Discouraging truth: Why a man is ready to be with one woman, but absolutely not with another. Can a woman be a competent manager?

The governor of the Kirov region, Igor Vasiliev, noted that during Kadyrov’s tenure as minister, a number of significant events took place. “We have completed work on obtaining PASED status, and a number of investors have been attracted. At the beginning of 2018, under the leadership of Vladislav Valerievich, an agreement was concluded with the Russian Ministry of Economic Development to provide subsidies for state support of small and medium-sized businesses, including farms, as well as for the implementation of measures to support youth entrepreneurship. The total volume amounted to almost 40 million rubles,” explained Igor Vladimirovich.

12 investment agreements with a total value of 2 billion rubles were concluded, 8 exhibitions of products of Kirov enterprises were organized and held abroad, the governor added. In addition, humanitarian cooperation has been concluded between the Kirov region, the Volga Federal District and the province of China within the Volga-Yangtze format.

“I believe that this experience, youth, ability and desire to work as part of a new team, using the experience of the neighboring region will allow us to implement many programs. Vladislav Valerievich takes a responsible and balanced approach to solving the assigned tasks, enjoys authority and respect among colleagues, heads of local governments, organizations and enterprises of the Kirov region,” emphasized Igor Vladimirovich.

In his new position, Kadyrov will oversee such areas as energy, construction, housing and communal services, and information technology.

Deputy Anatoly Churin drew the governor’s attention to the fact that in recent years, people without specialized education have been taking leading positions. “Such a selection, I think, will play a negative role in the end. I have nothing against Kadyrov, but he is a lawyer, and he is given areas where he needs to have some kind of professional knowledge. On the other hand, he worked for 5 months as Minister of Economy, while he did little except take on this position. I think we are wasting time and the team needs to work now. I don’t know whether this is the right approach or not, but, in my opinion, it is very risky,” believes Anatoly Mikhailovich.

However, Igor Vasiliev believes that without moving forward, nothing can be done. “As they say, we will evaluate the results by deeds,” says the head of the region.

Vladimir Bakin did not agree with Churin’s opinion. “In this job, specialized education is less important, and more important is the desire to work and achieving goals. Six months have shown that the young man (note - Vladislav Kadyrov) has not exhausted his potential, he must be allowed to develop, he must be supported, and let him work,” the deputy emphasized. Vladimir Gavrilovich added that he also does not have a specialized education, but he has worked all his life in the construction industry and achieved good results.

Vladislav Kadyrov was born on September 30, 1983 in Kazan. Graduated from the Private Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Institute of Social and Humanitarian Knowledge" with a degree in jurisprudence. From 2003 to 2017, he worked in various commercial organizations in Kazan, including in management positions. He was also a member of the Kazan City Duma. In December 2017, Kadyrov was appointed Minister of Economic Development and Entrepreneurship Support of the Kirov Region.

How to become a leader? Surely this question was and is of interest to the majority of employees who are subordinate to someone. It is quite natural, since “the bad soldier is the one who does not dream of becoming a general.” Today on the shelves of bookstores you can find a lot of literature devoted to how to “become a boss.”

At the same time, it is paradoxical that there is no universal recipe on how to become a leader. The question is different: whether you will be a boss or not depends only on you...

Today you can often hear: “I can’t become a boss because I don’t have the necessary connections.” Are “business acquaintances and connections” really the key words? Not at all. Even if some rich scion is put in the boss’s chair, he can bankrupt the company in a matter of days. Why? Yes, simply because he had never done this before. Certain skills, abilities, experience, qualities and psychological attitude are also important here. And it is important not only to learn how to manage, but also to do it well. Before answering the question of how to become a leader, let’s define what the concept “manage” actually means.

What is "manage"

To lead means to be able to organize, plan, control and motivate people. This also includes the ability to competently set tasks and manage subordinates.

The ability to select personnel and make decisions in difficult moments is also one of the facets of proper leadership.

