Why do you dream of a strong quarrel with your dad? “Dream Interpretation of quarreling with the Father dreamed of why you dream of quarreling with the Father in a dream

Dream Interpretation Quarrel

As the modern dream book explains, a quarrel in a dream means a rapprochement in relationships. Seeing yourself arguing with other people may indicate the dreamer’s excessive emotionality and his high demands on others.

A quarrel as an active interaction with others can signify the dreamer’s position on a fundamental issue. If such a situation exists in reality, then it’s easy to understand why you dream of a quarrel - you will have to defend this position in front of your loved ones.

In order to get a deeper explanation of why you dream of a quarrel, you need to remember the dream well. The following details are important:

  • with whom the altercation occurred;
  • sorting out relationships with strangers or watching others argue;
  • quarrel with relatives or friends;
  • was there reconciliation?

A qualitative analysis of such details will help you get practical advice for the near future.

Participants in the process

If you dreamed of a quarrel

Since swearing is an active process in which several people participate, even in a dream, they can indicate that area of ​​​​life activity that requires the dreamer’s close attention. So, arguing with a complete stranger may mean making a new acquaintance or establishing partnerships at work.

If the participants in the process are family members or lovers, then the interpretation will be slightly different. But in any case, family relationships will be involved in the upcoming significant events.

Arguing with a stranger

If in a dream there was an altercation with a complete stranger, then it is quite possible that at work the dreamer will have a difficult journey to establish partnership (or client) relationships. Despite all the seemingly complexity of the situation, the process will go quite smoothly, for which the dreamer will receive a small financial reward.

Seeing strangers swear means falling into a circle of envious people and intriguers. The worst thing is if there is a quarrel between women whom the dreamer does not know. In this case, he risks losing his reputation due to gossip.

Quarrel with a pretty girl or young man

To get acquainted

If you dreamed of an altercation with an unfamiliar pretty girl, it means that the dreamer will soon start a new relationship. They will be very bright and stormy, similar to the emotions that a person experienced in a dream during a quarrel with a girl.

Dreams for a young girl have a similar interpretation: if she has to quarrel with a young man, then a new relationship is not far off, which can develop into something more serious. Miller’s dream book has a slightly different interpretation: the psychotherapist says that for a girl such a dream means long-term troubles and troubles.

For a man, arguing with an unfamiliar woman can also mean a new romance. To be scolded by a woman and to repent very much is to fall into a trap. But bringing her to tears and laughing at a crying woman means success with the opposite sex

Quarrel with loved ones

If you dreamed of a squabble with loved ones, then most likely there will be a meeting with them and the establishment of not very warm relations. If everything was in order with the relationship, then a feast and long heart-to-heart conversations are likely. The appearance of shouting and swearing in a dream is not negative. The dream means interaction, conversations, prioritization.

Fight with friends

To relax with friends

Very often, remembering a night vision, the dreamer cannot understand why he dreams of a quarrel, especially with close friends. This could be any interaction with a pleasant company, spending time together in nature with friends, or a long feast.

An unpleasant aftertaste may remain after a dream in which a verbal altercation happened with your best friend. The more negative feelings such a dream causes, the more pleasantly spent time can be expected in reality. Arguing with your best friend in a dream means a joint business that has nothing to do with finances. Perhaps the dreamer will be invited by a friend to a wedding as best man?

A quarrel with a friend whom you have not seen for many years means a quick meeting or telephone conversation with him. Perhaps he needs your help.

Quarrels with relatives

Swearing between family members is not pleasant for anyone, even in a dream. But sometimes, life’s ups and downs can make even a very resilient person lose their temper. Quarreling with relatives in a dream, especially with mother or father, may mean that the dreamer is too arrogant and, in pursuit of his own happiness, may not notice the needs of the people around him.

Sometimes it is very easy to understand why you dream of a quarrel with relatives if you have a meeting with them at the festive table the day before. You haven’t seen each other for a long time, and the subconscious, in such an amazing form, foreshadows the upcoming event.

