Dangerous children's toys. Toys that dumb down, embitter and manipulate children Harmful toys

Today in stores the choice of toys is such that your eyes run wide. However, buying everything for a child means risking his health. Our author Yulia Evstigneeva tells how to determine whether this toy will bring benefits and whether it is fraught with danger.


Toxic, traumatic, causing diseases and disorders of the nervous system - it turns out that there are many such toys. Let's list the most common and popular ones.

Propeller toys

In fact, helicopters, flying fairies and other toys with a propeller are intended for teenage children, but not for children under 7 years of age. And although, of course, I really want to buy a quadcopter, a flying doll, an alarm clock with a propeller, or something else, parents should take care of the child’s health and wallet too, because the baby can:

Place your face or hands under the blades of a toy flying towards him;
. shoot the toy not to the side, but in your face.

Conclusion: you can take it for school-age children and adults. The kids will wait.

Toys with small parts

Lego is good, but only when it is age appropriate and under adult supervision. It’s not for nothing that the age limit is usually written on the packaging of construction toys. This also includes mosaics, beads, buttons, in general, everything that contains small details. The child can:

Swallow the part;
. stick it in your nose or ear.

Conclusion: you can buy such a toy, you just need to know that it is dangerous, and you need to monitor your baby’s play.

Games with magnets

Magnetic balls, sticks, beads and mosaics: they are fraught with danger because they are also small and can also be swallowed. But that's not the worst thing. It is terrible that inside the body, magnetic elements are fastened together and form a foreign body of such a size that surgery is often impossible.

Conclusion: absolutely do not buy for children under three years of age. Give to older children only under adult supervision.

Weapons and sharp objects

Sabers, swords, bows and arrows - I think no one doubts the danger of these toys, but still, in pursuit of realism, many continue to buy weapons from store shelves.

Equally especially dangerous and recognizable are all kinds of military equipment (tanks, cars, guns), shooting bullets and turning in any direction using a control panel. If you purchase such toys, then you need to understand that injuries can also be quite real, because a child can:

Turn the tank's muzzle in your direction and shoot;
. to fall under an arrow or blow from the sword of a warrior like himself.

Conclusion: it is better to give preference to soft swords and sabers and weapons with projectiles on suction cups.

Chemical experiments

Did you know that the young chemist's first kit included radioactive uranium? It’s good that this was half a century ago, and modern experimental kits have been tested a hundred times by scientists. But they are still very dangerous, because they contain alkalis, phosphates and acids, which, when mixed, can create an explosive mixture, cause poisoning, and burns. It is also important to store the chemical set properly, away from fire and high temperatures.

Conclusion: such an educational toy can be bought for a child who understands the importance of the situation, that is, for a schoolchild. It is imperative to monitor where he stores his kit and how he handles it.

Cheap baby dolls

Inexpensive dolls and baby dolls with a pungent odor, although attractive due to their low price, are actually very dangerous for children. They may contain phenol, which:

Causes allergies, suffocation;
. can cause headaches and insomnia;
. may affect the child's nervous system and digestive system.

In most cases, it is baby dolls and dolls that contain phenol, but poisonous toys are often found among slimes, small rubber figures, and sets with cars. There have been cases when Rospotrebnadzor has withdrawn pacifiers containing phenol from sale.

Conclusion: do not buy toys with a specific smell and avoid cheap products for children.

Soft toys

Soft toys beckon with their cute faces and fluffy paws. But in fact, they cannot be called harmless, because:

Conclusion: it’s better to admire plush friends on store shelves, but if you still buy such a toy for your child, do not forget to wash it more often and put it away from the baby during sleep.

Scary monsters

Dolls and figures with strong negative connotations and arsenals such as saws, coffins, knives are now very fashionable, but, according to psychologists, they greatly traumatize the psyche of children, causing insomnia, phobias, and aggression.

Conclusion: do not buy harmful toys and focus on positive ones.

Non-educational toys

There is another danger: a toy is bought, money is given for it, but there is no use for it. Because you can only look at it or listen to it, but there is zero development.

Interactive dolls

The same dolls that drink, immediately pee, cry, talk and call their mother, it turns out, do not develop children's imagination. Of course, there is no need to imagine here - the doll can do everything.

