Animal species list green pages. "Green" pages

The process of reducing the number of some species of plants and animals on Earth has been observed for several centuries. The relevance of this problem has not diminished even today.


Questions about the flora and fauna were raised by the international community back in the 19th century, but the first organization to seriously address this problem was created only in 1948. It is called Natural Resources (IUCN).

The organization established a Commission on Rare and Endangered Species. The purpose of the Commission in those days was to collect information about animals and plants that were in danger of extinction.

15 years later, in 1963, the organization published the first list of such species. “The Red Book of Facts” was the name of this list. Later, the publication was renamed, and the list was called “The Red Book of the World.”

Reasons for the decline in the number of plants and animals

The reasons that led to the decline in species of flora and fauna are very varied. But all of them are mainly related to human economic activity or his thoughtless interference in the life of nature.

The most common reason for the decline in wildlife species is the mass shooting of animals during hunting, fishing, destruction of egg clutches, and plant collection. Here we are talking about the direct destruction of species.

Another, no less common, reason for the decline in the number of wild animals and plants on the planet is not related to their direct extermination. Here we must talk about the destruction of habitat: plowing of virgin lands, construction of hydroelectric power stations and reservoirs, deforestation.

There is a natural reason that influences the decline or extinction of wildlife species - climate change on Earth. For example, the relict gull today lives only on some lakes in Mongolia, China, Kazakhstan and the Chita region. The population of the species is 10 thousand individuals, and the number of nesting pairs varies from year to year depending on weather conditions. The Red Book of the World devotes one of its pages to this rare bird. But millions of years ago, when in the modern territories of its habitat there was a huge inland sea, relict gulls, according to scientists, were distributed everywhere, and their numbers were not threatened.

Wildlife protection measures

Plants and animals of the “Red Book” forced people not only to understand the reasons for their disappearance from the face of the Earth, but also to develop a set of measures aimed at saving wildlife.

Today it is already clear that to restore the numbers of some species, it is enough just to ban hunting or gathering. To preserve others and plants, it is necessary to create special conditions for their living. At the same time, any economic activity in this territory should be prohibited.

Humans are trying to save species that are on the verge of complete extinction through artificial breeding in special nurseries while creating all favorable conditions for existence.

The “Red Book of the World” has divided the animals and plants listed on its pages into categories. For this purpose, the current state of the species and its predisposition to population reduction or extinction are taken into account.

First category of species

The pages of the book where species of the first category are listed are the most alarming. Endangered wildlife is recorded here. If humanity does not urgently take special measures, then saving these animals and plants will be impossible.

Second category

These pages contain a list of living creatures on the planet, whose numbers are still quite large, but are in the process of steadily decreasing. Scientists are convinced that if concrete action is not taken, these species may also be in danger of dying.

Third category of plants and animals

The Red Book of the World has posted lists of species that are not threatened today, but their numbers are small or they live in small areas. Therefore, any changes in the environment where they are common can lead to unpredictable results.

Plants and animals living on small islands are the most vulnerable. For example, the Komodo dragon inhabits the islands of Eastern Indonesia. Any rash human actions or natural phenomena (floods, volcanic eruptions) can lead to the extinction of a species in a very short period of time.

Fourth category

Despite the fact that science today is moving forward at a tremendous pace, there are still representatives of flora and fauna on Earth that have been little studied. They are presented on the pages of the “Red Book” in the fourth category.

For some reason, scientists are concerned about the numbers of these species, but due to insufficient knowledge, it is not yet possible to classify them among other categories of plants and animals on the “alarm list.”

Green Pages

The fifth category of animal and plant species is located on green pages. These are special pages. Species that have managed to escape the threat of extinction are listed here. The numbers have been restored thanks to human actions. These representatives of the species have not been removed from the pages of the Red Book for the reason that their commercial use is prohibited.

"Red Book of the World". Plants

The publication of the “alarming” book, dating back to 1996, contains a description of 34 thousand plant species that are in danger of extinction. They were taken under the protection of the public organization IUCN and the Red Book.

The plant world most often becomes a victim of beauty. People, admiring the unusualness and sophistication of plants, begin to thoughtlessly destroy plantations for the sake of a bouquet of flowers. A person’s desire for profit also plays an important role in this case. This is the fate of Alpine edelweiss, Ossetian bellflower, and narcissus.

There are many plants that have suffered from human activities and environmental pollution. These include tulips, chilim, some types of pine and many others.

Animals of the Red Book of the World

According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, today about 5.5 thousand animal species need protection.

Paying tribute to fashion or satisfying their gastronomic needs, people invade the life of wild nature, causing irreparable damage to it. The list of animals affected for this reason is incredibly extensive: the European pearl mussel, giant salamanders, muskrat, Galapagos giant tortoise, and many other species.