With parents

If you quarreled with your parents

Arguing strongly with your father and mother in a dream means that the dreamer is too ambitious and demands from life what he is not able to achieve on his own. If a quarrel occurred only with the father, and at the end of the quarrel the dreamer sobs heavily from the insult caused, this is a good sign, says Miller’s dream book. Such a dream promises a quick meeting and all possible help, which can only be provided by the father.

And this is not about financial or physical help. Most likely, the dreamer is experiencing severe moral trauma, and a conversation with his father will help him cope with his mental problem.

Arguing strongly with your mother and seeing her cry at the end is a bad sign. Perhaps, in reality, she is trying to convey to the dreamer the importance of moral values, but he remains deaf to her words. Be alert, every dishonest act can lead to a number of troubles after a while.

With your sister or brother

If you quarrel with your sister or brother in a dream, it means that you will soon have to resolve fundamental issues together. The more emotional the argument with your sister, the more important the project will be, in which both will need to participate.

Whatever your relationship with your sister is at the moment, they will soon be not just friendly, but warm.

If a squabble with a sister or brother ended in the dreamer’s tears, it means that there is some remorse that the relationship with the sister is not what it could be.

Such dreams, in which you had to quarrel, indicate that you have every chance of achieving the desired level of mutual understanding with your sister.

Darlings swear... or quarrels with their wife

If at the moment the relationship with your wife has reached a critical point, then quarreling with her in a dream is a favorable sign. Fate gives you and your wife a chance to reconsider your relationship and claims towards each other and improve your family life, explains Miller’s dream book.

Screaming a lot in the process of sorting things out with your wife - apparently, the atmosphere in the family is quite tense, since you have to dump negativity in this way. But as a symbol, such a dream suggests that you and your wife have a fairly high degree of emotional intimacy, you feel each other. Behind such visions lies a strong attraction.

Clarifying relationships with exes

Arguing with your ex-husband or boyfriend means meeting him, even if the relationship has outlived its usefulness a long time ago.

If you quarreled with your lovers

If you dreamed of a quarrel with your ex, and during it you had to scream loudly, then warm memories of the relationship will make themselves felt. Perhaps during the cleaning process old photographs will be found, and pleasant feelings will once again embrace the dreamer.

The ex-wife swears - unresolved matters. It is necessary to analyze whether all promises have been fulfilled. If not, try to catch up. Otherwise, the dreamer risks losing communication with a loved one.

Dreaming about your ex-husband or wife can be a reminder of obligations that do not depend on the relationship between you, but are a consequence of it.

The meaning of reconciliation after a quarrel

If you dreamed of a quarrel, and after it there was reconciliation, this is a bad sign. This may mean a further complication of the relationship with the person with whom the quarrel occurred in the dream.

Hugging after a quarrel is a sign of a long-term difficult relationship.

A kiss after a strong argument can symbolize the end of a relationship, a breakup.

Asking for forgiveness after an argument and feeling guilty is a combination of circumstances that is clearly not in your favor. Unpleasant events will happen without your participation, but the blame will be placed on you.

First of all, you should understand that if you have to swear in a dream, then you don’t necessarily have to do it in reality. You need to know why you dream about swearing in order to be able to correct the situation in the real world.

To understand how to correctly interpret dreams in which you have to swear, you must take into account with whom the conflict arises. The emotional state of the dreamer, as well as what caused the quarrel, is also important.

Most often in night dreams the dreamer has to quarrel with relatives. As a rule, such dreams are always significant, so you need to know how to decipher them. The exception is when you dream of swearing in a dream after a quarrel in reality, in this case the dream is simply a reflection of reality.

Why argue with mom?

Very often the question arises: why do you dream of arguing with your mother or father in a dream? If you live with your parents, then most likely, when you conflict with them in a dream, this indicates that for some reason you have remorse.

But in another case, a quarrel with your mother may warn that there is a high probability that you will make serious mistakes that will negatively affect your entire life.

