Destroy the Stygian. Walkthrough of Darksiders: Wrath of War

You will see the chronosphere near the sands. Hit it with your blade and run to the cliff. There will be a chronosphere in the drilling rig. To start it, you need to climb into the tower, reach the mechanism along the walls and ceilings, and activate it. The chronosphere will descend. Then return to the starting position and hit the chronosphere with your blade. Time has slowed down - run through the desert area that is open. The installation is working in the other tower. The piece of iron that spins on the ceiling won't let you in. Hit the chronosphere, quickly jump to the platform on the opposite side.

At the paired towers, deal with the guards and begin to act. In the first tower, hit the chronosphere and take the bomb. Jump down, open the passage for the drilling rig. To do this, you need to explode the red crystals. Afterwards, go up, lower the chronosphere down, get down and run as tightly as possible to the next tower. You need to reach the chronosphere with your blade. When passing the game Darksiders: Wrath of War, aim at the chronosphere, run to the demonic slime, climb to the first level, instantly climb over the slime to the next area. There you will find an exit to the upper level. When you climb up, turn off the drill and gain access downwards. Jump there.

We need to swim to land. You will find yourself in a tunnel. Blow up the years with a glove, pull the box under your jaws. Jump from the box to the left, clear the passage to the chronosphere.

Hit the chronosphere, run to the hole in the right wall. Slow down time there, take a bomb, run to blow up the block that hangs under the ceiling. Kill the demons, run into the passage. Dive into the water and get to the wall that is covered with demonic slime. Go up and find yourself in a small arena. Demons will attack you. Chop them into cabbage and go along the corridors.

Darksiders 1 Walkthrough - Reach the large sandy field. There is a huge worm crawling there. This thing can bite! As soon as you stand on the field, he immediately crawls towards you. Wait until he crawls far away from you and quickly run to the tower. Through the tunnels you will reach a demon with a fragmentation weapon. Kill the creature, take the gun. Move on, killing demons in droves. Then you will reach the arena that Samael mentioned. Kill everyone until the leader appears on horseback. Kill him, take the horse.

Ride to the field where the worm is still crawling. You can also kill him. We must wait until he appears. Download from the worm to have a backward view. When he rushes, fire your pistol and speed up. Repeat the procedure until the final strike sign appears. Move towards the opened passage. If you are left without a horse, go on foot. Next you need to jump into the water and dive. Swim under the rock ridge and emerge from the other side of the cave. Then go to the exit.

Walkthrough of Darksiders: Wrath of War – Stygian

Get on your horse and ride to the third tower guard. First, beat the demons until the Stygian runs away. Knock off the muzzle, come in from different directions, break the shackles with a sword. Then you need to run from the white worms, shooting, until the Stygian takes on you personally. When you have driven him, take the heart and bring it to Samael.

Heart of Silita

Silita is the queen of spiders. Her nest is on the other side of the gorge. On the ashen lands. First, follow the snake paths to the ashen lands. Ride on a horse, using the help of beacons on the radar. We need to get to the bridge of souls. It's close to two drilling rigs. You will then reach the bridge on foot. Saddle Ruin again and guide him between the columns. When you reach the columns, the Ruin will gallop across the bridge on its own. Then a long road through the canyon. There will be a cutscene at the end.

The war has been taken over by spiders, but still you are where you need to be. Get out of the cocoon by pressing the action key. To complete the game Darksiders: Wrath of War you need to move to the opposite side of the street. Find your way through the houses. Kill the small spider, break the web that replaces the door. There will be a big spider. First, break the ice, pull out the box under the rope. Climb onto the box and hit the chronosphere with your blade. Immediately climb the rope in the other direction. Jump into the hole, you will find yourself on the street, run through it. The bridge behind you will collapse. Go along the alley to the destroyed building. Get the key.

There are a lot of spiders around, but they are small. It is easy to destroy. Break the ice with your fist and raise the chronosphere using the switch. Climb to the highest level, jump onto the platform that is suspended from the ceiling.

Wait until the top edge rises into the chronosphere. Run to the edge of the platform and jump to the chest. Take the key, go out of the building into the alley, then to the door.

When you open the door to the room, pull the piles under the jaws and shoot at them. The box should fall and turn over. Jump into the hole and follow the sleepers along the wall to the room under the ceiling of level 2.

Walkthrough of Darksiders 1 - next room. Get a pretty good fight. When you've dealt with the enemies, run forward. We need to get the box and lift it upstairs. To do this, push it onto the elevator platform and lift it using the control mechanism. Then push the box to the opposite side using a blow from the glove. Push it onto another elevator platform. Free the slime from spiders and bombs and climb up. At the top, use a bomb to clear the passage from the crystals. You get into another room, hit the demons in the head, move on. You will see a huge passage sealed with 4 seals.

Walk across the bridge made of cobwebs. The door is locked. Run to the right, fall down. You will be given a harpoon, with which you can pull yourself up on blue hooks that are scattered throughout the locations. In addition, you can pull small enemies towards you and pull yourself towards large ones.

One of the huge spiders will fall from the ceiling. Tear off the shell from him with a harpoon, hit him with a penknife. The first seal on the door will disappear. To complete the game Darksiders: Wrath of War at this stage it remains to finish off the remaining spiders.

To get the key, go to the accessible room, or rather, crawl through the slime. Jaws will get in the way along the way. Shoot at them with any weapon. Then use the harpoon and fly to the box.

When you get the key, open the door. You will be taken to a room where there are already three seals on a large door. The bridge is broken; you can only get to the other side using hooks. Orange and blue have different properties. So, kill the remaining spiders while returning along the traversed road. You can navigate on the map by pressing "O". After long and difficult battles, go to the opened door.

A huge spider is waiting here.

While the creature hisses in rage, throw one cocoon into its mouth. Run up from behind and break the ice with your glove. Then you need to run a little and jump together with the spider. Using a harpoon, tear off another cocoon and throw it into the spider’s mouth. While he's eating, run up to the red part and hit him with all your might. This is how you need to open the peritoneum of the creature.

When you go to Silita, you will have to fly and swing on a harpoon. There will also be fights.

Walkthrough of the game Darksiders: Wrath of War – Silita

After talking with the demon, you will receive interesting information. When you run close to the old lady, she will teleport. Use the harpoon. Two hits, then jump to the side. Beat like this until the creature climbs onto the ceiling.

The creature will begin to release bombs. You need to quickly reach the bomb with a harpoon. You need to cling when it turns yellow. Then move from the bomb to Silita. There will be two attempts.

So you took the heart. Bring it to Samael. Talk to him. It turns out he was just using you. But still, it was not in vain that you killed those close to the Destroyer. Samael will keep his word and open a portal that will lead to the dark tower. Enter it and you will find yourself on the serpentine roads that lead to the tower.


Since the creation of the world, the armies of Heaven and Hell have waged an endless war. The Charred Council, designed to maintain balance between the parties, was also drawn into their confrontation. His concern is that none of the great forces, left without supervision, would damage the delicate fabric of the universe. Over time, both Heaven and Hell learned to respect the Council and its laws, for no one could escape the swift and cruel punishment of the Council's envoys - the brotherhood of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse.

People also appeared among the Chaos. The Council predicted that these weak but cunning creatures would one day also begin to influence the balance. This is how the third kingdom was born - the world of People.

Through the power of the Council, Heaven and Hell concluded a truce. The great treaty was sealed with seven seals, which must be broken on the designated day - when the world of people is ready for the last battle, which will correct the balance and determine the future fate of the three kingdoms.

First, a few tips:

Not all boxes and artifacts can be obtained at the beginning of the game, even if they are in your direct line of sight. As the game progresses, you will gain abilities and gadgets with which you can overcome access difficulties.

As soon as you save up a thousand souls for a scythe, buy it right away and don’t regret it. In many situations, it will be possible to turn the battle in your favor using the ability of the scythe, which spins around you, scattering enemies; to do this, you need to hold down the attack key with an additional weapon and hold it for a second and release it.

Carefully inspect the walls and ceilings, sometimes you can walk forward along the wall or ceiling; stretched ropes, demonic mucus, or piles along the walls are used as support for movement. Sometimes the passage is hidden by water; to get to the other side you need to dive. Underwater War can exist without time limits.

Not all demons are created equal, but some may well be. Flying or crawling little things can be crushed by pressing the action key nearby. They will add a lot of health.

Your hero is one of the horsemen of the apocalypse and his name is “War”. Hearing the “Call,” War descended to earth, finding himself in a battle between the forces of Heaven and Hell.

To warm up, small demons attack you, and as the battle progresses we receive instructions on how to control them. Having dealt with the minor minions of Hell, a more serious enemy appears,

we call him to death. Having won, we begin to move along the street towards the goal, we navigate using the navigator, but you won’t be able to wander around here since the locations are limited. We move forward along the path, fighting off demons and angels. Next we climb up the demonic slime

to the third floor of a dilapidated house and make our way along it to the roof. We jump under the rope and slide down to the next roof, from there we climb up along the demonic mucus, and small demons attack us. We fight them off with a sword (press the attack button and W, A, S, D, depending on the location of the demon. Once inside the room, portals open, we will not be able to leave the room until we kill all the small fry. Afterwards we slide down the rope and find ourselves on the street. Having reached goals, watch the cutscene in which the angel Avalon dies.

