Accurate horoscope for Libra for October.

In October 2017, Libra will have to change their usual role as a cheerful and slightly frivolous person. So many problems will accumulate in your life that, eliminating them step by step, you risk completely forgetting what a smile, laughter, leisurely leisure or outright idleness means. It’s good that you have a lot of friends, and with their full support, you will successfully cope with all the October difficulties. However, a little later, remembering this stage, you will call it far from the most joyful period of life.

Problems, as if waiting for a long time for the right chance, will penetrate into all aspects of your existence. Alas, you will not be able to protect the sphere of your personal affections from these problems. It will be especially difficult for those of you, dear Libra, who have just started a new romance. There is a risk that this fledgling relationship will not cope with the flow of gossip about both you and your significant other. This is how “good people” will once again destroy beautiful relationships (of course, provided that you yourself allow them to be destroyed!). No matter what they say around you about your newly-made soulmate, do not trust the information you hear too much (and do not try to check it, because by doing so you will greatly offend your partner). Read this advice to your passion, and thereby you will protect yourself from the opposite scenario of the October events, when someone will try to denigrate you, not wanting your beautiful romance to continue.

You should not blindly believe everything that is said around you, and those Libras whose relationships, it would seem, have long been tested for strength. Gossip is gossip, but many threats to the well-being of your marriage in October will be concentrated right within the walls of your home. What are we talking about? About endless scandals due to water leaks, due to the lack of free funds for expensive purchases, and so on ad infinitum. In a word, everyday life and everything connected with it poses a huge threat to your family well-being.

In mid-autumn 2017, Libras who are just looking for love are advised to choose new acquaintances as carefully as possible. There is a risk that one of these people will decide to take advantage of your naivety to eliminate their personal difficulties. If you do not want to become just a pawn in someone’s dishonest game, do not open your heart to the first person you meet (in this case, the “first person you meet” can even be the person with whom you have not communicated too closely for many years). Moreover, the maximum danger for you comes from just such imaginary friends (you still shouldn’t let them too close to you).

Another important aspect where you will see a lot of problems will be your career. In October 2017, the stability you enjoyed while in your current vacancy will evaporate without a trace. Instead, your life will have an irregular work schedule, a series of endless rush jobs, and a lack of mutual understanding with your new boss. By the way, the human factor will play a very important role in your professional destiny! If you do not take care of friendship with your newly appointed leader in advance, your continued tenure in your current position will be in question. No one forces you to openly flatter you by looking into this person’s eyes! We are talking about something else. Get to know the character of your new manager, study his moods and habits, and then skillfully use this important information in your daily contacts.

Attention, the Libra horoscope for the month of October 2017 has been published in a shortened form. In order to have a complete picture of the coming 2017 Red Rooster, you should make a personal forecast for 2017 with an individual astrological chart, unique for each person.

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The end of the year for Libra will be very positive, both for health and for increasing their income. However, at the beginning of the month they need to be more restrained, since partners can provoke Libra into open conflicts. But from December 8 to December 22, a very fruitful period awaits them, especially for communications, discussions of important issues, and making plans for the future.

At the same time, Libra’s ability to conduct a dialogue, their diplomacy and charm can open the way for them to new areas of activity, to communication with the broad masses of people or in high circles. At this time, they will be able to significantly improve their well-being, receive lucrative offers, gifts, bonuses, and also successfully realize themselves in scientific activities. And at the end of the month it is better for them to change the rhythm of life and spend more time among loved ones.

  • Favorable days for Libra in December 2017 - December 4, 8, 13, 18, 23, 27, 31.
  • Unfavorable days for Libra in December 2017 - December 2, 6, 10, 15, 20.

The Libra girl strives to succeed in everything, impressing both her family and colleagues with her efficiency. To realize all your ideas, you will have to show organizational skills, convince, and negotiate. Try to act consistently, adhering to the original plan. By the way, relatives can provide invaluable help; ask them for advice more often.

The Libra guy has high hopes for the upcoming astrological month. Most likely, you have a lot of work and family travel ahead of you. It is not easy to maintain such a rhythm of life; in the second ten days of December, try to rest more often. spend more time with the woman you love. During the entire period, it is better to refrain from spontaneous decisions and steps. Always think about the consequences of your actions.