When a young girl quarrels with her mother in her night dreams, the interpretation of the dream depends on the plot of the dream:

  • If the cause of the discord was a young man, then this foreshadows a disagreement with the beloved in reality. When your mother scolds you for excessive financial spending, then in real life you can expect real financial failures. If your mother did not like your appearance, then you may soon get sick. If the reason for the quarrel is poor academic performance, then in real life conflicts with colleagues are expected.

Quarrel with mom and your departure

When the storyline of night dreams shows a quarrel with your mother, followed by their leaving the house, this foreshadows radical changes in real life. Moreover, such changes can affect any sphere of life. After such a dream, you can change your place of residence or job, in addition, such a dream can be a harbinger of a big win in the lottery or in a casino.

Arguing with parents

If in your night dreams you quarrel with both your mother and father, then this foreshadows separation from your parents due to a long trip or change of place of residence. Moreover, if you swear very emotionally in a dream, then the departure will be without the consent of your parents. And if this is a minor squabble, then most likely you will be able to explain things to your loved ones and part ways peacefully.

Miller's Dream Book

According to the interpretation of Miller's dream book, when you have to quarrel with a drunk mother in your night dreams, this is a harbinger of illness. Moreover, the more severe the intoxication of a loved one, the more serious the illness will be. After such a dream, it is recommended to undergo a medical examination as soon as possible.

Fight with father

When you have to quarrel with your father in a dream, this is a warning sign. In the near future you will meet a person who will strive to manipulate you. Therefore, try to take a closer look at your chosen one and draw the right conclusions.

A dream in which, according to the plot, you quarrel with your brother or sister is also significant. Such night dreams contain a warning that you may break your promise, and this will negatively affect your relationships with other people. They will no longer respect and trust you. Such a dream is always associated with serious life disappointments.

You dreamed that you were arguing with distant relatives

If you quarrel with one of your distant relatives in your night dreams, this means that in real life you will soon be left alone with your problems. After such a dream, perhaps a person will appear in your environment who will constantly drag you into conflict situations.

If in a dream you have to quarrel with your grandmother, then you should consider the following:
  • For a girl, such a dream indicates that she will fall under bad influence. For a guy, a dream is a harbinger that he may fall into the network of insidious seductresses.

Arguing with mother-in-law in a dream

If a woman had to quarrel with her mother-in-law in a dream, then this indicates that in her immediate environment there are tactless people, communication with whom is simply unbearable. Of course, it is better to break off relations with them, but if this cannot be done, then you need to try not to react to their attacks.

A very common question is why you dream about arguing with your husband. This dream belongs to the dreams of shapeshifters. That is, if you quarrel with your husband in a dream, then in real life family life will develop very calmly. But in order to correctly and accurately interpret such night dreams, you should remember all the details of the plot.

So, in accordance with the interpretation of Miller’s dream book, if your husband showers you with insults according to the plot of your night dreams, this means that you will establish an absolute trusting relationship with your spouse, based on respect and love. It should be remembered that after such a dream some difficulties may arise in your personal life, which the spouses can easily overcome.

Many women are interested in the question of what it means to have a dream in which they had to quarrel with their husband because of infidelity. This dream emphasizes your suspiciousness and indicates that you are inventing problems for yourself that do not exist in reality.

Depending on the intensity of the quarrel with your spouse, the following interpretations of night dreams can be distinguished:
  • A trifling quarrel without emotions is a sign of pleasant and good news. A heated argument over any issue is a sign of life changes associated with new perspectives. A scandal of medium intensity – some circumstances may be clarified. A quarrel with minor assault is an unexpected happiness. A quarrel with a serious fight is a harbinger of a break in the relationship.

Very often, women ask what it means to quarrel with their ex-husband. Most likely, this is a sign that, despite breaking up, something continues to connect you with this person. Maybe these are common children, and sometimes unfinished relationships. It is very good if in a dream you finally quarreled with your ex-spouse. This means that finally an atmosphere of peace and harmony will reign in your life. If you dream that you seem to be split in two and are watching from the side as you quarrel with your ex-husband, then this indicates that you will soon be offered a difficult job that will bring you great profit.

