Shop at Mammon (for ancient adena AA). Unsealing things from Blacksmith of Mammon (Mammon Blacksmith) Merchant Mammon l2 where to find

Who is it and what do they eat it with?

As you know, there are different types of mamons: Blacksmiths, Sellers and Monks. Here I will talk about the Trader of Mammon.

Master Tom, who is known to the dwarves firsthand, has a friend, Trader of Mammon, who loves to rush around the catacombs, forcing us to waste time and ah.. ugh, I almost said “adena”. No, he doesn’t need simple adena, give him “Ancient Adena” and “Blank Skroll”, but for it he can easily do the following things:

1. Printout of A Grade sets

Required, respectively, is the item and Ancent Adena.

2. Selling things. Available for sale:

Crystal Scroll: Enchant of all stripes (requires "Blank Skroll" and "Ancient Adena")
Gemstone A (only requires "Ancient Adena")
Blessed Scroll (only requires "Ancient Adena")
Crystals A Grade (only "Ancient Adena" required)
Tattoo inks (requires "Ancient Adena" only)

3. Make A Grade duals.

4. Exchange or upgrade weapons.

Here is a list of weapons divided into groups by cost and gradation of weapons.

Scroll of Wisdom
Hand Ax
Heavy Mace
Work Hammer
Bone Staff
Crafted Dagger
Assassin Knife
Strengthened Bow
Branch of Life

2nd group. The cost of upgrading weapons from the first group is 282,000 "Ancient Adena"

Bastard Sword
Spinebone Sword
Artisan's Sword
Knight's Sword
Mace of Prayer
Mace of Judgment
Mace of Miracle
Doom Hammer
Mystic Staff
Conjuror's Staff
Staff of Mana
Poniard Dagger
Single-Edged Jamadhr
Long Bow
Eleven Bow
Dark Elven Bow
Dwarven Trident
Divine Tome

3rd group. The cost of upgrading weapons from the second group is 387,600 "Ancient Adena"

Two-Handed Sword
Crimson Sword
Elven Sword
Spiked Club
Staff of Magic
Dagger of Mana
Mystic Knife
Conjurer's Knife
Shillien Knife
Triple-Edged Jamadhr
War Hammer
Dwarven Pike
Blood of Saints
Tome of Blood

4th group. The cost of upgrading weapons from the third group is 519,600 "Ancient Adena"

Morning Star
Goat Head Staff
Winged Spear
Sword of Revolution
Skull Breaker
Heavy Bone Club
Strengthened Long Bow
War Pick
Crucifix of Blood
Cursed Maingauche

5 group. The cost of upgrading weapons from the fourth group is 480,000 "Ancient Adena"

Atuba Hammer
Ghost Staff
Staff of Life
Atuba Mace
Mithril Dagger
Scallop Jamadhr
Light Crossbow
Elven Long Sword

6 group. The cost of upgrading weapons from the fifth group is 588,000 "Ancient Adena"

Big Hammer
Battle Ax
Silver Ax
Skull Graver
Heavy Doom Hammer
Crystal Staff
Stick of Faith
Heavy Doom Ax
Cursed Dagger
Wolverine Needle
Dark Elven Dagger
Chakram Dual
Crystallized Ice Bow
Orcish Glaive
Body Slasher

7 group. The cost of upgrading weapons from the sixth group is 696,000 "Ancient Adena"

Bec de Corbin
Spirit Sword
Raid Sword
Cursed Staff
Soulfire Dirk
Elemental Bow
Noble Eleven Bow
Horn of Glory
Dwarven War Hammer

8 group. The cost of upgrading weapons from the seventh group is 1,716,000 "Ancient Adena"

Sword of Delusion
Homunculus's Sword
Sword of Limit
Sword of Nightmare
Sword of Whispering Death
War Ax
Nirvana Ax
Paradia Staff
Inferno Staff
Paagrio Hammer
Sage's Staff
Club of Nature
Mace of the Underworld
Grace Dagger
Dark Screamer
Fist Blade
Akat Long Bow
Heathen's Book

