Passive voice formation table. Passive Voice - Passive voice in English

If the subject denotes a person or thing subject to action from another person or thing, then it is used in the form passive collateral:

Transitive s can be used in both active and passive voice. Intransitive s are used only in the active voice.


Passive tenses are formed using the auxiliary to be in the appropriate tense and form of the past tense (Participle II) semantic. Thus, when conjugated in the passive voice, only to be changes, but the semantic one has the same form in all tenses - Participle II. Consequently, the tense in which it stands in the passive voice is determined by the form of the auxiliary to be:





I am invited I am being invited I have been invited


I was invited I was being invited I had been invited


I will be invited does not exist I will have been invited

There are only two tense groups in the passive voice Continuous: And ; There are no forms and tenses of the Perfect Continuous group.

When forming an interrogative form, the auxiliary is placed before the subject: Am I invited? If the auxiliary is used in a complex form (have been, will have been, etc.), then only first: auxiliary Have I been invited? Will I have been

invited? When a negative form is formed, the particle not follows the auxiliary: I When a negative form is formed, the particle am invited; if the auxiliary is used in a complex form (have been, will have been, etc.), then after the first auxiliary: I When a negative form is formed, the particle have been invited, I When a negative form is formed, the particle have been will


ACTIVE AND PASSIVE PURPOSES A sentence with a predicate expressed in the active voice is called real about mouth, and a sentence with a predicate expressed om in the passive voice is called.


A comparison of the actual phrase with the parallel passive phrase shows the following:

a) the object of the active phrase (the radio) serves as the subject of the passive phrase;

c) the subject of the active turn (Popov) serves as an addition in the passive turn with om by, corresponding in Russian to the addition in the instrumental case (answering the questions by whom? with what?).

The object with om by is often absent in the passive form:

Afterwards, in the passive voice, the addition with om with is also used to express the instrument with which the action is performed:

The predicate of the actual phrase, expressed by a combination of one of the modal words can (could), may (might), should, ought, to have, to be with om of the active voice, corresponds in the passive phrase to the combination of the same modal with om of the passive voice.

Actual turnover


We must finish our work as soon as possible. We must finish our work­ bot as soon as possible.

You can buy this book in any bookshop.

You can buy this book in any store.

Our work must be finished as soon as possible. Our work must be completed as soon as possible.

This book can be bought in any bookshop. This book can be purchased at any store.


As in Russian, in English the passive phrase is used when the focus of the speaker’s attention is on the person or thing that is being acted upon, and not the person or thing that is doing the action. In the passive phrase, the name of the person or thing that is being acted upon is the subject and comes first, therefore attracting more attention than the object in the actual phrase.




Pushkin wrote "Poltava" in 1828. Pushkin wrote "Poltava" in 1828.

The sun attracts the planets. The sun attracts the planets.

"Poltava" was written by Pushkin in 1828. "Poltava" was written by Pushkin in 1828. (The poem “Poltava” is in the spotlight, that is, it is the topic of conversation, the subject of discussion.)

The planets are attracted by the sun. Planets are attracted to the Sun cem.

Since for each active phrase with a predicate expressed by a transitive om, it is possible to construct a parallel passive phrase, a common mistake is to use passive phrases instead of real ones. It should be borne in mind that passive phrases, mechanically used instead of real ones, sound, like the corresponding passive phrases in the Russian language, unnatural. So, for example, it is unnatural to use passive phrases: An interesting book was bought by my wife yesterday. An interesting book was bought yesterday by my wife.French books are taken by my son from the library. French books are borrowed by my son from the library- instead of actual phrases: My wife bought an inter esting book yesterday. My wife bought an interesting book yesterday. My son takes French books from the library. My son borrows French books from the library.

