Distance from the liquid fuel warehouse to the boiler room. E.A

The need for backup or emergency fuel for a boiler house is due to the objective need to ensure uninterrupted operation of the boiler house in the event of a shutdown or non-supply of the main fuel. To fulfill this task, an irreducible supply of reserve (emergency) fuel is created at the boiler house in accordance with regulatory documents. The documents regulating the need for reserve fuel for boiler houses are:

  • Rules for the technical operation of thermal power plants, approved by Order of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation dated March 24, 2003 No. 115, (clause 4.1.1);
  • Rules for the use of gas and the provision of gas supply services in the Russian Federation were approved by Decree of the Government of Russia of May 17, 2002 No. 137, (clause 49);
  • SNiP II-35-76 “Boiler installations”, approved by Resolution of the State Committee of the USSR Council of Ministers for Construction Affairs dated December 31, 1976 No. 229, (clause 4.1);
  • SP 89.13330.2012 “Boiler installations”. Updated version of SNiP II-35-76”, approved by Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated June 30, 2012 No. 281, (clause 4.5).

The type of fuel and its classification: primary, and, if necessary, emergency, is established taking into account the category of the boiler room, based on local operating conditions, and is determined in agreement with the regional authorized authorities.


When constructing boiler houses in which diesel is the main or backup fuel, special attention is paid to the diesel fuel storage park, since the safety of the entire facility, the uninterrupted fuel supply of the boiler house, and therefore the heat supply and hot water supply to Consumers depend on it.

Liquid fuel storage parks are designed in accordance with SP 89.13330.2012 "Boiler installations. Updated edition of SNiP II-35-76", as well as other standards* regulating the explosion and fireproof operation of groups of horizontal and vertical tanks, oil depots, oil storage facilities, petroleum product warehouses .

Construction of a diesel fuel storage park

The basis of the storage park are tanks for diesel fuel, which can be located both above ground and underground, depending on the design of the boiler house, its operating conditions and the requirements for explosion and fire safety of the facility.

The minimum number of tanks depends on whether diesel fuel is the main, emergency or reserve: if it is the main one, then there must be at least two tanks; if it is an emergency or backup, then it is permissible to install one.

The total capacity of the tank farm and the volume of each tank is calculated based on the power of the boiler room, the purpose of the fuel (main, emergency/backup), and the method of its delivery. Thus, the capacity of diesel fuel tanks as the main one should ensure autonomous fuel supply to the boiler room from 3 to 10 days; as a backup - within 2-3 days.

Depending on the volume of the storage park, tanks can be located either near the boiler room or at a distance. When placing an above-ground fuel storage warehouse near a boiler room, the tanks must be separated from the boiler room itself by a fire-resistant reinforced concrete wall.

Additionally, an intermediate supply tank with a volume of up to 1 m 3 can be installed inside the boiler room, from which fuel is supplied directly to the boiler. If the main tanks are located near the boiler room, and also if the boiler room’s power is no more than 10 MW, additional supply tanks do not need to be installed.

To supply fuel to the boiler room, two pumps are installed, one of which is a backup pump.

Composition of the fuel storage warehouse for diesel boiler houses produced by the GasSintez Plant Ⓡ

The diesel fuel storage fleet includes the following components:

  • above-ground or underground fuel storage tanks
  • supply tank (capacity) with a volume of up to 1 m 3
  • unloading area, which must have a slope to collect spilled fuel into an emergency spill tank
  • above ground fuel lines
  • shut-off valves
  • main and backup automatic suction pumps

The design of the fleet and the calculation of the volume of tanks are carried out by the Plant’s specialists on the basis of a Questionnaire or technical specifications.

We give an example of a completed project for a fuel storage park in.

Technical specifications for the design of a fuel storage warehouse

As a result of the calculations, three underground horizontal tanks each with a volume of 100 m 3 and one emergency fuel drain tank with a volume of 25 m 3 were manufactured.

Schematic diagram of the location of objects in a diesel boiler house with underground placement of tanks

*SP 155.13130.2014 "Warehouses of oil and petroleum products. Fire safety requirements"; VNTP 5-95 Standards for technological design of enterprises providing petroleum products (oil depots), etc.

Safety requirements for boiler installations →

Section Contents

In boiler rooms, closed tanks with a steam cushion should be provided to collect drainage from steam lines, condensate from steam-water heaters and heaters of the heating and ventilation system of the boiler room. When condensate collection tanks are located in or near the boiler room, all drainage should be directed to these tanks. At the same time, special drainage collection tanks are not provided in the boiler room [1].

In boiler rooms for open heating systems and in boiler rooms with installations for centralized hot water supply, as a rule, hot water storage tanks should be provided.

The selection of storage tanks is made in accordance with building codes and rules for the design of heating networks.

During the feasibility study, storage tanks may not be included.

As part of water treatment plants for the reuse of wash water after clarification filters, it is necessary to provide a tank and pumps for uniform supply of this water along with the sediment throughout the day to the lower part of the clarifier. The tank capacity must be designed to receive water from two washes.

To collect water after clarifiers, it is necessary to provide tanks with a capacity equal to the total capacity of the clarifiers. When using the indicated tanks and for washing clarification filters, the capacity of the tanks should be taken equal to the sum of the hourly productivity of the clarifiers and the water consumption for washing the two clarification filters.

Loosening of filter materials must be provided with rinsing water with the installation of a tank for each group of filters for different purposes. If it is impossible to place the tank at a height that ensures loosening, a pump should be installed. The useful capacity of the tank should be determined based on the amount of water required for one loosening wash.

The volume of the strong acid measuring tank should be determined from the condition of regeneration of one filter. The volume of supply tanks for the flocculant should be determined based on the shelf life of the solution stock of no more than 20 days.

The number of tanks for lime milk should be at least two. The concentration of lime milk in supply tanks must be no more than 5% of CaO.

The height of tanks for coagulant, table salt, soda ash and phosphates should be no more than 2 m, for lime - no more than 1.5 m. When loading and unloading reagents with mechanization, the height of the tanks can be increased: coagulant, table salt, soda ash and phosphates - up to 3.5 m, lime - up to 2.5 m. Deepening of tanks by more than 2.5 m is not allowed.

As a rule, “wet” storage warehouses should be provided for reagents. When reagent consumption is up to 3 tons per month, they can be stored dry in closed warehouses.

The flocculant must be stored in containers and at a temperature not lower than 5° C. The shelf life should be no more than 6 months.

The capacity of reagent storage warehouses should be taken upon delivery: by road transport - based on 10-day consumption; by rail - monthly consumption; through pipelines - daily flow. When delivering reagents by rail, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of receiving one wagon or tank; At the same time, at the time of unloading, a 10-day supply of reagents must be taken into account in the warehouse. The supply of reagents is determined based on the maximum daily consumption.

When designing reagent warehouses, one should take into account the possibility of their cooperation with the central warehouses of enterprises or regional operation services.

The capacity of tanks for “wet” storage of reagents should be taken at the rate of 1.5 m 3 per 1 ton of dry reagent. In tanks for “wet” storage of coagulant, it is necessary to provide a device for mixing the solution. When locating tanks for “wet” storage of reagents outside the building, devices must be provided to protect solutions from freezing.

Bunkers for solid fuel should be designed with a smooth internal surface and a shape that allows fuel to drain by gravity. The angle of inclination of the walls of receiving and transfer bunkers for coal should be at least 55°, for peat and smearable coal - at least 60°.

The angle of inclination of the walls of boiler bunkers and the conical part of silos , as well as overflow hoses and chutes for coal should be taken at least 60°, and for peat - at least 65°. The inside edges of bin corners should be rounded or chamfered. Coal and peat bunkers should be equipped with devices to prevent fuel from getting stuck.

The capacity of the bunkers (for each boiler) must provide the following fuel reserves according to the rated load of the boiler [7]:

  • for hard coals and AS……………………….. 8 hours;
  • for brown coals................................................... 5 hours;
  • for frestorf..................................................................... 3 hours.

Receiving tank capacity for liquid fuel delivered by rail, must ensure that in case of an emergency stop of the transfer pumps, fuel is received within 30 minutes. The tank capacity is calculated based on the standard drainage time in the summer.

To pump fuel from the receiving tank to the fuel storage facility, at least two pumps (both working) must be provided. The pump capacity is selected based on the amount of fuel drained into one unit and the standard drain time.

For fuel oil storage, reinforced concrete tanks (underground and above-ground with coating) should be provided. The use of steel tanks for storing fuel oil is permitted only with the permission of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation. Steel tanks should be provided for storing light fuel oil and liquid additives.

For above-ground metal tanks installed in areas with an average outdoor temperature of up to 9 ° C, thermal insulation made of non-combustible materials must be provided.

Table 10.4 Liquid fuel storage capacity depending on daily consumption should be taken according to table. 10.4.

