Future simple and continuous exercises. About English with love

Let's continue to practice the English tense system. Frankly speaking, the future continuous tense is far from the most commonly used aspect in English speech. But this does not mean that this grammatical category can simply be skipped. Agree, it is better to learn a rare construction and be able to use it than not to know grammar and not show your best side in a conversation. Therefore, today we will perform future continuous exercises, or in English exercises. The tasks will be presented in order of increasing difficulty, so if you feel that you are not yet ready enough to complete a task, go back and review the detailed theory for that time aspect. Now we will briefly recall the main points and begin to practice.

What and how can you denote using the Future Continuous?

The construction of the future continuous tense, although it consists of several elements, is not particularly difficult to remember and use. To construct a compound predicate, you need to take: the auxiliary will, the corresponding form to be ( in this case it is enough to simply removeto), and participle I. In interrogative expressions, will moves forward, and in negative expressions it adds not, forming the abbreviated constructions won’t, shan’t.

  • We will be training at 6 o’clock tomorrow –Wewe willtrainTomorrowat 6hours.
  • Will they be playing tennis all day? –TheywillplayVtennisallday?
  • I shan’t be driving a car from 9 to 12 o’clock –INotwillforsteering wheelfrom 9until 12.

Before we begin to perform exercises on using the future continuous, let us delineate the scope of its meaning. This category should be used for:

  • expressing the process of performing actions at a specified time;
  • designation of the future process of one event at the time of the onset of another;
  • a description of a long-running action, the execution of which may be periodically interrupted.
  • indications of the occurrence of predictable phenomena and actions;
  • constructing interrogative phrases with a more respectful tone.

Having refreshed our memory of grammatical laws, we move on to practicing practical skills. Let's do some exercises!

Future Continuous exercises

Complete the presented tasks:

Task No. 1.

Choose the right design

At this time tomorrow Nick

fly flies will be flying will fly

While he is in the Army she

will be waiting is waiting will wait waits

Tomorrow she

will be watching watches will watch is watching

write will write will be writing am writing

Exercises and my sister is reading the rules.

They say that they

repair will be repairing are repairing will be repair

My car during next 5 days.

cleans was cleaning cleaned will be cleaning

The flat at 3 o’clock yesterday.

The lesson

will begin begins will be beginning begin

Put your keys in the pocket, or tomorrow morning you

look will be looking had looked will look

For them again.

When my sister returns, she

will cook cooks is cooking will be cooking

Supper with me.

Don’t call me from 10 till 16 o’clock; my son

had slept is sleeping will be sleeping has slept

Task No. 2.

Choose the correct translation

Are you moving from Prague next Monday?

Will be you moving from Prague next Monday? Will you be moving from Prague next Monday? Do you move from Prague next Monday?

Tomorrow I will have a meeting with my sister.

I will be having a meeting with my sister tomorrow. I will have a meeting with my sister tomorrow. I have a meeting with my sister tomorrow.

At this time, Jessica and Nick were playing tennis yesterday.

Jessica and Nick were playing tennis at that time yesterday. Jessica and Nick are playing tennis at this time. Jessica and Nick will be playing tennis at this time yesterday.

We will be rehearsing this performance for the next 5 months.

We will rehearse the play for the next 5 month. We shan’t be rehearsing the play for the next 5 month. We will be rehearsing the play for the next 5 months.

We will meet our friends tomorrow at 7 o'clock.

We will have a meeting with our friends at 7 o’clock tomorrow. We will be having a meeting with our friends at 7 o’clock tomorrow. We have a meeting with our friends at 7 o’clock tomorrow.

Task No. 3.

Open the brackets using the Future Simple or Continuous constructions that are necessary in their meaning.

Her daughter never (trust) you.

Wait a minute; we (have) tea and coffee soon.

At this time tomorrow students (present) their reports.

The decision may be spontaneous, that is, accepted at the moment, as an improvisation or your reaction to the current situation. In this case we useWill(Future Simple). Let's look at examples:

  • Let's have a party tonight.
  • Ok! I will buy some food!