Conclusion: it is better to give preference to dolls that cannot do anything, instead of which the children themselves will have to speak and work.

Press the button and you will get the result

These are the same super-expensive locomotives that drive themselves, blow smoke, hum, puff and, again, do not develop the child at all. What remains in the game for the baby? Press the button and watch. It’s much more interesting to design a steam locomotive yourself, assemble the cars, couple them, drive them yourself, make sounds! By the way, the price is much more attractive! And this applies not only to steam locomotives, but also to various push-button development devices and gadgets.

Conclusion: expensive does not mean good. Before buying a toy, think about how much imagination your child will put into it.

So, fashionable, bright, beautiful - these are not the most important aspects of choosing toys for a child. It is important to put safety first, development second, and then the toy will only bring benefit and joy.

From birth, children are surrounded by toys. They are bought not only for holidays, but also just like that, for distraction or at the request of the child. Every year the world of toys becomes more diverse, but at the same time more dangerous. There are already many examples of them harming the physical and psychological health of children, instead of bringing them joy.

To warn adults against buying the most dangerous toys for children, in this article we will look at the most common of them.

Dangerous toys for small children under 3 years old

Chinese rubber toys with poisonous colors

Very popular and frequently purchased inexpensive rubber bright figurines and animals made in China can cause severe allergies and food poisoning in a child, as they contain a high concentration of phenol.

Soft toys

Often, low-quality materials are used to fill soft toys, which can cause suffocation attacks in children. But even a soft toy made from high-quality materials poses a danger to children’s health, as it is an excellent place to collect dust, mites and germs. Such toys should be disinfected very often.

Toys with small parts

Toys that can be easily broken off or torn off (a bead, a bow, an arm, a leg) or disassembled into small parts (Lego sets, Kinder surprises) are dangerous for children.

When choosing a rattle or toy for small children, it is necessary to check the quality of the materials used, as well as the strength of the parts and the applied paint, since children at this age put all toys in their mouths.

Dangerous toys for children over 3 years old


A toy that appeared at the end of the 20th century, created to develop logic and thinking, turned out to be very dangerous for children. Since, due to the small size of the magnetic balls, small children swallow them, which leads to severe mechanical injuries to the intestinal tract. And even extracting them through operations turns out to be very dangerous and problematic.

Barbie doll

This doll is considered dangerous for the mental development of little girls. She does not evoke in them a natural desire to play with her as a daughter-mother, which contributes to the development of their maternal instinct. Playing with a Barbie doll leads to the formation of a feeling of dissatisfaction with oneself (especially appearance) and a desire for an adult lifestyle (makeup, provocative clothing, attracting the attention of men).


Playing with them without adult supervision leads to a large number of cases of injury to children, and even deaths have been recorded.

Sets “Young chemists and physicists”

The reagents in such kits, which are safe in their composition, can lead to burns or even explosions if mixed incorrectly or when other components are added.

Pistols and any other weapons

Any weapon sets children up for cruelty, and especially if the purchased toy can really hurt: a pistol with bullets, batons, knives, etc.

Prank toys

Gags that cause physical harm as a joke (electric shock, a jumping fist, or an insect) can cause psychological trauma to your child and someone else's. First of all, a toy should bring joy and not cause fear.

The main purpose of creating toys is to familiarize them with the world around them, develop and educate children. Therefore, adults should buy toys based on this, and not on fashion or the requirements of the younger generation. You need to choose products from well-known companies that use high-quality materials in their production and do not forget about.

The most common objects that surround a child from early childhood are a variety of toys.

Wooden and plastic, dolls and robots, children's cars and construction sets, shiny and modest colors - you can't list all the types and functional features.

But are you sure that they are completely safe for children? After all, some gaming accessories do not correspond to age standards, while others are simply harmful. Our reviews will help you figure out what the most dangerous toys for children are and what their danger is.

Phthalates are special chemical compounds used in industrial production to soften and add elasticity to plastic products.

At the same time, doctors consider these substances to be among the most harmful to the health of children, since phthalates, accumulating in the body, can:

These substances are most often found in PVC products, which are widespread on our market.