Table 10.4. Standards for determining the size of liquid fuel storage capacity

Name and method of fuel delivery Liquid fuel storage capacity
1. Main and reserve, delivered by rail For 10-day consumption
2. The same, delivered by road transport For 5-day consumption
3. Emergency for gas-fired boiler houses, delivered by rail or road For 3-day consumption
4. Main, backup and emergency, delivered through pipelines For 2-day consumption
5. Kindling for boiler houses with a capacity of 100 Gcal/h and less Two tanks of 100 t each
6. The same for boiler houses with a capacity of more than 100 Gcal/h Two tanks of 200 t each
Note. Reserve is a liquid fuel intended for combustion over a long period along with gas during interruptions in its supply.

At least two tanks must be provided for storing main and reserve fuel. One tank may be installed to store emergency fuel.

The total capacity of tanks for storing liquid additives is determined by the conditions of their delivery (the capacity of railway or road tanks), but must be at least 0.5 of the capacity of the fuel oil storage facility. The number of tanks is accepted to be at least two.

For built-in and attached individual liquid fuel boiler houses, a fuel storage facility should be provided, located outside the boiler room and heated buildings, with a capacity calculated based on storage conditions of at least five-day fuel consumption determined for the mode corresponding to the heat load of the boiler room in the coldest month. The number of tanks is not limited.

The heating temperature of liquid fuel in railway tanks should be 40 - 30° C for fuel oil, 100 - 60° C for fuel oil, 10° C for light oil fuel . Heating of fuel delivered in automobile tanks is not provided. In receiving containers, trays and pipes through which fuel oil is discharged, devices should be provided to maintain the specified temperatures. In places where liquid fuel is taken from fuel storage tanks, the temperature of fuel oil grade 40 must be maintained at least 60 ° C, fuel oil grade 100 must be at least 80 ° C, light oil fuel must be at least 10 ° WITH .

To heat fuel in railway tanks, steam at a pressure of 6-10 kgf/cm 2 should be used. To heat fuel oil in heaters, fuel storage tanks, receiving tanks and drain trays, steam with a pressure of 6-10 kgf/cm2 or high-temperature water with a temperature of at least 120 C can be used.

For liquid fuel in built-in and attached boiler houses, if it is necessary to heat it in external containers, the coolant of the same boiler houses is used.

To maintain the temperature of fuel oil in fuel storage tanks, a circulation heating system should be used. When circulating heating of fuel oil, an independent scheme can be used, which provides for the installation of special pumps and heaters, or heaters and pumps for supplying fuel oil to the boiler room can be used.

The choice of the method of circulation heating of fuel oil is made based on a comparison of the technical and economic indicators of the options.

Coil heaters are installed in tanks only at the location where fuel oil is collected. To heat fuel oil to the temperature required by combustion conditions in boiler furnaces, at least two heaters should be provided, including one backup.

The fuel supply to the tanks should be adjusted to the fuel level.

The supply of fuel oil to boiler houses should be provided according to a circulation circuit, light oil fuel - according to a dead-end circuit. The number of pumps for supplying fuel to boilers should be at least three for boiler houses of the first category, including one backup, for boiler houses of the second category - at least two, without backup.

The performance of fuel supply pumps must be at least 110 of the maximum hourly fuel consumption when all boilers are operating in a circulation circuit and at least 100% in a dead-end circuit.

In boiler rooms (but not above boilers or economizers) of free-standing boiler rooms, it is allowed to provide for the installation of closed liquid fuel supply tanks with a capacity of no more than 5 m 3 for fuel oil and 1 m 3 for light oil fuel. For built-in and attached individual boiler rooms, the total capacity of the supply tanks installed in the boiler room should not exceed 0.8 m3. When installing these tanks in boiler rooms, one should be guided by building codes and rules for the design of oil and petroleum products warehouses.

The heating temperature of fuel oil in supply tanks installed in the boiler room should not exceed 90°C. Heating light petroleum fuel in supply tanks is not permitted.

It is allowed to provide for the installation of fuel tanks in rooms attached to boiler buildings. In this case, the total capacity of fuel tanks should be no more than 150 m 3 for fuel oil and 50 m 3 for light oil fuel. In these cases, the installation of fuel supply pumps to burners and fuel heaters should be provided in the boiler room.

When connecting a boiler room to dead-end water supply networks, a water reserve tank should be provided for the period of liquidation of the accident in accordance with building codes and rules for the design of external networks and water supply structures.

Set of Rules of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Requirements for residential and industrial facilities - SP 4.13130.2009

SP 4.13130.2009 " Fire protection systems. Limiting the spread of fire at protection facilities. Requirements for space-planning and design solutions"
The systems of fi re protection. Evacuation ways and exits

EMERCOM of the Russian Federation Introduced: 01.05.2009

Designed by:

Themes : Requirements for residential and public facilities; Requirements for boiler house buildings; Requirements for buildings, structures, structures and external installations of oil refineries and petrochemical enterprises; Requirements for car parking without maintenance and repair

Terms: open parking lot; parking lots with ramps; mezzanine; balcony; residential block; blocked residential building; veranda; explosion safety of the facility; explosion resistance of the object; insertion, embedding; high-altitude rack storage; single-family residential house; multi-apartment residential building; sectional residential building; building engineering equipment; elevator hall; loggia; mechanized parking; closed elevated parking lot; oil trap; nominal tank volume; platform; ground level; technological site; safety anti-explosion device; extension; food pumping station; products in aerosol packages (aerosol products); intermediate tank (drain container); ramp (ramp); bottling of petroleum products; packaging of petroleum products; reservoir Park; oil and petroleum products warehouses; draining device; stationary tank cooling unit; car parking (parking lot); vestibule; tribune; level of fire hazard of aerosol products; attic; railway unloading overpass; floor; attic floor (attic); above ground floor; first floor; basement floor; underground floor; technical floor; ground floor; whatnot; number of floors of the building

Notes: Introduced for the first time. Establishes requirements for limiting the spread of fire at protection facilities, in terms of space-planning and structural solutions of buildings, structures, structures and fire compartments, as well as requirements for fire-fighting distances between them.
Material presented on the page IS NOT AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION



SP 4.13130.2009

Fire protection systems


Requirements for space-planning and design solutions

Systems of fire protection. Restriction of fire spread at object of defense. Requirements to spacial layout and structural decisions

Moscow 2009

Date of introduction 05/01/2009


CODE OF RULES SP 4.13130.2009

Section 6. Chapter 9.

Requirements for boiler house buildings

2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 General fire safety requirements
6.1 General requirements for production or storage facilities
6.2 Requirements for industrial buildings
6.3 Requirements for warehouse buildings
6.5 Requirements for construction of production facilities
6.7 Requirements for gas distribution systems
6.8 Requirements for timber warehouses
6.9 Requirements for boiler house buildings
6.10 Requirements for buildings, structures, structures and external installations of oil refineries and petrochemical enterprises
6.11 Requirements for parking vehicles without maintenance and repair

