oils are used, such as almond oil.

If the skin type is not sensitive, and the capillaries are located far enough, then movements can be done at a fairly deep level.

Secrets of technology

The Kobido technique has a number of key secrets, knowledge of which will bring the expected result much faster. The main secrets are:

  1. Basically, all movements are done in a rotational manner.
  2. Manipulations are carried out on special flows that carry out energy exchanges.
  3. When massaging the forehead area, the hands move from its central part to the temples.
  4. There is a clear combination of light blows with deep pressure.
  5. Only three fingers are used.
  6. When performed, the lymph nodes are not affected.

Execution steps

This method of influencing the epidermis includes two important stages:

  • placing a towel soaked in hot water over the entire face for complete muscle relaxation;
  • treatment of the cervical region and décolleté with a moisturizing lotion.
  1. Stimulation of various areas of the face. At this stage, patting, stroking, and stretching of various areas in the face and neck are carried out. Moreover, each manipulation is repeated, on average, up to 5-10 times.
  2. Finishing movements. Include relaxing stroking of the head area to improve blood circulation, as well as general consolidation of results.

If it causes even minor pain, the procedure must be completed.

Is it possible to do it yourself?

Self-performing a massage using this method is allowed, the main thing is to realistically assess your strength, and also understand that there is a risk of worsening skin problems.

It is more advisable to contact an experienced specialist who will conduct a session using the required technique and taking into account all the features.

Result appears

The results appear after the first session and are expressed:

  • improves complexion and gives a healthy glow;
  • in reducing muscle tension;
  • in improving mood and charging with positive emotions.

The Kobido massage technique is described in this video:

After performing 8-10 massages, visible facial defects are eliminated, especially swelling and bags under the eyes. There is a leveling of the relief, a reduction in wrinkles, general strengthening, etc.

The results will appear faster if you resort to such a massage at the initial signs of skin changes and follow the procedures according to all the rules.

Possible complications

Possible complications are:

  1. Increased swelling on the face. This option occurs if the oil chosen for massage is not suitable for the skin or manipulations are performed late in the evening. In this case, you need to purchase another product and move the sessions to the morning.
  2. Significant decrease in elasticity. It is necessary to increase the application of the massage product to the facial area and reconsider the technique of its implementation, especially related to stretching the epidermis.
  3. The appearance of redness or skin rashes. It is necessary to finish the procedures for a while and allow the skin to fully recover.

All possible complications will be minimized if all the features of the epidermis are taken into account before starting the massage, and if the procedures are performed by an experienced master.


Kobido massage requires a certain knowledge of key secrets and techniques. A positive effect is achieved after several sessions, and the result lasts for a long period, but only if all movements are performed properly.

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is:)


Japanese massage is extremely popular among women of any age, which, thanks to its amazing property of stimulating blood circulation, can restore female youth and beauty. Japanese masters have been developing and improving methods for rejuvenating and healing the human body for many years, and this kind of procedure can be carried out not only in salons, but also at home. The main thing is to do everything correctly so as not to harm your health.

Japanese massage technique

Why do Japanese women of any age look young? The point here is not about plastic surgery on the face or body or the use of any miracle creams, although Japanese cosmetics are also very effective. Eastern women are helped to maintain their youth by a special worldview, for which caring for the body and face is a mandatory ritual performed regularly. If you use Japanese massage techniques with the same frequency as you brush your teeth in the morning, then the desired result from the procedures will not be long in coming.

Benefits for the body

The goal of a popular massage technique in Japan is to provide a rejuvenating effect by stimulating the body's natural processes. Thanks to this effect, the features become harmonious, blood circulation improves, the face smoothes and becomes toned, and the skin takes on a blooming, healthy appearance. Existing oriental techniques help strengthen facial muscles, prevent sagging, wrinkles and other age-related changes.

Reviews prove that the massage procedure not only tightens the skin and gives it a healthy color, but also improves the overall appearance and well-being of a person. In addition, popular techniques in Japan help enrich the skin with microelements, oxygen, improve regeneration and nutrition. When you experience the Japanese massage technique, swelling and signs of stress will be eliminated, and regular massage will help you always remain young and well-groomed, regardless of age.

Varieties of body techniques

In Eastern medicine, various massage techniques have long been practiced, and over the years they have been improved, based on extensive knowledge of human physiology and anatomy. The most popular are Amma massage, which helps stimulate the circulation of human energy, and Shiatsu, a finger pressure treatment used instead of acupuncture.