Their harmful qualities are due to their easy release from toys and rapid spread into the environment. Moreover, the amount of toxic compounds depends on the degree of deterioration of the product.

Phthalates penetrate into children's bodies through the skin and during breathing, and since children under one year old often taste everything, these harmful compounds will definitely get into the child's saliva.

And although such substances are prohibited in European countries, in our country they are still added to PVC products.

To understand how harmful various plastic products are to our bodies and children’s bodies, a special examination should be carried out.

However, this is not always possible under normal conditions, and considering that most toy devices were brought to us from China, you need to be especially careful.

How to keep children safe?

If you want to accurately “recognize” harmful toys, experts recommend taking into account the following factors:

  1. Product labeling. Refuse to purchase if on the product itself or in the accompanying papers there are three arrows (in the form of a triangle), inside of which the number 3 is placed. The letters PVC and Vinil indicate the PVC material. But some Chinese manufacturers do not label children's products at all.
  2. Typically safe plastic is hard and cool. Some children's products made of PVC can also be hard and hard (for example, a toy furniture set), but most often they are quite soft, resembling human skin when touched.

Children's toys can also contain this heavy metal, especially in paint. Some unscrupulous manufacturers of children's products exceed all permitted standards many times over.

A large amount of lead in the body often provokes the occurrence of:

  • anemia;
  • brain diseases;
  • kidney damage;
  • digestive disorders;
  • disorders of attention and coordination of movements;
  • destruction of bone tissue.

To understand how harmful products are for a child, you need to determine the concentration of lead in the paint and the activity of its “release.”

It is also important to know exactly how the baby will interact with the toy - touch it with his hands, put it in his mouth, chew it.

Is it possible to protect a child?

It is impossible to tell by eye whether there is lead in paint; this can only be judged after specialized tests. Therefore, you can save children from contact with this dangerous substance if you purchase certified products in children's stores.

Playing accessories made from low-quality plastic (including PVC) are also harmful to children. Unsafe metal can end up in children's products if the premises in which they are manufactured are “contaminated” with toxic mercury vapor.

Mercury enters a child’s body through touching a toy and inhaling harmful fumes.

Such unwanted interaction is fraught with the following negative consequences:

  • damage to the nervous system;
  • renal failure;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • pathologies of the respiratory system.

Signs of mercury poisoning may not appear immediately, but only several weeks after it enters the body.

Mercury vapor is especially harmful for children under one year old. This is due to the peculiarities of metabolism in early childhood - mercury in children is poorly removed from the blood and organs.

How to warn?

The advice is quite simple - you should not buy toys on the run, in stalls and kiosks. You still won’t be able to determine it by eye, and in dubious places you are unlikely to find accompanying documents and certificates. Therefore, saving on children's goods is excluded.

This chemical compound is used in many production processes, including to shape rubber and PVC products. Phenol, when penetrating a child’s body, can have a detrimental effect on the following organs and systems:

  • respiratory organs (phenol is especially dangerous for children suffering from asthma);
  • digestive organs;
  • immune system (allergic reactions occur);
  • nervous system (headaches, insomnia).

Rospotrebnadzor employees often seize rubber dolls from China that contain large quantities of harmful phenolic compounds. Therefore, such a threat is not a fiction, but a very real fact.

How to keep your child safe?

The presence of phenol in children's toys can be assumed based on the following criteria:

  • rich chemical “aroma”, noticeable even through the original packaging;
  • poor quality of the product - unevenness, nicks, sticky surface, drips and peeling coating.

Formaldehyde is a gaseous compound that is actively used in the manufacturing process of plastics, PVC, dyes and textiles. These harmful materials are then used by irresponsible manufacturers to make children's products.

The way this toxic substance enters a child’s body is simple – the baby licks a pacifier, teether or rattle. Formaldehyde vapors are harmful to the child’s body because they contribute to the development of:

  • acute toxicosis, manifested by vomiting, cough, weakness, stomach pain and allergic reactions;
  • leukemia;
  • cancerous formations in the nasopharyngeal cavity.

Especially often, doctors observe allergic reactions of varying severity in children under one year of age, which occur when a child interacts with teethers from China.

How to keep kids safe?