As in the Russian language, passive phrases are used in cases where the person performing the action is unknown or when it is considered unnecessary to mention him. The thought expressed by such a passive phrase cannot be expressed by a valid phrase due to the absence of a person performing an action that could serve as the subject of a valid phrase:



Translating English passive phrases into Russian is often difficult. While English has only one way of expressing the passive voice, Russian has three ways of expressing it:

a) using be and the short form of the passive voice. (This method is similar to the way of expressing the passive voice in English.) The verb to be is not used in the present tense: the house has been built, the house has been built, the house will be built;

b) mi ending in -sya: the house is being built, the house was being built, the house will be built;

c) indefinite personal phrase with om in the active voice in the 3rd person plural: the house is being built, the house is being built or, the house will be built.

Sometimes the English passive can be translated in two or even all three ways, depending on the corresponding Russian and context:

When translating into Russian, one should distinguish, based on the context, whether this combination of to be with Participle II is one of the tenses of the passive voice or a compound predicate. If tenses of the passive voice can be translated into Russian in any of three ways, then the compound predicate can only be translated using the short form of the passive voice.

In the English language, if there are two objects - direct and non-prepositional indirect - not only the direct, but also the non-prepositional indirect object (answering the question to whom? to whom?) can become the subject of a passive turn.

In Russian, such passive phrases are impossible. If the addition with om by is missing, which often happens in phrases of this type, then they are not translated into Russian definitely personal turns: I was shown a new dictionary. They showed me a new dictionary. If there is an addition with om by, passive phrases of this type are translated by the corresponding Russian active phrases: I was shown a new dictionary by my brother. My brother showed me a new dictionary.

Thus, if in the English active phrase the predicate has two complements - the direct and the non-prepositional indirect, then the actual phrase can correspond to two parallel passive phrases: one with a direct object as the subject, and the other with an indirect one. The passive phrase with an indirect object as the subject is more common.

Actual turnover


They showed us a new film.

They showed us a new movie.

1) We were shown a new film.

We were shown a new film.

2) A new film was shown (to) us.

We were shown a new film.

I gave him an English magazine.

I gave him an English magazine.

1) He was given an English magazine.

He was given an English magazine.

2) An English magazine was given (to) him.

He was given an English magazine.


Afterwards, in the passive voice, both a non-prepositional indirect object and an object with om to can be used:

The documents were sent (to) the manager yesterday.

The documents were sent to the manager yesterday.

When an object is emphasized, it is always used with om to:

The letter was given to me (and not to him).

The letter was given to me (not to him).


Phrases consisting of the pronoun it s in the passive voice - it is said, it was said, it is reported, it was reported etc. - correspond to Russian vague-personal phrases like: say, spoke, report, reported etc. In such phrases, it plays the role of a formal subject and has no independent meaning:

If there is as with the value as before revolutions of this type, it is omitted: as was expected, as was to be expected as one would expect, as is believed.


Complex sentences, in which the main clause is expressed by a passive phrase with it, are often replaced by simple sentences with a “complex subject” phrase:

It is reported that the delegation has left Moscow.

The delegation is reported to have left Moscow.

It is reported that the delegation has left Moscow.

“Passivity is a hidden form of despair,” says Exupery. And for many English learners, the passive voice is even an overt form of despair.

Before we talk in detail about the passive voice in English, let's test your linguistic sense (or how well you remember the topic). Do a little exercise:

If your answer is 2, congratulations! You did everything right. If it's 1, 3 or 4, then there's an error somewhere. But I congratulate you too - the article is just for you!

Passive Voice - passive voice. In Russian it is called passive (but the English term, in my opinion, better reflects the meaning). In the active, or active, voice, someone or something that is the subject of the sentence itself performs the action, in the passive voice - the object is passive, does nothing, waits for an action to be performed on it.


I knitted a scarf. (I did this myself). - The scarf is knitted. (The scarf didn't do anything; someone else tied it).

He translated the article. (He did it himself). - The article was translated (It is important that the action was performed on the article, the article did not do anything, it experienced the action).

Why is Passive Voice needed?

It is needed when the performer of the action (agent) is unknown, unimportant or obvious, and the focus of attention is on the action. If we mention the performer, it is through the preposition by.

