Using chickpeas. Chickpeas: health benefits and harm, recipes

In the East and Africa, nahat, Turkish or lamb peas have been known for more than seven centuries. This is a traditional culture for India, Pakistan, China, Ethiopia, Mexico, Turkey. The annual plant is thermophilic and grows well in the subtropics. There are chickpea plantings in the south of Russia.

In appearance, chickpeas resemble small nuts: their beans are larger than ordinary peas. There are many varieties of this crop, but two are especially popular: desi (deshi) and kabuli. The first is grown mainly in Mexico and India, and the second is cultivated in northern Africa, Chile, and Pakistan.

What are the benefits of chickpeas and how to use them correctly?

Composition and characteristics

First of all, let's talk about the composition of the product. So:

  • protein: almost 30% of useful substances, equal in properties to chicken egg whites;
  • fiber: 12% per 100 g of product;
  • vitamins: A, B, E, C, beta-carotene;
  • minerals: potassium, zinc, selenium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron;
  • fats: 6-8% depending on the type of chickpea.

Note that chickpeas are more nutritious than regular table pea varieties. Chickpeas are consumed raw, boiled, baked, fried. Sprouted bean sprouts are very healthy due to their high iron and antioxidant content.

Here are the caloric values:

A small portion of chickpeas will quickly fill you up without harming your figure (100 grams of boiled lamb peas contain a lot of fiber and only 6-7% fat). Nakhat is good for health: regular consumption will help get rid of the risk of serious diseases and keep the body in good shape.

Useful properties and applications

In the East, chickpeas are called the golden grain, and they believe that constantly adding it to food can cure diseases. Doctors and nutritionists recommend diversifying your menu with chickpeas, paying tribute to its medicinal properties. This product in your diet will allow you to:

  • lower cholesterol levels and normalize blood pressure. The beans contain methionine, a natural hepatoprotector that improves liver function and vascular condition;
  • regulate digestion. Due to its high fiber content, chickpeas are a kind of “janitor” of the intestines, normalizing its functioning and preventing constipation;
  • improve bone condition. Minerals (manganese, iron, calcium) and vitamins included in the product help maintain the strength of the bone structure and prevent the risk of fractures;
  • control diabetes mellitus. By adding fiber and protein-rich chickpeas to their meals, diabetics can significantly reduce their glucose levels;
  • increase brain activity, normalize the functioning of the nervous system. Turkish peas contain selenium and manganese, which makes the product an indispensable component for nutrition of people after strokes, illnesses, and stress;
  • maintain optimal weight, prolong youth. The insoluble fiber in chickpeas makes you feel full quickly and prevents you from overeating. Fast and gentle removal of toxins consolidates the effect, preventing obesity. Therefore, lamb peas will be useful for people who keep fit with the help of natural products and a healthy lifestyle.

Experts note the benefits of chickpeas for people of all ages.

  • Children need minerals for bone growth and brain activity. Chickpeas in the diet of schoolchildren will be an excellent substitute for pharmaceutical drugs;
  • For women's health, chickpeas are one of the best beans. It will quickly increase hemoglobin and increase lactation;
  • chickpeas are recommended for athletes and men involved in physical labor. Due to its manganese content, it promotes the regeneration of cartilage tissue. In addition, golden grain is considered an aphrodisiac that improves the quality of semen.

In cooking

There are many options for using Turkish beans in cooking, and everyone will find recipes to suit their taste. The most famous oriental dish with chickpeas is hummus. But these peas are also added to soups, salads, pilaf, and porridges and even desserts are prepared from ground beans.

For those who want to try chickpeas for the first time, we will give advice: be sure to soak them in cold water for several hours before cooking. Beans are hard and soak much more slowly than peas and beans. And although cooking chickpeas is more labor-intensive, the result will meet your expectations: the dishes are tasty and aromatic!

