DIY paper firebird: phoenix bird using quilling technique. Quilling master class: Royal bird How to glue quilling parts small birds

To create a quilling painting, a master class with step-by-step photos is perfect, because in it we will clearly show how quilling elements are made and beautiful compositions are formed. So, stock up on all the materials, set aside some time - let's get started! Our painting will be called “Bird of Paradise” and will consist of basic quilling elements.

Bird of paradise

The image of birds is widely used in crafts of various subjects, but in quilling paintings this is perhaps the most common subject due to the similarity of paper curls to bird feathers. Well, the bird of paradise has a special meaning in quilling! And in today’s master class we will make a beautiful, unusual picture with a bright fairy-tale bird from ordinary strips of double-sided colored paper and reflect the whole process in step-by-step photos. So - beginners, masters, experienced - join us! By the way, we have another one, the creation process of which is no less interesting.

Creating a quilling painting “Bird of Paradise”

So, first, let's prepare the necessary material. We will need:

  • colored paper strips for quilling;
  • toothpick or awl;
  • glue;
  • base for the picture (you can use regular cardboard);
  • scissors.

In the first step we make the bird's head. To do this, take a lilac strip and wrap it around a toothpick into a tight roll. Carefully remove, loosen a little between your fingers and press on one side, forming a drop.

Making a “drop”

Twist the free ends of the paper ribbon onto a toothpick and glue the bird's head inside, forming a beak. For the bird's eye, take a small piece of yellow strip, twist the roll and, loosening it a little, press it on both sides and glue it. Insert the eye into the teardrop, which will serve as the bird's head. In quilling paintings, it is important to observe the schematic ratio of the proportions of the depicted character, so be careful when taking the master class and check the step-by-step photos. Although no one has yet canceled fantasy! 😉

Glazik and “Iroquois”

To make the body of the bird, take two pink and lilac strips, glue the ends together and roll them into a roll. We dissolve it and form a droplet.

Making the bird's body

Take a piece of cardboard or a beautiful base for our bird of paradise quilling painting.

Basis for the painting

And now, in a place chosen in advance, we glue first the head, and then the body of the bird from quilling elements.

Gluing the parts

In order to make a bird's tail quilling, we need to cut several strips of different colors and roll them into rolls, not completely and without gluing. Then carefully glue it to the body of the bird.

Glue the tail

So that our quilling picture is not empty, we will make a twig. In general, a tree branch has a special symbolism and signifies vitality and energy. Here you can make an association with the tree of paradise, and our bright one speaks for itself.

However, let's return to our master class and step-by-step photos. Glue a brown paper strip under the bird's body and decorate it with small diamond leaves. They are made in the same way as droplets, but are sharpened on both sides.

Preparing leaves from rolls Glue a twig with leaves

Next, we’ll decorate the right corner of the quilling painting with a stylized flower made of concave and regular droplets. And the top left will be decorated with colored paper curls. We also decorate with beads and paper bows, as we did earlier in.

Our quilling painting in the master class with step-by-step photos is ready! You can use it as an original interior decor. You can put it on the table. Or you can give it to friends. This will be a great gift for any occasion. How to make a voluminous quilling bird - see the video below.

If you want your friends to know about this bird of paradise, click on the social media buttons. And in order to keep up to date with the latest changes on the site, subscribe to our RSS feed. I hope the master class was useful to you. See you!

We offer a detailed master class on the firebird using quilling techniques for everyone who wants to master the art of creating crafts from twisted paper spirals. Forming a fairy-tale hero with your own hands using the quilling technique will be interesting for adults and children. A painting or panel depicting a firebird will harmoniously fit into the style of any interior.

Tools and materials for quilling Firebird

First, a sketch and color scheme for the future composition are selected. You can draw the diagram yourself or find a ready-made magic bird template on the Internet and print it on a sheet of paper that will serve as the background of the picture.

The base paper is white and colored. Considering that the Firebird will be bright and multi-colored, it is better to choose a base in darker and more restrained colors. The firebird will stand out well against a black or blue background.

The next stage will be the production of the main elements of the composition.

