Ballistics expert. Traceology and ballistics How to become an aerial ballistics designer

1 . Objectives of the department

1.1. Organization and implementation at a high level of the educational process aimed at training specialists for forensic units of internal affairs bodies in the disciplines “Theory of Forensic Expertise”, “Traceology and Traceological Expertise”, “Forensic Ballistics and Forensic Ballistic Expertise”, “Fingerprinting and Fingerprinting”. examination”, “Forensic examination of bladed and throwing weapons” and other disciplines annually assigned to the department by the corresponding decision of the academic council and order of the head of the academy.

1.2. Development and improvement of methodological support for the educational process, introduction of new educational technologies, interactive methods and teaching aids, use of positive practical experience of forensic units of internal affairs bodies and other forensic institutions.

1.3. Organization of work to improve professional skills and scientific qualifications of teaching staff.

1.4. Organization and conduct of scientific research aimed at improving forensic activities and the activities of forensic units of internal affairs bodies and other law enforcement agencies.

1.5. Conducting educational work with academy students.

2 . Functions of the department

2.1. Based on federal state educational standards and curricula, he develops work programs for the taught academic disciplines (modules), reflecting the achievements of science and technology, prospects for their development, the positive experience of forensic units of internal affairs bodies, taking into account intra- and interdisciplinary logical connections.

2.2. Provides training to Academy students at a high scientific and methodological level, conducts lectures, seminars, practical and laboratory classes in full-time education, provides methodological guidance for students’ independent work, studies and generalizes the experience of this work, and takes effective measures to improve its effectiveness.

2.3. Organizes and carries out extracurricular educational work (individual and group consultations, scientific circle, problem scientific groups). Develops consultation schedules and monitors their implementation.

2.4. Ensures optimal distribution of the teaching load among teaching staff, monitors the implementation of their individual work plans, and prepares reports on the implementation of the annual workload distribution plan for teaching staff.

2.5. Provides comprehensive methodological support for academic disciplines: preparation of textbooks, teaching aids, workshops and other educational materials for conducting training sessions of all types, technical assignments for computer programs, educational videos.

2.6. Ensures continuous improvement of teaching technologies, the quality of conducting classes of various types (lectures, seminars, practical and laboratory classes, conferences, round tables, consultations, individual lessons, etc.). Organizes the independent work of academy students based on the intensification of the educational process, the use of interactive forms of training, computer information technologies, and training grounds.

2.7. Provides a comprehensive connection between the educational process and the practical activities of law enforcement agencies based on advanced Russian and foreign experience.

2.8. Develops programs and methodological materials for conducting educational practice in forensic units of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation according to the specialty profile of fourth-year students in faculties for training forensic experts and operational police officers, training foreign specialists; carries out methodological guidance of this practice, monitors its progress and results, organizes the defense of the results of educational practice in the specialty profile, holding a final conference, discussing materials at a meeting of the scientist, methodological councils of the academy, and an operational meeting with the head of the academy; makes proposals to the leadership of the academy to improve the organization of educational practice in the forensic units of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation in the specialty profile of fourth-year students of the faculty of training forensic experts and operational police officers, training of foreign specialists.

2.9. Carries out current, midterm and final monitoring of academic performance, monitoring class attendance and the quality of training of students, analyzes their results and makes adjustments to training, takes part in organizing the preparation of final qualifying (diploma) works and conducting intermediate certification, final (state final) certification.

2.10. Manages students' preparation of abstracts, final qualifying (diploma) works, coursework, and helps bring the content of these works as close as possible to the real conditions of practical, professional and research activities.

2.11. Organizes and monitors training sessions within the disciplines of the department, develops and implements schedules for pedagogical supervision, open, demonstration, trial classes, mutual visits.

2.12. Provides training, professional retraining and advanced training of scientific and pedagogical personnel. Discusses master's and doctoral dissertations submitted for defense by members of the department, adjuncts, doctoral students, and graduate students in the field of activity of the department.

2.13. Establishes creative connections with departments of educational organizations, scientific organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, other ministries and departments.