  • hummus

The most popular dish in the East: hummus. This is a puree of chickpeas and spices, seasoned with... Boiled beans are ground with lemon juice, garlic, salt, sesame seeds, and seasonings. The resulting mixture is seasoned with sesame oil and served with flatbreads, homemade bread, and crackers. Each housewife has her own secret for making hummus and a special composition of ingredients. You can experiment with the composition, keeping the main ingredients: chickpeas, salt, lemon juice. The taste of hummus should be delicate, with lemon sourness and a nutty aftertaste.

  • baked chickpeas

A simple and healthy recipe will make a wonderful side dish for a family dinner. The chickpeas are sorted, washed and soaked for several hours. Then place on a baking sheet, sprinkle with olive oil and bake in the oven for 30 minutes. If desired, you can add spices to the oil.

  • chickpea and tomato soup

We recommend aromatic chick pea soup to everyone who is watching their figure and wants to enjoy delicious food. The beans are washed and soaked overnight. In the morning you need to drain the water, place the peas in a saucepan, add water and put on fire. After boiling, skim off the foam and cook for about an hour. Prepare the dressing: sauté onion and garlic in a frying pan with a little olive oil, then add slices of fresh tomatoes and your favorite spices. Stew the resulting mixture and pour into the broth with chickpeas. Sprinkle the soup with fresh herbs: dill, basil.

In cosmetology

Chickpeas have also been used in home cosmetology: women appreciated its healing properties for the skin. Our readers will be interested in recipes for face masks:

  • Lamb pea flour is an excellent ingredient for a whitening mask. A couple of tablespoons of flour are mixed with the same amount of kefir and applied to cleansed skin of the face, neck and décolleté. After 15 minutes, wash off with warm water;
  • To get rid of rashes and get an even skin tone, make a mask of crushed chickpeas, oil and honey. Grind half a cup of chickpeas, pre-soaked, and add a teaspoon of honey and sesame oil. The mixture is applied to clean facial skin. Remove after 10-15 minutes.

For weight loss

We have already noted the benefits of chickpeas for maintaining a figure. But it is worth remembering that not all dishes with it can be dietary. For example, those losing weight should refrain from eating large portions of hummus, otherwise the extra pounds will quickly return.

In a balanced diet, chickpeas can occupy a certain place, along with other legumes. Nutritionists recommend including boiled chickpeas in your diet, adding them to vegetable salads or using them as a side dish for poultry and fish. A handful of pureed chickpeas in vegetable soup will give you the required dose of protein and help with proper digestion.

It is very useful to take sprouted beans, and we will talk about this further.

Sprouted chickpeas

Adherents of all things natural prefer sprouted beans - this is a great way to get the maximum dose of vitamins, microelements and antioxidants, because the product is not heat-treated. Low calorie content, high nutritional value, excellent digestibility - these are the main characteristics of sprouted chickpeas.

It's easy to germinate beans, just rinse them and place them in a deep container, fill them with water. The beans swell in 3-4 hours, after which you need to replace the water and leave the container with chickpeas for 8 hours. After draining the liquid, cover the beans with a damp cloth. It is periodically moistened, maintaining the moisture level in the container until sprouts appear. Sprouted peas are washed and stored in the refrigerator for no more than 4-5 days.

The taste of chickpeas with sprouts is reminiscent of nuts. This product can be added to a salad of fresh vegetables and herbs. Sprouted chickpeas with boiled rice are the choice of vegetarians. This dish will provide the body with microelements, protein, and essential amino acids.

Contraindications and possible harm

Like all legumes, nakhat or lamb peas cause increased gas formation. Therefore, you should not use it if you have dysbiosis, intestinal disorders and gastrointestinal diseases. In other cases, there are no contraindications for use. An obstacle may be individual intolerance to the product.

Eating low-quality foods can cause harm to the body. To avoid poisoning, before processing chickpeas, carefully sort them and remove blackened and spoiled beans.