6 Requirements for production or warehouse facilities

6.9 Requirements for boiler buildings

6.9.1 To supply heat to production facilities, it is allowed to install free-standing, attached, built-in and roof-top boiler houses.
For heat supply to residential buildings (class F1), the installation of free-standing, attached and roof-top boiler houses is allowed.
For heat supply of public, administrative and domestic buildings, it is allowed to design free-standing, built-in, attached and roof-top boiler houses.
6.9.2 Separate boiler house buildings in terms of fire resistance, structural fire hazard class, building height and floor area within the fire compartment are accepted in accordance with the requirements for industrial buildings.
6.9.3 Built-in, attached and roof boiler rooms must meet the fire safety requirements of those buildings and structures for which they are intended to supply heat.
Buildings of free-standing, attached and built-in boiler rooms should be made of I and II degrees of fire resistance of fire hazard class C0, III degree of fire resistance of fire hazard classes C0 and C1.
Buildings of free-standing boiler houses, which belong to the second category in terms of reliability of heat supply to consumers, can also be made of IV degree of fire resistance of fire hazard class C0, C1.
6.9.4 Roof boiler house structures must have a fire resistance rating of at least III and belong to fire hazard class C0.
6.9.5 Buildings with a height of up to 26.5 m, as a rule, can be equipped with roof boiler rooms, and, upon approval, buildings of greater height, equipped with elevators for fire departments and an automatic fire alarm system with signal output to the fire station.
6.9.6 Roof boiler rooms should be one-story. The roof covering under the roof boiler room and at a distance of 2 m from its walls must be made of materials from the NG group or protected from fire by a concrete screed with a thickness of at least 20 mm.
6.9.7 It is not allowed to place roof boiler rooms directly on the floors of residential premises, as well as adjacent to residential premises.
6.9.8 It is not allowed to place roof-top boiler rooms above production and storage facilities of categories A and B due to explosion and fire hazard.
6.9.9 Boiler rooms attached to industrial buildings must be located near walls where the horizontal distance from the boiler room wall to the nearest opening must be at least 2 m, and the vertical distance from the boiler room ceiling to the nearest opening must be at least 8 m.
6.9.10 Boiler rooms attached to residential buildings should not be located on the side of entrance entrances and sections of walls with window openings, where the horizontal distance from the external wall of the boiler room to the nearest residential window is less than 4 m, and the horizontal distance from the boiler room ceiling to the nearest window vertical less than 8 m.
6.9.11 It is not permitted to design roof-mounted and attached boiler houses to buildings of preschool and school institutions, to medical and dormitory buildings of hospitals, clinics, sanatoriums and recreational facilities.
6.9.12 The design of boiler rooms attached to warehouses for combustible materials, flammable and combustible liquids is not allowed, with the exception of fuel warehouses for boiler houses.
6.9.13 When blocking a boiler room with a closed solid fuel storage, the latter must be separated by a type 1 fire wall with a fire resistance rating of at least REI 150.
6.9.14 Boiler rooms attached to public, administrative and domestic buildings should not be located on the side of the main facade of the building. The distance from the wall of the boiler room building to the nearest window must be at least 4 m horizontally, and from the boiler room cover to the nearest window vertically - at least 8 m. Such boiler rooms are also not allowed to be placed adjacent, under or above rooms with simultaneous stay of more than 50 people.
6.9.15 Attached boiler rooms must be separated from the main building by a type 2 fire wall. The boiler room ceiling must be made from materials from the NG group.
6.9.16 Built-in and roof boiler rooms must be separated from adjacent rooms and the attic by type 2 fire walls or type 1 fire partitions, or type 3 fire ceilings.
6.9.17 The premises of service personnel built into the boiler room building should be separated from the production premises by fire partitions of the 1st type and fireproof ceilings of the 3rd type.
6.9.18 Above-bunker fuel supply galleries must be separated from the boiler rooms by partitions (without openings) of the 2nd type with a fire resistance limit of at least EI 15. It is allowed, as an exception, to install a doorway in the specified partition as an emergency exit through the boiler room. In this case, the connection between the bunker gallery and the boiler room must be made through the vestibule. The fire resistance limit of the enclosing structures of the vestibule must be no less than REI 45, and the fire resistance limit of the doors in the partition and vestibule must be no less than EI 30.
6.9.19 In boiler rooms (but not above boilers or economizers) of separate boiler rooms, it is allowed to provide for the installation of closed liquid fuel supply tanks with a capacity of no more than 5 m 3 for fuel oil and 1 m 3 for light oil fuel.
6.9.20 For built-in and attached individual boiler rooms, the total capacity of supply tanks installed in the boiler room premises should not exceed 0.8 m3.
6.9.21 When installing the specified tanks in boiler rooms, the requirements of section 6.4 should be followed.
6.9.22 It is allowed to provide for the installation of fuel tanks in rooms attached to boiler house buildings. In this case, the total capacity of fuel tanks should be no more than 150 m 3 for fuel oil and 50 m 3 for light oil fuel.
6.9.23 Fuel pipelines should be laid above ground. Underground installation in non-passable channels with removable ceilings with minimal deepening of the channels without backfilling is allowed. In places where channels adjoin the outer wall of buildings, the channels must be filled with sand or have diaphragms made of materials from the NG group.
6.9.24 Fuel pipelines must be laid with a slope of at least 0.003. It is prohibited to lay fuel lines directly through gas ducts, air ducts and ventilation shafts.
6.9.25 For built-in, attached and roof-top boiler houses, a natural gas supply with a pressure of up to 5 kPa should be provided. In this case, open sections of the gas pipeline must be laid along the outer wall of buildings along a partition at least 1.5 m wide.
6.9.26 When using liquid and gaseous fuel in the boiler room, easily removable enclosing structures should be provided, the area of ​​which is determined by calculation.

6.10 Requirements for buildings, structures, structures and external installations of oil refineries and petrochemical enterprises

6.10.1 General When designing buildings, structures, structures and external installations of oil refineries and petrochemical enterprises, one should also be guided by other regulatory documents on fire safety, if the requirements for these facilities are not defined by this section. Distances from production facilities located on the territory of oil refining and petrochemical enterprises, regulated by other regulatory documents, to enterprise facilities are accepted in accordance with the requirements of this section, if other regulatory documents do not require large distances for these productions. When determining distances, unless otherwise specified in this section, they should be taken:

a) between installations, production, utility and auxiliary buildings, tanks and equipment - in the clear between external walls or structures (excluding metal stairs);
b) to technological racks and to pipelines laid without racks - to the outermost pipeline;
c) to the railway tracks of the enterprise - to the axis of the nearest railway track;
d) to the highways of the enterprise - to the edge of the roadway;
e) to the flare units - to the flare shaft.

6.10.2 Requirements for the master plan Fencing of the territory of enterprises and separately located objects is made of fireproof materials. Distances from the fence to external installations, structures, production and auxiliary buildings, equipment and tank embankments must be taken taking into account the possibility of free passage of fire trucks and the creation of a security zone, but not less than 10 m. From the territory of the enterprise there must be at least two exits to public roads or dead-end approaches to the territory of the enterprise. General plant facilities (administration buildings, public catering, healthcare, design bureaus, educational purposes, public organizations, cultural services and others) must be located in the pre-factory area of ​​the enterprise at a distance of at least:

a) from buildings of categories A, B, outdoor installations of categories AN and BN, intermediate warehouses of flammable and combustible liquids - 80 m;
b) from buildings of category B and outdoor installations of category VN - 30 m;
c) from intermediate warehouses of liquefied flammable gases - 100 m;
d) from commodity warehouses (parks) of flammable and combustible liquids - 200 m;
e) from piston gas tanks of flammable gases - 150 m;
f) from gas tanks of constant volume and gas tanks with a water pool - 100 m;
g) from pipelines with explosive and fire hazardous products - 50 m.

These requirements do not apply to guard rooms and passageways located along the perimeter of the fence.
In administrative buildings, engineering buildings and educational buildings, it is allowed to locate meeting rooms and assembly halls with cinema rooms, while assembly halls and meeting rooms with a capacity of more than 200 seats should not be located above the 5th floor. The fire distance from buildings, structures, structures and external installations of categories (hereinafter referred to as objects of categories) A, B, AN, BN to the boundary of the right of way of public railways must be taken at least 100 m, to the boundary of the right of way of public roads - at least 50 m.
The fire-prevention distance from the fence of the enterprise territory to the tram tracks must be at least 30 m. The territory of the enterprise should be divided into zones in which the following are mainly located:

a) pre-factory area - administrative and service buildings, public catering buildings, healthcare, cultural services, design bureaus, educational facilities, trade, fire stations (posts), garages, etc.;
b) production zone - industrial buildings and structures, technological installations, workshops, as well as the ancillary production and auxiliary buildings and structures included in them, intermediate warehouses (parks);
c) utility area - buildings and structures for auxiliary production purposes (mechanical repair, repair and construction, packaging and other workshops, factory laboratories, etc.);
d) warehouse area - warehouses for materials, equipment, reagents, oils, finished products, etc.;
e) area of ​​raw materials and commodity warehouses (parks) - raw materials and commodity warehouses (parks) of flammable gases, flammable and combustible liquids, as well as the ancillary production buildings and structures included in them, unloading racks. The production, utility, and warehouse areas of the enterprise must be divided into quarters.
The area of ​​each quarter of an enterprise in the red building lines should not exceed 16 hectares with the length of one of the sides of the quarter not exceeding 300 m.
The fire safety distance between the red building lines of two adjacent blocks of the enterprise and zones is determined from the condition of placing roads, utility networks, overpasses, green spaces, etc. between them, but must be at least 40 m. The location of buildings and structures inside enterprise blocks must ensure good ventilation. The layout of the enterprise territory must prevent the spillage of products from the sites of one facility onto the sites of others, as well as ensure the organization of drainage of spilled products and protection of the territory from the accumulation of melt and storm water. When enterprises are located in wooded areas, as well as in areas of massive peat occurrence, the distance from the border of the forest area and the area of ​​​​massive peat occurrence to the fence of the enterprises must be at least:

a) for coniferous species and areas of massive peat occurrence - 100 m;
b) for deciduous trees - 20 m.

Along the border of the forest area around the enterprise, a plowed strip of land with a width of at least 5 m should be provided. Enterprises must be located at a distance of at least 200 m from the banks of rivers and, as a rule, downstream (downstream) piers, river stations, large roadsteads and places of permanent parking of the fleet, hydroelectric power stations, shipbuilding and ship repair plants, bridges, water intakes, a distance from them of at least 300 m, unless a greater distance is required from the specified objects by regulatory documents.
When enterprises are located upstream (downstream of the river) of these structures, they must be located at a distance of at least 3000 m from the latter. The minimum distances between buildings, structures and external installations of the enterprise must be taken according to Table 32.