2.14. Studies, summarizes and disseminates the work experience of the best teachers of the academy.

2.15. Provides assistance to novice teachers in mastering pedagogical skills, ensures that they undergo training in the school of pedagogical skills of teachers of the academy.

2.16. Organizes the research work of students.

2.17. Conducts scientific research on the most pressing theoretical and applied problems in the department's profile, pedagogical problems of the activities of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, organization of the educational process, development of effective teaching methods and education of academy students.

2.18. Together with other structural divisions of the academy, it ensures individual and educational work with students.

2.19. Studies and evaluates the business and personal qualities of students, promotes their civic, professional and moral development.

2.20. Develops cooperation with forensic units of internal affairs bodies in order to train specialists:

a) organizes speeches by heads and employees of internal affairs bodies before students and teaching staff of the academy;

b) attracts leading scientists from educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, other ministries and departments, and practical employees of internal affairs bodies to pedagogical activities;

c) studies proposals from internal affairs bodies to improve the professional training of specialists;

d) maintains connections with academy graduates that contribute to the improvement of professional training of academy students.

2.21. Organizes accounting, storage, maintenance in good condition of the department’s collection of industrial and home-made firearms, its use for educational and research purposes.

The Department of Tracology and Ballistics was founded in December 1974 as a structural subdivision of the Faculty of Training of Forensic Experts of the Higher Investigative School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR.
From the moment of its creation to the present, the faculty of the department has trained over 3,000 forensic experts specializing in the production of traceological, forensic ballistic, fingerprint examinations, as well as forensic examinations of cold steel and throwing weapons.

Over the years, the department was headed by such well-known forensic scientists as Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor Evgeniy Mikhailovich Svetlakov, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor Igor Vladimirovich Kantor, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor Igor Vladimirovich Latyshov.

Since 2015, the department has been headed by Police Colonel Alexander Vladimirovich Kondakov, Candidate of Legal Sciences.

At different stages of activity, the teaching staff of the department was formed from among forensic experts, as well as specialists from other fields of science, which contributed to the integration of new knowledge into forensic science and the expansion of the subject of research in specialized disciplines for the department.

Among the first employees of the department are such famous criminologists as V.M. Pleskachevsky, V.I. Sedenkov, A.N. Ratnevsky, A.G. Egorov, V.F. Zaitsev, V.A. Ruchkin, A.A. Maksimenkov, N.I. Nesterov, V.I. Fokin, Yu.N. Chentsov and others.

From the first days to the present, its veteran, senior teacher I.A. Chulkov, continues to work fruitfully at the department.

Training sessions at the department are conducted with cadets and full-time students (specialty “Forensic Examination”).

The department teaches special disciplines:

  • Traceology and traceological examination.
  • Forensic ballistics and forensic ballistic examination.
  • Fingerprinting and fingerprint examination.
  • Forensic examination of bladed and throwing weapons.
  • Forensic theory.

The department consists of one professor, four associate professors, five senior teachers, five lecturers, a head of office, and a senior laboratory assistant. Seven employees have the academic degree of Candidate of Legal Sciences, one has a Candidate of Technical Sciences, one has a Candidate of Chemical Sciences, and two employees have the academic title of Associate Professor.

The teaching of academic disciplines is carried out by: Doctor of Law, Associate Professor I.V. Latyshov, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor G.I. Kurin, Ph.D. A.V. Kondakov, Ph.D. A.S. Kopanev, Ph.D. E.V. Kitaev, Ph.D. A.N. Bardachenko, Ph.D. V.A. Vasiliev, Ph.D. D.Yu. Dontsov, V.N. Chernigovsky, M.E. Pakhomov, A.I. Popov, F.P. Samuylenko, I.A. Chulkov.

Over the years, employees of the department have prepared nine candidate dissertations, published four monographs, five textbooks, about a hundred teaching aids, and several hundred scientific and methodological articles.

The research work of the department’s team is aimed at improving expert research methods in specialized areas, expanding the list and capabilities of technical and forensic tools, as well as automating expert research.