Now you need to deal with the boss, he hits the ground once with his fist, then throws a car at you. You need to quickly run up to the car and grab it by pressing the “E” key, then press the “Q” key, aim at the demon’s head and throw it by clicking on the mouse wheel.

After two hits, the demon will tilt its head towards the ground. We quickly run up and hit with the sword, perform the operation until the final blow icon appears above the demon’s head, press the “E” key and watch the video.


The Destroyer violated the ban, without waiting for the seals to be broken, he invaded the earth and destroyed humanity, you were used and now you are outlawed, in order to restore the honor of the name, you are sent to earth with an observer, but without your usual powers. You need to take the Chaos Eater sword from the pedestal and go through the portal.


Our task is to find the demon Vulgrim. He fell into disgrace with the ruler and had long wanted to get in touch with the Charred Council. For a certain number of souls, he will be able to help you.

By smashing cars we get two or three souls, we kill those that people turned into during the presence of the Destroyer on earth. We make our way through the hotel, smashing cars and killing zombies along the way. In the restaurant we get into trouble, a portal will open and zombies will trample from there and one big demon will come out. First, deal with the zombies, then take on the blue demon,

It’s easier to hit him by jumping up and striking while in the air.

Talk to Vulgrim,

he agrees to help for just five hundred souls. You can collect them in the area by killing zombies and destroying cars. Also look at the map, here you can find chests and one artifact by going down to the subway. You can get five hundred souls for the artifact. Having collected the required amount, we take it to the demon and receive a “Howler” horn capable of awakening the gate. Vulgrim plays the role of a store; for a certain number of souls you can purchase various improvements to attacks, weapons, stones of life and rage from him.


Having opened the passage, we go up the stairs, jumping from the ledge and dealing with the zombies and two fat men. We exit from the other side of the building and find ourselves in the “Burning Gallows” location. We run straight to the visible tower. The General is waiting for you there, he is guarding Samael, it is not very difficult to kill him, we place a block in time and strike, at a certain moment he will begin to call demons to his aid, if you kill everyone, he will call a fresh batch, so remove a couple of three from the battlefield and focus on the General. Having won, move the gargoyles to the points by approaching and pressing “R”. Samael will appear - a demon slightly inferior in strength to the Destroyer himself. After talking with Samael, we receive the task of bringing the hearts of four guards of the Destroyer Tower. First in line is Tiamat, the queen of all bats.

Samael will give us dark wings, with their help we can soar a little,

they open automatically after double jumping and holding spacebar. Let's go for the heart of Tiamat.


Using air currents, we jump onto the island and then onto the bus. We find ourselves in the location “Suffocating Lot”. There is Vulgrim's lair in the cemetery. We go to the point along the way destroying the evil spirits. To open the gate

use Howler. However, the gate is cursed and in order to pass it is necessary to remove the blood curse. The demon gives us the temporary power to see the world of shadows. We need to visit four shadow arenas - in each of them a test awaits us. In the allotted time, destroy a certain number of enemies, in any way.

Having cleared the gate, we find ourselves in the “Broken Staircase” location, use our wings to jump over the broken bridge, on the last flight a demon will appear, he only looks menacing, but in fact is not very strong, while he jumps towards you, don’t miss the opportunity to throw a car at him. Having figured it out, we jump to the ground. We jump into the building, to get to the roof you need to get the “Eye Key”, it’s on the ground floor in a box. Having obtained the key and opened the door, we watch the cutscene. The angels notice you, and you jump onto the Angel Steed.

It’s easy to control W, A, S, D - direction of movement, left mouse button attack, slightly hold the left button with the sight aimed at the enemy - homing charge. We fly on a horse and shoot the Angels, not forgetting to dodge their attacks.

We fly to the cathedral on a horse, then you will be attacked and War will fall to the ground.

We make our way into the cathedral and look for Tiamat. To get to your loved one you will have to run, jump and wave your sword.

Having entered the cathedral, we select a sword from one of the statues and insert it into another statue, the door will open, now you will have to run through the corridors and dungeons, unraveling the tangle of passages. In one of the dungeons we will get a spinning blade,

To open the passage to the tower of Tiamat, you will need to collect three swords, and this is where you cannot do without a blade. In one of the doors there will be a mechanism that rotates the bridge; to free the gears, take the sleeping bomb and stick it to the red growth on the gear. Then aim the blade at the torch and the bomb. The bridge will start to spin, we stand on it and get to the other side, first to the right, there we turn the chain on the gear and go to the other side, here you need to put together a chain of sleeping bombs, up to the red crystal, set fire to the first one, and explosions in a chain reaction will open the passage . We turn the switch and across the bridge we get into the opened passage. We take the sword and insert it into the statue.

In the next door we aim at the bombs with a blade and knock the loads off the cable,

roll down and turn the switch. We jump over the pedestals to the statues and hit with a blade, the pedestals will rise, we hit the next statue and then the third, a pedestal with bombs will appear, use it to blow up the crystal, jump into the passage, there are more statues there, take the sword and return to install it. We turn the switch and return the pedestals to their original position, jump again and hit the statues.


To get the third sword, we go into the opened room and take the eye key, return to the door closed with a lock and use the eye key. Here we are met by the “Jailer”, a vile creature, to defeat him you need to aim your blade at the three yellow bumps on the monster’s body, launch the blade, stun the jailer, run up and hit with the sword. We repeat the operation until the bitter end. Having dealt with the ghoul, we go down the elevator, there is a small fight, we make our way to the end of the tunnel and lift the switch up. We return to the elevator and go up. We get to the switch and use it to lift the lava pedestals, follow them to the next room, there is a sword and a good battle. We take the sword and insert it into the remaining statue.

To defeat a flying creature, we throw a sleeping bomb at it and first aim the fire, then the bomb on the demon’s body,

We blow up the creature, it falls, we run up and hit it in the brain. We repeat until she starts attacking like this, we hit with the sword until the last blow icon appears, but we won’t be able to kill the first time. We tear out the heart and talk to Vulgrim, he shows the snake paths. We return to Samael.

Having given the heart, we get the opportunity to take a Chaotic form by pressing the “B” key. We receive a new task, to find an ancient one named Ultein, only with his help can we get the heart of the mourner.


To get to the location of the flooded path, use the blade to clear the path by throwing it at the bomb, go to the fan and start it by pressing the mechanism. We stand on the fan and move to the opposite side of the shaft. We get to the gate and blow the howler. The gate is cursed and to free it you need to go through four arenas of shadows again.

In the first arena, you act as a defender, in four minutes you need to destroy enemies, making sure that your charges survive; out of six, at least one must survive to the end.

In the second arena, you need to destroy 30 enemies while in chaotic form.

The third arena is a great opportunity to practice a counterattack, with its help you need to destroy five enemies.

On the fourth, you need to destroy fifteen enemies with the help of surrounding objects; machines act as their role.

After passing the gate we find ourselves in the location of the Forge Ford. Here we meet Ultein,

as soon as you begin to sort things out as men, Avalon’s companion will appear, she wants to punish the War for the death of Avalon. Beat her and Ultein will help you. Follow him along the path of destroying angels. Your task is to kill them more than the ancient one.

Afterwards, he will open a passage for you to the mourner’s dungeons.


Only upon entering the station building will the second demon appear.

Using the Angelic Ravager, we shoot her in the chest until she runs away. Again a confusion of corridors, both dry and filled with water. In one of the rooms we find a glove capable of causing an earthquake and breaking ice.

In the room with the lifts, you need to use a glove to push the motor to the last platform. To begin with, we throw the motor onto the first platform, then we lift it, and we throw the motor onto the second, we jump over to the third and lower it a little, then we throw the motor onto the third platform and, using the control mechanism, we lift it.

When we drain the water at the station, we need to swap the train and the railway platform.

Actions in order:

1. Drive the car into the tunnel

2. Drive the empty circle to the train and drive the train into the tunnel

3. Return the circle and drive the platform onto it

4. We drive the circle with the platform to the left towards the train and drive it to the place where the train originally stood

5. We drive the train onto an empty platform and overtake the train with a circle to the right

After we pushed the car into the tunnel, we jump onto the demonic slime and get out.

After passing the station and the corridors to the depot, the battle with the mourner begins.

First, break the ice with your glove, then hit the demoness with the railway platform twice.

She will fall, we run up to her and hit the block of ice on her chest with our glove. We continue to hit her with the platform, restore health with green creatures periodically released by the mourner and dodge stones when the demon is raging. When she falls three or four times, and each time you regularly ran up and pierced her with your megaknife, the creature should finally die.

The job is done - we receive a pistol from Ultain, and take the heart to Samael.


To get the heart of the king of hearts, Samael gives us the ability to use the chronospheres of the ancients. Without it, you cannot walk across the sands of the ashen lands. The worms will eat you in one fell swoop.