Why do you dream of arguing with a guy?

Of course, in dreams you often have to quarrel not only with relatives, but also with other people. Such dreams are not always a sign that something is going wrong in life. They may simply reflect the situation in the real world, but in any case, you need to learn to interpret them, listening to your own intuition.

Of course, a dream in which you have to quarrel with a loved one can hardly be considered pleasant. But, nevertheless, despite the ambiguity of interpretation of such night dreams, one should not be upset in advance.

In most cases, arguing with a guy in a dream means for a girl that she is not satisfied with her own life. Therefore, you need to try to look at the situation around you from the outside and try to change your life in accordance with your requirements. Moreover, it should be understood that mental anxiety most likely affects the sphere of relationships with relatives. Such a dream is a hint and indicates how important compromises are in life for building successful relationships.

In a dream, quarrel with your loved one or loved one

Arguing with your loved one in your dreams can also mean that you have problems that she cannot solve on her own. After such a dream, you should definitely consult with a person you trust. Moreover, such advice cannot be ignored.

Young guys also often ask about what it means to quarrel with your beloved. For young men, such a dream always foreshadows financial expenses. Moreover, they will not be connected in any way with their beloved girl. The reason for financial waste will be ill-considered actions, short-sightedness and frivolity. At the same time, the stronger and more emotional the quarrel seen in the night dreams was, the greater the troubles will be.

If, according to the plot of your night dreams, you happened to quarrel with a stranger, then this foreshadows a successful undertaking in reality. In addition, such a dream can be a harbinger of a new useful acquaintance. Also, such a dream often indicates that a person will have a new hobby in life.

When you dream of arguing with an acquaintance or girlfriend

When you dream of arguing with a woman you know, then perhaps she needs your help. When you dream that you are arguing with a friend, this can be interpreted in two ways. Sometimes such a dream is a harbinger of travel, and in other cases it predicts the arrival of guests. If, according to the plot of night dreams, a stranger appears in a dream with whom you have to quarrel, then this predicts the activation of ill-wishers in the immediate environment. In the coming period of life, you need to be careful to avoid getting into unpleasant life situations.

Dreaming of quarreling with a dead person or deceased

Very often, dreamers wonder why they dream of quarreling with the deceased. In most cases, such a dream foreshadows quarrels with relatives in reality. For the dreamer, arguing with a dead person in his night dreams means that he will have to endure great worries and anxieties in reality.

To correctly interpret dreams in which you have to swear, you need to pay attention to the emotions during the quarrel. It is believed that screaming and crying in night dreams is a positive omen. Most likely, events will happen in life that will fill it with positivity. But in addition, there are negative interpretations of such dreams:

  • There is a high probability that many minor troubles will happen in reality. You may have to become a participant in a big feast, which will not end very well.

Arguing with a man or woman

In addition, if in night dreams you have to quarrel with a man or woman very emotionally, then this indicates that the dreamer is very unhappy with something in real life. Also, such a dream can signal that in reality a person is busy with something other than his own business and this is very annoying to him. You need to think about changing your field of activity.

Emotional abuse in a dream often indicates a person’s accumulated internal tension. Therefore, you need to somehow distract yourself from the surrounding reality, otherwise in real life a huge scandal or hysteria cannot be avoided over a trivial matter.

Swearing in a dream is a warning sign. It indicates a high probability that you will make a wrong decision in reality and, as a result, big troubles await you. Often such a dream signals that a dark streak is coming in real life.

If in a dream someone swears at you, then this foreshadows a huge family scandal in reality. But if in a dream you cursed someone you know, then soon the relationship between you will improve.

Often such night dreams, in which you have to swear, are dreamed of by people with a calm and balanced character. This is due to the fact that they subconsciously forbid themselves to resolve conflicts in reality in this way. In such cases, such a dream may indicate that you will be able to resolve the situation peacefully in reality. But if it is not possible to find a compromise, then the psychological stress will reach its limit and lead to a big quarrel in real life.

