Modeling the subject-developmental environment of a kindergarten group. We bring to your attention a set of consultations on the speech development of children at the stand, in the speech therapy corner. Do-it-yourself design of a speech center at school

Speech development- one of the main conditions for the full formation of a child’s personality. A speech therapist plays an important role in correcting speech deficiencies. Its task is to differentiate the diagnosis of speech disorders and carry out corrective measures in order to improve the child’s speech skills.

Research shows that most preschoolers have poor communication skills or have a very poor vocabulary. Due to this modern speech therapist teacher's office must be equipped with everything necessary to create a favorable speech environment that promotes the successful development of monologue speech.

Purpose of classes in a speech therapy room

  • Improving facial muscles. Helps normalize the performance of facial muscle tissue.
  • Improving speech skills. Helps stabilize the functioning of the respiratory and vocal speech apparatus and their coordination.
  • Removing psychological barriers. Helps improve cognitive mental processes aimed at improving speech in a child.

In modern children's private and public educational institutions, the speech therapy room plays an important role in the formation and improvement of the lexical and grammatical basis of speech. Classes with a specialist help consolidate and expand the vocabulary in lexical areas, intensify the use of proposed constructions and word formation skills.

Leading areas of the speech therapist's office in a preschool educational institution

  • Consulting teachers and psychologists on the most effective teaching of children who have any difficulties with pronunciation.
  • Analysis of speech defects in children for the purpose of selecting an individual training program.
  • Creation of a correctional development base to correct existing violations.

The design of a speech therapist's office in a kindergarten, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, should include a diagnostic area, sound correction and play therapy. Main task- help children acquire coherent speech skills with the help of various teaching aids and well-chosen games.

Important requirements for a speech therapist's office

  • Availability of advanced technical devices. Implementation modern interactive devices is the most important condition for organizing the educational process. After all, it ensures prompt processing of the issued information without wasting time.
  • No distractions. The office should look strict, but at the same time beautiful and cozy, nothing should distract from classes or cause discomfort. Everything around should create a positive, working mood in the child.
  • Time. The specialist is prohibited from independently extending the duration of classes with children and making various reductions between them.

The school speech therapist's office must also comply with approved sanitary and epidemiological requirements.

Manuals and devices for a speech therapist’s office according to the Federal State Educational Standard

  • To form sound pronunciation. A set of publications for working with speech breathing, various inflatable toys, special albums for differentiating sounds.
  • To study literacy. Various alphabets, diagrams and images for studying sentences, interactive sensory complex "Wunderkind" for mastering computer literacy.
  • For the development of phonemic awareness and sound. Signal circles for learning sounds, aids for establishing the sound in certain words, special pictures, modern interactive whiteboards, for example, speech therapy complex it-YAGA.
  • To form coherent speech. Colorful plot images, sets of texts for retelling and various modern devices.
  • For the development of visual attention and memory. This includes a variety of game elements, prefabricated pictures and puzzles, as well as cut pictures of various configurations.

A modern speech therapist's office, in addition to visual teaching aids, should be equipped with furniture and specialized equipment, gaming devices, interactive whiteboards and screen-sound teaching aids.

Properly equipped specialist office- This is a cross between a classroom and a children's playroom. Professionally equipped speech therapist's office will create the most productive atmosphere for individual and group classes in kindergartens and schools.

Items for children's development

  • Mirrors. They help the child observe his own articulatory and facial movements, and promote the development of speech skills.
  • Tables with various items. All kinds of toys, differing in color, shape and weight, help develop tactile sensations.
  • Various pinwheels, soap bubbles. Various means can be used here to develop speech breathing.
  • Modern interactive devices. Many software systems include games for logic, attention, coherent speech, sound pronunciation, and grammatical structure.

Modern interactive complexes and electronic devices have recently become an integral part of the speech therapist’s office at school. They, in comparison with conventional subjects, help to significantly increase children’s interest in remedial classes and facilitate classes in lexical-grammatical structure and coherent speech.

Speech therapists will appreciate the convenience and usefulness of using such modern speech therapy complexes as "Prodigy" And IT-YAGA from ANRO technology, complete with a huge set of specialized speech therapy games and tasks: from breathing and air flow exercises to games on the surrounding world and learning to read.