IUCN is a public organization and its decisions are non-binding, so the leadership works closely with governments to ensure that recommendations are implemented that will help preserve the life of the planet.

It took some time for humanity to understand that the nature of our planet is in danger. Entire species of plants and animals are disappearing. According to the most conservative estimates, about 900 species of plants and animals have disappeared from the face of the Earth over the past five centuries. In the near future, more than 10,000 species of living organisms may join this list.

If over 500 years about 150 species of animals and birds have become extinct on our planet, then more than half have died out only in the last 50-60 years.

In 1948, the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) was formed. And some practical actions were required to prevent this organization from turning into a purely formal body.

As a result of many years of work of the commission, in 1963, a register of rare and endangered species of wild plants and animals first appeared, which was given the name Red Date Book, i.e., the Red Book of Facts.

Later it was simply called the Red Book. A book in which rare species of animals, plants, reptiles, insects, and mushrooms are recorded. Or those that are in danger of extinction. To save certain species of flora and fauna.

Thus, the main objectives of the Red Book are: inventory, registration of rare and endangered species of plants, animals, fungi; providing objective information about them; explanation of the main methods of preserving and restoring the number of species. These tasks are set both on a global scale (International Red Book) and in individual countries or regions (for example, the Red Book of Russia or the Red Book of Karelia).

National Red Data Books also exist in Australia, USA, Sweden, Germany, and Japan.

The Red Book consists entirely of colored pages.

Black pages contain lists of those who are no longer there, whom we will never see again, who have already died out ( Sea cow, passenger pigeons and others).

Reds pages show us endangered and especially rare animals (bison, red wolf, beaver, leopard, snow leopard, Amur tiger and others).

Yellow Pages- those animals whose numbers are rapidly decreasing (polar bears, pink flamingos, pink gulls, gazelle and others).

White pages are those animals that have always been few.

Gray pages - those animals are included that have been very little studied, and their habitats are inaccessible.

Greens pages - those animals that we managed to preserve and save them from extinction (elk, river beaver).

  • 71 species of birds have disappeared from Hawaii since humans first landed on the islands' shores.
  • There are currently 17 species of penguins living on Earth. The populations of 12 of these species are rapidly declining.
  • The annual income from industrial bluefin tuna fishing in the world is $7.2 billion. From 1980 to the present, bluefin tuna numbers have declined by 70%. Experts believe that in the next 10 years this species may disappear completely.
  • Only 3,200 tigers remain on Earth. Over the last century, the number of this animal species on Earth has decreased by 97%.

Here are some more facts about now extinct animals.

  • Last thylacine or Tasmanian marsupial wolf died September 7, 1936 in a private zoo.
  • QUAGGA(steppe zebra) an animal of the horse family exterminated in the 19th century because of its durable and beautiful skin.
  • Baiji is a Chinese river dolphin. A special international expedition, which took place in November - December 2006, stated that the Chinese river dolphin had most likely completely disappeared.
  • Passenger Pigeon - extinct bird of the pigeon family. Until the 19th century, it was one of the most common birds on Earth, the total number of which was estimated at 3-5 billion individuals.
  • Sea or Steller's cow. Belongs to the siren squad. Swimmed in large herds near the surface of the water, feeding on seaweed.

We can give the following example. In 1985, 31 species of insects were listed in the Red Book of Karelia, and ten years later there were already 255. This suggests that thoughtless economic, or rather, mismanagement, human activity is destroying our natural uniqueness. As much as we would like, nature’s storehouses are not limitless. And it depends on all of us, and each individually, whether a person of the future will have the opportunity to walk through a green forest. Or he will have to walk on artificial lawns, since the need for the color green for human psychological health has been developed over thousands of years.

The article uses photos and information from open sources.

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1. Write the names of the groups of animals listed.

  • Frog, toad, newt are amphibians.
  • An earthworm and a leech are worms.
  • Snail, slug, octopus, squid are mollusks.
  • Crayfish, crab, and shrimp are crustaceans.
  • Starfish, sea urchin, sea lily are echinoderms.
  • Spider, scorpion, haymaker are arachnids.
  • lizard, snake, crocodile, turtle are reptiles.

2. Identify the animals. Write the names of the animals and the groups they belong to.

On page 58 from left to right: amber snail (mollusk), goldfinch (birds), hay spider (arachnids).

On page 59 from left to right in the top row: otter (animals), king crab (crustaceans), rhinoceros beetle (insects).

On page 59 from left to right in the bottom row: burbot (fish), tree frog (amphibians), grass snake (reptiles).

4. Cut out details from the application and build development models.

Models of development of fish, frogs, birds.

5. Come up with and write down 2-3 questions for the quiz “In the Animal World.”

  • How many days will it take for the chicken to hatch from the egg?
  • How is a frog different from a toad?
  • Does a hare feed her babies milk?