We leave Samael and go to the entrance to the Dry Wind Road location. We break the ice with our fist and enter the tunnel to pass the gate,

you need to throw the blade into the chronosphere, then use the lifting mechanism and run as fast as you can to the gate. Behind the gate we see a pipe; you can climb into it on stilts located on the wall. We follow the pipe and end up in a tunnel. To climb onto the ledge, shoot at the jaws holding the box,

While the box is on the ground, we cling to it, the jaws will lift you along with the box, we jump to the bombs and explode the red crystal stone. You can cling to the pile and run along the wall to the pipe.

Having passed the pipe we see a rope and three jaws, with a blade we target all three processes at once and while they are retracted we quickly move to the demonic mucus, along it we get to the pipe.


At the entrance to the sands we see the chronosphere, we hit it with a blade and run to the rocks that are directly visible. In the drilling tower we see the chronosphere,

to lower it, we climb into the tower and along the inner wall and ceilings we get to the mechanism, activate it and the chronosphere will lower. Now we return to the starting point and hit the chronosphere with a blade while time slows down across the open area of ​​the desert. In the next tower, the drilling rig is working, and a piece of iron spinning on the ceiling will not allow us to climb over, we hit the visible chronosphere and quickly jump to the platform on the other side.

Having reached the paired towers, we deal with the guards and begin to act, in the first tower we hit the chronosphere and grab the bomb, jump down and open the movement of the drilling rig mechanism by exploding the red crystals. Now we go up and lower the chronosphere down, go down and run as close as possible to the neighboring tower, but so that we can reach the chronosphere with the blade. We aim at the chronosphere and immediately run to the demonic slime, climb to the first level and quickly climb over the demonic slime to the next platform, there is an exit to the upper level of the installation, having climbed up, turn off the drill and get a passage down, where we jump.

Let's swim to the exit to land, find ourselves in a tunnel, blow up the ice with a glove and pull the box under the jaws, jump from it to the left and clear the passage to the chronosphere. We hit the chronosphere and run to the hole in the right wall, slow down time there, take a bomb and run to blow up the block hanging under the ceiling. We deal with the flying demons and run into the passage. We dive into the water and get to the wall covered with demonic mucus. We rise and find ourselves in a mini arena, you are attacked by hordes of demons, by hook or by crook, we chop them into cabbage, and continue to move along the corridors and suspended passages.

Until we reach a large sandy field with towers, along which a huge worm is slowly cruising, "ATTENTION THE CREATURE BITES"

however, as soon as you step onto the field, the worm quickly moves towards you. When the worm is as far as possible from you, we run across to the nearest tower and so on until we reach the entrance on the other side. Following the tunnels we run into a demon with a fragmentation weapon, then they will let us have some fun. We kill the bastard and take away the gun,

The principle is this: aim, launch, detonate, until you detonate new missiles are not formed. We continue to move, destroying restless demons in batches. As a result, we find ourselves in the arena that Samael spoke about. Kill everyone until the supposed leader rides out on your horse. Having dealt with the upstart, we take possession of the horse

and we ride it along the opened passage, to a familiar field, where the old familiar worm is still cruising, now we can fill it up. We drive across the field until the creature shows its nose, we gallop away from it so that the view is backward and not forward, so we can respond to the threat in a timely manner. When the reptile with his head raised rushes after you, we gallop away from him and shoot with a pistol,

when the worm is dangerously close, we accelerate. We repeat the procedure until the last blow icon appears above the demon. Having received the due souls, we move towards an open passage, here they deprive us of a horse, we will have to walk. Having made our way through the crowds of demons, we jump into the water and dive, swim under the stone ridge and emerge from the other side of the cave. We climb up the crossbars and move towards the exit.

We get on the horse and ride to the third tower guard. There are a bunch of demons standing there, beat them a little until the Stygian breaks free. We need to knock off the muzzle, we go in from different sides of the muzzle and knock off the shackles with a sword. Now we will run from the small white worms, shooting them until the Stygian himself takes on us. The principle is the same as with the first big worm. Having driven the poor fellow, we take out the heart and take it to Samael.


Silita, the queen of spiders, has built her nest on the other side of the gorge, which is located in the ashen lands.

First we go along the serpentine paths to the ashen lands. We get on the horse and gallop, guided by the beacon on the radar. You need to reach the bridge of souls, it is located next to two drilling rigs, we get off the horse and get to the bridge on foot. Here we will mount the ruins again and direct it between the columns. Having reached the columns, Ruin himself will jump across the bridge. We gallop along the canyon for a long time, and when we reach the end we watch the cutscene.

The war is overrun by spiders, but in the end we are where we need to be.

We get out of the cocoon by pressing the action key. We need to get to the other side of the collapsed street, we will find a way through the houses. Having killed the little spider, we break the web that replaces the doors here. We see a big spider. First, let's break the ice on the left and pull out the box under the rope. We climb onto the box and hit the chronosphere with a blade quickly along the rope, we climb to the other side. We jump into the hole and find ourselves on the street, we run across the street and the bridge behind us collapses. We follow the alley and find ourselves in a destroyed building, you need to get the key.

There are hordes of small spiders around, but don’t let them bother you, the enemy is not strong, and in some ways even useful; by crushing a dozen, you can significantly increase your health level. We break the ice with our fist, and using the switch we raise the chronosphere to the top. We climb to the top level and from there we jump onto a platform suspended from the ceiling,

we wait until the top edge rises and throw the blade into the chronosphere, run to the raised edge of the platform and jump from it to the chest. Having taken the key, we leave the building back into the alley and go to the door, we get to the door through the mucus.

Having opened the door, we find ourselves in a room where instead of a ceiling there is a cobweb. We pull the weight under the jaws and shoot at them so that the box falls, the spider will fall and turn over, while it is floundering, you need to jump into the hole and along the sleepers along the wall to get to the room under the ceiling of the second level.

After running through the corridors to the next room, we get a good battle.
Having dealt with the enemies, we run forward, here we need to get the box and lift it up, to do this we push the box onto the elevator platform and lift it using the control mechanism. Next, push the box with a blow of the glove to the other side. And we push him onto another elevator platform. We free the demonic mucus from spiders and bombs, and climb up it; the blanks jumping out of the wall can be calmed down for a while with a sword. On the upper level, we will use the bomb to clear the passage from the crystals. We find ourselves in the next room, hit the demons on the heads and move on. We see a large passage sealed with four seals.

We walk along a bridge woven from a cobweb to the other side of the room, the bridge then collapses, then the door is closed with a key. We run to the right and fall down. Here we are given a harpoon, with its help we can pull ourselves up on blue hooks scattered throughout the locations, we can also pull up small enemies towards ourselves, and pull ourselves up to the big ones.

One of the huge spiders falls from the ceiling, we tear off its shell with a harpoon and brutally beat it with our penknife,

so that it would be discouraging to rush at peaceful travelers. One of the seals on the door disappears, we understand how to open the door. You need to beat the remaining large spiders to death.

To get the key for which we were going, we go into an accessible room, or rather, we crawl through the demonic mucus. The jaws prevent us from getting to the key, we shoot at them from the weapons in our arsenal, whatever we like, and while they are pulled in, using the harpoon, we fly to the box. Back through the jaws, let them hold it in their teeth if they so want.

Having obtained the key, we open the door and find ourselves in a room with already three seals on a huge door. The bridge is broken and the only option to get to the other side is to use the hooks, the orange ones are different from the blue ones. The hero is attracted to them and does not swing like on the blue ones. The only thing left to do is to solve the remaining spiders by returning along the already traveled path. If you need to be guided by the map “O”, it shows rooms with spiders, do not forget to tear off the shells from the spiders and only after that start killing. After long difficult battles we go to the opened door.

A huge spider awaits us here.

While the spider hisses furiously, we throw one of the cocoons into its mouth; the loudly slurping spider needs to be exposed, we run up from behind and break the ice with a glove. Now run a little and jump with the spider, only when it starts to fall, you jump - save yourself part of your life. We tear off the next cocoon with a harpoon and throw it into the firebox for the hissing spider, while it chews, we run up to the bright red part of the fillet and take the crap out of it, as if a sweet tooth hungry for condensed milk opens the coveted jar with a can opener. We repeat the operation until War finally opens this “jar”.

On the way to Silita you will have to show acrobatic skills, fly and swing on a harpoon, and you will have to fight with someone else. The path to the spider is direct, but not very pleasant.

After talking with the demon and receiving another portion of thought-provoking information, we take on the old woman. When you run close to her, she teleports, use a harpoon, fly up to her, hit her, a couple of strong blows and jump to the side. Get away from her attacks a little with the help of kickbacks, repeat the operation until she climbs onto the ceiling. There the creature will release descending bombs, your task is to quickly pull yourself up to the bomb with a harpoon, cling to it at the moment when the bomb turns yellow, and from the bomb to Silita, there War himself will figure out what to do with it. There will be two attempts, then if you didn’t have time to jump on the demoness, you’ll have to dance a little with the creature on the floor again. Until she jumps onto the ceiling again.

Having received the heart, we take it to Samael

After talking with him, we understand that this bastard used us, and those whom we killed had nothing to do with the tower, although every cloud has a silver lining, we removed the closest associates and now it will be easier to get to the Destroyer.

