Fortune telling for Christmas. Folk fortune telling for Christmas Fortune telling for Christmas is the simplest

Christmas is not only a bright and magical holiday, but also a unique opportunity to discover your future and your destiny. That is why, even those who do not believe in fortune-telling at all are advised to believe at least a little in miracles and still take the risk of telling fortunes.

Usually young girls make fortunes during Christmas time. Several unmarried girls gather who are ready to find out their fate. Often in this case, the simplest fortune telling is used: fortune telling on a boot, on wax, on rings. This year you need to guess only one.

We present to your attention a small selection of fortune-telling, which can only indirectly be called Christmas or Yuletide, but nevertheless, for many generations, such fortune-telling has become an excellent reason to have fun while away the winter New Year's evenings.

Fortune telling at Christmas using a book

You can also tell fortunes for Christmas and Christmastide using a book. Such fortune telling has been known since ancient times. To do this, we make a wish or a question, select any printed publication (you can have a magazine or a book), name the page and line number, and read the “prediction.”

You can tell fortunes on a book in another way. Take your favorite book from the shelf, make a wish, open it to any page, point your finger at any line.

Surprisingly, sometimes such simple fortune telling can be prophetic.

Christmas fortune telling for the betrothed

Another funny Christmas fortune telling is “Find out the name of your betrothed.” To do this, you need to draw a circle on a piece of paper, divide it into segments, and write men's names in random order. On Christmas night, we throw a ring into the circle and look at the name.

Christmas fortune telling on a pillow

One of the simplest and most accessible fortune telling on the night before Christmas- notes under . To do this, write “yes” on one sheet of paper and “no” on the other.

We make a wish, roll the pieces of paper into tubes, put them under the pillow and go to bed.

In the morning we take out the first note we come across from under the pillow and find out the answer to our question.

Christmas fortune telling for the birth of a child

Fortune telling on Christmas night for the birth of a child is very interesting. The meaning is as follows: the one who is telling fortunes is asked to cut with a knife, ordinary cheesecake. The knife must have a wooden handle, and the cheesecake should be placed in the center of the table. If the knife touches the tablecloth, no joyful event will happen this year, if the middle of the cheesecake is a boy, and if the knife touches the edge of the pie, it is a girl.

Christmas fortune telling using coffee grounds

Simple and harmless fortune telling,available to everyone on Christmas morning - on coffee grounds. Brew a cup of your favorite coffee,make a wish or question, drink the contents and turn the cup upside down on the saucer in one motion. After a few minutes, turn the cup over and look at the result, i.e., a drawing made from coffee grounds. And then everything depends on your imagination and fantasy.For example, coffee dots mean profit, crosses and circles - warning, depressions - obstacles, elevations - success, achievements, etc.

Fortune telling on Christmas night with wax

To tell fortunes with wax, you need to pour cold water into a small bowl, melt a piece of wax or a candle in a spoon, and quickly pour it into the water. After the wax has hardened, you need to carefully examine the resulting figurine. Fortune telling with wax is somewhat similar to fortune telling with coffee on Christmas night.- you will need a lot of imagination and intuition to predict the future from a figure.

Christmas fortune telling using an oracle circle

All you need for this simple Christmas fortune telling is a piece of paper, a pen and a gold ring. First you need to cut out a circle and draw it as in the photo, then ask a question.

You can read more about fortune telling on Christmas night in fortune telling.

Christmas fortune telling by hair

All action must take place at midnight. You need to pour water into a small container (bowl, plate, mug) and add a pinch of salt, a pinch of sugar and again a pinch of salt. Stir everything well, and after the water has calmed down, the fortune-telling girl needs to throw her hair and the hair of her beloved guy into it. And then leave the liquid to stand all night until the morning. If the hair is intertwined in the morning, then the wedding is coming soon. If the hairs are far from one another. Soon there will be separation. If one of the hairs drowns, then this means that its owner will become ill.

Christmas fortune tellingcame to us from the distant past. They carry within themselves the great mystery of prediction.

The tradition of fortune telling on Christmas night came to us from the past. The most popular method of fortune telling was fortune telling at Christmas using a candle. This is the most mysterious and truthful way to get answers to many questions and open the door to the future. In addition, this is the simplest fortune telling that any girl can use at home. There are many ways to tell fortunes at Christmas using candles, but before you begin the magical sacrament, it will be useful to learn some nuances that will help you get a more truthful and accurate result.

Choosing candles for fortune telling for Christmas

For high-quality fortune telling, it is very important to correctly choose the main attribute of the ritual - candles. The flame has a cleansing meaning; it harmonizes the space around, not only cleansing it, but also protecting it. For a magical effect, it is best to purchase an ordinary candle without fragrances. It is not advisable to use church blessed candles. Its color is also important, which has a great influence on the vibration of energy. The most optimal colors are the universal white and yellow, which are perfect for any event. The flame of such candles helps to cleanse the space and gives inspiration and strength to the fortuneteller.

What kind of fortune telling are there at Christmas by candlelight?

Christmas fortune telling can provide the most important predictions that often worry us in life. Let's look at the most common fortune telling with candles at Christmas, which will help you trust in higher powers.

Fortune telling by candle for the betrothed

This is a very popular fortune telling at Christmas using candles, which will help answer the question of whether your significant other loves you. For the ritual you will need two candles of the same size and color.

