How to make the world a Jedi. Impact on characters in SW KotOR II

Brief description of the game interface and team management.

II. Companions of the Exile

So, we were given 12 companions, but due to certain characteristics of our hero (Side Light/Darkness and Gender of the Character) we can only take 10:

Kreia- Jedi Consul. Joins during the passage of Peragus.
Atton Rand- Tramp, pilot and gunner. Joins during the passage of Peragus.
T3-M4- Expert droid from the first part of the game. The casing is slightly peeling, but under the metal cover there is priceless experience from previous adventures.
Bao Dur— A good mechanic with a useful prosthetic instead of one of his arms. Joins immediately after landing on the surface of Telos.
Maid, she's the same Brianna— A warrior from a secret Academy in the north of Telos. Joins the male character after passing the planet. Capable of teaching the hero Echani fighting techniques.
Follower, aka Mikel- a typical intellectual, will join the female character during the passage of Dantooine.
Visas Marr— Dark Jedi, sent to our soul. He will wait in ambush right on “EbonHawk” on the first planet after Telos.
Mira- a red-haired bounty hunter with her own concepts of honor. Will join a light or neutral character during the passage of Nar Shaddaa.
Hanharr- an evil ball of fur. A Wookiee who hunts people not for a reward, but “for the love of art” is an unpleasant phenomenon, even if he is on your side. Joins a dark character during the passage of Nar Shaddaa.
G0-T0- a spherical droid of obscure purpose. Will join after completing Nar Shaddaa.
HK-47- killer droid from the first part. It was pretty rusty, but like the T3, it didn’t do it any harm. Present on the ship from the very beginning, but the lack of 4 parts prevents it from launching. Collect them and the droid is with you again.
Mandalore- Commander of the Mandalorians entrenched on Dxana. Will join you before leaving for Onderon.

And now about how to make Jedi out of all satellites (except Hanharr and robots) :

Bao Dur: He needs high influence, after we have it, we approach him on the ship and talk about war. He wants to help us - whether you want this is up to you to decide.
Maid: On the ship in the Cargo compartment we need to ask her to train us with Echani. We defeat her three times, after one of the battles you need to ask her to get dressed (if you are naked the trick will not work), we ask her about the Robe (Where did you get the Jedi robe?). She tells you that she was a Jedi from her mother. We approach Kreia , we discuss this topic. Then she suggests making Brianna a Sith, we think and approach the Handmaid. We say that we have a Jedi or a Sith assassin in our party.
Mira: We talk to her on the ship about the fact that it’s better for her on Nar Shaddaa, where life is in full swing. We say that Kreia showed us the Force, we go to the human bar and tell her. A Dialogue begins in which you need to tell her that she can then overcome this pain, protect herself and others. +1 Jedi.
Atton: On Nar Shaddaa in the Refugee Sector, two Twileks come to us, they say that for 25 credit cards they will tell you something interesting. We give and they tell us that they have seen him before. Then a careful three-stage interrogation helps us make him a Jedi.

And now - more about the characters of our companions:

Old lady Kreia accompanies our hero throughout the entire game (except for a few episodes). She joins the GG on Peragus and gradually restores our connection with the force. She is a Jedi consul, but she does not consider herself either a Jedi or a Sith and generally does not recognize either the light or the dark side. She is trying to teach our hero to become cunning, smart and strong. In some situations he supports evil, and in others he supports good. Kreia has no one but us, so she protects the hero with all her might. If you constantly listen and heed her advice, then the entire galaxy will remain “indebted” to you. The old woman is really wise and can teach a lot, but she considers everyone around her more stupid than herself and therefore does not tolerate it when we disagree with her. The whole team treats her with suspicion and constantly tries to reason with the hero: “Don’t listen to her, she will teach you bad things.” But what she can teach us depends on us.

Atton Rand

We meet this comrade locked in a cell, which immediately leads to certain thoughts. Atton is a classic rogue: he is charming, agile, good with long-range weapons and loves to play cards. He is also the only pilot on our team and is forced to control the ship.

A dark personality is immediately noticeable in him (and it is terribly dark, but only a master of persuasion will recognize this), one gets the impression that he is hiding something (which is what it is) and is not saying anything. Atton has a strange craving for dark deeds and cruelty. If our hero can get this guy to talk, then perhaps he will become a Jedi or a Sith - it all depends on us.

Our savior (for those who are completing the prologue). A small specialist droid. This droid is one of those who survived the first part, in which he was laconic, but in the second part, a devoted, kind and vulnerable (as far as this is applicable to a droid) heart suddenly began beating inside the metal case (Goodwin adjusted :)) The little mechanic is well versed in computers , hacking and other technical issues, which is not surprising, because this is a droid. Another thing is surprising: this droid values ​​only kindness in our hero and absolutely cannot live without love for him (again, as far as this is applicable to the droid). T3M4 should be praised at every opportunity and taken care of more often. Throughout the game, our hero gradually restores and improves the T3M4 using his own repair and computer skills. In general, T3M4 behaves like a dog (in a good way) and is ready to tear anyone apart for its owner. But he doesn’t always succeed because... he is not made for battle.

We meet him on the surface of Telos.

A Zabrak war veteran trying to do as much good as possible. His soul is troubled by the wound inflicted by the war. He fought alongside our hero and constantly calls us General. Bao-Dur feels guilty for every Mandalorian killed in the war, and in order to escape from these thoughts, he is constantly engaged in repairs on the ship. Quite interesting is the energy prosthesis that replaces his left arm. With its help, Bao-Dur can hit enemies in the face with his signature blow, as well as with a prosthesis, just like with a lightsaber you can turn off force fields by hitting them with a strong blow. His little assistant also constantly flies around Bao-Dur.

Bao-Dur is a man of few words, so to gain influence you just need to do good deeds before his eyes.


She's Brianna. Joins us at the secret Echani academy on Telos if the hero is male.

All she was taught was: What to hit, how to hit, where to hit. Appreciates kindness, honesty and is generally a positive person. She can safely put into practice everything that is taught at the academy, and she will also tell and show everything to us. She vowed never to follow the path of the Jedi or Sith, but the art of boltology moved even more mountains. She is also very specific about training, believing that clothes interfere with the acquisition of skills, so the hero in family games will have to boldly beat up an attractive woman in lingerie. Gaining influence over a given person is carried out by the method of massively performing good deeds and winning in training.

Visas Marr

Attacks our hero inside the ship after passing one of the planets.

After Visas recovers from our hero's Kung Fu in the infirmary, she tells us that she is defeated and now her life belongs to our hero, while wondering why he didn't kill her.

Visas constantly meditates in his compartment on the ship. From Atton we can learn that Visas is Miraluka, blind, seeing through force. HER home planet was destroyed by her “teacher” and now she has no home. Visas follows any word of our hero and will follow us into fire and water, regardless of whether we are evil or good. Gradually she falls in love with us, which she decides to say only at the end of the game.

Initially, she is imbued with evil, but we can give her a “good attitude” and then she will become the second (no one can compare with T3M4) member of our team in kindness.

Ooh, this droid is truly a genius. He managed to fool the entire galaxy and become the main crime boss of Nar Shaddaa. A comrade is trying to persuade our hero to establish stability in the galaxy, and it doesn’t matter to him who will be “at the helm,” the Jedi or the Sith, the main thing is that everything will work out. By his own admission, the droid is still counting the damage caused by Darth Malak's mayhem. The comrade is not a fighter, but he is quite interesting in conversation and can tell a lot of interesting things.

This is another example of a droid that survived the first part. True, he didn’t quite survive it :) Our hero will have to add HK the missing parts that can be found in different “Zhelezyachnikov”
HK-47 is a fun guy, just made for killing "meat bags." This is not just a droid - it's a personality! He considers himself a unique, perfect (it is) model of a killer droid and is very angry when he learns that clones of such a treasure are walking around the galaxy. At first he even takes it for a bad joke.

IMHO this is the most DESIGNED character in KotOR. All you can say is: “Master, you broke my heart!” in response to the fact that he doesn't look much like a killer.


Observant comrades will immediately guess who it is.

He joins us on Dxun before heading to Onderon.

Mandalore decided to unite the disparate clans of Mandalorians into one iron fist, which they once were. This comrade is harsh, but fair, albeit according to Mandalorian standards, which moves him closer to the dark side. However, military honor is above all for a true Mandalorian, which is why Mandalore hates scammers and scoundrels.


Joins the female hero in the ruins of the Jedi enclave on Dantooine.

The Follower is a typical nerd who is head over heels in love with the Republic and with each Jedi individually. Since our heroine is a Jedi, she also receives this honor. An extremely positive comrade. He carries a portable chemistry table with him everywhere, which can be used to sculpt first aid kits, implants and steam packs.

Description of all possible ways to get out of any battle alive and generally make the hero’s life easier.

Personally, I advise you to first download from the mastery: Mastery of two weapons. Because it’s better to bludgeon with two swords, or shoot from two lasers, than to run around like an idiot with one. Also, for those who run around with melee weapons, I advise you to download “squall”. he is powerful. And to the best of your ability, download “Lightsaber Throw”, “Lightning” and “Drink Life”. Lightning has saved my life more than once. And don't be afraid to take Bao-dur on your team. He has a huge amount of skills, so he will save you from a difficult situation more than once.

IV. Prologue

The prologue is designed to familiarize the player with the control options in the game. And the prologue can be skipped at any time.

In the prologue, you control the droid T3-M4, and your character, whom you created at the beginning of the game, lies in the infirmary.

Security room:

Get to the security room (forward and left from the cabin). Open the container there, from which take out the Spike. Use the communications console to open the door to the main hold.

Main hold:
Break the box on the right and take out the spike and broken item. In the hold on the floor there are two broken droids, in each of which you can find spare parts, and after searching the body you will find a key card. Use the security console in the center, which allows you to open and close the outer and inner garage door and view camera images.

First aid station:

Through two doors, following the map, get to the first aid station, where your character will lie on the couch. Take out the medical package from the medical container and use it on the character by talking to him. Leave the first aid station and go right along the corridor to the door leading to the engine room. Try to open it, but it requires a mine. Turn around and go left to the cargo hold.

Cargo hold:

Here you will find the 3C-FD droid, which needs repair. Repair him and he will join you. Open the cabinet near the entrance using the key card and take out parts and armor that you can put on your droid. There are also 2 containers in the far part of the hold, one of which contains security tunnelers, which are used to open containers and doors with a complex security system. Only with the help of it, by the way, will you be able to open the second container with spare parts and other things. While still in the hold, by opening the container in the center from which you can take a pistol, you can practice fighting with flying droids.

Outside Ebon Hawk:

Go to the lift opposite the first aid station and take it up. We are outside the ship primarily to find the mine and spare parts. On the right side of the ship, find all the spare parts, which are mainly located in the hatches, and also, after rummaging through the wires, open the bedroom door. On the left side you will see two mines installed, which the droid will detect, as indicated by “bubbles”. You can take the mines or disarm them, but it is better to choose the first option, as in this case you will receive. You'll find a mine and spare parts in the proton rocket nearby, and you'll find more spare parts in the turret.

To get into the garage you need to switch to single mode. Select the T3-M4 droid and send it to the area between the inner and outer garage doors (it's to the left of the engine room entrance). Switch to the 3C-FD droid. Go to the security console in the main hold and use it to first close the outer garage door and then the inner one. Switch back to T3-M4. Once inside the garage, look at the workspace where you can create new items from everything you have. Create a repair kit and use it immediately on the droid. Go to the bedroom on the starboard side of the ship and remove the droid's flamethrower and spare parts from the drawers. Now you can leave the garage the same way you got here and head to the engine room.

Engine room:

The last thing left to do on the ship is to repair the hyperdrive. Blow up the door leading to the engine room by planting a mine. Go to the hyperdrive and repair it with spare parts. Return to the cockpit and click on Peregus on the galaxy map.

V. Peragus

Medical department:

When you wake up, go through the door ahead, then through the door on the left into the room with the computer. Take the medical pack out of the container and, using the computer, unlock the doors of the morgue and storage room. Pay attention to the laboratory table, with which you can create new items. Go to the storage room behind the computer and take out the medpack and chemicals from the containers. Now go to the morgue. Search the corpse that lies in the far part of the morgue and find a plasma torch. Talk to Kreia. To get goodness points, you will need to select the option at the end of the dialogue: “I’ll be back soon to make sure you’re okay.” To get evil points you need to choose at the end of the dialogue: "Don't stand in my way, or you will end up like these corpses." After the conversation, equip the plasma torch, exit the morgue and go to the broken door on the right to break it completely.

Administrative level:.

Search the corpse to find a vibrosword and equip it. With it, you will kill the droids that have infested the administrative level. Search the crashed droid to find some useful items. Do this whenever possible. Go through the door on the left and get to the security room. Along the way you will notice an escape hatch. This is the place through which we will need to go further. In the security room, break the locker, take all the items from it, and then use the computer on the table. View all logs. Go through the next door and Kreia will warn you about the droids in the next room. You will also receive the Power of Foresight. By destroying all the droids in the room, you will have enough experience points to advance to level 2. Kreia will tell you about the Force and you will receive Strength points. Check the boxes for items and go to the administration center.

Administration Center:.

There are 6 droids here that you can simply kill (which is not very good, you will get little or do the following with them. Run to the control panel and use it, then the droids will simply turn off. Using the remote control, also turn off the force field from the door behind you. Go through through the door into the room where you will find Atton in a cage. Talk to him. If you want to get good points, then tell him in the dialogue: “I trust you. And if we work together, we can get out of this mess.” To get evil points, say: "I will turn off the cage, but if you try to escape, I will kill you without thinking." Whatever you say, control will still pass to him.

Equip the T3 with the items you found earlier and search the crates and the broken droid. Go through the door opposite the broken droid and go down the slopes to the entrance to the fuel warehouse. Go through the door where you destroy all the droids, and after searching the corpse and the droid, find the datapad, as well as other items. Go back to the ramps. Droids with energy shields will appear. Destroy them with grenades and go up the ramps back to the room with three doors. At the top, place a mine on the locked door. Search the containers and crates to find things, particularly spikes, and go through the third door into the room with the control panel. Climb up the ramp to the remote control and use it. Climb into the computer menu and be sure to open the door leading to the fuel warehouse. Go through the opened door. Kill all the droids with grenades in the corridor and go to the fuel depot. Go straight along the corridor and to the left to the fuel control station. Open the escape hatch and this will complete mission T3 for now.

Mining tunnels:.

Tell Atton to go downstairs and you will receive Evil Points. If you tell him to stay here, you will receive goodness points (in both cases). Go to the escape hatch that T3 opened for us and go to the mining tunnels. Walk forward until Atton contacts you. He will do this constantly, and you can order him to shut up at any time. After going through the door, in the barrel you will find a uniform and equipment, which you will immediately put on yourself. Go to the fork with the pump. Pick up the mines and explore the two dead ends, then go into the caves. Before entering, you can repair the droid, which will help you in the fight. To do this you will need the appropriate skill and spare parts. Destroying droids in various ways, get to another pump. Before the caustic gas, use a shield and quickly go through the danger zone. Pick up the installed mines again and head towards the place where the 4 pumps are located. Use the control panel in the center and use it to disable the protective fields. You can also turn off all the droids and they will not attack you (but this is if you have two spikes) or raise the temperature and the droids will ignore you. Check everything near the pumps, and then go along the corridor that starts from one of the pumps. Atton's voice will indicate the correctness of your route. Next, get to the fuel depot.

Fuel warehouse:.

Talk to the droid Hk 50. There are two answers for getting good points: "Those miners might be injured or in danger - we have to make sure they're okay" and "Then I have to get there to save them." And two answers to get evil points: “I just need the codes that the miners have, and when I get the codes, I will get rid of them and leave the rock” and “Then forget them. I have to go into the hangar and leave this rock ". You will also receive 200 XP upon finding out what happened to you. Go to the room opposite, where from the container take the Sonic Imprint Sensor (sound sensor, 50 XP). If you want, dig around the workbench and upgrade your equipment or craft new items. Go back to Hk 50 and in the conversation select the dialogue with the sound sensor. Go through the door between the rooms into the corridor with the droids and follow it to the right. When the MkII droids come out of the doors, destroy them, and then go straight (even further there is a locked door that we will unlock) and right to the turbolift. This will take you to the administrative level. Go to the security room where you use the computer. Select the audio sensor option to record a second message. Go to the medical department to the computer and find out from it who ordered the injection of drugs. Return to the turbolift and, after riding it up, go into the room on the right. Use the service station. Select the sound sensor option to record the last message and unlock the door mentioned above. Also find out that the drug administration was ordered from here. Now go through the inner door that we opened into the vestibule and take the spacesuit and other items from the locker. Exit into open space through the outer door of the vestibule.

Open space:.

Walk around the platform until Atton contacts you. Tell him your plan, and then watch the Harbinger arrive. Afterwards, go through the vestibule door, kill the two droids and go through the next door.


Open the security door and search the 4 lockers. Upgrade your miner's uniform to increase its resistance to cold attacks, as you will next encounter freeze turrets. Go into the room with the turrets, destroy them and go into the corridor, along which go right to the control panel opposite the door. You can select the first menu item and then close the bedroom ventilation, thereby turning off the gas, or destroy the remote control and go to the medical room (right side of the map) for a breathing mask to safely walk in bedrooms filled with gas. Having opened the door to the bedrooms, first go to the right compartment, where you search all the rooms and pick up all possible items, including the dispatcher's log. Now go to the left compartment, where you also search all the rooms and take the datapad from the corpse near the terminal. Use the terminal and watch the admin holovids, then select the transmission check option. Decipher the code, you should get the following combination: 3, 17, 13, 5, 7. This is the code to open the turbolift.

Exit from the bedrooms:.

Exit the bedrooms and go left along the corridor. Then go through the door on the left. In the hall, if you go left, you will get to the medical room, and if you go right, you will get to the turbolift. Also in the center of the hall, find a corpse with a datapad. Go right to the turbolift. Use the console and try to enter the received code. Then look at the log, where they will tell you that the code needs to be entered in reverse, i.e. 7, 5, 13, 17, 3. Enter it automatically (if you have a high enough intelligence) or manually and get into the turbolift.

Administrative level:.

Go forward to Kreia. Talk to her and she will join you. If you say "I won't let the old scow keep me up. I'm traveling alone," you will get evil points. There are no good points in this dialogue. Go to the administration center, where you will talk to Atton as you wish. He will also join your company. After the conversation, Hk 50 will appear in the hall. Talk to him and make him admit to imitating the officer's voice. If you don't do it, you will get it. In any case, you will have to fight Hk 50. The battle is quite simple. Destroy the flying droids first, and then destroy the Hk 50. If you strike slowly, it will regain its energy. Collect all the items with Hk 50 and go aboard the Harbinger ship (entrance on the left on the map).

As soon as you board, a conversation with Atton and Kreia will automatically begin. When asked "Okay, we have to get to the bridge", choosing the 1st answer option will increase the influence on Kreia, and choosing the 2nd option will reduce it. By choosing the 3rd option, you will increase the influence on Atton, and by choosing the 4th and 5th options, you will decrease the influence on him. Go forward, then right through the door. You are on the bridge. Use the navicomputer on the far side of the bridge and download the direction charts. Also view the first log (100 XP). Go through the door to the right of the one you entered through. Kill the Sith assassins and go through the door on the right. Next, explore all the rooms and search all the containers and boxes. Now that you have Atton, you can open locked boxes and doors without resorting to physical force. Once you reach the dead end, go back to where we started and go through the security door. Go along the corridor to the intersection. where turn left. In the briefing room, use the remote control to view the holovids (100 XP). Return to the intersection of corridors and go to the cockpit.