Selection and storage

The Kabuli variety is popular on the Russian market. These beans are large and yellow or light brown in color. They go on sale in an unrefined form: the shells of the beans are removed after soaking and processing. When purchasing, make sure the product is fresh and read the labeling on the package.

Chickpeas are stored in dark, cool places with good ventilation. You can pour the beans into special food containers with a lid or into bags made of natural fabric: everyone will make this choice themselves. We recommend placing peas away from spices and herbs, otherwise the beans will quickly absorb odors. The shelf life of chickpeas in the right conditions can be up to a year.

Do you prefer to eat tasty and healthy food, watch your figure and love to prepare original culinary dishes? Then you should include chickpeas (chickpeas) in your diet.

Despite the fact that chickpeas are the oldest crop on the planet, they came to the Russian market recently. It's time to catch up with progressive world cooking and master this bean innovation.

Chickpeas are an indispensable symbol of oriental cuisine; national Arab dishes such as are prepared from it. It is widely used in cooking in Asia, North America and North Africa.

Due to its high protein content, chickpeas can replace meat, while reducing the fat content of the entire dish. Therefore, it is actively used in vegetarian cuisine and Vedic cooking.

Vitamin boost

By eating chickpeas, you will provide your body with nutrition, as chickpeas contain more than eighty nutrients. It is a complete source of phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and B vitamins, an excellent source of minerals and iron.

This product also adds low-fat, high-quality protein to any meal. Like other beans, chickpeas are rich in soluble and insoluble dietary fiber, which help prevent digestive disorders.

In addition, this product, for all its usefulness, is low in calories. That is why it is included in various diets and is used in the treatment of obesity.

About the benefits of peas

Sprouted chickpeas are especially useful. Many people use it as an excellent remedy for cleansing and healing the body. Experts strongly recommend that children and older people use chickpea sprouts as a preventive measure against colds and flu. With regular consumption of chickpeas, it is significant.

Variety of dishes

Chickpeas are eaten boiled and fried, used in the preparation of canned food, confectionery, etc.

It is best to cook boiled chickpeas. First you should soak the peas for several hours, then boil them. From boiled chickpeas, adding herbs and seasoning with lemon juice.

Many dishes are also prepared from sprouted chickpeas, which have a unique nutty taste and are very popular with children. Chickpeas can be used in vegetable salads and vitamin cocktails; they are ideal for use in soups and pates.

Cooking tips

1. You will get an excellent snack if you season the boiled chickpeas with spices (coriander, cumin, black pepper, chili, nutmeg, etc.) and add a green salad.

2.Make a Middle Eastern version of pasta by adding chickpeas to spaghetti with olive oil, feta cheese and herbs.

3. Simmer boiled chickpeas with tomatoes, spices and walnuts over low heat.

4.Add chickpeas to vegetable soup. This will add flavor, texture and nutritional value.

Chickpeas: benefits and harms for the health of the body of men and women studied in this article belongs to the legume family. It is distributed in Africa, Asia, Australia and America. It is called bladderwrack, Turkish, Volozhsky or lamb peas, and in the East Nokhut.

It is used in the preparation of first and second courses, added to salads, as an appetizer and even dessert. You can make a drink from chickpeas, an analogue of ancient coffee, the recipe for which is described below. First let's deal with beneficial and harmful properties this unusual pea for us.

Composition and calorie content

Bladderwort is a healthy product that is a source of protein and carbohydrates, micro- and macroelements, and polyunsaturated fats.


  • 19.5 g protein;
  • 6.5 g fat;
  • 59 g carbohydrates;
  • 3 g dietary fiber;
  • 11.4 g water.

100 g of product contains 360 kcal. High nutritional value indicates the nutritional properties of chickpeas. A very small portion of cooked chickpeas will help satisfy your hunger. The chemical composition is rich and varied and will benefit the entire body.