Timely mastery of correct, clear speech is important for the formation of a full-fledged personality. A person with well-developed speech easily enters into communication, he can easily and clearly express his thoughts and desires, ask questions, negotiate with partners about joint activities, and lead a team. Conversely, unclear speech greatly complicates relationships with others and often leaves a heavy imprint on a person’s character. Correct, well-developed speech is one of the main indicators of a child’s readiness for successful learning at school. Speech deficiencies can lead to academic failure and give rise to a child’s lack of self-confidence, and this will have far-reaching negative consequences. Therefore, you need to start taking care of the correctness of your child’s speech as early as possible.

Speech is not an innate ability; it is formed gradually, and its development depends on many reasons. One of the conditions for the normal development of sound pronunciation is the full functioning of the articulatory apparatus. The prevailing opinion that the sound pronunciation side of speech develops independently, without special influence and help from adults - as if the child himself will gradually master the correct pronunciation - is deeply erroneous. But it is precisely this that is often the reason that the development of the sound side of speech, especially at an early age, occurs by itself, without due attention from parents and educators, and therefore a significant number of preschool children have one or another pronunciation defects. And since these shortcomings do not correct themselves, every hour we hear more or less defective speech, both from children and adults.

Non-interference in the process of formation of children's speech almost always entails developmental delays. Defects in sound pronunciation, having arisen and become established in childhood, are overcome with great difficulty in subsequent years and can persist for life. Only qualified assistance can compensate for the defect.

Raising clear speech in children is a task of great social significance, and everyone should be aware of its seriousness: speech therapists, parents, educators, and teachers. The leading role in the work to correct speech defects belongs to the speech therapist. But only classes with a speech therapist are not enough to develop strong skills in correct sound pronunciation; additional exercises are needed - with parents, a teacher, as well as independent training for children.

Forming correct pronunciation in children is a complex process; the child will have to learn to control his speech organs, perceive speech addressed to him, and exercise control over the speech of others and his own. As a result of such work, by the age of four to five years the child should master clear pronunciation of all speech sounds, but for many children this process is delayed. The child is five years old, but he does not pronounce individual sounds ([l], [r]), a group of sounds [s], [z], [ts]) or several groups of sounds: hissing sounds are replaced by whistling ones (“koska” instead of cat, “ siska" instead of a cup); the sound [l] is pronounced like [v] (“louse” instead of a spoon), the sound [r] is burr.

Often, children also suffer from vowel sounds; they pronounce them unclearly, as if blurring their sound. Meanwhile, the correct pronunciation of vowel sounds is very important, since vowels serve as the basis for sound-letter analysis, which prepares the child for learning to read and write. In addition, systematic exercises with vowel sounds serve as speech gymnastics, promoting the development of coordinated movements of the speech organs: the development of speech breathing, voice and diction. Although sound pronunciation defects do not disappear on their own, under favorable learning conditions children are capable of self-correction. The creation of a speech therapy corner in a group will facilitate the organization of independent sound pronunciation classes for children.

The intelligibility and purity of pronunciation of sounds depends on many factors and, first of all, on the anatomical structure of the articulatory apparatus, on how the tongue, lips, jaws act, on a person’s ability to sense and feel the movements of the organs of articulation, as well as on the functional maturity of the speech zones of the cortex brain. In the logo corner, a child can easily reproduce the exercises necessary for training the articulatory apparatus. Often, children experience muscle tension in their articulation organs during a conversation. This also has a negative impact on the process of sound pronunciation formation. Among the manuals for children is a system of relaxing exercises that will help relieve excessive tension from the organs of articulation and help children feel the movements of the tongue, lips, and jaw.

Material on training fine motor skills of the fingers, the development of movements of the speech apparatus, sensations from the movement of the organs of articulation are presented to children in the form of fairy tales, funny clearings, riddles, this helps children more easily remember what they practiced in class and makes independent activity interesting, exciting, and emotional. The child, carried away by the game, trying to comply with its conditions as best as possible, does not notice that he is learning. This means that the correction process will proceed more actively, faster, and overcoming difficulties will be easier.

As K.D. Ushinsky noted, when a child sees a picture, he immediately wants to speak. Therefore, speech exercises are accompanied by illustrations that show how Zvukoznaykin and Slovoznaykin perform these exercises. With the help of these pictures, children will be able to compose and use fairy tales about the “Jolly Tongue”, which create a favorable emotional background.

The duration of regular classes depends on the age and ability of the child. Independent classes are convenient because the child himself can determine the time of the lesson. And if he is interested and gets carried away, there is no need to stop him.

In the speech therapy corner the following can be displayed:

  • Finger games learned in class.
  • Exercises for the lips, using a combination of lip movements and exhalation.
  • Exercises for the tongue, combining movements of the tongue and exhalation.
  • Voice exercises based on vowel sounds.
  • Analysis of the correct articulation of the sound being studied using reference patterns for lip and tongue postures.
  • Games for the ability to distinguish speech sounds by ear, isolate them from words, determine the place of sound in a word, and compare them with each other.

