Dietary "Olivier" Olivier without mayonnaise! Olivier classic recipe without mayonnaise

So much has been said about the dangers of mayonnaise. It is fatty, too high in calories, and contains too much salt. There are countless complaints about the most popular sauce. But nevertheless, we buy it and cannot refuse it.

Often we just need a thick and spicy sauce for traditional salads: Olivier salad, herring under a fur coat. But mayonnaise can be replaced with lighter sauces that will add a fresh twist to familiar dishes. These simple and tasty dressings for salads, meat and fish dishes are very easy to prepare, they consist of simple and affordable ingredients, so you can safely use them.

When store shelves are bursting with all kinds of pickles, and nutritionists and fitness trainers insist on the harmfulness of classic dressing, let’s figure out what can replace it. Today we will tell you how to season Olivier instead of mayonnaise so that the traditional appetizer does not lose its taste.

There are a great many options; we offer you several proven, simple recipes, based on which you can even “invent” your own dressing.

Sour cream-sesame sauce for Olivier


  • 1 tbsp. spoon of ground sesame
  • 2-3 tbsp. spoons of clean water
  • juice of half a lemon
  • asafoetida (if available)
  • well chopped dill and parsley


  1. Mix ground sesame seeds, water, lemon juice until it reaches the consistency of pancake batter; if it is too thick, add more water. Add asafoetida, well-chopped dill and parsley.
  2. The sauce prepared in this way can be used to season any salads instead of sour cream, vegetable oil and mayonnaise.

Egg-sour cream sauce for Olivier


  • Sour cream - 5 tablespoons
  • Egg yolks - 2 pieces
  • French mustard - 1 teaspoon
  • Salt - 1 pinch
  • Turmeric - 0.5 teaspoon
  • Lemon juice - 1 teaspoon

Cooking method:

  1. This quick sauce recipe includes ingredients such as: sour cream (I use 25% fat), egg yolks, lemon juice, salt, turmeric (for color and light flavor, but not necessary), and French mustard (you can substitute it if desired). any other).
  2. In fact, it will take you about 15 minutes to prepare this simple sauce, 10 of which are spent boiling the eggs.
  3. After boiling, boil them hard for 8-10 minutes, then quickly cool them in ice. We clean and separate the yolks from the whites (we won’t need the latter for the sauce - you can just eat them or use them in other dishes).
  4. Grind the yolks on the finest grater or just with a fork, put them in a bowl.
  5. Add a pinch of salt and turmeric.
  6. Then add sour cream. Beat everything with a mixer or immersion blender until smooth - about 10 seconds.
  7. Then add mustard and lemon juice.
  8. Beat everything again (you can even stir with a fork) and the egg-sour cream sauce is ready.
  9. Immediately after cooking, it is not thick, but when it sits in the refrigerator for an hour, it thickens well.
  10. Try and change the taste of familiar foods and dishes using all kinds of sauces.

White dietary sauce for Olivier


  • Wheat flour – 40-50 gr. (2 tablespoons with a small slide);
  • Butter (softened) – 50 gr. (2 tbsp. spoons);
  • Milk – 500 ml. (2 faceted glasses filled to the top);
  • Salt - to taste;
  • White pepper (freshly ground) - to taste;
  • Nutmeg (ground) – a pinch (optional)
  • Paprika (ground sweet pepper) – a pinch (optional).

Cooking method:

