The name of the exhibition of periodicals in the library. Scenario for an educational hour of information about the periodicals “True Friends”

1. Alekseev, N. G. Using demand and cost criteria in managing the acquisition of periodicals [Text] / N. G. Alekseev, L. I. Gosina // Library management: new ideas and practical solutions: collection. tr. / Ross. state b-ka. - M., 1995. - Issue. 1. - pp. 89-101.

2. To the librarian about the conservation of documents [Text]: educational method. allowance - St. Petersburg, 2004. - 156 p.

3. Webster, D. How to resist the magazine crisis [Text] / D. Webster // Scientific. and tech. b-ki. - 2008. - No. 5. - P. 94-103.

4. Velikova, K. M. Analysis of the use of periodicals [Text] / Velikova K. M., Drabkina M. I. // Scientific. and tech. b-ki. - 2008. - No. 10. - P. 10-13.

5. GOST 7.50-2002. Conservation of documents. General requirements [Text]. - Instead of GOST 7.53-86; input 2002-07-01.

6. Guseva, V. N. Formation of a fund of business literature based on the analysis of reader demand [Text] / V. N. Guseva // Scientific. and tech. b-ki. - 2009. - No. 4. - P. 54-59.

7. Dubrov, A. P. Criteria and indicators for the formation of an optimal foreign journal collection of multidisciplinary scientific libraries [Text] / A. P. Dubrov, O. L. Krasikova // Organization and resources of information and library services for specialists and scientists: interdepartmental. Sat. scientific tr. / State Public Library for Science and Technology SB RAS. - Novosibirsk, 1995. - P. 92-99.

8. Zadubovsky, I. I. The principle of organizing the NTB journal fund [Text] / I. I. Zadubovsky // Scientific. and tech. b-ki. -2006. - No. 10. - P. 39-41.

9. Study of the formation and use of funds of the Russian National Library [Text] // Prospects for the development of funds of scientific libraries / comp. R. I. Bogacheva, A. V. Kokorev, S. I. Kovrigina, S. A. Kolesnik; scientific ed. I. M. Alekseeva. - M., 1995. - Issue. 19. - 42 p.

10. Information and reference portal LIBRARY.RU [Electronic resource]

11. Use of journal collections [Text]// Prospects for the development of scientific library collections / comp. V. Luchinkina, ed. Yu. A. Grikhanov. - M., 1995. - Issue. 7. - pp. 44-50.

12. Kolomeychuk, E. M. Periodicals in the collections of the central universal libraries of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation [Text] / E. M. Kolomeychuk // Scientific. and tech. b-ki. - 2009. - No. 7. - P. 46-52.

13. Medvedeva, I. E. Analysis of the use of foreign journals in scientific and technical libraries [Text] / I. E. Medvedeva, V. S. Luchko, G. F. Zvereva // Scientific. and tech. b-ki. - 1999. - No. 7. - P. 26-28.

14. Mitrakova, N.A. Determination of storage periods for periodicals in the university library [Text] / N.A. Mitrakova, E.I. Balmush // Scientific. and tech. b-ki. - 2009. - No. 2. - P. 20-21.

15. Motulsky, R. S. Modeling as the basis for the formation of a fund of periodicals in a university library [Text] / R. S. Motulsky // Scientific. and tech. b-ki. -2009 - No. 9. - P. 28-33.

16. Podkorytova, N. I. Acquisition of funds in a market economy [Text] / N. I. Podkorytova // Scientific. and tech. b-ki. -2003. - No. 4. - P. 37-41.

17. Order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation No. 32 of February 20, 2008 “On approval of standards for the minimum resource provision of services to rural cultural institutions (public libraries and cultural and leisure institutions)” [Text] // Collection of regulatory documents. - M., 2006.

18. Raev, A.G. Analysis of reader demand in a large library [Text] / A.G. Raev // Scientific. and tech. b-ki. -2009. - No. 8. - P. 36-37.