Work on the development and correction of speech of preschoolers is one of the priority areas of the educational process in kindergarten. Therefore, creating conditions for the prevention and correction of speech disorders in children is an important principle in the design of the speech therapy zone (correction corner, speech center) of the subject-developmental environment of the group. At the same time, the environment should be not only educational, developmental, but also aesthetically designed, and most importantly, comfortable.

The role of the speech therapy corner

In the context of the educational concept of modern preschool educational institutions (DOU), classes for the correction and development of speech can be conducted in two options:

  • in a specially equipped room for classes with a speech therapist;
  • in each kindergarten group.

In the first case, all equipment for work is located in the specialist’s office. The location of basic materials for group work is due to the fact that in kindergarten the speech therapist does not have an office or the teacher himself is engaged in correctional work. A speech therapy corner is part of a subject-development environment for games individually or in a group, aimed at correcting existing speech disorders and stimulating the speech activity of children. The role of the speech therapy center is to:

Goals and objectives of creating the center

The content of the speech therapy corner is based on lexical topics, considered in accordance with calendar and thematic planning. In addition, the correction center materials must be related to:

  • the program according to which the preschool educational institution and a specific group operates (for example, if a kindergarten has speech therapy groups, then the subject-development zone will not only be larger in terms of space occupied, but also more diverse in content);
  • physiological and psychological-pedagogical features of speech development at a specific age (for example, in the junior and middle groups, the work takes into account the order of mastering sounds - a, o, e, p, m, b c 1.5–2 years, i, s , y, f, v, t, d, n, k, g, x, j at 2–4 years).

Thus, the goals of creating a speech corner in a preschool educational institution are:

  • fine motor skills training for the full and timely development of coherent, conscious speech with the help of special simulators (laces, tops, etc.);
  • stimulation of the speech apparatus to pronounce consonant sounds that differ in the location of the obstacle that the air flow encounters (especially the anterior lingual palatal sounds w, zh, r, h and anterior lingual dental sounds l, z, s);
  • mastering the skill of correct inhalation and exhalation during the speech act with the help of breathing exercises (important for pronouncing consonants that require a certain direction of air flow to the place of the obstacle);

    Developing proper breathing is one of the main directions of speech development

  • development of logical thinking, attention, ability to find cause-and-effect relationships;
  • practicing sound pronunciation (when learning pure tongue twisters and tongue twisters);
  • development of phonemic hearing (children understand the meanings of words from poems, fairy tales, perceived by ear);
  • mastering the principles of the grammatical structure of language in games (for example, the formation of diminutive forms of nouns using the suffixes -chka-, -onk-, etc., as well as the study of syntactic norms, in particular, the rules for constructing sentences).

This is interesting. The acoustic realization of consonant sounds is possible due to the fact that when they are pronounced, the vocal tract narrows, causing complete or partial blockage of the air flow. Changing the direction of the latter makes it possible to produce different consonant sounds. To pronounce vowels, there is no significant narrowing of the vocal tract.

At the same time, for each age, the set goals are implemented within the framework of solving specific tasks, which are cumulative in nature, that is, they are supplemented and enriched from year to year.

Work on speech development is built consistently from year to year

Table: tasks for creating a speech corner for different ages

First youngestOvercoming speech negativism (when children strive to show, rather than say, a word or phenomenon) in paired and group games.
An exercise in matching an object with an image in a picture.
Clarification and enrichment of the dictionary.
Cultivating attention to addressed speech.
Second youngestEnrichment and activation of the vocabulary on program lexical topics (by filling the speech therapy area with suitable pictures).
Development of dialogic speech (in play situations when interacting with dolls and toys).
Development of speech breathing and the ability to coordinate speech with movement (thanks to a selection of breathing exercises).
Development of auditory and visual attention during the game.
Development of fine and gross motor skills of children when working with simulators.
AverageActivation and enrichment of passive and active vocabulary.
Mastering the norms of word formation of forms of nouns and adjectives.
Work on the ability to control the force and duration of exhalation.
Fine and gross motor skills training.
Development of spatial concepts.
Senior, preparatoryPracticing and consolidating lexical material, lexical and grammatical categories.
Formation of phonemic perception and hearing (distinguishing between soft and hard sounds, for example).
Development of articulatory motor skills.
Consolidating the skills of correct sound pronunciation of given sounds in isolation, in syllables, words, in sentences, in coherent speech (by involving children in role-playing games).
Activation of vocabulary, generalizing concepts and lexical and grammatical categories.
Development of coherent speech.