  1. Let's start preparing the sauce by melting the butter.
  2. To do this, we need dishes with one handle (like a ladle), with a thick bottom and preferably with a non-stick coating.
  3. Melt the butter over very low heat.
  4. The butter should melt, but under no circumstances should it fry!
  5. Do not under any circumstances use aluminum cookware with a thin bottom.
  6. In the first case, the sauce will take on a grayish color, and in the second, it will burn.
  7. The butter for the sauce should be softened, but if there is no time to defrost, then grate it.
  8. This is necessary so that it melts evenly on the stove.
  9. If you throw a frozen piece of butter into melting, some will melt and begin to burn, while some will still melt.
  10. And since we are preparing a white sauce, we don’t need any color change!
  11. The butter has melted and now we will add wheat flour.
  12. The flour must be sifted in advance.
  13. Pour the flour into the melted butter and thoroughly rub and mix with a wooden spatula.
  14. Keep the bowl with flour on the stove over moderate heat until it begins to boil, rise like a cap and foam.
  15. All this time we do not leave the stove, but constantly stir and grind the flour.
  16. If small lumps appear there is nothing to worry about, it should not bother you at this stage.
  17. Stir the flour constantly, do not increase the heat, watch the color of the flour - it should acquire a soft creamy color.
  18. Under no circumstances should you burn!
  19. As soon as our flour is prepared for further actions, remove the dishes from the heat and pour in cold milk in very small portions in a thin stream.
  20. At the same time as pouring in the milk, whisk and stir the sauce.
  21. Having poured in about a third of the total volume of milk, set the milk aside and thoroughly mix and beat the sauce; as soon as the sauce becomes a homogeneous consistency, pour in the rest of the milk, add salt and spices to the sauce, return the dishes to the stove.
  22. We don't stop stirring.
  23. Bring the sauce to a boil over moderate heat, stirring constantly, and continue stirring.
  24. Perform all these steps for 5-7 minutes from the moment it boils.
  25. To prevent lumps from forming, cold milk is added to the sauce.
  26. If you add hot, then due to the high temperatures of flour and milk, cooking will occur, which will lead to the formation of lumps.
  27. Milk can also be added warm, but not boiled, although many recipes call for adding hot milk.
  28. In this case, the sauce will have to be rubbed through a sieve or the lumps broken up by beating with a mixer or in a blender.
  29. The preparation time for the sauce should not exceed 10 minutes.
  30. We are making a sauce, not a paste, so the cooking time must be strictly observed.
  31. Therefore, after boiling the sauce, note the time and taste it every minute.
  32. After the fifth minute, you will notice how the taste of the sauce changes, acquiring a pleasant milky tint.
  33. After 5-7 minutes of cooking, remove the sauce from the heat and pour it into a dry gravy boat.
  34. If your sauce is too thick, then pour in a sufficient amount of milk, stir well and heat on the stove.
  35. If it turns out too liquid, then grind the butter with flour (1:1), add to the sauce and cook for 2 minutes after boiling.
  36. Another way to thicken the sauce is to continue cooking it for up to 40-60 minutes.
  37. During this time, the taste of paste will disappear.
  38. You can store the sauce in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.

Delicious tartar sauce for Olivier


  • 8 pcs. chicken eggs,
  • 800 g salmon stew,
  • 2 heads of red onion,
  • 8 basil leaves,
  • 2 tbsp. l. olive oil,
  • 50 g parsley,
  • 2 tsp. lemon juice,
  • 120 g 25% sour cream,
  • 120 g capers,
  • ground black pepper,
  • salt.

Cooking method:

  1. To prepare the salmon dish with tartar sauce you will need about 20 minutes of your free time.
  2. Boil the eggs for exactly 10 minutes after boiling so that the yolk does not darken too much.
  3. Peel and separate the yolks from the whites.
  4. We grate both.
  5. Carefully cut the tesha into slices 4–5 mm thick, then into strips of the same width and into cubes.
  6. Sprinkle the fish with finely chopped red onion, basil, and salt and pepper to taste.
  7. Add olive oil and lemon juice, mix well.
  8. Using a cooking ring, spread the tartar sauce onto a plate.
  9. Place the grated yolk around its perimeter, then the white, and decorate the outer perimeter with parsley.
  10. Finely chop a quarter of a red onion and sprinkle with parsley.
  11. We complete the picture with capers scattered on the plate and remove the ring.
  12. Spread sour cream on top.
  13. Trout with tartar sauce will also be delicious.

Sour cream sauce with basil for Olivier salad


  • 100 gr. sour cream
  • 2 tbsp. mayonnaise
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • 1 tsp basilica
  • salt,
  • black pepper to taste

Cooking method:

  1. Mix sour cream and mayonnaise in a bowl and mix well.
  2. Squeeze the garlic through a garlic press and add to the sour cream.
  3. Now add basil, salt and pepper.
  4. Mix very thoroughly.
  5. Everything is so easy and simple, and the sauce turns out simply amazing, try it, you won’t regret it.
  6. This sauce will greatly enhance meat dishes.

Sour cream sauce instead of mayonnaise


  • Butter
  • Sour cream

Cooking method:

  1. First you need to dry the flour.
  2. Place the required amount of flour in a frying pan and place on low heat.
  3. The flour must be stirred constantly and not allowed to burn.
  4. As soon as the smell of bread appears, you need to add butter to the flour.
  5. Oil will not spoil the porridge, so you can add more of it.
  6. To save money, I added margarine in a 1:1 ratio
  7. As the butter melts, it will coat all the flour, preventing lumps from forming.
  8. Don't forget to stir.
  9. You should end up with a mass like the one in the photo below.
  10. Next, add the filler to the resulting oily mass and stir quickly.
  11. In my case, the filling was sour cream.
  12. After mixing the butter mixture with sour cream, you get this creamy mass.
  13. Dilute the resulting creamy mass with milk or broth to the desired consistency.
  14. I used both in the ratio: 1 cup milk - 2 cups broth.
  15. The liquid should be added in small portions, stirring thoroughly.
  16. Don't forget to add salt to our white sauce.
  17. Bring the sauce to a boil, stirring constantly, and remove from heat.
  18. If you decide to use milk, it is better not to dilute it, but to make a pure milk sauce.
  19. But the sauce with cream can be diluted with broth. The cream itself is very fatty, so we also use butter.
  20. Although, undoubtedly, the sauce will be much tastier from pure cream, and richer
  21. You can pour a little vegetable oil into the finished white sauce.
  22. The oil will spread in a thin layer and will not allow a crust to form on the surface of the sauce.