  1. Tie a black thread around the candle that will symbolize your chosen one, and a white thread that represents you.
  2. Place them side by side and light them at the same time.
  3. Observe the candles, paying attention to which one has the highest flame. This means that one of you loves more.
  4. An uneven flame indicates that love brings suffering.
  5. If one of the candles goes out before it burns out until the wick runs out, it means that a break in the relationship is inevitable, and the initiator will be the one whose candle goes out first.
  6. If during the ritual your chosen one’s candle falls, it means you should think about whether he is playing with your feelings.
  7. Long-term and faithful love is symbolized by two candles that go out at the same time.

Candle fortune telling for the future

Christmas Eve is considered the best time to find out your future. For the ritual, you need to choose a dark room where no one will disturb you and you can relax.

  1. Sit down, take a comfortable position, turning your face to the south.
  2. Focus on the issue that concerns you most, then light a candle with your left hand.
  3. Count slowly to one hundred and then immediately open your eyes and look at the flame.
  4. If the fire is even, without hesitation or crackling, it means that everything planned will come true in the near future.
  5. Soot and black smoke indicate that your lover is cheating on you, a crackling sound indicates impending troubles, and if the flame is uneven, you should take the initiative in the relationship into your own hands.

Fortune telling on wax

One of the popular fortune telling at Christmas using candles is a ritual that allows you to determine your future using wax figures.

  1. You need to take two identical candles and light them at the same time.
  2. Drop wax from one candle into a silver spoon and hold the spoon over the flame of another.
  3. Pour molten wax into a glass of water prepared in advance and determine your future based on the shape it acquires:
  • egg - symbolizes new life;
  • a leaf of any tree - envy and gossip;
  • the shape of the bell is news (depending on the shape of the figure, it can be positive or negative).
  • mushroom - health and longevity;
  • fan - work-related problems;
  • snake - illness;
  • crown - success;
  • horseshoe - good luck and happiness;
  • flower - promises a quick meeting with your loved one;
  • any animal portends danger in the form of an enemy you may meet in life;
  • human figure - a reliable and faithful friend will appear in life;
  • strips of wax foreshadow a road or move;
  • a fuzzy cross predicts financial difficulties in the coming year;
  • grapes symbolize love and friendship;
  • wreath - marriage in the near future;
  • square - stability and calm in life;
  • a solid ring means good luck, a broken ring means trouble;
  • fruits foretell financial income.

The figures can turn out to be of very different shapes, the main thing is to listen to your intuition and inner feeling, which will signal the veracity of your conclusions about fortune telling for Christmas using a candle.

Christmas is perhaps the most anticipated holiday. It is filled with magic and magic. Previously, people devoted this time to various rituals that allowed them to look into their future. Love fortune-telling and rituals to attract her were especially popular among unmarried girls. Many of them have survived to this day in their original form; they are simple to perform, safe and accurate, and are also easy to carry out at home.

IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortune teller Baba Nina:“There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow...” Read more >>

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      Christmas fortune telling for love

      Christmas fortune telling for love is very popular among unmarried women. With their help, you can quite easily find out the future of your future relationship with your chosen one.

      There are a huge number of similar rituals. In most cases, they are absolutely incapable of harming the fortuneteller and are easy and accessible. The attributes that are used to carry them out will always be at hand. And the predictions received at this time are distinguished by their truthfulness.

      • It is customary to cast a spell on love and on your betrothed on the night before the Nativity of Christ (January 6-7) or on Christmastide, which lasts from January 7 to 19. During this period, otherworldly forces willingly answer all the questions of fortune-tellers, and predictions received on Christmas Eve are always very accurate.

        On coins

        This is a very simple method of fortune telling, which requires ordinary coins, a couple of candles and a photo of a loved one. Need to:

        • place the photo in the center of the table;
        • light candles on either side of it;
        • mentally ask the question: “What does fate have in store for us? ";
        • throw ten coins with your right hand, aiming at the image;
        • count how many heads and tails you get.
        Number of eagles Number of heads landed Interpretation
        10 - The bad behavior of a fortuneteller towards her lover, which must be changed so that the couple does not break up
        9 1 A series of bad events in the near future that pose a threat to future relationships
        8 2 The couple has no future together, the partners are not destined for each other
        7 3 You need to be wary of an important event that will affect the union and lead to separation
        6 4 Feelings are at stake, you should pay attention to each other
        5 5 The man does not feel sincere love for the fortuneteller
        4 6 Birth of a child
        3 7 Your partner has financial problems and will need help and support
        2 8 The man devotes quite a lot of time to work, but this period will soon end
        1 9 The partner really loves the fortune-telling girl, but does not receive any return from her. For this reason, frequent conflicts occur.
        - 10 One can only envy the mutual feelings in this union

        By the flame of a candle

        This simple love fortune telling should be carried out during the festive meal on Christmas Eve. It is intended to clarify the future together with your beloved man. During dinner, you need to light a consecrated church candle, place it near it and carefully observe the flame:

        • a calm and even glow promises mutual feelings and a strong union;
        • when the wax flows down only on one side, the chosen one is hiding something from the fortuneteller or impersonating another person;
        • if the wax flows down in streams, quickly filling the candlestick, this portends constant difficulties in relationships;
        • black smoke and crackling sounds are a bad sign, foreshadowing separation.

        By a hair's breadth

        This fortune telling is also very easy:

        • at exactly 12 o'clock at night you need to fill any container with water;
        • add a pinch of sugar and salt there;
        • stir slightly;
        • wait until the salt settles to the bottom;
        • throw one hair of your beloved and yours into the water;
        • leave the bowl until the morning;
        • get a prediction.

        If the hairs are intertwined together by morning, then a wedding is ahead. Hair spreading in different directions predicts separation. If one of them drowns, then the person to whom it belongs will face illness and trouble.