Design of a speech therapy corner

In order for a correctional center to fully function, it must be organized in accordance with the requirements established by the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES).

This is interesting. A toy for a speech corner should be selected according to certain parameters. First of all, it should have a movable tongue, using an example of which it will be possible to show children the position of the organs of articulation. The character's clothes should have Velcro, buttons, snaps, so that when dressing and undressing the character, kids practice fine motor skills. In addition, the outfit should be made of fabrics of different colors and textures - this will help children learn to characterize materials by properties and shades. And to quickly master the skill of orientation in the body diagram, it will come in handy if the toy has movable arms and legs.

Video: example of working with a toy in a speech therapy corner


Table: typical content of a speech corner

Pictures to illustrate articulation games, sets of tasks for articulation in pictures or tables.For articulation gymnasticsWhile completing tasks, children look at pictures that represent all the movements step by step.
Tops, lacing of different shapes and sizes, mosaics, puzzles, dry pool, templates for shading, tracing, pencils, felt-tip pens.For training fine motor skillsIn younger groups, children enjoy lacing (for example, connecting four fragments of a ship or car with a lace); in older groups, children work with shading to prepare their hands for writing.
Balloons, pipes, soap bubbles, pinwheels.To form correct breathingChildren aged 1.5–3 years really like to blow soap bubbles; pupils in the middle group work with pipes and turntables. In older groups, children inflate balloons and also continue their acquaintance with pipes.
Dominoes, cut-out picture puzzles, games like “The Fourth Wheel”, “Recognize by the Contour”, etc.For the development of perseverance, attention, logical, figurative and concrete-subject and visually effective thinking.Cut pieces of puzzle pictures are used in working with children of any age. The only difference is that in the younger groups it is a compilation of pictures from four parts, in the middle - from six, and in the senior - from 10-12.
Audio recordings of children's songs, poems, games with pairs of cards (the picture shows a plot with missing parts of two sizes, shapes that the child puts on top after completing the task): a squirrel with mushrooms, a Christmas tree with toys, etc.To train phonemic hearing.To practice the sounds “ry” and “r”, the game “Squirrel” is played: the teacher names the reserves that the squirrel has made, and the children, hearing a soft sound, put a small mushroom on the picture, and when they hear a hard sound, put a large one.
Albums with tasks for automating sounds by V.V. Kovalenko, games L.A. Komarova, fun “Speech therapy lotto”, “Pick up and name”, “Steam locomotive”, etc.To practice sound pronunciation“Speech Therapy Lotto” contains 12 cards with cut pictures, which the child assembles into a whole image. Names the resulting pictures and highlights the sound being practiced. In older groups, children determine the position of the sound in a word and make a sentence with this word.
Pictures corresponding to the topics being studied, games “One - Many”, “Pick a Pair”, etc.To enrich the vocabularyGame “Pick a Pair”: when studying domestic animals in the second younger group, children are asked to find pairs of pictures depicting a male (female).
Games “Whose Tail?”, “One - Many”, collections of games by E.M. Karpova, E.V. Solovyova.To learn grammatical rules of speechGame “Whose Tail”: children match pictures of tails to animals placed on a flannelgraph. After composing the image, they name whose tail it is (fox, hare, etc.).
Games “Guess the description”, “When it happens”, “Professions”.To train the skill of constructing coherent statementsThe game “Guess by Description” is played according to the lotto principle: children have pictures, the teacher describes the plot, and the children show. In older groups, children take turns describing the pictures and guessing.
Games “Match the word to the diagram”, “Make a sentence according to the diagram”, “Add the word”, puzzles and crosswordsTo enrich active and passive vocabulary, broaden your horizons and master the norms of sentence construction.Game “Make a sentence according to the scheme”: children have a set of cards and symbols of prepositions (a symbol indicating the location is glued to the caps of plastic bottles), they need to put together sentences from the available materials and pronounce it.

Photo gallery: practical application of some materials

In the game “Whose Tail” children not only train fine motor skills, logical and figurative thinking, but also learn to form the form of possessive adjectives. An exercise in sorting cards by size depending on the sound they hear helps to practice phonemic awareness. Compiling sentences according to a pattern promotes the development of coherent speech.

Tools and ideas for decoration

The basis for organizing a speech therapy corner in a group is a table on which a mirror is placed. Further packaging is based around these elements.