Dietary apple mayonnaise for Olivier


  • Apple juice 250 ml
  • Dry ginger 0.1 g
  • Ground nutmeg 0.1 g
  • Ground black pepper 0.2 g
  • Salt 1 tsp.
  • Sugar 1 tsp.
  • Table vinegar 1 tbsp. l.
  • Mustard 3 tsp.
  • Potato starch 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • Apple 2 pcs.
  • Refined sunflower oil 100 ml

Cooking method:

  1. To prepare apple mayonnaise, we need mustard, apple, sunflower oil, vinegar, starch, sugar, apple juice, salt, pepper, ground ginger and nutmeg.
  2. Combine apple juice (200 ml) with starch.
  3. Peel and cut the apples.
  4. Combine apples with vinegar, sugar and 50 ml of apple juice.
  5. Boil for 6-7 minutes. Knead. Add mustard, salt, pepper.
  6. Place the mixture into a blender bowl. Add sunflower oil.
  7. Grind. Place the apple mixture into a saucepan. Add apple juice with starch.
  8. Bring to a boil, but do not boil.
  9. Add nutmeg and ground ginger to the hot mixture. Mix.
  10. Serve with fish and vegetable cutlets.

Lenten dressing for Olivier


  • Apples - 2 pieces;
  • Vegetable or olive oil - 100 ml;
  • Mustard - 2 tablespoons;
  • Sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon or to taste;
  • Ground black pepper optional.

Cooking method:

  1. To begin, peel and pit the apples.
  2. Then bake it in the oven or microwave, or steam it.
  3. Cool slightly and puree until smooth, homogenized mass with an immersion blender.
  4. Add spices and mustard.
  5. Beat with the same blender.
  6. Pour the oil in portions and beat (that is, pour a little oil - beat, add more oil - beat again).
  7. The mass becomes fluffy and homogeneous, and also thick.
  8. Let's cool the mayonnaise (although it is delicious warm!!!).
  9. I found that it can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 5-7 days. But it seems to me that it is better to make it from 1 apple and not store it.

Sour cream sauce for Olivier with starch


  • 0.5 cups of any vegetable oil,
  • 0.5 cups vegetable or mushroom broth,
  • 2 tbsp. starch,
  • 1-2 tsp. lemon juice or apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tsp mustard,
  • salt, sugar to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Dilute the starch with a small amount of cold broth. Heat the rest of the broth, pour the starch mixture into it and keep it over low heat, stirring and not allowing it to boil.
  2. Cool the starch jelly and beat with a blender, gradually adding butter and other ingredients. If it's too thick, add a few tablespoons of water. If the mayonnaise is too runny, it means there was not enough starch.
  3. Do not add starch to the prepared mayonnaise, but brew a new thicker starch jelly and mix with the prepared mayonnaise. Mayonnaise can also be liquid due to insufficient brewing of the starch - heat the starch jelly well, it should just come to a boil.

Olivier salad dressing


  • 3 tbsp. refined odorless oil
  • 1 dessert spoon of apple cider vinegar.
  • 1 tsp mustard,
  • salt and pepper

Cooking method:

  1. To prepare it, you can use either an immersion blender or a bowl. Combine 3 tbsp. refined odorless oil with 1 dessert spoon of apple cider vinegar. Add 1 tsp. mustard, salt and pepper, and beat.
  2. As soon as the oil turns white and thickens, stop stirring and add 5 tbsp. sour cream of any fat content. Beat again, but not too long. The sauce can be considered ready.
  3. This dressing is good not only for Olivier salad, it can be spread on sandwiches, added as a sauce to meat and fish dishes.

Salad dressing instead of mayonnaise


  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil (unrefined, 1st cold pressed: this is both more aromatic and healthier);
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice (can be replaced with apple cider vinegar);
  • 1 teaspoon without top mustard;
  • 7 tablespoons of sour cream (preferably full fat, 20%);
  • Salt and ground black pepper - to your taste, about ¼ teaspoon of salt and a pinch of pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix olive oil, lemon juice and mustard with a fork or spoon.
  2. Add sour cream and mix.
  3. I tried making sauce “a la mayonnaise” with 15% and 20% sour cream.
  4. So, with rich sour cream, the sauce turned out thicker and more similar in consistency to mayonnaise.
  5. Although the percentage of fat content of sour cream does not affect the taste, so if you prefer low-fat, take 15%.
  6. After mixing thoroughly, add spices, mix again, and the delicious sauce for salad dressing is ready.
  7. Try it - with this light dressing your salads will acquire a new, fresh and pleasant taste.
  8. Your household will eat more wholesome and healthy food. This is especially true when preparing salads for children.