Love and family horoscope for December 2017 for the Libra woman

  • From 1 to 10 December. Changes are likely in your personal life. Existing relationships may seem insipid, and you will want passions to heat up. violent manifestation of feelings. If you are seriously interested in a new acquaintance, be prepared to take the initiative.
  • From 11 to 17 December. These days, your family will become your support. Thanks to the support of loved ones, long-standing everyday problems are easily solved. You can do interior renovations and repairs.
  • From 18 to 24 December. When winter comes, you find yourself the center of everyone's attention. It is possible that you will have a respectable, wealthy admirer.
  • From December 25 to December 31. The right time for a romantic trip. It will leave the most pleasant memories.

Health horoscope for December 2017 for the Libra woman

  • From 1 to 10 December. An allergic reaction to medications or cosmetics is possible. Be more careful when purchasing unfamiliar drugs.
  • From 11 to 17 December. Watch your diet. To prevent problems with your digestive system, include more fermented milk products and fresh fruits in your diet.
  • From 18 to 24 December. The period is favorable for carrying out all kinds of preventive procedures. examinations. Once you start visiting a massage therapist, you will quickly feel a surge of energy.
  • From December 25 to December 31. The most vulnerable places are the spine, lower back, and joints. Avoid unnecessary stress; do a set of simple stretching exercises in the morning.

Finance and work horoscope for December 2017 for the Libra woman

  • From 1 to 10 December. Try to spend your money sparingly. If you are planning to make a major purchase, first study all the offers. Then you can make a purchase on very favorable terms.
  • From 11 to 17 December. There will be large expenses, but every ruble spent will go into business. The period will be especially successful for those. who works in the public service.
  • From 18 to 24 December. Maintain smooth relationships with colleagues; conflicts only distract you from fulfilling your responsibilities. If you don't pay enough attention to your work, you risk losing a large sum.
  • From December 25 to December 31. The efforts made do not always lead to quick and noticeable results. However, you are preparing a good foundation for the future and after a while you will praise yourself for your foresight.

Love and family horoscope for December 2017 for the Libra man

  • From 1 to 10 December. Although thoughts are focused on work, a sentimental mood still makes itself felt. Quite possible. a relationship with one of your attractive employees will develop into love.
  • From 11 to 17 December. The new novel is developing rapidly.
  • In stable couples, complete mutual understanding reigns - you will be able to once again make sure that your choice is correct.
  • From 18 to 24 December. Try to control your emotions. If you lose your head over yet another hobby, you risk making a serious mistake. Be careful.
  • From December 25 to December 31. An unforgettable meeting can happen far from home, during a trip abroad. At the end of December, relatives will need your help.

Health horoscope for December 2017 for the Libra man

  • From 1 to 10 December. There is a high risk of catching colds. You should not suffer from discomfort on your legs - there is a danger of causing complications.
  • From 11 to 17 December. To tone up, start doing gymnastics and undergo physiotherapeutic procedures. This period is also favorable for a trip to a sanatorium.
  • From 18 to 24 December. Irregular nutrition, poor-quality foods, and constant stress can cause problems with the digestive system, gastritis and even peptic ulcers.
  • From December 25 to December 31. Stay outside the city more often - this will help relieve nervous tension and accumulated fatigue. A good night's sleep in the fresh air will be your best medicine.

Finance and work horoscope for December 2017 for the Libra man

  • From 1 to 10 December. Pay special attention to the preparation of important documents. financial statements. Carelessness in such a matter will sooner or later lead to significant losses.
  • From 11 to 17 December. Despite many minor disagreements, colleagues will support and cover you at a critical moment. Controversial issues will be resolved in your favor. A promotion is possible.
  • From 18 to 24 December. You can go on a responsible business trip. Good luck accompanies you in negotiations; you will unexpectedly easily find a common language with potential partners.
  • From December 25 to December 31. The financial situation is generally stable. Delays in payments are possible for those. who cooperates with several enterprises at once. It is unlikely that this will significantly affect your budget.

Libra horoscope for October 2017

General horoscope for Libra for October 2017

October 2017 will be especially favorable for those representatives of the Libra zodiac sign whose birthday falls on this month. The stars encourage you to enjoy pleasant little things and not take minor troubles to heart. Soon you won’t even remember the difficulties, but you can fray your nerves pretty much. Love yourself and the world around you, and harmony, both internal and with people around you, is guaranteed.

The October horoscope for Libra advises you to be more courageous and not be afraid to take initiative, both in the personal and professional spheres of life. If you have ideas, voice them. In order for the second month of autumn 2017 to be as productive as possible, the heavenly bodies recommend highlighting the main tasks that you want to implement, and only after implementing them, move on to new ones.