Go forward and search the rooms on the sides. When you reach the second pair of doors, the door on the right will lead to your room, where you will find a datapad. The door opposite has a complex lock for Atton, so it will most likely have to be broken. Go through the door between the rooms and explore the two dead ends on either side of the medical bay. Then go into the medical compartment itself, where you use the remote control. Insert the datapad from your room and explore each menu item. Then, if you want, repair the medical robot and it will heal your team, but only at that level. Exit the medical bay through another door and enter the storage room, where you will find many items. Skip the next door on the right in the hallway, which leads to the turbolift, and go into the next room on the right, the droid storage room. Review the protocol and take the datapad from the corpse. Return to the turbolift, which will take you to the engine deck.

Engine deck:.

As soon as you get here, Atton will talk to you. Ask him "What happened?" and then as the dialogue progresses, "We have to be careful. But we have to keep moving forward" to increase influence on Atton. Walking forward through the door, Kreia will leave you. Go through the door ahead, into the room with the remote control. Select any item on the menu to eventually open the door. Exit the room and turn right if you want to get to the room with the workbench and upgrade the items, otherwise go down the hallway to the right. Walk until the ion engine control panel appears on the left. Use it to unlock the door. Go through the door and Atton will speak to you again. Tell him "Atton, you must trust me" to get good points or "Then stay here and die" to get evil points. After the conversation, go through the door on the left.

Fuel warehouse:.

Who do we see ahead? This is T3-M4! Talk to him. Select the first dialogue option first and then the second to increase your impact on it. After finishing the conversation, talk to him again. Ask about the damage, how many there are, how many programs he lost and, in the end, say that he will regain all his skills. This way you will further increase the impact on T3-M4. Go through the door on the right. Explore the entire floor, destroying the droids, and then go up the ramp to the control panel. Use it to disable the energy field (110 XP). Climb the ramp even higher and turn right, destroying the MkII first.

Hangar compartment:.

You've been here before. Return to the control panel, using which you will unlock the door. Go through it and go to the decontamination area. Use the remote control and select the first or second menu item (105 XP), then turn off the gas (220 XP) and unlock the door. If you select the “destroy the remote control” option, then not only will you not receive XP, but also poison gas will leak into the room. Also, if you don’t have enough spikes, the T3-M4 droid can make them for you. Go through the door you opened and go through the cave to the Ebon Hawk. First, explore everything around the ship, and then go on board.

Inside Ebon Hawk:.

But here attention! Do not under any circumstances shoot at the Sith running towards your ship. Let them run in. After all, if you shoot them out of a cannon, you will receive absolutely no experience points. And on the ship you will have to kill them manually. Several hundred experience units are not lying around on the ground! Talk to Kreia. "Another beep and you're a waste", "The next time someone calls me a Jedi, he'll be lying in a pool of his own blood", "The Jedi are dead: good riddance", "They seek to fight us - I say that we will resist", "If the Sith threaten me, then they will all die", "Only the Sith will pay the price by standing in my way." All these sentences will give you evil points, and the next 4 sentences will give you good points. “If there are survivors, then we must warn them,” “This is self-defense, not war,” “The life of a Jedi is a sacrifice. This is a small price to pay,” “If we do not fight against evil, then we are sacrificing the galaxy.” Next, talk to Atton. In dialogue with him, you can only get good points by saying: "You're right, she might need help" and "You're right, she might be sick." After finishing the conversation (1000 XP), go to the bedroom on the port side, where you will find Kreia. Talk to her again. This giant conversation has many good and evil points, as well as increasing and decreasing influence on Kreia. Go to the small room in the main hold, where the Hk 47 will be. For now, all we can do is insert the Hk Vocabulator, confiscated from the destroyed Hk 50. And the last thing left to do is to use the galaxy map in the ship's cockpit and select Telos.

After this there will be a beautiful video and a choice of action related to Pegarus: that is, blow it up and or escape from the chase.
The ending of the game, or rather the choice of the main anti-hero and a couple of additional missions, depends on this.

VI. Telos

Telos - Citadel Station.

Warm greeting:

Arriving on Telos, you will not be greeted at all friendly and, regardless of what you say, you will be imprisoned and the ship and droid will be confiscated. In prison, an assassin will try to kill you. Fight him (1000 XP) and then you will be transferred to a more luxurious prison, which is an apartment in a residential area. Take turns answering calls from Ithorians first, then from Czerka. The Ithorians are peaceful ones who live in harmony with nature, while the Czerka are an evil corporation that would like the Sith to win the Jedi Civil War. Which one you'll join is pretty obvious - if you're on the good side, you'll be with the Ithorians, and if you're on the evil side, you'll be with the Czerka. For now, you can agree to both sides' offers to visit their bases. After a call from Czerka, Lieutenant Grenn will arrive, who will free you from captivity and tell you that you can find all your things in the TSF offices of the entertainment module.

East residential block:

Talk to Kreia. Ask her if she really is a Sith Jedi, then use your intellect or wisdom to get the story out of her (1000 XP). There is no important business in this area, so you can go straight to the TSF offices to get your things if you want. But if you are not in a hurry, then first explore all three blocks of apartments A, B and C. In apartment B 2 you will meet Opo Chano, who sells droid parts, and you will also find a workplace in his apartment. In Apartment A 1 you will find Harra, who will give you a side quest.

Side quest "High Stakes".

Find the Doton Het entertainment module in the bar. You can buy the slave Ramana from him for 2000 credits (with a high persuasion skill you can reduce the price to 1500 credits) or play the game Pazaak with him. If you choose the second option, first practice with Atton in the game Pazaak. By winning the game or paying the credits, Ramana will be yours. There are many options for what you can do next. Keep her as a slave (350 XP, Evil Points) or take her to Harra. In the latter case, you can force her to return with him (or sell her to Nal Hutta, 350 XP, evil points) or let her do what she wants (350 XP, good points) or indicate that she still belongs to you (300 XP, evil points) or extort money from him for her freedom, which he does not have (300 XP, evil points). If you keep her as a slave, you can periodically visit her to collect income.

Go to the center of the area and, using the information terminal, download a map of the area. Now you can get to the places where you have already downloaded the map with lightning speed just by using the information terminal.

Entertainment module:

Walking towards the bar, you will meet Sullustan, whom the mercenaries are trying to kill. You can let them kill him (evil points) or fight them (good points). Load the card from the terminal near the bar entrance and go to the TSF offices. Talk to the droid to find out that your ship is gone and so is your droid, but thank God your things are still safe and sound (50 XP). When the droid opens the storage room door, take all your items from the locker and then go to the next room, where you will talk to Lieutenant Grenn. From him you will receive 4 side quests.

"Awards" TSF

1.False Batu

Remember the killer who broke into the TSF cell to kill you? To find out who sent him, talk to Lieutenant Grenn about the “rewards”. Then find out where he came from by talking to the operator of dock number 3. For a small reward (25 kr.) he will tell you everything he knows. Further, the mercenary's tracks lead to Nar Shadda...

2. Missing Btomo

After talking with the lieutenant, we go, as last time, to docks No. 3. We talk to the Cherki officer (he just won’t tell you everything, you need to put pressure on him). He says Botomo worked for the Cherka Corporation. We go to the Cherka's office and talk to Jarno Losso about Botomo. Ohana sends the hour to the Ioidorians. We go to the Yoydorians, talk to Koto Habe, convince him that you are a reliable person. He gives a peck from room C1. Peter has 2 options: go to C1 and take Botomo to Lieutenant Grenn, killing 2 mercenaries along the way (light side), or hand him over to Jarno Losso for a reward (dark side).

3. Escaped criminals

They can be found in the Cherki office immediately after receiving the task, but you will not be able to detain them. Subsequently, when passing through the Recovery Zone, they will meet you and attack. After killing them, all that remains is to report to Lieutenant Grenn about the completion of the task.

4. Fuel for the Cytodel station (performed on Nar Shadda)

RJob for Ithorians:

If you chose Ithorians, then you are on the side of good. The Ithorians' base is located in the western residential block. Login to their database and tell the receptionist that you are here for a meeting with Chodo. Go right through the rooms and talk to Chodo Habat. You will receive your first mission from him (100 XP).

Enter the docking bay through the entertainment module. Go forward to the door where the Ithorian is sitting. Several people from Czerka will contact you demanding that you reconsider your decision and come over to their side. Send them politely and talk to Ithorian to let him in. After passing, use the remote control to open the bay door. Go to the ship, near which there is a droid, accompanied by two guards. Fight the enemies who will try to destroy the droid and everyone who is with him, and after victory, talk to him and escort him to the Ithotians base (500 XP + 500 XP).

Mission #2 - Meeting with Loppak Slusk.

Chodo wants you to meet Slusk and try to reason with him. However, you can’t just get to Slusk. Go to the bar of the entertainment module, where you will talk to Luxa, who is guarded by Gamorreans. Ask her to arrange a meeting with Slusk. She will let you see him if you agree to get rid of him. Exchange offices are located in the eastern residential block. Talk to the guard at the entrance and tell him that Luxa sent you. Go inside where you will talk to the receptionist. You can avoid the fight in the next room if you convince her. Otherwise you will have to fight the Gamorreans. There is one Ithorian in a cell in the room on the left, but our goal is to go to the room on the right. Destroy everyone who is there, and in the next room talk to the Gamorreans boss in order to open the door near him. Inside the room you will finally come face to face with Slusk. Talk to him, then kill him. After the fight, talk to Luxa. She will also have to be killed, since there is simply no other way out (1300 XP). Use the security terminal in this room to disable the camera containing the Ithorian and return to the Ithorian base where you will talk to Chodo Habat (700 XP, Good Points and the first part of the Lightsaber).

Mission #3 - Expose Czerka.

Now Chodo wants to hack Czerka's main database, but this can only be done from within the corporation. Go to the local bar where you will talk to the Czerka Corrun Falt employee near the stage. Ask him about Lorso and then fill him in on your plans. You will need 1000 credits (you can try to reduce the price) or a developed persuasion skill to convince him to help. You can also threaten him and, when he comes to his home, extract all the information from him (evil points). We need to win B 4 D 4 over to our side, for this we will need the credentials that Opo Chano has (100 XP). You will find it in apartment B 2 in the eastern residential block. For credentials, he will demand 2500 credits, which you can take from Chodo Habat. There is also the opportunity to get certificates for free by killing Odo Chano, but for this you will receive evil points. With your credentials, go to the Czerka offices. Talk to droid B 4 D 4 behind the counter. Order him to follow you and show him your credentials (300 XP). Drive B 4 D 4 and return to the Czerka offices. Go to Lorso and talk to her to gain access to the main computer. Go to the computer where the droid will be standing next to it. Lie to him until he leaves, then copy the data from the computer and erase your own existence within their files. Now head back to the Ithorians base, where you will talk to Chodo. At this point, we’ll say goodbye to B 4 D 4 and talk to Chodo again, already managing our team (500 XP).

Mission #4 - Save the Ithorians.

Head to the docks (entrance in the entertainment module). On the way there you will be contacted by Moza, who will report an attack on the Ithorians base. Go back and help your friends by destroying all the mercenaries and droids. First you need to get to Moza, who is in the room on the left, and then save Chodo, who is in his usual place (500 XP, good points).

This completes the work for the Ithorians. Head to docking bay #2 (where we went to get the data droid) to board the ship.

Work for Czerka:

If you are on the side of evil, then the Czerka Corporation is your choice. Go to the Czerka offices, which are located in the eastern residential block. Talk to Lorso and ask her about the job. She will give you Ithorian credentials and send you to the docks (100 XP).

Mission #1 - Get the information droid from the second dock.

Enter the docking bay through the entertainment module. Talk to the Ithorian ahead near the door and show him your credentials so he will let you in. Use the remote to open the dock door and then approach the shuttle. Fight the thugs and, after destroying them, they will give you a droid (500 XP). Take him to Czerka by selecting the appropriate option in the dialogue (500 XP, evil points). Next, Lorso will offer you another job.

Mission #2 - Kill Lopak Slusk.

Go to the bar where you will talk to Luxa. Ask her to arrange a meeting with Slusk, and in return she will ask you to complete some tasks for her (50 XP).

Task from Luxa No. 1 - Weapons trade.

You should be alone when you go to the medical area, the entrance to which is located in the western residential block. To do this, remove Atton and Kreia from the team for the duration of this task (the team is managed through the corresponding menu). In the medical section, use the communications computer opposite the laboratory table. You will be told to go to Apartment B 3 in the eastern residential block. When you get to the apartment, wait a little until two armed mercenaries come to you (500 credits). Kill them (500 XP) and return to Luxa's bar to give her part of the amount (250 XP).

Task from Luxa No. 2 - Opo Chano.

Use the information terminal to quickly get to the eastern residential block. Go to apartment B 2 to Opo Chano. Ask him about returning the money, which, of course, he won’t have. You can negotiate with him to the extent that you will repay the Luxa debt yourself, but for this you will need 2500 credits. Or you can simply kill him, which is advisable to do, since if you chose the Czerka corporation, then you are on the side of evil. Return to Luxa regardless of what you did (500 XP) and receive her next - final - task, which will be to kill Slusk. Just what we need.

At this point I will not repeat myself, but will simply ask you to look at mission No. 2 in the “Work for Ithorians” section (1000 XP). After Luxa and Slusk are dead, return to Czerka's offices. You will notice that the offices are filled with enemies. After killing everyone, get to Lorso. Deal with the bad guys who surround her, then ask Lorso for a reward (800 credits, 100 XP). Talk to Lorso again, but about the mission she gave you earlier (150 XP).

This completes the work for Czerka. Head to docking bay #3. At the entrance, talk to Duros to open the door and give you the first Lightsaber piece. Get on the ship.

Telos - Planetside.

Crash area:

After the ship you were flying on is shot down and you find yourself on the ground, talk to Bao - Dur. He will join your team and be a mandatory companion for this level. This means that you only have one spot left on the team, which can be taken by either Kreia or Atton. Decide for yourself who you want to see in your ranks now, I would recommend Atton. You don't need to do anything at this location. Just get to the Czerka base alive. Your route will have to run along the coast and, bypassing the group of mercenaries in the center, go along the cliff to a minefield, after passing through which you will be very close to the Czerka base.

Base Czerka:

It doesn't matter what you say to the mercenaries here. You will still have to fight them. Get to the platform in the center of the base where the remote control will be installed. Use it, and Bao - Dur will determine the location of your ship, which, apparently, should be located at a military base. The entrance to the base is located right next to the platform.

Old military base:

Firstly, the military base is full of grates, stepping on which will poison you with gas, so you need to bypass them every time. Secondly, there are power shields installed everywhere, which can only be deactivated by Bao-Dur with his own hand. So, having received introductory instructions, get to the room with the ship. We can't use it yet. Find the force field here and, after disabling it, use the security controls in the room to finally turn off all the gas grills. Opposite this room is a control room with a remote control for opening the hangar door, but first we must turn on the reactor. Go through the door between these rooms. One room later you will meet a Czerka employee. You can bring him to the exit from the military base (good points) or kill him (evil points). Next, get to the room, on the sides of which there will be droid recharging rooms. Use the remote to destroy the droids (500 XP). Go forward and left. Once you reach the reactor room, turn on the reactor and then return to the droid recharge station. Go into the small room, where you take out the datapad with codes from the box. Return to the ship to destroy the huge droid. Examine the room from which he left, and then go into the control room and, using the computer, unlock the hangar door. Everyone, board the ship.

Telos - Hidden base.

Having crashed for the second time, and having crashed exactly near the entrance to the Jedi training base, destroy the Hk 50 droids, which will greet you unkindly. Pick up the control cluster from the body of one Hk droid and go inside the base, the entrance to which is located in the center of the plateau.

Jedi Training Base:

After setting foot on the base, a group of handmaidens will ask you to put away your weapons and go with them. There is no choice but to comply. If you want to kill them, you will receive evil points, if you remove the weapon, you will receive good points. After Kreia and Atton get into the cell, you will talk to Atris. By not saying anything aggressive to her, you will get kindness points and vice versa. After a long dialogue, go to the hall with the column in the center, where you will talk with Hendreden. To gain evil points, say the following during a conversation with her: "She was right. You're lucky that I don't kill you all," "When methods of inflicting violence are limited, it weakens us all," "I agree. This shows how far are you ready to go for your goal", "Loyalty? I prefer obedience", "Glory was in battle, not among at least one Jedi", "If I crush Atris's skull, then I can get to the heart of the matter?", "Why Atris allows me to move freely, because I can easily kill you all." And to get good points, say: "Combat is not the truth of Jedi training", "Combat is not the way of the Jedi and not my way", "Combat is not the best way to connect with others", "I went to war to protect others, and not just fight", "I have no desire to fight Atris" and "I apologize, I did not imply any violation." If you chose a male character at the beginning of the game, then Hendreden will join your side later on your ship Ebon Hawk.

It's time to rescue Kreia and Atton from the cell. Go to the prison, where Kreia will immediately start a conversation with you. Telling her that "She's hurting me. I might have to kill her" will earn you evil points. As soon as Bao - Dur gets back on his feet, you will have to talk to him. Asking if he is okay will give you goodness points. Otherwise, only evil points, which are easy to get in this dialogue. So, after the conversations, head north from the prison (looking at the map) until you find the droid T 3- M 4. Find out how he is, and then choose one of two things: “It wasn’t your fault that they hijacked the ship” or "Don't waste my time making excuses" to gain good or evil points respectively. Go through the door on the right and you'll reach an Ebon Hawk, which you'll use to fly out of here.

Talk to T3 and Bao - Dur without fail. You can then either go directly to one of the four planets or talk to companions to gain good or evil points, as well as influence. The first planet I recommend you visit is Dantooine. You can also add the Hk piece to the Hk 47 that you got in Telos near the Jedi training base. But this can be done later.

After visiting any planet and returning back to the ship, you will find Visas. Fight her, and then when her Lightsaber is destroyed, talk to her. Dialogue has many light and dark sides and influences. After talking with Visas, she will join your team, and you will also receive the second part of Lightsaber.

VII. Dantooine


A woman will meet you on the planet. Talk to her and head out of the dock to the Khund building. One entrance is sealed, so we enter through the other. Inside, talk to the receptionist and find out where the administrator can be found. Talk to administrator Tirena Adari. You must learn from her about Master Vruk, as well as gain access to the sub-levels of the Jedi Enclave. There is a store in the building where you can buy weapons and lightsaber crystals. But they can be found in the crystal cave later. Exit the building and go right along the map to the entrance to the crystal cave.

Crystal Cave:.

Enclave courtyard:.

Get to the ruins in the west, cross the bridge and enter the Enclave through the door on the right side (the entrance on the left is blocked).

Enclave sublevel:.

If your team does not have Bao-Dur, then go to the ship for him. This must be done so that he can build a lightsaber right in the Enclave. Once inside the Enclave, go to the fountain and from it go left along the corridor. When you reach the room on the left, try to open the door and then talk to Yorann, who is in the room. If you are on the evil side, then lie to him by saying that "Yes, all Leigreks are dead." If you killed all the Leigreks, then in addition to the said phrase, say that “You are saved. How strange” and “People think that you are dead. They are right” and then kill him (receive the last part of the lightsaber and the crystal). If you are on the side of good, then kill all the monsters near the room and free Yorann. Immediately ask him for part of the sword and a crystal. He will ask for 1000 credits for the last part of the sword and for the crystal he found. So, having obtained the last part of the sword by any means, talk to the Irridonian (Bao) about the sword, and he will build you one - either single or double of your choice. At the workplace, you will be able to upgrade your sword with all the crystals you found.

Walk around the Enclave along the corridor clockwise. In the first pair of rooms you will find the corpse of a scavenger (that’s what I called him), in the second pair there is a passage to the droid compartment. You can repair all the droids or dismantle them for parts. Go to the library in the east of the Enclave, talk to Disciple there. If you play as a girl, then he will join you. Go deep into the library and examine the bodies of the mercenaries. You will find a PDA, which will say that Master Vruk was probably captured by a certain Azkul, and detained in a crystal cave. Continue down the corridor clockwise. Search the remaining two pairs of rooms, and between them in the round room, find the corpse of another scavenger with a will. By changing it (the will), you will receive its equipment. Having reached the fountain, get ready to fight a group of enemies led by Jerevik, who does not want you to get out of here. After killing him, go outside and go into the crystal cave.