Universal yoghurt sauce


  • 300 ml natural yogurt
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 2-3 mint sprigs (leaves)
  • 2-3 sprigs of parsley (leaves)
  • 1 small cucumber
  • 1-2 tbsp. lemon juice
  • 2 tsp mustard (Dijon)

Cooking method:

  1. Add all the ingredients (except yogurt, lemon juice and mustard) to the blender bowl and beat at high speed.
  2. Add yogurt, mustard and lemon juice. Beat. Cool in the refrigerator and serve with any meat, chicken or fish dishes.

Yogurt sauce with dill


  • Natural yogurt – 150 gr.
  • Cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Lemon juice - 2 tsp.
  • Garlic - 1 tooth.
  • Dill - 20 gr.

Cooking method:

  1. Finely chop the dill, pass the garlic through a press.
  2. Grate the cucumber and squeeze out excess water.
  3. Squeeze the lemon.
  4. Mix dill, cucumber, garlic in a bowl. Sprinkle with lemon juice and add yogurt.
  5. Mix everything.

Yogurt curry sauce

Indian cuisine always surprises with its combination of simplicity and taste. This light and flavorful sauce was no exception.


  • 1 tbsp. vegetable oil
  • 1 shallot
  • 2 tsp curry powder
  • a pinch of red hot pepper flakes
  • ½ tsp. ground cumin
  • 140 ml natural yogurt
  • juice and zest of half a lime
  • salt to taste

Cooking method:

  1. Chop the shallots as finely as possible. Heat the vegetable oil and simmer the onion in it until soft.
  2. Add curry powder, hot pepper and cumin. Cook until the spices release their aroma, about a minute.
  3. Remove from heat and stir in yogurt, lime juice and zest. Add salt to taste.

Garlic sour cream sauce for Olivier


  • sour cream 200 g.
  • garlic 1-2 teeth.
  • fresh dill 0.5 bunch.
  • salt 1-2 chips.

Cooking method:

  1. Place sour cream in a small bowl.
  2. Many recipes recommend adding a few tablespoons of mayonnaise to the sour cream sauce to make it richer in taste.
  3. But I still prefer sour cream in its pure form, then the sauce is light and not too greasy.
  4. I have sour cream 15% fat, thick and dense.
  5. If you have it very liquid, you can thicken it with cottage cheese (in a blender, beat 100 g of cottage cheese along with sour cream at low speed).
  6. Separately, I chop the green dill.
  7. I chop about half the bunch as finely as possible and put it in a bowl with sour cream.
  8. I also add one or two cloves of garlic, peeled and passed through a press - it gives the sauce a special sharpness and piquancy.
  9. Adjust the amount of garlic to your taste.
  10. This time I only put 1 clove.
  11. If you like spicier sauces, you can add a pinch of ground red pepper.
  12. I just added salt to taste - two small pinches of salt is enough.
  13. Then thoroughly mixed all the ingredients using a fork until smooth.
  14. And carefully poured it into a sauce boat - it turned out to be 250 ml of aromatic sauce, fresh and very tasty.
  15. Topped with a sprig of green dill.
  16. Sour cream and garlic sauce for potatoes can now be served.
  17. But it will become even tastier if you let it sit for 15-30 minutes in the refrigerator - during this time the taste of garlic and dill will develop better, which means the sour cream sauce will become richer.

Creamy dietary sauce for Olivier


  • Boiled shrimp – 1 kg
  • Cream 25% – 350 ml
  • Onions – 1 onion (small)
  • Garlic – 3 cloves
  • Lemon juice – 1 tablespoon
  • Flour – 1 tablespoon
  • Olive oil – 1 tablespoon
  • Fresh herbs (dill, basil, parsley) – 1 small bunch
  • Salt - to taste
  • Ground black pepper - to taste

Cooking method:

  1. The onion must be chopped as finely as possible, the garlic can be cut into thin petals.
  2. Olive oil is poured into the frying pan; When the frying pan is hot, add garlic and onions. Read more:
  3. They are sauteed for about 1-2 minutes.
  4. Pour shrimp into the lightly fried mixture, mix everything thoroughly and fry for 4-6 minutes.
  5. It is important to constantly stir the mixture so that the shrimp do not burn, otherwise the taste of the seasoning will noticeably deteriorate.
  6. When the future sauce is sufficiently fried, add a tablespoon of lemon juice to the mixture and mix everything together.
  7. Then the flour is sent into the frying pan, and the mixture is stirred again very thoroughly so that there are no lumps left.
  8. Before preparing the sauce, the cream must be taken out of the refrigerator in advance so that it reaches room temperature.
  9. When the shrimp are sufficiently fried in flour, 350 ml of cream is poured into the pan and the mixture is gently stirred.
  10. Following the cream, finely chopped fresh herbs - dill, parsley, basil - are poured into the sauce.
  11. You can also add other spices to taste.
  12. Finally, add salt and pepper to the seasoning, close the lid and simmer over low heat for about 2-4 minutes.