Table 32


Buildings and structures from which the distance is determined

Shortest distances (in m) to

technological installation with objects of categories A, or B, or AN, or BN

workshops with objects
categories A or B,
or AN or BN

flare unit for burning excess gases discharged from process equipment

Process installation with objects of categories A, or B, or AN, or BN

Other process plant or workshop

Administrative, domestic and auxiliary industrial buildings

Free-standing buildings for process control, transformer substations and switchgear

In-plant railway tracks

Boundaries of the territory of adjacent enterprises:
a) technologically related (suppliers of raw materials, consumers of products)

b) technologically unrelated

Thermal power plant of the enterprise

Furnaces for burning waste gases and industrial waste

Buildings of fire stations and gas rescue services

Fire station buildings

Raw materials and commodity warehouses (parks) of flammable and combustible liquids

Intermediate warehouses (parks) of flammable and combustible liquids, liquefied gases

Open storage of lump sulfur with capacity:

Open oil traps and oil separators

Closed oil traps with capacity:

Emergency barn for tank farms

1 A technological installation is understood as a production complex of buildings, structures, structures and external installations located on a separate site of the enterprise and intended for the implementation of the technological process of oil refining production.
2 A workshop is understood as a similar production complex in petrochemical production.

The distance from the underground liquid sulfur storage facility to technological installations and workshops is not standardized.
The distance to flare installations from various production facilities should be taken by calculation, but not less than those indicated in the table, except for cases where flares are placed directly on the installations.
Separate process control buildings must be located at a distance of at least 10 m from external installations of categories AN and BN, provided that the requirements of clause 7.3.85 are met in them. In production areas with explosion and fire hazardous installations and in areas of commodity warehouses, electrical rooms and process control rooms must have floor marks, the bottom of cable ducts and pits higher than the surface of the surrounding earth by at least 0.15 m and have a guaranteed air supply. Laboratories in which work with flammable gases, flammable and combustible liquids are carried out, located in buildings for other purposes, must be separated from adjacent rooms by a wall with a fire resistance rating of at least REI 60. In the areas where technological installations, warehouses (parks) and unloading devices of oil refineries are located, as well as warehouses (parks) and unloading devices of petrochemical enterprises, to prevent the spill of flammable and combustible liquids on highways, planning marks of the roadway, as a rule, , must be at least 0.3 m higher than the planning marks of the adjacent territory, counting from the edge of the roadbed.
If it is impossible to fulfill this requirement, highways must be designed so that spilled liquid cannot get onto the roadway (installation of ditches, etc.). Bridges on the territory of the enterprise must be made of materials from the NG group, and their width must be no less than the width of the carriageway and pedestrian parts of the roads.
6.10.3 Raw materials and commodity warehouses (parks) for flammable and combustible liquids. Intermediate warehouses for liquefied hydrocarbon gases, flammable and combustible liquids in the production area The design of raw materials, commodity and intermediate warehouses (parks) of flammable and combustible liquids (oil and petroleum product warehouses) should be carried out in accordance with section 6.4 of this set of rules, unless otherwise specified in this section. The total volume of the intermediate warehouse (park) of flammable and combustible liquids in the production area should not exceed 6000 m3, liquefied hydrocarbon gases - 2000 m3. If it is necessary to arrange intermediate warehouses (parks) for several installations (shops), the volume of each warehouse (park) should not exceed the specified values, and the distance between them should be at least 100 m for products stored under pressure, and at least 50 m for products stored without pressure. Storage of oil, fuel oil and other flammable liquids in open pit barns is not permitted. Underground tanks for oil, fuel oil and trap product must be fenced with an earthen rampart or wall at least 1 m high, common to the entire group of tanks.
In this case, the distance from the earthen rampart or enclosing wall to the wall of the underground tank must be at least 10 m. The road bed around the tanks can be used as an embankment for underground tanks, provided that the roads retain at least 10% of the volume of liquid (oil and fuel oil) of the largest reservoir.
Underground reinforced concrete tanks can only be designed for storing dark petroleum products. Groups of tanks should, as a rule, adjoin one another on the short side.
If, according to the planning conditions, groups of tanks face each other with the long side, and their total width is more than 70 m, each group must have its own embankment or enclosing wall. When storing flammable liquids under pressure and without pressure in the same warehouse (park), pressure tanks must be placed in separate groups.
In some cases, it is allowed to place flammable liquid tanks under pressure and without pressure within the same group of warehouse (park) provided that the passage of mechanized means with a width of at least 3.5 m between them is ensured. Tanks for fuel oil, tar, cracking residues and trap product must be separated into a separate group from other tanks with other products. When placing a tank or a group of above-ground tanks at higher elevations than an enterprise, the general railway network or a populated area, and at a distance from them of less than 200 m, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of GOST R 53324. Main valves of tanks must be manually operated and backed up by electric valves installed outside the embankment. Pipelines laid inside the embankment should not have flanged connections, with the exception of places where valves are connected using non-flammable gaskets. When laying pipelines through an embankment, tightness must be ensured at the place where the pipes pass. The communications of the warehouse (park) must ensure the possibility of pumping the product in the event of an accident from tanks of one group to tanks of another group, and if there is one group in the warehouse (park) - from tank to tank. Installation of electrical equipment and laying of electrical cable lines inside the embankment is not allowed, with the exception of control and automation devices, as well as local lighting devices made in explosion-proof design. In commodity and raw materials and intermediate parks of flammable, combustible liquids and liquefied hydrocarbon gases, electric valve control cabinets should be placed only in closed ventilated electrical rooms. Reception and release of flammable and combustible liquids, liquefied hydrocarbon gases at intermediate warehouses (in parks) must be carried out through pipelines without unloading devices. When stored in an intermediate warehouse, flammable liquids under pressure in tanks with a volume of 600 m 3 or more, each of them must be in a separate bund or separated from neighboring ones by a wall. The bunding container must contain 100% of the volume of the stored product. At intermediate warehouses for liquefied hydrocarbon gases and flammable liquids stored under pressure, the distance between adjacent tanks must be no less than the diameter of the largest adjacent tank. The distance from the base of the embankment or enclosing wall to the tank must be at least half the diameter of the nearest larger tank, but not less than 2 m. The minimum distances from the tanks of intermediate warehouses of liquefied hydrocarbon gases to pumping and compressor rooms serving these warehouses must be at least 15 m. The distances from the tanks of the intermediate storage of liquefied hydrocarbon gases to other objects and structures of the enterprise not related to this warehouse must be at least 40 m. Storage of flammable and combustible liquids is allowed within one bund. At intermediate warehouses (in parks), the combined storage of flammable and combustible liquids and liquefied hydrocarbon gases is allowed, subject to the following conditions:

a) the total volume of liquefied hydrocarbon gases, flammable and combustible liquids in the liquefied flammable gas warehouse should not exceed 2000 m3;
b) when storing liquefied hydrocarbon gases in a warehouse (park) for flammable or combustible liquids, the total volume of the warehouse should not exceed that specified in, while 1 m 3 of liquefied hydrocarbon gas is equivalent to 5 m 3 of flammable liquids or 25 m 3 of flammable liquids ;
c) tanks with liquefied hydrocarbon gases and tanks with flammable and combustible liquids should be located in different groups in separate embankments;
d) between the embankments of these groups a distance of at least 10 m should be taken. In warehouses (in parks) inside the embankment, in addition to the main storage tanks, it is allowed to install only tanks for receiving products from workshops in case of emergency release of the system.
The number and volume of these containers is calculated based on the number of products in the released system and is not included in the total capacity of warehouses (parks).
Emergency tanks are not included in the total volume of warehouses (parks). Their location in the warehouse (in the park) is determined by the requirements for the location of the main storage tanks.
6.10.4 Process piping Process pipelines with flammable and liquefied flammable gases, flammable and combustible liquids laid on the territory of the enterprise must be ground or above-ground on supports and overpasses made of materials from the NG group.
The fire resistance limit of columns and trestles to the height of the first tier must be at least R 60. For the transportation of flammable and liquefied hydrocarbon gases, flammable and combustible liquids, the use of pipes made of glass and other fragile materials, as well as flammable and slow-burning materials (fluoroplastic, polyethylene, vinyl plastic, etc.) is not allowed. Process pipelines with flammable and liquefied hydrocarbon gases, flammable and combustible liquids at the entrance and exit from the enterprise territory must have shut-off devices within the enterprise territory in case of an accident. Above process pipelines passing under power lines, it is necessary to provide protective devices to prevent electrical wires from reaching the pipelines when they break. These protective devices must extend beyond the outermost wires of the power line by at least 5 m and be made of non-combustible materials. Vertical distances from railway tracks and power lines to process pipelines should be taken to the protective devices of these pipelines. Distances from buildings, structures and other objects to intershop process pipelines transporting flammable and liquefied hydrocarbon gases, flammable and combustible liquids must be no less than those indicated in Table 33.

Table 33


Name of objects

Distance to pipelines, m

From production, warehouse, auxiliary and other buildings and structures, regardless of fire hazard categories

From intra-factory railway tracks

From internal factory roads

From power lines (overhead)

1.5 support heights

From open transformer substations and switchgears

From gas tanks with flammable gases and tanks with flammable liquids, gas liquids and liquefied gas

From any wells of underground communications

Outside the dimensions of the overpass

Note - In paragraph 1 of table. above the line the distance to pipelines with pressure up to 6.105 Pa (6 kgf/cm 2) is indicated; below the line - up to pipelines with a pressure of 6.105 Pa (6 kgf/cm2) or more.