Look at the examples in the passive voice:

These cameras are made in China. - the performer is unimportant.

I was born in 1986. - the performer is obvious (everyone is born by mothers).

His wallet was stolen. - performer unknown.

Structure of the passive voice

S + BE + Ved/V3

S- this is the subject. The main thing to remember is that the passive voice ALWAYS has (which changes depending on the tense) and the semantic verb always ends in -ed if it is correct or in the 3rd form (past participle) if it is .

Let's compare the sentences of the active (active) voice with the corresponding sentences of the passive (passive) voice in different tenses.

Active VoicePassive Voice
PRESENT SIMPLE(occurs regularly, “in general”)S + am/is/are +Ved/V3
Have wash my car every week.
I wash my car every week.

She often buys clothes here.
She often buys clothes here.

My car is washed every week.
My car is washed every week.

Clothes are often bought here (by her).
Clothes are often purchased here. (by her)

PAST SIMPLE (completed action in the past, fact) S + was/were + Ved/V3
Have washed my car 3 days ago.
I washed my car 3 days ago.

She ate Italian pizza yesterday.
She ate Italian pizza yesterday.

My car was washed 3 days ago.
My car was washed (my car was washed) 3 days ago.

Italian pizza was eaten yesterday.
Italian pizza was eaten yesterday.

PRESENT CONTINUOUS (lasts now) S + am/is/are+ BEING + Ved/V3
Have am washing my car now.
I'm washing my car now.

A thief is stealing your money!
A thief is stealing your money!

My car is being washed now.
My car is currently being washed (it is being “washed”).

Your money is being stolen(by a thief)!
Your money is being stolen! (“they steal”)

PAST CONTINUOUS (lasted in the past) S + was/were + BEING + Ved/V3
Have was washed my car yesterday at 5.
Yesterday at 5 I was washing the car.

Someone was reading the article.
Someone read the article.

My car was being washed yesterday at 5.
Yesterday at 5 my car was washed.

The article was being read.
Read the article.

FUTURE SIMPLE (spontaneous decision in the future, order, request, promise) S+will+BE+ Ved/V3
Have will wash my car tomorrow.
I'll wash my car tomorrow!

Have will do my homework!
I'll do my homework.

My car will be washed tomorrow.
Tomorrow my car will be washed!

My homework will be done.
My homework will be done.

FUTURE CONTINUOUS (will last in the future) DOESN'T EXIST - HURRAY ^_^
PRESENT PERFECT (something Done to date, result) S + have/has +BEEN + Ved/V3
Have have already washed my car.
I've already washed the car.

I' ve just made an announcement.
I just made an announcement.

My car has been washed.
My car has already been washed.

An announcement has just been made.
The announcement has just been made.

PAST PERFECT (result to the past, happened BEFORE another past action)
S + had + BEEN + Ved/V3
By the time you called me, I had already washed my car.
By the time you called me, I had already washed the car.

Have had sold my car before you called me.
I sold the car before you called me.

My car had already been washed.
The car has already been washed.

My car had been sold before you called me.
The car was sold before you called me.

FUTURE PERFECT (will happen at some point in the future) S + will + have + BEEN + Ved/V3
Have will have washed my car by the end of the week.
I'll wash the car by the end of the week.

Have will have completed this task by tomorrow.
I will finish this task by tomorrow.

My car will have been washed.
My car will be washed by the end of the week.

This task will have been completed.
This task will be completed.

MODAL VERBS S + can/must/should/may…+ BE + Ved/V3
Have should wash my car.
I should wash my car.

She can understand it.
She can understand this.

My car should be washed.
My car needs to be washed.

It can be understood.
This can be understood.

BE GOING TO (get together, intend) S + am/is/are/was/were + going to + BE + Ved/V3
I' m going to wash my car.
I'm going to wash the car.

They are going to tell the truth.
They're going to tell the truth.

My car is going to be washed.
My car is about to be washed (my car is "about to be washed")

The truth is going to be told.
The truth will soon be revealed. ("The Truth Is Gonna Be Told")

What prepositions are used in the passive voice?

