Fondue recipes with cheese and white wine. Cheese fondue

At home it’s not at all difficult and very exciting! In French, "fondue" means "molten." Indeed, the basis of the delicacy is the melting of cheese in wine, and for this process a special fondue bowl is used, installed over a burning candle or burner to maintain the mass in a molten form. Then they dip bread, meat, fruits, fish into the cheese mixture and enjoy the taste.

Special dishes for fondue

Melting is carried out in a special cauldron - caquelon. In our country it is known as a fondue maker and you can buy it in dishware or hardware stores.

It is difficult to replace such a device with something, since it must be constantly heated above the burner. Caquelon may have a cast iron or ceramic bowl. As a rule, for preparing a dish there are special fondue kits, which include the pot itself, a burner, special forks with elongated handles, and in some cases dry alcohol for the burner. You will also need a wooden spatula for stirring the cheese mass so that it does not burn and stick to the walls and bottom of the pot, and a special cheese knife to easily cut the cheese at the very beginning of cooking

How to cook a hot cheese dish

Preparing fondue is a very entertaining activity, and the result will not leave you or your guests indifferent: pieces of your favorite products, wrapped in aromatic cheese mass, will give you new taste sensations.

Ingredients for making cheese fondue:

  • assorted cheese (preferably semi-hard and hard varieties, processed cheese cannot be used) - 0.4 kg;
  • garlic – 2-3 cloves;
  • dry white wine – 0.2 l;
  • ground black pepper - a pinch;
  • nutmeg - on the tip of a knife;
  • lemon juice - 0.5 tsp;
  • starch - 1 tbsp;
  • pieces of delicacies.

How to make cheese fondue at home:

  1. Rub the inside of the fondue pot with garlic.
  2. The cheese is cut into small pieces or grated and put into a kettle.
  3. Pour in wine, approximately 0.2 liters. There should be enough to completely cover the cheese.
  4. Place the fondue pot over the burner and turn on the heat to minimum.
  5. Add spices and lemon juice if desired.
  6. As for starch, it is added to melted cheese if you want to get a very thick mass. To do this, dissolve 1 tbsp. starch in a small amount of water and pour into the cheese mass. You can replace it with flour.
  7. During the melting process, constantly stir the cheese mass with a wooden spatula until it becomes homogeneous.

When the cheese mass is prepared, take pieces of bread, shrimp, ham, meat, fruit, etc., string them onto forks, dip them into a pot, cool a little and enjoy.

An original appetizer for the holiday table is cheese fondue recipe at home, the preparation of which does not require much work. The original Swiss dish in its classic version is prepared from a mixture of Swiss cheeses, which are slowly melted and heated in a heat-resistant caquelon dish, with the addition of garlic, ground nutmeg and a strong alcoholic drink. It is advisable to prepare fondue for a large company. The ceremony of eating the snack is as follows: those present take turns dipping portioned pieces of bread, potatoes, olives or other products, placed on a miniature fork, into the cheese mixture, which is heated throughout the meal.

But depending on the country and even region fondue recipes may have some differences in preparation and ingredients. The only thing is that Chinese fondue has nothing in common with our classic recipe. It is a constantly heated vegetable or mushroom broth, into which thinly sliced ​​​​slices of raw meat are dipped. As I already mentioned, you and I will learn how to prepare cheese fondue, which is familiar to Switzerland, Italy and France. An important preparation nuance: neither the heated wine nor the cheese subsequently should boil. The wine is heated to 60⁰C, and the cheese mixture is heated until smooth and immediately poured into a caquelon with one candle.

Cheese fondue ingredients

Gouda cheese 250 g
Cheese Radomer 100 g
Cheese Suluguni 150 g
Garlic 1 clove
Dry white wine 200 ml
Corn starch 50 g
Canned Cherry Syrup 30 ml
Lemon 1 piece
Ground white pepper 3 g
Ground nutmeg 1 g
Broccoli 200 g
Shrimps 200 g
Bacon 200 g
Apple green 1 piece
Potato 200 g
Seedless grapes 200 g
White bread 200 g