Samael keeps his word, he opens a portal leading to the dark tower. We enter it and find ourselves on snake paths leading to the tower.


Once in the tower, we go straight and go out to Azrael - the guardian of the underworld, the caretaker of the source of souls.

To cut off the Destroyer from the source that feeds it with the energy of enslaved souls, you need to free the Angel by death. Azrael was enslaved by Straga, the guard of the tower, an old acquaintance.

We go along the corridor to the accessible door. To open the passage you need to find a combination of the location of the walls, to do this we experiment with switches, throwing a blade at them. You need to go up to the second level and open the passages to the next room.

After running through the transitions we run into a fight. Having taught the demons a lesson, we get a new riddle. You need to adjust the hanging platforms so that they are all facing downwards with hooks. To do this, first turn the right switch, then the left, then hit the switch on the platform with a blade and turn the right switch again. We go inside and run into a fight. Afterwards we break the shackles and get another gadget called “Walking Through the Void” - a teleport, many “pleasant” moments will be associated with it in the near future.

Using the teleport, we get out of the pit and begin to move forward. Having shot at the yellow windows, we get to the next level, to the left along the corridor we see another window in the floor, charging the teleporter (to do this, hold the key for a couple of seconds before shooting), we open the portal and go back to the previously open window, from the window in the floor we are thrown up and we find ourselves on the next level of the building. Turning 180 degrees we see the next window, open the portal and jump down into the open window, we are thrown straight onto a large button on the floor. By stepping on it, we activate the lifting mechanism which will raise the window from which we just fell upwards,

Then it’s a matter of technology, following the corridors we get to the robot guarding the power exit. The tactic is this: we make two charged portals and, jumping into one, we fly high out of the other, you need to plan on the robot’s flat head and press the action key.

Then we jump down and deliver one strong blow, then immediately to the side and run. The portals must be opened again. We repeat the procedure until the bitter end.

After killing the gobot, we get a beam of power directed into the portal. Using teleport we redirect the beam to the next container. I won’t describe each window, otherwise I’ll spend two hundred years, but there will be no point, look around, evaluate, act.

Having brought the beam to Azrael, we remove one of the shards that hold him in the circle. We are traveling for the next ray. To start following the next ray. You need to jump to the very top of the spinning circle. From there to the door. Difficulty may arise near an abyss, with two cruising towers, create the first portal in the nearest tower, the second on the wall, create a portal in the far tower through the portal on the wall, charge the teleporter.

The next difficulty is with the platforms, throw loads onto the platforms using portals, you need to arrange the loads in such a way that you end up on the roof of the highest platform, jump from it to the ledge.

The second robot is similar to the first, the difference is that the windows on the floor are hidden by bars, so make the monster gouge the bars on the floor with its mace. Kill in exactly the same way as the first one. We send the beam back, moving from portal to portal.

In some places you need to click the switches with your blade so that the beam reflected from them reaches the desired portal.

We free Azrael from another shard.

Getting the third ray is quite difficult, the path is very difficult and you will have to break your head pretty much. By creating portals we get to the third top door. Having passed the first puzzle with descending and rising columns, we see a block spinning around its axis. With its help we get to the other side and, having obtained a bomb through the portal, we explode the crystals. There is also a ninth part of the armor, it’s worth looking into the portal created on a rotating block; the entrance to the box is blocked by crystals. The freed pillar rises up, from it we get to the door by creating a charged portal. To get over the abyss, we create portals in the rotating towers and get onto a platform from which we jump to the other side.

To connect the pillar and stone beams, drain water from one hole to another, swim to the switch and lock the piles on the pillar, return to the entrance and turn the lever. The portal on the pillar will turn towards the closed grate, charging it will overcome the grate.

The fight with the third robot is no different from the previous ones, only the windows are located on the wall. By killing the creature we receive a beam of power. We bring him to Azrael and he will open the entrance to Straga for us.

An old acquaintance, only since the last meeting he has become a little squinty in one eye. We create portals in the floor, and with their help we dodge Straga’s blows, at the moment when he begins to threaten with a grave death, we create a portal in his club, when he lifts it above his head, we jump through the window on the floor and find ourselves on the neck of the oblique one. Don’t worry, we thrust the sword in and find ourselves at the demon’s face, hitting with the sword as much as we can until he wakes up. We repeat the operation until the bitter end. With the help of Azrael, we leave the tower.

To understand our purpose we need to visit the tree of knowledge. Once in Eden, Azrael gives us a mask of shadows, first we need to fill our own face, or rather with our dark side.

Having covered the black one, we go to the tree, apply a mask of shadows and walk across the bridge, there is no one to fear here. First turn right and run along the rock, behind the waterfall there will be the last piece of armor from the abyss. Going up to the tree, we watch a video that explains a lot. Avadon is the destroyer, having planned to destroy the creatures from hell, he was hooked, and in order to avoid death he became the leader of the forces of darkness.

Having returned to Azrael and told about the vision, we receive the task of collecting seven fragments of the sword of Armageddon.


We were transported from Eden to the ashen lands, the first fragment is located not far from the place where we ended up. Using the mask of shadows, we get to the fragments and, having collected all seven, take them to Ultein. The Ancient One reforges the sword, and with it we go to Azrael. Attention, if you go to battle with the destroyer, you won’t be able to come back. So if you plan to collect all the artifacts and raid all the chests, it’s better to do it before going to the Destroyer.


The first battle is simple, we jump on the Ruin around the Demon and hit with the sword until it falls, repeat the operation until the last blow icon lights up. After the fight with Avadon himself, not the easiest opponent.

But the battle is without any frills, we just hit until the enemies cross their blades, quickly press the attack key so that we hit the traitor in the face, and would not get it from Avalon. After repeating several times, we watch the splash screen.

Justice has prevailed, the seventh seal has been broken and the Horsemen of the Apocalypse seek to restore balance.

Game series Darksiders appeals to many game lovers. It is noteworthy that in order to achieve success in many battles, you need not just to dodge well and hit accurately, but to find that main “trick” of the battle that the developers of the series have prepared for the player. You recently found out, and now we would like to tell you the secret of how to kill Silita. However, before you learn how to overcome it, you need to clarify that this battle must be divided into 2 periods.

Silitha is a huge spider, and as soon as it appears in front of you, you need to immediately grab onto its “cute face” with a harpoon, get closer to it and strike with your sword, and you need to do this with maximum force and efficiency. After your thrashing, Silita will disappear, but will reappear right above your head to fall on you. This is his first blow - you must simply jump away from him. As soon as the spider lands, it will disappear again and jump at you again - jump away again. Unsuccessful attempts make Silitha somewhat angry, and he gets lost in the lilac haze, only to reappear near the wall. So it all starts again - you again have to hit, jump and dodge until the spider begins to strike again.

Now the second period of your battle will begin. Silita begins jumping on walls and striking with her front paws. These hits are powerful enough to drain quite a bit of your life force, so dodge as best you can while continuing to jump and hit the spider. Once you manage to deprive him of the required number of lives, he will jump to the ceiling. Now we jump, grab the ring of fire and finish off Silita.

If you do everything right, Silitha will fall down, the floor beneath him will break and he will fall onto a sharp stalactite. This will solve your question, how to kill Silita?

Please note that you will not be able to get all artifacts or boxes at the very beginning of the game, even if they are in your direct field of view. As you progress through the game, you will be able to acquire a variety of skills that will help you overcome various game difficulties.

As soon as you can collect a thousand souls on the spit, then buy it immediately and do not spare money. In many battles, she can turn the tide of events in your favor. She can spin around you, knocking back all opponents.

Carefully inspect all the walls and ceilings; sometimes you can only go further along the wall or ceiling, and ropes, which in turn are stretched, or demonic mucus are used to move the supports. It happens that the passage is hidden by water, so to get to the other side you need to dive into it. War can occur under water without any time limit.

In a couple, demons can be useful. Little things that crawl or fly can be crushed and they, in turn, will add health to you.


Your main character is the legendary horseman of the apocalypse "War". After he heard the "Call" he descended to Earth, thereby falling into the thick of the battle between Heaven and Hell.

To quickly warm up, small demons attack you, and during the battles you will gradually receive various control instructions. After the small enemies, a more serious hellish creature comes out. It's time to poison him back to the depths of Hell. Once you win your first victory, continue moving to the specified goal. You can navigate using your navigator.

Please note that the locations are quite “compressed”, so you won’t be able to roam around. Keep moving, fighting off angels and demons along the way. Soon you will have to climb the demonic slime to the third floor of the building and then go to the roof. Next, jump and slide onto the roof next door. From here, climb up the demonic mucus again and here the demons will begin to attack you again. Kill all the evil spirits and go inside the room - portals will open here. You have to destroy the small demons again, since there is no way to go further without destroying them. Next, slide down the rope and find yourself on one of the streets. As a result, you will reach the indicated goal, where you watch a scene with the fall of the Angel of Avalon.

You have to fight your first boss. Keep in mind that she hits the ground once, after which she throws the vehicle at you. When he throws the car, just run up to it, pick it up and throw it back at him, preferably at his head.