Crystal Cave(2):.

Follow the passage on the left until you reach the mercenaries who are being held captive in Vrook's power cage. If you answer "I must save the Jedi" you will receive goodness points. If you say "If you let me make changes" or "That's the last insult I hear from you" you will get evil points. After defeating the mercenaries, talk to the Jedi. Ask him whatever you want and he will leave. If you fight him, he will stun you and retreat.

Mercenary attack:.

Coming out of the cave, Azkul, the leader of the mercenaries, will speak to you. If you want to help Khund, then tell him that you are not interested in his offer, and then say "Die!" If you want to join the mercenaries, then say "Okay, I will help you." The same phrase, but with a lie, will allow you to think about which side to take later (I advise). Return to Khunda and talk to the administrator, then to Zerron. The latter will give you many tasks (wander around the building, looking for unfinished business) - repair the droids; repair turrets; fix the medroid. In case you are on the dark side, you can program the turrets to destroy the inhabitants of Khund. The main thing at the end of it all for Zerron is that you did everything you could.

When you are attacked by mercenaries, you will speak with Azkul again. Tell him that "she means nothing to me" and then they will kill the administrator and you will go over to the side of evil. Otherwise (dob's side) kill him. Then ask the administrator for 400 credits (you can take it for yourself, or you can donate it to Khunda’s needs), and Master Vruk will teach you a lesson and answer any questions.

VIII. Nar Shaddaa

So, having landed on the planet, the first thing we will see is the winged Crazy Frog, he says that it’s busy here. We convince him, scare him or give him credit cards, he lags behind. On the planet, in order to find the Master, you need to attract the attention of the Exchange. Good or bad deeds. At the docks, in the residential complex a man is sitting, he asks to find his wife. You can either release her at the Exchange base, then ask, under the pretext of finding an NPC previously infected with the plague, to expand the space for refugees. Or you can find a little weirdo in a bar who, for 10,000, will agree to anger or appease the exchange with you.

IX. Korriban

About the search for Master Vash in the Dark Jedi Academy, as well as the trials of the Exile in an ancient tomb.


Valley of the Evil Lord:.

Head south to the Shyrack Cave entrance. There is nothing else interesting in this place. One has only to say that if you search the skeletons, you will be attacked by Hssiss.

Shyrack Cave:.

Ahead there will be a gnawed corpse with a datapad. Take any path to the bridge in the east, destroying the Shyracks and Tuk'atas. Cross the bridge and destroy the Sith assassins. Then go north to the entrance to the Sith Cave. Kreia will tell you whether or not you are ready to move on. If you can't pass, it's because of two things: you're either not completely on the side of good or evil, or you're low level.

Sith cave:.

Case 1: Malak.

As soon as you enter the cave, you will see Malak preaching about the Jedi War. You can shorten this dialogue by just saying: "Enough playing, take your lightsaber and fight!" Otherwise, you have to listen to it all and answer each of his questions. Once the fight starts, you will only have to hit Malak to make everyone else disappear. Go through the door ahead (eastern on the map) and follow the corridor, at the end of which you will find a hand with a datapad. Go through the next door.

Case 2: Shyrack nest.

Destroy all Shyrack in this location. Then walk along the long corridor and go through the door.

Case 3: Minefield.

The soldiers want you to help them get through the Mandalorian line, but there is a minefield ahead. You can send them or go yourself. The evil side includes the following sentences: "Combat is an invaluable opportunity. We will fight," "War requires blood. Yours were taken that day" (evil points), "The only casualties that mattered in that war were the Jedi." (evil glasses). There is no good side, you can only avoid saying the sentences mentioned above. Once you get to the other side, fight the Mandalorians and go through the door to the east. When you reach the fork, head south. This way you will reach a room with four columns, in the center between which a dead Jedi will lie. Touching a dead Jedi each time (touching the first time will give you 200 XP) will trigger Hssiss. This is an ideal opportunity to upgrade your hero. Once you're done with this, go back to the fork and go north.

Case 4: Kreia betrayed.

Ahead you will see "Kreia", who is having trouble with Atton, with Bao - Dur and with T 3. Say what you want until all the listed characters appear. The easiest way to get through this is to say: "I think I'll stand back and wait" or "You're all just a vision, anyway. It doesn't matter what I do." In this case, you will fight with everyone.

Case 5: Revan.

Walk down the corridor and through the door. You will confront Revan. After talking to him, fight. The fight won't be too difficult (2000 XP). Search the sarcophagus ahead and the two small rooms on either side, then go through the door to the east. This will take you to the Shyrack cave. Choose a team and break through to the exit. Then head to the Sith Academy.

Sith Academy:.

Fight your way through the monsters and Sith assassins to the main area, which has 5 passages leading from it. Take the western passage first. Take the datapad out of the bag and continue moving to the end of the corridor, where the corpse will lie. After exploring it, you will find a datapad that will tell you how to open the large door next to you. To do this, you need to have a thorium charge with you. Go through the first passage on the right from the locked door (south on the map). Take the datapad (50 XP) from the box in the back room. Then turn into the second passage on the same side. Use the computer. Select the "New Recruit" option and then select your ID # 3401726- B 853 S 5 O 0 X 001. Next select "access to study materials" to open the door to the library. Finally, take the written test. Answer the first question with Freedon Nadd, the second - Twenty, the third - Gizka, the fourth - I always lie, the fifth - Passion - strength - power - victory. By answering at least 4 out of 5 questions correctly, you will gain access to the training room (select the "access to training room" option, 150 XP).

Go to the library that is shown on your map. Unlock the box and remove the thorium charge from it. Now go back to the large locked door and use the thorium to blow it up. In the room, use the hologram to view the video. Return to the main area and take the eastern passage, then turn south. In the training room, use the computer to begin sequential training. You will be interrupted by hungry Tuk'atas. Kill them and use the computer again. No matter how quickly you deal with the animals, the computer will tell you that you have failed and you need to go to the punishment room across the street (100 XP). Go there. In the cage you will find the corpse of a Jedi. Saying "maybe I killed her myself" will get you evil points (500 XP either way). Search her body and find the datapad. Then use the computer terminal. Select "access system commands" and enter "Lonna Vash". Return to the main area where Darth Sion will be waiting for you. Fight with him and subsequently you will automatically leave the academy, which Kreia will help you with (200 XP).

Then we fly behind Bao-Dur’s ball and activate the generators in the ships (two in one location, two in another), I don’t want to tell the plot. If you haven't killed all the animals it will be bad.

Then at the academy we go through rooms and locations and go to Zion. After the second fight, if you have good consa and persuasion, you can weaken it. We beat Sion as many as 4 times, convincing him that he must die, and at the end - that he should kill Kreia. If you can’t cope, hide behind a column and heal. From Zion toWe pick up the sword (I don’t know why it is needed at the end, should we beat him with an ordinary sword?).

Let's go to Kreia's door behind Sion's back. If you are a Sith Lord, it will be fun, if not, it will be "fun". If you are a Lord, then stupidly Lord with stranglers, if not a Lord, then you need to set a bunch of mines and protect yourself from the Force. In the second battle, Kreia will surround himself three flares, and they will attack you. When you destroy them, hit Kreia long and hard (if you are not a Lord), because she dodges great, if you are a Weapon Master, everything will be easier because... with the maximum skill of two weapons and maximum Speed, 5 hits are dealt per round, I think two or three will definitely hit.

Congratulations, you have completed the game.


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As soon as you board, a conversation with Atton and Kreia will automatically begin. When asked "Okay, we have to get to the bridge", choosing the 1st answer option will increase the influence on Kreia, and choosing the 2nd option will reduce it. By choosing the 3rd option, you will increase the influence on Atton, and by choosing the 4th and 5th options, you will decrease the influence on him. Go forward, then right through the door. You are on the bridge. Use the navicomputer on the far side of the bridge and download the direction charts (250 XP). Also look at the first log (100 XP). Go through the door to the right of the one you entered through. Kill the Sith assassins and go through the door on the right. Next, explore all the rooms and search all the containers and drawers. Now that you have Atton, you can open locked drawers and doors without resorting to physical force. Once you reach the dead end, head back to where we started and go through the security door. Follow the corridor to the intersection, where turn left. In the briefing room, use the remote to view holovids (100 XP). Return to the intersection of corridors and go to the cockpit.


Go forward and search the rooms on the sides. When you reach the second pair of doors, the door on the right will lead to your room, where you will find a datapad. The door opposite has a complex lock for Atton, so it will most likely have to be broken. Go through the door between the rooms and explore the two dead ends on either side of the medical bay. Then go into the medical compartment itself, where you use the remote control. Insert the datapad from your room and examine each menu item (100 XP). Then, if you want, repair the medical robot (90 XP) and it will heal your team, but only at that level. Exit the medical bay through another door and enter the storage room, where you will find many items. Skip the next door on the right in the hallway, which leads to the turbolift, and go into the next room on the right, the droid storage room. Review the protocol and take the datapad from the corpse. Return to the turbolift, which will take you to the engine deck.

Engine deck:.

As soon as you get here, Atton will talk to you. Ask him "What happened?" and then as the dialogue progresses, "We have to be careful. But we have to keep moving forward" to increase influence on Atton. Walking forward through the door, Kreia will leave you. Go through the door ahead, into the room with the remote control. Select any item on the menu to eventually open the door (250 XP). Exit the room and turn right if you want to get to the room with the workbench and upgrade the items, otherwise go down the hallway to the right. Walk until the ion engine control panel appears on the left. Use it to unlock the door (250 XP). Go through the door and Atton will speak to you again. Tell him "Atton, you must trust me" to get good points or "Then stay here and die" to get evil points. After the conversation, go through the door on the left.

Fuel storage:.

Who do we see ahead? This is T3-M4! Talk to him. Select the first dialogue option first and then the second to increase your impact on it. After finishing the conversation, talk to him again. Ask about the damage, how many there are, how many programs he lost and, in the end, say that he will regain all his skills. This way you will further increase the impact on T3-M4. Go through the door on the right. Explore the entire floor, destroying the droids, and then go up the ramp to the control panel. Use it to disable the energy field (110 XP). Climb the ramp even higher and turn right, destroying the MkII first.

Hangar compartment:.

You've been here before. Return to the control panel, using which you will unlock the door (110 XP). Go through it and go to the decontamination area. Use the remote control and select the first or second menu item (105 XP), then turn off the gas (220 XP) and unlock the door. If you select the “destroy the remote control” option, then not only will you not receive XP, but also poison gas will leak into the room. Also, if you don’t have enough spikes, the T3-M4 droid can make them for you. Go through the door you opened and go through the cave to the Ebon Hawk. First, explore everything around the ship, and then go on board.

Inside Ebon Hawk:.

Shoot the Sith soldiers who are approaching the ship from the cannon, and then destroy everyone who still managed to get inside the ship. Talk to Kreia. "Another beep and you're a waste" that we will resist", "If the Sith threaten me, then they will all die", "Only the Sith will pay the price by standing in my way." All these sentences will give you evil points, and the next 4 sentences will give you good points. “If there are survivors, then we must warn them,” “This is self-defense, not war,” “The life of a Jedi is a sacrifice. This is a small price to pay,” “If we do not fight against evil, then we are sacrificing the galaxy.” Next, talk to Atton. In dialogue with him, you can only get good points by saying: "You're right, she might need help" and "You're right, she might be sick." After finishing the conversation (1000 XP), go to the bedroom on the port side, where you will find Kreia. Talk to her again. This giant conversation has many good and evil points, as well as increasing and decreasing influence on Kreia. Go to the small room in the main hold, where the Hk 47 will be. For now, all we can do is insert the Hk Vocabulator, confiscated from the destroyed Hk 50. And the last thing left to do is to use the galaxy map in the ship's cockpit and select Telos.

3. Telos – Citadel Station.

Warm greeting:.

Arriving on Telos, you will not be greeted at all friendly and, regardless of what you say, you will be imprisoned and the ship and droid will be confiscated. In prison, an assassin will try to kill you. Fight him (1000 XP) and then you will be transferred to a more luxurious prison, which is an apartment in a residential area. Take turns answering calls from Ithorians first, then from Czerka. The Ithorians are peaceful ones who live in harmony with nature, while the Czerka are an evil corporation that would like the Sith to win the Jedi Civil War. Who you'll join is pretty obvious - if you're on the good side, you'll be with the Ithorians, and if you're on the evil side, you'll be with the Czerka. For now, you can agree to both sides' offers to visit their bases. After a call from Czerka, Lieutenant Grenn will arrive, who will free you from captivity and tell you that you can find all your things in the TSF offices of the entertainment module.

East residential block:.

Talk to Kreia. Ask her if she really is a Sith Jedi, then use your intellect or wisdom to get the story out of her (1000 XP). There is no important business in this area, so you can go straight to the TSF offices to get your things if you want. But if you are not in a hurry, then first explore all three blocks of apartments A, B and C. In apartment B 2 you will meet Opo Chano, who sells droid parts, and you will also find a workplace in his apartment. In Apartment A 1 you will find Harra, who will give you a side quest.

Side quest "High Stakes".

Find the Doton Het entertainment module in the bar. You can buy the slave Ramana from him for 2000 credits (with a high persuasion skill you can reduce the price to 1500 credits) or play the game Pazaak with him. If you choose the second option, first practice with Atton in the game Pazaak. By winning the game or paying the credits, Ramana will be yours. There are many options for what you can do next. Keep her as a slave (350 XP, Evil Points) or take her to Harra. In the latter case, you can force her to return with him (or sell her to Nal Hutta, 350 XP, evil points) or let her do what she wants (350 XP, good points) or indicate that she still belongs to you (300 XP, evil points) or extort money from him for her freedom, which he does not have (300 XP, evil points). If you keep her as a slave, you can periodically visit her to collect income.

Go to the center of the area and, using the information terminal, download a map of the area. Now you can get to the places where you have already downloaded the map with lightning speed just by using the information terminal.

Entertainment module:.

Walking towards the bar, you will meet Sullustan, whom the mercenaries are trying to kill. You can let them kill him (evil points) or fight them (good points). Load the card from the terminal near the bar entrance and go to the TSF offices. Talk to the droid to find out that your ship is gone and so is your droid, but thank God your things are still safe and sound (50 XP). When the droid opens the storage room door, take all your items from the locker and then go to the next room, where you will talk to Lieutenant Grenn. From him you will receive 4 side quests.

Work for Ithorians:.

If you chose Ithorians, then you are on the side of good. The Ithorians' base is located in the western residential block. Login to their database and tell the receptionist that you are here for a meeting with Chodo. Go right through the rooms and talk to Chodo Habat. You will receive your first mission from him (100 XP).

Enter the docking bay through the entertainment module. Go forward to the door where the Ithorian is sitting. Several people from Czerka will contact you demanding that you reconsider your decision and come over to their side. Send them politely and talk to Ithorian to let him in. After passing, use the remote control to open the bay door. Go to the ship, near which there is a droid, accompanied by two guards. Fight the enemies who will try to destroy the droid and everyone who is with him, and after victory, talk to him and escort him to the Ithotians base (500 XP + 500 XP).

Mission #2 – Meeting with Loppak Slusk.

Chodo wants you to meet Slusk and try to reason with him. However, you can’t just get to Slusk. Go to the bar of the entertainment module, where you will talk to Luxa, who is guarded by Gamorreans. Ask her to arrange a meeting with Slusk. She will let you see him if you agree to get rid of him. Exchange offices are located in the eastern residential block. Talk to the guard at the entrance and tell him that Luxa sent you. Go inside where you will talk to the receptionist. You can avoid the fight in the next room if you convince her. Otherwise you will have to fight the Gamorreans. There is one Ithorian in a cell in the room on the left, but our goal is to go to the room on the right. Destroy everyone who is there, and in the next room talk to the Gamorreans boss in order to open the door near him. Inside the room you will finally come face to face with Slusk. Talk to him, then kill him. After the fight, talk to Luxa. She will also have to be killed, since there is simply no other way out (1300 XP). Use the security terminal in this room to disable the camera containing the Ithorian and return to the Ithorian base where you will talk to Chodo Habat (700 XP, Good Points and the first part of the Lightsaber).

Mission #3 – Expose Czerka.

Now Chodo wants to hack Czerka's main database, but this can only be done from within the corporation. Go to the local bar where you will talk to the Czerka Corrun Falt employee near the stage. Ask him about Lorso and then fill him in on your plans. You will need 1000 credits (you can try to reduce the price) or a developed persuasion skill to convince him to help. You can also threaten him and, when he comes to his home, extract all the information from him (evil points). We need to win B 4 D 4 over to our side, for this we will need the credentials that Opo Chano has (100 XP). You will find it in apartment B 2 in the eastern residential block. For credentials, he will demand 2500 credits, which you can take from Chodo Habat. There is also the opportunity to get certificates for free by killing Odo Chano, but for this you will receive evil points. With your credentials, go to the Czerka offices. Talk to droid B 4 D 4 behind the counter. Order him to follow you and show him your credentials (300 XP). Drive B 4 D 4 and return to the Czerka offices. Go to Lorso and talk to her to gain access to the main computer. Go to the computer where the droid will be standing next to it. Lie to him until he leaves, then copy the data from the computer and erase your own existence within their files. Now head back to the Ithorians base, where you will talk to Chodo. At this point, we’ll say goodbye to B 4 D 4 and talk to Chodo again, already managing our team (500 XP).

Mission #4 – Save the Ithorians.

Head to the docks (entrance in the entertainment module). On the way there you will be contacted by Moza, who will report an attack on the Ithorians base. Go back and help your friends by destroying all the mercenaries and droids. First you need to get to Moza, who is in the room on the left, and then save Chodo, who is in his usual place (500 XP, good points).

This completes the work for the Ithorians. Head to docking bay #2 (where we went to get the data droid) to board the ship.

Work for Czerka:.

If you are on the side of evil, then the Czerka Corporation is your choice. Go to the Czerka offices, which are located in the eastern residential block. Talk to Lorso and ask her about the job. She will give you Ithorian credentials and send you to the docks (100 XP).

Mission #1 - Get the information droid from the second dock.

Enter the docking bay through the entertainment module. Talk to the Ithorian ahead near the door and show him your credentials so he will let you in. Use the remote to open the dock door and then approach the shuttle. Fight the thugs and, after destroying them, they will give you a droid (500 XP). Take him to Czerka by selecting the appropriate option in the dialogue (500 XP, evil points). Next, Lorso will offer you another job.

Location of characters.

Creia - Peragus

Atton - Peragus

T3-M4 - Peragus

Bao Dur - Telos

Maid - Telos (If you play as a man)

Visas Marr - On a black hawk after landing on any 1 planet

Follower - Dantooine (If playing as a woman)

Mira - Nar Shaddaa (If you are light or neutral)

Hanharr - Nar Shaddaa (If you are dark)

G0-T0 - Nar Shaddaa

HK-47 - On the black hawk when you find 4 parts for it

Mandalore - Dexan

What strengths and weaknesses do party members have?

Kreia is a rather weak fighter, she can do almost nothing, but sometimes you can still take her with you - as “Force Support” - No one should underestimate the Jedi Consular. Although the absolute rejection of any armor leads to the fact that if you are not lazy to talk with it often, the hero will get a good increase in experience.

Atton Rand is one of the most valuable companions. Initially develops as a marksman, but can actually become successful at anything. It looks absolutely wonderful as a Jedi. He has an innate feature that lifts him into battle again and again, while at least one ally is still standing.

The T3-M4 is quite durable, but to start doing serious damage, it makes sense to equip it with flamethrowers. However, it can survive against other droids just like that. A good hacker and cracker, a mobile workbench, in addition produces computer spikes of its own production. What else is needed for happiness?..

