Oily fish benefits. Oily fish

There are many varieties of fish that are suitable for consumption. All of them are combined into general species and subspecies according to their origin. Butterfish is a special delicacy. One name includes completely different varieties of seafood, which bear the same name solely due to the similarity of taste.

Butterfish - what kind of fish is it?

When buying a product with the same name on the market, you can buy completely different goods. Thus, butterfish is a trademark that unites three families and four genera. All of them are warm-water marine inhabitants that are found in the ocean near the American, Australian, and New Zealand coasts. The average weight is about 4 kg, length - from 35 to 70 cm. Average calorie content: 113 kcal per 100 grams of product.

These types of marine life contain the daily requirement of many microelements. All species united in one trade group are similar in appearance and in their way of life. This is where the similarities end. The fishery is not carried out separately: oilfish are caught in nets by accident when catching other species. Because some varieties are rare, they are considered delicacies.

Types of butterfish

To know exactly what purchase you are making, you need to understand the types of butterfish. There are several of the most popular: this is savorin fish (another name is varejou fish). It belongs to the mackerel, a group of perciformes, and lives in tropical and subtropical waters. The weight of the carcass reaches 20 kg. Another species that is considered rare is the escolar fish. It resembles the tuna fish it catches with. Large individuals are up to 2 meters long and weigh up to 50 kg. Another species is seriolella fish, the fattest of all representatives of this group and the smallest (weight - about 3 kg).

The benefits and harms of oil fish

For the human body to function normally, it requires a variety of microelements, many of which are contained in marine life. When it comes to the benefits and harms of oil fish, it can be noted that it has much more positive effects on the body than negative ones. Since different products belong to this brand, their properties differ. In general, they contain Omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins A, D, E, F, numerous microelements (manganese, iodine, zinc, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium), and a large amount of protein.

Nutrients, when regularly introduced into the body, have a positive effect on the general condition: they cause a decrease in blood pressure, improve metabolism, help fight cardiovascular diseases, and have a positive effect on the skin, nails, and hair. The main concern that many people have is the risk of diarrhea, stomach cramps, nausea, due to the fact that excess fat cannot be absorbed, or a weak stomach does not accept it. Practice shows that such consequences are rare if there are no separate contraindications to use.

How to cook butterfish

Despite the unusual origin of this product group, preparing butterfish is not difficult. There is no need to be embarrassed because of overseas origin. For a delicious lunch, you just need to choose the method that you like best: fry, bake on the grill or in the oven, cook with fish soup. You can serve it with different side dishes, such as rice, mushrooms, vegetables, and use all possible spices and marinades.

Butterfish Recipes

Most chefs advise using butterfish recipes that involve frying. During this process, the product gets rid of a large amount of fat. To further balance the taste, it is recommended to eat as many vegetables as possible with it. The most expressive recipes are cold and hot smoking, in which the taste of the dish increases significantly.

Cold smoked butterfish

  • Preparation time: 2 days.
  • Number of servings: 6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 131 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: snack.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty of preparation: difficult.

If you want to prepare a delicious snack to go with your beer yourself, cold smoked butterfish is perfect for this. Thanks to smoke treatment, it acquires unique taste, amazing smell and beautiful golden color. However, you should be careful. You should avoid eating large amounts of fatty smoked meat, otherwise you can provoke diarrhea.


  • fish – 600 g;
  • water – 650 ml;
  • salt – 4.3 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar – 4.3 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Make a brine from water, salt and sugar and place the fish in it. It is necessary to salt for 1 day at room temperature.
  2. Next you need to prepare the smokehouse. To do this, you will need a pan, the bottom of which will be covered with foil. You need to put sawdust on top and cover it with foil again. Place a wire rack in the pan and place the fish on it. Cover with a lid and smoke for 15 minutes on maximum heat. No need to turn over.
  3. When everything is ready, leave the product for another day so that it evaporates.

Butterfish in the oven

  • Cooking time: 40 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 130 kcal.
  • Purpose: for lunch, for dinner.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

When you want to pamper your family or surprise guests with an exquisite recipe, oven-baked butter fish is perfect for this. The recipe for the dish is very simple, but no less tasty, because this product in itself is a treat worthy of a rich table. All the ingredients for it can easily be found in your refrigerator, and you can choose the side dish to your taste. Whatever you cook, it is recommended to leave the scales, it turns out tastier.