Minerals included:

From proteins and amino acids:

  • methionine;
  • lysine;
  • tryptophan.
  • from group B: B1, B2, B4, B5, B6, B9;
  • nicotinic and ascorbic acid;
  • A, E, K.

It contains omega-3 and omega-6 acids, which are very beneficial for the body of men and women.

Chickpeas are not used as a medicinal substance, but due to their chemical composition they have a beneficial effect on the general condition of a person. Those who frequently diet or do not eat meat may especially benefit. They will benefit from the high protein content in the bladder.


The benefits to the body from regularly eating chickpeas are enormous. It has a preventive effect against various diseases.

The useful qualities of the product are invaluable:

The dangers of chickpeas for people with certain chronic diseases will be discussed below.

For women

For the female body, chickpeas bring tangible benefits. During critical days, hemoglobin levels drop, and the bladder helps normalize iron levels in the blood.

Advice! It is worth adding chickpeas to women’s diet once a week.

For men

For the stronger half of humanity, chickpeas are also useful. It has a positive effect on potency, so it must be included in the diet.

For men and women, the benefits will manifest themselves in improved skin condition, refreshed complexion and weight loss. It is especially important to use for people who live in areas where there is hazardous production.

For children

Adding chickpeas to children’s diets should be done carefully; it’s best to start at one and a half years old. In order not to harm the fragile child’s body, this must be done carefully and gradually. Children's digestive organs may not accept this kind of food. Once the child gets used to it, this dish is guaranteed to become one of his favorites.

For pregnant and breastfeeding

Chickpeas have a positive effect on the health of pregnant women and nursing mothers. It stimulates milk production and, as mentioned above, increases hemoglobin levels.

There is also a risk. A large amount of protein can harm the gastrointestinal tract of the expectant mother and child.

Watch the video! Chickpeas chickpeas

For weight loss

Raw peas are quite high in calories, which will not be beneficial in a diet. But at the same time, it is a common ingredient in various diets. In addition, there are many weight loss products based on chickpeas.

This product helps to get rid of extra pounds and saturate the body with useful vitamins and microelements.

The fruits will help reduce the caloric content of food intake. This is why nutritionists value him so much. It can be a replacement for side dishes that are not consumed during dietary nutrition.

Advice! You should be careful because chickpeas have a lot of carbohydrates, so it is better to eat them in the first half of the day.

Who should not use it

  • Those who have weak intestines and frequent flatulence should avoid using it.
  • Chickpeas should be introduced into the diet of older people gradually and in small quantities, because they have weak intestinal muscles.
  • Breastfeeding women with babies under 4 months should not consume chickpeas. It can negatively affect the course of colic, intensifying it.
  • Those who have bladder diseases should avoid eating it, because it is aggressive to the urinary system.
  • The product enhances the production of urea, so people with kidney disease, gout, gastritis and thrombophlebitis should not eat chickpeas.
  • In addition, some people have individual intolerance, so you need to gradually include it in your diet.

How to eat chickpeas correctly

In cooking, chickpeas are widely used in different forms. There are several popular ways of preparing and eating it.

Harm and contraindications

Chickpeas have practically no contraindications. It, like other members of the legume family, is difficult to digest and causes fermentation. Because of this, chickpea consumption should be limited to those who have bladder and housing problems, ulcers, gastritis, gout, and constipation.

If a person has an individual intolerance, then an allergy to the raw product is possible. But, undoubtedly, the benefits of chickpeas are much greater than the harm.

How to choose and store chickpeas correctly

To get the maximum benefit from such a useful product, you need to buy the right, high-quality fruits and store them properly.

  • The peas should be the same shape, whole, round and smooth.
  • Seeds are stored at a temperature of 0 to 5 degrees in a dry place.

You can store it for a year so that it retains all its beneficial properties and does not cause harm.


Many who watch their figure and lead a healthy lifestyle are interested in chickpeas.