19. Rodionov, A. Ya. Analysis of requests for periodical literature for the purpose of optimal acquisition and efficiency of order execution in PIK VINITI [Text] / A. Ya Rodionov // NTI. Ser. 1. -2008. - No. 8. - P. 23-25.

20. Savina, E. A. Periodicals in the collection of the library of the city of Gukovo [Text] / E. A. Savina // Scientific. and tech. b-ki. - 2009. - No. 7. - P. 52-56.

21. Website of the information agency Integrum [Electronic resource]

22. Website of the National Electronic Information Consortium [Electronic resource]

23. Website of the “Magazine Hall” project [Electronic resource]

24. Website of the Russian National Library [Electronic resource]

25. Website of the Chelyabinsk Regional Universal Scientific Library [Electronic resource]

26. Seliverstova, E. T. Completeness and compliance - quality categories of the library collection [Text] / E. T. Seliverstova // Scientific and technical libraries. -2008. - No. 9. - P. 8-12.

27. Slutskaya, K. K. Satisfying reader requests is a criterion for quality of service [Text] / K. K. Slutskaya // Scientific. and tech. b-ki. -2007. - No. 3. - P. 3-5.

28. Tereshin, V.I. Library fund: [Text] / V. Tereshin. - Ed. second, rev. and additional - M.: IPO Profizdat, 2000. - 176 p.

29. Tereshin, V. I. Completeness of the library collection: theoretical aspect, ways of implementation [Text] / V. I. Tereshin // Scientific. and tech. b-ki. - 2004. - No. 6. - P. 3-8.

30. Sharabchiev, Yu. T. On the methodology for selecting journals that are most significant for specialists [Text] / Yu. T. Sharabchiev // NTI. Ser. 1. -2001. - No. 11. - P. 25-29.

The role of periodicals in the life of society is great. Newspapers and magazines provide readers with up-to-date information about everything that is happening around them, highlight the most interesting events, facts, information, and answer questions that interest us.

Years pass from the time a book is written to its publication. Meanwhile, in newspapers this period of time is calculated in days, and in magazines – in several months. That is why the breath of time is so noticeable in periodicals.

The magazines contain up-to-date information on almost any topic. You just need to be able to catch them, passing them through the sieve of your interest. With the help of periodicals, you can work to expand cognitive interest and cultivate the best character traits.

Periodicals play an invaluable role in the education of the younger generation: as a very mobile way of obtaining information, they reflect many of the modern problems of young people and thereby contribute to their socialization. Children's newspapers and magazines contribute to the expansion of children's cognitive interests and strive to form a conscious attitude towards learning - the main work activity of students.

The repertoire of children's and teenage magazines is now quite interesting and varied. Almost all children's newspapers and magazines are beautifully illustrated and published on good paper. The younger generation often prefers a magazine to a book, since the varied genre content and good information material satisfy their tastes and interests. The same can be said about teenage periodicals.

Unfortunately, due to the constant increase in subscription costs, periodicals are becoming available to an increasingly limited circle of people. Meanwhile, libraries, to a greater or lesser extent, have subscriptions to periodicals. When a child comes to us, he will meet a qualified librarian who will help him determine his reading priorities.

All information contained in periodicals can be divided intocurrent(or event) andbasicCurrent information is devoted to specific events, teaches children and adolescents to understand moral conflicts, evaluates them, and analyzes complex situations that require moral choice.

Basic information helps to comprehend those individual facts and phenomena that children have encountered themselves, read or heard about, and generalize them into ideological categories.

If current information, as a rule, becomes outdated quickly and loses its relevance, then basic information is long-term in nature.

By collecting information for the reader, the children's press actively takes part in the formation of political experience (internationalism, tolerance), and the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

To teach children to read magazines and newspapers correctly and regularly, various forms of visual and mass work should be used. Propaganda of periodicals must be prompt, i.e. information “on the topic of the day” should be brought to the reader in a short time. Efficiency is achieved by organizing open access and a reference and bibliographic apparatus that allows you to quickly satisfy the reader’s request.