Your friend or girlfriend invites you to throw a party, to which you happily agree and make a spontaneous decision to buy food, for this we use will.

Let's look at another example. You see an elderly woman struggling to carry a large suitcase and you have a natural desire to help her. You say: Iwill help you! This is how you react to the situation. Or take the case when in a restaurant you glance at the menu and spontaneously decide to order chicken. Tell the waiter: Iwill have chicken.

When we deal with plan for the future that is, with a long-term decision made earlier, 2 constructions going to and the Present Continuous tense are used.

Going to

If you have already made a decision, but have not yet started implementing the plan, that is, you have not made an appointment, set a date, or bought tickets, then we express such a plan for the future using the construction begoingto.

For example, you decide to buy a car because you no longer like your old one. You will tell your friends: My car is too old, I’m going to buy a new one. That is, this decision was not spontaneous, well thought out, you have been nurturing it for some time, but have not yet begun to implement it.

Present Continuous

The Present Continuous tense should be used if you have already begun to implement your plan for the future, you have agreements with people, or have planned dates for an upcoming event. For example, in the case I'mbuying a new car next week - we already know when our plan will come true.

Let's compare two more situations:

  1. Mom! Dad! We are going to get married!
  2. We are getting married in June.

In the first case, we happily inform our parents about our earlier decision without clarification (goingto). In the second, we are talking about the time when our plan will come true (Presentcontinuous).

  1. Sue/to do/homework/at 5 o’clock/tomorrow.
  2. We/to sunbathe/from 9 to 12 o’clock/tomorrow morning.
  3. Nick and Jack/to drive/to Berlin/at this time/next Monday.
  4. You/to have/a conference/from 3 to 5 o’clock/tomorrow.
  5. My cousin/ to practice/in the gym/at 7 o’clock/tomorrow evening.
  6. Nelly and Diana/to rest/in Hawaii/at this time/next week.
  7. We/to dance/at the party/all the evening/tomorrow.
  8. Kate/to visit/ her grandparents/all day/next Saturday.
  9. They/to prepare/ to the wedding party/all next week.
  10. I/to travel/around Canada/for two weeks/next month.

Answers: 1. Sue will be doing homework at 5 o’clock tomorrow. 2. We will be sunbathing from 9 to 12 o’clock tomorrow morning. 3. Nick and Jack will be driving to Berlin at this time next Monday. 4. You will be having a conference from 3 to 5 o’clock tomorrow. 5. My cousin will be practicing in the gym at 7 o’clock tomorrow evening. 6. Nelly and Diana will be resting in Hawaii at this time next week. 7. We will be dancing at the party all the evening tomorrow. 8. Kate will be visiting her grandparents all day next Saturday. 9. They will be preparing for the wedding party all next week. 10. I will be traveling around Canada for two weeks next month.

Exercise 2. Put the verbs in brackets into the Future Continuous Tense.

  1. At this time tomorrow we… (to watch) a new play in the theatre.
  2. I… (to have) lunch with our business partners from 3 to 5 o’clock tomorrow.
  3. Mike … (to interview) a famous showman at 6 o’clock next Thursday.
  4. We … (to discuss) this project at our morning meeting next Wednesday.
  5. My lawyer … (to wait) for us in his office at 11 o’clock tomorrow morning.
  6. The workers… (to repair) the road in the city center for two days next week.
  7. The students… (to write) a test from 9 a.m. till 1 p.m. next Tuesday.
  8. My friends… (toplay) cricket from 5 till 7 o’clock next evening.
  9. I... (to fly) to Cairo at this time next Sunday.
  10. Alice … (to walk) in the park with her daughter at 7 o’clock tomorrow evening.

