What happens if you only eat meat? What happens if you eat fast food every day? Three experiments and their results

Probably everyone has heard that food from fast food restaurants is very harmful to health. Everyone unconditionally repeats - fast food is evil. For some reason, few people listen to these words and restaurants such as McDonald's, KFS, Burger King do not lose their popularity.

Well, it would seem that what’s harmful in a cutlet made of meat, herbs, cheese and a wheat bun? Probably nothing harmful. Then the next question arises - is there a problem with the quality of the preparation? Most likely not either, because... data Fast food restaurants are very popular all over the world and there are a huge number of them, which means the quality is at the highest level. Then the conclusion arises - Maybe fast food isn't bad after all and his bad reputation is just a stereotype that has developed in society?

A huge number of questions and so few answers. Therefore the team website I decided to look into this topic and find out Is food from fast food restaurants harmful?, And what happens if you eat fast food every day, let's go...

Experiment No. 1

Let's start with an experiment conducted by one of the Moscow clinics, together with the BigPicture Internet portal. A 24-year-old resident of the capital took part in it Georgy Malets, whose task was very simple - eat a variety of fast food and sweets for two weeks.

The diet of the experiment participant included food from restaurants McDonald's, KFS, Burger King, as well as various sweets from supermarkets - gelatins, chocolate bars, chips.

Judging by the guy's reports, there is some discomfort from eating fast food within two weeks he did not feel, which cannot be said about the results of the medical examination at the end of the experiment:

  • glucose levels increased
  • the level of “good” cholesterol, which cleanses the walls of blood vessels, has decreased
  • hemoglobin level increased
  • blood pressure increased

There were no external changes with Georgy because this was due to the characteristics of the body, fast metabolism and young age.

Experiment No. 2

The following experiment was carried out in the USA by the famous editor of a food magazine Andy Kriz. His diet did not include various fast food, but pizza, in its various variations.

Andy's first discomfort I felt it on the third day experiment. And he expressed himself in the fact that when he woke up in the morning, he felt completely defeated. Felt weak and tired. And everything was complicated by the sudden onset of heartburn.

The experiment lasted 5 days and here are the results:

  • drowsiness, lethargy, constant feeling of fatigue
  • dry mouth
  • heartburn and stomach pain
  • increase in body weight by 2 kg

Experiment No. 3

The following experiment was carried out on myself Phoebe Jackson from UK. She lasted seven days on fast food. Her diet included food from McDonald's, Burger King, Subway, KFS, as well as chips, muffins, and Coca-Cola.

As Phoebe says, during the first days of the experiment she was very happy and felt great. On the fourth day, she hated herself and the whole idea. On the seventh day Phoebe was completely broken, could not concentrate on anything.

The result of this experiment was:

  • Body fat percentage increased from 23% to 25%
  • constant feeling of fatigue, general lethargy
  • nervousness, irritability
  • the scalp and face become more oily

Experiment No. 4

And finally, the most famous experiment, which was carried out and shown in documentary film "Double Portion", whose author was Morgan Spurlock. In the film from the first person, a man played the main role. He ate McDonald's food for a month.

Doctors monitored Morgan's health and as a result of the experiment the man gained 11 kg. Severe mood swings, minor liver damage, and sexual dysfunction were also observed.

In order to return to its original condition and appearance, Morgan spent 14 months. After this movie, restaurant McDonald's has decided to remove super-large portions from its menu..

The opposite result

But the next experiment is an exception. It was conducted by a biology teacher from the USA, whose name was John Cisna. He, like all of the above participants in the experiments, ate meals from fast food restaurants for six months.

But he followed one rule - the daily calorie content of fast food did not exceed 2000 calories, and every evening John took a 45-minute walk.

The results were amazing:

  • loss of body weight by 26 kg
  • decreased total cholesterol levels

John was pleased with the results, but refused to continue his diet.

As they say, everything is good in moderation. However, excess weight and metabolic disorders are the least harmful that fast food brings.

Not long ago, scientists from the US National Institute on Drug Abuse conducted research and stated that fast food can cause addiction comparable to drugs.

Now you have the information and can draw your own conclusions about the benefits and harms of fast food, good health to everyone...

