The best baby soap in terms of composition. Skin care! Baby soap for newborns: features of choice

The little man has sensitive and delicate skin. That is why you need to take the choice of baby soap for him very seriously. And this, at times, is a very difficult task.

On store shelves we can see just a huge amount of baby soap in bright wrappers. But how to choose exactly what will not cause an allergic reaction or irritation in a child?

Baby soap composition according to GOST

The most important thing is to pay attention to the composition. It must meet the following requirements:

  1. moisturize
  2. do not cause allergies
  3. soften
  4. be harmless if the soap gets into your mouth
  5. do not irritate eyes
  6. absorb quickly

All these requirements were taken into account when drawing up the document GOST 28546-2002. It perfectly lists all the criteria and technical conditions for making toilet soap.
A good baby soap should include:

  • animal fats,
  • vegetable oils,
  • glycerin/lanolin,
  • boric acid,
  • fatty acids,
  • spermaceti,
  • beeswax,
  • as well as various plant extracts.

If baby soap is bactericidal, then it should contain triclosan and triclocarban. Natural baby soap should be free of synthetic acids, dyes, and all kinds of fragrances.

Each component in baby soap has its own purpose. Vegetable oils, glycerin, lanolin and boric acid have a softening effect. Bactericidal effect - triclosan and triclocarban. Vaseline and chamomile extract have a moisturizing effect. Beeswax perfectly nourishes baby's skin. According to GOST, it is allowed to add plant extracts to baby soap. For example, in order for soap to have a wound-healing and soothing effect, fir extract is added to it. And calendula, sage and St. John's wort have excellent anti-inflammatory properties.

Now many people are switching to baby soap. And they can be understood, because it is much better than the usual cosmetic one. Baby soap does not contain substances that can cause allergies. And it contains a minimum of fragrances, chemicals, and dyes. To create it, natural fats and plant extracts are used. It is also worth paying attention to pH. For children's soap it is 7-8. This value is almost neutral.

Unfortunately, now you can find a huge number of fakes on the market and in stores. And you need to be prepared for this. So, what you should pay attention to in order not to buy a fake:

  1. Best before date. Natural baby soap has a shelf life of 1-1.5 years.
  2. pH indicator. It should be 7-8, no more.
  3. Compound. There should be no synthetic additives, active perfumes or dyes.
  4. Pay attention to the location of the active components in the composition. There is a rule: the more of a given substance in a cosmetic product, the higher in the list it will be indicated. And if many different components come first, and the plant extract is listed last, then its content in the soap will be minimal. A good baby soap shouldn't have this.
  5. Aroma. In high-quality baby soap it is either very weak or absent altogether. If the soap emits a sharp and bright smell, it is a fake.

Baby soap is recommended for use almost from birth. But with adult cosmetic soap it is better to wait. It can be used from 10 years of age. But now many adults actively use baby soap. it became especially popular with the development

Already in the last weeks of pregnancy, the expectant mother begins to think about the shopping list for her newborn. Of course, first of all, a crib, stroller, changing table, clothes and other items are selected to provide comfort and convenience for mother and child. But few people think that in addition to pacifiers, bottles and diapers, you also need to carefully select children's cosmetics. Good creams, oils and bath products should be high on every mom-to-be's list.

You should select soap with special attention, because children's skin differs significantly from adult skin in many respects, so parents need to think about purchasing high-quality cosmetics for their baby in a timely manner.

In this article we will analyze the optimal composition of baby soap, help you decide on the selection criteria and consider the best products for your child.

Features of the delicate skin of a newborn

There is an opinion that most of the newfangled products, such as children's shampoos, shower gels, washing powders, conditioners and many other products marked “intended for children” are produced with the aim of making money. Until now, many are sure that children's products are no different in composition from adults. But this is absolutely not true. Children's products undergo more thorough quality control than adults and have a special composition without sulfates and parabens, which does not harm delicate skin.

Some doctors do not recommend using any products during the first week after birth, since the baby’s skin is still very sensitive and thin, so it should be washed in ordinary or preferably boiled water. And then you can use soap. The child’s face is wiped with cotton pads soaked in cool boiled water.

So, let's look at the reasons why you still need to give preference to baby care products for newborns.