It is prohibited to place shut-off drainage and drainage devices on process pipelines opposite rooms of categories B, D and D, if these rooms have window and door openings towards the overpass. If it is necessary to place the above devices against such premises, the distance indicated in Table 33 increases by 50%. In areas of intra-shop overpasses running along buildings of categories B, D and D, as well as ancillary production buildings (rooms), electrical rooms, technological process control rooms of a given workshop, with window and door openings facing the overpasses, flange connections and fittings on pipelines with flammable gases, flammable and combustible liquids should be located from these windows and doors at the distances specified in paragraph 1 of Table 33. Installation of equipment under inter-shop process pipelines with flammable products is not allowed. Containers for draining liquid from pipelines and pumps for them must be located outside the dimensions of the overpass.
The distance from pipelines to the specified equipment is not standardized. Process pipelines must have non-flammable thermal insulation protected from destruction. Laying transit pipelines with explosive and fire hazardous products above and below
outdoor installations, buildings, or through them is not permitted. This requirement does not apply to equalization and breathing pipelines passing over tanks. When laying intra-shop technological racks between installations, the rack may be adjacent to one installation, and the distance between the rack and another installation must be at least 15 m and taken from the outermost pipeline of the rack. Shut-off valves must be installed on the pipelines of liquid and gaseous fuel burned in technological furnaces, allowing the fuel supply to all nozzles to be stopped simultaneously.
When furnaces are located outside buildings, shut-off valves on pipelines must be installed at a distance of at least 10 m from the nozzles, and when furnaces are located indoors, valves must be installed outside the premises. Gas pipelines to the nozzles of process furnaces must be equipped with a gas heater or a condensate collection system and a purge line. The area around the shafts of a separate flare installation at a distance determined by calculation, but not less than 50 m from them, must be fenced and marked with warning signs.
The construction of wells, pits and other recesses, as well as the placement of gas condensate containers (separators and other equipment) within the fencing of the area around the flare shaft is not allowed.
6.10.5 Industrial buildings, structures, outdoor installations Industrial and warehouse buildings, objects located in the production zone and the area of ​​raw materials and commodity warehouses (parks), must be of I or II degree of fire resistance. In a long industrial building adjacent to an external installation, it is necessary to provide through passages at the zero level without entering the building. The distance between passages should not exceed 120 m.
The passage must coincide with the gap in the outdoor installation at the zero level. When an outdoor installation is located near a wall without openings of an industrial building and there is a need to service the outdoor installation from premises located in the building, exits to the outdoor installation are allowed in the wall of the industrial building under the following conditions:

a) exits are protected by self-closing fire doors with a fire resistance rating of at least EI 60, and have a ramp of at least 0.15 m in height;
b) these exits are not included in the calculation of escape routes;
c) the distance from these outlets to devices and containers located in an outdoor installation must be at least 4 m.

The fire resistance limit of the wall must be at least REI 120. Placement of rooms of categories C, D and D above rooms of categories A and B is not allowed. The volume of liquefied hydrocarbon gases in collection tanks and settling tanks located within the dimensions of the shelf should not exceed 25 m3, flammable liquids - 50 m3. Pumping units may be placed both in pumping rooms and directly next to the equipment associated with them. The term “pump house” should be understood as a group of pumps with more than three pumps, which are spaced from each other at a distance of no more than three meters. Pumping stations for liquefied hydrocarbon gases, flammable and combustible liquids can be closed (placed in buildings) and open (placed under shelves, under canopies and in open areas). In open pumping rooms located under shelves and canopies, the area of ​​protective side fences installed in them should be no more than 50% of the total area of ​​the closed side (calculated from the height from the floor to the protruding part of the ceiling or covering of the pumping room).
Protective side fences of open pumping rooms must be made of materials from the NG group and, under the conditions of natural ventilation, must not reach the floor and covering (covering) of the pumping room by at least 0.3 m. When designing explosion- and fire-hazardous industries for moving flammable liquids heated above the flash point, flammable liquids and liquefied hydrocarbon gases, highly reliable pumps with a sealed design or a double mechanical shaft seal should be used. The length of each compartment of a closed pumping station for liquefied hydrocarbon gases, flammable and combustible liquids must not exceed 90 m. With a longer length, the pumping station must be divided into compartments by walls with a fire resistance rating of at least REI 90. Pump rooms pumping flammable products must be separated by the same walls. heated to a temperature of 250 °C and higher, from other pumping stations.
Pumping facilities pumping products heated to a temperature of 250 °C and above must be divided into compartments with an area of ​​no more than 650 m2. When placing pumps under shelves, canopies and in open areas, one of the following measures must be provided every 90 m along the length:

a) a wall without openings up to the ceiling of the first floor or canopy with a fire resistance rating of at least REI 120;
b) the distance between pumps (zone) for the entire width of the pumping station is at least 6 m when installing a water (foam) curtain in this corridor with a water supply rate (foaming agent solution) of at least 0.5 l/(m 2 .s) or the distance between pumps (zone) for the entire width of the pumping station of at least 15 m.

In this case, the possibility of spreading of the pumped product through the zone should be excluded.
When placing pumps under multi-tier shelves, the above measures are required only for the first tier (floor). The distance from the pumping station located outside the premises to the technological equipment of the outdoor installation is not standardized if the total width of the outdoor installation and the open pumping station does not exceed the permissible
Placing equipment along two longitudinal sides of an open pumping station is not permitted. In cases where it is not possible to fulfill this requirement, the distance from one of the longitudinal sides of the pumping station to the equipment must be at least 5 m.
The placement of the outdoor installation and the pumping station in relation to each other should be provided at a distance of at least 15 m in cases where the total width of the outdoor installation and the open pumping station exceeds the permissible limit.

Note. When determining the width of the installation, it also includes a distance of 5 m if it is provided from one of the longitudinal sides of the open pumping station to the equipment. The entry of electrical cables and cables of the instrumentation and automation system (I&A) into open pumping stations should be carried out in at least two places in order to reduce the likelihood of their failure during fires and accidents. Doorways in walls made of NG group materials dividing pump rooms into compartments must be protected by self-closing doors with a fire resistance rating of at least EI 60. When placing pumps under shelves, it must be possible to remotely stop the pumps from push-button control stations installed in safe places. The fire resistance limit of building structures is assumed to be no less than: columns - R 120, beams and crossbars - R 60. The ceiling above the pumps must be reinforced concrete, without openings and have a side around the perimeter with a height of at least 0.15 m. On the roof of pumping buildings it is allowed to install refrigerators and water- and air-cooled condensers (except submersible type condensers), heat exchangers, reflux and reflux tanks, and separators. In this case, the following conditions must be met:

a) the coating of the pumping buildings on which the above devices are installed must have a fire resistance rating of at least REI 60, be impermeable to liquids and have a continuous perimeter edge of at least 0.15 m in height with a device for draining spilled liquid into special containers. The number of risers should be determined by calculation, but not less than two, with a diameter of at least 100 mm each. These same containers are designed to collect precipitation;
b) it is allowed to install the listed devices on the roof of the pumping building in no more than two tiers (floors);
c) the pumping building must be separated every 90 m in length by walls with a fire resistance rating of at least REI 120 at a distance of at least 6 m from one another. A through passage must be arranged between them. The horizontal distance from the nearest apparatus installed on the covering of the pump room or on shelves above it to the dividing wall made of material from the NG group must be at least 3 m;
d) above the pumping house it is allowed to install tanks with level regulators, with a capacity of no more than 25 m 3 each for flammable and combustible liquids and 10 m 3 for liquefied hydrocarbon gases with a guaranteed filling of both by no more than 50%;
e) it is allowed to install window openings in the longitudinal walls of the pumping station if the external equipment associated with the pumping station is located at a distance of at least 12 m from the pumping station building;
f) sections of the pumping station covering along which evacuation routes from the shelf pass must be made of monolithic or cast-in-place reinforced concrete slabs;
g) communications located above the pumping house must have a minimum number of flange connections;
i) container equipment must be drained into emergency containers or emptied by process pumps into devices of adjacent departments or workshops of a given production or into storage containers;
j) in case of an accident, it must be possible to stop the pumps outside the pumping house;
k) if the length of the external shelf located near the pumping building is more than 90 m, every 90 m it must be divided into sections by fire breaks: at least 6 m for a shelf height of up to 12 m and at least 12 m for a shelf height of 12 m or more.