9 group. The cost of upgrading weapons from the eighth group is 2,196,000 "Ancient Adena"

Samurai Longsword
Deadman's Staff
Ghoul's Staff
Demon's Staff
Crystal Dagger
Great Pata
Eminence Bow
Orcish Poleaxe
Yaksa Mace

How to exchange or improve weapons

Weapon Exchange

The technology is simple. If you need to change a weapon of the same class, go to “weapon exchange” (be sure to put it in your inventory), first select yours and then change it to which one.
When exchanging Weapons, be sure to choose a weapon within the group (that is, change, for example, Saber - 1 group to Artisan's Sword 2 group. We will not be able to exchange weapons, this is done at the weapon improvement point)

Weapon Upgrade

Similarly, but a certain amount of "Ancient Adena" is required. That is, we go to “weapon improvement”, select ours, and then select a weapon from the next group (you cannot jump over a group - only one group higher).
For example, to get from Crystal Staff (6th group) - Sage Staff (8th group), change in the following order Crystal Staff (6) to Cursed Staff (7) then to Sage Staff (8).

List of prices for Mammon's services

Abbreviations used:
AA - Ancient Adena
DCS - Dualsword Craft Stamp
BS - Blank Scroll
nК = n*1000
nKK = n*1000000
Print Dark Crystall top (Heavy)381KAA
Print Dark Crystal bottom (Heavy)381KAA
Print Majestic one-piece (Heavy)570KAA
Print Tallum whole (Heavy)381KAA
Print Nightmare solid (Heavy)570KAA
Print Dark Crystal top (Light)381KAA
Print Dark Crystal bottom (Light)381KAA
Print Majestic solid (Light)570KAA
Print Tallum whole (Light)381KAA
Print Nightmare solid (Light)570KAA
Print Dark Crystal solid (Robe)381KAA
Print Majestic one-piece (Robe)570KAA
Print Tallum top (Robe)381KAA
Print Tallum bottom (Robe)381KAA
Print Nightmare one-piece (Robe)570KAA
Print Dark Crystal Boots87KAA
Print Tallum Boots87KAA
Print Majestic Boots132KAA
Print Nightmare Boots132KAA
Delete Keshanberk*Keshanberk1,953KK AA + DCS
Delete Keshanberk*Damascus3,989KK AA + DCS
Dual Damascus*Damascus2.31KK AA + DCS
Buy Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade C)110K AA + 220 BS
Buy Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade D)50K AA + 100 BS
Buy Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade A)240K AA + 480 BS
Buy Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade B)80K AA + 160 BS
Buy Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade C)15K AA + 30 BS
Buy Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade D)6KAA+12BS
Buy Gemstone A(1)30KAA
Buy Crystal: A Grade(1)21KAA
Buy Blessed Scroll of Escape(10)150KAA
Dye of42KAA
Greater Dye of60KAA
Greater Dye of72KAA
Greater Dye of108KAA
Greater Dye of174KAA

** With the help of Dye of 42K AA paint, a tattoo can only be made by a character who has completed the quest to change 1 profession, but has not completed the quest to change the 2nd. For those who completed the quest to change the 2nd profession, Greater Dye of 60K AA is needed.

Who is it and what do they eat it with?

As you know, there are different types of mamons: Blacksmiths, Sellers and Monks. Here I will talk about the Trader of Mammon.

Master Tom, who is known to the dwarves firsthand, has a friend, Trader of Mammon, who loves to rush around the catacombs, forcing us to waste time and ah.. ugh, I almost said “adena”. No, he doesn’t need simple adena, give him “Ancient Adena” and “Blank Skroll”, but for it he can easily do the following things:

1. Printout of A Grade sets

Required, respectively, is the item and Ancent Adena.