Bao-Dur is quite good in close combat, he can defuse mines and break down energy doors with the help of his prosthesis. His personal droid constantly revolves around him, capable of shooting at enemies - with little, however, effectiveness.

Brianna or Handmaiden is what "Echani training" means... Pure fighter. She doesn't need any blasters or rifles... or swords, either. With his bare hands (and feet) he can defeat almost anyone. He will also teach a hero. And he doesn’t seem to be able to do anything else.

Mikel or Follower is not a very strong fighter, but can be used as an alchemy table. As a Jedi, he is also nothing special. Useful in that it can help the Exile develop her abilities through the use of holocrons.

Visas Marr - as sad as it is to admit, is just a good support Jedi - nothing more. He'll wave a light saber, conjure something... but neither of them will be of much use.

Mira is a good scout. Can run over mines without getting blown up by them. The same mines are successfully neutralized. It can also break into a not particularly complex lock on the door. He shows himself well in battle mainly after converting to the Jedi. Until then, he will be content with a hand grenade launcher.

Hanharr is also a scout, but of a radically different type. Literally tailored for close combat - considerable natural strength, health like a true Wookiee, plus the ability “Wookiee Rage”. Out of desperation, he may shoot, but with less effectiveness. Also neutralizes mines. It has a serious drawback - it does not wear armor.

G0-T0 is weak in battle, but has a whole bunch of additional capabilities - it flies over mines without activating them, disorients enemy droids, makes master keys, is good at picking locks itself, and finally - it is equipped with a built-in cloaking field generator.

HK-47 - shoots great and is well protected. The disadvantage is the same as that of other droids - it can only be treated with repair kits. However, if you have them in abundance, no one can compare with this comrade in efficiency.

Mandalore - comes to the team with his own machine gun and personalized armor, which he refuses to take off on principle. An excellent shooter, he can also swing a sword in close combat, but is much weaker. The disadvantage is that besides combat, he is not capable of almost anything.

Gaining/Losing Influence for Helping (Light Side)

Gaining/Losing Influence for helping.

Receiving Influence points for helping: Atton, Visas, T3-M4, Bao-Dur, Mira, Brianna the Handmaiden, Mikel the Follower.

Loss of Influence points for assistance: HK-47, Hanharr, Mandalore, G0-TO.

Also, Kreia can force anyone to gain influence if she and another character are present when you help, but you must take her advice or lose her influence.

Only one character receives Influence points for each help.

Lazavvou - Nar Shaddaa

Luutra - Nar Shaddaa

Saedh - Dantooine

Twi'lek - Telos Military Base (although it is impossible to lead him to the exit since he is constantly dumb, and sometimes he can even stand and stand, and no matter how you talk to him, he still stands)

Jorran - Dantooine,

Gaining/Losing Influence through Assassinations (Dark Side)

Gaining Influence points from killing: Atton, HK-47, Hanharr, Mandalore, Visas

Loss of Influence points from killing: Bao-Dur, Mikel the Follower, Brianna the Handmaiden, Mira, T3-M4

Also, Kreia can force anyone to gain influence if she and another character are present during the assassination, but you must take her advice or lose her influence.

Interesting fact: Atton is the only character who gains influence for both killing and helping, without the help of Kreia.

Only one character receives Influence points from each kill.

Lazavvou - Nar Shaddaa

Luutra - Nar Shaddaa

Mechanic near the landing site - Dantooine

Saedh - Dantooine

Opo Chano Droid Trader - Telos

Church Registrar in Church Apartment - Telos

Twi'lek - Telos Military Base

Man in the apartment - Telos

Acker, Droid Trader - Dantooine

Jorran - Dantooine,

Crew without captain in bunkhouse - Nar Shaddaa

Wounded Soldier - Telos (Under Fire)

Kreia is a skilled manipulator of events. She travels with you for almost
the entire game. She uses the Force skillfully and is a great companion to have around. She has a huge number of influence options. More than any other character. Kreia will train you, but this is not related to Influence.

As a result: When your Influence becomes high enough, you can force Kreia to show stories about her life. They give you some experience.

Influence through dialogue: She only tells you what you need to know. She is neither light nor dark and respects neither of them. So, doing something truly evil (killing) or truly good (saving a life) will lose her Influence, while staying in the shadows and controlling events will give good results. In conversations with her, you gain influence for answering the Dark Side, like, “if she betrays us, then I will kill her.” Kreia is not interested in your opinion regarding her, only how you react to her opinion. Therefore, answer options following her advice will always receive influence. If you ignore or reject her advice, you lose influence. Kreia doesn't like it when you kill random people, although you can level up Influence points by asking what she would do if she were you and telling her she's right.

PERAGUS - Aboard the Harbinger - As soon as you board, an argument will arise between Kreia and Atton. You can gain Influence points by supporting Kreia in a dispute.

EBEN HAWK - After the Handmaiden sits down, tell Kreia that you will be keeping an eye on the Handmaiden, and that you will use her as a link to Aitris to gain Influence points.

After joining Visas, tell Kreia that you will kill her if she tries to betray you to gain Influence points.

Also, after joining the Visas, after talking about the Visas home world, with good intelligence you can make a guess as to why the world was attacked.

- (Light Side only) When Kreia sees you "glowing", she gets angry and urges you to show less mercy in the future. Tell her she's right.

DANTOOINE - Cave of Crystals - After talking with Master Vruk in the cave of crystals, Azkal will be waiting for you at the exit. Listen to his plan and LIE that you are joining him to gain Influence over Kreia.

Cave of Crystals - When you find a Jedi guarded by mercenaries, do not kill them. Instead, suggest that they send a Jedi to Nar Shaddaa. Kreia will say something about creating an echo in the Force, and you will gain Influence.

Enclave sublevel - Lie to Jorran that you destroyed all the Lygareks. After he dies, you will receive Influence points.

Hunda District - Talk to the mechanic near the Ebony Hawk, ask him "Why so busy?" and follow the "Caution" and "Persuasion" dialogue lines to get him to give you the information you need. This use of your persuasion skill will give you influence over Kreia.

NAR SHADDAA - Main Sector - After you deal with the first group of thugs, a beggar will approach you (this meeting cannot be avoided). He will ask you for alms. Regardless of what decision you make, Kreia will speak to you or enter into telepathic communication (if she remains on board the Ebon Hawk). Agree that she is right and get Influence points.

Refugee Camp - Find the sick person first, but don't heal him. Talk to the Exchange leader in this area, and tell him that he must kill this patient, or the disease will spread.

Port Docks - Nochlezhka - Talk to Luutra to find out about his wife. Tell him that she is dead (an obvious lie, since she is alive and doing well), and that he can trust you. He must accept Zerk's offer. You will gain some influence over Kreia.

ONDERON - Marketplace - If your actions show that you support General Vakla, you will be able to talk to Anda who is standing behind the crowd. She wants you to eliminate three security captains. Agree to her proposal and tell Kreia that you know what this will lead to in order to gain Influence points.

Spaceport - Use the Power of Persuasion on the guard to enter the city, this will be followed by a dialogue with Kreia, after which you can gain some Influence.

Palace - If you side with the Queen, then, after Vaklu is defeated, say that you agree that he should be killed, or let the Queen decide his fate for Influence points.

KORRIBAN - Valley of the Graves - Light Side ONLY. Near Ajanta's grave, listen to Kreia's story, then use the Awareness line of dialogue to gain Influence points.

Atton Rand

Atton is a wanderer you will find on Peragus. He's good at shooting blasters and has repair and destruction skills.

Result: When you get to the refugee camp on Nar Shadda, two Twi'leks will tell you something about Atton for a price. You will receive a new line of dialogue and, with enough Influence points, Atton will be able to become a Jedi.

Influence through dialogue: Atton likes to be respected and taken seriously. He doesn't like to trust others with his problems, so you will have to extract information from him very carefully.

PERAGUS - Aboard the Fatebringer - As soon as you board, Kreia and Atton will start arguing. You can get Influence points by supporting Atton in a dispute.

On board the Fatebringer - When Atton talks about "a bad feeling", ask him about it, and say: "Then we need to be careful, but we must keep moving." After this you will receive Influence points.

TELOS - Hidden Jedi Academy - Ask any of the Handmaids about your companions before you rescue them from prison. Learn about Echani Atton's training. After liberation, talk to Atton about it. With the right approach, you will receive Influence points.

TELOS - Jedi Military Base - if you bring a conversation with a "member of the Zerk rescue team" to a fight, you can gain influence.

EBEN HAWK - After you "listen" to the Force a second time with Kreia, you will "hear" Atton playing Pazaak in his mind. After telling Atton about this, apologize to him to get Influence points.

Hunda District - Talk to the mechanic near the Ebony Hawk, ask him "Why so busy?" and follow the Caution and Persuasion line of dialogue to get him to give you the information you need. This use of your persuasion skills will give you Influence points over Atton (if Kreia is not around).

NAR SHADDAA - Port Docks - Your team should include Kreia and another companion (Atton, Bao-Dur, Disciple or Handmaiden). Complete Luutra's quest for the light side by ensuring his wife is saved. Return to Luuthra with Kreia and another companion. In the dialogue, select the phrase “Hope gives you strength.” Kreia will be angry, but you will not lose influence. In defense of your actions, say: “You can say what you want, but if your life depended on it, I would do anything for you, or any of my allies.” Atton will thank you and you will receive Influence points.

Refugee Sector – At the Serocco Base in the Refugee Sector there is a broken airspeeder that you can repair and allow Atton to check your work for Influence points.

Landing Sector - Help a man who was attacked by Exchange thugs (who says you have his money). Almost no matter how you deal with this, you will receive Influence points.

Refugee Sector – Talk to the sick man at the entrance to the refugee camp and heal him to gain Influence points. (if Kreia is on your team, the same dialogue will occur as in the case of Luutra, but this time you will lose influence on Kreia).

T3-M4 is a droid from the first game. A true professional in working with technology and well versed in explosives.

As a result: Gaining Influence on T3-M4 allows you to upgrade T3-M4 by increasing its stats. Also, if your Influence is high enough, T3-M4 will give +1 to your knowledge. Upgrading the T3-M4 requires you to know Computer Use and Repair.

Influence through Dialogue: You can get all the influence you need just by talking to him, and telling him that everything he did was not his fault, or that he is a useful droid. Almost all of his influence gives you Light Side points. Ask about his injuries, and tell him that you are glad to have him with you.

PERAGUS - Fuel Depot - When you return T3-M4 to your squad, praise it to receive Influence points.

TELOS - Hidden Jedi Academy - When you free T3-M4, just tell him that he did everything right and made no mistakes to get Influence points.

DANTOOINE - Khunda District - Speak to the damaged protocol droid wandering near the landing site. T3-M4 will beep. Praise him to get Influence points.

Near Hunda - Show compassion towards Acker, the droid merchant, to gain influence over T3-M4.

NAR SHADDAA - Refugee Sector - At the Serocco base in the Refugee Sector there is a broken airspeeder, which you can restore and allow T3-M4 to check your work for Influence points.

ONDERON - Marketplace - Use the Power of Persuasion to prevent a riot caused by Ponlar in the city to gain influence on T3-M4.

You will find Bao-Dur when you reach the surface of Telos.

Result: Just like Atton, Bao-Dur can eventually become a Jedi if you gain enough Influence points.

Influence through Dialogue: Gaining Influence points depends almost entirely on how often Bao-Dur takes part in your adventures. There are no ways to gain influence points through general conversation on Ebon Hawk.

TELOS - Hidden Jedi Academy - When you free Bao-Dur from his cell, tell him that it was not his mistake to gain Influence points.

DANTOOINE - Cave of Crystals - Take the task to find Atmospheric Sensors, which Saedhe gives you, find the sensors in the cave of crystals (they are located in the stone behind the first column from the entrance). Explore the sensors yourself or let Bao-Dur examine them. Either option will give you Influence points.

Kunda Area - When the Administrator asks you to check the defenses in preparation for the mercenary invasion - You will gain access to the room with the robots. In one of the robots you will find a hydraulic wrench that belongs to Acker, a droid merchant. Talk to Akker and agree not to betray him in order to gain influence over Bao-Dur.

Khunda District - Bao Dur, Atton and Visas will receive Influence points if you give Saedha the Atmospheric Sensors for 3000 credits after you find out why the tracking equipment was hidden in the sensors (this line of dialogue will appear if you first examine the sensors or let Bao-Dur examine them).

NAR SHADDAA - Landing Sector - Help the man who was attacked by Exchange thugs (the one who says you have his money). This is one of the few cases when you can perform a Dark Side action and gain Influence points (using the Force, convince the bandits to jump into the pit).

Harbor Docks - Your team should include Kreia and one other companion (Atton, Bao-Dur, Disciple or Handmaiden). Complete Luutra's quest for the light side by ensuring his wife is saved. Return to Luuthra with Kreia and another companion. In the dialogue, select the phrase “Hope gives you strength.” Kreia will be angry, but you will not lose influence. In defense of your actions, say: “You can say what you want, but if your life depended on it, I would do anything for you, or any of my allies.” Bao-Dur will thank you and you will receive Influence points.

Refugee Sector - As in the case of Atton, you can restore the Airspeeder yourself and, after Bao-Dur evaluates your work, you will receive Influence points.

Refugee Sector - As with Atton, heal the patient near the entrance to the refugee camp.

Cantina - If you give one of your "Open" visas to a Republic spy, Bao-Dur will be impressed by your actions and you will gain Influence points.

Marketplace - Use the Power of Persuasion to prevent a riot caused by Ponlar in the city to gain influence over Bao-Dur.

Brianna Maid

Brianna or the Handmaiden joins you after you leave the Academy on Telos, but only if you are playing as a man.

As a result: Brianna can become a Jedi after you defeat her in three sparring matches and with enough Influence points.

Influence through dialogue: Brianna is a good person and likes it when your judgment matches her personality. Most of her Influence points can be obtained from dialogues when you defeat her in sparring. She comments on the appearance of Visas, but you can only lose influence or remain neutral.

DANTOOINE - Cave of Crystals - After finding Master Vrook in the cave (this happens after visiting the Enclave sub-level), listen to Azkal's offer and reject it to gain Influence points.

NAR SHADDAA - Refugee Sector - Heal the patient, just like with Bao-Dur or Atton. You will only receive Influence points if both of them are not on the team.

Landing Sector - Help a man who was attacked by Exchange thugs (who says you have his money). Let the thugs leave. This will give some Influence points to the Handmaiden.

Harbor Docks - Your team should include Kreia and one other companion (Atton, Bao-Dur, Disciple or Handmaiden). Complete Luutra's quest for the light side by ensuring his wife is saved. Return to Luuthra with Kreia and another companion. In the dialogue, select the phrase “Hope gives you strength.” Kreia will be angry, but you will not lose influence. In defense of your actions, say: “You can say what you want, but if your life depended on it, I would do anything for you, or any of my allies.” The maid will thank you and you will receive Influence points.

ONDERON - Dxun Jungle - Rescue the Mandalorian on the ridge, then tell the Handmaiden that the war with the Mandalorians is over to gain Influence points. This will only work if Bao-Dur and Atton are not present on the team.

Cantina - If you give one of your "Open" visas to a Republic spy, the Handmaiden will be impressed and you will gain Influence points.

Cantina - When the meeting with Kavar is disrupted, the Maid will ask that you not harm the visitors. Agree in order to gain Influence points.

Marketplace - Give the "Open" visa to Terlin, the mother near the entrance to the star port, to gain influence over the Handmaiden.

Marketplace - Use the power of Persuasion to prevent a riot caused by Ponlar in the city to gain Influence points.

Visas Marr

Visas is revealed on the Ebon Hawk after your dark/light side affiliation is clear enough. First you will see a cutscene, and then, when you board the Ebon Hawk again, you will meet Visas and engage in battle with her. Defeat her and she will join you.

Result: With high influence, Visas will teach you Force Sight, an ability that, when used, will allow you to see through many doors, as well as see the dark/light side of people.

Influence through dialogue: Visas gains Influence through dialogue. In fact, one good dialogue with her and you will receive all the Influence points. Influencing her helps you gain Light Side points.

DANTOOINE - Khunda District - Bao Dur, Atton and Visas will receive Influence points if you give Saedha the Atmospheric Sensors for 3000 credits after you find out why the tracking equipment was hidden in the sensors (this line of dialogue will appear if you will first examine the sensors or let Bao-Dur examine them).

NAR SHADDAA - Landing Sector - Help the man who was attacked by Exchange thugs (who says you have his money) to gain Influence points.

Refugee Sector - Talk to the patient at the entrance to the refugee camp and heal him to gain Influence points.

ONDERON - Marketplace - If your actions show that you support General Vakla, you will be able to talk to Anda who is standing behind the crowd. She wants you to eliminate three security captains. Agree to her proposal to gain Influence points. (this will not work if Mandalore is nearby).

Marketplace - Two people stand near a crowd discussing local politics. Take the side of General Vaklu and gain influence over Visas.

Marketplace - Give the "Open" visa to Terlin, the mother near the starport entrance, then say: "Compassion may cause problems, but it is a source of great strength" to gain Influence points.

Cantina - After being attacked by Tobin's soldiers, Visas will ask you for permission to use destructive weapons, which will cause casualties among the cantina's patrons. Allow her to do this to gain Influence points.

Mikel Follower

Mikel or Follower only attaches to female characters and is easily influenced. In fact, almost all Influence points are gained through dialogue, with most Influence points giving light side points.

Result: An Apprentice can become a Jedi with high Influence.

Influence through dialogue: His views are neutral, he loves the Republic and the Jedi, so in conversation, all your remarks should not contain hostility towards them.

NAR SHADDAA - Port Docks - Your team should include Kreia and another companion (Atton, Bao-Dur, Disciple or Handmaiden). Complete Luutra's quest for the light side by ensuring his wife is saved. Return to Luuthra with Kreia and another companion. In the dialogue, select the phrase “Hope gives you strength.” Kreia will be angry, but you will not lose influence. In defense of your actions, say: “You can say what you want, but if your life depended on it, I would do anything for you, or any of my allies.” The follower will thank you and you will receive Influence points.

Refugee Sector - Convince Hassef, the leader of the refugees, to join the Exchange. Tell him: “I share your grief...” to gain some Influence.

ONDERON - Dexena Jungle - Find the Mandalorian trapped on the mountain ridge, help him and promise not to turn him in for Influence points.

Cantina - If you give one of your "Open" visas to a Republic spy, the Follower will be impressed by your actions and you will gain Influence.

Shopping District - Use the Power of Persuasion to prevent a riot caused by Ponlar in the city to gain influence.

Mira will join you on Nar Shaddaa if your character is on the Light or Neutral Side (otherwise you will receive Hanharr).

Result: Having received enough Influence points, you will be able to train Mira and make her a Jedi.

Influence through dialogue: The best way to gain Influence on Mira is to make her “argue” with you. Ask her why she doesn't kill, follow the "Understanding" dialogue line, and she will argue with you. Develop this and get Influence points.

DANTOOINE - Khunda District - When the Administrator asks you to check the defenses in preparation for the mercenary invasion - You will gain access to the room with the robots. In one of the robots you will find a hydraulic wrench that belongs to Acker, a droid merchant. Talk to Acker and agree not to give him away in order to gain influence over Mira.

ONDERON - Dexen - During the meeting with the crashed assassins, tell Mira that she was also an assassin. She will say that she does not need your protection, but you will receive Influence points.

Marketplace - If your actions show that you support General Vakla, you will be able to talk to Anda who is standing behind the crowd. She wants you to eliminate three security captains. Agree to her offer and tell Mira that this is a good way to earn credits to gain Influence points.

Cantina area - the Twilek assassin who attacks you will make claims to Mira. Reply "I'm not going to let you insult my companion" to gain Influence points.

Marketplace - When the riot starts, don't take sides. Mira will agree with your choice and you will gain some influence.

(I couldn't find a suitable picture of this character)

Hanharr is a large, hulking Wookiee who you will find in Nar Shaddaa instead of Mira if you have turned to the dark side by then. The bad thing is that he can't become a Jedi.