  • fish fillet – 800 g;
  • vegetable or olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon juice – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • chopped rosemary – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • basil – 1 tbsp. l;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • green onions – 1 bunch;
  • tomato – 3 pcs;
  • salt - to taste;
  • pepper – 1 tsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix rosemary, basil, garlic, lemon juice. Add a tablespoon of oil.
  2. Rinse the fillet under running water, dry, then salt and pepper.
  3. Dip into the prepared sauce and let soak.
  4. Cut the tomatoes into flat slices.
  5. Wrap each piece in foil, placing tomato slices on each. Afterwards they should be placed on a baking sheet and placed in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 20-25 minutes.
  6. You can check the readiness of the dish by cutting the foil a little.
  7. When serving, finely chop the parsley and green onions and add to the dish.

The name of this class of living beings was given not by biological characteristics, but by taste. We are talking about the commercial name “butterfish”, the consequences of consuming which are one of the most famous “horror stories” in gastronomy.

Brief information

In biology there is no such thing as "butterfish". It was invented by businessmen to designate a whole category of ocean inhabitants, which includes:

  • Escolar;
  • Australian Seriolella;
  • Atlantic butterfish;
  • Pampanito fish;
  • Patagonian stromateus.

The main feature by which all these different types of fish were combined into one trade name is similar taste and very fatty, often white, meat.

A large amount of fat is typical for marine inhabitants of tropical latitudes that live in the area of ​​​​underwater hills and mountains. The main supplying regions for oilfish are South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, and South America.

Most often it is served under the label “oil-fish” ruveta, also known as sandpaper fish. In African countries, locals call it escolar. This is a very large fish weighing several tens of kilograms. Due to the fact that both in appearance and in behavior it is close to tuna fish, it is often caught by mistake. It lives on the continental shelf and feeds on small fish, crustaceans and squid. At night it comes to the surface. The meat has excellent consistency and high taste.

In this video, Mikhail will tell you how he once bought pampanito fish:

Application in gastronomy

One of the key advantages of this seafood is the variety of ways to prepare it:

  • Smoking;
  • Frying;
  • Extinguishing;
  • Cooking;
  • Grilling.

Tender, tasty meat is highly valued by gourmets and restaurant regulars. However, to prevent food from harming the body, you must follow a few simple rules:

  • Of all the cooking options, it is better to choose boiling (the fat goes into the broth and must be drained) or grilling (harmful substances drain through the grate). It is better not to eat a product subject to smoking, especially with tomatoes, which enhance the so-called “castor effect”;
  • Before starting cooking, it is better to hang the fish by the tail, after cutting off its head. So a significant part of the oil (fat) will leak out;
  • Preference should be given to smaller portions. This is how you can get all the beneficial substances without risking diarrhea.

Butterfish: calories

Oily fish is known as one of the best sources of energy, making it excellent for athletes, manual workers and simply outdoor enthusiasts. A few steaks can replace a full meal.

The average nutritional values ​​(per 100 g) for this trade name are as follows:

  • Calorie content - 130 kcal;
  • Proteins - 25 g;
  • Fats - 5 g.

The contribution of each gram of proteins, carbohydrates and fats to calorie content is 4, 4 and 9, respectively (i.e. 1 g of protein - 4 kcal). According to the works of leading nutritionists, the best source of energy is carbohydrates, which are extremely low in oily fish. That's why those who want to keep their figure normal and Those on a diet should forget about eating this dish.

Oily fish: benefits and harms

On the territory of the Soviet Union, the so-called “butterfish” was sold at a bargain price as feed. In modern Russia, this type of fish is sometimes served as an expensive, gourmet delicacy “for the elite.” As bait, businessmen cite the following positive qualities of the product:

  • Pleasant taste;
  • Variety of cooking methods;
  • Fish contains potassium, which will help with cardiovascular diseases;
  • The fats contained in the composition can produce a rejuvenating effect, improving the structure of the human integumentary system;
  • The fish lives exclusively in unpolluted waters, and is therefore advertised as “environmentally friendly”;
  • The functioning of the endocrine system will be helped by the chromium contained in the product;
  • The composition contains many microelements and vitamins.