2. Selling things. Available for sale:

Crystal Scroll: Enchant of all stripes (requires "Blank Skroll" and "Ancient Adena")
Gemstone A (only requires "Ancient Adena")
Blessed Scroll (only requires "Ancient Adena")
Crystals A Grade (only "Ancient Adena" required)
Tattoo inks (requires "Ancient Adena" only)

3. Make A Grade duals.

4. Exchange or upgrade weapons.

Here is a list of weapons divided into groups by cost and gradation of weapons.

Scroll of Wisdom
Hand Ax
Heavy Mace
Work Hammer
Bone Staff
Crafted Dagger
Assassin Knife
Strengthened Bow
Branch of Life

2nd group. The cost of upgrading weapons from the first group is 282,000 "Ancient Adena"

Bastard Sword
Spinebone Sword
Artisan's Sword
Knight's Sword
Mace of Prayer
Mace of Judgment
Mace of Miracle
Doom Hammer
Mystic Staff
Conjuror's Staff
Staff of Mana
Poniard Dagger
Single-Edged Jamadhr
Long Bow
Eleven Bow
Dark Elven Bow
Dwarven Trident
Divine Tome

3rd group. The cost of upgrading weapons from the second group is 387,600 "Ancient Adena"

Two-Handed Sword
Crimson Sword
Elven Sword
Spiked Club
Staff of Magic
Dagger of Mana
Mystic Knife
Conjurer's Knife
Shillien Knife
Triple-Edged Jamadhr
War Hammer
Dwarven Pike
Blood of Saints
Tome of Blood

4th group. The cost of upgrading weapons from the third group is 519,600 "Ancient Adena"

Morning Star
Goat Head Staff
Winged Spear
Sword of Revolution
Skull Breaker
Heavy Bone Club
Strengthened Long Bow
War Pick
Crucifix of Blood
Cursed Maingauche

5 group. The cost of upgrading weapons from the fourth group is 480,000 "Ancient Adena"

Atuba Hammer
Ghost Staff
Staff of Life
Atuba Mace
Mithril Dagger
Scallop Jamadhr
Light Crossbow
Elven Long Sword

6 group. The cost of upgrading weapons from the fifth group is 588,000 "Ancient Adena"

Big Hammer
Battle Ax
Silver Ax
Skull Graver
Heavy Doom Hammer
Crystal Staff
Stick of Faith
Heavy Doom Ax
Cursed Dagger
Wolverine Needle
Dark Elven Dagger
Chakram Dual
Crystallized Ice Bow
Orcish Glaive
Body Slasher

7 group. The cost of upgrading weapons from the sixth group is 696,000 "Ancient Adena"

Bec de Corbin
Spirit Sword
Raid Sword
Cursed Staff
Soulfire Dirk
Elemental Bow
Noble Eleven Bow
Horn of Glory
Dwarven War Hammer

8 group. The cost of upgrading weapons from the seventh group is 1,716,000 "Ancient Adena"

Sword of Delusion
Homunculus's Sword
Sword of Limit
Sword of Nightmare
Sword of Whispering Death
War Ax
Nirvana Ax
Paradia Staff
Inferno Staff
Paagrio Hammer
Sage's Staff
Club of Nature
Mace of the Underworld
Grace Dagger
Dark Screamer
Fist Blade
Akat Long Bow
Heathen's Book

9 group. The cost of upgrading weapons from the eighth group is 2,196,000 "Ancient Adena"

Samurai Longsword
Deadman's Staff
Ghoul's Staff
Demon's Staff
Crystal Dagger
Great Pata
Eminence Bow
Orcish Poleaxe
Yaksa Mace

How to exchange or improve weapons

Weapon Exchange

The technology is simple. If you need to change a weapon of the same class, go to “weapon exchange” (be sure to put it in your inventory), first select yours and then change it to which one.
When exchanging Weapons, be sure to choose a weapon within the group (that is, change, for example, Saber - 1 group to Artisan's Sword 2 group. We will not be able to exchange weapons, this is done at the weapon improvement point)

Weapon Upgrade

Similarly, but a certain amount of "Ancient Adena" is required. That is, we go to “weapon improvement”, select ours, and then select a weapon from the next group (you cannot jump over a group - only one group higher).
For example, to get from Crystal Staff (6th group) - Sage Staff (8th group), change in the following order Crystal Staff (6) to Cursed Staff (7) then to Sage Staff (8).

