How quickly the butt swings. How to pump up a girl’s buttocks yourself at home

Daria Brygina

Nike+ Training trainer

How to pump up your butt in a month at home

Perform each exercise for 1 minute. When finished, go through the entire complex from the beginning. The higher the intensity, the more noticeable the result!

1. Hip lift

Lying on your back, bend your knees. Make sure your heels are strictly under them! Raise your pelvis as high as possible, stay in this position and tighten your buttocks as hard as you can. Lower yourself to the starting position.


2. Back lunges

Pick up a kettlebell, dumbbell or other sports equipment weighing 2 kg. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Take a step back, bending both knees to 90 degrees. Make sure you maintain this angle while you are down. Repeat with the other leg.

3. Side lunges

Stand straight, feet together, take a small ball in your hands. Take a wide step to the left, lean slightly towards your bent leg, transferring your center of gravity to it. Rotate your body so that the ball is behind your hip. Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.

4. Jumping

Squat down as if you were doing a backward lunge. Knees bent at right angles! While jumping, switch your legs. And repeat for a minute.

5. Squats

Stand on your right leg and hold a 2 kg dumbbell or kettlebell in your hands. At the same time, lean forward and bend your knee. Lower your hands to the floor and rotate your body so that the dumbbell or kettlebell is behind your shin on the outside. Repeat on the other side.


Know how to rest

It is a mistake to believe that training in your life should be without interruption. Excessive zeal can lead to exhaustion of the body and a complete loss of strength. To make sports fun, it is important to know when to stop and allow the body to recover! And even if you didn’t get enough sleep or don’t feel well, it’s better to postpone intense training until another day or replace it with something calmer and more relaxing, such as soft stretching.

Eat right

If you play sports several times a week, it means you spend a lot of energy and strength, which is important to replenish. During active physical activity, the diet should be varied and contain all the necessary nutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals). Eat small meals often and try to avoid fast carbohydrates found in foods such as potatoes, pastries, and white bread. Drink more water and avoid sodas and fruit juices—sweetened drinks are a major source of added sugar and can make up up to 50% of total carbohydrates in your diet.

Love your body

Don't ignore this advice. The success of your personal victories - both in sports and in life - depends on whether you follow it or not. Take care of yourself and your body. Sign up for a massage course, visit the bathhouse or hammam regularly. Before the shower, be sure to rub your body with a dry brush with natural bristles in a circular motion from bottom to top - this is excellent lymphatic drainage and the key to not only elastic skin, but also good health.

Warm up

Warming up before training will tone your muscles and help avoid injury. Yes, you've heard it many times before, but warming up is as important a part of your workout as any other and shouldn't be neglected. It is important to warm up even before a run - for example, with the help of Ellie Goulding's NTC "Yoga for Running" workout, lasting only 6 minutes, you will prepare your muscles for a more intense load and adjust your breathing. You can find other workouts of varying intensity for warming up and stretching there, in the FOCUS section of the Nike + Training Club app.

Don't be bored

If you notice that you need to force yourself to go to your once favorite workout, just try something new. A new type of activity will give you additional motivation and will almost certainly increase the effectiveness of your training. For example, in the new season you can sign up not only for free training, but also for boxing, dancing, yoga and even skateboarding classes.

How to pump up your butt in a month? The beach season is just around the corner, and the swimsuit is waiting for its finest hour. I recommend you pay special attention to these workouts from the free Nike+ Training Club mobile app:

  • “Achieve at any cost” from Christen Press (section FOCUS, duration 15 minutes): the workout is aimed at developing beautiful muscles of the core and buttocks.
  • “Strength and Tone” by Eli Golding (section FOCUS, duration 15 minutes) will help keep your body, arms and, of course, legs in good shape.
  • “Beautiful buttocks” (FOCUS section, 15 minutes) - the name of this super-effective workout speaks for itself.
  • For those who are ready for more challenging tasks, “Abs and Buttocks” is a 30-minute set of strength exercises for noticeable results. Look for it in the application in the TONUS section, level - ADVANCED.

There is a way out - pump up your buttocks at home! When structured correctly, training at home is no less effective than in the gym.

Let's pump up our buttocks at home - let's go!