Chickpeas help to get rid of excess weight, improve the health of the body, and are a preventative against many diseases. The product, with all its beneficial properties, does not cause harm, and also pleases with its taste.

Watch the video! Chickpeas Growing beneficial properties

Chickpeas are a herbaceous plant belonging to the legume family. Chickpeas are also known by alternative names such as chickpeas, walnuts and chickpeas. Chickpeas can be used to prepare a wide variety of dishes, such as homemade hummus or falafel. Beans are boiled, fried, baked in the oven and in a slow cooker. Using chickpeas, you can make first and second courses. In addition, you can even make a healthy dessert from chickpeas. The composition of Turkish peas is rich in protein, dietary fiber, and minerals. Both regular chickpeas and sprouted chickpeas are equally beneficial to human health.

What is this product?

Chickpeas are a food product from which snacks, soups, cereals, salads, and also flour are prepared. Cereals are most often used in preparing vegetarian dishes, as they contain a large amount of vegetable protein.

Methods for preparing legume seeds:

  • cooking;
  • frying until crispy in a frying pan or deep fat;
  • baking in the oven;
  • steam cooking;
  • stewing in a slow cooker.

Externally, chickpeas look like peas. The seeds are mostly spherical and round in shape and resemble the head of a ram or an owl, as they have a rough surface with tubercles (see photo below). The size of one pea can reach from 0.5 to 1.5 cm in diameter. The color of chickpeas is green, yellow, red and dark red depending on the type.

Turkish peas are divided into 4 varieties:

In addition, chickpeas are divided into 3 categories according to the length of the bush: Southern European, Central European and Anatolian.

Chemical composition and nutritional value of chickpeas

In addition to being a natural source of protein, chickpeas are rich in vitamins and minerals.

Nutritional value of raw chickpeas per 100 g:

  • proteins – 20.1 g;
  • carbohydrates – 46.2 g;
  • fats – 4.3 g;
  • water – 14 g;
  • dietary fiber – 9.9 g;
  • ash – 3 g.

The ratio of BZHU of Turkish peas is 1/0.2/2.3, respectively.

Chickpeas have a glycemic index of 10 (very low) and are naturally gluten-free.

The energy value of fresh and dried (dry) chickpeas per 100 g is 309 kcal. Calorie content varies depending on preparation. For example, 100 g of chickpeas boiled in water contains 127 kcal. The large difference in calories is due to the fact that chickpeas swell (increase in size) during cooking. Calorie content of sprouted chickpeas per 100 g is 152.92 kcal.

Chemical composition of legume seeds per 100 g in table form:

Chickpeas also contain polyunsaturated fatty acids, namely omega-3 and omega-6 in amounts of 0.101 g and 2.593 g per 100 g, respectively. Starch content - 43.2 g, sugar - 2.96 g per 100 g of chickpeas.

Beneficial properties for the body

Due to the mineral and nutrient-rich composition of chickpeas, regular consumption of regular and sprouted chickpeas has a positive effect on the female and male body.

Useful properties of chickpeas:

  • the condition of the skin, hair and nails improves;
  • the body is cleansed of toxins and waste;
  • immunity is strengthened;
  • metabolism accelerates;
  • the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, and the process of hematopoiesis is improved;
  • the functioning of the digestive system improves;
  • muscle tissue and joints are saturated with useful substances.

In addition, systematic consumption of chickpeas has a preventive effect against atherosclerosis. Chickpeas are also useful for people with diabetes to balance their blood sugar levels.

Athletes can include the product in their diet, especially after training, to obtain natural protein, which is an easily digestible protein.

Chickpea sprouts are good for:

  • work of the cardiovascular system, as they help reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and normalize blood pressure;
  • preventing thrombosis;
  • reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke;
  • preventing the appearance of cancer;
  • improving the functioning of the liver and gall bladder.