We offer exhibition names, somehow related to the presentation of periodicals:

“Our press is for all interests”,

“A newspaper is a window into the world where your idol lives”

“What does the printed sheet have in store for us?”

"Country Journal"

"Mail stagecoach"

"Through the pages of fashion magazines"

· “What the magazines talk about”, etc.

On a rack with periodicals you can placeposter or leaflet with recommendations:

“Don't read everything. Before reading, look through the titles of all articles, this will help you choose what you need and what is interesting. Find an explanation of unclear words in the dictionary; use the map, find on it the places you read about.”

The text of the memo addressed to high school students could be as follows:

2. In a newspaper (magazine) you should imagine permanent arrangement of materials, domestic and international.

3. You should start viewing the newspaper with editorial. Its place is on the left or at the top of the first page. The forefront is the pulse of today. She will tell you about the country's priorities and problems, science, technology, and cultural life. The title of an editorial always clearly identifies its topic.

4. Further - extensive viewing of newspapers (magazines). Its technology is similar to viewing a book, only headings and headings serve as a table of contents and guide. By comparing the title of an article with the heading under which it is placed, you can almost always tell the topic of the essay, feuilleton, report, or information. The subtitle will help clarify this topic.

5. Are you interested? - Read! Focus your attention on journalist's surname, on the title or official position of the author.

6. Read the materials with special attention, which may be useful to you- in class, in writing, in conversation.

7. There is not a single issue of the magazine that does not talk about something necessary and interesting. You need to be able to see these materials, read them. Systematic reading of newspapers and magazines will allow you to be a knowledgeable person who can always talk about what is happening in the world and in the country.

8. How to accustom yourself to reading periodicals? At first, force yourself read at least all titles on all pages of the newspaper (magazine). Surely one or two of them will attract your attention. Read the articles under these headings. There are already one or two topics that you are familiar with. If you can continue to force yourself to follow them, you will not only become acquainted with the opinions of others on the issue that interests you, but you will also be able to form your own.

9. There is one and only obligatory condition for developing interest in a newspaper (magazine). This consistency, regularity of reading.

Almost all forms of work with readers: individual and group conversations, reviews, exhibitions - should include the recommendation of articles from magazines and newspapers. It is useful to keep folders of newspaper and magazine clippings in which to place important, relevant material. Thematic folders often become unique aids for readers in studying, for example, the history of their native land.

I. You need to answer questions regarding magazines and newspapers on display in the library. You can use questions relating to periodicals in general. For example:

· A permanent section in a newspaper or magazine (section).

·Who is responsible for correcting grammatical errors? (corrector)

·What do the numbers written on the cover of the magazine mean? (journal number and year of publication)

·He is the head of the publishing house. Organizes author's materials (editor).

· This is where you begin to get acquainted with the text, located in the center, printed in large letters (heading).

II.Make a layout of your own magazine, come up with a title and content. When completing this task, children can show their creativity and imagination.

Week of magazine discoveries for young people “Planet Periodicals” may consist of activities:

·Press hour “Kingdom of Beauty”,

·Round table “Press of our region”,

·Press scales “Periodicals: pros and cons.”

Sample program for Youth Periodicals Day “Magazine Assortment”:

Exhibition of periodicals “ZhurnaLAND”,

Blitz survey “My favorite magazine.”

The “prize fund” in such events can be posters from the same magazines.

One of the tasks in any event dedicated to periodicals can be the compilation ofhumorous "Dictionary of new magazine terms":

* Journalists – young correspondents;

* Journalists – people working in the magazine;

Periodicals Day. At an information literacy lesson, children should be introduced to such concepts as “periodicals”, “newspaper”, “magazine”, “section”, “correspondent”, “junkor”, and taught the skills of working with newspapers and magazines. Then you can conduct KVN with tasks from magazine heroes: solve crosswords, guess riddles, answer quiz questions.

Working with newspapers and magazines is a kind of laboratory of creative ideas and creative thoughts. Thanks to this, the reader will be able not only to learn a lot, but also to express and show himself. Based on periodicals for children and adolescents, it is possible to carry outmany interesting events:

Press tour of animal magazines “Zoological Vernissage”,

Library and bibliographic classes: “My friends are magazines”, “Kaleidoscope of events, stories and discoveries”, “This many-sided world of information”, and many others.