Result: If you gain enough Influence points, Khankhar will receive a significant increase in stats and abilities.

Influence through Dialogue: You gain influence over Hanharr primarily through dialogue with him. When talking with Hanharr, stick to the fact that all weaklings must be killed or used for your own purposes. Don't be afraid to humiliate or insult Hanharr.

ONDERON - Dexen Jungle - Find the Mandalorian trapped on a mountain ridge, then blow him up instead of saving him: “What detonator? This detonator? Hanharr will like it and you will receive Influence points.

Cantina - After you meet with Kavar, Tobin will interrupt the meeting and have his men attack you. Tell Hanharr that he can kill anyone and gain Influence points.

Cantina - Sell the "Open" visa to Sakari. Hanharr will be impressed that you made the best deal possible. Say “I agree” or “I didn’t ask for your opinion” and you will receive Influence points.

Marketplace - Support Ponlar and provoke a riot. Hanharr will be happy with the blood and you will receive Influence points.

G0-T0 is a droid emissary of Goto who will join you after visiting G0-T0's ship.

As a result: G0-T0 offers you a reward for each planet on which the situation will be stabilized by you (Onderon and Dantooine), you must choose the “Dark” answer options in order to receive the reward, as well as Influence points. He also admits to you that he is in fact a droid, and not the person whose hologram he showed all this time.

Influence through dialogue: Goto loves order and stability. He doesn't like your noble actions (if any), but he wants you to stabilize Onderon and Dantooine.

DANTOOINE - Khunda District - When the Administrator asks you to check the defenses in preparation for the mercenary invasion - you will gain access to the room with the robots. In one of the robots you will find a hydraulic wrench that belongs to Acker, a droid merchant. You must threaten to turn Acker in. When he becomes hostile, kill him to gain Influence points. Akker will disappear if you join the mercenaries and attack Kunda.

ONDERON - Cantina - Sell the "Open" visa to Sakari. G0-T0 will be impressed that you got the best deal possible. Say: “This is the best way to make a profit,” after which you will receive Influence points.

Cantina area - talk to the droid selling robot parts. If G0-T0 is on your team, bring up the topic of lowering the price in the conversation. Try to reboot the robot. G0-T0 will be interested and offer help. Let him do this and gain Influence points.

Trade District - Use the power of Persuasion to prevent a riot caused by Ponlar in the city to gain influence.

You restore the HK-47 by collecting all the necessary components. One from the NK-50 on Peragus, one from the NK-50 from the crash over the Academy on Telos, another one can be obtained from the NK-50 at Vogga's warehouse on Nar Shadaa. The rest can be bought from merchants. HK-47 is an assassin droid from the first game. He is probably the best ranged character in the game.

As a result: Gaining Influence points on HK 47 gives you numerous improvements, increasing your own stats and abilities. HK-47 gives you very useful advice on how to kill Jedi.

Influence through dialogue: Conversation with NK-47 does not give Influence points, unless you try to end the conversation and NK-47 stops you. You need to say, “Anyone who tries to stop me when I'm finishing this conversation will be dead. Now let me go, otherwise..." After this you will receive Influence points

DANTOOINE - Kunda District - After talking with Master Vruk in the cave of crystals, Azkal will be waiting for you at the exit. Listen to his plan, then select "I'm not interested", then: "Die, you hired brute!" (this option leads to loss of influence on Kreia)

The Kunda area is (possibly a Bug) the only case where you can gain Influence on HK-47 by gaining Light Side points. When the Administrator asks you to check the defenses in preparation for the mercenary invasion, you will gain access to the room with robots. In one of the robots you will find a hydraulic wrench that belongs to Acker, a droid merchant. Talk to Acker and agree not to hand him over. What NK-47 says is clear disapproval, but as a result you will receive Influence points.

ONDERON - Dexan Jungle - Wandering through the jungle you will find Kelborn the Maldorian scout, start a conversation with him and talk until the line appears: “Enough chatter, it’s time to hunt” after which NK-47 will enter the dialogue at the end you will receive TC points and impact on NK-47.

ONDERON - Dexan Jungle - As in the case if Hanharr is with you, kill the Mandalorian stuck on the rock, you will receive Influence points on NK-47.

Marketplace - Support Ponlar and provoke a riot. NK-47 will be happy about the blood and you will receive Influence points.

Spaceport - Use the Power of Persuasion on the guard to enter the city and say "Let's discuss this in the city, otherwise..." to gain some Influence.

Cantina - After you meet with Kavar, Tobin will interrupt the meeting and his men will attack you. Tell HK-47 that he can kill anyone and get Influence points.

TELOS (DURING ATTACK) - Kill the wounded soldier (instead of healing him) you find in the Telos Station Entertainment Module during the Sith attack. This will give you Influence points on NK-47.

ONDERON - Marketplace - Support Ponlar and provoke a riot. Tell Mandalore that you want to support Vakla. You will receive more Influence points.

Marketplace - A Twi'lek and a Devotorian are standing near the crowd, discussing local politics. Take the side of General Vaklu and gain influence on Mandalore.

Marketplace - If your actions show that you support General Vakla, you will be able to talk to Anda, who is standing behind the crowd. She wants you to eliminate three security captains. Agree to her proposal and tell Mandalore that you like General Vaklu to gain Influence points.

Palace - If you side with Queen Thalia, agree to kill Vakla. Mandalore will say that you did the right thing and you will receive Influence points.

DESTROYER - Kill Tobin to gain Influence points.

Dantooine - Go to the Jedi Enclave and find a mercenary camp in that location, approach the Mandalorians and start a conversation with them in the process 1 Mandalorian will announce a 1 on 1 duel to Mandalore, kill him and the rest will agree to join him in fear, after joining you will receive influence points to Mandalore.

Nar Shaddaa - Go to the shopping center and find many apartments there, 1 of them are Mandalorians, start a conversation with them and if you have enough conviction then persuade them to join Mandalore, but if conviction is not enough then there will be the same duel as on Dantooine , win or convince the Mandalorians to join Mandalore and then you will gain influence over Mandalore.

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Note: Start leveling up your persuasion skill from the very beginning. This skill will help you find a common language with the inhabitants of the planets, which will lead to an easier life in this game.

1. Prologue.

The introductory part is intended primarily for people who are not familiar with the first series of this game. In it they will gain the necessary skills and learn the local interface. Nothing you do in the prologue will affect the main storyline. Yes, and the prologue can be skipped at any time.

In the prologue, you control the droid T3-M4, and your character, whom you created at the beginning of the game, lies in the infirmary.

Security room:.

Get to the security room (forward and left from the cabin). Open the container there, from which take out the Spike. Use the communications console to open the door to the main hold.

Main hold:.

Try to open the drawer on the right. Then, when all else fails, break it and remove the spike and broken item. In the hold on the floor there are two broken droids, in each of which you can find spare parts (Parts), and after searching the body, you will find a key card. Use the security console in the center, which allows you to open and close the outer and inner garage door and view camera images.

First aid station:.

Through two doors, following the map, get to the first aid station, where your character will lie on the couch. Take the medpack from the medical container and use it on the character by talking to him (100 XP). Leave the first aid station and go right along the corridor to the door leading to the engine room. Try to open it, but everything is in vain, you need a mine. Turn around and go left to the cargo hold.

Cargo hold:.

Here you will find the 3C-FD droid, which needs repair. Repair him (210 XP) and he will join you. Open the cabinet near the entrance using the key card and take out parts and armor that you can put on your droid. There are also 2 containers in the far part of the hold, one of which contains security tunnelers, which are used to open containers and doors with a complex security system. Only with the help of it, by the way, will you be able to open the second container with spare parts and other things. While still in the hold, by opening the container in the center from which you can take a pistol, you can practice fighting with flying droids.

Outside Ebon Hawk:.

Go to the lift opposite the first aid station and take it up. We are outside the ship primarily to find the mine and spare parts. On the right side of the ship, find all the spare parts, which are mainly located in the hatches, and also, after rummaging through the wires, open the bedroom door. On the left side you will see two mines installed, which the droid will detect, as indicated by “bubbles”. You can take the mines or disarm them, but it is better to choose the first option, as in this case you will receive 100 XP. You'll find a mine and spare parts in the proton rocket nearby, and you'll find more spare parts in the turret.


To get into the garage you need to switch to single mode. Select the T3-M4 droid and send it to the area between the inner and outer garage doors (it's to the left of the engine room entrance). Switch to the 3C-FD droid. Go to the security console in the main hold and use it to first close the outer garage door and then the inner one. Switch back to T3-M4. Once inside the garage (50 XP), look at the workbench where you can create new items from all the items you have. Craft a repair kit (100 XP) and use it immediately on the droid. Go to the bedroom on the starboard side of the ship and remove the droid's flamethrower and spare parts from the drawers. Now you can leave the garage with a clear conscience in the same way you got here.

Engine room:.

The last thing left to do on the ship is to repair the hyperdrive. Blow up the door leading to the engine room by planting a mine. Go to the hyperdrive and repair it with spare parts (500 XP). Return to the cockpit and click on Peregus on the galaxy map.

2. Peregus.

Medical department:.

Once you come to your senses, go through the door ahead, then through the door on the left into the room with the computer. Take the medical package from the container and, using the computer, unlock the doors of the morgue and storage room, and also check the last request made (210 XP). Pay attention to the laboratory table, with which you can create new items. Go to the storage room behind the computer and take out the medical bag and chemicals from the containers (they are used to create new items). Now go to the morgue. Search the corpse that lies in the far part of the morgue and find a plasma torch. Talk to Kreia. To get goodness points, you will need to select the option at the end of the dialogue: “I’ll be back soon to make sure you’re okay.” To get evil points you need to choose at the end of the dialogue: "Don't stand in my way, or you will end up like these corpses." After the conversation, equip the plasma torch, exit the morgue and go to the broken door on the right to break it completely (100 XP).

Administrative level:.

Search the corpse to find a Vibroblade and equip it. With it, you will kill the droids that have infested the administrative level. Search the crashed droid to find some useful items. Do this whenever possible. Go through the door on the left and get to the security room. Along the way you will notice an escape hatch. This is the place through which we will need to go further. In the security room, break the locker, take all the items from it, and then use the computer on the table. View all logs. Go through the next door and Kreia will warn you about the droids in the next room. You will also receive Power - Foresight (110 XP). By destroying all the droids in the room, you will have enough experience points to advance to level 2. Kreia will tell you about the Force and you will receive Strength points. Check the boxes for items and go to the administration center.

Administration Center:.

There are 6 droids here that you can either just kill (which isn't very good, you'll get little XP) or do the following to them. Run to the control panel and use it, then the droids will simply turn off (400 XP). Using the remote control, also turn off the force field from the door behind you. Go through the door into the room where you will find Atton in a cage. Talk to him. If you want to get goodness points, then tell him in dialogue: "I trust you. And if we work together, we can get out of this mess." On the contrary, to get evil points, say: “I will turn off the cage, but if you try to escape, I will kill you without a second thought.” After Atton rummages through the computer, use the remote control. Review the logs, and then contact the T 3 droid. No matter what you say, control will still pass to him.

Equip the T3 with the items you found earlier and search the crates and the broken droid. Go through the door opposite the broken droid and go down the slopes to the entrance to the fuel warehouse. Go through the door where you destroy all the droids, and after searching the corpse and the droid, find the datapad, as well as other items. Go back to the ramps. Droids with energy shields will appear. Destroy them with grenades and go up the ramps back to the room with three doors. At the top, place a mine on the locked door. Search the containers and crates to find things, particularly spikes, and go through the third door into the room with the control panel. Climb up the ramp to the remote control and use it. Explore the computer menu and be sure to open the door leading to the fuel depot (210 XP). Go through the opened door. Kill all the droids with grenades in the corridor and go to the fuel depot. Go straight along the corridor and to the left to the fuel control station. Open the escape hatch and this will complete mission T3 for now.

Mining tunnels:.

Tell Atton to go downstairs and you will receive Evil Points. If you tell him to stay here, you will receive good points (250 XP in both cases). Go to the escape hatch that T3 opened for us and go to the mining tunnels. Walk forward until Atton contacts you. He will do this constantly, and you can order him to shut up at any time. After going through the door, in the barrel you will find a uniform and equipment, which you will immediately put on yourself. Go to the fork with the pump. Pick up the mines and explore the two dead ends, then go into the caves. Before entering, you can repair the droid, which will help you in the fight. To do this you will need the appropriate skill and spare parts (120 XP). Destroying droids in various ways, get to another pump. Before the caustic gas, use a shield and quickly go through the danger zone. Pick up the installed mines again and head towards the place where the 4 pumps are located. Use the control panel in the center and use it to disable the protective fields. You can also turn off all the droids (900 XP) and they will not attack you (but this is only if you have two spikes) or raise the temperature and the droids will ignore you. Check everything near the pumps, and then go along the corridor that starts from one of the pumps. Atton's voice will indicate the correctness of your route. Next, get to the fuel depot.

Fuel storage:.

Talk to the droid Hk 50. There are two answers to get good points: "Those miners might be injured or in danger - we have to make sure they're okay" and "Then I have to get there to save them." And two answers to get evil points: “I just need the codes that the miners have, and when I get the codes, I will get rid of them and leave the rock” and “Then forget them. I have to go into the hangar and leave this rock ". You will also receive 200 XP upon finding out what happened to you. Go to the room opposite, where from the container take the Sonic Imprint Sensor (sound sensor, 50 XP). If you want, dig around the workbench and upgrade your equipment or craft new items. Go back to Hk 50 and in the conversation select the dialogue with the sound sensor (50 XP). Go through the door between the rooms into the corridor with the droids and follow it to the right. When the MkII droids come out of the doors, destroy them, and then go straight (even further there is a locked door that we will unlock) and right to the turbolift. This will take you to the administrative level. Go to the security room where you use the computer. Select the sound sensor option to record a second message (50 XP). Go to the medical department to the computer and find out from it who ordered the injection of drugs (150 XP). Return to the turbolift and, after riding it up, go into the room on the right. Use the service station. Select the sound sensor option to record the last message and unlock the door mentioned above (750 XP). Also find out that the drug injection was ordered from here (100 XP). Now go through the inner door that we opened into the vestibule and take the spacesuit and other items from the locker. Exit into open space through the outer door of the vestibule.

Open space:.

Walk around the platform until Atton contacts you. Tell him your plan, and then watch the Harbinger arrive. Afterwards, go through the vestibule door, kill the two droids and go through the next door.


Open the security door and search the 4 lockers. Upgrade your miner's uniform to increase its resistance to cold attacks, as you will next encounter freeze turrets. Go into the room with the turrets, destroy them and go into the corridor, along which go right to the control panel opposite the door. You can select the first menu item (60 XP) and then close the bedroom ventilation (210 XP), thereby turning off the gas, or destroy the remote control (210 XP) and go to the medical room (right side of the map) for a breathing mask to walk safely in bedrooms filled with gas. Having opened the door to the bedrooms, first go to the right compartment, where you search all the rooms and pick up all possible items, including the dispatcher's log. Now go to the left compartment, where you also search all the rooms and take the datapad from the corpse near the terminal. Use the terminal and watch the admin holovids, then select the transmission check option. Decipher the code, you should get the following combination: 3, 17, 13, 5, 7. This is the code to open the turbolift.

Exit from the bedrooms:.

Exit the bedrooms and go left along the corridor. Then go through the door on the left. In the hall, if you go left, you will get to the medical room, and if you go right, you will get to the turbolift. Also in the center of the hall, find a corpse with a datapad. Go right to the turbolift. Use the console and try to enter the received code. Then look at the log, where you will be told that the code needs to be entered in reverse, i.e. 7, 5, 13, 17, 3. Enter it automatically (if you have high enough intelligence) or manually (250 XP) and get on the turbolift.

Administrative level:.

Go forward to Kreia. Talk to her and she will join you. If you say "I won't let the old scow keep me up. I'm traveling alone," you will get evil points. There are no good points in this dialogue. Go to the administration center, where you will talk to Atton as you wish. He will also join your company. After the conversation, Hk 50 will appear in the hall. Talk to him and make him admit to imitating the officer's voice (500 XP). If you don't do this you will receive 100 XP. In any case, you will have to fight Hk 50. The battle is quite simple. Destroy the flying droids first, and then destroy the Hk 50. If you strike slowly, it will regain its energy. Collect all the items with Hk 50 and go aboard the Harbinger ship (entrance on the left on the map).


As soon as you board, a conversation with Atton and Kreia will automatically begin. When asked "Okay, we have to get to the bridge", choosing the 1st answer option will increase the influence on Kreia, and choosing the 2nd option will reduce it. By choosing the 3rd option, you will increase the influence on Atton, and by choosing the 4th and 5th options, you will decrease the influence on him. Go forward, then right through the door. You are on the bridge. Use the navicomputer on the far side of the bridge and download the direction charts (250 XP). Also look at the first log (100 XP). Go through the door to the right of the one you entered through. Kill the Sith assassins and go through the door on the right. Next, explore all the rooms and search all the containers and drawers. Now that you have Atton, you can open locked drawers and doors without resorting to physical force. Once you reach the dead end, head back to where we started and go through the security door. Follow the corridor to the intersection, where turn left. In the briefing room, use the remote to view holovids (100 XP). Return to the intersection of corridors and go to the cockpit.


Go forward and search the rooms on the sides. When you reach the second pair of doors, the door on the right will lead to your room, where you will find a datapad. The door opposite has a complex lock for Atton, so it will most likely have to be broken. Go through the door between the rooms and explore the two dead ends on either side of the medical bay. Then go into the medical compartment itself, where you use the remote control. Insert the datapad from your room and examine each menu item (100 XP). Then, if you want, repair the medical robot (90 XP) and it will heal your team, but only at that level. Exit the medical bay through another door and enter the storage room, where you will find many items. Skip the next door on the right in the hallway, which leads to the turbolift, and go into the next room on the right, the droid storage room. Review the protocol and take the datapad from the corpse. Return to the turbolift, which will take you to the engine deck.

Engine deck:.

As soon as you get here, Atton will talk to you. Ask him "What happened?" and then as the dialogue progresses, "We have to be careful. But we have to keep moving forward" to increase influence on Atton. Walking forward through the door, Kreia will leave you. Go through the door ahead, into the room with the remote control. Select any item on the menu to eventually open the door (250 XP). Exit the room and turn right if you want to get to the room with the workbench and upgrade the items, otherwise go down the hallway to the right. Walk until the ion engine control panel appears on the left. Use it to unlock the door (250 XP). Go through the door and Atton will speak to you again. Tell him "Atton, you must trust me" to get good points or "Then stay here and die" to get evil points. After the conversation, go through the door on the left.

Fuel storage:.

Who do we see ahead? This is T3-M4! Talk to him. Select the first dialogue option first and then the second to increase your impact on it. After finishing the conversation, talk to him again. Ask about the damage, how many there are, how many programs he lost and, in the end, say that he will regain all his skills. This way you will further increase the impact on T3-M4. Go through the door on the right. Explore the entire floor, destroying the droids, and then go up the ramp to the control panel. Use it to disable the energy field (110 XP). Climb the ramp even higher and turn right, destroying the MkII first.

Hangar compartment:.

You've been here before. Return to the control panel, using which you will unlock the door (110 XP). Go through it and go to the decontamination area. Use the remote control and select the first or second menu item (105 XP), then turn off the gas (220 XP) and unlock the door. If you select the “destroy the remote control” option, then not only will you not receive XP, but also poison gas will leak into the room. Also, if you don’t have enough spikes, the T3-M4 droid can make them for you. Go through the door you opened and go through the cave to the Ebon Hawk. First, explore everything around the ship, and then go on board.

Inside Ebon Hawk:.