List of prices for Mammon's services

Abbreviations used:
AA - Ancient Adena
DCS - Dualsword Craft Stamp
BS - Blank Scroll
nК = n*1000
nKK = n*1000000
Print Dark Crystall top (Heavy)381KAA
Print Dark Crystal bottom (Heavy)381KAA
Print Majestic one-piece (Heavy)570KAA
Print Tallum whole (Heavy)381KAA
Print Nightmare solid (Heavy)570KAA
Print Dark Crystal top (Light)381KAA
Print Dark Crystal bottom (Light)381KAA
Print Majestic solid (Light)570KAA
Print Tallum whole (Light)381KAA
Print Nightmare solid (Light)570KAA
Print Dark Crystal solid (Robe)381KAA
Print Majestic one-piece (Robe)570KAA
Print Tallum top (Robe)381KAA
Print Tallum bottom (Robe)381KAA
Print Nightmare one-piece (Robe)570KAA
Print Dark Crystal Boots87KAA
Print Tallum Boots87KAA
Print Majestic Boots132KAA
Print Nightmare Boots132KAA
Delete Keshanberk*Keshanberk1,953KK AA + DCS
Delete Keshanberk*Damascus3,989KK AA + DCS
Dual Damascus*Damascus2.31KK AA + DCS
Buy Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade C)110K AA + 220 BS
Buy Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade D)50K AA + 100 BS
Buy Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade A)240K AA + 480 BS
Buy Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade B)80K AA + 160 BS
Buy Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade C)15K AA + 30 BS
Buy Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade D)6KAA+12BS
Buy Gemstone A(1)30KAA
Buy Crystal: A Grade(1)21KAA
Buy Blessed Scroll of Escape(10)150KAA
Dye of42KAA
Greater Dye of60KAA
Greater Dye of72KAA
Greater Dye of108KAA
Greater Dye of174KAA

** With the help of Dye of 42K AA paint, a tattoo can only be made by a character who has completed the quest to change 1 profession, but has not completed the quest to change the 2nd. For those who completed the quest to change the 2nd profession, Greater Dye of 60K AA is needed.

By participating in the struggle for possession of the Seven Seals, you receive stones of different colors. These stones can be exchanged for ancient adena - money used in the days when the Titans still ruled over Aden.

Ancient adena cannot be used to buy things in regular stores, but they are very popular among the Brotherhood of Mammon - a very ancient organization of merchants seeking to gain unlimited power over Aden. In their stores you can find everything that is so difficult to get in the usual way, even for a lot of money.

Here is a list of what representatives of the Brotherhood of Mammon can offer you - from the sale of enchantment scrolls to the exchange of one type of weapon for another. The range of these goods can amaze even experienced travelers.

Representatives of the Brotherhood of Mammon can only be found in certain places. Monks (Priest of Dawn, Priest of Dusk) usually roam cities in search of converts. Traders of Mammon prefer the deathly silence of the Necropolis, and blacksmiths of Mammon prefer the pitch darkness of the Catacomb.

Representatives of the brotherhood appear only when one of the parties - the Lords of Dawn or the Lords of Dusk - wins certain seals in the struggle for possession of all the Seven Seals. They warn of their appearance with a loud cry. At the same time, blacksmiths and traders often move, not staying in one place for more than half an hour.