What you can do with your own hands

The subject-development environment in kindergarten is designed not only with purchased materials, but also with objects created by the hands of the teacher and parents. To a greater extent, this is done so that children, seeing the results of manual labor, treat it with respect. If we consider the speech therapy corner from the point of view of the possibilities of designing on our own, then in this sense the most optimal would be to create a stand. To do this, you will need a sheet of plywood of the required size and shape, onto which the fabric is stretched through a foam rubber pad. The structure is secured with a construction stapler. Thanks to the soft surface, materials on the topic can be attached with pins or buttons, and the stand will not lose its presentation due to frequent changes in visibility.

Small stands can be made for specific types of work, for example, with finger games, breathing exercises

What to call

The name of each zone of the subject-development environment should be understandable to children and, which is very important, easy for them to pronounce. Of course, you can take the path of least resistance and name the center “Speech Therapy Corner” or “Speech Corner”, but it makes sense to find more original options:

  • “Toy library with a tongue”;
  • “We speak correctly”;
  • "Zvukarik";
  • "Talker";
  • "Logolandia";
  • "LOGOcountry".

Video: video tour of the speech center in the middle group

Photo gallery: design sketches for a speech therapy corner

Materials from the speech therapy corner can be placed on shelves by placing a rack above the table. A mirror is hung so that children, sitting on a chair, can see their entire face. In the speech therapy corner in the junior and middle groups, there is a permanent character who helps and shows children exercises and games. If the space there are few in the group, then the corner can be centered around a mirror hanging on the wall

Working in a speech center

Judging by the list of materials, we can conclude that the main type of activity in the speech corner is play, which is completely justified, since this is the main type of activity for children aged 1.5–7 years. However, in addition to didactic fun, the speech center, using available visual aids, conducts:

As well as artistic and creative types of work as an element of practical activity.

Table: games and exercises in the speech therapy center

First junior groupSecond youngestMiddle groupSeniorPreparatory group
Didactic games“Doll Katya is getting dressed and getting ready for kindergarten”
The teacher shows the children how the Katya doll “dresses” and “puts on her shoes.” As the game progresses, he names items of clothing, attracting the children's attention to details, and asks what color these items are.
"Who Got Away"
The teacher displays pictures of family members in front of the children. Alternately removing one, the children determine who is missing.
“What did the artist mix up?” The teacher invites the children to look at the picture and say what the artist did wrong (in the fall, children do not wear T-shirts and shorts, there are no strawberries, etc.).A retelling of the fairy tale by V. Suteev “Under the Mushroom”."Restore Order"
The guys receive a set of pictures with a plot. Their task is to arrange the images in the correct order and describe what is happening.
Role-playing gamesChildren imitate the actions of adults: washing dishes, ironing clothes.Games “Being a Doctor”, “Being a Teacher”.Games “Mothers and Daughters”, “Big Wash” (after listening to A. Kardashova’s story “Big Wash”).A dramatization of the fairy tale “Turnip” as the teacher reads it, a game “Barbershop” with the distribution of roles: hairdressers - ladies' master, men's hairdresser, cashier, cleaning lady, clients.Games “Shop”, “School”, “Clinic” with independent distribution of roles.
Articulation exercises and tongue twisters. They are carried out in front of a mirror.Whoop, whoop, whoop, Mom is making soup.
If only there was smoke coming from the chimney.
Description of the exercise: smile, show closed teeth. Hold your lips in this position until the count of five, then return your lips to their original position. Repeat 3-4 times.
Frogs will like this:
Pull your lips straight towards your ears.
I'll pull and stop
And I won’t get tired at all.
The mouth is wide open. Push the narrow tongue forward and move it deep into the mouth.
Description of the exercise: open your mouth as wide as possible, hold it in this position until the count of five, then close your mouth. Repeat 3-4 times.
We open our mouth wider,
We play hippos:
Let's open our mouth wide,
Like a hungry hippo.
You can't close it
I count to five.
And then we'll shut our mouths
A hippopotamus is resting.
Va-va-va, wa-va-va - here is the tall grass.
You-you-you, you-you-you - even over your head.
Ve-ve-ve, ve-ve-ve - cornflowers are visible in the grass.
Woo-woo-woo, woo-woo-woo - cornflower bouquet to Narva.
Finger gamesThis finger wants to sleep, Alternating bending of the fingers of the right hand
This finger went to the bed with the left hand, starting with the little finger.
This finger took a nap
This finger has already fallen asleep.
- Hush, little finger, don’t make noise, “Addressing” the thumb.
Except for the big one
fingers, all the rest are clamped into a fist.
Fingers stood up, hurray! Sharply unclench your fingers, spreading them apart.
It's time to go to kindergarten! Clenching and unclenching the fist of the right hand.
This finger is a grandfather. The fingers of the right (then left) hand are clenched into a fist.
This finger is a grandmother, alternately extending the fingers first with the right one,
then the left hand, starting with the thumb.
This finger is daddy
This finger is mom.
But this finger is me.
That's my whole family. Clenching and unclenching fingers.
There are a lot of beds in the garden, (They clench and unclench their fingers.)
There are turnips and lettuce here, (Bend your fingers one by one.)
There are beets and peas here,
Are potatoes bad?
Our green garden (Clap their hands.)
It will feed us for a whole year.
A playful squirrel is jumping (“running” with its fingers on the table),
Tears pine cones from pine branches (they clench their fists alternately on their right and left hands).
He squeezes deftly with his paws (they clench their fists on their right and left hands at the same time)
And he takes it to his closet (“they run” their fingers across the table).
Ay, water, water, water! We will always be clean (they rub their palms rhythmically, imitating washing their hands)! Splash - to the right, splash - to the left! Our body became wet (the fingers are clenched into a fist, then the fingers are straightened with force, as if shaking off the water)! Using a fluffy towel, dry your hands very quickly (vigorous movements imitate alternately wiping your hands with a towel).
Breathing exercisesUsually carried out with the second youngest.
"Leaf Fall"
Children blow with different strengths on leaves cut out of colored paper and suspended on strings. Along the way, you can name which trees they fell from.
We stand straight, feet slightly wider than shoulders. As you inhale, fold your hands like a hatchet and lift them up. Sharply, as if under the weight of an ax, we lower our outstretched arms down while exhaling, tilt our body, allowing our hands to “cut through” the space between our legs. We say "bang".
Shaking your head left and right, we take strong breaths. The shoulders remain motionless, and the ears stretch towards the shoulders. We make sure that when you tilt your head, your torso does not turn.
Turn your head left and right at the pace of movement. Simultaneously with each turn, we inhale through our nose: short, noisy (“like a hedgehog”), with tension in the muscles of the entire nasopharynx (the nostrils move and seem to connect, the neck tenses). Exhale softly, voluntarily, through half-open lips.