The harmful properties of fish are no less impressive. If prepared incorrectly - and this almost always happens when cooking at home - the product causes severe gastrointestinal disorders. Symptoms of food poisoning appear (primarily diarrhea). Sometimes an oily liquid may flow out of the anus without any urge. This happens because oily fish contain exorbitant amounts of fat, many of which are not absorbed by the human body.

However, this drawback of fish can be interpreted in a relatively positive light: it can be recommended for those suffering from constipation.

Legislative regulation

The negative effect of eating fatty fish (primarily escolar) has led to its recognition in a number of developed countries around the world non-food product:

  • In Japan, it was considered poisonous and banned for sale in the 70s of the last century;
  • In Scandinavian countries, the government issues special recommendations, which are declarative in nature, regarding the dangers of misuse of this seafood;
  • Canadian regulatory authorities also decided to limit themselves to advisory measures. Local consumers there are instructed to inquire about the quality from the fish seller;
  • For several years, “butterfish” was banned in the United States, but under pressure from the fishing lobby and retail chains, the ban was lifted.

As for Russia, back in the Soviet years, the Kyiv Research Institute recognized escolar as a product unsuitable for consumption. However, now the conclusions of scientists have been conveniently forgotten in favor of excess profits for traders.

In Soviet times, this product was sold for pennies and was considered harmful, but today it is positioned almost as food of the gods. This is, of course, butterfish. The consequences of using it are very dire, but not fatal.

Abundant diarrhea guaranteed . It is unlikely that the negative consequences will outweigh the few positive qualities.

Video: if you eat butterfish

In this video, fillet of escolar (butterfish) will be shown, and gastroenterologist Andrei Pirogov will tell you what consequences await after eating it:

The benefits and harms of oil fish are not known to everyone. It has very fatty white meat. This name includes 4 types of oilfish:

  • pampanito;
  • Patagonian stromateus;
  • escolar;
  • Australian Seriolella.

What does butterfish look like and where is it found?

The skin of such marine inhabitants is usually dark brown. With age, its color may change to black. Externally, this underwater inhabitant is very similar to tuna, since it has a similar lateral keel. The meat is very tender and tasty. These sea creatures are quite large. The weight is approximately 45 kg, and the length can reach 2.1 m. The main place of production of butterfish is the oceans of New Zealand or Australia. They are sold en masse only in Canada; they are supplied to other countries less frequently, since the benefits and harms of oil fish have not yet been fully proven.

Attention! If you periodically include butterfish in your diet, you can reduce the risk of asthma several times.

Regulation of oil fish sales

Due to the controversial effect of this product on the body, some countries have passed laws prohibiting its mass sale:

  1. In Japan, the sale of butterfish was completely banned in the second half of the 20th century due to its harmful properties.
  2. It is common in Canada, but authorities still decided to take advisory measures on its use. Each seller is obliged to familiarize buyers with possible side effects and information about the harm presented.
  3. In Scandinavian countries, laws are issued that are advisory in nature, which inform about the benefits and harms of oily fish for the body.
  4. It was banned in the USA for only a couple of years. Then, after protests from the people and fishing organizations, the laws were repealed, and residents stopped worrying about minor harm to the body.

Chemical composition of oil fish

In the USA, such a product is considered very useful. And not in vain, because it contains a large amount of vitamins B6 and E. Among the fat-soluble vitamins, vitamin A is present. Its fillet composition includes:

  • fluorine;
  • sodium;
  • iron;
  • sulfur;
  • chromium;
  • calcium.

Selenium and Phosphorus are especially high - 46.8 mcg and 308 mg, respectively.

Nutritional value and calorie content of oil fish

In its raw form, the calorie content of butterfish per 100 grams is only 113. But it varies depending on the cooking method.