        Using cards

        Cards are often used during the January holidays for fortune telling about love relationships. They only need a new deck of playing cards, and even a person ignorant of magic can make the layout. The result is often quite accurate and reliable.

        Four Jacks

        If a girl cannot make a choice among several contenders for her hand and heart, then she should tell fortunes using four jacks. You will need an unplayed deck with which you can easily find out the intentions of each of the men, as well as make a forecast for future relationships. It should be noted that the results of this fortune telling last for exactly one year. During the next Christmas holidays, the situation will have to be repeated. The following principle must be adhered to:

    1. 1. Select four jacks.
    2. 2. Name each one after one of the men you know.
    3. 3. Mix them and place them in a row, face down.
    4. 4. Shuffle the remaining 32 cards.
    5. 5. Divide them into four equal piles.
    6. 6. Under each of the jacks, arrange these packets from left to right. The contents of each of them will tell you about the prospects for further relationships with the mysterious young people.
    7. 7. Next, you should evaluate the current situation according to the dominant suit (for example, under the jack of hearts, evaluate all the cards of the same suit). This is the main characteristic that shows what kind of relationship a girl can have with a particular young man. And only after this can the remaining cards be interpreted. At the same time, hearts show sincere feelings, diamonds - material wealth, spades report joint children, and clubs predict frequent quarrels and worries.
    8. 8. A man who did not suit the fortuneteller according to a number of indicators, together with the stack of cards corresponding to him, should be removed from the layout.
    9. 9. The three remaining jacks, along with the cards related to them, are shuffled and laid out again on the table, following the algorithm of actions described above.
    10. 10. Then again remove one of the unsuitable suitors from the layout.
    11. 11. Repeat the entire process with the remaining candidates until only one remains.
    12. 12. Cards from his pack should be interpreted to find out whether an alliance with this person will be successful and promising. Each card is interpreted separately, and not in combination with others:





    Have a nice trip



    The young man is an ideal option for a fortuneteller

    Good news or pleasant surprises


    Passionate relationship

    Romantic correspondence


    A long-awaited vacation for two


    Difficult relationships, aggression on the part of the young man

    Overcome obstacles

    The girl will have a friend with an independent character


    Unexpected news or events


    Waste of effort

    Problems associated with a government institution



    Small signs of attention

    Improving your financial situation

    Intrigue from close circle

    Married suitor


    Accident on the way

    Conflict over thoughtless words


    Lack of love, betrayal

    Betrayal, bad actions

    Gossip girl spreading bad rumors about a fortune teller

    Big problems due to rash actions

    One card at a time

    This fortune telling will allow you to fairly accurately assess the prospects for a future together with your loved one. The layout will require new playing cards. They must be thoroughly mixed, and then remove part of the deck with the little finger of your left hand and put it down.

    The next card after the shift will tell you about the feelings of the chosen one and about the future next to him. In this ritual, it is not only the suit that matters, but also the card itself:

    • worms - love;
    • cross - problems;
    • tambourines - happiness;
    • peaks - difficulties;
    • six - lead;
    • seven – good events;
    • eight - disappointment in a partner;
    • nine - passionate kiss;
    • ten - happy relationships;
    • jack - real feelings;
    • lady - rival or lover;
    • the king is a friend who will help in love affairs;
    • Ace - a strong and long-term marriage, mutual understanding and agreement in a couple.

    With ring and paper

    This is a simple way of doing fortune telling using a ring. In addition, you will need a candle, a coin and a red woolen thread. Necessary:

    • take one candle and light it;
    • tie a thread to the ring;
    • place a coin near the candle;
    • hold the ring on a thread over the coin, while trying not to move your hand;
    • formulate a question of interest about your chosen one and future relationships.

    A stationary ring warns that the question asked is not timely. When it sways in different directions, the answer is yes. Swinging like a pendulum means “no,” moving in a circle indicates the need to ask the question differently. In the latter case, it is undesirable to repeat the ritual again on the same day; you need to wait some time and perform it again.

    To carry out this Christmas ritual you need:

    • Take several small pieces of paper.
    • Write on them the names of young people you know.
    • Arrange them in random order on the table.
    • Thread a thick woolen thread into the gold ring.
    • Move the decoration over pieces of paper with names. The name on which it begins to swing strongly belongs to a man who feels true love for the fortuneteller.

    For the next Christmas fortune-telling you will need: paper, compass, pen or pencil, ruler. Necessary:

    • Draw a circle on a piece of paper using a compass;
    • divide it into separate sectors using a ruler, each of which will correspond to the letters in the name of the chosen one;
    • write each letter into its own segment;
    • add your own name to the circle, but if there are more letters in it than sectors in the circle, then there is no need to write it down in full;
    • compare all paired vowels and consonants;
    • get a prediction.

    If such a combination is absent, then the relationship has no future. If there are two such segments, love will end quickly; three means mutual understanding in the couple. A larger number portends strong love and a happy marriage.

    Another fortune telling using paper - by the hour. It will help you find out whether the girl will find true love in the new year. It is necessary to draw a clock on a piece of paper and make an arrow using available materials, for example, a pencil. Twist the arrow without looking, then see what number its tip points to. If the arrow stops between two numbers or exactly in the middle, you need to choose the one that is larger.

