Who created the game GTA 4. Should we expect the release of Grand Theft Auto IV on Android devices? How do developers choose when to release?

The Grand Theft Auto series, as always, allows the player to do whatever they want in the open world, along with the option of completing game missions. Many opportunities are available, including robbing banks, killing NPCs, blowing up cars, escorting criminals, and selling drugs. Grand Theft Auto IV offers all of these familiar elements in an updated style that's more life-like than previous games in the series.

As noted, GTA IV retains all the gameplay elements of the previous games, but adds additional depth and emotional impact to the story, which centers around the life of Niko Bellic, who comes to America to meet his cousin Roman. There he learns that Roman's letters sent to Russia greatly exaggerated the current state of affairs (in particular, Roman called his apartment a “palace”). Plunging into the life of the very capitalistic Liberty City (Liberty City, the city of the 3rd game in the series), Niko experiences culture shock and tries to pursue his secret vendetta - to find a certain person who deceived him during the war. In the course of achieving his goal, Niko meets several crime bosses and establishes friendly relations with them, offering his services.

The game is built on the Rage engine, developed by Rockstar and first used by it in the game Table Tennis around 2006. There is a special edition of GTA IV containing a duffel bag, soundtrack sampler, artwork book and a copy of the game. The publication is packaged in a metal box.


Niko is a former Yugoslav immigrant (although this is never stated, Cousin Roman remarks that Niko's English is better than Roman's Serbian, which makes it clear where the characters are from). He is trying to pave a promising path in his difficult life. Niko is a war veteran who fought in the Bosnian conflict in the early 1990s, in which his brother and mother Romana were killed. After the war, Niko is unable to find work and begins a life of crime, working for Rodislav Bulgarin, a Russian gangster in charge of the immigrant smuggling business in the Mediterranean.

After working for the Bulgarian for some time, the ship with Niko on board sinks several miles off the Italian coastline. Having barely escaped by swimming, the Bulgarian is sure that Niko deliberately sank the ship in order to escape with the money. Niko is forced to stop contacts with the Russian mafia, and flees to America, to his cousin Roman.

It turns out that Roman does not have wealth at all - he lives in a poor apartment and owns a small company. Roman is addicted to gambling and owes a certain amount to the criminal loan shark Vlad.

The game has 2 ending options (“revenge” and “deal”), a first in the series.


The GTA series has always had a medium/large arsenal of weapons. The new part is no exception and offers a standard set of weapons for the series.

Melee Weapon

  • Fists
  • Baseball bat

Throwing weapon

  • Molotov cocktail
  • Grenade


  • Gaston Glock pistol
  • Desert Eagle combat pistol


  • Pump-action shotgun
  • Combat shotgun

Slot machines

  • Micro-SMG

Assault rifles

  • AK-47
  • American M4 rifle

Sniper rifles

  • Remington 700
  • PSG-1

Rocket launchers

  • RPG-7

Multiplayer mode

Both console (Xbox 360, PlayStation 3) versions of GTA IV have an online multiplayer mode. Instead of the standard game menu, multiplayer mode is accessed via a mobile phone from the single-player campaign.

Players can create a multiplayer character using various accessories and clothing. As you increase in rank, additional clothing becomes available. There are a whopping 14 game types, with a maximum player count of 16, although co-op modes are limited to a smaller number.


  • The Lost and Damned

The first downloadable expansion for the game, introduced on February 17, 2009, exclusive to the Xbox 360. Cost - 1600 Microsoft points, volume - 1.78 GB.

The package contains new missions, music and weapons, and provides the player with 10 to 20 hours of gameplay. Now you play not as Niko, but as a minor character from the main storyline, biker Johnny Klebitz.

  • The Ballad of Gay Tony

Released on April 13, 2009, the expansion is also exclusive to the Xbox 360, available in downloadable format and on disc. You play as Luis Lopez, the third main character from the Impossible Trinity mission. Lopez is a nightclub assistant, so this expansion focuses on Liberty City's nightlife.


In GTA IV, compared to the previous part, GTA: San Andreas, the possibilities of meetings have been expanded. Nico can be found in bars, bowling alleys, cabarets, comedy clubs, dart clubs and clubs with swimming pools. You can take friends and characters from the main storyline with you to receive various bonuses. The player in such places can watch short performances and play mini-games, as well as get drunk. Drunk Niko cannot walk straight or drive a car normally. The safest way to get home, in this case, is to call a taxi.