Answers: 1. At this time tomorrow we will be watching a new play in the theater. 2. I will be having lunch with our business partners from 3 to 5 o’clock tomorrow. 3. Mike will be interviewing a famous showman at 6 o’clock next Thursday. 4. We will be discussing this project at our morning meeting next Wednesday. 5. My lawyer will be waiting for us in his office at 11 o’clock tomorrow morning. 6. The workers will be repairing the road in the city center for two days next week. 7. The students will be writing a test from 9 a.m. till 1 p.m. next Tuesday. 8. My friends will be playing cricket from 5 till 7 o’clock next evening. 9. I will be flying to Cairo at this time next Sunday. 10. Alice will be walking in the park with her daughter at 7 o’clock tomorrow evening.

Exercise 3. Make the sentences negative and interrogative.

  1. She will be doing aerobics at 7 o’clock tomorrow evening.
  2. We will be cycling tomorrow morning.
  3. Henry will be walking his dog at 2 o’clock tomorrow.
  4. Molly will be making a cake for our party at 3 o’clock tomorrow.
  5. The girls will be preparing the costumes for the performance since 3 o’clock tomorrow.
  6. Brian will be writing an article at this time next Friday.
  7. We will be exercising in the gym from 2 p.m. till 5 p.m. tomorrow.
  8. Mr Peters will be visiting our country from Monday till Friday.
  9. It will be raining all day tomorrow.
  10. You will be seeing your dentist at 5 o’clock next Thursday.

Answers: 1. She won’t be doing aerobics at 7 o’clock tomorrow evening. Will she be doing aerobics at 7 o’clock tomorrow evening? 2. We won’t be cycling tomorrow morning. Will we be cycling tomorrow morning? 3.Henry won’t be walking his dog at 2 o’clock tomorrow. Will Henry be walking his dog at 2 o’clock tomorrow? 4. Molly won’t be making a cake for our party at 3 o’clock tomorrow. Will Molly be making a cake for our party at 3 o’clock tomorrow? 5. The girls won’t be preparing the costumes for the performance since 3 o’clock tomorrow. Will the girls be preparing the costumes for the performance since 3 o’clock tomorrow? 6.Brian won’t be writing an article at this time next Friday. Will Brian be writing an article at this time next Friday? 7. We won’t be exercising in the gym from 2 p.m. till 5 p.m. tomorrow. Will we be exercising in the gym from 2 p.m. till 5 p.m. tomorrow? 8. Mr Peters won’t be visiting our country from Monday till Friday. Will Mr Peters be visiting our country from Monday till Friday? 9. It won’t be raining all day tomorrow. Will it be raining all day tomorrow? 10. You won’t be seeing your dentist at 5 o’clock next Thursday. Will you be seeing your dentist at 5 o’clock next Thursday?

When composing special questions in the future continuous tense, words are arranged in the following order: question word (Wh-word), auxiliary verb will, subject, verb be and main verb (with the ending -ing).
Wh-word + will + l/you/he/she/it/we/they + be + Ving?

For example:
What will you be doing at 6 o’clock tomorrow? What will you be doing at 6 o'clock tomorrow?
Who will be helping you to clean the house tomorrow morning? Who will help you clean the house tomorrow morning?

Exercise 4. Make up a question for the highlighted phrases.

  1. Helen will be preparing for the exam in the library at 11 o’clock tomorrow.
  2. We will be having tea in the garden at 6 o’clock tomorrow.
  3. You will be translating an article at 3 o’clock tomorrow.
  4. They will be playing volleyball on the beach at 10 o’clock tomorrow morning.
  5. Jim will be snorkeling in the Red Sea at this time next Sunday.

Answers: 1. Who will be preparing for the exam in the library at 11 o’clock tomorrow? What will Helen be doing in the library at 11 o’clock tomorrow? What will Helen be preparing for in the library at 11 o’clock tomorrow? Where will Helen be preparing for the exam at 11 o’clock tomorrow? 2. Who will be having tea in the garden at 6 o’clock tomorrow? What will we be having in the garden at 6 o’clock tomorrow? Where will we be having tea at 6 o’clock tomorrow? What time will we be having tea in the garden tomorrow? 3.Who will be translating an article at 3 o’clock tomorrow? What will you be doing at 3 o’clock tomorrow? What will you be translating at 3 o’clock tomorrow? 4.What will they be doing on the beach at 10 o’clock tomorrow morning? What will they be playing on the beach at 10 o’clock tomorrow morning? Where will they be playing volleyball at 10 o’clock tomorrow morning? 5. Who will be snorkeling in the Red Sea at this time next Sunday? What will Jim be doing at this time next Sunday? Where will Jim be snorkeling at this time next Sunday?