    The number dropped on the clockPrediction
    1 The girl will definitely meet true love at work
    2 There are two loves ahead, and the meeting with both candidates will take place in the same place, most likely at some holiday
    3 Love at first sight for a married or single man
    4 Frivolous relationships, true feelings are still far away
    5 You should take a closer look at your immediate surroundings, especially at work. The future groom is very close
    6 Past love still lives in the heart, but the fortuneteller is not ready for a new relationship
    7 Due to the complex nature of the fortuneteller, it is very difficult to fall in love. It might never happen
    8 Unrequited love. But the fortuneteller should not despair, soon another man will appear who will interest her
    9 The requirements for a partner are too high, so it will be difficult to meet the right person
    10 The fortuneteller has long been loved by a person from her circle, but she does not notice him. He will be the one who turns out to be true love.
    11 The meeting has already taken place
    12 Lots of fans. It will be very difficult to make a choice

    With egg

    To perform the ritual you will need a bowl of water and a raw egg. Necessary:

    • separate the white from the yolk;
    • pour it into water;
    • place the container in the oven or oven;
    • wait until the protein curls;
    • get a prediction based on the resulting figure.

    A ring or dome promises a wedding, love, and a harmonious relationship with a partner. A geometric figure, for example, a triangle, speaks of separation and failure. A ship or boat portends a marriage with a foreigner or a person from another region, as well as a possible move after marriage. A protein that has sunk to the bottom indicates loneliness in the near future.

    Rituals for love

    Christmas Eve is filled with mysterious mystical power. Rituals performed on this night work much faster and more effectively and act intensively over a long period of time. Rituals that help find love and maintain mutual understanding, happiness and peace in the family have special power.

    One of them is held on Christmas Eve, it helps single girls meet their loved one and marry him. At 12 o'clock at night you need to go to the church and walk around it twelve times. Such a ritual destroys loneliness and attracts new love.

    You can also attract love into your home with a Christmas spell. It can be said to both married and unmarried women; it has a beneficial effect on all family members, helps to establish relationships, and find true love. You need to read it in front of the icon of All Saints, which is also a wonderful amulet for the home: “I will become a joy, I will become a reward, I will become ringing gold, I will become a clear sun for everyone who appreciates me, loves me, and will not change me.”

    On the eve of Christmas, January 5th, you need to throw out your old slippers and, without wasting a minute of time, go to the store for new ones. You need to choose new ones in a good mood, imagine yourself together with your future husband, think about his appearance, character, profession, etc. Buy two pairs - for yourself and for your future spouse, who will definitely appear soon after this ritual. After paying for the slippers, you need to take them out of the packaging and put them in your bag so that they are next to each other. At home, you should immediately try on your pair, and place the men’s pair in your bedroom with your heels towards the door and your toes towards the bed and say the magic words: “I’m waiting for you, my beloved! Come to my house quickly! »

    You need to repeat the spell three times. These slippers will be a good talisman for attracting a soul mate into a girl’s life. The same ritual is used to strengthen existing relationships. In order for everything to go well in a couple, you need to do this ritual in the same way, but read the following curse on the slippers: “Like heaven, water and earth, be with me always!” »

    How to tell fortunes for your betrothed at Christmas?

    Methods of Christmas fortune-telling are very diverse. They help to find out the necessary information about the future husband: name, age, external data, financial situation, character, profession, etc.

    Most of the rituals are simple and safe. But there are also those that are not recommended for faint-hearted girls, since they can cause irreparable harm to the fortuneteller if done incorrectly.

    With ring

    This ritual will allow you to view the image of your betrothed in the water. To carry it out, you need to take a glass uncut glass two-thirds filled with water and a pre-cleaned ring. You can borrow an engagement ring from someone close to you. You should place it in water, add a little sugar there, and shake slightly.

    As soon as the water calms down, look carefully at the middle of the ring. The silhouette of the future spouse should appear soon. In addition, you should pay attention to how much sugar is in the center of the ring. If more than half, then life with your spouse will be rich and happy. If it is less, then the marriage will not be strong. If equally divided, the union will bring both joyful moments and sorrows.

    Another fortune telling using five rings, which will tell you the financial situation of your future husband. You need to get five rings - gold, silver, copper, with a stone and plastic. Throw them into a bowl with millet or buckwheat, mix and, without looking, take out any of them to get a prediction:

    • gold ring - a wealthy and generous person;
    • silver - average income, but with a position in society;
    • plastic - poor but hardworking;
    • copper - poor and lazy;
    • ring with stone - rich and stingy.

    The following ritual should be performed by three unmarried girls. For it you need:

    • place a hook woven from wire, a piece of bread and a ring on the floor;
    • cover all items with a scarf;
    • hold hands;
    • close your eyes;
    • dance around a scarf;
    • turn around yourself five times;
    • remove the scarf;
    • each pull out, without looking, any little thing.

    Whoever gets the ring will soon marry for love. Bread promises a girl a marriage with a wealthy and generous man. But the hook is a bad symbol; the future groom will work all his life, but it will not bring him wealth.

    On the maps

    This is a very simple version of fortune telling for four kings. Under the pillow, before going to bed, put kings of all stripes from a playing card deck and say: “Betrothed, mummer, come to me in a dream.” The king of spades means that the future husband is much older, the one of clubs means a widower or a military man, the one of hearts foretells a wealthy and handsome chosen one, and the one of diamonds - a beloved one.

    You can also try this method:

    • remove four kings from the deck;
    • hide under the bed;
    • lightly press them down with your shoes;
    • say the spell: “Betrothed-mummer, I’m waiting for you dressed up. Come and show yourself and marvel at me.”

    Fortune telling with kings and jacks should be carried out in this way:

    • remove all kings and jacks from the new deck;
    • shuffle them;
    • place all eight cards face down under the pillow;
    • say the spell: “My groom, dream about me in a dream and tell me about yourself”;
    • go to bed;
    • In the morning, take out one of the cards and use it to judge your future husband.