We offer you five exercises for working the gluteal muscles, by performing which you can bring your figure to the desired shape in the shortest possible time. You can vary this workout depending on your fitness level, you can use additional weight and change the recommended number of repetitions.

Hot five exercises for the buttocks

The workout below contains the most effective exercises for the buttocks. They are perfect for both women and men who want to make their body ideal.

It is very important to warm up well before class. Spend 5 minutes actively running in place, jumping, twisting your body, and swinging your arms. These simple movements will not only warm up the muscles, but also prepare the body for the upcoming load.

After this, you can start doing exercises for your buttocks at home.

1. Squats, feet turned diagonally

To begin, perform a series of squats. These are the simplest, but at the same time extremely intense movements. Especially if you perform this exercise using additional load. This version of squats, in which the feet are slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and the toes are turned out to the sides at 45 degrees, perfectly strengthens the glutes, spinal stabilizers, and back.

  1. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, point your toes out to the sides, and cross your arms over your chest or extend them forward.
  2. As you exhale, squat down so that your thighs are parallel to the floor. As you inhale, rise up.
  3. Try to keep your back as straight as possible throughout the exercise.
  4. Do 30 squats.

The most effective exercises for the buttocks are, of course, squats.

2. Standing on your elbows and knees - heel to the ceiling

The second exercise is performed on the floor. Lay out a mat and kneel down, placing your hands on the floor in front of you.

  1. Lower your elbows to the floor and tuck your stomach. In this position, the pelvis is slightly higher than the shoulders.
  2. Exhale and lift your right leg up as high as you can, reaching your heel towards the ceiling. As you inhale, slowly return to the starting position. Make sure that your lower back is not arched downwards. The body must remain perfectly level.
  3. Perform 30 repetitions with your right leg. Take a break and repeat the exercise with your left leg.

Raise your leg as high as possible, as if you want to push through the ceiling with your heel. After practicing a couple of times, you will understand that doing exercises for the buttocks at home is no more difficult than in the gym. The most important thing is to follow the technique and not be lazy.

3. Lying hip abduction

The next movement is a classic swing that allows you to work the outer lateral surface of your thighs. This is the most effective exercise for tightening the buttocks in this area. But in order for it to give a good result, you need to carefully monitor the technique of its implementation.

  1. Lie on your right side. Lift your body slightly off the floor, bending your right arm at the elbow and fixing your head on it.
  2. As you exhale, lift your left leg up. As you inhale, lower it down, but do not touch the other leg. Continue doing the exercise until a strong burning sensation appears in the muscles. Try to do 25 repetitions.
  3. Turn onto your other side and repeat the movement with your right leg.

We swing with a straight leg until a burning sensation occurs in the muscles.

4. Skater Lunges

Another exercise on the list of the most effective glute exercises that you can do without special equipment is the skater's lunge. This unusual variation of lunges trains the buttocks and also perfectly tones the core muscles.

  1. Starting position: stand straight, legs together, bent arms fixed at the waist.
  2. As you exhale, lunge back with your right leg. Unlike a classic lunge, when the leg moves strictly along a straight path, in a skater's lunge the leg moves back diagonally.
  3. Inhale and place your right leg back towards your left. Lift using only the force of your front leg.
  4. Repeat the movement with your left leg.
  5. Perform 20 repetitions with each leg.

The skater's lunges are performed backwards and obliquely. Due to this, the gluteal muscle is stretched more, which allows it to be worked out better.

5. Deadlift

The last exercise is the deadlift. To perform it, you will need dumbbells, which you can replace with a barbell or any other weight, even bottles of water. You don't need to take too much weight. For starters, 5 kilograms is enough. This movement is universal and fits perfectly into any strength complex.

  1. Stand straight with your knees slightly bent. Take the weight in your hands.
  2. Inhale and, keeping your back straight, lean forward. The angle of the knees does not change throughout the entire exercise. As you exhale, lift yourself up by squeezing your buttocks. When rising, be sure to squeeze your shoulder blades together. This relieves excess muscle tension.
  3. Do 25 reps.

The deadlift is a classic exercise for working the glutes. You can use dumbbells, a barbell, or any other weight.