This Japanese technique is unique; it does not require the use of massage oils during the session or the presence of a special table. To perform an Amma massage, you do not need to lie down or undress - the master of oriental massage acts on parts of the body with the “yang” energy (the back side), and the vulnerable area with the “yin” energy is protected at this time by pillows. Using touch, the specialist determines the level of your physical and mental state, and identifies areas of the body that are subject to negative changes.

When working with energy flows, the master influences some points of the meridians where the movement of energy is blocked for some reason, while he removes the blockage and allows energy to move freely through the channels. Meridian massage is the best way to activate the circulation of energy; in just 20 minutes you will be full of vitality, but at the same time you will feel complete relaxation.

All techniques of the Amma technique are directed from the heart. During work, stroking, stretching, kneading, and rocking are used in areas of acupressure points. Massaging is carried out with fingers, palms, elbows and even knees to enhance the effect. Amma is an effective method for treating pain in the lumbar region, displaced discs, headaches, hypertension, and various types of injuries. The Japanese technique is also an anti-stress procedure, because it helps relieve both nervous and muscle tension.


Treatment using finger pressure has long been successfully used instead of acupuncture. Shiatsu affects biologically active points, which the master often chooses intuitively. Pressure is applied to them with the base of the palm and fingers. In the area of ​​the shoulder blades, chest, carotid artery and temporal region, pressure is applied with three fingers and the base of the palm; the back and limbs are massaged with the thumbs. The pressure is applied gently, without rubbing or displacing the tissue, while the working finger is positioned perpendicular to the area being treated.

There are several Shiatsu techniques: gentle and longer pressure - for 5-10 seconds on one point, without removing your fingers (repeated 2-3 times), as well as light pressure without jerking on a point for 3-5 seconds. Many elements of the technique are easy to learn, after which they can be performed at home. The duration of a general Shiatsu session is 60 minutes, a private session is about 5-15 minutes.

Japanese facial massage

Below we will consider the features of popular oriental techniques: Shiatsu acupressure, zogan massage from the Japanese stylist Yukuko Tanaka and skin treatment using the Kobido method. Each of the techniques has its own subtleties, but they are all united by one goal - providing a rejuvenating effect, healing, and eliminating the undesirable consequences of external factors influencing the skin.


The founder of this Japanese manual therapy using finger pressure is Takuhiro Nakimoshi. By acting on specific points, the lactic acid accumulated in the muscles is replaced by glycogen, which restores their natural contraction. Thanks to Shiatsu, facial wrinkles formed as a result of muscle hypertonicity are smoothed out. In addition, pressure with your fingertips stimulates blood circulation and lymph outflow, eliminating swelling, soothing the skin, and stimulating the functioning of organs.

When Shiatsu acupressure, you need to apply high-intensity pressure using the pads of the thumb, index and middle fingers, while the skin should be cleansed and moisturized. The time of pressure on each point is 5-7 seconds. The Japanese Shiatsu technique is as follows:

  1. Place your fingers on your forehead: your ring fingers should be in the center, the rest should be located a little further away. Press the points for 5-7 seconds. Massage all areas of the forehead in the same way.
  2. Massage the skin of the eyes and eyebrows. Using your ring fingers, press on the edge of the eyebrows, which is near the temples. Using the middle pads, press on the middle part of the eyebrows. Press on the area near the eyes with your index fingers.
  3. Press first on the outer corners of the eyes, then on the inner ones.
  4. Massage the bridge of the nose: place three fingers between the eyebrows, press for 5 seconds.
  5. To influence the upper part of the eyes, you need to press your ring fingers into the inner corners of the eyes, your middle fingers on the upper eyelids, and your index fingers should be in the outer corners of the eyes. Carry out actions carefully and gently. By analogy, do the same on the lower part of the eyes.
  6. Next, place the 3 main fingers in the subzygomatic part of the face. Press firmly, slightly pulling the skin upward.
  7. Press on the points located near the wings of the nose. Hold for 5 seconds.
  8. Press your finger on the point in the middle above the lip.
  9. To massage the corners of your lips, you need to press on them with the pads of your index fingers.
  10. You can influence the chin by pressing on the central dimple, which is located below the lips.
  11. Place three fingers along the cheekbones, placing the thumb under them. Press for 5 seconds. Repeat the action 3 times.
  12. Place 3 fingers along the neck and behind the ears. Hold for no more than 7 seconds.

Yukuko Tanaka

The Japanese stylist has brought back the forgotten massage technique of her compatriot Hiroshi Hisashi, adding new elements to increase its effectiveness. Zogan massage is a kind of gymnastics in which superficial tissues and deep muscles are exposed, due to which toxins are removed from the pores and the skin becomes toned. Providing osteopathic practice simultaneously with lymphatic drainage massage helps maintain beauty and youth for many years.