We are preparing a dietary “Olivier” - a salad that is suitable even for children. This version of Olivier certainly has the right to exist, and someone will argue that this is not Olivier at all, but still the ingredients in the salad are the same as we are used to seeing, with the exception of a couple of changes.

We'll set aside the sausage for other dishes; here we'll use boiled breast meat. Pickled cucumbers are also not suitable for the diet, as they retain fluid in the body, so we take fresh cucumbers. We exclude mayonnaise from the diet altogether and replace it with light sour cream or yogurt. Believe me, this Olivier tastes almost as good as the usual one, but when you give this salad to children, you don’t even have to worry. Well, if you are on a diet or diet, you can easily afford such Olivier.

Prepare the ingredients for preparing the Olivier diet salad without mayonnaise according to the list. To make the process quick and easy, boil the carrots, potatoes, eggs and chicken breast the day before.

Peel the boiled potatoes and cut into small cubes.

The carrots also need to be cooled and peeled, then cut into small cubes.

Do the same with cucumbers - wash, dry, cut off the ends on both sides, cut the cucumbers themselves into small cubes.

Boil the chicken breast the day before and leave to cool in the broth, so the meat will end up more tender and soft. Finely chop the breast. Peel the boiled eggs and cut into cubes.

Combine the prepared ingredients in one bowl, add the canned peas. If desired, you can use young boiled peas.

Add sour cream, salt and pepper to the salad. Mix all ingredients and serve dietary Olivier to the table.

Bon appetit!

It's hard to imagine 21st century cooking without mayonnaise. It has become so firmly entrenched in the consciousness of society that it has become almost the main tool of housewives. And although initially only some salads and appetizers were seasoned with it, now the high-calorie sauce is included in most dishes.

More experienced cooks make their own mayonnaise. But the incompetent prefer the industrial analogue, which is not mayonnaise at all, but a regular sauce made from many ingredients. Some of them are flavorings and preservatives, making you think about completely abandoning the product in favor of other sauces. Therefore, the question “What can I replace mayonnaise in a salad with?” more relevant than ever.

Fortunately, “culinary progress” does not stand still. And collections of recipes are constantly being replenished with new dressings that are not inferior in taste to harmful mayonnaise. And plus to everything, less calorie and more healthy. Some of them will be discussed in the article.

An easy way out - homemade mayonnaise

What's good about this option? Firstly, when making homemade mayonnaise, instead of egg powder, egg yolks, rich in choline, are used. A good opportunity to improve your memory. And if you take quail eggs instead of chicken eggs, you can increase the content of minerals and vitamins in the sauce by more than 2 times. They are also known for not causing allergic reactions.

Secondly, it will be possible to monitor the quality and quantity of a particular ingredient. For example, add more yolks and less high-calorie butter. Or replace sunflower oil with healthier olive oil. You can buy such mayonnaise in a store, but the composition of industrial products does not always correspond to what is declared. Plus, all the same preservatives and flavorings.

The process of making French sauce itself does not require any special knowledge. You need to beat a mixture of yolks, mustard, lemon juice, salt and sugar until smooth. And then slowly pour in the oil without interrupting the whisking.

How to replace mayonnaise: quick dressings

Several excellent sauces for those whose choice fell on mayonnaise due to laziness and reluctance to bother with labor-intensive recipes.

Mustard sauce

No mayonnaise recipe is complete without mustard. And if you mix it with sour cream, you can get a tasty sauce that is almost indistinguishable from mayonnaise.

The ideal dressing comes from homemade yogurt, and is also many times healthier.

Yogurt is a universal product. You can experiment endlessly with sauces based on it. For example, beat it with olive oil and garlic, mix it in half with cottage cheese, and finally, season it with a wide variety of fresh herbs for a more piquant taste.

Sour cream

A standard substitute for mayonnaise, differing from the latter in lower calorie content and beneficial effects on the body. The sauce based on it can be used to dress any salad, including Olivier and Herring under a fur coat. Mayonnaise, in this case, can be omitted completely or the two sauces can be mixed in equal proportions.