Physical component

GTA IV is the second game to use the Euphoria engine. The engine provides players with exoskeletons, muscle joints, and environmental awareness. This means that a player can avoid injury by grabbing onto a stair railing when falling, or by covering their face with their hands. GTA IV is the first game in the series (and the first open world game) to use the Euphoria engine.

Another engine used is Havoc, which is used for rigid bodies and vehicle dynamics. A solid is an object that cannot be deformed (but not broken) in any way. Vehicle dynamics involve aspects such as suspension, hydraulics and the physical movement of the wheels.


According to Take Two's February 2009 financial report, Grand Theft Auto IV has sold over 13 million copies across all platforms, becoming one of the most popular video games of the 7th generation of video game consoles.

  • Two endings. This game was the first in the series to offer freedom of choice. What the ending will be depends on the player’s decision - whether the main character will take revenge on his opponent or decide to start a new life;
  • Characters who survive shootouts can be randomly encountered on the streets and given various tasks. You can also receive a mission from a simple passerby - most often these tasks are quite simple;
  • The combat system has been significantly improved. Now she's getting closer to a good shooter. Do not forget to use cover during firefights - enemies will also often shoot while hiding behind suitable obstacles;
  • The vast territory of the city led to the need to use a GPS navigator. Place a point in the right place, and the smart program will calculate the optimal path;
  • When the police try to arrest the hero, he can obey or break free - this will immediately raise his level of danger.

GTA: The lost and Damned

This add-on gives the player the opportunity to become a member of a semi-criminal bike club. At the beginning, he is assigned the role of an ordinary biker, but by completing various missions, he can rise significantly, taking the place of the head of the club. Most of the time you have to move around the city on a motorcycle, accompanied by a couple of faithful friends. Constant races, shootouts, fights - all this is an integral part of the hero’s life. A completely new storyline with many missions will certainly please the fan of the game.

GTA: The Ballad of Gay Tony

The main character, Luis Lopez, found himself in a bad place at a bad time. Niko, along with a gang, is robbing a bank and takes him hostage. This is where Louis' story begins. He has two reliable friends and a taste for danger. Will the gamer, guiding this simple guy, be able to completely change the balance of criminal power in the city? Organize races in various cars, shoot enemies, carry out raids on banks and much more.

Main characters of Grand Theft Auto IV (GTA 4)

Niko Bellic

The main character of GTA IV. This is what you will control. Niko Bellic is from Serbia (Eastern Europe), and came to Liberty City at the invitation of his brother Roman. The novel promised him mountains of money, many beautiful women, a position in society, a beautiful and carefree life. But it turned out to be a hoax; his brother hoped that Niko would solve all his problems. He believes that Niko can do this, because he is hardened by the war in his homeland, he is cold-blooded, cruel and thirsty for revenge due to the confusion in his country, for which, in his opinion, the US government is to blame. So, at the beginning of Niko’s journey, a lot of dirty work awaits him, which will allow him to earn a small reputation and fame in the criminal circles of Liberty City. Nico is voiced by Michael Hollick

Roman Bellic

Niko's cousin. He operates a small taxi company in Broker (Broker - Liberty City area). Roman invites Niko to move to America with him, luring him with deceptive promises of easy money and women. He denies the existence of problems, although in fact he is deeply in debt, the local mafia is looking for him, and his business brings only losses. Roman is in love with his employee Mallory, and believes that someday he will make her a worthy woman as his wife. Roman is voiced by Jason Zumwalt

Little Jacob

Weapon and drug supplier in Liberty City. Niko can always buy any number of weapons from him at discounted prices. Little Jacob is also a Rastafarian, he loves to indulge in marijuana and this is why he and his friend Plohish (Badman) often get into various troubles, which you will decide! Jacob will become a good friend for Niko, and will always come to the rescue in difficult times. Jacob is voiced by Cooley Ranks

Bruce Kibbutz

He constantly works his muscles, is obsessed with cars and pretends to be a very important person. He raps, he likes to talk about how much money he has. He can honestly say that he has nothing but the most beautiful women, cars, fancy trinkets and strong steroids. Make him your friend and you will get free movement on the helicopter. It will also give you access to street racing. Brucie Kibbutz is always happy to take a ride on a fast boat or fly in a helicopter with Niko, taking two beautiful girls with him. Tattoo "?" on the chest of the Kibbutz in translation from Chinese it sounds like “I”. "????" tattoo on the right forearm means “direct” (“love and hate are different” in literal translation). Tattoo on left forearm - “???” — translated from the Cantonese dialect of Chinese “two against six in a fight, or two will attack six,” or in a direct translation, but more correct, “lack of preparation, or uselessness.” But the most interesting tattoo is “??” — is located on his waist. Its actual meaning is transvestite, transsexual, but more often shemale, this is all in the sense of an insult. ?= man, ?= monster, or evil spirit again, translated from Chinese. A little more about Brucie - age 31. He runs a workshop where stolen cars are dismantled and then put up for sale on the website “Brucie’s Executive Lifestyle Autos.” Brucie took part in street racing on several occasions. Uses and distributes steroids. He was very “hot” and often resisted arrest. Brucie voiced by Timothy Adams