Shoot the Sith soldiers who are approaching the ship from the cannon, and then destroy everyone who still managed to get inside the ship. Talk to Kreia. "Another beep and you're a waste" that we will resist", "If the Sith threaten me, then they will all die", "Only the Sith will pay the price by standing in my way." All these sentences will give you evil points, and the next 4 sentences will give you good points. “If there are survivors, then we must warn them,” “This is self-defense, not war,” “The life of a Jedi is a sacrifice. This is a small price to pay,” “If we do not fight against evil, then we are sacrificing the galaxy.” Next, talk to Atton. In dialogue with him, you can only get good points by saying: "You're right, she might need help" and "You're right, she might be sick." After finishing the conversation (1000 XP), go to the bedroom on the port side, where you will find Kreia. Talk to her again. This giant conversation has many good and evil points, as well as increasing and decreasing influence on Kreia. Go to the small room in the main hold, where the Hk 47 will be. For now, all we can do is insert the Hk Vocabulator, confiscated from the destroyed Hk 50. And the last thing left to do is to use the galaxy map in the ship's cockpit and select Telos.

3. Telos – Citadel Station.

Warm greeting:.

Arriving on Telos, you will not be greeted at all friendly and, regardless of what you say, you will be imprisoned and the ship and droid will be confiscated. In prison, an assassin will try to kill you. Fight him (1000 XP) and then you will be transferred to a more luxurious prison, which is an apartment in a residential area. Take turns answering calls from Ithorians first, then from Czerka. The Ithorians are peaceful ones who live in harmony with nature, while the Czerka are an evil corporation that would like the Sith to win the Jedi Civil War. Who you'll join is pretty obvious - if you're on the good side, you'll be with the Ithorians, and if you're on the evil side, you'll be with the Czerka. For now, you can agree to both sides' offers to visit their bases. After a call from Czerka, Lieutenant Grenn will arrive, who will free you from captivity and tell you that you can find all your things in the TSF offices of the entertainment module.

East residential block:.

Talk to Kreia. Ask her if she really is a Sith Jedi, then use your intellect or wisdom to get the story out of her (1000 XP). There is no important business in this area, so you can go straight to the TSF offices to get your things if you want. But if you are not in a hurry, then first explore all three blocks of apartments A, B and C. In apartment B 2 you will meet Opo Chano, who sells droid parts, and you will also find a workplace in his apartment. In Apartment A 1 you will find Harra, who will give you a side quest.

Side quest "High Stakes".

Find the Doton Het entertainment module in the bar. You can buy the slave Ramana from him for 2000 credits (with a high persuasion skill you can reduce the price to 1500 credits) or play the game Pazaak with him. If you choose the second option, first practice with Atton in the game Pazaak. By winning the game or paying the credits, Ramana will be yours. There are many options for what you can do next. Keep her as a slave (350 XP, Evil Points) or take her to Harra. In the latter case, you can force her to return with him (or sell her to Nal Hutta, 350 XP, evil points) or let her do what she wants (350 XP, good points) or indicate that she still belongs to you (300 XP, evil points) or extort money from him for her freedom, which he does not have (300 XP, evil points). If you keep her as a slave, you can periodically visit her to collect income.

Go to the center of the area and, using the information terminal, download a map of the area. Now you can get to the places where you have already downloaded the map with lightning speed just by using the information terminal.

Entertainment module:.

Walking towards the bar, you will meet Sullustan, whom the mercenaries are trying to kill. You can let them kill him (evil points) or fight them (good points). Load the card from the terminal near the bar entrance and go to the TSF offices. Talk to the droid to find out that your ship is gone and so is your droid, but thank God your things are still safe and sound (50 XP). When the droid opens the storage room door, take all your items from the locker and then go to the next room, where you will talk to Lieutenant Grenn. From him you will receive 4 side quests.

Work for Ithorians:.

If you chose Ithorians, then you are on the side of good. The Ithorians' base is located in the western residential block. Login to their database and tell the receptionist that you are here for a meeting with Chodo. Go right through the rooms and talk to Chodo Habat. You will receive your first mission from him (100 XP).

Enter the docking bay through the entertainment module. Go forward to the door where the Ithorian is sitting. Several people from Czerka will contact you demanding that you reconsider your decision and come over to their side. Send them politely and talk to Ithorian to let him in. After passing, use the remote control to open the bay door. Go to the ship, near which there is a droid, accompanied by two guards. Fight the enemies who will try to destroy the droid and everyone who is with him, and after victory, talk to him and escort him to the Ithotians base (500 XP + 500 XP).

Mission #2 – Meeting with Loppak Slusk.

Chodo wants you to meet Slusk and try to reason with him. However, you can’t just get to Slusk. Go to the bar of the entertainment module, where you will talk to Luxa, who is guarded by Gamorreans. Ask her to arrange a meeting with Slusk. She will let you see him if you agree to get rid of him. Exchange offices are located in the eastern residential block. Talk to the guard at the entrance and tell him that Luxa sent you. Go inside where you will talk to the receptionist. You can avoid the fight in the next room if you convince her. Otherwise you will have to fight the Gamorreans. There is one Ithorian in a cell in the room on the left, but our goal is to go to the room on the right. Destroy everyone who is there, and in the next room talk to the Gamorreans boss in order to open the door near him. Inside the room you will finally come face to face with Slusk. Talk to him, then kill him. After the fight, talk to Luxa. She will also have to be killed, since there is simply no other way out (1300 XP). Use the security terminal in this room to disable the camera containing the Ithorian and return to the Ithorian base where you will talk to Chodo Habat (700 XP, Good Points and the first part of the Lightsaber).

Mission #3 – Expose Czerka.

Now Chodo wants to hack Czerka's main database, but this can only be done from within the corporation. Go to the local bar where you will talk to the Czerka Corrun Falt employee near the stage. Ask him about Lorso and then fill him in on your plans. You will need 1000 credits (you can try to reduce the price) or a developed persuasion skill to convince him to help. You can also threaten him and, when he comes to his home, extract all the information from him (evil points). We need to win B 4 D 4 over to our side, for this we will need the credentials that Opo Chano has (100 XP). You will find it in apartment B 2 in the eastern residential block. For credentials, he will demand 2500 credits, which you can take from Chodo Habat. There is also the opportunity to get certificates for free by killing Odo Chano, but for this you will receive evil points. With your credentials, go to the Czerka offices. Talk to droid B 4 D 4 behind the counter. Order him to follow you and show him your credentials (300 XP). Drive B 4 D 4 and return to the Czerka offices. Go to Lorso and talk to her to gain access to the main computer. Go to the computer where the droid will be standing next to it. Lie to him until he leaves, then copy the data from the computer and erase your own existence within their files. Now head back to the Ithorians base, where you will talk to Chodo. At this point, we’ll say goodbye to B 4 D 4 and talk to Chodo again, already managing our team (500 XP).

Mission #4 – Save the Ithorians.

Head to the docks (entrance in the entertainment module). On the way there you will be contacted by Moza, who will report an attack on the Ithorians base. Go back and help your friends by destroying all the mercenaries and droids. First you need to get to Moza, who is in the room on the left, and then save Chodo, who is in his usual place (500 XP, good points).

This completes the work for the Ithorians. Head to docking bay #2 (where we went to get the data droid) to board the ship.

Work for Czerka:.

If you are on the side of evil, then the Czerka Corporation is your choice. Go to the Czerka offices, which are located in the eastern residential block. Talk to Lorso and ask her about the job. She will give you Ithorian credentials and send you to the docks (100 XP).

Mission #1 - Get the information droid from the second dock.

Enter the docking bay through the entertainment module. Talk to the Ithorian ahead near the door and show him your credentials so he will let you in. Use the remote to open the dock door and then approach the shuttle. Fight the thugs and, after destroying them, they will give you a droid (500 XP). Take him to Czerka by selecting the appropriate option in the dialogue (500 XP, evil points). Next, Lorso will offer you another job.

Mission #2 – Kill Lopak Slusk.

Go to the bar where you will talk to Luxa. Ask her to arrange a meeting with Slusk, and in return she will ask you to complete some tasks for her (50 XP).

Task from Luxa No. 1 – Weapons trade.

You should be alone when you go to the medical area, the entrance to which is located in the western residential block. To do this, remove Atton and Kreia from the team for the duration of this task (the team is managed through the corresponding menu). In the medical section, use the communications computer opposite the laboratory table. You will be told to go to Apartment B 3 in the eastern residential block. When you get to the apartment, wait a little until two armed mercenaries come to you (500 credits). Kill them (500 XP) and return to Luxa's bar to give her part of the amount (250 XP).

Task from Luxa No. 2 – Opo Chano.

Use the information terminal to quickly get to the eastern residential block. Go to apartment B 2 to Opo Chano. Ask him about returning the money, which, of course, he won’t have. You can negotiate with him to the extent that you will repay the Luxa debt yourself, but for this you will need 2500 credits. Or you can simply kill him, which is advisable to do, since if you chose the Czerka corporation, then you are on the side of evil. Return to Luxa regardless of what you did (500 XP) and receive her next - final - task, which will be to kill Slusk. Just what we need.

At this point I will not repeat myself, but will simply ask you to look at mission No. 2 in the “Work for Ithorians” section (1000 XP). After Luxa and Slusk are dead, return to Czerka's offices. You will notice that the offices are filled with enemies. After killing everyone, get to Lorso. Deal with the enemies that surround her, then ask Lorso for a reward (800 credits, 100 XP). Talk to Lorso again, but about the mission she gave you earlier (150 XP).

This completes the work for Czerka. Head to docking bay #3. At the entrance, talk to Duros to open the door and give you the first Lightsaber piece. Get on the ship.
4. Telos – Planetside.

Crash area:.

After the ship you were flying on is shot down and you find yourself on the ground, talk to Bao - Dur. He will join your team and be a mandatory companion for this level. This means that you only have one spot left on the team, which can be taken by either Kreia or Atton. Decide for yourself who you want to see in your ranks now, I would recommend Atton. You don't need to do anything at this location. Just get to the Czerka base alive. Your route will have to run along the coast and, bypassing the group of mercenaries in the center, go along the cliff to a minefield, after passing through which you will be very close to the Czerka base.

Base Czerka:.

It doesn't matter what you say to the mercenaries here. You will still have to fight them. Get to the platform in the center of the base where the remote control will be installed. Use it, and Bao - Dur will determine the location of your ship, which, apparently, should be located at a military base. The entrance to the base is located right next to the platform.

Old military base:.

Firstly, the military base is full of grates, stepping on which will poison you with gas, so you need to bypass them every time. Secondly, there are power shields installed everywhere, which can only be deactivated by Bao-Dur with his own hand. So, having received introductory instructions, get to the room with the ship. We can't use it yet. Find the force field here and, after disabling it, use the security controls in the room to finally turn off all the gas grills. Opposite this room is a control room with a remote control for opening the hangar door, but first we must turn on the reactor. Go through the door between these rooms. One room later you will meet a Czerka employee. You can bring him to the exit from the military base (good points) or kill him (evil points). Next, get to the room, on the sides of which there will be droid recharging rooms. Use the remote to destroy the droids (500 XP). Go forward and left. Once you reach the reactor room, turn on the reactor and then return to the droid recharge station. Go into the small room, where you take out the datapad with codes from the box. Return to the ship to destroy the huge droid. Examine the room from which he left, and then go into the control room and, using the computer, unlock the hangar door. Everyone, board the ship.

5. Telos – Hidden Base.

Having crashed for the second time, and having crashed exactly near the entrance to the Jedi training base, destroy the Hk 50 droids, which will greet you unkindly. Pick up the control cluster from the body of one Hk droid and go inside the base, the entrance to which is located in the center of the plateau.

Jedi Training Base:.

After setting foot on the base, a group of handmaidens will ask you to put away your weapons and go with them. There is no choice but to comply. If you want to kill them, you will receive evil points, if you remove the weapon, you will receive good points. After Kreia and Atton get into the cell, you will talk to Atris. By not saying anything aggressive to her, you will get kindness points and vice versa. After a long dialogue, go to the hall with the column in the center, where you will talk with Hendreden. To gain evil points, say the following during a conversation with her: "She was right. You're lucky that I don't kill you all," "When methods of inflicting violence are limited, it weakens us all," "I agree. This shows how far are you ready to go for your goal", "Loyalty? I prefer obedience", "Glory was in battle, not among at least one Jedi", "If I crush Atris's skull, then I can get to the heart of the matter?", "Why Atris allows me to move freely, because I can easily kill you all." And to get good points, say: “Combat is not the truth of Jedi training,” “Combat is not the way of the Jedi and not my way,” “Combat is not the best way to connect with others,” “I went to war to protect others, and not just fight", "I have no desire to fight Atris" and "I apologize, I did not imply any violation." If you chose a male character at the beginning of the game, then Hendreden will join your side later on your ship Ebon Hawk.

It's time to rescue Kreia and Atton from the cell. Go to the prison, where Kreia will immediately start a conversation with you. Telling her that "She's hurting me. I might have to kill her" will earn you evil points. As soon as Bao - Dur gets back on his feet, you will have to talk to him. Asking if he is okay will give you goodness points. Otherwise, only evil points, which are easy to get in this dialogue. So, after the conversations, head north from the prison (looking at the map) until you find the droid T 3- M 4. Find out how he is, and then choose one of two things: “It wasn’t your fault that they hijacked the ship” or "Don't waste my time making excuses" to gain good or evil points respectively. Go through the door on the right and you'll reach an Ebon Hawk, which you'll use to fly out of here.

6. Ebon Hawk.

Talk to T3 and Bao - Dur without fail. You can then either go directly to one of the four planets or talk to companions to gain good or evil points, as well as influence. The first planet I recommend you visit is Dantooine. You can also add the Hk piece to the Hk 47 that you got in Telos near the Jedi training base. But this can be done later.

After visiting any planet and returning back to the ship, you will find Visas. Fight her, and then when her Lightsaber is destroyed, talk to her. Dialogue has many light and dark sides and influences. After talking with Visas, she will join your team, and you will also receive the second part of Lightsaber.

7. Dantooine.


A woman will meet you on the planet. Talk to her and head out of the dock to the Khoonda building. The entrance to the building is on the right. Inside, talk to the receptionist. Ask him where you can find the administrator. Talk to administrator Terena Adare. You just have to find out about Vrook from her, and also gain access to the sub-levels of the Enclave. There is a store in the building where you can buy crystals for Lightsaber. But you will get them for free in the crystal cave later. Exit the building and go right along the map to the entrance to the crystal cave.

Crystal Cave:.

Enclave courtyard:.

Go to the ruins to the west, cross the bridge and enter the Enclave through the door on the right side.

Enclave sublevel:.

If your team doesn't have Bao - Dur, then go get him on the ship. This must be done so that he can build the Lightsaber right here. After going inside the Enclave (150 XP), go to the fountain and from it go left along the corridor. When you reach the room on the left, try to open the door and then talk to Jorran, who is in the room. If you are on the evil side, then lie to him by saying that "Yes, Laigreks are all dead." If you killed all the Laigreks, then in addition to the said phrase, say that "You are saved. How strange" and "People think that you are dead. They are right" and then kill Jorran (you will receive the last part of the Lightsaber and the crystal). If you are on the side of good, then kill all the monsters near the room with Jorran and free him. Now go to Salvager's camp, which is located in front of the entrance to the Enclave, where you will talk to him again. He will ask for 1000 credits for the last part of the Lightsaber and for the crystal he found (200 XP). So, having obtained the last part of the Lightsaber by any means, talk to Bao - Dur about the Lightsaber and he will build you one - either single or double of your choice (2000 XP). At the workbench, you will be able to upgrade the Lightsaber with all the crystals you have discovered.

Walk around the Enclave along the corridor clockwise. In the first pair of rooms you will find the corpse of Salvager (150 XP), in the second pair there is a passage to the droid compartment. You can repair all the droids (280 XP for one) or some of them and they will go to destroy Laigreks. Go to the library in the east of the Enclave, talk to the student there. If you play as a female character, he will join you. Go deep into the library and examine the bodies of the mercenaries. You'll find a datapad that says Vrook has probably been captured by Azkul (250 XP). Continue down the corridor clockwise. Search the remaining two pairs of rooms, and between them in the round room, find the corpse of Salvager with a wish; interfering with it will give you 150 XP. Having reached the fountain, get ready to fight a group of enemies led by Gerevick, who does not want you to get out of here. Having changed his plans, go outside and go into the crystal cave.

Crystal Cave:.

Follow the passage on the left until you reach the mercenaries who are holding Vrook captive. If you answer "I must save the Jedi" you will receive goodness points. If you say "If you let me make changes" or "That's the last insult I hear from you" you will get evil points. After defeating the mercenaries, talk to Vrook. Ask him whatever you want and he will leave. If you fight him (if you received evil points in a conversation with the mercenaries), he will stun you and retreat (500 XP).

Mercenary attack:.

Coming out of the cave, Azkul, the leader of the mercenaries, will speak to you. If you want to join Khoonda, then tell him that you are not interested in his offer, and then say "Die, mercenary!" If you want to join the mercenaries, then say "Okay, I will help you." The same phrase, but with a lie, will allow you to think about which side to take later (I recommend choosing it). Return to Khoonda and talk to the administrator, then Zherron. The latter will give you many tasks, the completion of which will not affect the result. It is your will to carry them out or not. The main thing at the end of everything is to tell him that you did everything you could.

When Khoonda is attacked by mercenaries, you will speak with Azkul again. Tell him that "she means nothing to me" and then they will kill the administrator and you will go over to the side of evil. Otherwise (good side) fight Azkul. After destroying it (1000 XP), ask the administrator for 400 credits, and Vrook will teach you a lesson and answer any questions (750 XP).

8. Nar Shaddaa.

After listening to Atton's comments about the place and finding out the information you want to know from him, he will land the ship in the refugee sector. On the planet, talk to Atton again, then to Quello, who will want you to clear his landing pad. You can convince him and at the same time lie that "The exchange told me that I could land here" (evil points) and then threaten violence (more evil points). You can tell him his landing pad is trash, or pay him 50 credits and he'll leave.

Main area Nar Shaddaa:.

Having chosen your team, move forward until you meet two thugs surrounding the refugee. Telling them that "I will not allow you to harm this person" (good points) or "Only an eyewitness" (evil points) will cause you to fight them. In the first case, talk to the refugee and ask them why they did this, then say that you were glad to help (kindness points). In the second case, tell the refugee that he owes you or threaten to harm him (evil points).

Go to the next refugee, who will automatically talk to you. Give him credits (good points) or refuse him (evil points). No matter what you do, Kreia will talk to you. It doesn't matter what you say to her until the very end, just say at the end "I will consider what you said" or "There is wisdom in what you say" to increase your influence on her.

Give credits to the third refugee standing nearby to get him to talk. Ask him for information, tell him that you are a Jedi and then "If I can, I will help everyone" or "I will do what I can, but it can't be enough (both cases goodness points) or "I don't owe anyone help here" (evil points).

Go to the hole in the center and go right, going around it. A guy named Ratrin Vek will tell you that you have his ship. Ask him for evidence that the ship is his, and show him the document for the ship. If you give it to him, then also say "No, if the ship is yours, then you deserve it" or "I prefer to be here with a clear conscience" (goodness points in both cases). If you are not going to give him the ship, then say that "If you don't get out of my way, you will be dead" (evil points).

Continue around the pit and when you reach the red door, Kreia will speak to you. It doesn't matter what you tell her, you will still get +6 power points. Now go all the way around the pit to the thugs surrounding the last refugee. There are many options for talking to thugs. Saying "I am working for the Exchange and this person is under my protection" or "This person is under my protection. Leave him alone" will gain goodness points. On the contrary, saying "You two, give me all your credits and then jump into the central pit" will get you evil points. You can convince them to leave, take the refugee under your protection, fight them, or offer to pay them their debt. Although they ask for 500 credits, you can get away with 100 credits (good points). If you kill them with the power of persuasion, Ruturn will run away. If you convince them to leave, you will receive 250 XP. If you kill a refugee, you will receive evil points. Go to the docks, the entrance to which is to the north.