These gaps must coincide with the passages between the dividing walls of the building. Laying process pipelines through the covering of the pump house is, as a rule, not allowed. If such installation is necessary, each pipeline must be laid in a sleeve with a seal protruding at least 0.15 m above the roof of the coating. Suction and discharge pipelines of flammable products connecting process equipment with pumps must have shut-off valves located outside the pump house at a horizontal distance of at least 3 m from the pump house building and 5 m from the open pump house, but not more than 50 m. Installation of shut-off valves fittings are not required if the device has it at the specified distance. The structures of external shelves on which equipment and apparatus containing flammable and combustible liquids and liquefied hydrocarbon gases are located should, as a rule, be made in reinforced concrete. When making shelves in metal, their lower part to the height of the first floor (including the ceiling of the first floor), but not less than 4 m, must be protected from high temperatures. The fire resistance limit must be no less than: for shelving columns - R 120, for beams, crossbars, ties - R 60.
Supporting structures for tanks and containers standing separately at the zero level, containing flammable and combustible liquids and liquefied hydrocarbon gases, must have a fire resistance rating of at least R 60.
The fire resistance limit of the “skirts” of column apparatuses and supports of tanks with flammable liquids stored under pressure and liquefied hydrocarbon gases must be at least R 120. On one-story external metal shelves, in which columns, load-bearing beams, and crossbars are protected from high temperatures, metal decking intended only for passage may not be protected. Technological platforms and shelving floors, if devices and equipment containing liquefied hydrocarbon gases, flammable and combustible liquids are installed on them, must be solid, impermeable to liquids and fenced around the perimeter with a solid side with a height of at least 0.15 m with a ramp. at the exits to the stairs.
Groups of devices and equipment installed under shelves must be protected by a side with a height of at least 0.15 m at a distance of at least 1 m from the devices and equipment. Apparatuses and equipment with liquid products installed in open areas outside the shelves must also be fenced with a side, as indicated above. In places where apparatus and pipelines intersect the ceiling, the sides, enclosing openings, and sleeves must protrude to a height of at least 0.15 m above the ceiling. To drain spilled liquid and atmospheric precipitation from the platforms and floors of shelves fenced with sides, it is necessary to provide drain risers with a diameter of at least 100 mm. The number of risers is calculated, but not less than two. Spilled liquid and precipitation must be collected in a special container.
If the plant has an open industrial sewage system designed to catch spilled flammable and combustible liquids, the installation of special containers for collecting precipitation and spilled liquids is not required. In this case, the wells of this sewage system must be kept closed, and the well covers must be covered with sand. At electrical desalting and electrical dehydration of oil (EDOU) installations, electric dehydrators can be installed in groups with a total volume of no more than 2400 m 3 in a group.
The distance between individual electric dehydrators in a group must be no less than the diameter of the largest adjacent electric dehydrator.
The distance between groups of electric dehydrators must be at least twice the diameter of the electric dehydrator, but not less than 10 m. The distance from the group of electric dehydrators to the installation buildings must be at least 15 m, counting from the wall of the nearest electric dehydrator.
Each group of electric dehydrators must be fenced on all sides by an earthen rampart (embankment) or a wall made of material from the NG group. The volume created by the bund or enclosing wall must be designed to accommodate the product of the largest electric dehydrator located in the group. The release of containers of technological devices with flammable and combustible liquids, liquefied hydrocarbon gases using pumps or any other methods should be provided for in storage tanks (tanks) of intermediate and raw materials (commodity) warehouses, in technological devices (adjacent departments, installations and workshops of this production) or into emergency or drainage containers specially designed for this purpose.
In this case, complete release of pipelines must be ensured.
When constructing emergency tanks, their volume should be taken based on one largest apparatus in the workshop (installation). The distance from industrial buildings to emergency or drainage tanks is taken as for process equipment located outside the building.
The distance from outdoor equipment to emergency or drainage tanks is not standardized, but the latter must be located outside the overall dimensions of the shelf. Tubular furnaces for heating oil, petroleum products and flammable gases must have devices for purging coils with steam or inert gas. Thermal insulation of equipment and tanks must be made of non-combustible materials. If it is necessary to place outdoor installations of categories AN, BN on both sides of the building with which they are connected, or one open installation with two buildings between which it is located, one of the installations or one of the buildings of the technological complex must be located at a distance of not less than 8 m for a wall without window openings and at least 12 m for a wall with window openings, regardless of the area occupied by buildings and installations. The second installation or building must be located taking into account the requirements of The area of ​​a free-standing outdoor installation of categories AN and BN at enterprises should not exceed:

a) at a height of up to 30 m - 5200 m2;
b) at an altitude of 30 m and above - 3000 m 2.

If the area is larger, the installation should be divided into sections. Fire distances
between sections there must be at least 15 m.
For installations containing only flammable gases (not in a liquefied state), the maximum area can be increased by 1.5 times.

1 The area of ​​the outdoor installation is taken based on the area at the zero level. The boundaries of the installation run at a distance of 2 m from the straight lines connecting the most protruding parts of the apparatus, pedestals and columns of whatnots.
2 The installation height should be considered the maximum height of equipment or shelves that occupy at least 30% of the total installation area. The width of a free-standing outdoor installation or its sections should be no more than
42 m with a shelf and equipment height of up to 18 m and no more than 36 m with a shelf and equipment height of more than 18 m. An external installation without a fire break may be adjacent to one of the walls of a building of categories A and B, subject to the following conditions:

a) the sum of the areas of the floor of the building (or part of the building between fire walls) and the external installation should not exceed the area determined in;
b) the wall of the building must be without openings, with the exception of the installation of doorways for servicing the external installation, subject to the requirement of
c) the width of the outdoor installation should be no more than 30 m.

In the case where the total area of ​​the building (part of the building) and the external installation exceeds the specified, the distance from the external installation must be at least 8 m to the building wall without openings and at least 12 m to the wall with openings. The placement of technological devices with flammable gases, flammable and combustible liquids, directly connected to rooms of categories A and B and located outside the premises, should, as a rule, be provided near a fire wall without openings.
When placing devices near a fire wall with openings, the distance to the openings must be at least 4 m.
The distance from the indicated devices to the wall openings of premises of categories B1-B4, D, D must be at least 10 m. At a distance of less than 10 m, the window openings of the walls of the premises should be filled with glass blocks or reinforced glass.
The distance from devices that do not contain flammable gases, flammable liquids and liquid liquids is not standardized. Distances from fire heating devices (furnaces for heating products, nitrogen, steam-superheating furnaces) located outside the building to other devices, buildings and structures of workshops or technological installations that include the furnace, as well as to overpasses, beyond with the exception of process pipelines connecting fire heating devices with other process devices, no less than those indicated in Table 34 should be adopted.

Table 34


Name of objects to which the distance is determined

Minimum distance, m

Technological equipment and racks with flammable products located outside buildings:

at a pressure in the process system up to 0.6 MPa

at a pressure in the process system above 0.6 MPa

Industrial buildings (premises) categories A, B, B (A, B, B1-B3); auxiliary, utility and production buildings and premises:

in the presence of window and door openings

on a blank wall

Industrial buildings (premises) categories G, D (B4, G, D); technological equipment and platforms with non-flammable products

Fire-heated devices

Compressor rooms for flammable gases

Wells for sewerage of industrial wastewater, technologically connected to buildings (premises) of categories A, B, B (A, B, B1-B3)

The distance from the non-fire side of the steam superheating furnaces to the reactors and from the pyrolysis furnaces to the cooling scrubbers and waste heat boilers (single- and double-circuit) due to the impossibility under the conditions of the technological process of attributing the furnaces from the reactor, scrubber and waste heat boiler can be reduced to 5 m.
To isolate furnaces with an open-fire process from the gaseous environment in case of accidents in external installations or buildings, the furnaces must be provided with a device for organizing a curtain (using steam, inert gas, water) and a supply of steam (inert gas) to the furnace fireboxes.
The distance from pressurized furnaces to regenerators and reactors is not standardized due to the fact that the technological process does not allow them to be removed from pressurized furnaces.
The distance between the serviced sides of free-standing oven chambers is taken as for ovens. The distance between unattended walls without oven chamber openings is not standardized.
The distances from the non-fire side of the furnaces to the reactors of catalytic processes, if the conditions of the technological process do not allow the furnace to be removed from the reactor, can be reduced to 3 m.

6.11 Requirements for parking vehicles without maintenance and repair

6.11.1 Fire distances from collective above-ground and above-ground-underground garages, open organized parking lots in the territories of settlements and car service stations to residential buildings and public buildings, structures and structures, as well as to land plots of pre-school educational institutions, educational institutions and medical institutions Inpatient facilities in settlement areas should be no less than the distances given in Table 35.

Table 35

Buildings to which fire distances are determined

Fire distances to neighboring buildings, meters

from garages and open parking lots with the number of cars

from technical stations
number of services

10 or less

10 or less

Residential buildings:

to walls with openings

to blank walls

Public buildings

General education institutions and preschool educational institutions

Inpatient medical institutions

Note - The values ​​​​in parentheses are for garages of III and IV degrees of fire resistance.