A leader who enjoys authority among his subordinates: who is he?

How to become a good leader? It should be noted that a successful leader almost always knows how to achieve his goal. It is noteworthy that for employees and bosses it is often the opposite. For example, the boss wants the employee to work more efficiently even with a small salary, and the latter dreams of his salary being increased, but he does not want to be more active at work. If you want to learn how to become a good leader, then you must understand one simple truth for yourself: “A kind boss (what is called “an insider”), who is doted on by his employees, is a bad manager.”

Is it possible to love a person if he forces you to work? Not likely. A good manager is a person of strong convictions who will stick to his line in any circumstances. Of course, such a boss may become objectionable to some employees, but the interests of the company should always come first.

Ideal boss

When considering the question of how to become a leader, it should be noted that the latter must be able to establish contact with his subordinates. Employees should treat their boss with respect. In the process of management work, both negative and positive aspects will arise, and in order to maintain a favorable climate in the work team, it is important to use not only the carrot, but also the stick. Do not skimp on praise for your employees and reward them for their work if they deserve it. Errors and flaws in work should be punished, but first you need to talk with the offender and convey to him the idea that in the future there should not be such excesses in work.

Inspire your team

Don't have any idea how to become a successful leader? You must understand that management is the driving force of the workforce, and the success of the enterprise depends on how well it is motivated.

For example, an important project needs to be implemented in the near future. Invite your subordinates into the office and explain to them how important it is for the company. Be sure to listen to employees' perspectives on how they see it being implemented. Again, psychologically prepare your subordinates for this work and promise to reward those who distinguished themselves with cash bonuses based on its results.

Personal example

There is another key point in the question of how to become an effective leader. You must become a role model. First of all, this concerns appearance. A business suit, luxury perfume, shoes polished to a shine, a leather briefcase - this is the image of a modern businessman. Arrive at work on time. Be the master of your word: if you promise something, do it. Please note that your subordinates pay attention to this, and your authority in the workforce will depend on it.

Support employees in difficult times

Remember that your subordinates are, first of all, people, and each of them may experience difficult periods in their lives. Support them psychologically, give them a certain amount of money, give them a few days of rest. But do this for those who are really in a difficult situation, and not trying to manipulate you.

Can a woman be a competent manager?

Many representatives of the fairer sex are concerned with the question of how a woman can become a leader. Is this real? It is generally accepted that leadership functions can only be performed by men, and the role of women is to support and protect the family hearth.

One way or another, the ideas of feminism are quite popular in society today, and ladies have proven that they can be successful businesswomen. But how to become one? Again, there is no universal answer to this question, but a businesswoman must have certain qualities, skills and experience. Determination, desire to work 24 hours a day, a high level of professionalism, responsibility, the ability to build relationships with subordinates, maintain work discipline, charisma, and belief in victory - these are the main components of the success of an enterprising woman. And, of course, every businesswoman should be able to dress appropriately and choose the right accessories for a business suit. However, we should not forget that office attire should not only be formal, but also beautiful.

A female manager should not have office romances with subordinates. In a number of cases, male favorites become “gray eminences” in the company, who gradually begin to manage affairs behind the scenes. Naturally, such bosses can subsequently greatly harm the interests of the company, and it is possible that everything will have to start from scratch. It is necessary to separate work and personal relationships.

What is important to remember when there is a high chance of becoming the head of a department

A huge number of managers are puzzling over how to become a department head. Naturally, proving to higher management that you are worthy of this position is not an easy task. As a rule, proactive, responsible, executive and communicative employees who know how to quickly find a common language with their colleagues receive promotions. But even after you have been entrusted with heading an entire department, you must work well with your subordinates, otherwise you can again revert to the status of an ordinary employee.

Firstly, you should always find time for your students and talk to each of them personally, discussing this or that problem. Secondly, you should not point out to them in an offensive manner the mistakes and flaws they have made in their work. Be sure to consult with your subordinates about what they think should be done in a particular situation. Only in this way will you gain authority with them.