Once you make two hits on his head, he will lower it down to the ground. Take advantage of this moment quickly and hit him a couple of times with your sword. You need to repeat this battle tactic until a matching icon appears above his head, after which you need to deal another blow and that will be the end. Let's watch the video.

So, the Destroyer took it and violated the ban - he did not wait until the seals were broken. He came to Earth and destroyed all of humanity, thus, you were taken advantage of and declared outlaw, therefore, you need to restore your honest name. You are sent to earth with an observer, but without your natural powers. Take the Chaos Eater sword from the table and go through the portal.

Hotel "Seraphim"

Your task is to find a demon named Vulgrim. He, in turn, fell into the clutches of the overlord and had long wanted to contact the Charred Council. For a few souls, he will agree to help you.

By breaking vehicles you will receive from two to three souls. You will have to destroy people who, during the time of the Destroyer, have turned into something unknown. Move to the indicated hotel, simultaneously destroying cars and transformed people. In the restaurant you will find yourself in a confusing situation - zombies will crawl out of the portal, and then one huge Demon. First, deal with all the little things, and then switch to the demon.

It is not too difficult to fight him: strike him while jumping and while in the air, also strike several times.

Next, talk to Vulgrim. He agrees to help you for as much as 500 souls! You can collect these souls in the same territory. Simply kill zombies and destroy cars. Don’t forget to periodically open the map and look around - here you can find useful chests and if you go down to the subway, you’ll also find an artifact. For this artifact you can get the 500 souls you need. Once you collect the required number of souls, quickly return to the demon and receive in return a “Howler” - this is a horn that has the ability to awaken the gate. You've probably noticed that Vulgrim is beginning to play the role of a kind of store where you can buy various upgrades for your attacks, new weapons, stones of rage and life for the same souls.

Find the demon Samael

After opening the passage, go up the stairs. Jump off the ledge, after which a fight will begin with a zombie and two fat men. Go through the other side of the building and exit to the Burning Gallows location. Run straight to the tower, which you see somewhere in the distance. The General, who serves as Samael's guard, is waiting for you inside. Killing him will not be difficult for you, just place a block at the right time and deliver several attacks. Soon he will begin to call upon demons to help him, and even if you kill the arriving party, a new one will still arrive, so I recommend that you leave one demon and go on to beat the General. Once you defeat him, you will have to move the gargoyle statues, after which Samael himself will appear. This demon is only slightly inferior to the power of the Destroyer himself. Once you talk to him, he will give you the task of bringing him the heart of each of the four guards of the Destroyer Tower. Your first target is Tiamat - the Queen of Bats.

Samael will also give you wings, with which you can soar in the air, but not for long. They will open automatically, immediately after double jumping and holding down the spacebar. So, let's go to Tiamat.

Infiltrate the Shadow Cathedral and obtain Tiamat's heart

Using air currents, jump to the island and then to the bus. You will find yourself in the location "Strangling Lot". In the cemetery you can find Vulgrim's lair. Move to the indicated point and kill all the evil spirits along the way. Soon you will need to open the gate.

Use the Howler. But it turns out that this gate is cursed and in order to go further, you need to remove this blood curse. The demon will allow you to temporarily see the world of shadows. You have to visit four arenas of shadows, where a test awaits you in each arena. In the allotted time, you have to destroy a certain number of opponents, by any means and methods.

Once you remove the damage from the gate, you will find yourself in the “Broken Staircase” location. Here you will need to jump with your wings across the destroyed bridge. Soon a demon will appear at the last point, which only looks so scary and powerful, but in reality it is very weak. While he is jumping towards you, do not miss the moment to throw a car at him. Once you deal with him, jump to the ground. Jump on the house in order to get to the roof and get the item “Eye Key” - located on the lower floor in a box. Once you get the key, quickly open the doors and see another screensaver. Since the Angels noticed you, you jump on the Angel’s horse and take off.

It's not too difficult to operate and you'll get the hang of it quickly. You have to fly on this horse and kill all the Angels along the way, but don’t forget to dodge their attacks in a timely manner.

On this horse you will fly straight to the cathedral, where you will be attacked and soon you will fall down to the ground.

So, get inside this Cathedral and start searching for Tiamat. To get to it, you have to wave your sword a lot, run and jump.

Once you find yourself inside the cathedral, take a sword from one of the statues - you need to insert it into another statue. Next, a hidden door will open, after which you will need to run through various corridors and dungeons, simultaneously unraveling the web of passages. In one of these dungeons, you will receive an interesting spinning blade. Without this blade you will not be able to go further. It should be noted that it is not very strong in terms of dealing damage, but is very effective against flying enemies.

In order to unlock the passage to the tower of Tiamat. You will need to collect three key swords. This is where you can’t do without a blade. Soon you will come across a mechanism that rotates on the bridge; in order to free the gears, take the sleeping explosive and stick it to the red growth that is located on the gear. Next, you just need to aim the found blade at the torch and soon at the bomb. This will cause the bridge to start spinning again. Stand on it and find yourself on the other side. First, go to the right side - here you will need to turn the chain that is on the gear, then go to the other side and make a chain of bombs, straight to the red crystal. Next, set fire and these explosions due to the chain reaction will open a passage for you. Turn the switch and using the bridge you can get to the opened passage. Take the sword and insert it into another statue.

Next, you will need to aim your blade at the bombs, and then knock the weights off the cable. Next, roll down and turn the switch. Jump along the platforms to the statues and hit them with your blade. You will need to drink one by one from the statues and soon a platform with bombs will appear with which you can blow up another crystal. Jump through the passage and you will come across another statue - take the sword from it and go back to install it. Turn the switch and return all platforms to their original positions. Just jump and hit the statues again.


In order to get the last, third sword, you need to go to the opened room and take the “Eye Key”. Afterwards, return to the doors that are locked and use the key you found. And then the Jailer will meet you. A very vile creature. In order to defeat him, you will need to aim your blade at his yellow bubbles (located on his body). As soon as you launch the blade, you will stun him, after which you can run up and deal him a couple of blows. This operation must be repeated until the very end, until you finally defeat him. Once you defeat this ghoul, take the elevator downstairs, where you will have a battle. Then move to the very end of the tunnel and lift the switch to the very top. Now go back to the elevator, where you can go up. Move to the next switch and use it to raise the platforms from the lava. Follow them to the next room. Here you will find a sword and a small battle. Once you defeat the enemies, quickly take the sword and insert it into the statue.


To defeat this Boss, you will need to throw sleeper bombs at her. First aim the fire, and then the bomb on the body of this monster. Now blow up this creature and run up to kick its brains out. This action must be performed until she begins to attack you. Afterwards, you need to hit her with a sword until the icon for the last blow appears above her head, but you won’t be able to kill her with the first blow. Next, we tear out her heart and talk with Vulgrim, after which he shows the snake paths. Now go back to Samael.


After you give him your heart, you gain the ability to use Chaotic Form. And immediately a new task is to find the ancient Ultein, because only with his help can you find the Mourner and take her heart.

Heart of the Mourner

To get to the "Flooded Path" location, you need to use a blade and clear the path, and then throw a bomb at it. Move to the fan and start it by first clicking on the required mechanism. Stand on the fan and move to the opposite side of this shaft. Move towards the gate, then blow the Howler. The gate will be cursed again - you will have to remove the gate in the same way as before - go through five shadow arenas.

In the first arena you will play the role of a defender. You are given four minutes to hold out. Make sure that all your charges survive. You need to protect six people and you need at least one of them to survive.

In the second arena, you will have to destroy thirty enemies while in Chaotic form.

The third arena is a great opportunity to practice your counterpunch. Van will need to kill five enemies.

And in the last arena you have to kill fifteen opponents using surrounding objects. In this case it will be motor transport.

After you can pass this gate, you will find yourself in the “Forge Ford” location. This is where you will meet Ulthein. As soon as you begin to sort out your relationship the male way, a companion of the deceased Avalon will suddenly appear and want to punish War for his death. Defeat her, after which Ultein will agree to help you. Follow him and destroy all the angels along the way. You just need to get more kills than Ulthein.

Emptiness is the heart of the Mourner

As soon as you enter the station territory, a second demonic spawn will immediately appear.

Use Angel Ravager and attack her chest. This must be done until he wants to run away. Next again is a web consisting of corridors, which in turn consist of both dry and waterways. In one room you will soon find a glove with which you can make an earthquake and break the ice.

In the room where the lift will be located, you will need to use the glove you found to push the motor to the very last platform. Next, you will need to do a list of some actions: throw the motor onto the first platform, then lift it, throw it again, but to the second, jump onto the third platform and lower it a little, then throw the motor onto the third platform and now use the control mechanism to lift it .

Once you drain the water at this station, you will need to change the location of the train and the railway site. Proceed in a clear order: first drive the car into the tunnel, then drive the empty circle to the train and again drive the train into the tunnel, now return the circle and drive the platform onto this circle. The completed circle along with the platform must be driven to the left side to the place where the train stood at the very beginning. Now drive the train onto an empty platform and move the train and the circle to the right.

So, after you have pushed the carriage into the tunnel, quickly jump along it to the demonic slime and thus get out.

After passing this station and the final corridor of the DEPOT, the battle with the Mourner you need will begin.