Products containing formaldehyde compounds usually have a strong, unpleasant synthetic “aroma.” But it’s still better to play it safe and carefully study all the information contained on the toy’s label.

European quality standards are indicated by the letters CE; if the product has passed Russian testing, then the “PCT” icon will be located next to it.

As the name suggests, fire retardants provide fire resistance to products. The opinion of scientists about their safety is not always clear.

It is believed that when accumulated in the body, these substances can affect the child’s endocrine, immune and nervous systems, causing severe pathologies.

Fire retardants are also used in the manufacture of children's products. However, these substances are easily washed out with water, so experts recommend following certain safety rules.

How to help a child?

Before handing over a funny fluffy bear or bunny to your little owner, be sure to wash the toy with a special baby powder, rinse thoroughly and dry thoroughly. If the product is PVC, simply wash it with soapy water.

For children under one year old and older, parents often purchase various luminous applications that can be glued to the ceiling to imitate, for example, a starry sky.

Other mothers believe that the phosphorus compounds contained in such toys can negatively affect the child’s health.

It should be understood that modern manufacturers have long abandoned phosphorus paints, preferring to use luminescent coatings or safe reflectors.

However, some Chinese manufacturers continue to “poison” children with this substance. For example, not so long ago, Chinese toys were confiscated all over the world in which a high concentration of phosphorus was found.

How to keep your child safe?

The advice is pretty standard - when buying, stick to toys from well-known companies. Moreover, you should purchase a set of luminous stickers only in well-trusted stores.

In addition, do not forget to ask for quality certificates and other accompanying papers.

Reviews, including the most dangerous and harmful children's products, are published constantly, updated with new toys from year to year. However, a kind of “standard” of unwanted gaming accessories still exists. We offer 10 of the most harmful toys for children under one year and older.

1. Magnetic constructors. Reviews in the English medical literature demonstrate serious concern among foreign doctors about the popularity of such toys due to the increasing number of cases of children swallowing small magnets.

Doctors' concerns are related to the physical properties of such material. If other foreign objects calmly leave the body during defecation, then the magnetic elements connect and enlarge, creating a kind of “plug”.

It cannot be done without surgical intervention. In addition, magnetic parts can cause intestinal perforation!

Experts do not recommend purchasing a set of magnetic parts for children under three years of age (especially under one year).

2. Poisonous pacifiers. Pacifiers and pacifiers (or rather, the materials used) included in our Top 10 harmful products can lead to the development of acute allergic reactions. To “neutralize” this device, doctors recommend boiling it for an hour.

Well, it’s best to purchase nipples from well-known manufacturers: Avent, Nuk, Chicco, Bebe Confort and other manufacturers. Avoid pacifiers with strings or ribbons that can wrap around a child’s neck.

The mouthpiece of the product must be quite wide so as not to get into the child’s oral cavity. In addition, it is necessary to check the main part of the pacifier, which is placed in the child’s mouth, for holes and scratches.

3. Soft toys. On the shelves of children's goods supermarkets, every parent will find a wide variety of soft toys from various manufacturers, including Chinese ones. They are purchased because of their fairly low price, bright colors and softness of the material.

But in early childhood, such products are not recommended at all due to numerous harmful factors. Inexpensive stuffed toys are usually made from poor quality materials, which can lead to anaphylaxis. Also, children under one year old can suffocate if a large fluffy bear falls on them.

Another fact is that long lint, when swallowed, can create a lint plug that interferes with normal breathing and digestion. In addition, a plush toy is a “storage” of dust, mites and various pathogens.

4. Toy weapons. The “harmfulness” of children’s weapons is growing from year to year, since manufacturers of modern toys are simply obsessed with realism. As a result, some guns and pistols with bullets, crossbows and bows turn into some kind of traumatic weapon.

A child is capable of harming both himself and his playmates (injury to the eye, ear). Also unsafe are “machines” that produce loud sounds that can lead to impaired hearing function. In addition, darts with sharp tips and “cold” weapons - sabers and swords - are dangerous.

This gaming complex made it into our Top 10 for its ambiguity and potential danger. The set for a “young scientist” seems to be an educational toy, but failure to comply with basic safety standards can result in burns, fires, and even electric shocks.