Dmitri Rascalov

An old friend of Mikhail Faustin and his right hand. Later, he will plan the murder of Faustin, deceive Niko and hand him over to Mr. Bulgarin, but Niko will escape from him with his life. Raskalov will burn down the house and taxi depot of Roman Bellik. After this, Niko and Roman will take refuge in the house of Mallory Bardas and start everything from scratch. Raskalov was voiced by Moti Margolin

Francis McReary

A corrupt police detective from the Liberty City Police Department who knows about Niko's "dirty" past. He knows about his serious crimes, and the detective threatens to reveal everything if Niko doesn't do some work for him. Francis has 3 brothers - Jerry, Packie and Derrick - but they don't like Francis being a police officer, so they rarely take him with them and don't involve him in family affairs. Before joining the police, Francis was a priest, but he was kicked out for attempted theft. Francis is voiced by Thomas Lyons

Patrick "Packie" McReary

An Irish thug who continues the work of the Irish mafia, which is already losing influence in Liberty City. Patrick is the youngest in the McReary family, he is the younger brother of the corrupt detective Francis McReary. Also has two more brothers and a sister - Derek, Jerry and Kate. Jerry is a prisoner and former IRA (Irish Republican Army) activist. Patrick lives with his mother and sister, even though they don't like it very much. Kate shows interest in Nico, but Patrick warns him to stay away from her. Everyone who knows Patrick calls him Packy. He is Elizabeta's close friend. Packie loves to brag about how the McReary family had everything and people were afraid to say their name. Packie is voiced by Rian Johnson

Kate McReary

Sister of Patrick "Pecky" McReary. She really likes Niko. Although she does not approve of his lifestyle, she nevertheless wants to continue to see him. She is not like her brothers, she does not get involved in the criminal world. Kate is a closed girl; she spends all her time taking care of her mother. Kate voiced by Mary Katherine Donnelly

Elizabeta Torres

He has been successfully selling and distributing drugs in Bohan for a long time. However, she knows that soon the authorities will seriously address the problem of drug trafficking. This will make life difficult for Torres, given that she herself has a deep addiction and is already losing control of herself. She becomes increasingly delusional and paranoid. Following her arrest, Elisabeth Torres will be sentenced to 300 years in prison.

Manny Escuela

Former Puerto Rican gang member. He gained fame due to the fact that he wants to put the streets of his district in order by force. As evidence, he is managing the construction of an entertainment center in South Bohan. Manny is making a documentary called "Man of the Streets!" about his fight against crime. He tried to include Niko in this film, but he didn’t want to shine too much, and therefore refused him every time.
Mikhail Faustin

The head of the Russian mafia from Hove Beach. He is crazy, likes to get drunk and has a tendency to change his mood frequently. Faustin also has his own theater in Hove Beach.

Mr. Gravelli

Old school boss from the Lower Algonquin area. He is well connected and has been prosecuted several times, but has never been taken into custody. There is every reason to claim that he has his own people in the government. As you can see, Don Gravelli is a very old and dying man, but he is very worried and cares about the interests of his family, which is being strangled by the growing power of the Russian mafia.

Mallorie Bardas

She meets, works with, and later marries Roman Bellik. She introduces Niko to her friend Michelle, who will later become Niko's girlfriend. She will also hide you in her house from Dmitry Rascalov and introduce you to Elizabeth Torres and Manny Escuela.

Ray Boccino

Italian gangster working for Jimmy Pegorino. Boccino is in business with the McReary family. It is Packy who will introduce you to him. Ray helps Niko find someone, but in return asks for help with some mafia matters. Every time they meet, Ray Boccino tells Niko, “Remember who introduced you.”

Playboy X

African-American gangster. Elizabeta introduced him to Niko. X has a penthouse in North Algonquin (his penthouse can be yours if you kill X for Duane Forge). Playboy X usually dealt with his friend Duane Forge, a drug lord and fellow notorious gangster who had recently been released from prison. While he was in prison, X moved into Duane's house and now does not really respect his mentor. The playboy is easy to recognize; he wears a multi-colored robe. His real name is Trey Stewart.