First, use your new glove to smash all the ice, then hit the Mourner with the iron platform about two times.

After she falls, quickly run up to her and hit the block of ice that is located in her chest area with your glove. Then continue hitting her with the platform again. You will need to restore health when the Weeper releases creatures similar to herself and dodge in time when she is very angry. This action must be done three or four times, after which this creature will die.

So, the job will be done, and from Ultein you will receive a cool pistol. The Heart of the Mourner will need to be brought to Samael.

Heart of the Stygian

In order to get the heart of the King of Hearts, Samael will give you a useful skill with which you can use the chronospheres of the ancients. Unfortunately, without this skill you will not be able to walk through the sands of the “Ash Lands”. The worms can eat you with just one swoop.

Well, leave Samael and move to the entrance to the Dry Wind Road territory. Use the glove to break the ice and go into the tunnel. In order to pass the gate, you will need to throw your blade straight into the chronosphere. Next, use the lifting mechanism and quickly run to the gate. Behind the gate you will immediately notice a pipe. You can climb up to it using the ledges on the walls. Further following the pipe you can get into the tunnel. In order for you to climb onto the ledge, shoot at the jaw that holds the box. The box will be on the ground and you will need to quickly grab onto it, after which the jaw will again lift the box and subsequently you. Then jump to the bombs and after, explode the red crystal. Now you can grab onto the pile and run along the wall straight to the pipe.

As you pass the pipe, you will see a rope and three jaws. With your blade, grab all three shoots at once - this way, while they grow back, you can get to the demonic mucus. Further along the slime you can get to the next pipe.


Before entering the Sands you will find a chronosphere. Hit the sphere with your blade and run towards the rocks. There will be a Drill Tower, which contains the chronosphere. So, in order to lower this sphere, climb into the tower, and make your way along the internal walls, as well as the ceilings, to the mechanism. Activate this mechanism and the desired chronosphere will immediately descend. Now return to your first position and hit this sphere with your blade. While time is slowing down, move to the open desert area. In the next tower, the drilling device will work, but the spinning piece of iron at the top will not allow you to climb over. Hit the chronosphere and with your quick jumps get to the required platform, which is located on the opposite side.

When you reach the paired towers, deal with the guards and begin to act. In the first tower you will need to hit the chronosphere and grab the bomb. Next, jump down and open the passage for the drilling mechanism, having previously destroyed the red crystals. Now you can climb to the top and lower the chronosphere to the bottom, then go down and run as close as possible to the tower next door. But so that you can reach another chronosphere with your blade. After hitting the chronosphere, quickly run to the demon slime. Climb to the first level and quickly climb over, using the slime of demons, to the area that is located next door. Here you can find the exit to the upper level of this installation. Once you get to the top, turn off the drill and you can go through the passage down. Just jump in there.

Swim until you reach dry land. Soon you will find yourself in a tunnel. Having walked a little further, you will need to crack the ice with your glove and pull the box under your jaw. Jump from the box to the left and clear the passage that will take you to the chronosphere. Hit the chronosphere and run to the hole that is in the right wall - here you will need to slow down time and take a bomb with which to destroy the block that hangs under the ceiling. Next, demons will fly out, which you will need to deal with, and then run to the passage. Dive into the water again and get to the wall, which is covered in demon slime. Climb up and eventually find yourself in a small arena, where hordes of demons will begin to attack you. Naturally, you will need to chop them all into cabbage. Once you win your next victory, continue moving along various corridors and hanging passages.

Continue your movement until you reach a sandy field where there are also towers. There turns out to be a healthy worm cruising around and attention: this creature can bite you - it hurts. As soon as you enter this field, the worm will immediately begin to move sharply towards you. When the worm is too far away, quickly run to the next tower. Thus, you will need to get to the exit itself. Further following the network of tunnels, you will soon stumble upon a demon who wields a fragmentation weapon. Take down this hellish creature and take his gun!

The principle of operation of this gun is this: they aimed, launched and exploded, but until the fired missiles explode, the next ones will not appear. In general, you need to continue moving, simultaneously destroying huge packs of demon spawn. Eventually, you will find yourself in the arena that Samael told you about. Kill everyone and soon the local Boss will come out and the most interesting thing is that he will be on your horse! Punch this upstart in the face and take your horse.

Ride your stallion to the open passage, to the already familiar field, where, by the way, that huge worm still wanders, but now you can finally kill it. Move along this field and wait for this creature to stick its muzzle out, keep in mind that it is better to have a view from behind, not from in front. This way, you can respond to a worm threat in a timely manner. When a worm with a raised limb rushes at you, quickly run away and shoot it in the face.

When the worm is extremely close, quickly accelerate. Now this tactic must be repeated so many times until the “final strike” icon appears above his head. After killing him, you will receive souls and you will need to move on, but on your own two feet. You will need to defeat another group of demons, after which you will jump into the water and dive. Swim under the stone ridge and emerge on the opposite side of this cave. Now climb up the crossbars and head to the exit.


Get back into the saddle and fly on your “bullet” to the third tower guard. You will be greeted by hordes of demons. Just take your time hitting them until the Stygian is freed from his chains. After which, you will have to noticeably run away from the white worms. Kill these worms until the Stygian gets to you. The principle of fighting with him is the same as with the previous overgrown worm. After you beat him to death, tear out his heart and go to Samael.

Silita is the king of all spiders, and her nest is on the other side of the gorge, which is located in the Ashlands.

First move to the snake paths and then to the Ash Lands. Now mount your war horse and move towards the point on the radar. You need to get to the bridge of souls. The bridge is located next to two drilling mechanisms. Get off your horse and get to the desired bridge on your own two feet. Here again, saddle Ruin and send him between these two columns. As Ruin reaches the columns, he will then jump across this bridge himself. Now ride along the canyon and when you get to the end, a new video will follow.

The war will be captured by spiders, but it will also end up where it was needed.

Quickly get out of the cocoon and press the action key. You will need to move to the other side of the street that has collapsed. You will find the way through the houses. Kill the small spider, then break the web that replaces the local doors. So you will see a big spider. First, break the ice and take out the required box. Climb onto this box and hit the found chronosphere with your weapon, then climb to the opposite side. Jump down the hole and find yourself on the street. Run along this street and the bridge behind you will collapse. Follow this alley and you will find yourself in a destroyed house. You will have to get the key.

Soon you will find yourself surrounded by a huge number of spiders, but don’t let them scare you, they will help you raise your health. Next, break the ice with your fist and use the mechanism to lift the chronosphere up. Climb to the last level and from there jump onto a platform suspended to the ceiling.

Wait for the top to rise and throw the blade into that chronosphere. Next, run to the raised edge of the platform and jump from it to the chest. Take the key and leave the house back to the alley. You can get to the doors using the slime of demons.

After you open the doors, you will find yourself in a room where instead of a ceiling there will be a web stretched. Pull the weight under the jaw and shoot at it. The box will fall, and the spider will fall and immediately turn over. During the time it will be lying down, you will be able to jump into the hole and walk along the sleepers along the wall straight to the room where the ceiling of the second level is located.

After running through the corridors that lead to the next room, you will encounter enemies.

As soon as you kill your friends, quickly run forward, here you have to get the box, and then lift it to the top. To do this, you will need to push the box onto the elevator platform and lift it using a mechanism. Then, using your glove, push the box to the other required side. Thus, you will push him onto another elevator platform. Next, you will need to free the demonic slime from bombs and spiders. You can subdue the blanks that jump out of the wall with your sword. At a higher level, you will need to use a bomb in order to clear a passage for yourself. Thus, you will find yourself in the next room, where you will need to give all the demons devils and move on. As a result, you will reach a passage that will be sealed with four seals.

Move along the bridge, which is woven from a cobweb. After passing, the bridge will be destroyed, the door will be locked. Run to the right side, and then fall sharply down. At this point you will be given a harpoon. With this weapon, you can pull yourself up on hooks, which are shown in blue. Also, with the help of this harpoon, you will be able to pull various enemies towards you, or you yourself will pull them to larger ones.

Soon, one of the huge spiders will fall from the ceiling. You will need to rip off his shell - this is where the harpoon will come in handy, then hit him with your weapon.

Move into one open room to find the required key. The jaws will prevent you from getting to the next key, so shoot at them and anything in your arsenal, then use the harpoon and grab onto the box.

After you get the key, you will immediately find yourself in a room where there will already be three seals on a huge gate. Since the bridge is broken, you will need a grappling hook here. But keep in mind that this time there will be orange panels, not blue ones. If you had to swing on the blue ones, then on the orange ones you will simply be attracted. Now all you have to do is kill the remaining spiders. Look at your map and find out where the spiders you need are located. Do not forget that you must first tear off the shell from these spiders and only then start attacking them. After you are done with the fighting, then move to the opened doors.

A huge spider is waiting for you here. While he is simply hissing at you, throw a cocoon at him. Next, you will have to expose the spider a little, so run up and hit it with your glove, which will then break the ice. Next you will have to run and jump a little with this spider. When it starts to fall, you immediately jump - this way you can save your life. Using a harpoon, tear off another cocoon and throw it at the spider. While he is eating the cocoon, you quickly run and furiously hit the red part of his body. This operation will need to be done until you finally kill this creature.