6. Using the book "Green Pages", prepare a message about one of the animal species of any group.

PINK SALMON. Pink salmon are fish that usually live in the sea, but lay their eggs in rivers. The length of pink salmon reaches 50 cm. Pink salmon feeds on small fish and crustaceans. During spawning, pink salmon change color, and males develop a large hump on their back. Hence the name of the fish. Pink salmon is a valuable fish that needs protection and conservation.

“Red Book of the Rostov Region” - Steppe or light ferret. White-winged lark. Steppe viper. Red Book of the Rostov Region. Sharp-faced frog. Butterfly: yellow-necked zegris or zorka. Develop attention, thinking, memory, imagination. Protect the environment! Goals and objectives.

“Red Book of the Tyumen Region” - Barbaric types of hunting Destruction of habitat Pursuit of profit. The Nature Museum is constantly open in the reserve. Protected areas of the Tyumen region. Carefully read the description of the species of organism listed in the Red Book. Red Book. Glue the image of the view onto a circle of the corresponding color.

“Red Book of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra” - Gray Goose. Mammals. Bean man. Red Book. Reptiles. Reptiles. Fish. Rare animals of our district. Red-breasted goose. Lesser white-fronted goose. Common scoter. White goose. Rare animals. Taimen. Ursa. Birds. Siberian Crane. Peacock eye. Owl. Golden eagle. Amphibians. Rare animals of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. Small swan.

“Red Book of Russia” - Wintering areas in Russia are located in the Barents and Bering Seas. Outside Russia, it nests on the island. Hokkaido in Japan and Northeast China. According to observations in Kyrgyzstan, adult males make up 20%, females - 27.2%, young of both sexes - 52.8%. The largest foci are confined to large mountain systems - ridges.

“Red Book in Kuban” - Long-eared owl. Bison Chamois. Gray crane. Dressing. Eskulapov Poloz. Juniper. Caucasian otter. Red Book of Kuban. Ophrys Water-bearing. Golden eagle. Caucasian forest cat. Caucasian lynx. Black Sea bottlenose dolphin.

“Red Book of the Orenburg Region” - The yellow form is extremely rare. Inaccessibility of spawning sites due to the construction of dams. Looks like a small ostrich. Species and subspecies included in the Red Books of the highest ranks. Swamp turtles avoid fast and clean rivers. Species and subspecies of mammals included in the Red Books of the highest ranks.

Nature has created and continues to create many different creations. Plants and animals occupy a special niche in it. However, we must always remember that many representatives of flora and fauna are in danger of completely disappearing from the face of our planet.

Such a concept as the “Red Book” appeared more than 40 years ago.

In 1948, an international conference was held in a small town near Paris. At this conference, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources was established.

In 1949, the collection of information about rare animals and plants for the Red Book of Facts that were in danger of complete extinction began. The first volume, which described the disasters of the living world of the planet, was published in 1966. It is stored in the city of Morges (Switzerland).

Red books are divided into levels:

  • International;
  • National;
  • Regional.

The Red Book was established in the USSR only in 1974. In the 1980s, it mentioned 94 species of mammals, 37 species of reptiles, about 80 species of birds and 680 species of higher plants.

Two editions of the Red Book of the USSR were published:

Unfortunately, the list of endangered species increases every year. This means only one thing - wildlife is in mortal danger. At the beginning of the twentieth century, one species of animal disappeared every year, now - every day!

Why was the book called red?

As you know, red is a prohibitive color:

  • STOP!
  • STOP!

Red color is a signal of alarm and danger, an SOS signal! Animals and plants give us this signal. The book was called the "Red Book" to attract people's attention.

This is not a law on environmental protection. It contains only facts that scientists have collected about animals and plants in one place.

It includes plants and animals that have existed for more than one millennium, but now, due to human fault, are disappearing from the face of the Earth. People, remember, nature is not able to repeat what it has already created once!

How the Red Book works

It is presented in color pages.

Black pages. It contains lists of those that no longer exist in nature, those species that have completely disappeared, those that have already become extinct (for example, the sea cow, passenger pigeons and many others).

Red pages. Here the list contains endangered and especially rare animals (for example, bison, beavers, Amur tiger and many others).

Yellow Pages. On these pages are those animals and plants whose numbers are decreasing every day (for example, white bears, red flamingos, pink gulls and other species).

White pages. They show animals, of which there were not many at all times.

Gray pages. This includes animals that have not yet been well studied, and their natural habitats are inaccessible.

Green pages. Here are the species of animals and plants that people managed to preserve and save from inevitable extinction (for example, elk, river beaver).

The Red Book is a temporary document

People constantly study the animal and plant world and constantly monitor its condition. Gradually, people are learning new facts about endangered species of animals and plants, taking them under protection, and adding them to the Red Book lists.

Plants or animals that no longer require special protection are transferred to other pages.

It's constantly changing. This change occurs as new knowledge about our nature emerges.