To create a bird we will need the following figures:

  • spiral (tight and loose);
  • crescent;
  • drop;
  • rhombus;
  • triangle;
  • curl;
  • eye.

To complete the above elements you will need the following tools and materials:

  • colored cardboard for the base;
  • quilling paper (red, pink, orange, yellow, blue, cyan, green);
  • tool for rolling rolls;
  • sample;
  • glue.

Having made the required number of blanks, we begin to design the composition by gluing the parts along the outline of the sketch. You can stack the elements in tiers, so the picture will acquire additional volume. Natural materials such as feathers, leaves and shells will add uniqueness to the craft. By adding them, you will make the composition come alive.

Create a quilling bird of happiness

We also suggest that you consider this option for creating a firebird.
Step-by-step photo description of the process:

Video: Master class on making a firebird in quilling style

Birds of Happiness Patterns

Quilling- This is an interesting activity, it has many fans among both children and adults. Products using this technique do not require a lot of tools for production. They are very beautiful and easy to make. In this master class you will learn how to make an owl from the “Owl Birds” series using paper and glue. The product can be used as earrings, a pendant or as a keychain.

To create a miracle you will need:

- scissors,
- paper of the required colors,
- accessories for the product you want to make.

The paper should be thin strips, 5 mm wide.

Let's get to work.

1. Making the head for the owl.

1.1. We twist a yellow strip 15 cm long. First we twist it tightly, then we release it, as in the photo
Roll brown on top (2-3 layers).
1.2. Take a white strip (0.5 cm) and twist it, then yellow (3 layers) and brown (1 layer). These will be the eyes.
1.3. We twist 2 brown strips of 1.5 cm each, let them go and make the shape of a curved droplet using our fingers. You can take paper with a width of 3 mm.
1.4. Let's make a composition. On a large stake we glue the eyes, then the ears, these are brown “droplets”. We coat everything generously with glue.

2. Making the torso.

2.1. We take a yellow strip - 25 cm and a brown strip - 20-15 cm.
We combine them, twist them, let them go. Fix with glue.
2.2. We take four strips of 15-20 cm each of yellow and the same brown. We combine yellow with brown, twist, form droplets. These are wings.

3. Making a composition.

3.1. Glue the head to a large circle. Then glue the wings symmetrically.
3.2. On top of the head, glue a circle, it is so that there is a place for fastening accessories.
3.3. We coat everything generously with glue. You can use 3-5 layers, you just need to wait until each one dries.
3.4. We cover it with acrylic varnish (you don’t have to do this) for a better appearance.
3.5 The product is ready, wear it with pleasure!

Visual master classes of different birds from strips of paper:

Master class with step-by-step photos. Working with paper.

Craft using quilling technique. Master class “Small Birds”

Vera Aleksandrovna Orekhova, teacher, MBDOU “General developmental kindergarten No. 125”, Voronezh
Description: This master class is intended for middle and older children
school age, additional education teachers, educators and simply creative people.
Purpose: gift, interior decoration.
Making crafts using the quilling technique.
Introduce the basic elements and techniques of quilling;
Develop eye and fine motor skills;
Develop creative imagination and thinking;
Develop compositional and aesthetic feelings, a sense of beauty;
Cultivate accuracy, patience, perseverance in work;
Cultivate the habit of bringing the work started to its logical conclusion;
Cultivate interest in arts and crafts.

A little about quilling.
Quilling Quite an ancient art. Today it is experiencing another revival. Referred to by different names: paper rolling, paper mosaic, paper filigree. It is called quilling because the paper was originally rolled by wrapping it around a large bird feather, translated into English as Quill.
Currently quilling It is widespread in both the West and the East, and is also actively being introduced in various regions of our country as a type of applied creativity for children and adults.
What attracts us so much to this activity?
Handmade is becoming an increasingly fashionable hobby. Any thing, postcard or toy made with your own hands is much more valuable than something bought in a store: not only effort and skill are put into making such gifts, but also a piece of the soul.
Quilling is becoming increasingly popular. It is no coincidence that many people of different ages and professions are interested in this art. In Korea, for example, quilling is even included in the school curriculum. This technique develops fine motor skills, calms, and relieves stress. In addition, it is useful for the development of spatial imagination and, finally, simply for self-expression.