First of all, you should take into account the fact that children's skin is incredibly thin and very sensitive to all external factors. Accordingly, such skin requires especially gentle and gentle care.

Another feature of children's skin is the unregulated functioning of the sebaceous and sweat glands, which are responsible for creating an invisible protective film over the child's epidermis and guaranteeing its safety. In addition to the fact that this layer is very thin, it is also washed off quite easily if you use rough soap, as a result of which the skin becomes vulnerable. Children's products not only carefully wash the skin, but also do not harm the functioning of the glands and do not wash off the protective film, taking good care of the baby.

Since the epidermis of a newborn actively promotes gas exchange, it needs good but gentle cleaning so as not to block the process in some areas and not worsen the child’s condition.

Children's products are developed taking into account all the characteristics of newborn skin; they gently cleanse and do not dehydrate the epidermis, providing an optimal level of hydration and without washing off the protective layer.

It is important for every parent to know that under no circumstances should you wash your child or wash his clothes with laundry soap. Despite the fact that it has excellent cleansing properties, this soap has a high alkali content and can greatly dry out the baby's skin, which can cause irritation, itching and allergies. Therefore, this is far from the best soap for newborns.


Manufacturers provide several types of baby wash products, each with its own benefits.

The most common type of baby soap is liquid. Its composition is as safe as possible, so it is well suited for newborns. You can use it every day, it will not harm the baby’s delicate skin. Liquid soap, also known as shower gel, does not dry out the skin and does not cause itching or an allergic reaction and is very gentle.

The advantage of this type of product is that, as a rule, they have very convenient bottles with a dispenser, which provide optimal dosage and do not require additional help if you have a child in one hand and wash him with the other.

The next most popular is cream soap, which contains ingredients such as lanolin and glycerin. These ingredients help moisturize, soften the skin and relieve inflammation. These products are also great for daily use.

But some of them contain fragrances that can cause an allergic reaction, so you should carefully study the composition of such products before purchasing.

Standard bar soap once upon a time it was the only means for bathing not only adults, but also children, but with the advent of more gentle products it was relegated to the background. It perfectly cleanses the skin, creates a good protective layer, but due to the fact that it dries out the epidermis, it can only be used once a week and only after the child reaches one month. It should be noted that this product is ideal for washing hands after a walk or before eating.

Also, solid soap will be an ideal product for washing children's clothes; its composition is more gentle and suitable for children's skin than washing powders, even for children.

Another subtype of these products is soap with a variety of additional ingredients in the form of chamomile, aloe, fir, sage and other extracts that have their own properties. Such products soothe, relieve itching, reduce diaper rash and generally have a beneficial effect on the skin. But if the baby’s skin is too sensitive, you should still avoid using such soap so as not to cause irritation again.

In general, it is advisable to use this type when the baby reaches two or even three months.

How to choose

Before purchasing this or that type of soap, you should pay attention to certain details that will help you choose the optimal and most suitable product for you, because each child is individual. First of all, there should be an inscription on the packaging indicating that this product is intended specifically for children. Even products for sensitive skin, but intended for adults, can harm the baby, so you should only purchase products adapted for the skin of newborns.

Please read the product packaging carefully. Each product must indicate the age of the child from which it can be used, the expiration date, and the composition. Try to buy soap labeled "hypoallergenic" or "HA". This product will definitely not cause skin irritation. Perhaps the bottle will contain a note about the environmental friendliness of the product. Such labels are issued only in the case of a truly pure composition without silicones, parabens or dyes. As a rule, these are the following inscriptions: “Ecocert”, “Icea”, “Natrue” and “Cosmos Organic”, “BDIH”.

It is advisable that the liquid soap be completely transparent, since a composition that is too rich or thick may indicate the presence of a large number of fragrances or dyes. Also pay attention to the smell - it should not be too strong or intrusive.

Ingredients such as glycine, lanolin and vegetable oil are considered safe, so there is no need to worry if they are included in soap. Additional ingredients in the form of plant extracts should be selected depending on the child’s skin.

For example, soap with chamomile or celandine is suitable for very sensitive skin prone to diaper rash. This product will moisturize the skin and maintain a protective layer, as well as soften it. Sage, eucalyptus and calendula extracts are good for relieving irritation or inflammation.