The priority areas of scientific activity of the department are:

  • development of standardized methods of forensic ballistic examinations;
  • issues of identifying modern firearms based on traces on spent bullets and cartridges;
  • research in the field of expert diagnostics of firearms and traces of their use;
  • issues of determining the circumstances of the use of firearms;
  • forensic studies of traumatic weapons;
  • problems of information support for expert research;
  • issues of increasing the efficiency of automated ballistic and fingerprint identification systems;
  • traceological studies of new types of sealing devices;
  • research into counterfeit vehicle spare parts.

The department maintains close creative relations with a number of scientific and teaching staff of universities of the Russian Federation and practical forensic expert institutions. These include specialized departments for the training of forensic experts at the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. V.Ya. Kikotya, St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Volgograd State University, Forensic Expertise Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Federal Forensic Center of the Ministry of Justice of Russia, regional forensic centers, Research Laboratory, Bureau of Forensic Medicine.

As part of the creative cooperation agreement:

  • with JSC “Ruspribor”, St. Petersburg, employees of the department are working to improve the software and methodological support for work on the automated ballistic identification system “TAIS-031U”;
  • with the Design and Technological Institute of Scientific Instrumentation of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, work is underway to optimize the capabilities of video spectral software and hardware solutions in the production of expert studies of gunshot traces, as well as the use of optical interferometry in identification forensic ballistic and traceological examinations;
  • With JSC "Lomo" St. Petersburg, work is being carried out to improve forensic microscopes, their components, as well as software and methodological support.
  • Work is underway with JSC "Papilon" in Miass to test the automated workstation of forensic expert Papillon "RASTR" and the mobile station of the complex of operational checks MDS-40. The testing results form the basis for proposals for improving these technical means.

The development and creation of flying mechanisms and ships in the modern world have become the most important tasks that require a high level of performance skills and exceptional professional qualifications. This area requires daily improvement, new thoughts and ideas, the development of existing technologies and the creation of new pieces of equipment.

If you have a mathematical mind and want to acquire a large amount of technical knowledge, and subsequently use it for the benefit of the country, then the specialty “Ballistics and Hydroaerodynamics” is exactly what you need to obtain a higher education and successful future employment. It is difficult to enter such universities, but then a job is guaranteed.

But what kind of specialty is “Ballistics and Hydroaerodynamics”?

Which university should I go to?

This specialty is quite narrow and requires qualified teaching staff. In our country there are only 4 higher educational institutions that provide training in this area:

  1. (national research university). Judging by the ratings and reviews, “Ballistics and Hydroaerodynamics” at the Moscow Aviation Institute is in demand among students.
  2. Novosibirsk
  3. Baltic State Technical University "VOENMEH" named after D. F. Ustinov.
  4. National Research

The most prestigious university

The most prestigious and has repeatedly proven itself in training specialists in the field of 03/24/03 “Ballistics and Hydroaerodynamics” is the Moscow Aviation Institute. MAI is a modern educational institution. In preparing highly qualified personnel, the institute combines the fundamental traditions of Russian academic education and the latest achievements in the field of advanced educational technologies.

The institute also trains specialists in the specialties “Flight dynamics and control of aerospace systems”, “Engineering in aerospace medicine”, “Missile systems and astronautics”, etc.

What is required for admission to the specialty “Ballistics and Hydroaerodynamics”?

Enrollment in this specialty is possible only on the basis of eleven school classes, i.e. complete general education. The MAI Institute offers full-time, part-time and mixed forms of training in the specialty “Ballistics and Hydroaerodynamics”. The duration of full-time study is 4 years, and part-time study is 5 years. The mixed form of education also lasts 5 years.

The results of the Unified State Exam for successful enrollment in the specialty in the discipline “Ballistics and Hydroaerodynamics” must be in the amount of 180 to 300 points. Entrance exams must be taken in the following disciplines:

  • Russian language;
  • mathematics (exclusively specialized level);
  • physics;
  • computer science and ICT.

Some universities may also include subjects such as a foreign language and chemistry as an entrance test.

Once again, it is worth noting that for admission you need to be able to quickly perceive a large flow of technical data and, of course, you need the applicant’s own desire to develop and realize himself in the chosen field.

What will students study as part of their specialty?

At the first stage, students of the direction will be faced with the study of terminology and basic engineering systems. The applicant will discover descriptive geometry and study the features of constructing engineering graphics in special computer programs. Before the third year of study, general disciplines are taught that will help the student fully cover the entire amount of information necessary to obtain higher education.