If the performer of the action is indicated, then the preposition is used BY:

It was done by Mike. This was done by Mike.

If the material or tool with which the action is performed is indicated, then the preposition is with.

It has been cut with a knife. It's cut with a knife.

If the performer turns out to be someone unspecified (people, somebody, someone, they), then he is not indicated in the passive voice.

People believe that it brings bad luck. - it is believed that it brings bad luck.

Phrasal verbs in passive voice

Please note that prepositions are retained.

She looked after him when he was sick. - No was looked after when he was sick.


The rule of construction is the same in the English language - reverse word order.

Where was it done?

When should it be sent?

What is it made of?

What are you congratulated on?

Passive designs

When we receive any services (hair cutting, TV repair, nails painted, etc.) the HAVE SMTH DONE design is used. In such a construction, the verb HAVE will change in accordance with time, and the semantic verb, as elsewhere in the passive voice, will always be in the third form.

For example,

I always have my car washed here.

I' m having my TV fixed now.

Time passive voice (Passive Voice) are formed using to be(in the appropriate tense form) and past participles: is locked/is being locked etc. The past participle of regular verbs is formed by adding the ending to the infinitive –ed: to invite – invite ed. When added to a verb –ed sometimes there are changes in its spelling: to stop – stopp ed. Past Participle of irregular verbs must be remembered: to tell – told – told. More about .

Table of all tenses in the passive voice

Present The present Past Past Future Future Future in the Past The future is in the past
Simple (indefinite) Uncertain The ball is taken every day. The ball was taken yesterday. The ball will be taken tomorrow. The ball would be taken the next day.
Continuous (Progressive) Long-term The ball is being taken now. The ball was being taken at 7 o’clock yesterday. not used not used
Perfect Perfect The ball has already been taken. The ball had been taken by 7 o'clock yesterday. The ball will have been taken by 7 o'clock tomorrow. The ball would have been taken by 7 o'clock the next week.
Perfect Continuous Perfect continuous not used not used not used not used

When forming the interrogative form of the passive voice, the auxiliary verb is placed before the subject: Is the ball taken? Would the ball be taken?
When forming a negative form of the passive voice, a particle When a negative form is formed, the particle placed after the auxiliary verb: The ball is not taken. The ball would not be taken.

Compare the sentences in the active and passive voices and notice that the object of the predicate verb in the active voice (the room) becomes the subject in the passive voice.

Examples:Active Voice:
Someone cleans the room every day.
Someone cleans the room every day.
Passive Voice:
The room is cleaned every day.
The room is cleaned every day.

Using the passive voice

1. The passive voice is used when the speaker’s focus is on the person/object that is being acted upon.

Examples: He has been stolen my key. - He stole my keys.

2. The passive voice is used if the person/thing who performed the action is unknown.

Examples: The shirts have just been ironed. – The shirts have just been ironed (it is unknown who exactly ironed the shirts).

3. The passive voice is used if the character/object is not of interest.

Examples: She has been invited to the restaurant. - She was invited to the restaurant. (we are not interested in who exactly invited her to the restaurant, but she herself is interested)

4. Times in the passive voice are used according to the same rules as the corresponding times in the active voice. For example, when talking about an action that is currently in development, the form is used.

Examples: The room is being cleaned at that moment. - The room is being washed at this moment.

5. If the passive phrase indicates face by, and if indicated tool/instrument/means/substance, performing an action, then the preposition is used with.

Finally, we got to the most important and, as practice shows, the most complex construction in the English language and it is called - passive voice (The Passive Voice).

Another name for passive voice is passive voice.

So, I'll try to give a clear answer to three main questions:

1. Let's start with the first question: what is the passive voice in English?

Passive voice- this is a certain grammatical construction, namely a way of connecting the subject and predicate in a sentence with an indication of the “passivity of the subject.” In order to understand what “passivity” is, let’s consider what “activity” is.