Merchant of Mammon



Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade D) 6 000
Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade C) 15 000
Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade B) 80 000
Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade A) 240 000
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade D)
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade C) 110 000
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade B) 500 000
30 000
Gemstone S 100 000
Crystal: A Grade 15 000
Crystal: S Grade 25 000
Blessed Scroll of Escape 150 000
Blessed Scroll of Resurrection 500 000
Low Grade +1/-1 Dye (tattoo inks) 42 000
High Grade +1/-1 Dye (tattoo inks) 60 000
High Grade +2/-2 Dye (tattoo inks) 72 000
High Grade +3/-3 Dye (tattoo inks) 108 000
High Grade +4/-4 Dye (tattoo inks) 174 000

Blacksmith of Mammon (Blacksmith)



Inserting red SA into A class weapons 140-157
Inserting green SA into A class weapons 140-157
Inserting blue SA into A class weapons 140-157
SA insert into S class weapons 82 gems + 1 cry 13 lvl
Weapon upgrade: top-D class to best-D class 480 000
Weapon upgrade: best-D class to low-C class 580 000
Weapon upgrade: low-C class to middle-C class 696 000
Weapon upgrade: middle-C class to top-C class 1 716 000
Weapon upgrade: top C class to best C class 2 200 000
Exchange one type of weapon for another 0
For free!
Removing the seal from sealed Tallum, Dark Crystall helmets 130 500
Removing the seal from sealed Tallum, Dark Crystall gloves 87 000
Unsealing Tallum, Dark Crystall Boots 87 000
Unsealing Tallum, Dark Crystall Armor and Leggings or Full Armor 381 000
Removing the seal from sealed Majestic, Nightmare helmets 198 000
Removing the seal from sealed Majestic, Nightmare gloves 132 000
Removing the seal from sealed Majestic, Nightmare boots 132 000
Unsealing Majestic, Nightmare Armor and Leggings or Full Armor 579 750
Unsealing a Sealed Majestic Ring 426 834
Unsealing the Sealed Majestic Earing 640 251
Unsealing a Sealed Majestic Necklace 853 669
Unsealing the Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate 1 072 500
Unsealing the Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters 672 000
Unsealing Drakonic Light Armor 1 305 000
Unsealing a Sealed Major Arcana Robe 1 305 000
Unsealing sealed S-grade helmets 402 750
Removing the seal from sealed S-grade gloves 268 500
Removing the seal from sealed S-grade boots 268 500
Unsealing a Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield 282 000
Unsealing a Sealed Tateossian Necklace 1 494 460
Unsealing the Sealed Tateossian Earring 1 120 845
Unsealing a Sealed Tateossian Ring 747 230
Dualization of swords Keshanberk*Keshanberk 1 953 000
Dualization of swords Keshanberk*Damascus 3 989 000
Dual Sword Damascus*Damascus

2 310 000

Tallum Blade*Dark Legion's Edge Sword Dualization

Weapon exchange:

1 group

Scroll of Wisdom
Hand Ax
Heavy Mace
Work Hammer
Bone Staff
Crafted Dagger
Assassin Knife
Strengthened Bow
Branch of Life

2nd group . The cost of upgrading weapons from the first group 282.000 "Ancient Adena"

Bastard Sword
Spinebone Sword
Artisan's Sword
Knight's Sword
Mace of Prayer
Mace of Judgment
Mace of Miracle
Doom Hammer
Mystic Staff
Conjuror's Staff
Staff of Mana
Poniard Dagger
Single-Edged Jamadhr
Long Bow
Eleven Bow
Dark Elven Bow
Dwarven Trident
Divine Tome

3rd group. The cost of upgrading weapons from the second group 387.600 "Ancient Adena"

Two-Handed Sword
Crimson Sword
Elven Sword
Spiked Club
Staff of Magic
Dagger of Mana
Mystic Knife
Conjurer's Knife
Shillien Knife
Triple-Edged Jamadhr
War Hammer
Dwarven Pike
Blood of Saints
Tome of Blood