Qualities of a leader

How to become a first-class leader? Of course, in addition to all of the above, you should cultivate leadership qualities. Who is a leader?

In a broad sense, this is a person who knows how to lead crowds of people. Well, the bosses among them are the best, because they know how to organize work in such a way that their subordinates’ eyes “light up” from what they do professionally. How to become a leader? You need to learn to set goals and achieve them, be self-confident, be able to adapt to the situation, and be an intellectual. Such a person never loses heart or loses heart; he endures all troubles and failures with steadfastness. A leader is such an energetic person that he infects those around him with his passion.

A leader-manager not only helps his employees achieve a certain goal, but also worries about how each employee can reveal their potential to achieve a common result.

If you are already a boss, but at the same time want to become a leader, although you do not consider yourself one, then the recommendations below will be useful to you.

First, take a detailed look at your management style. You must determine what your leadership's strengths are and which ones need adjustment. There are even special tests that help you find out how good a boss you are. Secondly, think about what qualities inherent in you are used for management, and how appropriate they are in general. It's very simple. If something interferes or is ineffective, then it must be excluded. Thirdly, the leader must regularly set new tasks for his wards, because this is the only way to assess the scale of creative potential. Fourth, you must be a role model for your employees. They should have a burning desire to be like you - this is an indicator that you are a true leader-manager.


One way or another, most people want to manage, not obey someone. Anyone can lead, but to lead competently is a whole science that sometimes takes many years to master. As has already been emphasized, for effective management it is not enough to be a professional in your field; you also need certain qualities. Remember that it is in the boss’s chair that it will be most difficult for you to prove that you are the best, since so many are aiming for your place.

Modern technologies allow the manager to manage office work from a distance. The position of deputy is losing its functional load and is turning into a popular method of motivating successful specialists.

Our Labor Code does not provide for the profession of “deputy manager”. This “specialty” is not taught in any educational institution. "Deputy" is a special status. It is achieved by people with a high level of professional competence, who know how to be in the right place at the right time and who are well aware of the intricacies of human psychology.

The office is a theater in which the deputy plays a certain role every day, imposed on him by the boss. He can be a full partner or, on the contrary, a “whipping boy” - a short-lived guest in the company who will be asked to leave when the boss wants “blood” for an unfulfilled plan.
Try to justify to management and, most importantly, to yourself why you should take the position of deputy. If you are a great specialist, then why aren’t you already in the position of a manager, and if you are not good enough, then why do you need such a deputy? The ability to make the work of a deputy your profession requires special character traits. “A good deputy is like a wife: she understands everything before you have time to say it,” says Stanislav Solodovnikov, executive director of the Rossi-Moscow distribution company. “If there is no such person for the position of deputy, then it is better to be “single” all your life.”

Good boss - evil boss
“There is no universal approach to selecting a deputy,” says Gennady Volkovsky, general director of the Progress company. “In each organization, the specialist occupying this position is assigned a different level of responsibility and, accordingly, is expected to display different professional qualities.” Among the generally accepted ones are diligence, organization, loyalty, and a high degree of support for innovations from management. According to many managers, the main quality for a deputy is the ability to store information.

Managing partner of Training News Ekaterina Demko highlights one of the most effective methods that allows you to determine the set of qualities necessary for the harmonious coexistence of a manager and his deputy. This technique is based on the principle of “mutually complementarity”. For example, if the manager is an organized person, then he needs to choose a deputy who is more creative and flexible, which will allow him to “revive” the company. For a specialist manager, a good “communicator” is suitable for the role of deputy. An effective pair of managers can, if necessary, successfully use the “good boss - evil boss” game in negotiations.