Librarians themselves can use newspapers and magazines as teaching material: many publications can even be left unprocessed and used in scripts or for compiling quizzes. But there is one rule to follow: children should be surprised. This ability is one of the main and necessary for a person. And the quiz is not just questions and answers, it is a discovery. And it doesn’t really matter whether children know the answer to a difficult question or not. They will think, offer options, look for answers in books and encyclopedias, and for us, librarians, this is the most important thing: to awaken children’s interest in reading and creativity.

In conclusion, I would like to say that by developing work with periodicals, librarians assist readers in satisfying their needs, developing artistic taste and a reading culture. Equally important is the increase in the authority of the library, the increase in reader demand for periodicals and, as a result, the emergence of interest in other printed products, and the influx of readers to the library.


January 20th V children's library branch No. 3 took place Periodicals Day “Magazine and Newspaper Carousel”, which was entirely dedicated to periodicals for children and teenagers.

Was presented to a wide range of readers exhibition-viewing “Country Journal”. At the exhibition there were reviews “Find out about everything interesting in the world in magazines and newspapers”. During the day, the children visited the reading room and enjoyed leafing through their favorite magazines.

On this day, the guests of the library were pupils of the senior combined group of MBDOU No. 41 (teacher G.A. Korotova). They were given a tour of the library “We invite you to the Book House!” And library lesson “Of course, there are a lot of books, but I love magazines” (Little Reader's School).

The librarian introduced the preschoolers to the concepts: newspaper, magazine, article, note, journalist. Together with the guys, we identified the distinctive and similar features of newspapers and magazines. The children learned that the cover is the face of the magazine; it contains all the necessary information. We found out that children's magazines are needed for additional reading, obtaining interesting information about the world around us, developing thinking, entertainment and relaxation. One after another, the magazines were presented to the children, each followed by a short story about what educational and entertaining materials it contained.

In conclusion, the presenter invited everyone to visit the library reading room more often, where their favorite press awaits them.



On the topic: “Periodicals for children”


Yuryeva E. A.,


MBOU "Humanitarian Gymnasium No. 8" of Severodvinsk

Arkhangelsk region



information culture lesson for 2nd grade students.

Target: Nurturing the information culture of readers.


Give the concepts of “press”, “journalism”, “periodical publication”, “newspaper”, “magazine”, “section”, “article”;

Talk about the importance of periodicals in the world of information;

Introduce students to age-appropriate periodicals from the gymnasium library;

Arouse interest in reading periodicals;

Talk about the possibilities of using periodicals to prepare messages, reports, research papers and when searching for the necessary information material.

Form of training organization: introduction lesson, review.

Lesson type: combined.

Teaching methods:

working with periodicals


Means of education: periodicals, computer, multimedia projector.


1. Introduction.

2. Explanation of the concepts of “press”, “periodical literature”, “journalism”, types of periodicals (using a presentation).

3. Review of library periodicals using a presentation.

Points 1-3 - 25 minutes.

4. Practical task.

8 minutes.

5. Questions for consolidation and conclusions.

5 minutes.

6.Free reading.

5 minutes.

7. Conclusion.

2 minutes.

During the classes.

1. Introduction

Hello guys. Today we have an interesting lesson called “Fascinating press for children's interest.” This lesson will expand the boundaries of our horizons and will help you in preparing reports, communications, and performing practical and research work. All this is necessary, so I ask for your closest attention and will be glad to hear your questions at the end of the lesson.

2 .Explanation of concepts.

(Presentation. Slide 1)

Fascinating press... What is the press?

(Presentation. Slide 2)

“Press” - the word came to us from France.

The press is the work of the press...: magazines, newspapers, and generally current news of the printed word. So it is written in the “Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language” by A. N. Chudinov

Today we will talk about magazines and newspapers.