Practical activities

Creative tasks help children better understand didactic material, practice their speech skills and abilities, and also show their creativity.

Anastasia Gredyakina

Correctional subject development environment speech therapy group and speech therapy room for preschoolers.

Speech development is the most important condition for the full development of children. To correct speech deficiencies, enrich and improve speech, it is necessary to create a favorable speech environment that would serve the interests, needs and development of children.

The formation of correct speech, the development of cognitive activity, the emotional-volitional sphere in children with speech disorders is a complex and multi-component pedagogical process in structure. It has been proven that the creation of conditions for development, upbringing and training, as well as a correctional and developmental environment that is comfortable in all respects, has the maximum impact on the development of children’s communicative and speech abilities.

Material and technical equipment group and office basically meets the requirements - it is developmental and correctional in nature, creates conditions for the creative activity of each child, provides children with the opportunity for active, purposeful and varied activities.

The most noticeable and educational part of our group is the wall,designed in the form of a city. She helps us a lot in our work, studying lexical topics, in mathematics, literacy classes, etc.

We have a pronunciation correction zone issued, connecting insects with the lexical topic and playing with prepositions.

I also wanted to make an information center for parents with my own hands and present it in the form of a carousel from a famous cartoon.

IN group We have a miracle tree growing, on which removable Velcro material changes depending on the time of year.

IN registration as you have already noticed, we use oracal, a colored adhesive film, it is very good for decorative registrations,very easy to use.

Our children sleep in the bedroom and see fabulous dreams, which are carried to them by little magical fairies).

Design of a speech therapy room:

Now all stands can be ordered and made on special panels, but making teaching aids with your own hands is dearer and nicer)

Publications on the topic:

“Professions in construction” lesson notes in the speech therapy group of a speech therapist teacher Summary of direct educational activities on speech development on the topic: “Professions in construction” for children with severe disabilities.

Dear colleagues and guests of my page! This year, at our preschool institution, we held a competition for teachers “For the best design.

Annual plan of a speech therapist teacher in a senior speech therapy group Events Dates Organizational work Preparing the classroom for the new academic year Until September 1 Primary and in-depth examination.

Everything flows, everything changes. and changes have occurred in our institution. I was given a new office, I needed to do some renovations and move.