Secrets of successful training

So, you understand how to pump up your buttocks at home. Now I’ll give you a few secrets that will make your training as effective as possible. In order to quickly notice positive changes in your appearance, be sure to use these recommendations.

  1. Exercise regularly. Work out your buttocks at home at least 3 times a week. Less frequent activities will make the results more blurred. However, you should not resort to the other extreme: overloading one muscle group will not allow the muscle fibers to fully recover. It is optimal to take a 1 or 2 day break between workouts.
  2. Breathe correctly. Remember that an effort (for example, lifting a leg) is always performed while exhaling. And muscle relaxation and rest should begin with inhalation. Failure to do this will make even the most effective hip exercises useless.
  3. Increase the load gradually. Start by performing basic versions of each movement. When you have completed the required number of repetitions, complicate them. To do this, add another approach or use weights.
  4. Don't forget about cardio. If you want to reduce the appearance of cellulite and lose weight, be sure to combine butt exercises at home with cardio. You can run, jump rope, or do aerobics. The secret to great shape is 3-4 hours of such exercise per week.

Now you know how to pump up your buttocks at home. By combining cardio and special strength exercises that were described in this article, you will achieve amazing results. Your gluteal muscles will tighten and become more prominent, and your skin will become firmer. You can forever forget about problems such as unattractive buttocks and cellulite.

Modern fashion suggests curvy, but at the same time fit forms. A firm female butt, which is a symbol of sexuality, is especially valued among men. If nature has not rewarded you with lush and firm buttocks, you can make them look that way with the help of physical exercise. How to pump up your butt in a month and is it realistic? You can really achieve results in such a period, but you will have to put in a lot of effort.

Is it possible to pump up your butt in a month with squats?

Is it possible to pump up your butt in a month? This question interests many girls who dream of getting beautiful shapes in a fairly short time. Squats are the most effective exercise for correcting the shape of your butt. A girl can make her elastic and seductive in a month if she practices daily. Moreover, this does not require special equipment or a visit to the gym; all exercises can be performed at home. The load should be gradually increased, so dumbbells or other weights are used during squats.

Note! At home, you can use improvised means by filling a plastic bottle with water.

During the exercise, it is important to pay attention to the depth of the squats. The effectiveness will be higher if you lower your butt deeper. However, the load must be increased gradually. At first, you can lower yourself to knee level until your thighs are parallel to the floor.

If a girl is over 25 years old and the last time she played sports was in physical education at school, you should be extremely careful. If you perform the exercise irresponsibly, injuries are possible. Joints and muscles can be adversely affected by heavy loads.

During squats, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • if you keep your abs tense, a muscle corset will form;
  • when using dumbbells, you need to keep them perpendicular to the floor;
  • You shouldn’t arch your back like a wheel, it should be straight;
  • the feet should be in full contact with the floor; if you lift your heels off the surface, the exercise will be less effective;
  • Proper breathing also affects the final result; you need to exhale forcefully.

If the exercise is performed correctly, your knees will not protrude beyond your toes. You need to focus on your heels. At first, it is enough to perform up to 12 squats in one repetition. There should be a total of 3-4 cycles per day. Gradually the load increases.

The most effective exercises

In addition to squats, there are several other effective exercises that can help you quickly pump up your butt at home. Experts recommend performing them in combination to achieve the desired result.


Lunges are considered a suitable exercise that can create rounded buttocks and make them firm. It can be performed in different ways, which makes it possible to change the load.

So, the following types of lunges are distinguished:

  • classic - the girl takes a step forward to the maximum possible distance and at the same time bends her leg at a right angle, then the limb returns to its original position;
  • reverse - a step back is performed, the shin of the hind limb becomes parallel to the floor, at this time the front leg is bent at a right angle;
  • Bulgarian - this version of the exercises is quite complex, the foot of the back leg lies on a chair or other elevated surface, the front leg is bent at a right angle, and then the starting position is taken.

Lunges are performed in turn on both legs. It is necessary to do 25 repetitions for each limb. As with the squat, the knee should not extend beyond the toes.