Probably, your parents subscribe to or buy newspapers and magazines for themselves and for you to read the news and learn something new and interesting, and you already know that the press is published regularly - new and new issues are published under a certain name. Those. magazines and newspapers are published periodically.

(Presentation. Slide 3)

“A periodical is a publication (usually printed) published with a stated frequency.” This is what it says in Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia.

“Periodika” is a Greek word meaning “coming again,” “returning.”

Periodicals include newspapers, magazines, yearbooks, calendars, etc.

That is, newspapers and magazines are printed periodicals or press.

Magazines and newspapers can be of different types.

(Presentation. Slide 4)

By frequency:





annual, etc.

By purpose:

popular science;

literary and artistic, etc.

A variety of interesting things are published in periodicals of various types: articles about scientific discoveries, about life in society, about the culture of different peoples, about sports achievements. The press also covers historical discoveries and facts, various useful tips on organizing lifestyle and everyday life, interesting things about the animal and plant world, etc. Also from newspapers and magazines we can learn about various events in the life of society and people’s attitudes towards these events.

(Presentation. Slide 5)

We call the field of literature about current socio-political issues, as well as discussion in the press of these issues, journalism. Journalism is a type of literature.

3. Review of library periodicals.

You can subscribe to periodicals at the post office, or you can buy them directly at the post office or at a kiosk. Let's take a look at some periodicals for younger schoolchildren that our library subscribes to.

(Presentation. Slide 6)

Curious and active!

We invite you to plunge into the sea of ​​newspapers and magazines of our library! Here you can find a lot of new, exciting and interesting things for yourself.

(During the story, newspapers and magazines prepared in advance are shown to students).

(Presentation. Slide 7)

A newspaper is a periodical publication in the form of large sheets, usually daily, dedicated to events of current political and social life.
(S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language).

The word "newspaper" came to us from Italy. That was the name of the small coin that was used to value the daily news sheet.

Here is the newspaper “The Good Road of Childhood”. (Show newspaper).

(Presentation. Slide 8)

“The Good Road of Childhood” - All-Russian newspaper. Published 2 times a month. A newspaper about children, about roads and traffic rules.

The newspaper covers news and new Rules, documents on the safety of children on the roads, and prints gaming materials for children.

Young traffic inspectors;

Yunkor's Post (Materials for young correspondents - child safety promoters);

DDD Game Library (board games, puzzles, outdoor games, puzzles, crosswords, quizzes are published);

Collect a collection (photos and characteristics of cars, photos and information about racers, etc.);

Interviews with famous people;

Children and Motherland;

Healthy lifestyle, etc.

And here are the journals of our library. (Show stack of magazines).

(Presentation. Slide 9)

“A magazine is a periodical publication in the form of a book containing articles, works of art, illustrations,” says D. N. Ushakov’s “Explanatory Dictionary.”

I brought several magazines.

(Presentation. Slide 10)

“Children's Reading for the Heart and Mind” is the very first periodical for children to appear in Russia. A very interesting literary and artistic magazine for children and their parents, despite its small volume, 48 pages, and black and white illustrations. It publishes children's classic and modern literature for reading: fairy tales, poems, short stories, historical sketches.

(Presentation. Slide 11)

Guys and animals

Sincere word

Story by story

Poetry for children

Reading with the whole family

Wonderful moments

Sometimes it happens

Jokes aside

Miracles in a sieve

Once upon a time there was a fairy tale

Interesting stories

Story from history

Here is everyone’s favorite magazine “Murzilka”.

(Presentation. Slide 12)

Popular children's educational literary and artistic magazine. Published once a month since 1924.

Its main character is the yellow fluffy Murzilka, a fairy-tale creature. It introduces the reader to the interesting world of fairy tales, stories, poems, comics, riddles and crosswords.

The authors of "Murzilka" are modern talented writers, artists and classics of children's literature: S. Ya. Marshak, G. B. Oster, Irina Ashcheulova, Andrey Usachev and many others. Often the authors of the magazine are the readers themselves. .