If you dreamed that you were arguing with someone in a dream, then you need to carefully analyze the situation around you. After this, you need to look into dream books and try to find a decoding there that can give you a hint. With this approach, listening to your own intuition, you can easily understand what is going wrong in life. This will allow you to choose the right course of action to correct the situation and avoid negative consequences.

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A vision will help you understand yourself quarrels in a dream. There is a chance that you were actually involved in a conflict that had a negative impact on your emotional state. A detailed reconstruction of the events seen will help to more specifically decipher the dream.

Why do you dream of a quarrel with your loved one?

An argument with your lover in a dream is a consequence of your decision to avoid disagreement with people around you at all costs. Throughout the day, unspoken resentment and disagreement with individuals accumulates, to which your subconscious mind reacts sharply.

If you dream about a quarrel with a guy more than once, you should pay attention to your internal state. You are probably worried that disagreements with your significant other will arise in reality. However, if this kind of plot has made its way into night visions, you can relax about this and calm your nerves.

A loud scandal with lots of shouting and accusations on your part against your lover is a good omen. In the near future, we can expect a significant improvement in mutual understanding in the couple. Try to foster a more trusting relationship, this will improve the quality of life for both of you.

The dream of a quarrel with a former loved one, following Grishina’s interpretation, speaks of your indifference to the hero. Don't dwell on the past, let go of past grievances and disappointments. Surely you still have a lot of unspoken words, but you need to overcome yourself and start living a new life.

Disagreements with your beloved in your night dreams clearly indicate that you have a fear of ruining your relationship. This is a normal reaction of the subconscious mind to a relationship in which you feel satisfied. Don't worry about the future, enjoy the present.

Seeing a quarrel with your husband in a dream indicates a fear of cacophony in reality. You are probably trying with all your might to please your spouse, fearing disagreements. Constantly taking the side of your loved one, even if you disagree with him, is a blow to the nervous system. This is what provokes the release of emotional intensity in a dream.

A conflict with your girlfriend warns of an impending difficult period in a couple. More attention should be paid to your relationships; problems can be solved if you show a desire to maintain love.

Unconscious thoughts about a former loved one are revealed by the ongoing scandal with him in a dream. There is a good chance that there are a lot of unspoken words left between you. Such a dream serves to relieve nervous tension. You can express to a young man everything that cannot be expressed in reality.

A scandal with your wife is a serious omen. It is advisable to pay attention to such a dream. Most likely, something like this will arise in the present tense. The dream book speaks of the possibility of preventing unpleasant events by organizing a romantic dinner or other enjoyable pastime for both.

The dream book interprets an argument with a friend as a real presence of misunderstanding in your relationship. You probably haven't been able to cope with them for a long time. The subconscious reacts to stable internal tension, trying to pour out the accumulated negativity in visions.

A conflict with a friend in a dream is a bad omen. It threatens to create an unpleasant situation between you. The reason for this will be the impenetrability of your character. Try to meet your loved one halfway more often. The modern interpreter foreshadows a difficult situation in life, which the friend from the dream will help to cope with.

If you dream of a quarrel with friends, expect a difficult situation in the near future. Following Aesop's dream book, it is the seen comrades who will provide an invaluable service in solving problems that arise.

A dream about an angry best friend indicates changes in your and her character. There is a chance that some of these changes will not be welcomed by you. However, you should measure yourself and remember that life is not linear.

In a dream, a quarrel with your mother clearly demonstrates the differences between your and her views on life. According to Grishina’s dream book, this is a normal reaction to the process of your formation as a person. However, it’s really not worth spoiling your relationship with your dearest person; try your best to find a common language with your mother.

The reason for a quarrel with dad in a dream depends on the presence of a conflict in real life. If it takes place, the tension accumulated in you finds an outlet in night dreams. Be careful in your relationship with your father; rash actions can lead to catastrophic consequences.