Also, women are not prohibited from eating chickpeas during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Children can add chickpeas to their food, for example, in puree, starting from 1.5 years.

You can watch a more detailed video about the health benefits of chickpeas below.

How to cook chickpeas?

Before you start cooking chickpeas at home, they must be thoroughly washed and soaked in warm or cold water for 4 to 8 hours. Proper steaming is done in the following proportions: 1 glass of cereal is poured with 3 or 4 glasses of liquid.

Depending on the dish the chickpeas will be used in, you can add additional ingredients during soaking. For example, to make hummus you need soft chickpeas, and to soften them, add baking soda to the water in the amount of half a teaspoon per cup of beans.\

Chickpeas are eaten with:

  • meat (beef, pork, chicken, etc.);
  • raisins;
  • tuna;
  • vegetables (tomatoes, carrots);
  • rice;
  • salad.

Turkish peas are consumed fried, boiled, stewed, canned, baked, and salted. Desserts are made from it.

From chickpea flour you can easily and quickly prepare such delicious dishes as:

  • lagman;
  • paste;
  • puree;
  • shurpa;
  • porridge;
  • snack pate;
  • cutlets;
  • pancakes;
  • pilaf (lean and meat);
  • cheesecake;
  • decoction, etc.

Chickpea dishes can be eaten by people on a diet for the purpose of losing weight, and by those who adhere to a proper, balanced diet. You can also use it to prepare vegetarian and Jewish snacks and side dishes.

How to cook?

In terms of time, you need to cook chickpeas for about 1-2 hours, depending on the size of the peas, the required consistency and the duration of soaking. Cook chickpeas in a pressure cooker in 30 minutes. Before starting the cooking process, you need to drain the water in which the chickpeas were soaked. Then you need to pour the chickpeas into a large saucepan and add water in a ratio of 1 tbsp. seeds to 2-4 tbsp. water.

You need to put the pan on high heat until the liquid boils, after which you should remove all the foam from the surface of the water, and then reduce the heat to low and cook the ingredient until tender.

There is no need to add salt during the cooking process, as it will not make the chickpeas soft.

How to fry?

Raw chickpeas cannot be fried. To obtain a crispy crust, chickpeas at home are first soaked, then boiled until fully cooked, with the only difference: you need to add salt in the middle of the cooking process.

After cooking, the chickpeas are placed in a colander to dry the seeds. Then the chickpeas can be rolled in any spices, like breading, and fried in a well-heated frying pan for 10 minutes, stirring constantly.

How to bake in the oven?

To bake chickpeas in the oven, you need to soak them overnight. After this, in the morning you should drain the old water and pour the peas into the pan. The soaked beans are poured with cold water and placed on high heat, where they are cooked for half an hour after the water boils. Then the chickpeas need to be placed in a colander to drain the moisture.

When the chickpeas are dry, you need to transfer them to a deep bowl, you can add spices and vegetables of your choice, as well as a small amount of oil. Mix everything thoroughly and pour onto a dry baking sheet.

Cook in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 30 minutes. Baked chickpeas should be left in a closed oven until completely cooled.

In a slow cooker

After the water in which it was soaked has been drained from the chickpeas, it is necessary to pour the chickpeas into the multicooker bowl and add cold water so that its level is approximately 2-2.5 cm above the seeds.

You need to cook in the “Stew” or “Pilaf” mode for about 3 and 2 hours, respectively. Every half hour, chickpeas should be checked for readiness and mixed well. You can add spices immediately after preparing the dish.

In the microwave

Using the microwave, you can quickly prepare a popular chickpea dish - falafel.

First, the chickpeas are steamed overnight, then dried in a colander or with paper towels. Then it is ground in a blender with other ingredients required for the recipe. Balls formed from minced chickpeas can be cooked in an 800 kW microwave in 2-3 minutes.

Harm of chickpeas

Eating chickpeas causes increased gas formation, so people with gastrointestinal diseases should exclude the product from their diet. Harm from chickpeas can be caused to the body in case of individual intolerance or allergy.