Libra work and finance horoscope for October 2017

If you want to succeed in your profession, be prepared to put in a lot of effort. However, as the stars say, it will be worth it. Very soon, you will notice a result that promises to exceed your wildest expectations. If you see that your business partners are despairing, do not skimp on words of encouragement. Your career future will depend on the mood of your colleagues. Working as a team will lead to achieving much better results than if you work on your own.

October 2017 (especially its middle) promises material prospects for representatives of the zodiac sign Libra. So, according to the astrological forecast, some will find sources of additional income, while others will see their wages increase. If you want to make meaningful purchases, this is the right time. But don't rush: by spending a little more time searching, you can probably save a lot.

Love horoscope and Libra family for October 2017

Libras who are in a relationship will be pleasantly surprised that the relationship will sparkle with new bright colors. Fate promises to send you a spark, your job is not to let it go out. Many Libras will understand that relationships are work, and if you want to save your loved one, you need to work and not let everything take its course.

But for those of you who have not yet met your other half, the horoscope for October advises, on the contrary, to sometimes “turn off” your brains. Let your heart make the choice. Don't duoctober too much. Great time to meet new people. There is a high probability that the person who appears in your life now will stay in it for a long time and will bring the most positive emotions.

Libra health horoscope for October 2017

If you notice any “malfunctions” in the body’s functioning, do not delay visiting the doctor. Even a minor problem that arises at this time risks backfireing on a serious illness. The astro forecast also gives special recommendations in terms of nutrition. Libras should not indulge in fatty and salty foods. It is also worth reducing your alcohol consumption as much as possible. And ideally, you should completely refuse to “communicate” with him.

Favorable and unfavorable days October 2017 Libra

Favorable days for Libra October 2017 – October 3, October 8, October 11, October 16, October 21, October 27, October 30, 2017.

Unfavorable days for Libra October 2017 – October 5, October 20, October 28, 2017.

Yellow Pig, the patron saint of the year, favors Libra the worker in October 2019. During this period, you will be rewarded for all your efforts and responsibility in making decisions, says the horoscope for October 2019. Libra, it's time to reap the fruits of your labors from past life periods.


Fortune will smile on representatives of the sign whose activities are related to technology. This fully applies to both engineers and ordinary workers, so get ready for additional earnings and simply bonuses from fate.

October promises to be very successful for Libra, who has devoted himself entirely to science and creativity. Libra, like real magicians, will gush with creative ideas and ideas. Try not to throw them around left and right as before. You have already regretted this more than once when a more diligent and painstaking colleague brought your idea to life. Bring all your ideas to their logical conclusion, this is the only way you can achieve excellent financial results, and, what is even more important for representatives of the sign, satisfy your professional ambitions.

Don't procrastinate on matters that require immediate resolution. Intuition will tell you how to act in difficult cases, listen to its voice and do as it tells. Cold calculation is great, but not in October 2019.


In October 2017, Libra will have to work hard to avoid distance from each other with their significant other, because during this period family relationships will become a source of positivity and good mood for you. Find time for joint holidays or dinner on the occasion of a significant date for both - the horoscope for October 2019 advises. Libra, joint entertainment or hobbies will make your family stronger, and the relationships in it more friendly and trusting. Your enthusiasm for household chores will easily captivate your household, it’s just a matter of small things: you yourself need to be truly involved in the process. Whatever you undertake: reading, sports, travel, creativity will be received with a bang by your family. Life in October will develop in such a way that the interests of your family will inevitably come to the fore for you, and nothing can bring Libra as many positive emotions as time spent with your family.

In October 2019, there will be an addition to the Libra family, or representatives of the sign may learn about a desired and planned pregnancy.

Libra woman

In addition to ordinary work matters and family concerns, the Libra woman in October 2019 will be interested in updating her wardrobe and improving her own image. Many ladies will spend a lot of time on “tuning” and new things, says the horoscope for October 2019. Libra woman and stars advise you when buying clothes to give preference to wardrobe items in light colors. Beige, coffee, ash rose and mint colors would be ideal.

It will be difficult to keep up with ladies belonging to this horoscope sign both at work and at home. They are full of energy and can handle any task. Well-groomed and educated children, a successful husband, perfect order in the house and in the countryside: she has everything under control, and every little thing speaks of her desire for perfection.