The composition is as similar as possible to mayonnaise: 7 tbsp. l. sour cream, 3 tbsp. l. olive or sunflower oil, mustard powder, lemon juice, salt, pepper. Combine all ingredients except butter and sour cream and beat. Then, without stopping whisking, pour in the oil in a thin stream. Add sour cream and stir. Delicious “mayonnaise sauce” is ready!

For salads with seafood and fish, this option is more suitable: sour cream, soy sauce, garlic, a couple of drops of balsamic vinegar and fresh herbs.

Lemon dressing

To prepare this dressing you will need lemon juice and olive oil in equal proportions, just a little 10% cream and sugar. All ingredients are whipped in a blender. You can add salt, pepper and fresh herbs to taste.

The hearty sauce goes well with any salad, including seafood. At the same time, its caloric content is much lower than that of mayonnaise. And the large amount of vitamin C makes it an excellent salad dressing in winter.

Original dressings instead of mayonnaise

For those who have some culinary skills, the following types of salad sauces are suitable, superior to mayonnaise not only in taste, but also in their rich chemical composition.

Italian sauce "Salsa Verde"

The Italian recipe is based on parsley, a whole glass of herbs per glass of sauce. And this is an excellent source of carotene, folic acid, iron and vitamin C. Those elements that wage a merciless fight against premature aging.

In addition, the sauce includes healthy olive oil, anchovies rich in omega-3 acids, garlic known for its antioxidant properties, delicious capers, white wine vinegar, lemon juice and zest.

Everything is prepared simply: the ingredients are mixed and whipped in a blender, placed in a bowl and seasoned with salt and ground pepper to taste.

"Green Goddess"

To surprise your household, dress the salad not with simple mayonnaise, but with an American yogurt-based sauce. It is characterized not only by low calorie content and excellent taste, but also by a positive effect on digestion, since yogurt is rich in bifidobacteria.

In addition, the sauce contains watercress in the same amount as yogurt. And a whole complex of fresh herbs, namely dill, basil, green onions and fresh mint. Therefore, this is an excellent opportunity to replenish your vitamin composition during the cold season.

To prepare the “Green Goddess,” watercress is immersed in hot water for literally half a minute, squeezed out and blended in a blender with the rest of the ingredients. Adjust to taste as standard - salt and pepper.

An ideal alternative to Olivier

To prepare the perfect dressing for Olivier, you need to combine cottage cheese and low-fat yogurt in a 1x1 ratio, beat in one egg yolk, add 1.5 tsp. mustard and lemon juice to taste. And grind everything in a blender.

Not every mayonnaise lover will be able to distinguish a fake, but will receive several times fewer calories and more benefits for their health. After all, it is an excellent source of vitamin C, calcium and choline. Plus, zero cholesterol.

To prepare a delicious salad, you don't need to have unique culinary skills. There are a lot of sauces that take no more than 5 minutes to prepare, and the result will have the most favorable effect on both the taste of the dish and your health.

Most salads don’t need to be dressed at all, but simply lightly seasoned with olive oil or soy sauce. Both alone and in combination with various components. For example, with mustard or balsamic vinegar.

Eat healthy vegetable salads. There is no need to focus on high-calorie mayonnaise, but it is not necessary to completely exclude it from the diet. The main thing in a person’s diet is moderation!

Many housewives cannot imagine a salad without mayonnaise. But sometimes there is no mayonnaise on hand. Store-bought sauces often include ingredients that are harmful to the body and are also very high in calories. But they can easily be replaced with healthy dressings without spoiling the taste of the dishes.

What is the composition of mayonnaise?

Everyone knows that this store-bought product is harmful to your health and figure. Not only does it contain preservatives and flavorings, but it is also often made from artificial ingredients. And its low-calorie version is often made on the basis of modified, cheap products that have nothing to do with dietary nutrition.

The nutritional value of store-bought Provencal is about 630 kcal per 100 g of product. This is the richest sauce. 100 g of low-calorie mayonnaise contains 260 kcal.

What is the way out of the situation? Try to replace the unhealthy sauce we are used to with healthier, natural products, such as sour cream.

Table: comparative calorie content of simple salad dressings

RefuelingMayonnaiseSour cream 25% fatLemon juice Natural yogurt 2% fat
Original product
  • drinking water;
  • deodorized oil;
  • dry egg products;
  • stabilizers;
  • preservatives;
  • potassium sorbate;
  • sodium benzoate, etc.
Nutritional value
  • proteins - 0.6 g;
  • fats 67 g;
  • carbohydrates - 2.05 g.
  • proteins - 2.6 g;
  • fats - 15 g;
  • carbohydrates - 3.6 g.
  • proteins - 0.9 g
  • fats - 0.1 g;
  • carbohydrates - 3 g.
  • proteins - 0;
  • fats - 99.8 g;
  • carbohydrates - 0 g.
  • proteins - 4.3 g;
  • fats - 2 g;
  • carbohydrates - 6.2 g.
Calorie content614 kcal162 kcal16 kcal898 kcal60 kcal
Shelf life180 days7–14 daysunlimitedUp to 6 months3–5 days

If you monitor your health and figure, want to eat healthy and healthy, then you need to reconsider your views on dressing your favorite salads. Not all dishes can be seasoned with sour cream. There are salads that consist of fish products, and they go well with lemon juice. Sliced ​​vegetables can be seasoned with sauces based on vegetable oil and mustard.