Fire distances should be determined from the windows of residential buildings and public buildings, structures and structures and from the boundaries of land plots of children's preschool educational institutions, general education institutions and inpatient medical institutions to the walls of the garage or the boundaries of an open parking lot.
Fire distances from sectional residential buildings to open areas located along longitudinal facades with a capacity of 101–300 cars must be at least 50 m.
For garages of fire resistance degrees I and II, the distances indicated in Table 35 may be reduced by 25% if there are no opening windows in the garages, as well as entrances oriented towards residential buildings and public buildings.
6.11.2 Parking lots may be located in extensions to buildings of other functional purposes, with the exception of buildings of functional fire hazard classes F1.1, F4.1, and F5 categories A and B.
6.11.3 Car parks may be built into buildings of other functional purposes of I and II degrees of fire resistance classes C0 and C1, with the exception of buildings of classes F1.1, F4.1, F5 categories A and B. Car parks may be built into buildings of class F1.4 regardless of their degree of fire resistance. In buildings of class F1.3 it is allowed to build in parking lots for passenger cars, except for open-type parking lots, only with permanently assigned spaces for individual owners.
Parking lots are not allowed under buildings of class F1.1, F4.1.
6.11.4 Parking lots attached to buildings for other purposes must be separated from these buildings by fire walls of the 1st type.
Parking lots built into buildings for other purposes must have a degree of fire resistance no less than the degree of fire resistance of the building in which they are built, and must be separated from the premises (floors) of these buildings by fire walls and type 1 ceilings.
In buildings of class F1.3, the built-in parking lot may be separated by a type 2 fireproof ceiling, while residential floors must be separated from the parking lot by a non-residential floor (technical).
In buildings of class F1.4, the parking lot is separated by fire barriers with a fire resistance limit of EI 45.
6.11.5 In parking lots built into a building for another purpose or attached to it, in order to limit the spread of fire, the distance from the parking lot openings to the bottom of the nearest window openings of a building for another purpose should be at least 4 m or fire-resistant filling of window openings (except for buildings F1.4).
6.11.6 If it is necessary to install premises within a parking lot for vehicle servicing (maintenance and repair stations, diagnostics and adjustment work, washing, etc.), a separate building, room or group of rooms should be provided for these purposes. Such premises may be provided in parking lots and must be separated from the parking lot by fire walls of the 1st type and ceilings of the 1st type. The entrances and entrances to these premises must be isolated from the entrances and entrances to the parking lot.
6.11.7 In parking lots built into buildings for other purposes, it is, as a rule, not allowed to provide common ordinary staircases and common elevator shafts. To ensure a functional connection between the parking lot and a building for other purposes, exits from the elevator shafts and stairwells of the parking lot, as a rule, should be provided in the lobby of the main entrance of the specified building with the installation of type 1 airlocks with air pressure in case of fire on the floors of the parking lot.
The connection of premises for storing cars on the floor with premises for other purposes (except for those specified in 6.11.8) or an adjacent fire compartment is allowed through a vestibule with air pressure in case of fire.
6.11.8 Placement of retail premises, trays, kiosks, stalls, etc. Directly in vehicle storage areas is not permitted.
In vehicle storage premises, it is allowed to provide no more than two parking spaces for unloading (loading) vehicles serving the enterprise that owns the parking lot. At the same time, the possibility of permanent storage of goods in this parking lot must be excluded.
In storage areas for passenger cars owned by citizens, the use of mesh fencing made from materials from the NG group is allowed to allocate permanently assigned places.
6.11.9 In parking lot buildings, it is allowed to provide: office premises for service and duty personnel (control and cash desks, control room, security), technical premises (for engineering equipment), sanitary facilities, a storage room for clients’ luggage, premises for the disabled, as well as public telephones and elevators for people.
6.11.10 Enclosed parking lots for cars with engines running on compressed natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas are not allowed to be built into buildings for other purposes or attached to them.
6.11.11 Fire distances from open areas (including with a canopy) for storing cars to buildings and structures of enterprises (automotive, industrial, agricultural, etc.) must be accepted:

a) to production buildings and structures:

I, II and III degrees of fire resistance class C0 on the side of walls without openings - not standardized;
the same, from the side of walls with openings - at least 9 m;
IV degree of fire resistance class C0 and C1 on the side of walls without openings - at least 6 m;
the same, from the side of walls with openings - at least 12 m;
other degrees of fire resistance and fire hazard classes - at least 15 m;

B) to administrative and service buildings of enterprises:

I, II and III degrees of fire resistance class C0 - not less than 9 m;
other degrees of fire resistance and fire hazard classes - at least 15 m.

The distance from car storage areas to buildings and structures of I and II degrees of fire resistance class C0 on the territory of passenger car service stations with a number of posts of no more than 10 on the side of walls with openings is not standardized.
6.11.12 Storage of vehicles for transportation of fuels and lubricants (fuels and lubricants) should, as a rule, be provided in open areas or in separate one-story buildings of at least II degree of fire resistance class C0. It is allowed to attach such parking lots to the blind fire walls of type 1 or 2 industrial buildings of I and II degrees of fire resistance class C0 (except for buildings of categories A and B) provided that vehicles with a total capacity of transported fuels and lubricants are stored in the parking lot are not more than 30 m 3 .
In open areas, storage of vehicles for the transportation of fuels and lubricants should be provided in groups of no more than 50 vehicles and a total capacity of the specified materials no more than 600 m 3. The distance between such groups, as well as to areas for storing other vehicles, must be at least 12 m.
The distance from the storage areas for vehicles for transportation of fuel and lubricants to the buildings and structures of the enterprise should be taken in accordance with Table 7, and to the administrative and service buildings of this enterprise - at least 50 m.
6.11.13 Aboveground parking lots can be no more than 9 floors high, underground car parks - no more than 5 underground floors.
When using structures that have a continuous spiral floor, each complete turn should be considered as a tier (floor).
For multi-storey car parks with mezzanines, the total number of floors is defined as the number of mezzanines divided by two, the floor area is defined as the sum of two adjacent mezzanines.
6.11.14 In closed parking lots, ramps common to all floors must be separated (isolated) on each floor from vehicle storage rooms by fire barriers, gates and airlocks with air pressure in case of fire according to Table 36.

Table 36

Doors and gates in fire barriers and airlocks must be equipped with automatic devices for closing them in the event of a fire.
In one-story underground parking lots in front of the ramps, a vestibule-gateway may not be provided.
In isolated ramps, instead of fire gates, it is allowed to provide automatic devices that block the ramp opening floor-by-floor by at least half of its height (smoke screens) with a deluge curtain over the opening from the side of the storage rooms.
6.11.15 In above-ground parking lots, it is allowed to install non-insulated ramps in buildings of I and II degrees of fire resistance, classes C0 and C1, while the total area of ​​their floors (half-floors) connected by non-insulated ramps should not exceed 10,400 m2;
The construction of a common non-insulated ramp between the underground and above-ground floors of the parking lot is not permitted.
6.11.16 The floor covering of buildings for car parking should be made of materials that provide a flame propagation group over such a coating not lower than RP1.
6.11.17 When using a building covering for car parking, the requirements for this covering apply the same as for regular parking lot coverings. The top layer of such a coating in use should be made of materials that do not propagate combustion (the flame propagation group for such materials should not be lower than RP1).
6.11.18 In the premises for storing cars at the exit (entry) points of the ramp, as well as on the surface (if a parking lot is located there), measures must be taken to prevent possible fuel spillage.
6.11.19 Premises for storing gas-cylinder vehicles should, as a rule, be provided in separate buildings and structures of I, II, III and IV degrees of fire resistance class C0.
Premises for storing gas-cylinder passenger cars can be located on the upper floors of separate parking lots with cars running on gasoline or diesel fuel.
The location of premises for storing gas-cylinder vehicles on the floors of open parking lots, as well as in mechanized parking lots (provided that ventilation of the storage tiers is ensured) is not standardized.
6.11.20 Premises for storing gas-cylinder vehicles are not allowed to include:

a) in the ground and underground floors of parking lots;
b) in closed above-ground parking lots located in buildings for other purposes;
c) in closed above-ground parking lots with non-insulated ramps;
d) when storing cars in boxes that do not have direct access to the outside from each box.