As you know, in an ordinary English sentence there is an active person (D.L.). The actor always acts. Here diagram of an English sentence in the active voice.

However, this scheme does not always work. There are a lot of sentences in both English and Russian that do not fit into the “active voice” scheme.

  • Languages ​​are taught.
  • The money was stolen.
  • The test will be checked.

I hope it is intuitively clear that there is NO actor in these sentences. And it is unknown WHO teaches languages, WHO stole the money and WHO will check the tests. What to do in this case?

And this is where the “passive voice” construction comes to the rescue, in which D.L. an OBJECT is placed on which the action is performed.

Is it clear that in the above examples, the words languages, money And tests- are these OBJECTS?

Passive Voice in English (Sentence Scheme)

AN OBJECT- a noun or pronoun that answers a question Who? What?

BE- linking verb in one of its forms (see)

D3 (passive participle)- the third form of the verb in the table of irregular verbs

Here is the translation of the sentence from the EXAMPLES (as per above):

  • Languages ​​are taught. => present tense, plural. number => Languages are learn.
  • The money was stolen. => past tense, money - singular. => The money was stolen.
  • The test will be checked. => future tense, units. number => The test will be checked.

As can be seen from the examples, verb BE changes according to tenses and numbers(repeat ), Verbs learn - to teach, steal - to steal, check - to check stand in sentences in their third forms (repeat)

* * *

Let's summarize what was said above about the passive voice in English.

So the designPassive Voice used when in a sentence no character, and the action is performed above AN OBJECT, and it doesn’t matter who does it.

Please note that in the passive voice OBJECT ( noun or pronoun) answers the question WHO? What do you want. is in the nominative case.

2. Passive voice in simple tenses

Let's consider how sentences in the passive voice change according to the tenses of the Simple group(approximately corresponding to tenses in Russian) when the OBJECT is a pronoun.

We get asked every day.

To correctly translate this sentence into English, let's ask two questions:


Exactly We, but not us. Pronoun us answers the question whom?


According to the diagram above, the sentence will be translated as follows - We are asked every day.

ask regular verb, aD 3 = D + ed – for regular verbs

Because in the passive voice only the linking verb BE changes tenses, then in simple times the sentence will look like this:

We get asked every day. We are asked every day. (Present Simple)

We were asked yesterday. We were asked yesterday. (Past Simple)

They'll ask us tomorrow. We will be asked tomorrow. (Future Simple)

* * *

3. Let’s move on to the last question, namely, when to use the passive voice construction in a sentence

Indirect signs of the passive voice, along with the absence of D.L. is:

1. Pronoun or noun in the indirect case:

Me offended.

Katya saw.

About our children talked.

2. Predicate expressed in the short form of the participle:

Exercise written. (Someone wrote it).

Door closed.(Someone closed it).

3. The predicate is expressed by a reflexive verb with a particle -xia:

Dog got lost. (The dog was lost.)

Toy broke.(The toy was broken.)

4. Examples of sentences in active and passive voice

And finally, let's compare pairs of sentences in valid (Active Voice) And passive voice (Passive Voice).

Active Voice

EXAMPLE (in Russian)

My grandmother grows roses.

D.L. (Who?) - my grandmother;

Action (what does it do?) - grows

Translation into English. My granny grows roses.

Passive Voice

EXAMPLE (in Russian)

Roses are grown in gardens.

D.l. – No;

An object - roses;

The action that the unknown D.L. performs on them. – grow

Translation into English. Roses are grown in the gardens.


If we still want to clarify who exactly performs the action, then we add D.L. to the sentence. using a preposition « by» — Roses are grown in gardens by my granny.

Although it literally sounds like “Roses are grown in my grandmother's garden.”, this sentence is still translated into Russian as “My grandmother grows roses in the garden.”

Active Voice

EXAMPLE (in Russian)

The table is by the window.

D.L. (What?) - table;

Action (what does it do?) - costs

Translation into English. The table is by the window.

Passive Voice

EXAMPLE (in Russian)

The table was placed next to the window.