Gluteal Bridge

The exercise is performed from a supine position. It perfectly pumps the gluteal muscle, making the butt firm. Legs should be bent at the knees, feet should be placed shoulder width apart. They are in complete contact with the surface. It is necessary to lift your torso up, while squeezing your gluteal muscles and straining your hips. You should stay in this position for literally a second, and then you can return to the starting position. The effectiveness of pumping the buttocks depends on the strength of their squeezing.

Note! To complicate the exercise and increase efficiency, you can place your feet on some height (approximately 30 cm), and bring your legs together at the knees. Thanks to this approach, it will be possible to work out, in addition to the gluteal muscles, the hips.

Another option for this exercise is to use a weight that is placed on the stomach. For example, a plastic bottle filled with water. As a result, more effort will be required to lift the buttocks, which guarantees a better result. But this method is suitable for those who are not involved in sports for the first time.

Walking on your buttocks

This exercise helps strengthen the muscles of the thighs and buttocks, increase blood circulation in these areas, and also remove cellulite. You need to sit on the floor with your legs and back aligned, your arms bent at the elbows or clasped behind your head. Then the thigh of one leg is raised and the so-called step is performed. After this, the second thigh performs a similar action. It is enough to take 25 such steps.

Note! Walking on your buttocks is a kind of massage that helps tighten your hips and butt. In addition to its attractive appearance, this exercise provides a healing effect.

To increase the effectiveness of exercises and pump up your gluteal muscles in one month, you need to give it your all, without sparing yourself. You will need to set a firm goal and go towards it, without stopping halfway. To make your butt firm and round, exercises must be done regularly.

Before starting training, it is advisable to warm up your muscles. To do this, you can dance a little to music or jump rope. When performing the exercises themselves, it is important to tense the gluteal muscles well and focus on their work.

Important! The main thing is to adhere to the correct technique to reduce the likelihood or completely avoid injury.

During the training period, you need to reconsider your diet, choosing foods rich in proteins and excluding carbohydrate foods. It is also not recommended to eat fried, smoked and fatty foods. Proper nutrition will help you get more efficiency from physical activity. In addition, do not forget about maintaining water balance. You need to drink enough fluids to improve your metabolism.

Important! There is no need to exercise as hard as you can. If you feel pain or extreme fatigue, feel dizzy, or feel unwell, you should stop training.

Video: how to pump up your butt in a month

Are you also afraid of pumping your legs?

This is a very common problem for girls who do not plan to achieve success in bodybuilding, but simply want to pump up some parts of their body.

Whether you work out with a trainer or without, there is always a chance that the exercises will improve “not what you need.” Therefore, feel which muscle is tense in you. But on the other hand, I hasten to upset those who dream of appetizing “Brazilian” buttocks and thin legs - this is impossible, well, unless you succumb to the terrifying trend of implantation, but it is possible to achieve a well-pumped elastic gluteal muscle with a slight increase in the hips.

Yes, just a slight increase, because no matter how hard you try to isolate the thigh muscles while pumping the gluteal muscle, you will not succeed, the only question that remains is how much they will increase. To do this, let’s look at the technique of building training.

Play sports, stick to proper nutrition and!

The problem of increasing hip volume during training directly depends on the type of figure the girl has. Often this question worries girls with this type of figure such as a pear or an hourglass. With these types, all excess fat accumulates in the lower part of the body, that is, on the hips and buttocks, while trying to pump up the muscles, an increase in volume occurs, as the muscles grow, but the fat remains. In such cases, you should carefully monitor your diet, namely, follow all the principles of proper nutrition and alternate between exercise and strength training.

In fact, it all depends on what the goal of the training is, if you need to tighten and strengthen the muscles of the buttocks, as a rule, in this case, lighter exercises are performed without additional weights, in which case you should not worry too much about pumped up legs, they will only become more fit. But if your plans are to build up the gluteal muscle, here you should know some secrets that will help you focus specifically on the “fifth point” and the back of the thigh, while eliminating pumping.