We are constantly told about the benefits of a varied diet. But if you had to survive on only one type of food - which one would give you the longest life? Man does not live by bread alone - if only because after a month of such an experiment he will develop scurvy. The best diets and meal plans include a bunch of foods so you'll get everything from vitamin C to iron to linoleic acid without having to think about it at all. Even fad diets that involve eating a few foods or eliminating others entirely have enough variety to be nutritious. But imagine for a moment if you were fed only one food. Would it be more nutritious than the other? Is it possible to eat only potatoes, bananas or avocados, for example?

One thing is for sure: suitable options are unlikely to include meat or most fruits and vegetables. Meat lacks fiber and key vitamins and nutrients. Fruits and vegetables are full of vitamins, but they do not have enough fat and protein, even if you eat them to your heart's content. The body does not require as much to live as one might think, but this does not mean that it can be selectively starved.

Polar explorer Vilhjalmur Stefansson described such a phenomenon among the people of Northern Canada - rabbit starvation - among those who eat only very lean meat, for example, rabbit. “After a week, they developed diarrhea, headaches, fatigue, and discomfort.” To avoid death from malnutrition, rabbit starvation sufferers had to consume some fat, he wrote. Jon Krakauer, in his book Into the Wild, suggested that Chris McCandless died from rabbit starvation. It is believed that if you get all your calories from protein and almost none from fats and carbohydrates, you can suppress the liver's ability to process protein.

However, if you take meat and most vegetables off the table, it might be surprising that potatoes aren't the worst option, says nutritionist Jenny Jackson of Glasgow Caledonian University. Last year she wrote about Australian Andrew Taylor, who ate only potatoes for a year to lose weight and develop healthy habits.

That's because potatoes are unusually high in protein for a starchy food, and also have a wide range of amino acids, Jackson says. But even if you eat 3 kilograms of potatoes every day, it will be only 2/3 of the recommended amount of calories for a person of Taylor's build.

Potatoes also don't include the recommended amount of fat, and while Taylor included sweet potatoes, which contain vitamins A and E, iron and calcium, Jackson notes that B vitamins, zinc and other minerals will be deficient. And yet, a year later, Taylor was completely fine. Lost quite a bit of weight.

Potatoes generally appear often in such conversations. A few years ago, an interested reader wrote to The Chicago Reader and asked if it was true that you could live on potatoes and milk. After all, it is said that before the Irish Potato Famine, people lived practically on potatoes alone. Cecil Adams, a columnist for the magazine, turned to an expert and found that potatoes and milk, in principle, can provide all the necessary nutritional material - except for the mineral molybdenum. But if you add a little oatmeal, this deficit will be repaid.

Hearing this, Jackson laughs: “Yes, this is our diet - the Scottish diet, which is hundreds of years old. That’s right: potatoes, milk, oatmeal and a little cabbage.”

But nutritional issues aside, there are other barriers to choosing just one type of food. Humans have built-in mechanisms to avoid such situations (perhaps because they will lead to malnutrition and exhaustion in the end) - in particular, the phenomenon of the so-called “sensual satiety”. The more of one type of food you eat, the less of it you digest. “I call it the pudding scenario,” Jackson says, “where you go out to dinner and you're stuffed and you can't even take a bite. And then someone brings out the pudding and you let him add some more calories to you.” There is a danger that if you eat the same food day after day for a long period, it will become more and more difficult to force yourself to eat it. Three kilograms of bananas every day? Three kilograms of avocados? Oatmeal for breakfast, lunch and dinner? Chicken breast, chicken breast, chicken breast, chicken...

In addition, there is no logic in building a diet of one type of food, rather than many, and at the same time not getting sick due to the lack of all the necessary vitamins, minerals and nutrients. To understand this, we need to consider how we arrived at our modern understanding of nutrition. In the early 20th century, researchers deprived rats of certain nutrients and monitored whether they died or became sick or not. This is how we learned about the existence of vitamins, for example. Without them, rats die very quickly.

Recently, more and more people are deciding to become vegetarians and give up meat. But what if you completely abandon vegetarian ideas and eat absolutely no vegetables?

Your body may go crazy. So don't do this, even if you really hate cauliflower.

Firstly, eating only meat leads to a deficiency of fiber in the body, which, in turn, leads to constipation and discomfort. And these are not the most unpleasant consequences.

Giving up carbohydrates means giving up the easiest way to get energy. The body will have to switch to burning fat and increase the rate of protein breakdown to maintain life, which has a rather dangerous side effect.