A dream about an altercation with both parents indicates the presence of tension in family relationships. The prerequisites for this state of affairs appeared quite a long time ago. The modern dream book claims that the whole problem lies in the lack of mutual understanding.

A quarrel with your mother in a dream threatens to strain your relationship in the present. Try to control everything you say, this is the only way to hush up the conflict. Take your mother's side and try to accept her position. Avoid provocations.

Conflict with your father proves that you are good at defending your opinions. However, this does not reduce the growing emotional tension. Relax and sort out your differences with dad rationally.

Often the dream of a quarrel with relatives is for people who are calm and unsure of themselves. You put too much effort into pleasing others. However, the universal interpreter reminds that external politeness and friendliness does not protect against the accumulation of negative emotions inside. Be careful about your psychological state so as not to break down at the wrong time.

A quarrel in a dream with your sister suggests that your thoughts contain plans to commit actions that your relative will not like. The vision displays concerns about this, unfolding the worst reactions you expected in order to mentally prepare you for conflict.

Why dream of a quarrel with your brother - it speaks of his dissatisfaction with your way of life. Following the wanderer's dream book, you should analyze your relationships and come up with a new model of behavior.

This dream book interprets a quarrel as a harbinger of a skirmish in the near future.

For married people, this threatens divorce, and for single people, it threatens a dark period in life, filled with failures.

Dissatisfaction with everyday work brings a dream in which you observed disagreements between people from the outside.

Conflict with the Dead

The interpretation of a dream of a quarrel with a deceased acquaintance is in Aesop’s dream book. This suggests that deceased individuals have shown interest in you. However, their appearance in night vision is an effective way to get rid of observers.

Another interpretation is offered by the modern dream book. He claims that such night dreams indicate that you have internal disagreements.

Disagreements with neighbors

In a dream, a quarrel with neighbors carries a prophetic meaning. Expect the events you see in reality. The universal dream book advises not to strain relations with neighbors, but to seek a compromise. Your good disposition can help prevent a serious scandal.

Other interpretations

Following the dream book of the Seasons, a quarrel in a dream speaks of an unstable psychological state. You should exercise to relieve tension. This is the most effective method to balance your emotional state without causing harm to others. Otherwise, there is a risk of breaking down at the wrong moment and causing additional problems.

If in a dream a quarrel occurred with an incomprehensible person who could not be discerned, admit that you have an internal conflict. Take care of your emotional state, and disagreements with others will disappear.

A more detailed interpretation of the dream can be obtained by finding out the reason for the disagreement. If it is not there, you will have health problems. Guided by the eastern dream book, you are developing a disease, the symptoms of which have not yet manifested themselves. However, this is not necessarily the case. Perhaps you just need to get some sleep and rest more.

You are unhappy with the state of your personal life if you dreamed of a quarrel with a man. You lack positive emotions. Work on your character to improve relationships with the opposite sex.

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A quarrel with a person almost always foreshadows some kind of loss in real life. Perhaps the reason is that any conflict situation is a release of negative emotions and a loss of human energy. And by losing strength in quarrels, he reduces his chances of achieving success in reality.

What if you dream of a quarrel with your parents?

Swearing and especially the use of profanity in a dream usually portend illness. This is due to the negative energy that is present during conflict.

Parents in a dream most often embody those qualities, both good and bad, that a person has adopted from them and recognized in himself. Also, mother and father symbolize protection and support, advice and help from them. Therefore, depending on the context, a dream in which they are present can mean either the presence of protection and support, or the loss of something important for the dreamer.

If you dream of a quarrel with your parents, then this is undoubtedly a negative sign. Most likely, trouble awaits the person, as well as his close circle and family. A quarrel with the father means that the one who had this dream will face a very unpleasant and painful breakup, which will be provoked by someone well known and dear.