Avocado extract does a great job with peeling, and plantain with small scratches. Lavender or fir oil promotes relaxation and ensures a restful night's sleep for your baby. Honey tones the skin well.

You don't have to buy soap in a store; you can make it at home yourself. A natural, handmade product is always of higher quality than a factory-made one.

For swimming

For bathing a child, it is better to buy liquid or cream soap. Both products have a gentle composition that will have a beneficial effect on the skin even with daily use.

Liquid soaps from such domestic brands as "Spring" or "Eared Nanny". They have a wide line of baby care products. As a rule, all products from these companies are hypoallergenic and suitable for babies with sensitive skin. Leading among European brands Weleda. The products of this brand are of high quality and have a completely natural and safe composition, suitable for children from the very first weeks.

Another Russian brand is Little Siberica- this is one of the few labels with a European quality certificate. All the company's cosmetics are absolutely safe and have a natural composition. Bunchen, Sanosan and Johnson's baby They also produce wonderful hypoallergenic products that can be used from the first days of the baby.

For washing things

For washing children's clothes and linen, it is better to choose solid soap. It perfectly removes stains from fabrics and disinfects them. Solid soap is much better for washing newborn clothes than baby powders. Excellent soaps at affordable prices and with good composition are produced by democratic Russian brands "Spring" and "Eared Nanny".

For washing

Some children, especially those whose skin is prone to redness, need to be washed more often than usual. For this, it is recommended to use cream soap, since it has a softer composition that does not injure the skin and not only cleanses it, but also moisturizes it. Excellent cream soaps are produced Johnson's baby, Sanosan and Bubchen. These products gently care for your baby's skin and prevent diaper rash.

The birth of a child is a holiday. However, with the birth of a baby, parents have new worries that they have not had to deal with before. In order for the baby to be calm and not capricious, it is recommended to bathe him every day. Almost all children are delighted with this procedure. But parents are faced with a choice of which baby soap is best to use. After all, a newborn’s skin is very sensitive and can be easily damaged, causing allergic reactions.

There are a lot of requirements for baby soap. It’s probably no secret to anyone that its composition differs from the usual one. The health of the baby will depend on the right choice.

Until one year old, a newborn's skin is very delicate, so doctors do not recommend using baby soap often (photos of the products can be seen in the article), but it is impossible to do without it completely.

Product range for newborns

Nowadays, purchasing cosmetics for your baby is not a problem. This type of product is widely represented in every specialized store and large supermarkets. If parents need qualified help and clarification, they can contact pharmacies, which also have a wide range of products.

Let's look at what types of baby soap for newborns there are:

  • solid - a classic option, familiar to everyone from childhood;
  • liquid - a modern look, widely represented in the collection of children's cosmetics;
  • creamy - somewhat reminiscent of hard soap, but more elastic;
  • antibacterial - manufactured in different forms, the peculiarity lies in some components.

So, when you come to buy, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with the options offered. First of all, you need to carefully study the information presented on the packaging. Each manufacturer indicates the age category for which the product is intended.

Composition of baby soap

As you know, any type of soap consists of four main components:

  • humectants;
  • detergents;
  • caregivers;
  • flavorings.

The peculiarity lies in the ratio of these components.

The main substances in cosmetics for newborns are caring substances. Detergents are presented in a minimal percentage. Typically these are soap nut or root extracts. No manufacturer uses them in their pure form, so baby soap also contains chemical additives. However, for this type of product the most gentle components are selected.

Note: the highest content of detergents is found in solid soap.

Caring components

Thanks to the addition of various extracts that care for the baby's skin, the soap does not cause irritation or allergic reactions. In order to purchase such products, you need to check the composition for the presence of the following herbs:

  • chamomile;
  • calendula;
  • sequences;
  • St. John's wort.

It is also very important that the soap contains different oils and creams that nourish the skin. In order to check its naturalness, you just need to smell it: a high-quality cosmetic product has a neutral smell and is also white, less often creamy.

Note: the highest percentage of caring substances is found in solid, liquid and cosmetic baby soap.