Such a set (for chemists) may include various reagents - alkalis, acids, phosphates and other harmful compounds that can lead to poisoning. It is curious that the first set for physicists and chemists was produced back in the 50s and included radioactive Uranium-238 (of course, at that time they did not yet know about its properties).

Now such “punctures” are excluded, but for early and preschool childhood such a gift set is excluded. If, nevertheless, your “natural scientist” demands this toy, read reviews and comments from parents before purchasing and allow him to play with it only in your presence.

6. Excessively loud musical toys. Every child should have a set of children's musical instruments from early childhood to adolescence. But it should be understood that all such toys must meet the highest requirements, which also apply to sound volume.

The maximum sound volume level is 85 dB; if these values ​​are exceeded, deafness may develop.

Also, the “voice” of musical instruments must be clear and clear, without noise or wheezing. However, even with the right pipe or flute, you cannot play for too long; constant sounding can lead to overwork. Also, avoid musical toys made from PVC.

7. Flying toys. Not only Carlson now has propellers, but also a variety of gaming accessories - helicopters, dolls, minions, ghosts and quadcopters. Some manufacturers even attach a propeller to children's alarm clocks.

Of course, a child will be delighted with a fairy-tale or cartoon character flying around the room, but the use of such toys is not suitable for early childhood. Such gaming accessories can only be purchased by teenagers, since small children cannot yet handle flying toys.

In addition, a child of the fifth year of life is able to place his hands or face under the spinning propeller blades. Our Top 10 does not recommend such toys for small children.

8. Toys with electronic filling. High-quality products themselves do not pose any particular danger to children. However, we should not forget that the use of toys containing batteries, other accumulators, speakers and other electronic elements is prohibited according to standards for up to three to five years.

But modern manufacturers offer a huge range of different mobile phones, children's phones, beepers, robots and even baby dolls with batteries, designed for children under one year old.

9. Pyrotechnic products. Despite numerous prohibitions, including legislative ones, many parents at least do not object to their children using pyrotechnics, such as fireworks, especially on holidays.

Some children purchase these toys on their own.

The danger of pyrotechnic products for children is that fireworks can flare up and catch fire, explode in the hands (damaging hands, skin, face and eyes) or seriously frighten a small child. Even a game with banal firecrackers can end in fright.

10. Small toys and objects with small parts. Reviews of print and online forums make it clear that these kinds of toys are among the most harmful and dangerous for children under one year old and a little older.

Small construction sets, mosaics, beads, small adhesive parts of soft toys, and a homemade educational set of buttons and beads can pose a danger to a small child. The baby will simply swallow these parts and push them into the nasal or ear canals.

In addition, the 10 worst could include low-quality frame tents and labyrinths that are unsafe for early childhood, cheap Chinese PVC Barbie dolls (by the way, some psychologists generally consider them harmful to the sexual development of girls), and excessively bright rubber and plastic toys.

Of course, gaming accessories are intended for children, but they are purchased by adults, so it is parents who are responsible for the safety of a new doll or car. We offer several simple recommendations that will help you “filter” dangerous toys from useful or at least neutral ones.