From the third year, the curriculum is dominated by classes related to special disciplines. Future bachelors are taught basic methods and techniques for processing manufactories and designing technical devices and systems, the potential of digital electronics, and are taught to apply the acquired knowledge in practice, including when creating absolutely advanced ballistic systems and servicing previously known ones.

What disciplines will students be introduced to?

Studying such a narrow technical specialty is by no means a boring task; the applicant will get acquainted with such types of disciplines as:

  • commonality of machines and design principles;
  • aerohydromechanics;
  • specifics of the motion of bodies in liquids and gases;
  • engineering and computer graphics;
  • materials science and;
  • metrology in our lives;
  • standardization and certification;
  • descriptive geometry;
  • strength of materials;
  • theoretical and practical mechanics;
  • physics in everyday life.

Students begin their internship upon completion of their first year of study at the faculty. During all courses, the student will meet and be exposed to practical activities in institutions such as local aircraft manufacturing plants, design offices and research institutes. There is also the opportunity to undergo an internship directly at the department of your dean’s office and in modernly equipped laboratories of the universities themselves.

Completion of specialty training

The final stage of a student’s four- or five-year education will be the final certification, which includes:

  • state exam;
  • defense of the thesis.

It is considered a special advantage if the student’s thesis reflects modern technical problems in his region. Upon successful completion of the last stage, the student receives the following qualification: bachelor in the field of training “Ballistics and hydroaerodynamics”.

What knowledge and skills does a student graduate from university with?

Throughout the entire training, the student gains knowledge and skills that will help him adapt to the constantly changing reality around him and function normally in it.

  1. The student will learn how to test prototypes and process the results.
  2. Learn a number of foreign languages ​​you like.
  3. Will be able to collect patent and license passports of products.
  4. Organizes control over the creation of testing tools, equipment, laboratory models and layouts.
  5. Will use the capabilities of computer graphics to depict spatial objects on models, develop sketches of machine parts, and depict assembly units.
  6. Will be able to independently develop and design the appearance of aircraft, vehicles and other means, in accordance with international standards and technical specifications.
  7. Will introduce design and engineering developments into modern domestic production.
  8. Will independently plan experimental equipment and special stands for research or display of open projects.
  9. In a fluent language he will be able to conduct pre-university training and professional work with future applicants in the specialty “Ballistics and Hydroaerodynamics”.
  10. Conduct small group work and staff planning boldly and effectively.

Advantages of enrolling in a master's program in a specialty

Most students who have received a bachelor's degree do not stop there and want to increase their knowledge by enrolling in a master's program, which gives them a number of prospects:

  1. Master's students can immediately find a job as an aircraft designer or aviation engineer.
  2. Continuing your education gives you the opportunity to try to conduct research at various universities across the country.
  3. A master's degree and fluent use of a foreign language in conversation will be a plus for professional activities abroad.

Where can you find a job after graduation?

Despite the fact that this discipline is highly specialized, a student after graduation can choose a number of professions to suit his taste. Of course, students who have completed a course in ballistics and hydroaerodynamics will be faced with vacancies related to the problems of organizing flights and monitoring the movement of aircraft.

In the specialty "Ballistics and hydroaerodynamics" who should work? Based on practical summer and winter periods, students will already be familiar with working in various local technical organizations, specialized enterprises, research laboratories and centers both in Russia and abroad. There are many programs that offer the opportunity to send an outstanding student to continue their studies abroad.

Based on their profile and specialization, students can engage in various types of work: ballistics and flight dynamics of aircraft, statistical forecasting, stabilization, navigation and targeting systems.

Future specialists

Where to work in the specialty “Ballistics and hydroaerodynamics”? What positions can a specialist occupy?

  1. Aviation engineer. His scope of work includes the design, creation and operation of aircraft, orientation systems and navigation of on-board equipment.
  2. Ballistics tested. Now this is a very promising work; the specialist’s tasks include determining the capabilities of space vehicles and their atomic parts during testing, checking the stability of all characteristics of space vehicles during internal operation.
  3. Automatic control systems engineer. As a rule, such a specialist creates and monitors self-adjusting control systems that have significant accuracy and reliability, forms and implements operational plans for controlling the flight of aircraft.
  4. Calculation engineer. This person is responsible for many of the technical characteristics of future projects and products.