Libra man

Horoscope for October 2019: Libra - a man will fight for his material well-being. The imbalance between small income and serious expenses will seriously puzzle the usually thrifty and zealous representatives of the sign. The stars recommend saving even in small things. In mid-autumn, resist temptation and eliminate gambling and alcohol from your life. In the heat of the moment, you can release everything that you managed to accumulate in the previous period. If you can avoid temptation, you will safely survive until winter: financial stability looms on the horizon and is just a stone's throw away.

In October 2019, representatives of the zodiac house may experience complications in their relationships with their parents. Calm down your pride and go to the reconciliation process first, even if older relatives have inflicted an undeserved insult on you.

Libra Child

Libra children are ruled in October 2019 by the influence of Mercury. Unlike adults, his behavior will be formed exclusively under the mono-influence of this planet. During this period, little Libra is unlikely to be sweet and flexible. Endless pranks, and quite deliberate ones, small scandals out of the blue, quarrels with peers, poor performance - you simply do not recognize your child. Don't despair, this will all end soon as Mercury exits its apogee. But that doesn't mean you have to wait idly. The child must clearly understand what your reaction will be to any of his unseemly actions. Be patient. October is a time for heart-to-heart conversations, and, if necessary, moral conversations.


Libra's health in October 2019 cannot be called strong, even with a stretch. This is partly explained by a complete disregard for a healthy lifestyle, and the state of their affairs at work and at home often unsettles representatives of the sign from the rut of psycho-emotional stability, forcing them to get nervous and indulge in gastronomic, and more often alcoholic, sins. During this period of the year, Libra needs to say goodbye to their bad habits and take the first steps towards proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. Give up the habit of smoking and drinking coffee or strong tea on an empty stomach. Your stomach will no longer be bothered by pain and cramps. Cheer yourself up in the morning with a light jog or exercise. If worst comes to worst, a shower with cool water will help you wake up and energize you for the whole day. Libras have a very hard time saying goodbye to bad habits. A representative of the zodiac house can easily write an educational book with an expert opinion on how to quit smoking, but in practice he rarely manages to apply his own knowledge. But in fairness, it should be noted that having abandoned a destructive passion, Libra never returns to it.

Libra in October 2019 may be concerned about the condition of the bronchopulmonary system. They may be alerted by coughing, apnea, and shortness of breath. These alarming phenomena may be symptoms of serious illnesses. Be sure to consult your doctor.

Horoscope for October 2019, Libra, listen to your intuition!
The Libra family may learn about an imminent addition.
Think about your lifestyle, it's time to give up bad habits.
Horoscope for November 2019, Libra.

In October 2017, the stars are favorable to representatives of your sign. The Sun and Mercury are in Libra, so memorable events will happen in your personal life. Romantic adventures, bright emotions await you, you will be charming and attractive.

If you are looking for love, pay attention to this autumn month. It is possible to meet a special person and the beginning of an amazing love story.

October 14, 2017 Venus, the planet of love and beauty, moves into Libra. This is the best guarantee of success in love! Venus gives you style, grace, attractiveness - exactly what makes you desirable and sweet, pleasant and charming in the eyes of the opposite sex. If you already have a significant other, there will be more tenderness and harmony in the relationship.

There are, of course, some questions, some inconvenient responsibilities or financial problems. But if the couple has mutual understanding, everything can be easily resolved.

Career and financial horoscope for Libra for October 2017

Interest in the topic of finance is growing. On October 10, 2017, Jupiter enters the Libra house of money, where it will remain until November next year. Jupiter is the planet of luck, its energy contributes to the emergence of favorable opportunities in the financial sector. You can hope for an improvement in your financial situation and an increase in income.

Being in your sign, the Sun and Mercury stimulate the growth of business activity and lead you to career achievements. The support of Venus will help with negotiations, networking, establishing constructive professional connections, as well as in money matters.

It is best to determine from the very beginning of the month what you want to achieve, prepare an action plan and set yourself up for victory. The influence of the planets will help you move towards success, but only if you clearly know how to properly use these cosmic forces. Be proactive, but take your time and act thoughtfully.


With the Sun in Libra, you feel more confident and stronger, and you have a lot of vital energy. However, the planetary aspects are contradictory, which can result in restlessness, anxiety and irritability. You should be especially attentive to your health in the second ten days of the month. This is a potentially risky period that can bring unwanted incidents. Avoid conflicts and dubious situations.

Think twice before you decide to do anything or express your opinion on an important issue!