How not to pump up a girl's legs and at the same time pump up an elastic butt

  • During various types of squats, especially with weights, try not to go too low, that is, you need to squat a little short of parallel with the floor. When squatting below parallel, the quadriceps of the legs are included in the work, visually increasing the volume.
  • Feel free to perform all exercises for the buttocks on the floor with emphasis on your knees or with the starting position lying on your back; when these exercises are performed correctly, the leg muscles, especially the quadriceps, are used to a lesser extent;
  • Perform the exercises slowly, focusing on the correct execution, feel the contractions of the muscles of the back of the thigh, while always keeping the gluteal muscles tense;
  • Place less emphasis on lunges and squats, especially with weights; these exercises are undoubtedly one of the most effective, but when they are performed, there is a lot of stress on the legs. They should not be completely excluded from the training program, but the weight should be reduced and they should be performed less frequently;
  • When performing squats, the stance of the legs should be slightly wider than the shoulders, this will also allow you to focus on the buttocks and the back of the thigh;
  • Perform more repetitions with less weight, or even using your own body weight, this will also reduce the load on your legs;
  • Use isolation exercises for the buttocks, however, unfortunately there are not many of them.

When following these recommendations, do not forget about, because to achieve the desired results, training alone will not be enough, especially if your diet contradicts the principles of proper nutrition, in this case the muscles will actually grow, but the fat will remain in its original place. Count calories, create a menu of your favorite but healthy foods, and don’t forget to alternate between cardio and strength training. Only in this case will you have a fit, proportional body that you can be proud of.

Large, sculpted, elastic buttocks are a woman’s source of pride, which invariably evokes admiring glances from the opposite sex and questions from others: is it possible and how to pump up your butt in a week at home?

And if nature forgot to reward you with a luxurious “Brazilian” butt, then this is not a reason for despondency: we will “make” it ourselves!

About the ideal

So, before you start pumping up a girl’s butt at home in seven days, it wouldn’t hurt to find out what you should actually strive for, and what are the main signs of a beautiful butt?

It turns out there are several of them:

  1. Rounded, clear contours.
  2. The body is elastic, smooth, without signs of cellulite.
  3. The buttocks are raised upward, and the plane drawn mentally through the most convex point will pass in front along the very middle of the pubis.
  4. The buttocks do not hang over the back of the thigh, the fold under them is completely absent or weakly expressed. Try a simple test: place a pencil in the subgluteal fold. If it doesn't fall over, held up by the weight of your butt, then it's time to get serious about your butt!
  5. The fold between the buttocks is V-shaped.
  6. There are two dimples above the buttocks.
  7. Well, the last parameter, “for everyone”: the presence of a depression on the side surfaces of the buttocks, in the place where they turn into the hips.

How to achieve perfection?

To pump up a girl’s butt and achieve the ideal, you just need to train your gluteal muscles! By the way, this task is not so difficult; any woman can solve it, regardless of age, body type and level of physical fitness. But before you start pumping up your buttocks, a little theory regarding the anatomy of the butt.

The following muscles are distinguished:

  • Large - the largest, diamond-shaped. Its main functions are to fix the position of the torso and flex/extend the hip.
  • Average. It is located on the side and works during movements associated with abduction of the hip to the side.
  • Small. Involved in movements that involve the pelvis and torso.

It is important to understand: when walking slowly, the muscles are inactive, starting to “help” the thigh muscles only when you start walking or running quickly. Unfortunately, in everyday life they bear almost no load, which leads to a gradual weakening of the muscles and the appearance of fatty deposits on them, which, although they enlarge our “fifth point,” do not add beauty to it.

Gymnastics is different

The gluteal muscles need to be made to work, and they will regain their attractive appearance. Don't rush! In order not to get the opposite result, you should remember that physical exercise can both reduce volume, getting rid of excess fat, and increase muscle mass.

The first type of exercise (aerobic) involves moderate weight loads, but long-term training. And in classes that allow you to pump up your butt in 7 days and are aimed at creating sculpted muscles, preference is given to short-term strength (basic) exercises with weights, with a small number of approaches.

For example, if you ride a bike on a flat road for several hours every day, your thighs will lose weight by losing excess fat. And if you start climbing uphill on the same bike for 5 minutes, then rest and repeat the climb from the beginning, and so on 3-4 times, then your hips will become wider due to an increase in the volume of muscle mass.