4th group. The cost of upgrading weapons from the third group 480,000 "Ancient Adena"

Morning Star
Goat Head Staff
Winged Spear
Sword of Revolution
Skull Breaker
Heavy Bone Club
Strengthened Long Bow
War Pick
Crucifix of Blood
Cursed Maingauche

5 group . The cost of upgrading weapons from the fourth group 480,000 "Ancient Adena"

Atuba Hammer
Ghost Staff
Staff of Life
Atuba Mace
Mithril Dagger
Scallop Jamadhr
Light Crossbow
Elven Long Sword

6 group . The cost of upgrading weapons from the fifth group 588.000 "Ancient Adena"

Big Hammer
Battle Ax
Silver Ax
Skull Graver
Heavy Doom Hammer
Crystal Staff
Stick of Faith
Heavy Doom Ax
Cursed Dagger
Wolverine Needle
Dark Elven Dagger
Chakram Dual
Crystallized Ice Bow
Orcish Glaive
Body Slasher

7 group. The cost of upgrading weapons from the sixth group 696.000 "Ancient Adena"

Bec de Corbin
Spirit Sword
Raid Sword
Cursed Staff
Soulfire Dirk
Elemental Bow
Noble Eleven Bow
Horn of Glory
Dwarven War Hammer

8 group. The cost of upgrading weapons from the seventh group 1.716.000 "Ancient Adena"

Sword of Delusion
Homunculus's Sword
Sword of Limit
Sword of Nightmare
Sword of Whispering Death
War Ax
Nirvana Ax
Paradia Staff
Inferno Staff
Paagrio Hammer
Sage's Staff
Club of Nature
Mace of the Underworld
Grace Dagger
Dark Screamer
Fist Blade
Akat Long Bow
Heathen's Book

9 group. The cost of upgrading weapons from the eighth group 2,196,000 "Ancient Adena"

Samurai Longsword
Deadman's Staff
Ghoul's Staff
Demon's Staff
Crystal Dagger
Great Pata
Eminence Bow
Orcish Poleaxe
Yaksa Mace
Berserker Blade

Attention! When exchanging weapons within the same group, enchantments are retained, but SA is lost. When improved, both enchantments and SA are lost.

Weapon exchange. Weapon exchange is free of charge. If you need to change a weapon of the same class, go to “weapon exchange” (be sure to put it in your inventory), first select yours, then which one you are changing to. You can only change weapons for weapons within the same group. Those. We cannot change, for example, Saber - group 1 to Artisan's Sword group 2 - in a weapon exchange; this is done at the weapon improvement point.

Upgrading weapons. To improve a weapon, a certain amount of Ancient Adena is required. In “weapon improvement” we select ours, and then select a weapon from the next group. You cannot jump over a group - you can only upgrade weapons one group higher. For example, to get from Crystal Staff (6th group) - Sage Staff (8th group), change in the following order Crystal Staff (6) to Cursed Staff (7) then to Sage Staff (8).

Priests of Down/Dusk (Monks)



Greater Healing Potion 1 080
Blessed Scroll of Resurrection for Pets 6 000
Greater Haste Potion 3 600
Greater Magic Haste Potion 7 200

Blacksmith of Mammon is a key blacksmith in Lineage II. Any actions related to items, such as removing and adding special abilities, removing the seal of chaos and bonds, producing high-rank dual weapons, and much more, can only be done with the help of an NPC called the Blacksmith of Mammon. Its unique feature is that it moves to a random and completely unpredictable location every 30 minutes. Thank goodness the Godness of Destruction update narrowed his "favorite spots" to the largest cities. This article will introduce you to the easiest way to catch this blacksmith.