D.l. – No;

An object - table;

The action that the unknown D.L. performs on him. – put

Translation into English. The table is put by the window.

Today we will learn how to construct phrases in such a way as to emphasize the impact on any animate or inanimate object.

The article contains explanations of the rules and exercises.

Active, Passive Voice in English: definition

What are active and passive voices? Active and Passive Voice - grammatical forms that determine how an object relates to an action, or how the effect produced relates to the object in a phrase. Present in any language. Known in English as:

  • Active Voice.
  • Passive Voice.

The active, or so-called active, voice is used most often: the author of the act performed is the subject, and the action itself is the predicate. The noun is active because it itself makes an impact on someone or something.

Mike is doing his homework at the moment. - Mike is doing homework at the moment.

Passive Voice - passive, or so-called The noun is used as an object, and the action is used as a predicate, the influence is exerted on someone or something.

The homework is being done by Mike at the moment. - Mike is doing his homework at the moment.

Usage options

The passive voice complicates the perception of the statement too much, so the excessive use of such a grammatical form is not very welcome. However, there are certain options when it is impossible to do without using the passive voice:

  • The author of the act carried out is unknown (the act was carried out anonymously, it is unclear who or what caused the impact):

This book was ripped yesterday. - This book was torn yesterday.

  • The author of the impact is not significant (the person who performed the impact is not important):

The project will be finished by tomorrow. - The project will be finished tomorrow.

  • The author of the action is already clear (obvious from the context):

The burglar was arrested last month. - The burglar was arrested last month.

  • We care about the action itself, but not about the author (in news headlines and announcements, when we are interested in what happened, and not who arranged it):

The jazz concert will be held on Tuesday. - The jazz concert will be held on Tuesday.

  • The action can be carried out by anyone (in recipes, instructions):

The milk is heated and added to the dough. - Milk is heated and added to the dough.

  • In documents (in official announcements, abstracts):

This article is meant as an example of a research paper. - This article is presented as an example of a research paper.

Active and Passive Voice: Exercises

Task 1. Determine which rules of use are found in the following phrases, connect the number of the sentence with the letter of the rule. There may be several options, as can be seen from the picture.

Passive forms

Let us next consider the forms of the Passive Voice. The passive form of the predicate uses a part of speech denoting the action “to be” (“to be”) in the third person singular or plural of a specific tense (for example, “is”, “are”) and the main (semantic) part of speech denoting the effect exerted, in the third form.

The part of speech denoting the action “to be” changes to the corresponding form when the time in which the act of action is carried out changes. The semantic part of speech denoting the effect remains unchanged: it is always used as In English, this form of the part of speech denoting the action is called Past Participle or Participle II.

Parts of speech denoting the action performed are divided into two types: regular and incorrect. The latter are exceptions to the grammatical rule for the formation of certain tense forms.

The third form of regular parts of speech denoting action looks similar to the past tense: - ed is added at the end:

  • to love - loved;
  • to play - played.

Irregular parts of speech denoting action have a special third form that must be remembered in each particular case. At the initial stage, you can use a special table of exceptions. But the most frequently occurring parts of speech, denoting the action performed, which are quickly remembered, are incorrect:

  • to drink - drunk;
  • to eat - eaten.

The part of speech denoting the action “to be” in the passive voice goes through the same changes as the predicate in the active voice. A good clue for determining the time of impact is adverbs of time (including adverbs of frequency).

When constructing questions, the part of speech denoting the action performed is placed before the subject. When asking a question, think first about the effect being carried out, and then about the object or subject on which it is being carried out.

In negatives, the particle “not” follows the auxiliary part of speech, denoting the action “to be”. Under no circumstances should you make the most common mistake and put the main part of speech denoting impact before “not”! In this case, “not” comes before the main verb, it divides auxiliary and main verbs.

Passive voice and tenses

As we can observe, only the part of speech that denotes the action “to be” changes. The main part of speech denoting action does not change.