Exercise 5. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

  1. We… (to have) a picnic at 4 o’clock tomorrow.
  2. Nick … (not to work) at the agency at 7 o’clock tomorrow evening.
  3. Where... you... (to drive) to at 3 o’clock next Monday? - I... (to drive) to Bristol.
  4. What... Pam... (to do) from 4 to 5 tomorrow evening? - She... (to visit) her hairdresser.
  5. … the doctor … (to examine) patients from 9 till 12 o’clock tomorrow? - Yes, he….
  6. What time… Ted… (to jog) in the park tomorrow? - He... (to jog) at 6 o’clock in the morning.
  7. I can’t join you for the barbecue next Friday because I … (to prepare) for the seminar.
  8. … you … (to sleep) at 10 o’clock tomorrow evening? Can I phone you? - Certainly you can. I… (not to sleep) at this time tomorrow.
  9. Let’s meet in front of the cinema tomorrow. I… (to wait) for you at 6 o’clock.- OK. I'll come.
  10. At what stadium... our football team... (toplay) at the 5 o’clock next Tuesday? - They... (toplay) at the central stadium.

Answers: 1. We will be having a picnic at 4 o’clock tomorrow. 2. Nick won’t be working at the agency at 7 o’clock tomorrow evening. 3. Where will you be driving to at 3 o’clock next Monday? - I will be driving to Bristol. 4. What will Pam be doing from 4 to 5 tomorrow evening? - She will be visiting her hairdresser. 5. Will the doctor be examining patients from 9 till 12 o’clock tomorrow? - Yes, he will. 6. What time will Ted be jogging in the park tomorrow? - He will be jogging at 6 o’clock in the morning. 7. I can’t join you for the barbecue next Friday because I will be preparing for the seminar. 8. Will you be sleeping at 10 o’clock tomorrow evening? Can I phone you? - Certainly you can. I won't be sleeping at this time tomorrow. 9. Let’s meet in front of the cinema tomorrow. I will be waiting for you at 6 o’clock.- OK. I'll come. 10. At what stadium will our football team be playing at 5 o’clock next Tuesday? - They will be playing at the central stadium.

Exercise 6. Translate into English.

  1. Tomorrow at six o'clock I will watch my favorite series on TV.
  2. We won't be playing basketball on the court tomorrow at seven o'clock.
  3. On Wednesday from nine o'clock they will take an English language exam.
  4. What will you be doing tomorrow at eight o'clock in the evening? - I will meet my parents at the airport.
  5. What seminar will your sister attend next Tuesday at two o'clock? - She will attend a marketing seminar.
  6. This time tomorrow we will be flying to Los Angeles.
  7. What time will we have the conference tomorrow? - Our conference will be held from ten o’clock in the morning to three o’clock in the afternoon.
  8. Will Tom be working all next week? - No, starting next Thursday he will rest in the mountains.
  9. Next Friday at ten o'clock in the morning my friends will take part in a swimming competition.
  10. We will decorate the hall for the New Year's holiday tomorrow at nine o'clock in the morning.