How can you replace mayonnaise in salads?

By preparing your favorite salad with a different sauce, you can get an interesting-tasting, unusual dish. A familiar treat should be varied with a new dressing.

Low-calorie dressing for herring under a fur coat

A favorite folk dish that does not lose popularity during holiday feasts is herring under a fur coat. People are used to preparing salad with “Provencal”, and many will think that if anything can be replaced with mayonnaise in “Herring under a Fur Coat”, then only. But there is another compromise option: prepare a mixture of sour cream and mustard.

Why sour cream and not yogurt or kefir? Sour cream has the consistency we need and holds the shape of the salad well.

The result is a dietary dish that can be eaten in almost unlimited quantities.

For the sauce:

  1. Mix a glass of full-fat sour cream and a tablespoon of mustard in a small container.
  2. Mash the mixture well, add salt and apple cider vinegar.
  3. Season the salad with the sauce.


  1. Mix sour cream, finely chopped herbs and lemon juice.
  2. Stir the mixture thoroughly and add to the chopped ingredients.


This dish is traditionally seasoned not with mayonnaise, but with a special sauce. Culinary experts call it “Worcestershire” because it is prepared on the basis of a special sweet and sour Worcestershire dressing. Experienced chefs even distinguish two types: based on the famous sauce and anchovies, and based on boiled yolk.

Classic Caesar salad dressing


  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • Worcestershire sauce (can be replaced with balsamic vinegar) - 1 tsp;
  • sunflower oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.;
  • salt, pepper, mustard - to taste.

Preparation procedure:

  1. 30 minutes before the start of cooking, immerse a chicken egg in boiling water for one minute (the egg should be at room temperature). This will allow the yolk not to cook, but to thicken to the desired consistency.
  2. Immediately cool the egg and break it into a container where the dressing will be prepared. Add lemon juice, mustard, salt, pepper, beat until smooth.
  3. At the next stage, gradually add the mixture of vegetable oils and continue whisking. Finally add a few drops of Worcestershire sauce.

Original Caesar dressing


  • Parmesan cheese - 100 g;
  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • mustard - 1 tsp;
  • anchovy fillet (salted) – 2 pcs.;
  • olive oil - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • salt, ground black pepper - to taste.

Preparation procedure:

  1. Wash the anchovy fillet to remove salt, dry and finely chop.
  2. Pass the garlic through a press.
  3. Grate Parmesan cheese.
  4. In a container, mix mustard, lemon juice, grated cheese, anchovies, pepper, salt, grind well.
  5. Whisking constantly, add olive oil. Bring the mass until smooth.
  6. It is important to let the mixture sit for 15 minutes and season the dish just before serving.


Natural yogurt without sugar is suitable. You can salt it to taste, add finely chopped herbs or spices.

How to dress a salad with squid and other seafood

The taste of seafood is especially well emphasized by lemon juice. Make a sour cream based dressing by adding a little lemon juice. You can season the seafood appetizer with tartar sauce. Tartar sauce is a popular sauce in French cuisine; the preparation technology and composition of the classic cold dressing are reminiscent of making homemade mayonnaise. French sauce has two methods of preparation.

Homemade tartare with mayonnaise

A simplified version of preparing the sauce is homemade mayonnaise mixed with pieces of pickled cucumbers or capers with chopped green or onions and boiled egg yolks.

Classic tartare without mayonnaise - video

Crab salad

Try dressing this dish with olive oil! The taste will not only not deteriorate, but will also become very interesting. You can replace unhealthy store-bought Provencal with natural yogurt without additives, crumble some greens into it and add a little garlic.

Beetroot salad

Vegetable salads are traditionally seasoned with vegetable oil or sour cream. The famous vinaigrette is prepared from vegetables and seasoned with a sauce based on vegetable oil and mustard.

Classic vinaigrette sauce

Suitable for salads of fresh and boiled vegetables, meat and fish dishes, seafood appetizers, and is also used for dressing a classic vinaigrette.


  • wine vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • olive oil - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • salt;
  • ground black pepper.

Preparation procedure:

  1. Place the sauce ingredients in a jar, close it tightly with a lid and shake well.
  2. The result is a slightly cloudy sauce with a spicy aroma. You can mix the dressing using a whisk or mixer.