Further on the way to Silita you will have to show your acrobatic skills. Here you are, flying on your harpoon, swinging, and there will be battles, where would we be without it. The path to the next boss is direct, but not too easy.


After you chat with her, you will get some more information that will give you a lot of thoughts, but stop chatting with her and let's deal with her already. If you run up too close to her, she will instantly begin to teleport, so use your harpoon. As soon as you fly up to her, hit her quickly. The principle is this: hit a few times and jump to the original position. When she starts attacking you, watch carefully and dodge. Carry out this tactic a couple more times and soon she will climb to the ceiling. From now on, she will begin to lower her bombs. You have to quickly pull yourself up to the bomb, and then to Silita itself, after which War himself will decide what to do next. There will be two such attempts, so if you couldn’t do what you needed the first time, then you’ll have to fight this spider again. As soon as she jumps onto the ceiling, quickly repeat your previous actions.

So, when you get the necessary heart, you can return back to Samael.

After talking with him, it turns out that this creature used us and threw us, and those whom we killed did not go anywhere near the tower. But there is also a positive feature here. All these monsters belonged to the closest associates of the Destroyer, so getting to him will become much easier.

But Samael will also keep his word, he will open a portal for you that will lead you to the dark tower. Entering the portal will take you to the snake paths that lead to the tower.

Dark Tower

In order to cut off the Destroyer from the source that feeds it with the energy of captured souls, you will first have to free the Angel of Death. It turns out that Azrael was captured by Straga, the guardian of this tower.

Walk down the corridor to the accessible doors. In order to open the passage, you will need to find the right combination of wall placement, you will have to experiment with switch mechanisms. Just throw your blade at them. You need to go up to the second level and open the passages to the next room.

After going through several transitions, you will soon stumble upon another battle. Teach the demon spawn a lesson and get a new riddle for yourself. You will need to set up hanging platforms. You will have to change their position so that they are turned with their hooks down. Therefore, first turn the switch on the right side, then hit the switch that is on the platform with your blade and turn the switch on the right side again. Now go further and fight again. Next, break the shackles and get another useful tool, which is called “Walking Through the Void” - this is a teleport. Next, most of the game will be connected with him.

Use the teleport to get out of this pit, and then move on. Shoot at the yellow windows and you will get to the next level. On the left side, in the corridor, you can notice another window, but in the floor. Charge the teleporter and open the portal. After which, return to the previous open window. From the window located on the floor, you will be thrown up and you will soon find yourself in the next location. Turn around and notice a new window. Open the portal and now jump down into the open window - as a result, you will literally be thrown onto a huge button in the floor. As a result of this action, you will immediately activate a mechanism that will begin to lift the window from which you fell.

Then it remains a matter of technology. Follow the corridors and get to the robot that is guarding the power outlet. The tactic is this: make two charged portals and jump into one and fly out through the other, after which you need to project a robot onto the flat skull and then all you have to do is press the action key.

Afterwards, jump down and strike quickly with a powerful blow, but after that, you need to quickly run away to the side. Next you will have to open the portals again. This procedure will need to be repeated until victory.

When you kill the robot, you will receive a beam of power, which in turn will be directed into the portal. Using the teleport, redirect the beam to the next desired location. Next, act according to the situation, carefully look and evaluate this situation.

When you pass the beam straight to Azrael, remove one of the scoops that hold it in a large circle. Then move to the next beam. To do this, first jump to the very top of the circle that is spinning. And from there it’s all the way to the door. It can be difficult near the abyss, near two cruising towers. The first portal needs to be created in the closest tower, and the second on the wall, and then, through the portal in the wall, make the next one in the farthest tower and now charge the portal.

Next it will be just as difficult with platforms. Throw cargo onto platforms using your portals. You will have to arrange all the weights so that you end up on the highest platform, after which you can jump from it to the ledge.

The second robot you meet is quite similar to the first. The only difference here will be that the windows you need on the floor will be hidden behind bars. Therefore, you will need to make the monster destroy these bars on the ground. You need to kill him in the same way as the first robot. Send the beam in reverse order, moving from portal to portal along the way.

In some places you will need to hit the mechanisms with your blade so that the beam is reflected and soon reaches the desired portal.

Now we need to free Angel Azrael from another skull.

Getting the third ray will not be easy, the path is not at all easy and you will have to break your head very much. By creating portals along the way, you will soon reach the top doors. After you complete the first puzzle, which involves falling and rising pillars, you will see a block that is spinning on its axis. Using it, you can get to the opposite side and get a bomb, which must be used to destroy more crystals through the portal. Here you can find the ninth piece of armor. You should look into the portal, which is created on a rock that is spinning. The passage to the box will be blocked by crystals. It will go up and through it you can get to the necessary doors, having previously created a portal. In order to get past the abyss, you will need to create portals on the towers that rotate. As a result, you will find yourself on platforms where you will need to jump from one area to another.

In order to connect the column and stone slabs, you will need to drain water from one hole to another. Move to the switch mechanism and try to close the piles on the post. Next, return to the entrance and turn the lever. The portal, which is located on the pillar, will be turned to the side of the closed lattice, after which, after charging the portal, you will be able to overcome this lattice.

Now again the battle with the robot (the third in a row). The fight with him is nothing special. The only windows here are located on the walls. When you kill the next monster, you will receive the coveted ray of power. Bring him to Angel Azrael again and after that, he will be able to unlock the passage to Stragus for you.


Your old acquaintance has lost one eye since our last meeting. Create portals in the floor and thus, you can dodge Straga's attacks. The moment he starts threatening a hard death, make a portal on his baton. When he understands it over his head, then quickly jump into the portal and find yourself on the neck of this half-blind man. Stick your sword into him and appear right next to his muzzle. Next, you will need to beat him with your sword until he regains consciousness. Now repeat this fighting technique again and so on until victory. Then, with the help of Azrael, you can leave this tower.


In order to understand the essence of your destiny, you need to visit the tree of destiny. Once you get to the legendary Eden, Azrael will give you a mask of shadows. After this, you will have to hit your bad copy in the neck.

After you can give the devils to your dark side, then move further, where soon on the bridge you will need to use this mask and after that, you can cross the bridge. First, turn to the right and run along one rock. Behind the waterfall will be the final piece of armor from the abyss. As you climb up to the tree, a video will appear that can explain a lot to you. Avalon will turn out to be the Destroyer. He planned to destroy all hellish creatures, but he himself was hooked, and in order to avoid total death he acted as their leader.

Having returned to Azrael and told him about this event, you receive a new task - Collect seven fragments of the sword of the Apocalypse.

Sword of the Apocalypse

You were thrown from Eden to the Ash Lands. You can find the first fragment in the place where you first appeared. Use the shadow mask and you will easily get to all the necessary fragments, after which you go to the old city of Ultein. The Ancient One will be able to reforge these fragments and with the sword he can go to Azrael. Please note that once you go to the final battle with the Destroyer, you will never return back, so now you have a chance to collect all the artifacts and rummage through all the chests.


The first part of the battle will not be too difficult. Move the Ruin around this Demon and hit it with your sword until it falls down. This operation must be repeated until the corresponding icon appears above your head. Next you will have to fight with the very essence of Abaddon and this will not be the easiest enemy.

But this battle will also be without any surprises. Fight until the characters close their blades, after which you need to quickly press the attack key. As a result, you will punch this traitor in the face. Do this a couple more times and at the end the end credits will play.

So, justice has prevailed again and the seventh seal has been destroyed, so the Horsemen of the Apocalypse are in a hurry to restore the long-awaited balance. This is the end of the game.

The Devil May Cry series is a classic for the action-slasher genre - it has absolutely everything that such a project needs - a huge number of opponents, and a variety of combinations that you can carry out on them, and various abilities, and the search for souls to strengthen. However, not only DMC amazes fans of this genre - there is also a wonderful Darksiders duology, which will delight any fan of games of this type, as well as many ordinary gamers. The fact is that it tells a very interesting story through the prism of non-stop action. Who doesn't dream of swinging a huge sword and throwing cars the size of skyscrapers at monsters? Therefore, this series deserves special attention. This article will focus on the first episode called Darksiders. The walkthrough of this game will be discussed in detail below, and you will be able to understand how much this project can captivate you.

Darksiders - what kind of game is this?

Before considering the passage of the Darksiders game, you need to understand what exactly it is. So, the story is quite simple, but this does not make it any less exciting and rich. It’s worth noting right away that for this genre the plot is a secondary concept, because there is no linearity, branches or forks. But following the story is still very interesting, because you will have to play the role of one of the horsemen of the Apocalypse - War. The backstory is very confusing: when the Apocalypse was about to come on Earth, War found himself there and entered the fray, dying in battle with the demon Straga. After this, he was returned to the Coal Council, which governs the actions of the horsemen, as well as many other aspects of the universe. Here he was sentenced to final and irrevocable execution, but convinced the council that he deserved another chance. He is sent to Earth. But now he is constantly followed by an entity that controls him, so that he only fulfills his task of correcting what he has done, and is not distracted by side matters. When War hits Earth, it is already destroyed. A hundred years have passed since his last visit, the war between Heaven and Hell is almost over. Hell has won, and the angels are only barely resisting. All humanity died or was turned into zombie-like creatures. And you have to correct all this by again establishing balance between Heaven and Hell. It is around this that the passage in Darksiders is built.