“Regardless of the role that a deputy takes on every day, the main thing that is expected of him is to be understanding and responsible,” says Pavel Smirnov, owner of the HelpLine company. “There is often not enough time for long explanations. The deputy must make management decisions based on three - four phrases spoken out loud, while being fully aware of one’s responsibility for these decisions.”

In fact, the deputy must combine incompatible things. Many managers highly value in their deputies the ability to conduct “subtle politics”: to remain in the shadows, be prepared for a secondary role, but come up with worthy initiatives in a timely manner. “If you decide to become a deputy, know how to veil your desire for career growth,” recommends Ekaterina Kikteva, development director of the Business Coaches Club. “Don’t show your ambitions too clearly, so that the manager won’t be afraid one day of losing a good deputy or whatever you are aiming for in his place.”

Deputies are different
Only by answering the question of why you are looking for a deputy with utmost honesty can you determine what kind of person you need for this position and whether you need it at all. It often happens that a deputy is sought to solve a specific problem. A competent deputy can also be found through a recruitment agency, but managers tend to look for assistants among “their own”, since in this case we are talking about a high level of trust in communication. “Experts identify several psychological types of substitutes,” says Ekaterina Demko.

The first is “companion”. Such a specialist fully replaces the manager during his absence. When solving everyday issues, employees perceive the manager and deputy as one person. In this case, the deputy can be called the “neck” of the leader. Typically, their functions are not duplicated: the manager and his deputy oversee various areas of activity, but at the “basic” level, each is well informed about the work of the other. The task of delegation of authority is fully realized. An important advantage of this balance of power is that the boss always feels like he has his back. The main disadvantage is that if the manager leaves the company, the deputy will most likely leave after him.

The second psychotype is the “guard at the gate”. Most contacts with the boss occur through the "guard". The manager's decision largely depends on how the deputy presents him with information. Often the “guard” takes on the functions of an “executioner”, reporting unpleasant and tough decisions of management to the team. The boss in this case remains the personification of justice and loyalty. Each employee is sure that if only he could get an appointment with the “Tsar-Father”, all his problems would certainly be solved. This model is typical for companies that have developed intensively and grown significantly in a short period of time. Employees of such organizations are accustomed to the fact that they can calmly enter the boss’s office at any time and resolve any issue, be it professional or personal, right on the spot. At first, the “walkers” are denied access to the boss’s office by the secretary, but this is often not enough. People sincerely believe that they have been “abandoned” and demand satisfaction. Then the deputy comes onto the stage - the personification of rigor and the champion of new rules. As a result, employees adapt to new settings less painfully; most of their righteous anger goes to the deputy. It is important for the manager to remember that with such a structure of relations with the deputy, there is a high probability of distortions in the transfer of information. The role of a “full-time executioner” and “arbiter of destinies” can captivate the deputy, who will begin to realize his personal complexes through reprisals against undesirables.

The third psychotype is “formal deputy”. This position usually appears on the company’s staff due to one or another historical prerequisites. There is practically no delegation of authority; the deputy is under constant control by his superior. The main advantage and also disadvantage of such relationships is the invisibility and lack of initiative of the deputy.

The fourth psychotype is the “people's boss”. This is actually the exact opposite of a "guard". The deputy is a charismatic representative of his boss. The latter is busy with analytics and solving strategic problems, so the predominant format of his contacts with the team is short meetings with managers at all levels to obtain information. The “people's boss” is loved and respected by his employees, his authority is supported both “from below” and “from above.” With such an assistant, the manager usually has a real idea of ​​the state of affairs in the team, since they are not afraid to communicate with an “open” deputy and share plans and problems without fear. The main thing is not to forget that no matter how “close to the ground” the deputy may seem, he remains a high-ranking manager, and therefore should not turn into a “vest” for the staff.
The fifth psychotype is the “magic wand”. It is a rare manager who is a strong specialist in all functional areas of the enterprise. In this case, a deputy who is a professional in the area in which the manager is failing can be useful. If there are several of them, then nothing prevents you from choosing several deputies. However, it should be remembered that a large number of deputies often leads to a behind-the-scenes struggle for influence on the boss. There is a high risk of the appearance of a “gray eminence” with all the ensuing pros and cons.