It is best to start your search from the village of Gludin. You can get into it using a teleport system. From the portal keeper, go down the steps and move west exactly until the wall blocks your path. On the left side of it should be the dark elf guild building. Turn 90° to the left and move along this wall until you see an NPC named Smuggler of Mammon. If there is no one near him, continue your search.

Now teleport to the city of Gludio. Immediately after this, go up the stairs to the Einhasad Temple. Find the main entrance there and go around the building on the right side. The Blacksmith of Mammon should be located behind the temple. If it's not there, continue your search.

Next in line is the city of Dion. Immediately after the teleport, go to the gate closest to you. As soon as you enter the city, immediately turn to the right and go around the corner of the building. If the Blacksmith of Mammon you need is in Dion, you will see him right away, and if not, you will have to continue your search again.

Now Giran. Cross strictly diagonally across the main city square and turn into the arch, which will open the road to the northern gate. Immediately behind this arch there is a staircase, to the right of which is one of the favorite places of the character you need.

Now check out the town of Hein. It can be divided into five parts: the central and four adjacent outlying parts. Each zone is connected to its neighbors using bridges. You need to go to the northernmost part of the city. The same blacksmith should be in it.

If you've read this far, it means luck definitely doesn't like you. Now head to Aden through the city of Giran. From the teleport site, go down to the central square, then cross it and reach the northern arch. Now there will be another staircase, but do not go down it all the way, but turn about halfway to the right and go around the building closest to you. Now your reference is the smuggler of Mammon. If there is no blacksmith near him, continue your search.

Next stop is the hunters' village. Go along one of the bridges to the outskirts of the village (numerous guild buildings will be your landmark). The blacksmith will be standing to the right of the dark elf guild. Teleport to Oren. Immediately upon arrival, you will see a warehouse building in front of you. Go around it from any side you like and head to the opposite part of the city. The Blacksmith of Mammon should be standing between the nameless buildings located next to the warriors' guild.

→ Lineage 2: weapon exchange

Until recently, mammon in L2 played an important role in the life of every player. After the quest of 7 seals was canceled as unnecessary, players were able to easily find a merchant and a blacksmith in cities.

In earlier chronicles, the appearance of mamons in L2 was eagerly awaited, since only from them it was possible to buy rare items, print armor and insert sa. If there was a week of struggle on the server, then the week turned into long days of waiting when you could finally put on your set or insert it into your weapon.

How to change weapons?

In L2, the blacksmith Mamon performs quite a few functions, and one of them is the exchange of weapons. In lineage 2, only a blacksmith can exchange weapons, but to do this, he must give his own. With the advent of the Chronicles of Grace Finale and the expansion of the assortment in the store in Lineage 2, the exchange of weapons became unnecessary, since all weapons that could only be obtained from mammon now became available in the store.

In L2, you can bring weapons of grade C and D to the blacksmith Mamon for exchange; the weapon must be in your inventory, then you will see what the blacksmith can offer you in return. In Lineage 2, you can exchange weapons even with a point, while the point of the received weapon is retained. For example, in L2 you give Dark Screamer +6 to the blacksmith of mammon, and in return you receive Homunculus Sword +6. If the blacksmith Mamon in L2 upgrades his weapon, for example, from D to C, then the point is not saved. To increase the level of a weapon, the blacksmith needs to pay some more amount of old adena, which can be obtained from the priest or bought on the market. To get top C weapons you had to spend a lot of old adena. In lineage 2 chronicles C4 and Interlude, weapon exchange was the only way to get guns such as Orish Poleaxe, Samurai Longsword, Eminence Bow, Homunculus Sword and others.

Other functions of mamons

In L2, only the blacksmith Mamon can insert sa into weapons of grade A and S; for his work he will take some A or S gems, depending on the weapon. You can buy gemstones from a merchant, who also randomly moves around necropolises, like a blacksmith through katas. Gemstones are also needed for crafting, so on victory days everyone is looking for the merchant, since most players want to try to craft their own jewelry, armor or weapons.