    The king means a husband who is older in age, the jack means a young man or the same age. The suit can also help in interpretation: hearts - a betrothed from the immediate circle, spades - a wealthy person, clubs promise an unexpected meeting with the groom, and diamonds - acquaintance will happen through close people.

    With papers

    This method is considered easy and safe. With its help you can find out the name of the future groom. Need to:

    • cut a sheet of paper into small notes;
    • write any male names on them;
    • fold each in half;
    • put it under the pillow for the whole night;
    • in the morning, take out the first one you come across;
    • find out the name of the betrothed.

    To meet the groom

    This version of fortune telling will help you find out whether a girl will meet her soulmate this year. To do this you need:

    • prepare five identical cups;
    • put one item at the bottom of each - a ribbon, a ring, an onion, a pepper and a candy;
    • then mix the cups;
    • close your eyes and take any one at random;
    • see what item is in it.

    The ribbon means meeting your betrothed on the way somewhere or while traveling. The ring promises a quick wedding. The bow portends sadness, since the meeting will not take place soon. Pepper speaks of the complex character of the betrothed, but he suits the fortune teller. Candy - the meeting will take place at a holiday or some fun event.

    With mirror and candles

    This fortune telling is one of the most exciting and dangerous. There are many variations of this ritual, but the most mysterious is the ritual with two mirrors. The best time for it is 12 o'clock at night, and you need to perform the ritual completely alone. Necessary:

    • take two mirrors of the same size;
    • place them parallel to each other;
    • light two candles and illuminate the resulting mirror tunnel with them;
    • look closely at the reflection;
    • after the betrothed appears, shout: “Keep away from me and this place” to interrupt the fortune-telling;
    • Put out the candles, cross yourself and go to bed.

    It is important to remember that the devil or the devil comes in the form of the betrothed. It is necessary to exercise extreme caution and in any dangerous situation to ward off the evil spirit with words of amulets: “Keep away from me and this (this) place” in order to ward off evil spirits.

    On the bulbs

    When a girl has many contenders for her hand and heart, she can perform a ceremony on the bulbs, which will tell the name of the one destined for her. On Christmas Eve you should take several bulbs and write the name of one of the men on each one. The bulbs should be smooth and without flaws.

    Then you need to place them in a container with water or soil and wait for them to germinate. The first onion with sprouted green sprouts will tell you the name of the person the fortuneteller should marry.

    Before bed

    To look at your betrothed in a dream, you should sleep completely alone, and you need to put on your shirt inside out, and turn the sheet and pillow face down. You need to go to bed on the day of fortune telling in the opposite direction than usual. There are many accessible and safe ways to see a prophetic dream:

    1. 1. Place a mirror or comb under the pillow and say: “Come, come. Comb it, comb it. Look at me, show yourself."
    2. 2. Braid the braid, put a small padlock in it, lock it with a key and read the spell: “Betrothed-mummer, come to me to ask for the key, to unlock the lock.” Hide the key. In a dream, the groom will ask him to give it away.
    3. 3. Place soap and a comb under the pillow, while saying: “My betrothed, mummer, come, wash and comb me.”
    4. 4. Before going to bed, place a comb or comb under the pillow and say: “Mummer, come comb me.” This evening you cannot comb or braid your hair.
    5. 5. Make a bridge out of twigs, put it under the pillow and say: “Whoever is my mummer, whoever is my betrothed, will take me across the bridge.”
    6. 6. Place a jug of water and a glass at the head of the bed. At night, say the following words: “You will get tired from the journey, my betrothed, I have some water, come, I’ll give you a drink.”
    7. 7. Make a well from ordinary matches and say: “Betrothed-mummer, come and drink water.”
    8. 8. At night, mix a little salt with water, swallow the mixture and say: “Whoever is my betrothed, whoever is the mummer, will give me a drink.”
    9. 9. Place a saucer with jam near the bed, which you should prepare yourself. Before going to bed, read the hex: “I have all the sweets.” Apart from the groom who appeared in the dream, after this simple ritual the girl will have no end to suitors.
    10. 10. From the festive feast, leave a piece of bread, put it under the pillow and say: “Mummer, come to me for dinner.”

    Street fortune telling

    Not all Christmas fortune-telling can be done at home. There are also those for which you have to go outside:

    1. 1. On Christmas Eve, a girl should leave the house and throw her shoe over the fence. Then look in which direction he points, that’s where her future husband lives. If the toe of the boot is pointed towards the house, she will not get married this year.
    2. 2. Throw a handful of snow in any direction and say: “Bark, bark, little dog, find out, find out, betrothed.” Then wait on the other side for the dog barking. If he is rude, then the fortuneteller will marry an old man, loud and loud - for a cheerful and young man, subdued - for a widower or divorcee.
    3. 3. Late in the evening, fall into the snow, get up and leave without looking back. In the morning, see what happened to the snow imprint. If the snow is smooth, then the spouse will be kind, dotted with dashes speaks of a jealous person. If the trail is completely covered up, you won’t be getting married soon. Too deep speaks of several marriages.
    4. 4. Go out to the intersection at midnight and listen to the sounds. If a bell is heard, the fortuneteller will get married very soon, and the union will be long and happy. A loud male voice will talk about the marriage proposal. Quarrel and swearing will tell you that you won’t be able to get married next year.
    5. 5. At midnight, go out into the street and ask the name of the first passerby you come across. This is what will belong to the future husband.

    With log

    This method is suitable for those unmarried girls who live in the village. To tell fortunes in this way, you need to go into an unlit woodpile in the evening, when it becomes completely dark outside, and randomly select the first log you come across. By its quality and form you can judge who you are going to marry:

    • smooth log - a kind and handsome groom;
    • rough - ugly;
    • with thick and good bark - rich;
    • stripped in places - beggar;
    • thick log - physically strong;
    • with knots - predicts a large family for the fortuneteller, and their number will tell how many people will be in it;
    • crooked - the groom will be older.