Answers: 1. At six o’clock tomorrow I’ll be watching my favorite series on TV. 2. We won’t be playing basketball on the playground at seven o’clock tomorrow. 3. They will be having an English exam from 9 o’clock tomorrow. 4. What will you be doing at eight o’clock tomorrow evening? - I’ll be meeting my parents at the airport. 5. What seminar will your sister be attending at two o’clock next Tuesday? - She will be attending the seminar on marketing. 6. At this time tomorrow we’ll be flying to Los Angeles. 7. What time will you be having the conference tomorrow? - We’ll be having the conference from ten o’clock in the morning till three o’clock in the afternoon. 8. Will Tom be working all next week? - No, he will be having a rest in the mountains from next Thursday. 9. My friends will be taking part in the swimming competition at ten o’clock in the morning next Friday. 10. We will be decorating the hall for the New Year party at nine o’clock tomorrow morning.



Pavlichenko O.M. English language. Grammar workshop. Level III. - 2nd ed., rev. and additional - X.: Ranok, 2013. - 320 p.

Exercise 1. Put the verbs in the following sentences into the affirmative and negative Future Simple forms.

1. I (to do) morning exercises.
2. He (to work) at a factory.
3. She (to sleep) after dinner.
4. We (to work) part-time.
5. They (to drink) tea every day.
6. Mike (to be) a student.
7. Helen (to have) a car.
8. You (to be) a good friend.
9. You (to be) good friends.
10. It (to be) difficult to remember everything.

Exercise 2. Open the brackets using verbs in .

1. Alice (to have) a sister.
2. Her sister’s name (to be) Ann.
3. Ann (to be) a student.
4. She (to get) up at seven o"clock.
5. She (to go) to the institute in the morning.
6. Jane (to be) fond of sports.
7. She (to do) her morning exercises every day.
8. For breakfast she (to have) two eggs, a sandwich and a cup of tea.
9. After breakfast she (to go) to the institute.
10. Sometimes she (to take) a bus.
11. It (to take) her an hour and a half to do her homework.
12. She (to speak) English well.
13. Her friends usually (to call) her at about 8 o’clock.
14. Ann (to take) a shower before going to bed.
15. She (to go) to bed at 11 p.m. m.

Exercise 3. Open the brackets using verbs in .

1. My working day (to begin) at six o"clock.
2. I (to get) up, (to switch) on the TV and (to brush) my teeth.
3. It (to take) me about twenty minutes.
4. I (to have) breakfast at seven o’clock.
5. I (to leave) home at half past seven.
6. I (to take) a bus to the institute.
7. It usually (to take) me about fifteen minutes to get there.
8. Classes (to begin) at eight.
9. We usually (to have) four classes a day.
10. I (to have) lunch at about 2 o’clock.

Exercise 4. Use the words in brackets to form sentences in . Pay attention to what form the sentence should be in (affirmative or negative).

1) They _____ football at the institute. (to play)
2) She _____ emails. (not / to write)
3) ____ you____ English? (to speak)
4) My mother ____ fish. (not / to like)
5) ____ Ann ____ any friends? (to have)
6) His brother _____ in an office. (to work)
7) She ___ very fast. (cannot / to read)
8) ____ they ____ the flowers every 3 days? (to water)
9) His wife _____ a motorbike. (not / to ride)
10) ____ Elizabeth_____ coffee? (to drink)

Exercise 5. Translate into English:

1. She will be busy. (to be busy)
2. I won't be busy.
3. Will you be busy?
4. Will they be at home? (to be at home)
5. He won't be at home.
6. I won't know.
7. Will they know?
8. She won't know.
9. Who will know?
10. Nobody will know.
11. Will he read English books? (to read English books)
12. They will never read. (never / to read)
13. Will she have an apartment? (to have a flat)
14. He will have nothing.
15. Who will it be?

Correct answers:

Exercise 1. 1 – will do / Will I do - ? / I will not do - (=I won"t do), 2 - will work / Will he work - ? / He will not work - (=He won"t work -), 3 – will sleep / Will she sleep - ? / She will not sleep - (=She won"t sleep -), 4 - will work / Will we work - ? / We will not work - (=We won"t work -), 5 – will drink / Will they drink - ? / The will not drink - (=They won"t drink -), 6 – will be / Will Mike be - ? / Mike will not be - (=Mike won"t be -), 7 - will have / Will Helen have - ? / Helen will not have - (=Helen won"t have -), 8 – will be / Will you be - ? / You will not be - (=You won"t be -), 9 – will be / Will you be - ? / You will not be - (=You won"t be -), 10 – will be / Will it be - ? / It will not be - (=It won"t be -).