(Presentation. Slide 13)

Our favorite writers

Murzilka Art Gallery

Environmental lesson from Murzilka

I am writing a letter to Murzilka

The Adventures of Murzilka - comics section

Travel and discovery

Crossword by Murzilka et al.

“An article is a small-sized scientific or journalistic composition” - written in the “Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” by S.I. Ozhegova, N.Yu. Shvedova.

Articles from “Murzilka” will help you prepare interesting messages and reports in addition to the school curriculum, and expand your horizons.

Our next magazine is called “Children's Encyclopedia”.

(Presentation. Slide 14)

This popular science magazine is published once a month.

It is intended for children from 12 years old, but even eight-year-olds can find understandable material here. "Children's Encyclopedia" contains interesting facts; it is interesting to both children and adults.

Each magazine is dedicated to a specific topic and consists of many questions or chapters, arranged alphabetically, revealing the content of the topic.

This periodical will help in preparing messages and reports for lessons and broadening your horizons. It can be used when writing research papers.

"And why?" - curious children often ask. There is a magazine called “Why?”, and we subscribe to it.

(Presentation. Slide 15)

This popular science historical magazine for primary schoolchildren is a monthly supplement to the Young Technician magazine.

In each issue of the publication you can gain knowledge in all areas of science, technology, art, visit the most interesting corners of the Earth, plunge into the underwater kingdom, and learn the secrets of nature.

(Presentation. Slide 16)

One hundred thousand "whys"

Our Hermitage

All the colors of the rainbow

Legends of deep antiquity

From all over the world

Game library

Interesting fact


Danila - master, etc.

"And why?" will help in preparing messages and reports in class, writing research papers, and increasing the level of erudition.

The magazine “GEOlenok” is very exciting and interesting.

(Presentation. Slide 16)

In it you can find information about everything in the world.

It comes out once a month.

“GEOlenok” is a magazine about planet Earth and our life on it.

"Photo of the month";

“Earthlings” - about the amazing events of the planet;

“Neighbors on the Planet” is about animals;

“Question for backfilling” - a section of various questions;

“What's new” - latest news;


“In the footsteps of your letters”, etc.

The magazine will help in writing research and practical works, in preparing for lessons and increasing the level of erudition.

I must definitely tell you that it is most convenient to find the necessary information in magazines based on the content.

(Presentation. Slide 17)

Every magazine has content.

4. Practical task.

So, a little practical task: I give you magazines, you look at them:


Also think about what lesson you can prepare a report on this magazine for.

5. Questions for consolidation and conclusions.

And now I ask you to answer my questions (frontal survey):

What is the press?

Why are newspapers and magazines called periodicals?

What is a newspaper?

What is a magazine?

What types of periodicals do you remember?

For which lesson can I prepare a message for the magazine “Children's Reading for the Heart and Mind”?

How many magazine titles did I show today?

Do you subscribe to newspapers and magazines at home? Do you buy them? Do you read them in the library?

So, we learned today...(reflection).

Well done today. You were attentive and interested.

(Presentation. Slide 18)

We talked about only a few magazines in the gymnasium library and one newspaper. Many of you have already seen the magazines “Chitaika”, “Toshka and Company”, “Cool Magazine” and others in the library.

Remember the rules for using magazines: meeting reading deadlines and using them carefully.

Have a fascinating journey into the sea of ​​periodicals!

6. Free reading (5 minutes).

(Presentation. Slide 19)

7. Conclusion.

You are very smart and smart! I invite you to the library! Thank you for your attention!


GOST 7.60-90. Editions. Main types. Terms and definitions: [Electronic resource] // Layout. - Access mode: − Cap. from the screen.

Periodical publication: [Electronic resource] // Wikipedia. Free encyclopedia - Access mode: - Cap. from the screen.

Russian language. Dictionaries: [Electronic resource] // Classes.RU. - Access mode: − Cap. from the screen.

Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language. Press: [Electronic resource] // Academician. - Access mode: - Cap. from the screen.

Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. Category:[Electronic resource] // Academician. - Access mode: - Cap. from the screen.