Great prospects for professional activity

Specialists in the field of “Ballistics and hydroaerodynamics” are very much needed in both civil and military aviation. The minimum income will be about 70 thousand rubles. It is also worth remembering that many specialists who have completed the “Ballistics and Hydroaerodynamics” course can count on working in companies abroad. In our country, designers of navigation systems and their stabilization are widely valued - this direction is considered traditionally Russian.

Job vacancies for a graduate of the Moscow Aviation Institute “Ballistics and Hydroaerodynamics” (as, indeed, for graduates of other universities that train such specialists) can rarely be found in the public domain. As a rule, smart students are sent to internships, where they stay to work or are employed.

The most common entrance exams:

  • Russian language
  • Mathematics (profile) - specialized subject, at the choice of the university
  • Computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT) - at the university's choice
  • Physics - optional at university
  • Chemistry - at the university's choice

The design and development of aircraft and ships is the most important task, the implementation of which determines the high level of the country's military potential. This area is very important, and therefore requires constant development and the introduction of new ideas that can improve existing production technologies and raise the industry to a completely new, more modern level. This is exactly what specialists who graduated from the university in the direction of 03/24/03 “Ballistics and Hydroaerodynamics” are doing. If you have a mathematical mind and good technical knowledge, we recommend that you consider this specialty as an option for your future professional activity.

Admission conditions

To enter this department, as a rule, high scores are required in subjects such as:

  • mathematics (profile level);
  • Russian language;
  • computer science and ICT or physics.

Some universities may replace the last disciplines with a chemistry exam. In addition, educational institutions often require results in a foreign language. Therefore, in order to prepare on time and score maximum points on the Unified State Exam, it is worth checking in advance with the dean’s office of the university which subjects you will need to take.

Future profession

During the training process, students learn to solve calculation and design problems and master the basics of scientific research. In addition, they are preparing to carry out production work and study modern technological processes in the field of ballistics and hydroaerodynamics. Students also acquire organizational skills and the ability to effectively manage a work team.

Where to apply

This is a highly specialized field that requires qualified teaching staff, which only a few universities have. In Russia there are 3 educational institutions that provide training in a given field, and one of them is located in Moscow, the other in St. Petersburg and the third in Tomsk.

Duration of training

The duration of the undergraduate educational program in the full-time department is 4 years, in the part-time department - 5 years.

Disciplines included in the course of study

The specialty involves mastering such important subjects as:

  • aerohydromechanics;
  • machine parts and design fundamentals;
  • dynamics of motion of bodies in liquids and gases;
  • engineering and computer graphics;
  • materials science and technology of structural materials;
  • metrology, standardization and certification;
  • descriptive geometry;
  • strength of materials;
  • theoretical mechanics;
  • physics.

Acquired skills

Future specialists are endowed with the following knowledge and skills:

Job prospects by profession

Where can you go to work after graduation? Upon receipt of the diploma, graduates can carry out their activities in such professions as:

  • aircraft designer;
  • ballistics engineer;
  • aircraft mechanic;
  • aeronautical engineer;
  • aerodynamic engineer.

Most often, young specialists find work in design bureaus, where they study issues related to flight dynamics and also control the movement of aircraft. Experts in this profile are a very rare occurrence, so they are in high demand in the labor market and find application for their skills in both military and civil aviation.

Specialists with minimal experience can expect a salary of at least 40,000 rubles, while experienced professionals receive from 60,000 rubles or more. Also, Russian experts in this field are in high demand abroad, where their work is paid much higher.

Advantages of enrolling in a master's program

Many students who have received a bachelor's degree seek to improve their knowledge and enroll in a master's program, which gives them a number of advantages:

  1. The opportunity to immediately get a job as an aircraft designer or aviation engineer in a respectable company.
  2. Carrying out research activities in the best scientific institutes of the country.
  3. Rapid advancement up the career ladder, the opportunity to occupy a leadership position in a short period of time.
  4. An international diploma that allows you to carry out professional activities abroad.
  5. Opportunity to teach at universities.