Go to the docks, the entrance to which is located in the north of the main area of ​​Nar Shaddaa. Wander around. In order for the Exchange to pay attention to you, you need to shine, so to speak. To do this, you need to complete tasks that will affect your relationship with the Exchange. Well, let's begin. Talk to Fassa in the center of the area opposite the path leading to the second pylon. Tell him the following: "Who are you working for?", "Is it business these days?", "Is there anything I can do to help prevent the raids?", "What happened to the pylons?" and "I'll try to help." Now use the control panel to activate the second pylon. Go to the second pylon and, using the remote control, set the following order: 1st - Silver Zephyr, 2nd - Alakandor, 3rd - Toorna’s Profits. Completing this task will give you 500 XP and change the situation with the Exchange somewhat. Return to Fassa for your reward, then go to the bunkhouse in the southwest. Wander through the rooms, in one of which you will find Lootra. Convince him to join the Exchange, and to increase the benefit, also tell him that *your character's name* sent you.

Refugee sector:.

Return to the main area of ​​Nar Shaddaa, from where head south to the refugee sector. As soon as you enter, security will speak to you. Intimidate them (requires a high strength skill) so that you can pass them unhindered, or destroy them. Go through the door on the left and, going down two ramps, you will come out to the refugee camp. Immediately at the entrance on the right you will find the sick Geriel. Talk to him and convince him to kill himself (evil points and 500 XP). Then talk to Nadaa, who you will find in the west of the camp. Tell her to pay her respects, and then convince her to sell herself into slavery (evil points and 1000 XP). Now talk to Saquesh in the center of the camp. Convince him to submit to the Exchange (evil points and 1500 XP).

Main area Nar Shaddaa:.

You've done enough for the Exchange to take notice of you. Return to Ebon Hawk, where you will encounter Red Eclipse as you approach. Kill them all and go inside the ship. You can either kill all the Red Eclipse or go straight to the security room where you will find the leader. Tell him to obey and work for you, and in return you won't hurt him (750 XP). As soon as the ship is clear of enemies, go outside and after a moment Atton will report that a message has arrived from Visquis, who invites you alone to Jekk’Jekk Tarr. This is a bar on the docks.


We go to Jekk'Jekk Tarr in the north of the docks. As soon as you approach the entrance to the docks, Atton will catch up with us to wish us luck. Upon entering the docks, Mira (the main character on the good side) or Hanharr (the main character on the evil side) will stop you. During the conversation, the action will switch to Atton, who went to the bar to wet his throat. There he will stumble upon two killers. The fight is very difficult if you do not resort to the following trick. Stand behind the bar and shoot from there. In this case, the killers will not touch you, they will not move at all. Having dealt with the killers, control will again pass to your character. No matter which side you are on, Mira will take the suit and go to Jekk'Jekk Tarr posing as your character. Go to the room in the northeast where you will find Visquis. After Mira is caught and you come to your senses, finally go to Jekk'Jekk Tarr. Make sure you have equipment for Mira or Hanharr, one of which will join you later.

Jekk'Jekk Tarr:.

Once inside, break into the room where Visquis was. There will be many enemies on your way. Once you reach the room where Visquis was, talk to one of the Twi'legs. Say: "Calm down, I won't harm you. Where's Visquis?" (good points) or "Tell me where your master is or you will be dead" (evil points). End of dialogue: "Get to safety. I will speak with your master" (good points) or "Then come out here before I kill you" (evil points).


The entrance to the maze is in the upper left corner of the room. The main rule is to move in one direction (go straight, then left, and when the opportunity arises, continue going straight again) until you eventually reach the security door.

Visquis Lair:.

Hanharr and Mira will meet in battle. Who you control depends on which side you are on. If on the side of good, then – Mira, if on the side of evil, then – Hanharr. Fight and win the battle. After this, Visquis will release the Kath dogs. Kill them and go into their lair, where you take the key from the corpse. Go through the door and come face to face with the Ubese hunters. They are quite difficult to fight with Mira or Hanharr, so it is better to move towards the exit so that control passes to your main character. A quick way to find the exit is to go through the first door ahead as soon as you exit the pit, then turn left and unlock the door on the left using the control panel next to it.

Once your Jedi is inside, you can either kill all the Ubese hunters yourself or go to the room where the control panel is located (the room in the center called ventilation control) and use it to destroy all the Ubese hunters. After this, go into the pit where you will encounter Visquis. The good side includes the following sentences: “I'm not looking for trouble...”, “Because you put bounty in my head,” “I just arrived in Nar Shadaa...”, “Enough. Why did you put bounty in me?”, “Leave it.” at rest!". The evil side includes the following sentences: "I'm here to kill you, Visquis", "Because you put bounty in my head", "I don't care what happens to the refugees", "Enough. Why did you put bounty in me?", " Kill him slowly."

Vogga's Warehouse:.

After talking with Mira, control will pass to the droid T 3- M 4. Go to the warehouse, where you will talk with C 6- E 3, then with C 7- E 3, which is located further along the course near the console. Return to C 6- E 3 and talk to him again. He will agree to let you into the next room if you destroy C 7- E 3. Which is what we do (100 XP). In the next room, get to the door with a riddle. Use the control panel and do the following: turn the center block counterclockwise, turn the left block counterclockwise, and turn the right block clockwise (500 XP). Go into the little room where you talk to the droid to get codes and a blank transponder card (100 XP). Upgrade your droid, as next he will have to fight three Hk 50 droids. This will happen in the first room where C 6- E 3 is located. When you destroy the droids, search them and find the third part of the Hk droid (you can buy the last part from Kodin in the main area of ​​Nar Shaddaa; it is on the way to the entrance to the docks) . Leave the warehouse.

Yacht Goto's:.

Select a group and board the Goto yacht. While you will only be controlling two characters, your main character will be available to you later. After talking to Goto (2800 XP), go to the droid utility to get the shutdown program. Use the Security Console. If you want to save a spike, the count you must enter is two. Download the reboot program before you disconnect from the console. Go through the door and, while destroying the droids, reach the command console. First, search the droids and find the access code for the prison cells, and then use the console. First, go to the "Program Library" item and download all your programs. Then go to the last menu item, where you unlock the prison cell system. Finally, go to the "System Management" menu item and disable the prison cells (250 XP).

Go through the door, then through the locked door ahead. Enter the second chamber, where the droid will be located, from which you will take the security turret access codes. Return to the console and unlock the turret system, then disable the turrets in the "system management" menu (500 XP). The turrets will not actually be disabled, they will simply go out of order and start firing at both strangers and friendly forces. Go through the door to the right of the entrance to the prison cells. Go to the audience room, in front of which you will have to destroy all the turrets to get inside. Having done this, your team will be at full strength again. Use the auxiliary console to obtain power access codes. Select the primary power system and switch both to secondary systems.

Return to the small room with the command console. Unlock the power system. Go to the prison cells in the south of the yacht. In the third chamber, receive the reset program from the droid. When you get to the command console, download this program. Check all the rooms to the south and southwest, then go to the room to the west where there will be a lot of turrets. Destroy them all and go to the north or south room. Move west to the bridge, destroying the droids and mines. One of the droids will have the access code for the mine. On the bridge, use the command console. Cut down the minefield (500 XP) and food (1000 XP). Return to the Ebon Hawk, which is docked to the north of the yacht, destroying a new wave of enemies.


The last thing left to do in Nar Shaddaa is to deal with the Jedi. You can kill him or ask him to go to Dantooine. In the first case just say "it's time to die" (evil points), in the second case say "what happened now". If you kill him, you absorb some of his life force.

9. Ebon Hawk.

The flying droid G 0- T 0 and Mira or Hanharr (depending on which side you are on) have joined your ranks. Talk to the latter to get evil or good points, as well as influence on them. You can finish assembling the Hk 47 droid by installing the last two parts that were found in Nar Shaddaa (one part was purchased from Kodin in the main area of ​​Nar Shaddaa, and the other was found on the Hk 50 droid in the Vogga warehouse). Talk to Hk 47 to gain influence over him as well.


Your ship will be attacked by Onderonian fighters. You will get a "Resist" option that you can select if you want. In this case, you will shoot fighters from a cannon. After hitting all targets (600 XP), you will find yourself on Onderon's moon called Dxun.

Dxun Jungle, area near Ebon Hawk:.

If you are on the side of good, then choose Bao - Dur or Handmaiden as companions. Otherwise - Hanharr or Hk 47. Go up any path, each of them will lead to one place. When you see Cannoks fighting another creature, you're on the right track. Keep going. Atton will tell you that someone else has landed nearby. Follow the path to your right (on the map - the path to the south) to the old wrecked ship. Inside it, find the computer port. Restore it (315 XP) and, going to the “system commands” item, restore the kernel. Now all the droids in the jungle are connected (315 XP).

Return to the fork and follow the other path to the droid. Restore him and all his systems (1365 XP), and he will rush off to fight our enemies. Continue along the path until you come across the second droid. Also restore it like the first one (1365 XP), and continue to march to the third droid, with which you do the same. Soon the wrecked Duros ship will appear ahead. The conversation with them will end in a battle, and the droids you restored will help you in the battle with them.

Dxun Jungle Main Area:.

Go from the ship to the right, if you look at the map. Follow the path straight until you encounter more Mandalorians. Follow them unquestioningly or fight (evil points). In the latter case, the result will be the same as in the first - you will find yourself in the Mandalore camp.

Mandalorians Camp:.

Mandalore will help you get to Onderon if you impress him (250 XP). To do this, complete the following tasks:.

1. Restore navigation telemetry.

Talk to Zuka near the exit of the camp. Tell him that you will help restore the navigation telemetry. First of all, repair the broken wires next to Zuka (315 XP). Then go to the telemetry room (the building with the dish on top). Use the computer and reprogram it (525 XP). Return to Zuka for your reward, but this is not the end of the quest. Go to the Dxun jungle, with the goal of combing it and finding Cannoks, which will have parts of the pulse phase. There are three parts in total, so you must find three Cannoks. Once all the parts have been found (300 XP), return to Zuka (450 XP, good points).

2. Help Kelborn kill the Boy Scouts.

After leaving the camp, follow the path to the west. Ignoring two turns you will reach Kelborn. He killed an Onderon scout and wants you to help him make sure none of them survive. Agree to help and go west, killing all the boy scouts. After eliminating two groups (450 XP), return to Kelborn, who has relocated east of his original location (700 XP).

3. Win the battle circle.

In the main part of the camp (where the building with the plate is) there is a battle circle. To participate in battles, you must speak with the Mandalorian Sergeant each time. Having won the first three battles, in the fourth you must fight Kelborn, for which you had to complete the second task. After defeating him, all you have to do is defeat the toughest Bralor warrior and you will become the champion (1450 XP).

4. Kill Zakkeg.

Before leaving the camp, talk to the guard captain in red uniform. Ask him about large animals and he will tell you about Zakkeg. Say you will kill him. After leaving the camp, you will encounter Davrel, whom you defeated in the battle circle. You can fight him, refuse, or tell him about Zakkeg and have him help you kill him. Go southeast until you reach Zakkeg. After killing him, take his ear and return to the captain to report the task completed (500 XP).

After completing all these tasks, go to Mandalore and have him take you to Onderon (350 XP). Before leaving, the camp will be attacked by Sith assassins. After you deal with them, the ship will leave for Onderon.

Onderon port:.

There's a new addition to your team. Meet the Mandalore soldier. Exit the hangar and talk to the guard, who will tell you about the situation here. At the other end of the port you will find an animal rider. Talk to him, and after you leave him, the animal will be freed from the cage. Kill him and talk to the rider again. He will offer you loans. If you try to refuse, you will receive goodness points and 500 credits. To the side is the entrance to Iziz, which is guarded by guards. If you answer questions, then nothing bad and nothing good will happen to you. You will be allowed inside. But you can shorten the conversation with them by convincing them or using the power of persuasion.

Iziz shopping district:.

Before you take even one step, decide who you want to join - the queen (good side) or the general (evil side). Immediately after entering, a group of Vaklu soldiers harass a journalist who they say does not support them. If you want to join the queen, then ask them to show the warrant, and then any kind of proof. Or use insight, persuasion, or persuasion to get rid of them (good points). If you side with General Vaklu, then say: “What is going on?”, “Do you think there is any need to doubt? He is obviously “guilty””, “If he tried to escape...”.

Walk towards the crowd standing near the statue. The decision you make here is very important. If you go with the crowd, you will start to undermine the queen. Go against the crowd and start supporting the queen. If you want to support General Vaklu, then say: "The Queen must listen to the wishes of her people." All other lines of dialogue will result in you supporting the queen.

Continuing further, you will encounter Devaronian and Twi'lek, who will engage you in their argument about politics. You have to make another choice between the queen and Vaklu. Ask them some questions and then tell them who you stand for.

West Iziz Square:.

You will immediately be attacked by thugs. After dealing with them, go to Dhagon Gent's office. You will learn from the man standing near the entrance that he is under arrest, and to find out more you must talk to the Riiken captain in the shopping district. When you start returning there, thugs will attack you again. Deal with them and finally find Riiken near the turret tower (as seen on the map) in the shopping district. Find out everything about Dhagon from him and return to the western square. Go to the buffet, which is located to the left of Dhagon Gent's office.


Let's begin an investigation into the murder of which Dhagon Gent is accused. Talk to Panar in the room on the right. Ask about the murder, then follow this up with questions about Dhagon and the reason why he would kill Sullio (250 XP). Then talk to Nikko in the central hall. Mention that you have heard from Panar. Ask him questions about the murder and then go outside (500 XP). Go right to a pile of garbage, near which a pool of blood has spilled. Examine the trash, then the broken droid (250 XP). Return to the cafeteria, where you will talk to Nikko about this droid, and then to Panar about the same topic. After he mentions droid 1 B -8 D, go outside where you will find this droid (250 XP). Ask him about Bahima's droid parts and then buy them (250 XP). Go to the buffet again and talk to Kiph in the central hall. Give him the remains of the droid (250 XP). Now show them to Nikko. This is enough for Dhagon Gent to be released. Talk to him and he will tell you that he needs the disks (1500 XP). To get them, go to the buffet and, after talking with Bakkel in the room on the right, destroy everyone who will be in this room. Then search Bakkel's body and take the disks, which you take to Dhagon Gent's office (300 XP).

Let's get out of Onderon:.

After you find yourself in the buffet and talk to Kavar there, you will be interrupted by Colonel Tobin. This will not lead to anything good. You have to fight hordes of soldiers while retreating to the port where the shuttle is located. Once you reach it (250 XP), you will be returned to Dxun.

Go to Mandalore's room, where you will talk to Kelborn. It will let you know when Onderon is safe to return to. Talk to the guide near the camp gate to have him guide you to the Ebon Hawk, which will take you to the last unexplored planet, Korriban.

11. Korriban.

Valley of the Evil Lord:.

Head south to the Shyrack Cave entrance. There is nothing else interesting in this place. One has only to say that if you search the skeletons, you will be attacked by Hssiss.

Shyrack Cave:.

Ahead there will be a gnawed corpse with a datapad. Take any path to the bridge in the east, destroying the Shyracks and Tuk'atas. Cross the bridge and destroy the Sith assassins. Then go north to the entrance to the Sith Cave. Kreia will tell you whether or not you are ready to move on. If you can't pass, it's because of two things: you're either not completely on the side of good or evil, or you're low level.

Sith cave:.

Case 1: Malak.

As soon as you enter the cave, you will see Malak preaching about the Jedi War. You can shorten this dialogue by just saying: "Enough playing, take your lightsaber and fight!" Otherwise, you have to listen to it all and answer each of his questions. Once the fight starts, you will only have to hit Malak to make everyone else disappear. Go through the door ahead (eastern on the map) and follow the corridor, at the end of which you will find a hand with a datapad. Go through the next door.

Case 2: Shyrack nest.

Destroy all Shyrack in this location. Then walk along the long corridor and go through the door.

Case 3: Minefield.

The soldiers want you to help them get through the Mandalorian line, but there is a minefield ahead. You can send them or go yourself. The evil side includes the following sentences: "Combat is an invaluable opportunity. We will fight," "War requires blood. Yours were taken that day" (evil points), "The only casualties that mattered in that war were the Jedi." (evil glasses). There is no good side, you can only avoid saying the sentences mentioned above. Once you get to the other side, fight the Mandalorians and go through the door to the east. When you reach the fork, head south. This way you will reach a room with four columns, in the center between which a dead Jedi will lie. Touching a dead Jedi each time (touching the first time will give you 200 XP) will trigger Hssiss. This is an ideal opportunity to upgrade your hero. Once you're done with this, go back to the fork and go north.

Case 4: Kreia betrayed.

Ahead you will see "Kreia", who is having trouble with Atton, with Bao - Dur and with T 3. Say what you want until all the listed characters appear. The easiest way to get through this is to say, "I think I'll stand back and wait" or "You're all just a vision, anyway. It doesn't matter what I do." In this case, you will fight with everyone.

Case 5: Revan.

Walk down the corridor and through the door. You will confront Revan. After talking to him, fight. The fight won't be too difficult (2000 XP). Search the sarcophagus ahead and the two small rooms on either side, then go through the door to the east. This will take you to the Shyrack cave. Choose a team and break through to the exit. Then head to the Sith Academy.

Sith Academy:.

Fight your way through the monsters and Sith assassins to the main area, which has 5 passages leading from it. Take the western passage first. Take the datapad out of the bag and continue moving to the end of the corridor, where the corpse will lie. After exploring it, you will find a datapad that will tell you how to open the large door next to you. To do this, you need to have a thorium charge with you. Go through the first passage on the right from the locked door (south on the map). Take the datapad (50 XP) from the box in the back room. Then turn into the second passage on the same side. Use the computer. Select the "New Recruit" option and then select your ID # 3401726- B 853 S 5 O 0 X 001. Next select "access to study materials" to open the door to the library. Finally, take the written test. Answer the first question with Freedon Nadd, the second - Twenty, the third - Gizka, the fourth - I always lie, the fifth - Passion - strength - power - victory. By answering at least 4 out of 5 questions correctly, you will gain access to the training room (select the "access to training room" option, 150 XP).

Go to the library that is shown on your map. Unlock the box and remove the thorium charge from it. Now go back to the large locked door and use the thorium to blow it up. In the room, use the hologram to view the video. Return to the main area and take the eastern passage, then turn south. In the training room, use the computer to begin sequential training. You will be interrupted by hungry Tuk'atas. Kill them and use the computer again. No matter how quickly you deal with the animals, the computer will tell you that you have failed and you need to go to the punishment room across the street (100 XP). Go there. In the cage you will find the corpse of a Jedi. Saying "maybe I killed her myself" will get you evil points (500 XP either way). Search her body and find the datapad. Then use the computer terminal. Select "access system commands" and enter "Lonna Vash". Return to the main area where Darth Sion will be waiting for you. Fight with him and subsequently you will automatically leave the academy, which Kreia will help you with (200 XP).

That's it for us with Korriban. There's nothing else to do here. Return to the ship.

12. Dxun.

As soon as you enter the ship, you will be informed that information has been received from Kelborn, who wants to see you in Dxun. Let's go there immediately. Upon arrival, speak with the Mandalorian guide to quickly transport you to the camp to speak with Kelborn. Now choose the people you will send on the expedition (you will manage them for now). Having made a choice, you will find yourself in the jungle.

Jungle Dxun:.

Xarga is your escort on this mission. Go through the cave, pass the minefield and, once you get out, pay attention to the turret power generator. You can blow it up, thereby knocking out the turrets installed nearby. Head forward and to the right towards the ship. Kill all the Sith soldiers in the camp and use the computer console. Hack it and gain access to system commands. You can download schematics for the area, or more usefully use running the Fulcrum scenario (460 XP). In the latter case, the turrets and droids will turn against their own. Now head for the long staircase to the left of the ship. You will be confronted by droids, Sith soldiers and evil Jedi or Sith lords. Having dealt with everyone, go inside the grave.