As a result, a person’s life will change in a completely unexpected way. Whether these changes will be negative or positive depends both on the situation in which the quarrel occurs and on many other factors. A quarrel with a mother in most cases foreshadows a serious and dangerous illness for a person or his loved ones, as well as a whole series of troubles and trials that lie ahead. However, the plots of dreams in which the mother is present do not speak of inevitable events; they rather warn of what can happen if the necessary measures are not taken in a timely manner.

What does it portend?

It is entirely possible for a person to change the situation; the main thing is to use every opportunity to prevent discord. The main thing is to listen to your inner voice and intuition, and refrain from rash actions. If you dreamed not of a quarrel with your parents, but of a fight, then it is likely that the family of the one who had this dream will face a great misfortune, moreover, through the fault of the person himself and his reckless actions. This dream warns that you need to reconsider your behavior in order to prevent such developments.

According to some interpretations, a dream about a quarrel with parents can also be understood as a reverse dream, which actually foreshadows good luck, good news and pleasant events for the dreamer, and for a young girl - an upcoming marriage.

In general, a dream about a quarrel with parents has a negative meaning, like any dream in which a quarrel occurs. However, if you regard it as a warning and change your behavior, then the situation can be changed in your favor.

Did you happen to quarrel with your father in a dream? Expect major troubles, disappointments in love and bad luck in business. Why else do you dream about the dream scene? The dream book will help you find the most accurate decoding.

Did you have a dream about a scandal with your father? In a dream, he hints: in order to avoid the consequences of a difficult situation, you need wise advice from the outside.

General interpretation

An experienced dream book advises starting with a general interpretation of the dream. So, any conflicts in dreams indicate increased nervous tension. You have put off solving current problems for too long, and now you are forced to reap the fruits of your optionality.

A parent in a dream is usually associated with power, self-affirmation, pride, patronage, and professionalism. If you happen to quarrel with your father, then difficulties will arise in business, and disagreements will arise in relationships with others.

Decline or happiness?

Why dream if you yourself started to quarrel with your father? In reality you will experience a very unusual event. The same plot indicates participation in an extremely risky scam.

Did you dream that it was your father who started the scandal? In fact, you may be making a fatal mistake. Unlucky to see your dad come home drunk and you scold him in your sleep? Prepare for illness, betrayal, loss of spirit.

If the parent was only mildly indignant in response to reproaches, then a serious conversation is coming. The dream book reminds us: sometimes inversion comes into play, and then grandiose showdowns promise equally great happiness.

What are you afraid of?

What else does it mean if you had to quarrel very strongly with your father? You are clearly dependent on the person you are afraid of.

Did you dream that you had a big fight with your daddy, but you couldn’t see him? This reflects internal contradictions and mental discomfort. The dream book believes that you were literally arguing with yourself.

If in a dream you listened to your parents screaming at each other, then you will take part in a scandalous event in reality.

Decoding actions

To establish exactly what the described plot is about in a dream, you need to decipher the main actions of your opponent.

  • Beats - internal protest.
  • Fights - good relationships, family holiday.
  • Accuses - high position.
  • Humiliates - wealth.
  • Sends to mother - joy.

If you dreamed that a nighttime quarrel in a dream ended in reconciliation, then the dream book states: in reality you will experience complete satisfaction, make a profit or achieve peace of mind.

Think about it...

If a young girl dreamed of having a fight with her late dad, then she will be deceived and disappointed in her lover.

Why do you dream of a conversation in a raised voice with a deceased man? Listen to the advice of the dream book and take a closer look at your colleagues and business partners.

Did you have a chance to quarrel with your father, who is no longer alive? Listen less to other people's opinions. If a quarrel with the deceased escalates into a fight, then you will be happy.

Forget it already!

Did you have a serious argument with a deceased relative at night? Alas, you will miss a rare chance. It’s good to see that the loud showdown with the deceased ended in general reconciliation. This means that in real life you will be able to avoid a serious mistake.

Why else would you dream if you happened to quarrel with your father who is already dead? The dream book advises to pay attention to the signs that fate will give in the near future. If quarrels and conflicts with a deceased person occur regularly in a dream, then some memories literally poison your present.