Ballistic examination based on the science of ballistics ( from the Greek word βάλλειν - to throw), which studies the movement of bodies thrown in space. Ballistics examines more than just the movement of projectiles fired from firearms(external ballistics)and in the barrel of a weapon(internal ballistics), but also the brand and circumstances of use of this weapon.Forensic ballistics is based on military-technical sciences that study the design of firearms and ammunition, the effect of cartridges on the target and on the bore when fired. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in physics and life safety (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Ballistics Expert - this is an expert, competent in this science and mastering the methodology of work in an experimental base using special equipment.Based on the conclusions obtained during expert actions, including laboratory studies, after their careful analysis, the expert draws up an expert opinion.

The importance of an expert’s work cannot be overestimated. After all, the conclusion of a forensic ballistic examination is an official legal document that has evidentiary value and directly (or indirectly) affects the final decision of the trial.

Features of the profession

Objects of analysis ballistic examination are various types of weapons: not only firearms, but also gas, pneumatic, as well as their parts, ammunition, explosives, traces of combustion products and the effect of the projectile on the target.The scene of the incident and accompanying documents - materials of the criminal case: crime scene inspection reports, photo tables, etc. are subjected to a thorough analysis.

During the study, the expert faces two types of tasks:

identification - determining the type, type and model of firearms, the belonging of ammunition to a particular type of weapon by their traces, details or parts;

non-identifying tasks, which are divided into situational, diagnostic and reconstruction.

  • Situational tasks are determining the distance, location, direction and number of shots, the relative position of the criminal and the victim and at the moment of the shot;
  • Diagnostic tasks and - this is an establishment serviceability of firearms, ammunition and their suitability for firing am, as well as the type of shot fired;
  • ReconstructionThe task is to restore the factory markings of weapons and ammunition damaged by a shot.

Ballistic examination in forensic investigations is inextricably linked with other criminal sciences - forensic medicine and photography, traceology. After all, the analysis of damage from a shot on a person’s body, which is performed by forensic experts, complements the data of a ballistic examination - from what distance and in what direction the shot was fired, the number and sequence of shots, the probable possibility of shooting oneself.

Pros and cons of the profession


  • An interesting profession with elements of precise calculation and creativity
  • The need for constant improvement and study of new types of weapons
  • Salary above average
  • Possibility of preferential pension


  • Nervous and stressful work with constant trips to the scene of the incident
  • High level of responsibility
  • Occupational risk: Professionals involved in serious crime investigations may be subject to pressure or intimidation.

Place of work

Forensic centers of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, Federation of Forensic Experts, investigative bodies, private organizations

Important qualities

  • broad erudition
  • observation
  • high intelligence
  • analytical mind
  • curiosity
  • thoroughness and meticulousness
  • rationality
  • excellent memory
  • high degree of concentration

Where do they teach

Qualification "Forensic expert" in the specialty "Forensic ballistic examination" in the following universities:

  • Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
  • St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
  • Volgograd Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
  • Saratov Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia


In government organizations, the salary of a forensic expert is from 20 to 25 thousand rubles depending on the experience of the specialist. In private companies, wages start at 35 thousand rubles (inf. for 2014)

Salary as of September 17, 2019

Russia 18500—100000 ₽

Moscow 30000—100000 ₽

Career steps and prospects

Experts with appropriate higher education who have undergone special training in state specialists are allowed to perform forensic ballistic examination. institutions and received the qualification of a forensic expert in the specialty “Ballistic examination”.

Aspiring experts take up positions after studying assistant expert. Further career prospects can develop in different directions: choosing a narrow specialization in forensic science, working as a forensic expert in a public or private organization.

The judicial report on ballistic examination provides the following information:

The introductory part includes:

  • date, time and place of examination
  • reasons for its implementation
  • questions posed to experts
  • information about the person who ordered the examination
  • full information about the organization that conducted the examination, indicating the personal data of a particular expert.

The research part lists the methods and conclusions used during the examination with specific justification.

The conclusion is accompanied by materials confirming the examination - photo tables, video materials, etc.