Anything can... viceroys?
With the growth of any business, its manager has a need for additional duties to develop new directions, and in fact, for autonomous project managers with extensive powers. Promotion depends on the volume of tasks that specialists are ready to take on. According to Ekaterina Kikteva from the Business Coaches Club, dynamically developing companies are characterized by their heads having several deputies with different statuses. From the “deputy secretary”, who plays the role of assistant manager, to the “gray eminence” who really influences the company’s policy. Moreover, the “gray cardinal” may not have the qualities necessary for an effective manager, but have influence on the top person of the company due to, for example, rich life and professional experience, greater competence in political intrigue or awareness of the personal life of the boss.

The relationship between a manager and his many deputies can develop in different ways. Ekaterina Kikteva notes that small companies are often characterized by very close relationships between the boss and deputy. Too much daily communication at work spills over beyond the office. In large corporations, on the contrary, private life remains completely behind the scenes, and employees try to “take a break” from each other. There is a general pattern: the larger the company, the more formal the relationship, but also the greater the need for a trusted person.

Managers do not hide their dependence on their deputies and often have their favorites among them.

“There are favorites, and where would we be without them,” admits Pavel Smirnov from HelpLine. “Usually they are not necessarily professional and effective deputies, but simply like-minded people.”

The owner of the company "Capital Taste" Igor Minevich says that, despite the apparent bureaucratization, in large organizations there is a practice of appointing people to key positions, bypassing all regulations - at the will of business owners. Since in this way the hired manager is actually deprived of part of his powers, decisions that are unpleasant for him are made through his own deputy, who as a result turns into a “servant of two masters.”

It happens that a deputy gives up trying to sit on two chairs at once and becomes loyal to one of the parties. Stanislav Solodovnikov from Rossi-Moscow gives an example from the life of his business partner. “He is the head of a large company, whose roots go back to the Soviet era,” says Solodovnikov. “Upon joining it, he immediately received a deputy with connections among the business owners.” At first, the manager cautiously accepted the terms of the game, wondering whether his deputy was the “ears and eyes” of the company’s owners. Over time, it turned out that the deputy’s knowledge was truly valuable. Today he is a support and loyal ally of his boss. This deputy even supports those decisions of the boss that may cause rejection among the owners of the company. “Recently, an acquaintance of mine said that he would not mind hiring four more deputies, each of whom should oversee a certain area,” adds Solodovnikov. “But he does not plan to refuse the very first deputy and claims that he was the favorite and will remain so. In response to my questions regarding the comfort of working with such a “gray eminence,” my friend jokes: “There is an institution of viceroys and vice-presidents all over the world, it probably did not arise by chance.” Perhaps this boss is right in some ways...”

How much to pay
Payment for a deputy’s work is an assessment of his professional capabilities plus payment for loyalty. But if there are completely objective methods for assessing an employee’s competence, then with loyalty the situation is more complicated. For example, the owner of the Addforce company Dmitry Marishkin says that he does not care whether the deputy is loyal to him or not. “The main thing is that he has constructive personal goals and is a professional, that is, he works with a guarantee of quality,” he explains.

Pavel Smirnov believes that the notorious “percentage of the company’s profits,” which is often promised to deputies of top officials, in most cases is an abstract concept that is not a mathematical quantity. “This is the amount that allows the deputy to “forget” about himself and bring maximum benefit to his company and his manager,” says Smirnov.

“At small and medium-sized businesses, a deputy often earns less than leading specialists, since he solves mainly administrative and technical problems and does not independently create additional value for the company,” says Ekaterina Kikteva from the Business Coaches Club.

Trust but verify
The deputy's access to confidential information makes many managers nervous about its safety. Therefore, they try in one way or another to test their deputies for loyalty to the company as a whole and, most importantly, to themselves personally.