Freedon Nadd's grave:.

Go straight to the door, but don't go through it (although you can, because exploring the two rooms on the sides is not necessary). Go first to the room on the right, where you can restore the droid, which will act against enemies (1560 XP). Use the ancient terminal in the closed area, but be sure to save before doing so. Fill in the blanks in this example (6 _ 2) _ 8 _9 _ from 1 to 13 with the following operators: (6 * 2) - 8 +9 *(or /) from 1 to 13. When the ancient box opens (500 XP), take out from it are random lightsaber parts.

Now go left from the door. Restore the medical droid that will heal you (480 XP). Use the ancient terminal, one module is defective and all modules report defective modules as:.

A: feb, B: dce, C: eba.

D: fac, E: fdc, F: acd.

C appears most often, so the answer is C (500 XP). Take another part of the lightsaber from the drawer. Upgrade all parts on the desktop.

Now you are ready to go through the main doors. Get ready to fight, then open the barrier and kill all the evil Jedi. Our goal is to unlock the huge door ahead. Go through the doorway on the right and follow the corridor to the room where the computer will be located. Use it to lower the lever, thereby opening the huge door. Go through it to three Sith masters. They will tempt you to the side of evil, and you can choose one of the following response options: "I will not... be tempted. That path leads to the side of evil" (good points) or "I feel it... there is great power here" (evil points ). No matter what you say, it will lead to a fight. Fall en masse on one Sith master and, having killed him, switch to another. After they are dead, go to the sarcophagus, from which you take Freedon Nadd's lightsaber. Go to Xarga, who will come to the grave, and talk to him.

Civil War in Onderon:.

Let's return to the main character, who went to Onderon. If you chose the side of General Vaklu, then upon arrival Tobin will meet with you and tell you what to do. Otherwise, you must break through to the palace through the sky ladder.

Sky ladder:.

Go up the ramp to the platform. On the left are the barracks, on the right is the tower, inside of which we need to go. Use the remote control to turn off the force field and shoot the cannon at enemy ships (800 XP). Go outside and go through the disabled force field. Go to another force field. When you are near him, soldiers will talk to you. Answer if you want to get evil points: “No one can run away. You can’t hide anywhere” and “Mercy is for the weak.” Disable the force field with the lightsaber and head to the palace entrance.

Royal Palace:.

Walk forward and you will talk to Tobin. If you are on the queen's side, he will be locked in the next room. For the general's supporters, he will be locked up with you. To unlock the door, you must find two remote controls in the northern and southern parts of the palace. First, follow the passage to the south, without going into any rooms on the sides. Just go into the room at the end of the corridor, and from there go to the next one. Kill all the enemies here, then talk to Kiph. Whether you kill him or not is up to you to decide. The main thing is to use the remote control, enter the system commands and unlock all the security doors. If there is someone in the cage (for the queen's supporters this is Riiken), then talk to him. Then use the remote again to access the primary passcode (250 XP).

If you work for Vaklu, then you can only talk to the soldier to immediately be in the hall where you entered, otherwise you will have to stomp there yourself. Once there, follow the passage to the north. There is nothing interesting in the first two rooms you come across. Skip them and go into the next room where Kavar will be if you're on the queen's side. Go through the next room and talk to the man (if he is there). Say that you have the initial codes (250 XP) and you will be transported to the door that was previously closed. If there is no person, then you must use the remote control to get secondary codes.

So, we are face to face with a huge animal. Destroy it and go into the throne room, where the battle is in full swing. As soon as you cross 2/3 of the hall, all opponents will fall. Approach the throne. You will fight either Kavar and the queen or Vaklu and his soldiers. Defeat Vaklu to end the fight, but that's not enough for Kreia, she wants you to kill him. Choose either "You're right. If left free, he will only bring suffering" or "I can't do this. Everyone deserves a chance to redeem themselves." If you kill a general, you get 1000 XP. If you are a supporter of the queen, then talk to Kavar about whatever you want, and after the queen thanks you (750 XP), you will end up in Dxun, where your team will reunite. Get on the ship.

13. Dantooine.

When you have found (or killed) all four Jedi Masters, return to the Enclave (entrance on the left). After meeting with the Council, you will receive a new ability as soon as you get back on your feet. Leave the Enclave and you will automatically end up on Ebon Hawk.

14. Telos – Hidden Base.

While driving Handmaiden, fight Atris. Afterwards, already controlling the main character, fight with Atris again in the meditation chamber. After the battle, Atris will become more talkative and tell you a lot of interesting things.

15. Telos – Citadel Station.

You will meet here with Lieutenant Grenn, who will inform you of the situation. Basically all you have to do is kill the Sith and move towards the shuttle to get to the Ravager. Mandalor will tell you as soon as you start to leave that he will go gather a force to attack Ravager. Exit the Ithorians base and go to the eastern residential block (hopefully you remember which is where). There, the TSF officer will ask you to eliminate the turrets. Do this while killing Sith soldiers at the same time, and then go to the entertainment module. Go to the entrance to the docking bay, where Mandalor will reunite with you, and Visas will also join you without fail. Tell Mandalor you are ready and head to Ravager.

16. Ravager.

Our task is to kill Darth Nihilous and place four proton cores throughout the ship. It's the latter that we'll deal with now. Get to the first proton core installation site, which is located south of your current location (first follow the corridor south, then west and south again). After installing the first proton core, go northeast to the compartment marked on the map. This is where we'll assemble the fourth proton core later, but for now just remember how to get here. Proceed to the second installation location. To get there, go east from the compartment and then south to a dead end. Next, go through the central compartment (north, then east) and from there stomp south to the third installation site. After installing all three proton cores, go north to the fourth installation site. But we don't have any more proton nuclei. Therefore, for now, go to the bridge, the entrance to which is located in the east of the ship.

Go west through the rooms to the south. When you come face to face with Darth Nihilous, deal with him (1000 XP), and then return to the compartment where we must collect the fourth proton core. Once you get there, use the computer and then take the core. Install it in the fourth proton core installation location and go to the place where you entered the ship. Ravager will be destroyed.

17. Malachor V.


You don't have to do anything in this area yet. Go east, then south and west to the entrance to Malachor Depths. Note the buried Republican ships to the north and southwest. We'll have to visit them a little later.

In depth:.

Head west until you reach a large storm animal. After destroying it, go to the entrance to Trayus Academy in the north. If you got Mira, then you will have to kill Hanharr while controlling it. Next, Bao - Dur's hologram will ask you to install a mass generator. To do this, you need to visit four buried Republican ships and use the remote controls. Two ships are on the surface of Malachor, two more are here in the north just as you came here, and in the southwest. Once you use all 4 remotes (250 XP each), the action will move to Trayus Academy.

Trayus Academy:.

Here and further you will encounter a lot of powerful enemies, so be prepared for the fact that it will be very easy to pass from room to room. Basically, go from the lobby through the door on the right and then follow the corridor to the east. Then go through the door on the right to the demonstration area.

Demonstration area:.

All you need to do is pass through this place safe and sound to the Trayus Academy on the other side. There is only one path, so don't get lost.

End of the game:.

Continue through a few rooms until you meet Darth Sion. He must be hit four times for him to finally die. After this, go to the Trayus center, where Kreia will be waiting for you. Fight her using the "don't stand still" tactic. After her life bar approaches zero, talk to her and fight again, but this time with three lightsabers that she will “summon.” You can just fight Kreia without even touching the lightsabers. After she is pretty battered by the battle, you can either kill her or leave her alive. The ending of the game will be based on this. The ending is evil or good, respectively.

Companion characters are one of the few assets of the game that turned out to be at the level of the first part. Each character is endowed with different abilities, character, advantages and disadvantages. The relationship between the main character (the Exile) and his fellow travelers has reached a new level thanks to a wonderful innovation - the influence bar. It is on its basis that many plot twists, main and secondary quests are built. Therefore, the player always has to pay attention to his behavior, because at one point your former friends may turn their weapons against you.

Throughout the game you will be accompanied by teammates - there can be up to twelve of them. As in the previous part of the game, you can only take two companions with you to the planet. Almost at any time, while in the location, you can change your team, because a specific situation may require the presence of specific characters. There are even locations in the game where the presence of one or another comrade is required.

This is interesting: the presence of some characters depends directly on the gender of the protagonist and his inclinations towards the side of the Force. Therefore, do not be surprised that throughout the game you might not meet some of the following.

Jedi and Sith


It doesn't matter where we go. The destination is not important. The journey itself is important.


wars,” therefore he does not recognize either the Sith or the Jedi. And it demands appropriate behavior from the main character. So if you want to be on good terms with Kreia, develop a neutral character. The old woman recognizes only her own opinion, and therefore during dialogues you have to agree with her in all situations. Kreia's decisions and actions cannot be predicted in advance. For example, on Onderon you can support both the queen and the rebel Vakla. With the right further actions, you can gain influence points. Kreia skillfully wields various manifestations of the Force, such as the Force Chain, which can be used both during attack and during defense.

Kreia is a fighter of dubious quality; Although she has strong and useful spells, she is weak in close combat. She fights exclusively with one hand; it will not be possible to “change” her clothes. Apparently, he is afraid to reveal his true face.

It’s easy to lose influence points in the presence of Kreia; she fights much worse than others and has a habit of appearing in the most critical places in the game. So the best place for this eccentric is the Hawk's cabins. When necessary, Kreia will appear herself. However, if you want to create the perfect neutral, you won't find a better companion.

It is important: try to ask Kreia more about her past. This way you can get experience points. Suitable situations arise frequently in the game. For example, in the Valley of the Graves on Korriban, Kreia can be asked to tell her story. After listening you will receive experience points.


Jedi Guardian Level 6

Location: "Ebon Hawk"

Visas is another heroine who hides her face behind a hood. At first, the girl behaves like a real Sith - she receives influence points during murders and rejoices in every possible way when you commit dark deeds. However, later she can be turned into the kindest Jedi, and she will begin to enjoy good and merciful deeds. On Nar Shaddaa, be sure to take this girl with you and do as many righteous deeds as possible. This way you can turn her to the light side.

However, be prepared that on Onderon she will laugh at your excessive kindness. To get influence points on this planet from Visas, you will have to support General Vaklu, the head of the local junta.

Regardless of the party, Visas craves communication with you. Always try to enter into dialogues with her in which you can choose any answer. The more options you try, the more influence points you will receive. The girl knows different spells, which she can teach you too. First up is Force Vision, a spell that allows your hero to see through walls and barricades. Very useful in battle.

Visas is a good fighter, she will be useful in a variety of situations. And since the second Jedi on the team is required, I advise you to take her with you everywhere. And it’s easy to get influence points, and you won’t let yourself be offended.


There are as many as five characters in the game who, from the very beginning, do not even know what the Force is and how they eat it. However, soon you will be able to raise them into real knights of the sword and the Force. Of course, this will require a little sweat.

Atton Rand

Scoundrel Level 3

Location: Peraga prison block

Atton Rand is an excellent blaster marksman with a mastery of repair skills. This guy is so into Pazaak that he even plays the card game in his head while aboard the Ebon Hawk. If you tell the poor guy about this and apologize, you will gain influence points.

This person needs a subtle approach, so it will be very difficult to gain influence over him. And without influence, you will never turn Atton into a Jedi.

With such a company no troubles are scary.
If you play as a dark character, you will achieve your goal by committing murders. For some reason, cruelty really attracts Atton Rand. He, like other characters, can be influenced through dialogue, but he is rarely talkative and it will be difficult to extract any information from him. Only by carefully and slowly asking Etton about everything will you be able to achieve success.

When you fly to Nar Shaddaa, do not take Etton with you under any circumstances. While there will be plenty of situations on this planet where you can increase your influence over Etton, you should still take someone else along for the ride. In the refugee camp you will meet two Twi'leks who, for a fee, will tell you hitherto unknown information about Atton Rand. It turns out that the guy can be turned into a Jedi. The further algorithm of actions does not change - careful dialogues will sooner or later lead to Etton being reincarnated. However, before you start processing Etton, make sure that you have received enough influence points.

Thus, you get another strong Jedi on your team, who in addition has a bunch of abilities. An indispensable combat companion that is equally at home in laser sword battles and gunfights, it is resistant to stun, poison and paralysis.

Bao Dur

Your command still sounds, General. And I obey, as on Malachor V.

Bao Dur

Bao-Dur, unlike most other subjects, is almost impossible to influence through dialogues. The main way to gain influence points is to take Zabrak on walks around the planets. Throughout the game, influence over Bao-Dur can be gained in different situations. First of all, we recommend taking him as an assistant on Onderon, Dantooine and Nar Shaddaa. And since it is categorically not recommended to invite Etton to join company on the last of the listed planets, you should definitely take Bao-Dur to Nar Shaddaa. This character is attracted to bright things; for example, if you heal a patient in a refugee camp on Nar Shaddaa, you will increase your influence. By committing murders, on the contrary, you lose points.

My advice to you is don't be afraid to include Bao-Dur in your team. He is an excellent fighter in all respects and has a huge number of useful abilities. In addition, Bao-Dur constantly flies around his little assistant - a mechanized ball that shoots at enemies during battle. And after turning into a Jedi, Bao-Dur becomes practically priceless.


the librarian will remain a cameo NPC for you and will go to Khunda.

A librarian can be turned into a Jedi Consular, and this is quite easy to do. The first way is good old dialogues, in which you must definitely show your sympathy for the Jedi and the Republic, which the librarian never ceases to admire. In principle, dialogue may be enough to transform this soldier into a Jedi. Increasing your influence with a librarian earns you a large amount of light side points. Of course, he hates murder and bad deeds, so the dark character will have a hard time with him.

The librarian, whether in the face of a soldier or in the face of a Jedi, looks downright sluggish compared to others. Dark females will have a hard time with him. But still, a Jedi is never superfluous. Especially if this Jedi can also generate antidotes and first aid kits using his portable chemical laboratory.


Level 6 Soldier

Location: Jedi Academy on Telos

The fanatical nun will join our team if you play as a man. She is an excellent warrior both in terms of fighting poles and swords, and in terms of small arms. And if you turn her into a Jedi, you will get a versatile fighter who can be useful at any moment.

For everything to work out so well, you need to fight the nun three times and have enough influence on her. You can achieve the favor of a nun, like a librarian, only through good deeds. Try to get fewer dark side points and under no circumstances kill anyone in the presence of this girl. There are no special methods for obtaining influence points on the part of the nun. Treat her like a Jedi and be the same in her presence. Then you will get a loyal friend and an excellent fighter.


I am Mira. I'm the best bounty hunter in this system.


Scout level 6

Location: Nar Shaddaa

You will find this girl on Nar Shaddaa if your hero is inclined to the light side of the Force. Mira is an excellent bounty hunter, but she does not live by the principles of crooks and scoundrels, preferring to maintain friendly relations with the main character.

On a note: the dark Jedi will get the Wookiee Hanharr, who is inferior to Mira in all respects. In addition, a girl can be made a Jedi. One of the few cases when a light character will have an easier time.

Increasing your influence over Mira is easy - admire her as an assassin.

Mira vs Hanharr. The furry one doesn't stand a chance.
A specific case will come across on Dxana.

When it comes to combat abilities, Mira is unusually good. On her sleeve she wears a real wrist grenade launcher a la Jango Fett. At first, grenades only hit a small number of enemies, but as the level increases, the grenade's striking radius increases.

With enough influence, you can transform Mira into a Jedi. Try to ask the girl more about her relatives and her relationship with the Wookiee Hanharru. A new line of dialogue about Nar Shaddaa will appear. Promise that you will fly there again with Mira. If your character is male, return to Nar Shaddaa and visit the refugee sector. There, Mira herself will start a dialogue, after which she will become a Jedi. If you play as a woman, you can start processing Mira right on the ship. Express interest in the conversation, and everything will work out.


The game features three types of droids, as different from each other as heaven and earth. NK-47 and T3-M4 are familiar to you from the first part of the game, so there is no particular need to introduce them. And the third and most unfortunate character in the game calls himself the strange “name” GO-TO. The role of this strange-looking droid in current events remains unclear even after completing the game. And now meet:


Externally similar to P2-D2, T3-M4 is a jack of all trades. This little fellow is a true professional when it comes to working with explosives, computers, mines and player equipment. The droid can decompose and upgrade various items from the protagonist's inventory. In addition, you can get four free pins from him, which you will certainly need in difficult times. Gaining the influence of T3-M4 is not difficult, but very simple. By communicating with the droid and listening to its endless noises and squeals, you can gain influence points. Obtaining them allows you to upgrade the T3-M4, increasing it and even your skills (with enough influence, the droid can increase one of your skills). You're unlikely to take him into the fiercest battles, but this little guy knows his stuff. And he can even stand up for himself.


Does anyone need to be killed, master?

Level 6 battle droid

Location: "Hawk" cabins

NK-47 is a real machine of destruction. Naturally, he will demand similar behavior from you - murder, violence and vile acts. NK-47 is a wonderful fighter, capable of sweeping away anything and everything in its path. However, there are a huge number of problems on the way to gaining influence points. The first and most important problem is that the NK-47 will not be available to you from the very beginning of the game, but only after you collect the four missing parts. The method of passing is different for all players, but it is unlikely that it will be possible to collect all the components even in the middle of the game. And closer to the end, your team will already have pumped up Jedi who have no equal on the battlefield. But it doesn’t happen all the time, so if you manage to collect the missing parts at the early stage of the game, you will have an excellent fighter at your disposal. You can win his favor, as mentioned above, by killings and various actions that bring you dark side points. If you encourage HK-47's homicidal tendencies during dialogue, you can get small bonuses for it - increased stats and abilities. Light Jedi are better off keeping NK-47 aboard the Hawk. Stay out of harm's way...


I prefer predictable games like Galactic Economy.

Level 6 Expert Droid

Location: Nar Shaddaa

GO-TO - a spherical droid, Goto's emissary, will join you after the battle on the yacht.

He obviously won’t fit into your team and will constantly conflict with Bao-Dur’s electronic assistant. GO-TO is neither a dark nor a light character. The path to his “heart” lies through the economy, in which he maintains a position that is beneficial to him. To gain influence points, you must do things that are acceptable to you and forget about noble deeds. Above all, GO-TO values ​​peace and order. He will ask you to stabilize the situation on Dantooine and Onderon. If you do this, you will receive influence points.

However, is it worth making such concessions and sacrifices for the sake of such a character? I do not advise. Because GO-TO is a useless fighter even compared to other droids. Its only difference is that it can fly over mines and make master keys. Commendable... But only the strongest have a place in the team, so you can safely leave GO-TO on board your ship.


The task of warriors is to fight and lend their brotherly shoulder in difficult times. That's exactly what they'll be doing in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2. But they'll spend most of their time aboard the Ebon Hawk...

The Mandalorian

The Mandalorian has his own concept of honor and dignity, speaks little to the main character and rarely reacts to the player’s actions. He is equipped with armor attached to his body and a powerful cannon. You can truly learn about Mandalore's worldview and attitude towards the player only on Onderon. I advise you to take it with you on a walk around this planet. On Onderon, you must fully support General Vakla. In this case, you will increase your influence over the Mandalorian.

The result is average in all parameters and characteristics of the soldiers. You might find it useful on Onderon. Otherwise, leave it on board the ship.


Scout level 4

Location: Nar Shaddaa

The Dark Jedi on Nar Shaddaa will get the Wookiee Hanharr - an excellent melee warrior, useless, however, compared to the pumped-up Jedi. He cannot wear implants or armor.

Influence on Hanharr can be gained through murders and harsh dialogues, both with the Wookiee himself and with other NPCs. Don't be afraid to humiliate or anger him. This will only be beneficial. With enough influence, Hanharr will receive a significant increase in characteristics. Will this save him?..

The villains are defeated, justice has triumphed, the game is completed and forgotten... However, our companions - good and evil, beautiful and scary, honest and deceitful, will remain in our memory for a long time, reminding us of the unforgettable hours spent playing the game.