Game Features

To successfully complete this game, you should know about some of its features. Darksiders is not a one-time playthrough - you can play through individual missions or the entire game as many times as you like to get all the available achievements, as well as find all the chests and secrets. The fact is that the process is built on the fact that all the weapons and abilities available to you are revealed gradually as you progress through the game. And at some of the first levels you will not be able to do what will then be available to you in full equipment and with a full set of techniques and abilities. Therefore, it is highly recommended to play this game at least twice to achieve a 100% result. In Darksiders 2, the passage is built on the same principle, so you will be impressed for a long time. It is also worth noting that the key location for you here will be the Crossroads - you will return here after completing each mission to receive new tasks and settle all the necessary matters.

General of Demons

In the first mission, you first have to figure out what you have at your disposal, as well as learn how to move, fight, block blows and dodge. You will be taught how to use the abilities available to you, so carefully go through the beginning of the game, as it contains all the basic information about your character that will be useful to you later. Darksiders 2 also starts with a tutorial, so there's no point in trying to remember everything before starting the second game. Although these two projects are united by a common theme and a single main character, they are very different from each other. So, when you complete the training, you will need to go in search of the Demon General, whom you will have to defeat. But this will not be the first boss - the last task in the training will be to defeat Straga. As you can imagine, this is exactly the point in the backstory where you are destined to lose. After this, you are summoned to the Coal Council, and then, together with the Shadow, are sent back to Earth, where your adventures begin. Walking through the streets of the destroyed city, you will have to fight angels and demons until you reach the main boss of this level - the Demon General. There is a trick to fighting this boss - you must constantly attack him, but when he calls his assistants, kill them until there is only one left who cannot inflict too much damage on you. This way you will attack the General, and he will not be able to call demons to his aid. After the victory, Samael will appear, who will tell you the winning strategy - the demons are ruled by a certain Destroyer, who has four minions. You need to find them all and kill them, and then deal with the Destroyer himself. As you can see, in this game everything is quite interesting and without sharp plot twists. Darksiders 2 is no less exciting, so it is recommended to master both of these games.


As you already understood, each of the subsequent missions will represent the search and destruction of the Destroyer's minions. In this regard, the project resembles the second part and its exciting passage. "City of the Dead" (Darksiders 2) is an addition to the second part of the game, which also roughly resembles the first part, so you will be interested in trying your hand at it. But first you need to deal with the first part. Go to the Choking Lot, clear it, move through the sewers to a broken ladder, from which you can fly on a griffin and fight in the air with angels until Tiamat himself knocks you down. Once in the Gloomy Cathedral, you will have to clear it and move to its Dungeon, where you will have a fight with the half-boss Jailer. He has several white dots on his body that you will need to throw blades at to make him fall. You won't be able to do anything to him with regular blows. When he falls, run up and hit the Jailer. Repeat these steps until the boss dies. After that, all you have to do is get to Tiamat and fight him. Given that he is constantly in flight, you need to use bombs to knock him down to the ground and then attack. The third time, Tiamat will no longer fly up, and you can deal with him on the ground. This is how exciting the passage of the second mission is. "City of the Dead" (Darksiders 2) is an expansion in which you will meet Tiamat once again. But for now, you need to think about the Destroyer's next minion.


In Darksiders 1, this mission begins in a flooded passage that will lead you to the Forge Ford. There, after clearing the location, a battle with the main angel Uriel awaits you - defeating her will not be difficult for you. But the important thing here is that this victory will open the way for you to the lamenter's refuge. Go to the Nethers, where you will have to linger. The fact is that this is a full-fledged grid of an abandoned and dilapidated metro. Therefore, you will have to scout all the paths and stations, platforms and other objects until you discover the passage to the main boss of the level. The Weeper is already much more difficult than Tiamat - you will first have to clear the ice from everything around her in order to be able to approach her at all. After that, grab the carriage and launch it at the boss - she will fall and you can attack her. But this is not for long - she gets up, and you will have to repeat the actions with the carriage again. The principle is clear - after several repetitions you will be able to defeat the second henchman of the Destroyer in Darksiders 1. The passage is gaining momentum. At the same time, it becomes not only complex, but also more and more exciting.


In the game Darksiders: Wrath of War, the passage will require you to two more hearts of the Destroyer's minions, so do not waste time and go to the Drywind Road, which will lead you to the Ash Lands. There you need to first enter a tunnel that will lead you to the Desert. Naturally, it needs to be cleared, and then taken on to other locations. Clear the Dungeon and Arenas, after which another intermediate boss awaits you - the Sandworm. The secret to winning here is that you need to shoot the worm in the mouth, and to do this, use yourself as bait. And when the Worm opens its mouth to swallow you, ride your horse away from it, shooting it with a revolver. This way you can defeat the Worm and move on to the Stygian. And again it's a Worm, only much more dangerous than the previous one. The differences are that this one initially has a muzzle that prevents you from shooting in its mouth. Therefore, in two passes, approach the Worm from the sides and cut off the fastenings of the muzzle. After this, proceed exactly the same as with the last boss. Only now the Stygian will periodically leave the battlefield, leaving three worms in his place, which can be dealt with much faster, because they can be shot anywhere on the body. By killing the Stygian, you will receive a third heart, but only one will remain. However, don’t think that Darksiders: Wrath of War is the end of your playthrough. The game will still have time to surprise you.


Darksiders II has a little more variety in its progression, but don't think that makes the first game unworthy. Be sure to play it and do not miss it under any circumstances if you are planning to play this series. If you follow this walkthrough, then you only have one minion of the Destroyer left - Silith. Here you will not have to move between different locations - everything will take place in the Iron Vault. This is a huge location that you will need to completely clear. The main opponents here will be spiders, and the intermediate boss, naturally, will be a huge Ice Spider. You need to distract him from attacks by throwing him a cocoon from the ceiling, which he will eat. At this time, you need to use your ability and knock off the ice armor from the spider. After this, the repetition of one pattern begins - throw the cocoon, go behind the boss and hit the weak spot, dodge his attack, throw the cocoon again, and so on. After victory, you will be able to get to Silita. Oddly enough, she is also a spider - naturally, even larger and more dangerous. Her specialty is that she can teleport. Therefore, use the chain to pull yourself up to her head and strike. After this, Silita will begin to move in space, unexpectedly attacking you from above. Dodge and repeat the procedure until she climbs onto the ceiling. You can't reach her there, but at the same time she throws bombs at you. Seize the moment, hook the chain onto the flying bomb, and from it onto Silita, and then hit. After a few hits, she will die, and you will get the last heart. In Darksiders II, the passage does not present you with such battles. But the continuation also has its advantages, which you will become familiar with after the first part.


The passage of the game Darksiders 2, as well as the first part, is tied to an interesting plot, albeit a linear one. You can be convinced of this when you find out that Samael needed the hearts for his own needs, and not to help you. From the very beginning he could have opened the way for you to the Destroyer, but he used you. There is nothing you can do, you need to come to terms with it, because the main goal has been achieved - you can go to the tower where the Destroyer lives. In the tower you will need to kill all the demons, as well as defeat three robots that guard the angel Azrael. When he is released, he thanks you by opening a portal to the guard of the Destroyer - your old acquaintance, Straga. Now you will take revenge on the giant for your death, but the weak point is on his back. In order to get there, you need to open a portal on the floor and on the boss's mace. When he swings to strike, go into the portal and hit him. Repeat this several times until Straga dies. The passage of Darksiders 2 will no longer be the same, because you will no longer see Straga. So enjoy the moment.


The walkthrough of Darksiders is coming to an end. Now you need to get to Eden, collect all seven fragments of the Armageddon Blade there, forge it again and go to the final battle. The Darksiders playthrough has presented you with several difficult battles, but this one will be the most difficult. The Destroyer will first appear in the form of a dragon, a very fast dragon that you won't be able to keep up with as it unleashes lightning-fast ramming attacks. Therefore, stand at the edge of the arena and wait for him to ram him, dodge at the last moment - then the boss will bury himself in the edge of the arena, and you can calmly attack him. After a while, he will begin to fly into the air and attack you from there - dodge and wait for him to return to his previous techniques. After that, finish him off using the old methods. After this, the dragon form will disappear, and it will be revealed that the Destroyer was the angel Abaddon, whom you will now defeat quite quickly. This is where the sequel “Darksiders 2: Judge of Souls” will begin. The passage is completed, you can calmly await the arrival of the remaining horsemen of the Apocalypse on Earth.

100% completion

As mentioned earlier, one playthrough is not enough to collect all the game content. The passage of "Darksiders 2: Labyrinth of Souls" is built on the same principle as the entire second part of the game. Therefore, arm yourself with everything you have collected during the game and go conquer the world once again. Now it will be easier to do this - in Darksiders 2, passing “Ivory” is much more difficult even the first time.