Useful properties of oil fish

Residents of the seas of such varieties have a lot of useful properties. They take an honorable first place in the content of animal proteins. The human body requires the presence of saturated fats, which can be found in sufficient quantities in oily fish. This product contains 3 times more omega-3 acids than salmon. Chromium and potassium contained in these marine inhabitants will be useful for people with diseases of the endocrine system and cardiovascular tract.

Oily fish will have a positive effect on the condition of women's skin. Girls who periodically use this product will not suffer from the premature appearance of wrinkles.

This underwater resident can be useful for people suffering from constipation. The monoglycerides included in the composition have a laxative effect because they are very difficult to digest.

The product has many more useful properties:

  • promotes a noticeable reduction in bad cholesterol;
  • increases immunity;
  • copes well with vascular spasms, reducing the concentration of stress hormones;
  • promotes hair growth;
  • restores the nervous system;
  • Helps people with obesity lose weight.

Is oil fish good for weight loss?

Fish has a beneficial effect on weight loss. The prepared product is quite high in calories. However, if you grill it, the excess moisture and fats will disappear. Easily digestible proteins fit perfectly into a healthy diet. When consuming such a product, the body will receive enough energy. This will be especially beneficial for people on diets or involved in active sports.

Are there any benefits to smoked butterfish?

The prepared product retains all its taste. The benefits of cold smoked oil fish are obvious. Up to 90% of nutrients are preserved because it does not undergo heat treatment. This type of cooking is quite healthy and has unforgettable taste properties and does not cause harm.

In what form should you eat butterfish?

You can cook it in any way: fry, bake, smoke, boil. But the grill is considered the safest and most non-harmful. Firstly, when cooking food on the grill, you do not need to add oil, which will have a good effect on the calorie content of the dish. Secondly, with this method of processing, fats that are difficult to digest will evaporate - the dish will become much healthier and easier.

Harm of oil fish and contraindications

Seafood products have many beneficial properties for people. The minerals and trace elements that make up them benefit the body. However, oil fish has disadvantages - its harmful effect on the digestive system. It cannot process the large amounts of fat contained in this product, which may result in nausea and vomiting. Because of this, gastrointestinal disorders appear, leading to serious illnesses. For example, a common side effect is diarrhea when eating butterfish. These negative properties can be overcome by learning how to cook it correctly.

Eating oily fish is contraindicated for people with the following diseases:

  • flatulence;
  • diarrhea;
  • stomach cramps;
  • urolithiasis;
  • inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • liver or kidney disease.

Important! Eating oily fish is contraindicated for children, as their fragile digestive system is unable to digest it.

How to choose and store butterfish correctly

When purchasing a product in online stores, you need to carefully inspect the packaging. There should be no excess moisture. The carcass should have a good smell, color and be firm. It should not be frozen several times, so it is important to pay attention to the amount of ice in the package. Its excess indicates that the product has been stored for a long time.

To choose the right smoked product, you need to pay attention to the smell. It should be pleasant and have woody notes. The pulp should be uniform in color and glossy. If these signs are not observed, it means that there was artificial treatment, for example, from a spray can.

Hot smoked fish product is stored for up to 4 days under natural conditions, and in the refrigerator for up to 14 days, but only if it was pre-packed in foil or thick paper.

Advice! In order not to spoil the structure of the dish, it is not advisable to store it in the freezer.

Cold ones use salt and smoke, which means the shelf life will be longer. A fish product made this way may not spoil for 2 months. For proper storage, the product must be packaged in parchment paper and stored in the refrigerator.

Butterfish Recipes

There are many options for serving sea life. It is often combined with vegetable side dishes or cereals. Properly selected spices enhance the aroma.

Butterfish in the oven

When baked, the juiciness and delicate consistency are preserved. And most importantly, it doesn’t require much effort. Can be served with salads and sauces.


  • butterfish – 1 kg;
  • lemon – 200 gr;
  • garlic – 3 cloves;
  • butter – 80 g;
  • spices - to taste;
  • greens - to taste.


  1. Crush the garlic or finely chop it.
  2. Melt the butter and mix with the garlic.
  3. Rub the fish fillet with salt and spices.
  4. Pour garlic mixture over it.
  5. Squeeze half a lemon over the fish. The second one is to cut and place on top.
  6. Bake everything for 20 minutes at 200°C.
  7. Sprinkle the finished dish with chopped herbs.