Small bird
Pecks the grains
And to your kids
Carries it to the nest.
Small bird
Sits high.
Small bird
It flies far.
A small bird
We can't catch it.
Better than this bird
Invite us to visit.

Materials and tools required for work:
1. Cardboard base;
2. Quilling strips 3 mm wide and 30 cm long;
3. PVA glue;
4. Ruler-stencil;

Step-by-step process for completing the work:

Let's prepare a cardboard base.

Let's start by making leaves.
1. Drop.
We wind the green stripes onto a toothpick, then unravel them in a stencil ruler to the desired diameter.
Glue the tip of the strip and squeeze it on one side, forming an acute angle.

2. Curved drop.
We make a drop and bend its corner.

3. Heart.
Make a drop and use your fingernail or the end of a toothpick to press the corner into the round part. It turns out to be a heart.
I would like to note that we open the rolls in diameter from 12mm to 15mm, so that the leaves are of different sizes.
The heart part is made from two or three strips and you can also make rolls of different diameters.

We prepare the required number of leaves.

Let's do twigs.
Fold the paper strip in half. Connect and glue the fold and ends of the strip together. Press the opposite end so that the folded strips are a short distance from each other. Multilayer strips are made from strips of paper of different lengths, depending on the size of the element needed.

Glue the twigs and leaves onto the cardboard base.

For the first bird we make the following details:
1. A curved drop of two red stripes. We will need 3 parts of different sizes (open one roll with a diameter of 17 mm, the second with a diameter of 16 mm, and the third with a diameter of 14 mm).

2. A curved drop of two stripes. Glue the red and yellow strips together. We will need 2 parts of different sizes (we open one roll with a diameter of 14 mm, the second with a diameter of 15 mm).

3. Arrow. We glue the red and yellow stripes together, twist them and unravel them with a diameter of 13 mm. Forming a heart. Then we squeeze the rounded parts towards each other, forming sharp corners. We need 1 part.

We make another detail, an arrow, from half a yellow strip.

The second bird is made from similar parts.
The only difference: we will replace one part of two stripes of red and yellow in the form of a curved drop with a part month.
Glue the red and yellow strips together, twist and unroll the roll with a diameter of 13 mm, compress the corners and give it the shape of a month.

Details for the second bird.

We collect and glue our birds.

Making a part accordion Fold the paper strip into equal parts, alternating “towards you” and “away from you”. We need one fourth of the strip.

Glue it.
This is what we got.

Oh, girls, I did it again!
This time I found a new use for fringe - to edge the feathers on the peacock's tail with it. Well, if there is a tail, then there will be a peacock itself!

This is the royal bird I got. I really like the work. I did it in one go. Yesterday I prepared everything, and this morning I collected everything and present it to your attention.

Traditional MK. I hope I haven’t bothered you yet with my lessons!
I prepared stripes for medium-sized feathers: blue-violet (30 cm and 10 cm), yellow-green (30 cm each), dark yellow (30 cm) and fringe (10 cm length, 7-8 mm width). For large feathers, I added a strip of light purple color (30 cm) and a fringe 1 cm wide. For small ones, I reduced it: yellow-green, took 15 cm each and blue, also 15 cm, fringe 5 mm wide.

You can read more about how to make rolls in the article

Wrapped it with a yellow-green stripe.

And gluing fringe is a whole science. In general, everything is in TC. Look at anything you don’t understand and ask.

Sketch of the work. These are sketches for myself, so to speak, so I didn’t try, sorry.

Trying on the tail.

Everything is ready for the peacock!

The most “delicious” and exciting stage is assembling the background. I tinted the background with pastels and covered it with yellow organza. The photo, unfortunately, does not convey the resulting effect.

We start gluing the tail from the bottom.
The photo distorted all the colors!

That's it, the work is ready!

The royal bird has a frame to match!

Oh! My husband hasn’t seen it yet and doesn’t know how much it costs, but I won’t tell you!! The less he knows, the more he sleeps. We must take care of our men!

The bird is closer.

Thanks to everyone who stopped by.