“In addition to the mandatory reporting that deputies maintain in their areas, their work is checked by a special service,” says the general director of the Paterson network, Yuri Yakovchik. Despite its cautious approach, Paterson actively attracts both people who have made a career within the organization and outside specialists, including expats, to the position of deputy top officials of the company.

However, checks by special services are not so bad. The real nightmare for the deputy begins when his own boss comes to evaluate his trustworthiness and moral qualities. “One manager suggested that the deputy fire a number of employees with whom he had worked before his promotion,” recalls Ekaterina Kikteva. “After several dismissals he carried out, it was the deputy’s turn. It turned out that in this way the boss was testing him not for his performance, but for his ethical qualities.”

Take as much as you can
It is generally accepted that the manager’s task is to look for new ways to develop the company, and the deputy’s task is to ensure the smooth functioning of existing business areas. Pavel Smirnov claims that he is ready to delegate maximum authority to his deputies. “Every day I will increase the range of issues they solve and the degree of responsibility for the decisions made,” he says. “I will load them with more and more work. If a deputy can withstand this crazy regime for six months, then he usually remains to work forever.”

In practice, the issue of delegation of authority is the most delicate in the relationship between a boss and his subordinate. It is significantly more pressing than even the issue of a deputy’s salary. Dmitry Marishkin is convinced that bosses in most cases are not ready to share absolutely any powers. A competent deputy gradually “takes out” from the boss exactly as much authority as he is able to “digest.” The more cynical and savvy the deputy, the deeper he penetrates into the personal life of the boss and, in essence, takes him hostage.

The fear of being captured by those whom they hired just yesterday forces managers to completely abandon the institution of deputies. The structured and streamlined nature of business processes, combined with modern means of communication, allows bosses to reduce staff numbers and keep their finger on the pulse of the company at any distance. “Personally, for me, the layer called “deputies” between me and the heads of departments only gets in the way,” says Stanislav Solodovnikov. “The flexibility and speed of decision-making directly depends on how fresh and objective information the manager receives. In my practice, the question of the need for a deputy has not yet got up - well-trained department heads are quite enough. In the event of my departure, I leave one of them in charge, which is an additional motivation for the employee and helps test his “strength.”

Dmitry Marishkin also regards the deputy’s position as “stillborn.” “Usually, a deputy appears when it is necessary to transfer quite serious powers, but it is scary to do this, since the person can leave his subordination or begin to tempt the management,” Marishkin shares his experience. “So he is appointed to a “inferior” position so that he does not think of anything unnecessary.” "In transparent structures, it is better to appoint managers in areas - for example, sales, purchasing, production, etc."

Be that as it may, the vast majority of managers regard the search for a trusted person as one of their main tasks. Everyone has ups and downs. And it’s easier to survive them when you know for sure that your back is reliably covered.

Give yourself a “free” schedule.

Coming to work much later than expected and leaving 2 hours earlier is the dream of every office employee. If your manager is often absent for some reason, your chances of turning your work schedule into a “free” schedule are very high, and creating a “sweet life” for yourself, so to speak. And why not, but you just need to do it competently, and why should you deny yourself such pleasures? The main thing is to be sure that your liberties do not catch the eye of your colleagues in the “shop” and none of the office employees will report your liberties to your returning manager. Option two - you can act as a team. If your boss has not left a deputy who will be responsible for the work in the office, including the employees’ schedule, you can easily distribute responsibilities among yourself, ensuring the operation of the office. For example, one employee comes to work on time, checks mail, answers calls, etc. And the second employee will stay at the workplace later, attend meetings, finish the working day, thereby, your office will work in full mode all day long , and you will be able to feel freedom.

If the absence of the boss is expected and you will be in the work movement without a boss for some time, you should worry in advance and clarify all the details of the department’s work that may arise in the absence of the boss at work, since in the absence of the manager on site there will no longer be such an opportunity.