Cold smoked fish

The smoking process takes a lot of time and is not the easiest option. But true lovers of such dishes should try it.


  • butter fish – 700 gr;
  • water – 800 ml;
  • sugar – 60 g;
  • salt – 60 gr.


  1. Dissolve water, salt and sugar in a separate container.
  2. Place the fish carcass there and leave for a day.
  3. Remove some of the pulp and put the rest in the refrigerator.
  4. Cover the bottom of any pan with foil, sprinkle sawdust on top, and then cover again with a sheet of foil.
  5. Place the pan on the fire and place a wire rack on top.
  6. Place the carcass on the grill and smoke it for 15–20 minutes.
  7. Leave to air out for a day.

If desired, you can use spices or cognac during salting. This will give the dish originality.

Butterfish Sandwiches

This recipe is a quick and delicious snack idea. It is prepared quickly and easily.


  • butterfish – 0.5 kg;
  • flour – 200 gr;
  • sunflower oil – 1 l;
  • mayonnaise – 40 g;
  • greens - to taste;
  • gherkins cucumbers – 20 g;
  • bread – 150 gr;
  • herbs – 1 pinch;
  • spices – 1 tbsp. l.


  1. Mix herbs with spices.
  2. Cut the fish into equal thin pieces.
  3. Dredge the fillet in flour and fry on both sides.
  4. Dry with paper towels.
  5. Mix mayonnaise, chopped herbs and gherkins.
  6. Place the fillet on a piece of bread, then the sauce and sprinkle with herbs.
  7. Cover with a second layer of bread.


Scientists have long been studying the benefits and harms of oil fish for the human body. You can be absolutely sure that when consumed in small quantities, there will be no negative consequences. The product will have a beneficial effect. To avoid negative consequences, you need to carefully read the specific properties and processing rules.

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Butterfish is a common trade name used for several species of fish from 3 different families: 2 species from the Stromateaceae family, Australian Seriolella from the Centrolopaceae family, Escolar (gray delicacy mackerel) and some other species from the Hempilidae family. All these fish species are different in their anatomical and physiological structure. All of the listed types of oily fish provide certain benefits for human nutrition; they can be found on sale in the form of frozen carcasses or fillets, as well as smoked.

On the similarity of species

The body length of individuals presented in trade can vary on average from 30 to 75 cm, weight can reach up to 4 kg (the largest of the oil fish - escolar, can reach a body length of up to 2 m and weight up to 45 kg).

Most often in nutritional and culinary literature we talk about escolar.

The benefits and harms of oil fish

Oily fish fillets (of any type) contain a large amount of B vitamins, as well as A, E and D, as well as various valuable microelements (compounds of fluorine, iron, sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, chromium, etc.) .

Periodic, regular inclusion of healthy-cooked butterfish into the diet has an overall beneficial effect on the human body (of course, we are not talking about smoking and frying in a pan). Eating oily fish improves skin condition and vision, as well as the functioning of the brain, nervous, cardiovascular and immune systems of the human body.

The calorie content of butterfish is on average about 112 kcal per 100 g of product (in smoked form it is much higher - about 180 kcal).

Butterfish is very fatty, so for its preparation it is better to choose those cooking methods in which some of the fat is removed during the process (for example, grilling headless carcasses).

The information and opinions that frighten consumers about the terribly unpleasant consequences of eating butterfish do not apply to all species, but only to ruwet (one of the types of mackerel from the hempilidae family). This fish is very fatty and contains a large amount of indigestible animal wax. Even when consuming a fairly moderate amount of ruveta, unpleasant consequences are possible, namely: a strong laxative effect, sometimes with cases of an involuntary nature.

In any case, butterfish should be consumed in small quantities, 2-3 pieces, no more than 1-2 times a week.

Oily– a collective name for several types of fish with white meat. Under it, stores sell stromatea, seriolella, escolara, and American butterfish. These fish belong to different families.

According to some information, the oilfish lives in tropical and moderately warm waters. Prefers to swim in the upper ocean layers away from the shores.

Pisces, united under one name, are easy to confuse. They are found in different places, but have much in common. All have white and fairly fatty meat. Moreover seriolella breaks all records for fat content.