Vinaigrette sauce with herbs

This option is perfect for dressing vegetable salads, as well as fish dishes.

  • apple cider vinegar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • coarse salt - to taste;
  • olive oil - 8 tbsp. l.;
  • ground hot pepper;
  • finely chopped table greens to taste.

Preparation procedure:

  1. Mix vinegar and salt thoroughly.
  2. Add olive oil and whisk the mixture. Beat the mixture until it becomes homogeneous.
  3. Add salt and spices to taste.

A salad with beets, to which fried onions have been added, will turn out delicious. Finely chop the onion, sauté in vegetable oil and season the salad.

Healthy beetroot recipes with sour cream dressing

One of the most popular dishes made from this vegetable is the salad of prunes and beets with walnuts - “Health”. In order for the treat to live up to its name, you need to season it with sour cream and add a juicy apple to the composition. Fruit juice and sour cream will perfectly complement the taste of the dish.

Beetroot with garlic also often appears on our tables. To make the snack healthier, you should use sour cream dressing with the addition of hot mustard.

Fish salad

Canned fish salads are seasoned with a sauce based on marinade from a jar. Drain the fish juice into a container, add a few cloves of garlic and lemon juice. Stir and season the salad.

A great way to replace harmful sauce in red salted fish dishes is to add a juicy fruit, for example, orange, kiwi, apple, grapefruit. A salad dressed with juicy fruits, olive oil, sprinkled with herbs will delight your guests!

Try to prepare one of these salads - you will be pleasantly surprised by the new taste of familiar products!

in Olivier salad there is nothing to replace mayonnaise with - it won’t be Olivier. Make your own mayonnaise - egg and vegetable oil (vinegar/mustard if desired). There is nothing harmful in this sauce. There is no point in putting mayonnaise in a tomato salad - olive oil or sunflower oil and vinegar (wine, balsamic, lemon juice, etc.) or yogurt will be good there.


In the hungry 90s, we added grated horseradish to sour cream. It tasted like mayonnaise.


I like to dress meat and vegetable salads with this sauce - 1 tbsp sour cream, 1 tsp soy sauce, a clove of garlic. Olivier is traditionally seasoned with sour cream

Statue of Liberty

You don't have to use store-bought mayonnaise to prepare delicious dishes. You can make the sauce yourself or make other healthy dressings based on sour cream, yogurt or mustard. There are a lot of interesting sauces in cooking that go well with your favorite dishes.

Sometimes housewives wonder: is it possible to prepare Olivier without mayonnaise? Motivations can be very different, and the most common of them is the desire to reduce the calorie content of an already filling salad. The answer to this question is yes, you can!

Olivier salad without mayonnaise

It should be noted right away that you won’t be able to simply chop all the ingredients and not add mayonnaise to Olivier - the salad will be dry and all the ingredients will scatter on the plate, so we discard this option right away; dressing for Olivier is needed in any case.

First, determine for yourself why you do not want to add mayonnaise to Olivier:

  • if this is due to the high calorie content of mayonnaise, you can choose not “Provencal” with a fat content of 67%, which is often used in salad recipes, but another, for example, “Saladny” with a fat content of 30%;
  • if you do not want to add mayonnaise to Olivier just because it is a store-bought product and its composition is not clear, use;
  • For this you can use lean mayonnaise without eggs.

If all of the above options are not suitable, then you need to look for an alternative to this product.

How to replace mayonnaise in Olivier

1. - this product is often used to replace mayonnaise in Olivier salad. Sour cream has certain advantages over mayonnaise, because... This is a more natural product than mayonnaise, but still its calorie content is also high.

Sour cream is often used as a substitute for mayonnaise, and if you add a little mustard or soy sauce to the sour cream, its taste will be closer to that of regular mayonnaise.

2. Homemade salad dressing— you can prepare this egg-free dressing for Olivier salad yourself according to the recipe:

  • milk - 50 ml
  • sunflower oil - 100 ml
  • lemon juice - 1 tablespoon
  • mustard - 1/3 teaspoon
  • salt - 1/3 teaspoon

Add milk to the mixing container, add vegetable oil on top (sunflower oil can be replaced with olive oil, but the taste of olives will be felt in this salad sauce, and this is not for everyone) and beat with a blender. When the milk and vegetable oil emulsify, add lemon juice, mustard and salt and mix lightly with a blender (a few pumps will be enough).

3. Natural yogurt- This product can be bought ready-made in a store or prepared independently at home.

4. Nayonese is a vegan mayonnaise made from soy and without eggs. The taste and appearance of mayonnaise is completely identical to regular mayonnaise, but the fat content in it is more than 2 times less than that of regular mayonnaise. The calorie content of mayonnaise is 40 kcal per 100 g; in addition, the product contains vitamin B12 and Omega-3 acid.