As a rule, the price of a product speaks volumes. For example, the cheapest baby soap (reviews from young mothers are direct proof of this) has a variety of colors, as well as a pronounced smell. What can the use of such products lead to? This question is asked by most parents. First of all, it is irritation accompanied by a burning sensation. Allergies may also occur due to chemical additives, which are very harmful to the newborn. By the way, this particular soap contains them in large quantities. It is interesting that manufacturers write the ingredients on the packaging in such small letters that it is simply impossible to read. Until the age of five, the use of such cosmetics is strictly prohibited. However, even when a child reaches this age, we need to think about it, because the health of our children is in our hands.

Features of baby soap

Many children's doctors have come to the general opinion that using soap for up to a year is not at all advisable. It is better to replace it with special gels or foams with a neutral pH level. Its recommended value is from 7 to 10. However, many do not really trust newfangled products, so they still choose baby soap. In this case, parents need to familiarize themselves with all the components that should be contained in the product.

Below is a list of substances that have a specific effect on the skin:

  • nutritious - wax and honey;
  • emollient - glycerin, lanolin, oils;
  • anti-inflammatory - chamomile, oak bark, sage, eucalyptus, calendula.

Every parent should know these components in order to protect their baby from unpleasant consequences.

Solid soap

The most significant disadvantage of solid soap is the destruction of the protective film. At the time when it begins to interact with water, a chemical process occurs, thanks to which an alkaline solution is formed. It is this reaction that leads to a violation of the integrity of the film, to restore which the body spends a lot of internal moisture. And its lack leads to severely dry skin.

In order to avoid such consequences, it is recommended to use baby soap for newborns no more than once a week.

Cream soap

A type of solid soap is cream. It is more gentle on the baby's skin, thanks to some softening components included in its composition (glycerin, vegetable oils, lanolin). It is worth noting that such baby soap provides more gentle care, and skin cleansing occurs without injury. As a rule, it contains the necessary herbs, which, in turn, are anti-inflammatory. This is what helps prevent irritation on the baby’s skin. Reviews from young mothers about cream soap are only positive, and many of them allow us to conclude that such products do not cause allergic reactions.

Liquid soap

The best baby soap, according to pediatricians, is liquid. It is recommended to use it until the age of three. As a rule, manufacturers of children's cosmetics add the smallest percentage of detergents to the composition, and this, in turn, makes it the most gentle. Also, its indisputable advantage is the fact that liquid soap is much easier to wash off than other types, and does not sting the eyes.

A special dispenser allows you to minimize the interaction of the product with the external environment, due to which it not only does not come into contact with dirt, but also does not enter into various chemical reactions.

When purchasing liquid soap, it is very important to carefully read the composition. High-quality products should contain milk, nourishing cream, and natural oils. They are the ones who are able to completely neutralize the negative effects of detergent components.

Antibacterial soap

Antibacterial baby soap contains components such as triclocarban and triclosan. What makes them special? These substances are able to completely remove all microorganisms from the surface of the skin. However, their effect extends not only to pathogenic ones, but also to protective ones. Therefore, under no circumstances should you use such soap every day, as this will significantly reduce the skin's ability to fight harmful bacteria. It is recommended to use it only in the presence of traumatic wounds: cuts, abrasions, scratches, etc.

We check the quality. Children's cosmetics must be certified. Do not hesitate to ask to see documents for the products confirming their quality.

Pay attention to reviews. Each child’s body, of course, is individual, but if soap caused allergic reactions in five out of ten children, then it’s better not to risk it.

Never forget about testing. When purchasing products from a new manufacturer, be sure to test the skin reaction on a small area.

Any soap is based on sodium salts of fatty acids of natural or artificial origin, glycerin, detergents and water. By adding special synthetic components, the production of soap is accelerated, it becomes soapier and lathers better, so it is purchased more often. Chemical dyes and fragrances make it even more attractive to. But these ingredients are harmful to the skin and can be dangerous. This soap dries and irritates the skin, leading to peeling and the formation of dermatitis. These components are not added to baby soap; it contains only salts of animal fats - pork, beef or fats, glycerin, water.

Alkali is very harmful for children's skin, so the main difference between baby soap and regular soap is a different pH level, that is, an indicator of acidity. In baby soap it is only 7-8 - this is a more acidic and less alkaline environment compared to regular soap with pH values ​​up to 10.