The first thing that needs to be done is to find out all the priority tasks of the department during the absence of the boss, to clarify what possible risks and force majeure circumstances exist. Moreover, this will not prevent this from happening even to those calvings whose work is well established and does not require much control.

Warn the manager so that a deputy is appointed during his absence, and all responsibilities in the department are clearly distributed. And also inform related departments and colleagues about the new manager, even if it is nominal and temporary.

During the boss’s absence, controversial situations may arise, in which it will then be difficult to figure out who is right or wrong. We advise the new deputy to give instructions to his subordinates by email. This will indirectly help figure out if for some reason employees did not comply with the requirements. The new deputy will be able to confirm that everything was done on his part to ensure that the assigned tasks were completed.

Try not to bother your manager with useless calls during his absence. You can call your boss only in the most urgent situations. It is unlikely that he will be pleased to listen to your not always competent questions and give instructions on trifles during his vacation or business trip.

Use the absence of your boss to your advantage to increase your status in the eyes of your boss. Try to find the right solution for the current circumstances yourself. Moreover, we even recommend artificially creating a small emergency at the company and “skillfully” finding a way out of the situation. And upon the return of the Boss, skillfully present yourself as an excellent deputy who has solved a “complicated” issue of the company, on which the future of the company practically depends.

But sometimes really difficult situations arise that you cannot solve on your own, and you do not have such authority; in these cases, of course, you need to call your boss so as not to harm the company and, ultimately, yourself. In some cases, you can consult with the heads of neighboring departments. You must be extremely careful, because the boss will learn about your successes or failures from your colleagues. Try to make a good impression on everyone around you as much as possible; this fact may affect your future career.

If you have not received special powers from the boss, but really want to curry favor, you can work towards team unity, this will be noticed by the boss and you will be noted. You can also organize a joint discussion of matters and work schedule. To avoid any unrest in the team in the absence of the manager, you can, together with the active group, develop an action plan to assign daily tasks to office employees every day. This will make it easier for everyone, both you and your subordinates.

If this is your first time as a deputy and you cannot resolve the situation on your own, do not hesitate to ask for help from your senior colleagues, do not be afraid to admit to them that you need their help and support. This will have the same beneficial effect on your authority in the eyes of your employees and manager than if you make a wrong but independent decision. No matter how much you would like to look like an independent boss, it is still better to play it safe and turn to your colleagues for help, so as not to make a serious irreparable mistake for which you can pay with your career. This is an unjustified, unnecessary risk. Moreover, many managers try to keep their finger on the pulse and know everything that happens in the office in his absence. Therefore, you still shouldn’t show too much initiative in the absence of your boss, as they say: “initiative is punishable,” and don’t forget this either. It is worth observing the golden mean. You may have to select staff for the office during the boss’s absence. To avoid making a serious mistake, contact a recruitment agency, thereby transferring a difficult task to professionals.

In order to establish yourself as a reliable deputy, you need the boss to have a favorable impression of your work. To do this, you need to relieve your boss of the accumulated problems for the first time, try to resolve urgent issues yourself, do not dump all the problems on him at once. Give some time to adapt and get back into the swing of things after your vacation. If questions persist for a week, put them aside for later, let the boss calmly and without unnecessary fuss integrate into the realities of office life and get into the working rhythm. For this he will be extremely grateful to you and perhaps you will become an indispensable deputy!

This answer is actually extremely simple and obvious...

Why is a man ready to be with one woman, but absolutely not ready to be with another? This answer is actually extremely simple and obvious if we take the situation in its simplicity, without mental convolutions, mystical circumstances and historically established relationships. And this answer was given many years ago by my mother, who had trained her directness of expression and gravity of tone in the course of raising three sons alone. When one friend was worried that no one wanted to marry her, her mother said: “Because a wife is a help, not a burden. What kind of help are you? Just one burden. So no one takes it. Why would anyone need an extra burden in life?”