Dwayne Forge

Playboy X's partner. He is considered an old-school African-American gangster because he was imprisoned for drug trafficking back in the 90s. Dwayne had recently been released from prison and was amazed by the glamor and opulence of the underworld. He lives in the past and believes that the whole world has abandoned him.

Jimmy Pegorino

Italian, head of his family. Ray Boccino and Phil Bell work for him. Don Pegorino is hungry for power and strives to become one of the 5 main mafia families in Liberty City. But the ruling families look at him with a smile.

Minor characters of Grand Theft Auto IV (GTA 4)

Phil Bell- half-Irish, half-Italian, works for Pegorino. One of his closest assistants. Despite everything, he is friendly towards Niko. He looks like Tony Soprano or Jimmy Conway, played by Robert De Niro in the movie GoodFellas. He is a close friend of Jimmy Pegorino, but appears to have a close relationship with his wife.

Vladimir "Vlad" Glebov- Russian creditor, emigrant, who slipped into America by taking advantage of a loophole in immigration laws. Under his patronage is the bar Comrades (Comrades). Glebov works for Mikhail Faustin. Vladimir presents himself as a fearsome man with great influence on the city. His actions may give the impression that he is a very powerful gangster. In fact, Glebov is a small-time Russian mafioso who strives to earn the respect of the larger bosses of Liberty City by “taking tribute” from “his” districts. Vladimir lives in Hove Beach, in the area next door to Broker. Most often you can find him in the bar - Comrades.

Lola del Rio- a prostitute who works near the port of Liberty City. After a certain amount of completion of the game, you can find it in the city police database. You will learn that Lola was one of the first women of easy virtue who returned to Star Junction (Times Square) after one of the families began to control the area. Not much is known about her, we don't even know if she exists in the game. There were even some incentives for those who found it. Perhaps Lola was not a prostitute at all, but simply came to Liberty City to become an actress.

Kenny Petrovic- Mafia leader in South Broker. He will appear in the "Mafiya Work" and "Team Mafiya Work" multiplayer missions. In these missions, the player must carry out orders for Petrovich and his people, protect him from other bandits, and take care of Kenny’s “black sheet”. You will also have to complete several more unclear tasks, competing with other players in multiplayer mode. In the mission "Hangmans Noose" you will need to accompany and protect him along with other players.

Bryce Dawkins— Assistant to the mayor of Liberty City. Trying to earn the trust of voters, he pretends to be an ultra-conservative, blindly following traditions and old orders, and at the same time, he is very hypocritical. Dawkins continues to persecute sexual minorities, although he himself is very close friends with a certain Bernie Crane.

Andrey (Andrej)- a mercenary from Chechnya, a member of the criminal group South Broker Bratva, whose leader is Mikhail Faustin. Konstantin behaves like the last scumbag, he intimidates, threatens, takes away, kills... But, in the end, he is killed by Faustin at the moment when Ivan the Terrible wants to cut off Niko's hand. It’s just that Mikhail Faustina’s wife doesn’t like loud noise.

Finding a resource online that offers to download GTA 4 for Android is quite simple. It would seem that all that remains is to press a few keys and get the desired project. The catch is that this game has never been released on mobile platforms.

It is difficult to say what exactly the user will download by following such links. Most likely, it will be a lot of malicious content, from which you will have to clean your gadget for a long time.

Users should understand that the fourth part of the famous series has not yet been released on mobile platforms. To read more detailed information on this subject, you should read the material in this article.


Fans' expectations regarding the release of GTA 4 on mobile devices are quite understandable. First of all, they are based on the fact that the previous three parts have already been visited by smartphones and tablets of a huge number of users. Next up is the next part in the series, plus Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas came out in 2013.

GTA San Andreas came out on Android devices back in 2013

More than three years have passed since then, and therefore the degree of anticipation does not subside online. Current mobile devices of average parameters could easily pull out the minimum settings of the computer version.

The transfer must be accompanied by optimization and even a possible reduction in graphics. It’s too early to talk about this now, because the developers from Rockstar Games typically remain silent.

New hope

Many fans began to look forward to GTA 4 on Android with renewed vigor when another project from the same developers was released on mobile devices. The famous school robber simulator Bully Scholarship Edition became available for purchase in 2016 on smartphones and tablets. This caused a new wave of discussion about the postponement of the fourth part of Grand Theft Auto. Fans immediately began to declare that it would be possible to play soon. The main argument was that mobile platforms were rapidly gaining popularity.