    If a girl lives in the city, then finding a log is very problematic, but any tree in the yard, park or forest can replace it. The fortune teller needs to be blindfolded, spin on the spot and, without looking, choose any tree at random. All the characteristics that are used in fortune telling with a log are also applicable for the ritual with a tree.

Good day. The magician Azal is with you. Today I will tell you a very interesting way to get an answer to your question and find out about your future. Christmas time is ahead, and this is a time of special activity of spirits. At this time, they are much more willing to come into contact with people, give advice and tips, and help them look into the future. That is why the predictions are the most accurate at Christmas time, but the best time for this is fortune telling on Christmas day and until three o'clock in the morning, as well as on the night before Christmas.

Today I offer you a method of prediction using elements of shadow magic - fortune telling for Christmas at home. You can use it, since this method of Christmas fortune-telling is absolutely safe, free, and you can do everything yourself at home. All you need for this:

  • One wax candle
  • One sheet of paper
  • A plate, preferably without a pattern (it stays with you, you simply use it for the ceremony, and then return it to its place)

Methods of fortune telling are ways of communicating with spirits. This or that prediction system is a certain established way of communicating with the subtle intangible world. It is a tool through which the force can speak to you; you don’t know her language, she doesn’t know yours, but there is something that unites you and allows you to communicate. With the help of prediction systems, they not only communicate with one force or another, but can also directly read the necessary information from the information field of the earth.

Today we have a method of fortune telling for Christmas, and it is directly related to the world of shadows. The world of shadows is in very close contact with our physical world. The shadow of any object or person already forms a passage into the world of shadows. The mediator between him and you, the fortuneteller, will be your own shadow. This is the same you, but in the world of shadows, so this mantic rite is safe for the fortuneteller. Your own shadow will not harm you.

How to prepare for Christmas fortune telling

This whole ritual of fortune telling is done after sunset, when the shadows calm down and become more sociable. You can tell fortunes alone or with friends and relatives. One candle is also needed per group, but everyone should have their own paper and plate.

You need to choose the room in which this ritual will take place. It is advisable to have a room without a mirror, or the mirror should be covered with any fabric. A prerequisite is that one wall in this room must be free of furniture and paintings. A small table or stool is installed opposite this wall. One plate and a candlestick with a wax candle are placed on the stool. Fortune tellers are given a piece of paper - an ordinary blank A4 sheet without any inscriptions.

Everyone gathers in the room, the door is closed, they light a candle and turn off all other light sources. They tell fortunes one by one, one after another, but not all at once.

The essence of fortune telling

The fortuneteller picks up his sheet of paper and crumples it, while thinking through his question. After you have thoroughly thought through and crumpled your piece of paper, say:

My shadow, give me the answer to my question

And ask your question. After this, set the crumpled paper on fire from a candle and place it on a plate to burn out. When it completely burns out and settles down, take a candlestick with a burning candle. Light the plate with its contents with this fire so that it casts a shadow on a free wall in the room. They light from right to left and look at the shapes that are obtained from the shadow. The interpretation of these forms is the answer to the question you asked.

Let's clarify important details

How to formulate a question correctly

The question is asked one and the most important for you in the current period of time. It is important to formulate your question in such a way that it is answered as simply as possible. The more correct the wording of the question, the more accurate and useful the answer will be for you.

For example, it is wrong to ask “what will happen to me in the future?” How can they answer you? They will show some element from your future and that’s it. For example, they will show you a cake; Of course, there will be cakes in your life. But what is the point of such an answer to you?

It is wrong to ask about numbers like “when will I meet my betrothed or love?” By asking such a question, do you seriously expect to see the exact date in the shadows? I doubt it will work.

How to properly illuminate burnt paper

Lights from right to left. Why is this so? Because they can give you a more detailed answer. By lighting from different angles, different images can be formed. Think of them as a sequence of events that the shadows are pointing out to you. First there will be what you see first, and then there will be the next one.

They only move the candle, do not spin the plate and do not touch it at all until the end of the fortune telling!

How to interpret the shapes of shadows on the wall

The interpretation of forms is in the vast majority of cases symbolic – it is quite rare that you can read them directly (as I wrote above about the cake). When interpreting, pay attention to your own feelings. Shadows can “correct” you if interpreted incorrectly precisely at the level of sensations. It’s something like this: You saw the form and made your conclusion, and an intuitive feeling of “right” or “wrong” came to you - you just felt it that way and that’s it. If your interpretation is incorrect, think further about how to understand the answer to your question.

For reference, here are a few obvious examples:

Sometimes the shadows from the burnt paper seem to form two separate groups of shapes, clearly separated from each other. This means that there are two options for the development of events in your question and, accordingly, two outcomes of the situation as a whole.

What after?

You looked at everything and understood. After this, place the candle on the stool and take away your plate. The plate of the next fortuneteller takes the place of your plate, and so on until everyone receives their answers. After this, they thank the shadows and stamp their feet on the floor once with the words:

"Shadow, go back to your place"

Now you can turn on the light and blow out the candle. That's it, Christmas fortune telling is over.

There are two ways to get rid of ashes on a plate:

  1. Take it outside and shake off the ashes on the ground, preferably under any tree.
  2. Scatter the ashes to the wind

You cannot wash off the ashes with water - the prediction itself can turn into disaster for the fortuneteller. Pay attention to the pattern on the plate formed after burning. It may also show a recognizable shape. The interpretation of this form can complement the answer to your question.