  1. The first recommendation is to look for the CE mark on the toy or in the accompanying document. This sign indicates that the product complies with European safety standards. Also, the packaging must have inscriptions indicating the manufacturer or importer. Toys without a “biography” must be ruthlessly put aside.
  2. You can’t save on your baby’s health! Our desire to buy cheaper will not be appreciated by a child who, after contact with a low-quality doll or rubber duck, may become covered with an allergic rash. Usually, products of well-known brands are sold in children's stores, of course, and they cost significantly more than goods at the bazaar or retail outlets.
  3. However, high cost is, alas, not always an indicator of quality and safety. Therefore, before purchasing a toy, read reviews and opinions of moms on forums, and look at the certificate and instructions for use directly in the store. All documents must be in Russian!
  4. Be sure to read all warnings. They may, for example, say that it is prohibited to use the toy near a flame or water. Or it is recommended to play only in the presence of an adult. You may not have realized that marbles, one of the best and most loved toys of all ages, should not be given to children under 8 years of age due to the risk of getting into the throat and choking.
  5. Be sure to select gaming accessories taking into account age standards. Of course, toys for teenagers are not suitable for toddlers. The packaging or labels of quality products must contain a sign warning of the potential danger for children under three years of age.
  6. Soft bear cubs and hares must be suitable for “water procedures”. In addition, in such toys it is important to attach small parts - eyes, buttons, buttons, since a child is quite capable of chewing off and swallowing them.
  7. Avoid toys made from plastic that is not durable enough. Children under three years old love to try everything, so they need to purchase especially “tenacious” plastic toys that cannot break when hit or chewed.
  8. Rattles, teethers and other play devices for babies should not contain sharp, glued or protruding elements. A child can swallow and choke on these small parts.
  9. You should definitely touch your future purchase. Find out what the rattle is filled with. On soft toys, inspect the quality of the seams, otherwise the textile will tear and the “filling” will end up in the child’s mouth. The weak point in teddy bears is the seam between the legs.
  10. A toddler can easily place his own fist in his mouth, so experts recommend not purchasing balls, dolls and other small toys smaller than the size of a child’s fist (usually 5 centimeters).
  11. Avoid soft plastic and rubber products that have a strong chemical odor. This is a sure sign of not the best materials and a high concentration of various harmful compounds.
  12. Avoid purchasing musical or other squeaking toys that make excessively loud noises. Such devices may affect the infant's hearing function.

In addition, there are tips for parents regarding the care of already purchased gaming accessories. Before you solemnly present your favorite little one with a new toy, be sure to carry out the following manipulations:

  1. All labels and other adhesive markings must be removed as your baby may chew them off and swallow them.
  2. A plastic or wooden toy must be thoroughly washed after purchase with hot water and detergent. Another option is to treat the surface of the object with an alcohol-containing liquid.
  3. Before introducing your child to a new plush or fabric friend, you need to wash the soft toy in the washing machine (on a special delicate cycle) and then dry it thoroughly in the open air.
  4. If, after washing or washing, the toy has lost its characteristics and has lost its “decent” appearance (for example, faded), most likely this product is of poor quality. Such products should be thrown away without unnecessary regret.

Our time is characterized by the presence of a huge number of a wide variety of toys for any age. Not every parent is easily able to understand the functions and features of some gaming devices, let alone children.

Therefore, first of all, focus not on the cost of the gift, but on the quality of the materials. Agree that it is preferable to buy one expensive but good toy rather than several dubious cheap crafts.

After reading our reviews carefully and following the above recommendations, you will purchase the most useful plastic or soft play accessories for your baby that will delight him for a long time.

Hello, I am Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully completed her studies at SUSU as a specialized psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and consulting parents on issues of raising children. I use the experience gained, among other things, in creating articles of a psychological nature. Of course, I in no way claim to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.

Not all toys that the modern market offers are equally useful for a child exploring the world. Moreover, many of them can pose a mortal danger.

The most dangerous toys for children

The gorgeous variety of toys that we can see when we go to a children's store makes our eyes widen. But unfortunately, behind the beautiful packaging there can be a real danger hidden.

Magnetic constructors

Magnetic construction sets that develop fine motor skills, memory, and imagination come in several types. But the Neocube, which consists of a large number of small balls, and the construction set, which, in addition to balls, also contains thin sticks, pose a particular danger to the baby. Since the baby learns about the world not only visually, but also tactilely, and also tries to taste everything, the risk of swallowing these parts increases, which, once in the digestive tract, begin to attract each other, damaging the mucous membranes. Such processes are fraught with death.

Photo gallery: examples of magnetic construction sets

This designer is contraindicated for children under 10 years of age.
Some experts believe that the magnetic field has a negative effect on the child’s body. The Mag Building constructor is one of the safest among all magnetic constructors Magnetic construction sets containing small parts pose a danger to children

My three year old daughter is delighted with the Mag Building plastic magnetic construction set. I consider this kind of toys to be absolutely safe for children when used for a short time. In addition, they develop motor skills, thinking, creativity and creativity.

A beautiful flying pupa, if used carelessly, can cause head injuries, in particular to the eyes. This is primarily due to the fact that the main operating element of the toy is a spinning propeller - the petals are made of fairly dense plastic. The toy runs on batteries. The total time it can be in flight is 8 minutes. When the fairy lowers its height during a parry, it is enough to present your palm to it and the doll will rise up again. Therefore, while operating it, the child may stumble and fall.