They can only be distinguished by external signs. Stromateus has flattened sides, and escolar externally can be confused with. But given that stores often sell already cut carcasses in the form of steaks, the average consumer will not bother to investigate who and where. But is it enough to know that all these fish have a high percentage of fat content and how this can affect health, we will discuss in more detail.

Useful and medicinal properties of oil fish

Let's talk about the general benefits of all fish that are hidden under one trade name.

  • Oily fish is useful for heart patients and those who need to replenish protein reserves in the body.
  • It strengthens blood vessels, making them elastic.
  • Oily has a mild laxative effect. What you need for constipation.
  • Fish strengthens the immune system and is useful for people with increased anxiety.
  • Oil dishes reduce blood pressure and improve overall health.

The use of the product is of particular importance for women. Unsaturated fats will help maintain healthy hair, skin and nails. It has been scientifically proven that oilseed oil relieves pain during menstruation and menopause.

Chemical composition and calorie content of oil fish

Fish owes its properties to its chemical composition. It occupies a leading position in terms of the content of healthy animal proteins. Its name speaks for itself. Fish contains a lot of fatty acids omega-3. Their concentration exceeds the acid content in fish of the salmon family by almost three times.

The nutritional value:

The energy value is 113 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Minerals and vitamins included:

How oil fish is used for weight loss

Oily oil can be found in small quantities in. It is valued and respected by athletes precisely for the high percentage of protein in its composition. In addition, fish is rich in micro- and macroelements.

Use in healthy and therapeutic nutrition

In the absence of individual intolerance to fish, small quantities can and should be consumed in a healthy diet. The main thing is to take into account all the features and possible consequences and limit the amount of fish in the diet.

How to choose a good product

Oily is often found on sale. It can almost always be found in fish aisles at the market, supermarket or seafood stores. Do not forget about the rules for choosing fish before purchasing:

  • Fresh oil should not have any suspicious or unpleasant odors.
  • You should not take risks by buying fish in opaque packaging.
  • The carcass should not be damaged, with spots, breaks or suspicious in color.
  • Press down on the fish with your finger. Did the trail disappear quickly? You can buy.

How to use the product

To avoid side effects, stool disorders, oilseed oil should be consumed in small quantities. Imagine that you are dealing with a delicatessen product that requires appropriate treatment.

  • Fish cooked without fat and oil - in the oven, steamed or grilled - is considered the healthiest and safest.
  • Before eating, some chefs advise hanging the fish carcass so that some of the fat drips from it.
  • Considering the fat content of the fish, vegetables, with the exception of tomatoes, would serve as an ideal side dish. They can worsen diarrhea.
  • It is worth noting that steaks and balyks made from butter oil do not lead to disorders and other consequences that consumers often encounter.

If you love fish, you shouldn’t give up oil dishes. Still, it contains a lot of healthy protein. The daily norm is contained only in 150 grams of product.

Product storage features

Fish carcasses are pre-washed and dried with a paper towel. They can be stored in plastic containers under crushed ice for about four months. When purchasing ice-glazed fish fillets, it is recommended to immediately defrost and cook the fish.

Contraindications and consequences of eating oily fish

Those who have tried oil at least once note side effects:
  • uncontrolled diarrhea;
  • flatulence;
  • stomach cramps.

Sometimes eating too fatty fish in large quantities provokes nausea and vomiting.

The main culprit of these problems is wax ester. gempilotoxin. It is practically not absorbed. The high content of fats that enter the body causes it to produce more bile than normal. This irritates the surface of the gastrointestinal tract, provokes the excretion of fats and oils, and turns the stool brown. Thus, oilseed oil is harmful to people with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver.

Due to similar consequences, the sale of this fish is even prohibited in Canada, Japan and some European countries.

You should be very careful with oil oil already at the stage of selection and purchase. But no matter what fish you buy under this name, its properties are very similar. It is fatty enough to consume in large quantities. It is necessary to choose the right heat treatment method. But you shouldn’t completely deny yourself pleasure. Still, fish has excellent taste, will allow you to experiment in the kitchen, improve metabolism and improve health.