After you have shaken off the ashes using one of the indicated methods, wash the plate and continue to use it for its intended purpose. It doesn’t matter where you put the wax and the candle itself.

By the way, if during the process of fortune telling on Christmas something scares or worries you, then you can always end the ceremony ahead of schedule by turning on the light. From the light, unpleasant guests from the world of shadows will quickly flee. The flickering of various shadows during the ritual should not alarm you - this is a normal manifestation of their activity.

That's all for today. If you liked the method, share it with your friends by clicking on the social network buttons. If you have questions, ask in the comments to this post. I can also suggest you read the article: “ Magic for Christmas: a magical ritual for prosperity and the protection of the forces of light”, which is performed only once a year. Sincerely, magician Azal, author of articles and owner of the site “

It is believed that during the period from Christmas to Epiphany, evil spirits weaken, and fortune telling ceases to be a demonic action, but becomes just fun. However, the church is against any fortune telling.

Girls are mysterious creatures. Since childhood, we have been inclined to believe in miracles, predictions, fortune telling, and sorcery... While boys play computer games, girls call upon spirits and tell fortunes using cards and runes. On Christmas night, each of us melted wax, poured it into cold water and interpreted the resulting figures.

Today we will tell you about all kinds of fortune telling for Christmas, even if someone is well over...twenty. Get together with your friends and girlfriends - nothing brings you closer together than a common goal - to find out the future.

Old fortune telling for Christmas

Fortune telling 1: Shadow from the ashes

Light a candle and turn off the light. Then take a piece of paper, crumple it, put it on a saucer and set it on fire. When the leaf burns down, bring the candle to the plate from different sides and guess from the silhouette of the ashes what awaits you: a new home or love. It is in your interests that something pleasant appears to you.

Fortune telling 2: Matches

Take a matchbox. Take 2 matches out of it and insert them on the sides of the matchbox so that they hold well. Make a wish for a person who interests you, and then light two matches. When the matches burn out, explain what their position means. If the burnt match heads are turned towards each other, you will be together.

Fortune telling 3: Guests

If after the New Year the dark-haired man will be the first to enter the house, you will be drowning in money all year, you will get married successfully and buy a lot of beautiful things. If the first guest is a woman, you will have to suffer from unhappy love and watch stupid TV series in the coming year. You can also guess for the old New Year.

Fortune telling 4: Apples

This fortune telling comes from the Czech Republic. Needed after a festive dinner take an apple and cut it crosswise. If the bones are not cut into pieces, then happiness and success await you in the next year.

Fortune telling 5: Name in the night

On New Year's Eve, you need to leave the house with your friends in an unknown direction... Each of the girls needs to ask the unknown man what his name is. The future husband will be called by this name.

Fortune telling 6: Where will you go

You need to go outside with your friends and blindfold yourself. After that, let your friends promote you, and then see which way you go. If in the direction from home, then marriage awaits you this year.

Fortune telling 7: Boot

You need to take your boot off your foot on the street and throw it away. Now find him. If the toe of the boot points away from the house, get ready for a wedding.

Fortune telling 8: Threads

If you are concerned about the question “Who will get married first?”, then fortune telling by threads will come to the rescue. You need to take several multi-colored threads of the same length and set them on fire at the same time. Whose thread burns out faster, that girlfriend will get married faster.

Fortune telling 9: Hat

There is a simple fortune telling that can captivate all guests. You need to collect a lot of small objects from everyone, put them in a hat and let everyone pull out one. Everyone can interpret it together. Money, keys, keychains, condoms, jewelry, wine corks, and candies will be used. Don’t put pills, hairpins or candy wrappers in your hat!

Fortune telling 10: Eavesdropping

A simple way to predict your future is to listen to what the neighbors are talking about under someone else's door.

From what you hear, you can find out whether you will be a lucky disco queen in the coming year, or whether you will have to work like Papa Carlo all year, forgetting about your personal life. You shouldn't miss your destiny - choose the door behind which live cheerful and rich people and often negotiate on a mobile phone.

Fortune telling 11: Book

A way that every girl knows - fortune telling from a book. Nowadays, it makes more sense to tell your fortune on a magazine. You wish on a page and a line, and voila - fate on a silver platter.

Fortune telling 12: Coffee beans

Take a full handful of coffee beans. You will need a friend - she will pronounce different words and concepts indiscriminately. And you will put the grains on the table one after another. The word that will sound when you put the last grain on the table will become a prediction for you.

Fortune telling 13: Dog (cat)

If there are living creatures in the house, then call them for help. Put some tasty food and something inedible (a spoon, a keychain), place a saucer of water and a mirror next to it. If the animal eats, you will be married to a rich and generous man. If it drinks, you may get a husband who is partial to alcohol. And if you look in the mirror, your future husband will turn out to be a narcissistic person who is inattentive to you. You can interpret other subjects yourself.

Fortune telling 14: Ice

Take a fairly deep plate and pour water. Then put it in the freezer to harden. When the water freezes, look at the surface of the ice: if it’s smooth, then a happy year awaits you; if it’s waves, then the year will be turbulent.

Fortune telling 15: Dreams

Before going to bed, you need to put the comb you just used to comb your hair under your pillow. You should definitely dream about your future husband!

Fortune telling 16: Incense

Another version of a long-standing fortune telling that will answer any question. Buy some incense from the church store. Incense looks like a pebble, and if you light it, it smolders and smells delicious. For fortune telling you will need 2 pebbles.

At night, lock the doors, turn off the lights, place two plates on the table, and put a piece of incense in each plate and light a candle.