On the eve of each new year, I try to create a unique fairy-tale atmosphere in the speech therapy room. For this I am developing together.

In our kindergarten, as in many kindergartens, teachers try to decorate their groups for each season. The experts decided not to either.

Parent meeting for parents of the speech therapy group “The relationship between the work of the family and the speech therapist.” Parent meeting. Topic: “The relationship between the work of the family and the speech therapist.” Goal: forming an active position of parents, attracting their attention.

There are two large groups of sounds in the Russian language - vowels and consonants.

Sounds are what we hear and pronounce.

Letters are signs that represent letters. We read and write letters.


There are 6 vowel sounds in the Russian language (denoted in red) - A O U Y Y I E

10 vowels - A O U Y Y E I E Y Y Y


Consonants are voiced and unvoiced

B C D E F Z L M N R - voiced (“the neck is ringing”)

P F K T Sh S H Ts - deaf ("the head does not ring")

solid /KoT/ - denoted in blue

soft / Len / - denoted in green.

As a rule, after hard consonants come VOWELS -A O U Y E

After soft consonants there are usually vowels - I E E Yu I or b

How to learn not to skip vowels in words

The most common mistakes made by children in grades 1-2 at school are omissions of vowels. This is due to the fact that children have not formed or developed the function of sound analysis and synthesis.


Let's get acquainted with the vowel sounds A, O, U, Y, I, E.

To better remember, we associate them with objects:

A – a little girl’s song, the girl cries loudly. /to sing a song, you need to open your mouth wide/

U - song of a steam locomotive / stretch out our lips with a tube /

O – a song of a boy who has a toothache / his mouth is not widely rounded /

Y - song of the wolf, evil teeth of the wolf /show sharply exposed teeth/

And - the song of a cheerful foal /lips in a smile/

E – echo song /mouth open, teeth exposed/

Each sound must be correlated with its articulation. Together with the children, we guess sounds by lips / by articulation /, which helps children in the future to determine this or that sound, in case of doubt, either by ear or by its articulation.

Learning to identify vowel sounds

---at the beginning of a word/ the sound should be stressed/

The speech therapist pronounces the words, emphasizing the first sound in the word in an exaggerated manner:

UUUUUtka, OOOautumn, AAAASya, IIIira.

If a child cannot identify a sound by ear, we suggest identifying it by lips/articulation/

This work is carried out when determining the sound at the end of a word:

WindowOOOOOO, tablesYYYYY, glassesIIIIII, legsAAAAAA.

The most difficult task is highlighting the vowel sound in the middle of a word

Before completing this task, you should definitely remember all the “songs” and the articulation of vowel sounds. Words must be selected so that the first consonants “stretch.” /S, L, R, Sh.../


Such work must be carried out over a long period of time, gradually complicating the task and increasing the speed of pronouncing words, removing the exaggeration of sounds.

Good luck to you!

Learning letters

Learning to read

Handwriting correction. It's possible!


The use of this or that font, even the simplest one in the sense of the primitiveness of the lines, requires familiarity with calligraphy, requires training in the use of straight lines and ovals.

To do this you need to remember basic rules of calligraphic writing:

1) Smooth, straight fit;

2) Do not touch the edge of the table with your chest;

3) Both hands should be up to the elbows on the table;

4) The position of the writing hand is as follows: the second finger, with a very slight bend, should almost lie on the pen handle and be approximately 3 cm from its end. The fifth finger, straightened, should lie on the paper, serving as a support for the hand.

Your fingers will not feel tired even from hours of writing exercises if you strictly follow all the above rules.

They say that a person's character is determined by his handwriting. It is individual for all people. Of course, the child’s character, the circumstances of school and family life, the influence of friends will make some changes in the development of handwriting, but for now, all notebooks will be very similar to each other.

You can start studying at the age of 5, or even earlier. Age does not determine the onset of this process. The main condition is child's readiness:

whether his hand is prepared for writing;

can he write in block letters?

does he have a desire to learn to write in “adult” letters?

If all these skills are formed, then you can start working in a real notebook. For children under 6 years of age, this work is carried out strictly individually. The adult must carefully monitor every line, every element that the child writes, accompanying the letter with verbal explanations and advice.