The legendary Bully Scholarship Edition was released on Android in 2016

They bring in good income, although most have little idea of ​​the technical side of the issue with transferring a huge free world to weaker hardware. After this, comparisons began regarding the minimum requirements of Bully Scholarship Edition and GTA 4. It should be noted here that the developers have transferred an already improved version of the game. The 2008 project required very little to get started.

Based on the minimum parameters, it turned out that GTA 4 is not too far ahead of the naughty student simulator. To run it on a computer, it is enough to have a more powerful processor and a video card of a higher model. This information was enough for players to begin to expect.

Unexpected interview as a joke

The Android version of GTA 4 was supposed to appear in the fall of 2015. This is exactly what Gordon Hull, director of the mobile division of Rockstar Games, said earlier, namely on April 1st. The man said with confidence that the work on the transfer was almost completed. When asked about the changes, he stated improved graphics, display of grass water, and comfortable interaction with the outside world.

He called the approximate release date of GTA 4 on Android in the fall of 2015. The man assured that current mobile devices are fully portable, and they will cope with the power of the fourth part of the series.

GTA 4 on Android was supposed to appear in the fall of 2015

Hull tried to dispel doubts about the fact that Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas was only recently released, and it requires significantly fewer resources to run. The director said that his studio fully coped with the task.

Even people who did not look at the calendar of that day immediately suspected something was wrong. This is almost impossible to accomplish even in 2018. It turned out that Gordon Hull decided to joke with all the fans using this method. You definitely shouldn’t trust the statements of game developers on the first of April. They have been proving this for many years in a row.


Now we can say with confidence that it will not be possible to plunge into the interesting plot of GTA 4 with the help of your gadget any time soon. The developers from Rockstar Games did not give any official statements. Even if work is underway on the transfer, it will not happen as soon as we would like. This studio is known for always doing its work efficiently.

When porting, they will definitely add many improvements, as they did with Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Unfortunately, you don’t always have access to the same games from your computer and smartphone. In technical terms, mobile devices are far behind, although development is proceeding at a rapid pace.

There has not yet been an official release of GTA 4 on Android

All fans can only wait for information from reliable resources, and we will continue to monitor the situation. According to forecasts, GTA 4 may hit portable devices at the end of 2019 or in the first quarter of 2020. If a user comes across a site online that offers to download the game right now, then it is better to immediately add such a resource to the blacklist.

It is highly not recommended to download from it not only a pseudo version of mobile GTA 4 on Android, but also any other files. As mentioned above, the user will face a large number of problems. Once malicious viruses enter the system, it can be extremely difficult to clean it. That is why it remains to stock up on hope and carefully follow all the news.

The release date is the time period after which the game is considered released, which usually means that it can already be downloaded and tried if you purchase a licensed copy. For example, the release date of Grand Theft Auto 4 (GTA 4) is December 19, 2008.

Recently, more and more often, developers allow you to buy a game in advance - make a pre-order. In response to support from potential buyers who believe in the success of the project so much that they give money for it even before release, the developers share various bonuses and exclusive materials. This could be a soundtrack, an art book, or some mini-addons for the game.

Thus, pre-order actually allows you to buy the game before its official release, but this does not mean that the stated release date loses its significance, since you can fully play it only after release.

Why do you need to know game release dates?

If only because it’s more convenient to plan your time and finances. If you know, for example, when Grand Theft Auto 4 (GTA 4) will be released, then it will be easier for you to navigate: set aside money in advance to purchase it, plan things so that you can immerse yourself in the game as soon as it comes out.

Many gamers track game release dates using special calendars and feature articles about the most important releases of the month or season. You can find both on our gaming portal website

How do developers choose the time to release?

They are guided by many factors at once. Firstly, it is important for them to know that their target audience will be able to immediately join the gameplay, so games are released less often during the holiday season, as well as in those months when work is usually busy and students are in session.

Secondly, for a successful release, developers try to compare their plans with announcements of potential competitors. For example, if we are talking about a shooter, then releasing it simultaneously with the new Battlefield or Call of Duty is not very reasonable.

Thirdly, the release date indicates the so-called deadline - the very point after which the game is ready. This means that it must be completed within the stated time frame. Alas, this does not always work out, and therefore the release date of the game may be shifted one or even several times.

In addition to this, the release of Grand Theft Auto 4 (GTA 4) on PC and consoles may differ - often developers try to release one version first, and only then move on to the next.