Toys with a propeller are dangerous for both young and older children.

NERF blasters

Recently, NERF blasters have become especially popular. The manufacturer claims that this weapon is completely safe for children, since when used correctly, foam bullets do not pose a threat. But the cartridge can get into the eye. As a result, pain and redness in the affected area, as well as blurred vision, are observed. Moreover, internal hemorrhage may develop. All of these injuries require long-term treatment.

If a blaster bullet hits the eye, internal bleeding may develop.

Hydrogel balls

The use of hydrogel balls (orbeez) for the purpose of developing a baby’s fine motor skills can cause intestinal obstruction if they are accidentally swallowed. These balls, when exposed to moisture, tend to expand 80 times and reach the size of a golf ball. Interestingly, they cannot be detected in the stomach during an X-ray examination, which means that the likelihood of making a correct diagnosis is reduced.

Hydrogel balls attract the baby with their bright colors, so out of curiosity he can swallow them

When my baby was about two years old, I came up with an activity for her to do using hydrogel balls. To do this, I filled a bowl with water and poured in some marbles. When they increased in size, I gave my daughter a teaspoon and asked her to transfer the balls from a full bowl to an empty one. She was “dragged” by this entertainment for at least an hour. But at this time I was constantly next to her.


Slime (slime) is a jelly-like toy that consists of guar gum, borax, dyes and often flavors. The first two components, in moderate doses, are not capable of harming the baby, while dyes and flavors can cause allergic reactions, often the amount of these chemical compounds in the toy is significantly exceeded. If the composition of the slime is unknown, it is better to refuse the purchase.

Therefore, if by chance someone swallowed the slime, it is necessary to induce vomiting (if several minutes have passed after swallowing), if 0.5 - 1 hour has passed, then you need to take enterosorbents (Polysorb, activated carbon) in age-specific dosages and call an ambulance. The child must be under the supervision of a doctor for at least 24 hours.

Maria Fedorovna, practicing physician


The young chemist's kit is designed for conducting simple chemical experiments at home under the strict supervision of adults. During experiments, children deal with various types of chemicals, the vapors of which can have a detrimental effect on the growing organism. Moreover, if safety precautions are not followed, other disastrous consequences are possible: chemical and thermal burns.

Experiment kits contain sufficient amounts of acids and other chemicals that are strictly prohibited for use by children without adult supervision.

PVC toys

PVC toys are not recommended for use by children under three years of age. This is primarily due to the fact that they are quite toxic, as they contain chlorine, processed petroleum products, including phthalates, which make the toy so elastic and soft. In addition, the baby can bite off a piece of such a bright toy and swallow it.

PVC toys contain cheap toxic chemicals

Phosphorus toys

Phosphorus toys and decorative items have gained wide popularity. But not everyone thinks that phosphorus paint contains toxic compounds that have a detrimental effect on the baby. It is necessary to buy luminous toys that use luminescent coating or safe reflectors only from trusted manufacturers.

Cheap phosphorus spraying negatively affects a child’s health

Inflatable rings for children

Inflatable rings, which are allowed almost from the first days after birth, make bathing the baby much easier, as the load on the mother’s spine is reduced. But this is a stupid misconception that in such a circle the baby is completely safe. Recently, cases have become more frequent when a baby slips out of the circle and goes to the bottom, or turns over in it and ends up immersed face-first in the water. And another risk is dislocation of the cervical vertebrae due to chaotic movements of the head. Budget options for these circles can be made from low-quality materials that release toxic substances.

While the baby is bathing in a circle, the mother should not let her guard down

Throwing darts with metal or plastic tips if safety precautions are not followed can turn from a simple game into a tragedy and cause loss of vision.

If safety precautions are not followed, playing darts can result in loss of vision.

Video: Which toys should you avoid?

When choosing toys, you need to “chase” not after new products and beautiful packaging, but after quality and safety.