These repeated comments are so firmly absorbed by the child that the moment will come when he will be able to write correctly himself, without the help of an adult. And this is very important for successful learning at school, because relearning is much more difficult. That is why every adult must be aware of all the responsibility. You cannot, for example, show how to write this or that letter and go about your business. In addition, teaching some children to write can be accompanied by some emotional stress. The child will experience the first difficulties and failures. The hand doesn’t seem to obey him, the line doesn’t go where it should. This is where adult advice can help. You can take the child's hand in yours and pee together, so that in this way he can feel exactly what this effort should be like. Your baby has the right to make mistakes. Don’t be afraid to use an eraser to remove a letter that is written incorrectly. Positive emotions are important at this stage of learning. Frustration most often does not make children want to continue working.

To maintain good posture and develop beautiful handwriting, it is very important correct landing : straight back, level shoulders down; slightly inclined position of the head at the required distance from the notebook, so as not to spoil vision. When writing, you should not touch your chest to the table, because this position makes breathing difficult. It is necessary to monitor the position of the hands during work: one hand is the main one, the other helps it; Elbows should not hang over the table.

It is better to prepare your hand for writing from early childhood. All kinds of pyramids, nesting dolls, “stickers”, mosaics, construction sets, plasticine help fingers get stronger and develop fine motor skills. Handles become dexterous and mobile. They are easy to manage. For children 3-4 years old, drawing with pencils, shading and coloring, and especially working on tracing paper, are useful. For this purpose, you need to choose a coloring book, preferably an alphabet with block letters, and cut tracing paper into the desired format; put the drawing under the tracing paper, connect them with paper clips and invite the child to trace the drawing on the tracing paper with multi-colored gel pens, trying not to go beyond the outline. If desired, the child can color the drawing with felt-tip pens. There are quite a lot of such tasks that can be completed - they cultivate perseverance, accuracy and patience, develop attention, eye and coordinate hand movements. It is important to teach your child to hold writing instruments correctly. Help him “fold” his fingers. Remember that the thumb and middle one hold the pencil, and the index one only holds it on top. You need to hold the pencil freely, without squeezing it between your fingers too tightly.

Children who prefer to do a lot with their left hand find a comfortable position for the notebook and pencil themselves. For children writing with their right hand, the pencil points to the right shoulder; for children who write with their left hand, it looks away from themselves. The main thing is that children should see what they write. Practice has shown that boys and girls who write with their left hand can also do it beautifully. It is better to start writing with a simple soft 2M pencil. Remember the wonderful old movie "First Grader"? There Marusya wrote in a lined notebook with a pencil until her letters became even and neat, and only then the teacher allowed her to write with a pen. Sheets with ready-made lines will help you learn how to write slanted. The generally accepted writing inclination is 65 degrees. At the same time, the notebook also lies at an angle. In school copybooks there are several auxiliary lines for tilting, and preschoolers have a whole grid in which each letter has its own place, its own house. First of all, the child learns to carefully draw straight slanted lines from top to bottom with soft pencils or colored pencils. Then count the cells and find the starting point of the next letter, maintaining the same distances between letters and syllables. At the beginning of the workbook, the child will write letters and words using dots. This was done so that the baby is not afraid to make mistakes. He traces the sample several times, thinking only about where to draw the line. In the future, when his hand gains greater confidence, the need for copying will disappear and the preschooler will easily move on to independent work. The first tasks allow you to master the outline of each letter, its elements and connections with other letters into syllables, as well as consolidate these skills in writing words with a given letter. Next, the child learns to write syllables with uppercase and lowercase letters. An entire page is devoted to words containing these letters. Many adults remember how during their school years it was difficult to keep up with the teacher’s dictation if you couldn’t write quickly. That is why the continuous letter appeared.

Preparing a child's hand for writing

In order for learning to write to be successful, in addition to other important tasks, it is necessary to resolve the issue of readiness to write directly by hand. Whether a future first-grader's hand is ready to write can be determined by assessing his fine motor skills and coordination of movements.

It is especially important for parents to know how to develop precise and strong enough finger movements and activate the muscles of the hand. First of all, you need to stock up on plasticine and modeling clay - modeling has a wonderful effect on fine motor skills. Exercises for the hand can be carried out at a purely everyday level, for example, fastening and unfastening buttons, sewing them on, trying to tear them off (but only without damage to clothing, on special material). It is useful to untie knots on shoelaces; it is accessible to everyone! Traditionally, coloring, drawing are used (we note in passing that felt-tip pens are not recommended - their use essentially involves moving your hand over the paper without any effort and, accordingly, does not require muscle activity), graphic exercises (shading, competition, etc.) , appliqué work, designing, cutting, sawing, stringing beads, weaving, assembling puzzles, mosaics - it is difficult to list all possible activities for the development of fine motor skills.

Draw a line down the middle of the path(without lifting the pencil).

Draw the same figure in cells.