Contraindications for eating chickpeas:

  • cystitis;
  • bladder ulcer;
  • liver or pancreas disease;
  • flatulence.

Pregnant women suffering from flatulence are not recommended to overuse chickpeas. The daily intake for an adult is 0.5 cups of raw beans.

It is also not recommended to eat chickpeas that have expired or that have been stored without proper conditions. Turkish peas are stored for 12 months in a dark and dry room with an air temperature of no more than 5 degrees Celsius.

Chickpeas are a tasty and healthy food product of the legume family. Before use, chickpeas must be soaked for a period of 4 to 12 hours. After this, the chickpeas can be boiled, fried, baked and stewed. In dry form, it can be ground into flour, from which many first, second and third courses are prepared.

Chickpeas (also called lamb or chickpeas) are a traditional dish of the East. But other nations also managed to appreciate the excellent taste of chickpeas. And the benefits and harms of this product have been known to healers since ancient times.

Having appeared in Slavic cuisine, the overseas bean immediately replaced the regular pea. Chickpeas, whose beneficial properties are used in folk medicine, are well absorbed by the body. And dishes made from it, as some fans of this product assure, taste slightly reminiscent of lamb. Although historians claim that in the seventeenth century, Europeans prepared not first and second courses from chickpeas, but a coffee drink, appreciating its delicious nutty notes. This drink can still be prepared today. To do this, the beans are fried in a dry frying pan until brown (it is important not to burn them), ground and brewed like regular coffee.


Knowing the chemical composition of the product, it is not difficult to understand why chickpeas are beneficial. Its seeds contain:

  • protein, similar in degree of digestibility to egg (depending on the variety, Turkish peas consist of 20 - 30 percent protein);
  • fats, the content of which ranges from 6 to 8 percent;
  • soluble and insoluble plant fibers (fiber);
  • vitamins including riboflavin, thiamine, pantothenic acid
  • essential amino acids;
  • minerals (manganese, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, silicon, boron).

In total, about 80 components were found in chickpea seeds. In addition to those listed above, these are iodine, copper, molybdenum, selenium, nickel, etc.

Important. Due to the high content of easily digestible protein, chickpeas are especially useful for people who, for one reason or another, do not eat meat.

Healing properties

In the homeland of the plant, in the countries of Asia and the Middle East, chickpeas are called golden grain, thereby emphasizing the nutritional value and beneficial properties of chickpeas.

First of all, the constant use of this product prevents the development of many diseases, and also significantly improves the condition of organs that have already been affected by certain diseases.

  1. Chickpeas reduce the level of cholesterol, which harms blood vessels, prevent fatty liver and improve its function due to the content of a large amount of methionine in the seeds of the plant - a drug used in official medicine as a hepatoprotector.
  2. Strengthens bone tissue due to its calcium and phosphorus content.
  3. Increases immunity, improves blood composition due to the presence of potassium, magnesium and vitamin C.
  4. Prolongs youth, increases brain activity, prevents cancer, since chickpeas contain a lot of selenium.
  5. Improves the functioning of the digestive system: insoluble fiber, present in large quantities in beans, stimulates intestinal motility and removes substances that harm the body (waste, toxins).
  6. Cures dermatitis and other skin diseases: in Eastern countries, special ointments are prepared based on chickpea flour to treat burns, lichen and scabies.
  7. Improves visual acuity and serves as an excellent prophylactic for the prevention of serious ophthalmological diseases such as cataracts and glaucoma. In particular, consuming chickpea flour helps normalize intraocular pressure.
  8. Normalizes the activity of the nervous system due to the high concentration of manganese.
  9. Has an astringent effect. In England, this property of Turkish peas has received official recognition from doctors.
  10. Chickpeas are the best legume for women's health. Its seeds contain a lot of easily digestible iron, which effectively raises hemoglobin. Therefore, Turkish peas are recommended for pregnant women. In addition, it also enhances lactation.