The American magazine Radar published on its pages the results of an unusual and, undoubtedly, very useful study of the danger that ordinary children's toys can pose. This list includes a variety of items, ranging from those whose danger is noticeable to the naked eye, to toys that are quite innocent at first glance, whose bloodthirsty essence, due to design flaws, was revealed only during use. Many of this sad list of the top 10 “most dangerous toys” are responsible for not only bruises, abrasions and spoiled mood, but even serious injuries and untimely ending of lives.

(Total 10 photos)

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1. darts "Jarts"

A game of Jarts darts cost the lives of four children. The number of traumatized children who decided, unfortunately for themselves and their loved ones, to play this game reaches 7000. This game is recognized as the most dangerous.

2. Set for young physicists U-238 Atomic Energy Lab, produced by A.C. Gilbert Company.

This play set was published in 1951. At that time, everything related to the splitting of the atom and the phenomena of radioactivity was in great fashion and invariably enjoyed the interest of the public. Alfred Hilbert was not a physicist, he was a toy manufacturer, and decided to make young researchers happy, and at the same time make a good profit, by giving children a luxurious set that included a useful book on nuclear physics, an electroscope, a Geiger counter, and some other necessary things. laboratory equipment and a real sample of uranium 238. This was done without any malicious intent - they simply did not yet know about the mortal danger of small but systematic exposure. There is no exact data on how many people who bought this deadly toy developed cancer.

3. A completely innocent-looking hammock from EZ Sale deserves the nickname “Strangler Hammock.” Fortunately, in this case it did not reach the dead bodies. But the company had to endure many lawsuits from enraged parents whose children almost suffocated in the arms of this monster.

4. Mattel is famous for its dolls all over the world. It was she who created the record-breaking popularity of Barbie. But one of the Cabbage Patch Snacktime Kid doll models, released in 1996, brought the company a lot of trouble. The peculiarity of the dolls in this series is that they can “chew” special toy food. The doll series is extremely popular, and particularly zealous parents even started fights among themselves during Christmas sales, because there simply weren’t enough dolls for everyone. But this particular model of the doll had a very powerful mechanism that directed the “food” inside, and it was not equipped with a switch. As a result, the doll excitedly “chewed” the fingers and hair of the children who were gaping during the game. When the number of injured people began to number in the dozens, the toy was withdrawn from sale.

5. In 1994, the wonderful winged fairy Sky Dancer appeared in stores, offered by Galoob Toys. It looks like an ordinary toy for girls. The dance of the ethereal beauty, as usual, was provided by an electric motor. But the designers went too far with its power. As a result, a reliable machine, capable of withstanding heavy loads for a long time, mercilessly knocked out teeth and inflicted deep cuts on those who found themselves in the “kill zone” of the fairy’s graceful fouettés.

6. Guns are not toys for children - even if it's just a belt buckle. The manufacturers of the “Bat Masterson Derringer Belt Gun” buckle were so seriously inspired by the famous accessory from the movie “From Dusk Till Dawn” that the resulting product caused numerous serious burns to careless owners.

7. The game "Creepy crawlers", which appeared in 1964, offered children a set of molds and materials to cast all kinds of scary stories on their own. The only pity is that the materials turned out to be very toxic, and the casting process was accompanied by numerous burns and even several large fires.

8. Gun again. This time the gun of the glorious Johnny Rebel (Johnny Reb Cannon), who fought with insane courage against the Yankees in the doomed ranks of the Confederates. The cannon fully absorbed the indomitable spirit of the southern rebels after whom it was named, and even with the help of tiny plastic balls, it bravely crushed the teeth of the “damned Yankees” and knocked out the eyes.

9. Playing with the Battlestar galactica missile launcher in 1979 cost the lives of several children.

10. And finally, a wonderful children's motorcycle. It has all the advantages and, of course, all the disadvantages of a real motorcycle. Considering that motorcycling is one of the most dangerous sports, it is very difficult to understand the logic of the manufacturers who proposed it and the parents who bought the toy. Children of this age simply physically cannot have the necessary muscular strength, reaction speed and coordination of movements to cope with the control of such a machine. That is why they are offered bicycles, rocking horses and scooters - so that they can quickly develop the necessary skills. But for some, these simple truths reach only when their beloved child, for whom nothing is spared, ends up in a hospital bed with a serious motorcycle injury.