Types of firearms:

  • manual - combat, civilian, hunting, civil, sports
  • according to the design and operation of mechanisms - automatic, semi-automatic, non-automatic
  • along the length of the barrel - long-barreled, medium-barreled, short-barreled
  • by barrel caliber - specific trunk diameter.
  • 24.03.01 Missile systems and astronautics
  • 24.03.02 Traffic control systems and navigation
  • 24.03.03 Ballistics and hydroaerodynamics
  • 03.24.04 Aircraft manufacturing
  • 24.03.05 Aircraft engines

The future of the industry

According to foresight experts, experts in assessing the prospects for economic development, a significant increase in the variety of flying assets is expected in the aviation sector. There will be more manned civil small aircraft, airplanes, helicopters and, possibly, airships. In the next 10–15 years, it is likely that aircraft will appear, the cost of which will be comparable to a car. Unmanned aviation will actively develop. Inside cities, unmanned aerial vehicles will be used to deliver goods, during construction, to control traffic and security. A revival of aeronautics is expected - airships on a new technological basis, used in hard-to-reach areas.

The appearance of a large number of new private aircraft in the sky will require changes in flight dispatch systems. Safety oversight will increase and this will place new demands on infrastructure construction and intelligent dispatch support systems.

There will also be changes in the construction of aircraft: the use of composites will reduce the weight and increase the strength of the aircraft, the development and use of intelligent control systems will ensure navigation efficiency and ensure safety on air “roads”, the use of eco-fuel and the transition to electric motors will make air transport not only the fastest and powerful, but also the most environmentally friendly.

    What will emerge as a result of these changes?
  • Unmanned aerial vehicles in transport and civil aviation.
  • Affordable small civil aviation.
  • Economical and environmentally friendly engine types.
  • Intelligent systems for monitoring and controlling aircraft.
  • Active protection systems against threats to air traffic.

Missile systems and astronautics 03.24.01

A graduate of this direction will participate in analyzing the state of rocket and space technology and its individual areas, create databases of modern designs and technologies of developed rocket systems, determine the type and appearance of a product included in a rocket complex or spacecraft.

The tasks of such a specialist will include the design and construction of products included in the rocket and space complex, as well as technical work on mathematical modeling in the design of rockets, spacecraft, life support systems, units and systems of launch and technical complexes, technological processes and technological equipment for space devices.

A necessary part of the work will be the development of operational and technical documentation and its use in the operation of rocket and space technology objects, as well as the implementation of patent research in order to study intellectual property for patent purity.


  • Launch complex engineer
  • Rocket and space technology test engineer
  • Missile systems design engineer
  • Missile development engineer
  • Specialist in the operation of rocket and space technology


    Navigation Engineer
  • Air traffic control engineer
  • Aircraft control systems test engineer
  • Specialist in installation of devices and components of flight navigation equipment
  • Navigation equipment specialist
  • Specialist in technical support and maintenance of traffic control systems
  • Specialist in operation of aviation electrical systems and flight navigation systems


  • Aircraft designer
  • Aviation engineer
  • Launch complex engineer
  • Design engineer

Where to work

Specialists in this profile study the problems of aerodynamics and flight dynamics of aircraft in specialized design bureaus and research institutes, or check the suitability of aircraft at airfields.

Aircraft engines 03/24/05

Hypersonic jets, vertical take-off disc-shaped aircraft, Blackbird, Falcon, Black Shark - who developed the engines for these aviation legends? Who is developing advanced engines for unmanned aerial vehicles and light aircraft today?

Graduates of the field of study “Aircraft Engines” will be able to carry out calculations and design of individual parts and assemblies of aircraft engines, develop technological processes for the manufacture of individual parts and assemblies of aircraft engines and power plants, and select materials for the manufacture of aircraft engines. At the workplace, such professionals will take part in work during the preparation of the production of new products, accept and master the equipment being introduced, and in addition, check the quality of installation and adjustment during testing and commissioning of new samples of products, assemblies, parts and aircraft engines.

As well-educated specialists, they will be able to conduct feasibility studies of design solutions, formalize completed design work and monitor compliance with the environmental safety of the work being carried out.