Discouraging and not very pleasant truth, but what to do? This is life, that's how it is.

Please keep in mind that “only an insurance policy can provide you with a guarantee.” In other words, I don’t know the recipe for “how a woman can tie a man to her forever,” and no one does. The plan may not work, circumstances may not work out, and happiness may not come.

So why do men choose some women and pass by others? Two simple rules - and both are important.

The first is apophatic.

Mom’s statement, I’ll tell you a big secret, is very true. After a rather short period of adolescence, when hormonal levels and teenage complexes work instead of the brain, a normal man suddenly learns that he does not need women. Well, not that they are not needed at all, but they are not his main life goal. Making a cool art project, winning a marathon or becoming a deputy general is more interesting than just attracting the attention of a beauty. In addition, all this ultimately has a more effective effect on the beauty than just “courtship.”

At some point, a man realizes that success in life, in principle, is not very determined by the length of his companion’s legs and the fat content of her borscht, although it is perfectly complemented by them. That the choice between a smart book and an obscure woman is much easier and more economical to make in favor of the book. That, in general, you can live even without sex, but you can’t live without money, friends or your favorite music.

The constant need for female support, female approval, female acceptance is a sign of a weak man. A womanizer in most cases is cowardly - and that is why he endlessly proves to himself and others that he is actually wow. But a normal man, I repeat, does not really need a woman as such. (In general, please remember that the phrase “I need you” is said by males who are prone to addiction. And he needs, as you already guessed, not you, but his mother and an object for approval.)

No, it’s better, of course, when there is a woman, even much better, especially if it’s the right woman. But a man’s main life tasks are somewhere else. Not because women are somehow worse than men, stupider, weaker. It's just the way the world works.

In the end, repeated observations confirm the opposite fact: as soon as a girl stops fooling herself with chasing men and worrying about their lack of attention, and finally begins to take care of herself and approach matrimonial issues purely technologically, then, as a rule, all her “problems in her personal life” are quickly and clearly resolved. A little beauty and a little sanity are enough with the right attitude in life.

Therefore, the first important rule is do not interfere with a man doing his business, or better yet, become a useful part of it. Don't be a burden to him. And it is not at all necessary to be a coach in his sport or an accountant in his company - it is much more important and useful, as practice shows, to inspire and support. As one writer said, the right woman accompanies a man to work as if he were going to war, and greets him from work as if from war, and the rest of the time she does not pay any attention to him.

The second rule, oddly enough, contradicts the first in many ways: be yourself. When getting involved in other people's affairs, do not get lost in them. Do not try to play any game “for him” except in special cases. Besides the fact that such games are tedious, they also do not provide long-term effects. More precisely: you can live on games, on adaptability, on naked “this is how it should be” and “this is how it’s supposed to be done,” on artificially created tension and invented feelings for quite a long time - but only for those who somewhere deceive themselves or do not understand themselves.

Roughly speaking, an alcoholic will never leave a codependent savior, and a womanizer will never leave the one who “decided not to notice anything.” And in general, a marriage on the verge of divorce is the strongest, and there is nothing more stable in the world than indifference.

But if you start to adapt, cheating on yourself, then an adequate man will instantly feel the tension or manipulation - and quite naturally he will begin to break out of the uncomfortable relationship, and this will not end well.

Because a normal person, regardless of gender, distinguishes deep relationships from functional ones. A person needs a person, and the performer of the social role (“combat friend”, “lover”, “comforter”, “everyday partner”, “object of care” and so on) is not so difficult to change. Including the performer of the role of the wife. Only the genuine is irreplaceable, eternal.

True, authenticity will have to be paid for with instability: living things tend to evolve. But this is a small price to pay. Because in addition to the chance to not just be around for a long time, you will get the opportunity to live with your loved one, and not just “interact more or less successfully.”