6.11.21 In underground parking lots, parking lot maintenance rooms, including service rooms for duty and maintenance personnel, fire extinguishing and water supply pumping stations, transformer substations (only with dry transformers), a storage room for clients’ luggage, a room for the disabled may be located no lower than the first (upper) ) underground floor of the structure. The placement of other technical premises on the floors is not regulated.
These premises must be separated from vehicle storage areas by type 1 fire partitions.
6.11.22 In underground parking lots, as a rule, it is not allowed to divide parking spaces into separate boxes by partitions, except in specially specified cases.
In parking lots located in the basement or ground floor of buildings of class F1.3 I and II degrees of fire resistance, it is allowed to provide separate boxes that meet the requirements of 6.11.23 to allocate storage areas for passenger cars belonging to citizens.
6.11.23 In underground parking lots with two or more underground floors, exits from underground floors to staircases and exits from elevator shafts must be provided through floor-by-floor airlocks with air pressure in case of fire.
6.11.24 In buildings of above-ground closed parking lots of I and II degrees of fire resistance, it is allowed to provide separate boxes to allocate storage areas for passenger cars belonging to citizens. Partitions between boxes must have a fire resistance limit of EI 45, fire hazard class K0; the gates in these boxes should be provided in the form of a mesh fence. The gate of each box at a height of 1.4-1.6 m must have an opening measuring at least 300x300 mm for supplying extinguishing agents and monitoring the fire safety condition of the box.
If there is an exit from each box directly outside, it is allowed to provide partitions from materials of the NG group with a non-standardized fire resistance limit in two-story buildings of I, II and III degrees of fire resistance and one-story buildings of class C0. At the same time, in two-story buildings, the floors must be fireproof type 3. The gates in these boxes must also have holes measuring at least 300x300 mm to supply extinguishing agents and monitor the fire safety condition of the box.
6.11.25 In open-type above-ground parking buildings for passenger cars, the width of the building should not exceed 40 m.
6.11.26 In open-type above-ground parking lots, the installation of boxes, the construction of walls (except for the walls of staircases) and partitions that impede ventilation are not allowed. If it is necessary to allocate storage areas for passenger cars belonging to citizens, the use of mesh fencing made of non-combustible materials is allowed.
6.11.27 To fill open openings in external enclosing structures, the use of mesh made of non-combustible materials is allowed. To reduce the impact of precipitation, canopies made of materials from the NG group can be provided over open openings.
6.11.28 In open-type above-ground parking buildings of fire resistance class IV, the enclosing structures of evacuation stairwells and their elements must meet the requirements for stairwells of buildings of fire resistance class III.
6.11.29 In open-type above-ground parking lots, instead of fire walls of the 1st type, it is allowed to use fire breaks (passages) with a width of at least 8 m, which do not provide parking for cars and placement of the fire load, to separate fire compartments.
In this case, the floor area of ​​fire compartments should not exceed 41,600 m2.
6.11.30 Buildings (structures) of mechanized parking lots may be provided above ground with a structural fire hazard class of C0.
Parking lots can be designed using an unprotected metal frame and enclosing structures made of materials from the NG group without the use of flammable insulation (such as a multi-tiered shelf).
Mechanized parking lots may be attached to buildings for other purposes only at the blank walls of these buildings with a fire resistance limit of at least REI 150.
6.11.31 A parking block with a mechanized device can have a capacity of no more than 100 parking spaces and a building height of no more than 28 m.
If it is necessary to arrange a parking lot from several blocks, they should be separated by fire partitions of the 1st type.
6.11.32 In a mechanized parking block for maintenance of mechanized device systems on floors (tiers), it is allowed to install an open staircase made of materials from the NG group.


Fire protection systems. Ensuring fire resistance of protected objects
Heating, ventilation, air conditioning. Fire requirements
PUE Rules for electrical installations.
Fire protection systems. Sources of external fire-fighting water supply. Fire safety requirements

13 ITs in the city district have backup fuel. These sources generate 75% of all thermal energy. Fuel oil and diesel fuel are used as backup fuel. Emergency fuel is not provided according to IT fuel regimes.

9 ITs have fuel oil facilities: State Enterprise OJSC Heat Generating Company No. 2 in the Vologda Region, LLC Western Boiler House, OJSC Vologda Optical-Mechanical Plant, OJSC Stroyindustriya, OJSC Agrostroykonstruktsiya, OJSC Severny Kommunar, Agricultural Industrial Complex "Teplichny Plant", MUP "Vologdagorteploset" on the street. Zalineinaya 22, JSC "SKDM". The total reserve fuel reserve according to heat supply organizations is 11 thousand tons.

Calculations of the standard volumes of reserve fuel reserves were carried out in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation dated September 4, 2008 No. 66 “On the organization in the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation of work to approve standards for the creation of fuel reserves at thermal power plants and boiler houses.” The total standard fuel reserve (TSF) is determined by the sum of the volumes of the irreducible standard fuel reserve (RNST) and the standard operational fuel reserve (NEFR). NNZT when operating IT on natural gas is determined in the IT “survival” mode for 3 days while maintaining above-zero temperatures for consumers at the outside air temperature of the coldest month (-12.6 0 C). NEZT for sources operating on natural gas is defined as the volume of reserve fuel required to replace gaseous fuel during periods of reduction in its supply by gas supply organizations. The estimated reduction in natural gas supply is normalized as 40% of the calculated value for 14 days in January and 14 days in April. In accordance with SNiP II-35-76* “Boiler installations”, the calculation of the amount of reserve fuel was made for boiler houses with an installed thermal capacity of more than 20 Gcal/h.

The minimum fuel reserve standard is determined by the formulas (tons):

where: Bconv – daily consumption of conventional fuel during the specified period, tce;

n day - number of days;

Q max – lower calorific value of reserve fuel, Gcal/t;

Qрн - average value of heat supply to the heating network (boiler house output) in the coldest month, Gcal/day;

N SR.T - calculated standard specific fuel consumption for supplied thermal energy for the coldest month, tce/Gcal;

TO- coefficient of conversion of natural fuel into conventional fuel;

T- duration of the period of formation of the volume of irreducible fuel reserve, days.

The standard operational fuel reserve is determined by the formula (tons):

Where: T ZAM - the number of days during which the gas supply is reduced;

d ZAM - the share of daily fuel consumption to be replaced;

TO ZAM - deviation coefficient of actual gas supply reduction indicators;

TO EKV - the ratio of the calorific value of reserve fuel and gas.

The results of calculating standard reserve fuel reserves for large sources of thermal energy in the urban district are given in table 6.

Table 6. Main initial data and results of calculating the creation of standard reserve fuel reserves by large sources of thermal energy

IT, fuel type Average daily thermal energy production Specific fuel consumption standard Average daily fuel consumption Number of days Reserve fuel capacity*
Gcal here/Gcal here days tons
NNZT (standard minimum fuel reserve)
GU OJSC TGC-2 1653,6 0,166 274,50 606,85
LLC "Western Boiler House" 1513,68 0,155 234,62 518,69
JSC VOMZ 719,952 0,145 104,39 230,79
SHPK Plant Teplichny 115,752 0,1577 18,25 40,36
MUP VGTS st. Zalineinaya 22 436,296 0,161 70,24 155,29
JSC "Agrostroykonstruktsiya" 348,528 0,161 56,11 124,05
OJSC "Stroyindustry" 108,12 0,156 16,87 37,29
Total 775,0 1713,31
NEZT (standard operational fuel reserve)
GU OJSC TGC-2 960,96 0,166 159,52 1645,74
LLC "Western Boiler House" 879,65 0,155 136,35 1406,66
JSC VOMZ 418,39 0,145 60,67 625,89
SHPK Plant Teplichny 67,27 0,1577 10,61 109,44
MUP VGTS st. Zalineinaya 22 253,55 0,161 40,82 421,14
JSC "Agrostroykonstruktsiya" 202,54 0,161 32,61 336,42
OJSC "Stroyindustry" 62,83 0,156 9,80 101,12
Total 2845,18 450,37 4646,42
TNZT (Total standard fuel reserve)
GU OJSC TGC-2 2614,56 0,166 434,02 2252,59
LLC "Western Boiler House" 2393,33 0,155 370,97 1925,35
JSC VOMZ 1138,34 0,145 165,06 856,67
SHPK Plant Teplichny 183,02 0,1577 28,86 149,80
MUP VGTS st. Zalineinaya 22 689,84 0,161 111,06 576,44
JSC "Agrostroykonstruktsiya" 551,07 0,161 88,72 460,48
OJSC "Stroyindustry" 170,95 0,156 26,67 138,41
Total 7741,11 1225,36 6359,73

*In the calculations, the conversion factor of natural fuel into conventional fuel was taken to be 1.357.

When standard fuel reserves are approved, this value can be increased taking into account the actual reduction in gas supply. Thermal energy sources have a fuel oil facility with the following volumes of fuel oil storage tanks:

ü Agricultural Production Complex "Teplichny" Combine - 2 tanks of 1000 m 3 each;

ü MUP "Vologdagorteploset" on the street. Zalineynaya, 22 – 3 tanks of 1000 m 3 each;

ü JSC "Stroyindustry" - 1 tank 1000 m 3, 1 tank 2000 m 3;

ü GU OJSC “Heat Generating Company TGK-2 in the Vologda Region” - 2 tanks of 3000 m 3 each, 2 tanks of 5000 m 3 each;

ü Western Boiler House LLC - 2 tanks of 2000 m 3 each, 1 tank of 3000 m 3;

ü JSC “Vologda Optical-Mechanical Plant” - 2 tanks of 3000 m 3 each, 1 tank of 2000 m 3;

ü JSC "Vologdaagrostroykonstruktsiya" - 3 tanks of 1000 m 3 each.

In general, for thermal energy sources, the capacity of fuel oil fuel warehouses is sufficient to store standard reserve fuel reserves. However, the condition of containers (reservoirs) must be periodically monitored and the need for their repair or replacement identified as part of current or future programs.