This soap, upon contact with water, forms an almost neutral solution that does not injure the protective fatty film that covers the child’s skin.

Also, components that soften the baby’s skin are added to baby soap: lanolin, vegetable oils, boric acid. Chamomile extract or petroleum jelly in some types of soap prevents the skin from drying out, while honey and beeswax nourish and tone. There is soap with anti-inflammatory additives - herbs of eucalyptus, sage, thyme, calendula.

Sometimes children's soap differs from ordinary soap in its appearance: manufacturers try to give it a more interesting shape, make animal figures from soap or pour liquid soap into bright bottles.

Types of baby soap

Not every baby soap can be called completely safe for a child. Solid soap is more alkaline than liquid or cream soap. The concentration of substances in children's liquid soap is lower, so it has the most gentle effect and is easily washed off. Cream soap contains additional softening components.

When choosing soap for a child, you need to not only decide on the type, but also on the manufacturer. Any hygiene product must undergo clinical trials, which is expensive for companies. Therefore, choose products only from well-known manufacturers, this is a guarantee of higher quality. Always read the ingredients and check the pH level.

Before you wash your child with purchased baby soap for the first time, test for an allergic reaction: apply foam to a small area of ​​skin, rinse thoroughly and observe this area for several days.

When choosing soap for newborns, you need to consider many factors. What is a common hygiene product for an adult may turn out to be an allergen for a baby.

We must not forget that the skin of babies is extremely thin and hypersensitive, so caring for it must be very careful. It is worth considering that in this case you can only use baby soap. Even the most hypoallergenic and mild, but not adapted compositions can provoke a negative reaction from an organism that is not yet perfect.

Features of infants' skin that influence the choice of cosmetics

Contrary to popular belief, baby soap and other hygiene products for babies are not just a marketing ploy by manufacturers, but a completely justified necessity. Such products are better suited for newborns for a number of reasons:

  1. The unusually thin stratum corneum of the epidermis is characterized by increased vulnerability. When compared with the indicators of an adult, the thickness of the skin of an infant is three times less.
  2. The work of the sweat and sebaceous glands has not yet been fully regulated. The protective layer created by their secretion is still very thin and is easily washed off.
  3. At the same time, the baby’s skin needs daily and high-quality cleaning, because... takes an active part in gas exchange (10 times more intense than in an adult). Violation of the process immediately affects the condition of the newborn.
  4. Depending on which detergent is used, the thickness of the protective layer on the surface of the skin is regulated, which affects the production of melanin by tissues. Aggressive products leave the epidermis defenseless against ultraviolet radiation.

Manufacturers of children's cosmetics took into account all the problematic issues and developed formulation options that are ideal for children. But even here it is necessary to understand which product is better in which case, for what purpose and how it should be used.

Types of soap for babies and their features

Baby soap can be divided into three large groups according to consistency, properties and type of effect:

  • Solid. As a result of exposure to water, it forms a dense and abundant foam and has an alkaline reaction. Dries out the baby's skin, stimulating the attraction of moisture from the deeper layers. Contrary to popular belief, this product must be purchased for a child, but it should be used on the entire body no more than once a week. In addition, this baby soap is best used for washing hands after a walk and before eating.

Advice: It is solid soap, and not various powders, that is recommended to be used for washing children's clothes if there is significant contamination. Its composition is not so aggressive, adapted for children's skin, does not cause allergic reactions, even if the product is not completely washed out of the fabric.

  • Liquid. The most gentle hygienic product, usually with a convenient dispenser and a pleasant aroma. It does not dry the skin, does not cause irritation, and at the same time cleans the surface well. The liquid product is so gentle that it can even be used to systematically wash the baby.
  • Cream soap. It can have a liquid or solid state, depending on the composition it has additional properties (moisturizing, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial). It must contain lanolin, glycerin or a similar emollient component. Manufacturers often add fragrances to these products; special attention should be paid to this if you do not want your baby to develop allergies.

Pediatricians believe that it is better to take care of the availability of all the listed products, then it will be possible to provide the child with the necessary care depending on the condition of his skin, its characteristics and needs.