Protein poisoning - symptoms of dizziness, nausea, diarrhea, and a risk of death - is excess urea produced in the liver when converting protein into glucose for energy.

Rabbit meat is even more dangerous in this sense. It contains so little fat that the body will have to absorb its reserves. It has been proven that eating only rabbit meat can lead to extreme malnutrition.

Another potential killer, if the previous one wasn't enough, is a lack of vitamin C. Humans are one of the few living creatures unable to produce it themselves.

Lack of this vitamin in the diet causes scurvy, symptoms of which include tooth loss, bleeding gums and even personality changes. In extreme cases, scurvy leads to death.

But how do the Eskimos survive in Chukotka, since their diet consists mainly of meat?

Well, they often eat liver, rich in vitamins D and A, and fish oil with its Omega-3 fatty acids. Eskimos are also adapted to convert proteins into glucose thanks to their enlarged liver and have a large bladder to get rid of excess urea. Yes, and they also eat a lot of raw meat.

What will happen if you eat only apples and is it possible to lose extra pounds with the help of such a delicious diet? This question interests women who just can’t choose which diet to go on. One diet requires purchasing too expensive products, another is simply not to your liking, and the third will take too much time to prepare. And if you can lose weight by simply eating apples, then this diet is considered the best by many women who want to become slimmer and healthier.

Eating only apples will relieve excess weight and improve your body health.

Losing weight is not just about looking beautiful on the outside. Extra pounds put a strain on the entire body, so losing weight also means doing health-improving activities.

You can’t help but like a delicious diet of apples, because the process of losing weight takes place, as they say, in a short time. The kilograms will begin to melt literally every day. There is no doubt that apples are healthy; nutritionists are well aware of their rich content of vitamins and minerals.

If you eat only apples (fresh or baked), the weight loss process will begin to progress at a fairly rapid pace, and your health will not suffer from a lack of essential substances.

You can eat not only apples, but diversify them with kefir or yogurt

The uniqueness of the apple diet is that each woman can choose the variety at her own discretion, or you can mix different varieties and eat up to 2 kilograms of them per day.

The second positive point is that if you are tired of apples raw, you can bake, stew or boil them - the taste will become different. It’s just important not to flavor the apples with anything, not even honey.

While on the apple diet, there are no restrictions on drinking. This can be plain or mineral water, tea without added sweets, herbal infusion, apple compote, apple juice. It is even allowed to introduce low-fat kefir or yogurt (then the diet turns out to be apple kefir).

If you only eat apples, you can add other vegetables to your diet.

If you want to diversify your apples with something else, raw additions in the form of carrots, tomatoes, celery root and herbs are perfect. They can be eaten raw or in casseroles and purees.

Many women on the apple diet love the fact that they do not have to follow any strict conditions, as is often the case with other diets. You can just do one fasting day a week, or you can go on a diet for 10 days in a row. Each woman chooses its duration herself, depending on the result she wants to achieve.

There are also practically no restrictions on the time when you can eat apples. After 18 hours - you can, they should not be consumed just shortly before bedtime.

On average, while on an apple diet, women lose 1 kg per day, although there may, of course, be some deviations in one direction or another. In each specific case, the results will be different, but all of them will reduce weight faster or slower.

The apple diet will be most effective for women who are noticeably overweight. In the first week they will lose much more kilograms than those whose weight is close to normal. There is no limit to perfection, some girls believe and continue to lose weight even when it is completely unnecessary. It’s easy to lose only really extra pounds on an apple diet.

If you eat only apples for a certain period of time, your body will only benefit from it.

Research by nutritionists has shown that on average, women on an apple diet lose from 5 to 8 kg per week. There are also those who part with 10 kg at once. There is no formula to be derived here; the body is simply balanced, during which it itself gets rid of excess weight.

Thousands of women who have managed to lose weight while on the apple diet speak of it as the most effective, safe and, most importantly, quick help for those who want to lose weight.

Nutritionists warn that you should consider some nuances before going on an apple diet:

If a woman has gastritis or ulcerative lesions, then she should refuse sour varieties, and if a period of exacerbation of the disease has begun, it is better to refuse the diet for now or consult a doctor about this.

Before consumption, apples must be thoroughly washed, as manufacturers subject them to chemical treatments to prevent apples from spoiling.

If a woman is diagnosed with thyroid disease, she is recommended to eat apples with seeds, because they are rich in iodine.

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