Exercise 2. 1 – will have, 2 – will be, 3 – will be, 4 – will get, 5 – will go, 6 – will be, 7 – will do, 8 – will have, 9 – will go, 10 - will take, 11 – will take, 12 – will speak, 13 – will call, 14 – will take, 15 – will go.

Exercise 3. 1 – will begin, 2 – will get, switch, brush, 3 – will take, 4 – will have, 5 - will leave, 6 – will take, 7 – will take, 8 – will begin, 9 – will have, 10 – will have.

Exercise 4. 1 – will play, 2 – will not (=won't) write, 3 – Will (you) speak, 4 – will not (=won't) like, 5 – Will (Ann) have, 6 – will work, 7 – will be able to read, 8 – Will (they) water, 9 – will not (=won't) ride, 10 – Will (Elizabeth) drink.

Exercise 5. 1 – She will be busy, 2 – I will not (=won't) be busy, 3 – Will you be busy?, 4 – Will they be at home?, 5 – He will not (=won' t) be at home, 6 – I will not (=won't) know, 7 – Will they know?, 8 – She will not (=won't) know, 9 – Who will know?, 10 – No one (=Nobody) will know, 11 – Will he read English books?, 12 – They will never read, 13 – Will she have a flat?, 14 – He will not (=won't) have anything (=He will have nothing), 15 – Who will it be?

Using the Future Continuous

Task 1. Put the verb in brackets into the Future Continuous. Please note that sentences can be either affirmative or negative.

    Don't call them on Wednesday at 6 o'clock. They...dinner at a restaurant. (have).

    You can borrow my computer. I...it for a while. (use)

    I saw my family doctor last week. I ... him for a while now. (see)

    It is getting colder. According to the weather forecast it ... for the next few days. (rain)

Task 2. Correct the mistakes in the sentences.

    My parents will move house next week.

    Sue will not be working from home for the next few days.

    Tomorrow morning my roommate will is having an exam.

    Luke will be repairing his bike on Tuesday.

Task 3. Ask a question about the highlighted phrase.

Example: On Friday we will be decoratingour homefor the New Year. - What will you be decorating for the New Year on Friday?

    We will be having a business meetingat 3 o"clock tomorrow.

    Soon Kyle will be creatinga new website for this company.

    MondayTomwill be watching a football match.

    My brotherwill be sellinghis car.

Task 4. Translate the sentences into English.

    This time tomorrow I will be trying on my wedding dress.

    He will have this conversation tonight.

    My boss is at the hospital. It won't work for a while.

    At 4 o'clock in the afternoon the gardener will cut the grass.

Answers with explanations

Task 1.

    will be having

    won't be using

    won't be seeing

Negative sentences in the Future Continuous are formed using the auxiliary verb will + not + be + a verb ending in -ing.

    will be raining

Affirmative sentences in the Fututre Continuous are formed using the auxiliary verb will + be + verb ending in -ing.

Task 2.

    will be moving

be+ verb ending in -ing.

    will not be working

In negative sentences the particlenotfollows an auxiliary verbwill.

    will be having

Affirmative sentences in the Fututre Continuous are formed using the auxiliary verb will +be (does not change according to numbers and persons)+ verb ending in -ing.

    will be repairing

Affirmative sentences in the Fututre Continuous are formed using the auxiliary verb will + be +verb ending -ing.

Task 3.

    When will we be having a business meeting?

    What will Kyle be creating soon?

    Who will be watching a football match on Monday?

    What will my brother be doing to his car?

Task 4.

    Tomorrow at this time I will be trying on my wedding dress.

    Tonight he will be having this conversation.

    My boss is in hospital. He won't be working for a while.

    At 4 o"clock in the afternoon the gardener will be cutting grass.