Another important observation is that not all tense groups are present in the passive voice. In the following cases they need to be replaced:

  • Present Perfect Continuous is replaced by:

He has been cooking this meal since 5 p.m. - This meal has been cooked since 5 p.m.

Translation: He has been preparing this food since 5:00 pm. - The food was prepared from 17:00.

  • Past Perfect Continuous is replaced by Past Perfect:

Peter had been doing the research for 3 months. - The research had been done for 3 months.

Translation: Peter conducted the study for 3 months. - The study was carried out over 3 months.

  • Future Continuous is replaced by Future Simple:

Tomorrow at 2 o’clock Helen will be cleaning this apartment. - This apartment will be cleaned tomorrow at 2 o’clock.

Translation: Helen will be cleaning this apartment at two o'clock tomorrow. - This apartment will be cleaned tomorrow at two o'clock.

  • Future Perfect Continuous is replaced by Future Perfect:

Mike will have been driving the truck for 2 years by next week. - The truck will have been driven for 2 years by next week.

Translation: Mike will have been driving the truck for two years by next week. - The truck will have been in use for two years by next week.

Task 2. Put the verb “do” in the correct form.

Replacement of collateral

If you want to replace Active Voice - Passive Voice, that is, transform a phrase in the active voice into the passive form, you need to remember the features of the grammatical construction of voices.

In an active voice phrase, the subject comes first, the predicate comes second, and the object comes at the end. In the passive voice, the object takes the place of the subject.

Replacing Active Voice - Passive Voice is carried out in several stages:

  • Determine which noun is the subject and which is the object:

Someone broke into their apartment yesterday.

  • Determine at what time the impact occurs:

In our version - Past Simple.

  • At the beginning of the phrase, put an object (instead of a subject), use the semantic part of speech denoting the effect in the third form, and place the part of speech denoting the action “to be” in front of it in the necessary tense form:

Their apartment was broken into yesterday.

The presence of two additions increases the number of options for constructing a phrase in the passive voice:

Nick brought Kate a book. - Nick brought Kate a book.

  • Kate was brought a book. - A book was brought to Kate.
  • A book was brought to Kate. - The book was brought by Kate.

Both options are acceptable, but it is better to use a form where the subject is an animate pronoun.

Task 3. Which voice is preferable to use in the following cases: Active Voice, Passive Voice?

Prepositions “by” and “with”

Additions are used in combination with these prepositions when it is necessary to mention who is the author of the action and in what ways the influence is carried out.

Sherlock Holmes was created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. - Sherlock Holmes was created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

The preposition “with” indicates by what means (auxiliary materials or tools) the influence is performed:

The soup is stirred with a spoon. - The soup is stirred with a spoon.

The use of these prepositions is optional, with the exception of questions beginning with the words “who” (by whom?) and “what” (with what?).

Who was Hercule Poirot created by? - Who created it

What was the fire caused by? - What caused the fire?

In the formal style of speech, prepositions are often placed at the beginning of the phrase:

By what was the fire caused? - What caused the fire?

By whom was Hercule Poirot created? - Who created Hercule Poirot?

With what is the soup stirred? - What do you use to stir the soup?

Task 4. Put the verbs in the correct form Active and Passive Voice.

Modal verbs

How they work the Passive Voice and modal verbs - we will analyze further. Modal verbs are never used independently, but only in combination with a part of speech denoting the effect produced, in the indefinite mood. If they are present in the description of the impact provided, in the passive voice the part of speech denoting the impact produced is transformed:

modal verb + “be” + Participle II

She might start research in July. (She can start research in July.) - Her research might be started in July.

We should fill in that form by hand. (We must fill out this form by hand.) - That form should be filled in by hand.

If the phrase contains the following parts of speech indicating impact:

  • to hear (hear);
  • to help (help);
  • to make (meaning “to force”);
  • to see (see),

after the main and auxiliary verbs there is one more in the indefinite mood (with the particle “to”):

I was made to clean the house. - I was forced to clean the house.

Mary will be helped to bake this cake. - Mary will be helped to bake this cake.