We draw conclusions: if there are large fat deposits on the buttocks, under which the pumped up muscle will not be visible, gymnastics for weight loss is first recommended, and the strength exercises given below are performed 1-2 times a week.

For those who do not have excess fat, but their buttocks are in poor condition, a set of strength exercises “how to quickly pump up your buttocks” is recommended to correct their shape, during which it is advisable to use weights, gradually increasing their weight.

Classes are held every other day, perform the following exercises at home:

  • Squats: performed 15 times, 5 approaches in total. Pump up your muscles first without weights, then using dumbbells (0.5 kg). This exercise perfectly trains the gluteus maximus muscle. Attention! The back should be straight, the entire surface of the feet should be on the floor, the butt should be moved as far as possible.

  • Swing to the side to develop the middle muscle. This, and all subsequent exercises, are performed 20 times, for a total of 5 approaches. As weighting agents, you can use 0.5 liter plastic bottles tied to your legs with an elastic bandage.

  • Thanks to the back swing, the small muscle of the buttocks will be pumped up.

  • Fish. It trains all the muscles and helps make your butt firm, and also helps strengthen your back muscles. The exercise is performed lying on your back.

  • Bridge. A “golden” exercise for women who dream of an ideal figure, which involves all the gluteal muscles, as well as the muscles of the thighs and abdomen.

The increase in load occurs gradually due to weights (and not the duration of training!), The number of approaches remains the same.

In addition to the main set of exercises, you should provide your buttocks with constant physical activity, for which:

  • run at a moderate pace every day for half an hour;
  • walk briskly for about 50 minutes a day;
  • walk up the stairs for about 20 minutes;
  • jump rope - 15 minutes.

These exercises perform several tasks at once: they remove excess fluid from the tissues, prevent fat from settling on the buttocks, and allow you to get rid of soreness - muscle pain caused by an unusually high load.

  • walking on bent legs;
  • “scissors” in the “sideways” position;
  • lunges alternately on the left and right leg.

Do no harm

The above exercises, included in the complex “how to pump up your buttocks in a week,” and the recommended number of approaches are designed for the “average” woman and need correction, taking into account your physical characteristics, body structure, health, and age. The ideal solution would be to visit a fitness club and get advice from an experienced specialist, but if this is not possible, you will have to independently look for “your” norm based on your own feelings.

After training you should feel pleasantly tired. Krepatura is present - it is an indicator that the muscles have really worked. But the pain should disappear without a trace after a short warm-up, and gradually the manifestations of soreness weaken.

If the pain increases, becomes unbearable, is present even at rest, if the other day after training you feel completely exhausted, then you are doing something wrong, and you must either stop training altogether or reduce its intensity.

Remember, the main thing is to do no harm!

Diet for the butt

To increase muscle volume, the body needs “building material” and this material is protein. And if so, we focus on protein foods and eat more meat, fish, eggs, and lactic acid products. And no “starvation” diets: they are incompatible with the dream of enlarging your butt and making it beautiful and voluminous!

At the same time, we try to consume as little sweets as possible - a source of “fast” carbohydrates, and in order not to deprive our body of the carbon-based food it needs, we switch to “slow” carbohydrates. We eat more vegetables, fruits, and leguminous products: beans, peas, lentils.

When can I expect results?

“Soon the fairy tale will tell...”, but in life you have to wait a long time for the result. Nothing will change in one day, and attempts to force events will lead to the most unpleasant consequences - sprains, pinching, joint diseases. For the impatient, there are methods of visual correction - modeling tights, shaping panties, corsets. Take advantage of them at first.

Changes for the better can be expected within 1 week of training, however, they can only be noticed with the help of the above-described manipulations with a pencil. And for the effect to become visible to others, you have to work much longer.

Moreover, if you are concerned about the question, is it possible to pump up your butt so as to forever maintain the ideal shape of your buttocks? The answer is no. You will have to do gymnastics regularly. To maintain the results already achieved, it is enough to perform the entire set of exercises 1–2 times a week, combining it with running, fast walking, and jumping.

Is it difficult? At first - yes, but then, when the buttocks acquire elasticity and impeccable shape, and the exercises become a habit, you will enjoy them. Don't believe me? Then try to pump up your butt at home in a week!