Let your hair down and read the plot out loud:“They get along well in church with incense, at home they rule over illness, at Christmas they tell fortunes with it. Incense, incense, it would be nice for you to tell fortunes, to find out the whole truth. Just as you, incense-father, are pure, holy and honest, so be my dream truthful ".

At the same time, bring pieces of incense to the candle one by one. Then put one of the pieces under your pillow and watch the dream with the answer to your question.

Fortune telling 17: Mirrors

A girl sits down in the dark between two mirrors at midnight, lights candles and begins to peer into the “gallery of reflections” hoping to see her betrothed.

Fortune telling 18: Gender of the unborn child

Take a ring or a needle. Place the ring in a glass of water and pierce the wool with a needle. Then, a ring or needle suspended on a thread is slowly lowered near the hand of the one being told fortunes. If the object begins to make circular movements, a girl will be born, if pendulum-shaped, a boy will be born, if the object does not move, there will be no children this year.

Fortune telling 19: What awaits?

Put various items in a saucer, and then your friends will choose them.

Choosing an object means future life: ash - a bad life, a glass - a cheerful life, sugar - a sweet life, a ring - getting married, an onion - for tears, a golden ring - a rich life...

New fortune telling for Christmas

In our hectic days, it is not always possible to retire for fortune telling in a bathhouse. But for fortune telling, this is not a problem either! We offer you several modern options.

Fortune telling 20: Supermarket

Go with your friend to the supermarket: there you will close your eyes and select items from the shelves into the basket. A friend should help you so that you don’t bother anyone and don’t break anything. 12 items will mean your future.

Fortune telling 21: Radio

On any day of Christmas, wait until 12 o'clock at night, close your eyes and ask a question. Then turn on the radio. The song or DJ conversation you hear will be the answer to the question.

Fortune telling 22: Phone and sms

On Christmas night, as soon as 12 strikes, open the inbox on your phone. Read the seventh one. It will symbolize the coming year.

You can find out by phone whether your wish will come true. Just make a wish, and then call the dark-haired man and ask: “Yes or no?”

And to find out the name of your future husband, you need to dial a phone number at random on New Year's Eve. Ask the man who answers the phone his name. Your husband will be called the same.

Fortune telling 23: Disco

At night for Christmastide you need to dress up and come for exactly one hour to a club or disco, and then order black coffee without sugar.

Note all the unusual things that will happen in this place. What attracts your attention will happen to you in the coming year. If a nice man meets you during this hour, it means that you will get married.

Fortune telling 24: Egg

Pour water into a glass and pour the white of a raw egg into it. Place the glass in a heated oven so that the whites curl. After this, take out the glass and carefully look at the resulting figure. Whatever it looks like is what awaits you in the new year.

Fortune telling 25: Fortune telling by nut shell

First, pour water into the basin. Along the edges of the pelvis, attach strips of paper with inscriptions-predictions (wedding, child, travel, money, new job, rich groom, love).

Then take half a walnut shell and fix the end of a candle in it. Light a candle and place the “boat” in the middle of the pelvis. From there, the shell should float to one of the notes on its own. But the dream will come true only if the paper, upon contact with the “ship,” lights up from the candle flame. This way you can predict the fate of each of your friends.

Fortune telling 26: Broken hearts

This Christmas fortune telling is more like a game- it is perfect for friendly Christmas and Yule gatherings.

Cut out heart-shaped figures from cardboard; the number of them should be 2 times less than the number of guests. Each of the hearts must be cut into halves in the most intricate way, clearly identifying male and female. Then the “broken hearts” are thoroughly mixed and handed to each guest at the entrance with the wish to find their soul mate.

Fortune telling 27: Christmas fortune telling with a knife

For this type of fortune telling, take a round cutting board with a diameter of about 30 cm. Write the answers to the questions along the edges of the circle:

“Yes”, “No”, “Be patient”, “Caution: there is an enemy nearby, hiding in the guise of a friend”, “Good news”, “Love letter”, “Good luck in the undertaking”, “Unexpected guest”, “ Love”, “Today’s tears will turn into joy tomorrow”, “Unexpected news”, “New love”, “An unexpected meeting”, “Travel”, “Important letter”.

Place a regular knife in the center of the circle and mentally ask a question.“Twist” the knife around its axis 3 times. One of the three messages that the tip of the knife will point to will be the answer to the question asked. Other answers may be the cause or effect of the question.

Fortune telling 28: Christmas fortune telling by snow

This is the simplest fortune telling for Christmas.

During fortune telling, you should not cross your arms or legs. It is better to remove jewelry, belt, and hair clips. The girl goes outside and lies down in a snowdrift. Then he gets up and leaves without looking back.

And in the morning you need to look at the trail: a hard crust predicts a strong husband, soft and smooth snow - a kind husband.

A deep mark marks several marriages, and if there is none left at all, you will not get married soon. If there is snow on a hill - the fortuneteller needs to be careful: next year danger awaits her.

Fortune telling 29: Fortune telling with a chain

When everyone is asleep, you need to take the gold chain, rub it between your palms, hold it in your right hand, shake it and throw it on the table. A circle has formed - closed troubles are expected; streak - luck; node - difficulties and illnesses; triangle - love success; bow – wedding; snake - betrayal; heart is love.

Fortune telling 30: On the king

Place four kings from a card deck specially designed for fortune-telling under your pillow and say the “spell”: “Betrothed-Mummer, dream of me in a dream!” Experienced fortune tellers claim that the future spouse will definitely appear in a dream, and always in the form of a king! With a crown on his head and a red robe.

Have you ever guessed for Christmas? Did it come true?