Asahi facial massage is performed in a sitting or standing position, while maintaining an even posture. The duration of one procedure should be about 10-15 minutes, and they should be done daily. Don’t forget to cleanse your skin before performing Japanese self-massage. Next, you can master the Asahi massage, which improves lymphatic drainage from the tissues of the facial muscles. However, first learn the finishing movement, which you will need to finish the exercise in any zone with the exception of the one done at the corners of the mouth:

  1. Using three fingers (ring, middle, index) of your left and right hands, lightly press on the point located near the ears - the area where the lymph nodes are located.
  2. Apply pressure with the entire length of each finger, pressing them firmly against the skin. The duration of pressure is 2 seconds.
  3. After this, smoothly descend to the collarbones with the same intensity of pressure.

Before starting the procedure, lubricate your face with massage cream, then prepare the skin by working out the area of ​​the lymph nodes. To do this, move your fingertips three times from the temporal region, moving down the neck to the collarbones. Next, do the following exercises:

  1. Smoothing the forehead. Place your ring, middle and index fingers in a horizontal position in the center of your forehead and press them tightly. Apply pressure for three seconds, move the pads towards your temples, pressing and pressing. Turn at a right angle, move your hands to the side of your face, along the ears, along the neck towards the collarbones, reducing the pressure.
  2. Massaging around the eyes. Place the pads of your working fingers near the outer corners, raising and spreading your elbows to the side. Move towards the inner corner, barely touching the skin. Fix the position by increasing the pressure. Apply moderate pressure under your brows, moving towards the outer corner. Fix the position, and after three seconds, return to the inner corner, while releasing the pressure. After this, pressing, move your fingers along the lower orbital bone, moving to the outer corner from the inner. Hold for 3 seconds, applying moderate pressure. Return to the inner corner, releasing pressure to a minimum.
  3. Chin, raising the corners of the mouth. Place your fingertips on the central dimple of the chin and press for 3 seconds. Outline your mouth, bringing your fingers together above your upper lip. Hold yourself in place by increasing the pressure.
  4. Lifting of the cheeks, lower part of the face. Fix one part of the face against the lower jaw bone. Slide your other hand to the outer edge of the eye, moving away from the lower jaw, while applying increased pressure. Stop and press for 3 seconds. By analogy, repeat the steps on the other side of the face.
  5. Smoothing nasolabial folds. Make 5 arched movements around the wings of the nose, slide to the bridge of the nose, and massage the back of the nose with rubbing movements.
  6. Massage the cheekbones, strengthening the middle of the face. Spread your elbows to your sides, place your fingers on your cheeks, move towards your temples, applying pressure to the skin.
  7. From the double chin. Place one palm under your chin and move it towards your earlobe, pressing the muscles well. Repeat on the other side.
  8. Face lift. Bring your hands to your chin, spread your palms to the side, bringing your elbows together. Place the bases of your palms on the chin, move them along the cheeks to the ears, pressing. Fix yourself at the extreme point.
  9. Open your palms towards your ears, applying considerable force. Smooth your face with your index finger and thumb. At the extreme point, fixate for 3 seconds.
  10. For wrinkles on the forehead. Smooth your forehead by moving from right to left in a zigzag motion. Complete the exercise by returning to the starting position.

Kobido massage

This technique is one of the most popular massage techniques. Kobido is aimed at enhancing the regeneration of skin cells, it helps relieve tension, while producing a powerful healing effect. To perform the actions yourself, you need to carefully study the anatomical atlas, paying special attention to the lymph nodes and facial muscles. The first stage of Kobido is cleansing the skin cells, steaming, peeling and moisturizing with a special cream or oil.

Having completed the first stage, you can begin to influence the lymphatic ducts and meridians. Massaging should be done with extreme caution so as not to put pressure on the lymph nodes, as they are sensitive and vulnerable. Next you need to carefully work the facial muscles. Those who like to perform self-massage techniques on their own should take into account that it is better to entrust Kobido to professionals, because insufficient knowledge of facial anatomy can be harmful.


Lymphatic drainage massages and any other effects aimed at skin rejuvenation are contraindicated for people who have:

  • any infectious disease;
  • high blood pressure;
  • decreased intracranial pressure;
  • skin diseases: rosacea, dermatitis, allergic manifestations;
  • pain syndrome;
  • viral disease, such as herpes;
  • diseases associated with tumors or neoplasms;
  • liver, heart, lung or kidney diseases of any severity.