Important. During meals, you should not drink chickpeas with cold water, otherwise you can provoke severe stomach cramps.

Some restrictions and warnings

Despite the fact that the benefits of chickpeas for human health are obvious, there are certain contraindications to its use.

  1. Sometimes individual intolerance to the product occurs. Chickpeas will bring nothing but harm to such people.
  2. Lamb peas, like all legumes, can cause increased gas formation in the intestines. Because of this, you should be especially careful when introducing it into the diet of older people.
  3. Chickpea seeds, due to their irritant effects, can be harmful for bladder diseases.
  4. For the same reason, chickpeas will do more harm than good to people with acute kidney disease.
  5. Contraindications apply to patients suffering from gout, thrombophlebitis, inflammation of the gastric or intestinal mucosa, since peas are considered a “heavy” food and, among other things, contribute to an increase in the level of uric acid in the blood.

As you can see, there are few contraindications, but they should be kept in mind.

Important. A teaspoon of soda added to water while soaking legumes accelerates the enzymatic breakdown of carbohydrates even before cooking begins and thereby helps solve the problem of severe gas formation and bloating.

Cooking features

Before cooking, wash the chickpeas well, carefully kneading them with your hands.

To speed up the cooking time, soak the peas for 4 hours. You can leave it to swell overnight, it won’t do any harm.

As a rule, chickpeas are sold and cooked unshelled. But to prepare especially tender hummus, it is better to get rid of the shell. To do this, boil the grains for about an hour, cool quickly (it is better to do this under the tap, transferring the peas to a colander), pour in cool water and rub with your hands, freeing the peas from the skin. After this, the water with the husks floating in it is drained, the cereal is filled with fresh water and cooked for another hour.

It is believed that there is no need to salt beans when soaking and cooking (especially if you plan to mash them into porridge), since salt makes the beans harden. But traders from the East claim that it is correct to soak chickpeas in water with the addition of salt, sugar and soda (a teaspoon of each ingredient per liter of water). Those who have tried it say that the taste is amazing, and the cereal cooks faster.

To prepare a tasty and healthy porridge from chickpeas, after the peas have boiled well and “puffed” in the pan, add a little good butter to it, stir, close tightly, wrap in a blanket and leave to simmer for about half an hour.

Important. Chickpeas are soaked only in cold water. Hot water will not speed up swelling, but will cause harm. Under the influence of high temperature, the protein will coagulate, and the upper shell of the grains will become even more dense.

Cleansing and weight loss

Many people eat sprouted chickpeas. The benefits of such a product for the body are invaluable, since during germination the grains are at the peak of biological activity and all their beneficial properties at this moment increase many times.

To sprout, peas are soaked for eight hours, then washed and scattered on a wet cloth. After a day, sprouts appear.

Seeds sprouted this way are very tasty. But to make it easier to chew, they are passed through a meat grinder.

To cleanse, lose weight and saturate the body with valuable active ingredients, weekly courses are practiced (they eat sprouts for seven days and take a break for seven days). And so - for three months, although the first positive changes will be noticeable much earlier.

Important. Various dishes are prepared from sprouted seeds. However, for health purposes, it is better to consume sprouts in their natural form.

  • weakened immunity, frequent colds;
  • weakness, fatigue;
  • nervous state, depression;
  • headaches and migraines;
  • alternating diarrhea and constipation;
  • I want sweet and sour;
  • bad breath;
  • frequent feeling of hunger;
  • problems with losing weight;
  • decreased appetite;
  • night grinding of teeth, drooling;
  • pain in the abdomen, joints, muscles;
  • cough does not go away;
  • increased sweating;
  • acne on the skin.

If you have any of the symptoms or doubt the causes of your ailments, you need to cleanse your body as quickly as possible. How to do it .

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