Cheese fondue preparation method

  1. Place three ladles half filled with water on the fire.
  2. Peel the potatoes and cut into large cubes (2x2 cm).
  3. Wash the broccoli and divide it into small florets.
  4. Throw potatoes into one saucepan and broccoli florets into another.
  5. Boil the potatoes until tender.
  6. Cook the broccoli for 2 – 3 minutes and once cooked, place it in cold water with ice for 2 minutes to maintain its fresh green color.
  7. Dry the cabbage with paper towels.
  8. Throw medium-sized shrimp into boiling water (in the third saucepan) for 1 minute to disinfect.
  9. Drain the water from the shrimp.
  10. Peel and core the green apple.
  11. Cut the apples into 2x2 cm cubes and sprinkle with lemon juice to prevent the apple pieces from darkening.
  12. Check the potatoes for readiness and drain the water.
  13. Peel the shrimp, removing the shells, leaving only a small tail.
  14. Place all ingredients prepared for the side dish in sections on a large flat plate.
  15. Grease a heatproof glass bowl with a clove of garlic cut in half.
  16. Place three candles – tablets – in a saucepan of a suitable diameter relative to the bowl.
  17. Light the candles.
  18. Place table knives crosswise in the pan opposite each other, blades down.
  19. Place a glass bowl on top, and the holes that were formed between the pan and the bowl due to the knives will allow the candles to burn, as oxygen will be available.
  20. Pour canned cherry syrup into a bowl.
  21. Add 1 tablespoon of starch and stir.
  22. Pour in dry white wine.
  23. Season with ground white pepper and nutmeg.
  24. Mix.
  25. Squeeze one tablespoon of lemon juice into a bowl.
  26. As soon as bubbles appear in the wine mixture, add all three types of cheese, grated on a fine grater.
  27. Stir constantly.
  28. As soon as the cheese mass has become homogeneous, pour into the fondue maker and serve.

Amazing cheese fondue recipe It’s not a cheap pleasure, but it’s just what you need for a special occasion. You can also replace the presented cheese mixture with the following cheeses: Gruyere, Parmesan and Mozzarella. And for a side dish you can use any diced products according to your taste and perception. Bon appetit!

About wine

Cheese, wine and fire - the secrets of the perfect fondue

Fondue is one of the warmest dishes. And it's not just about the serving temperature. It's about a ritual when everyone gathers around the table, chats leisurely, dips pieces of bread into melted cheese and washes down the meal with light wine. This is a tasty and atmospheric dish that will give you a great mood and the joy of pleasant communication. Today we will talk about how to prepare a good fondue with cheese and wine, and also give some useful tips.

Fondue is considered the national Swiss dish, which is prepared from cheese and wine over an open fire. Although there is still debate between the Swiss and the French, where this dish first appeared - in France or Switzerland. Translated from French, by the way, fondue means “molten.”

According to one version, fondue was invented by Swiss shepherds. They took cheese, wine and bread with them to the mountains, and they also had a clay pot. They put the remaining pieces of cheese in a vessel and diluted it with wine. The pot was placed on the fire, resulting in a spread mixture into which they dipped pieces of bread. Over time, the shepherds' dish began to appear on the tables of aristocrats. Only for its preparation they already took expensive varieties of wine and cheese, as well as the freshest bread.

For the traditional fondue moitier-moitier (from French means “in half”), Swiss Gruyère cheese and Friborg vacheran are taken in equal parts; Gruyère also goes well with emmenthal. Of course, this is not a strict rule! You can choose the varieties that you like.

There are basic rules: cheeses must be fatty and meltable, and there must be at least two cheeses. Choose one cheese such as Swiss, Cheddar, Gouda or Latteria, and to this base add some creamy Camembert or goat Bouche - whatever options you like.


Most often, good dry white wine is used for fondue. A win-win option is called Riesling. Some gourmets recommend taking a closer look at the wines of the region from which the cheese originated. Why not? In any case, we strongly do not recommend taking drinks of unknown origin. Take the wine that you could drink just like that. For example, wine from Sauk-Dere will be excellent in terms of price and quality. The collection also includes dry Riesling with fresh notes that highlight the taste of cheese.

Want to experiment? Take a red wine, for example, with cherry notes characteristic of the original strong kirsch. There are also alternative options when, instead of still wines, the fondue is topped with real champagne. You can try this option, stocking up on a bottle of sparkling Licuria.

By the way, if you want to serve drinks with fondue, it is better to opt for the one that was used in preparing the dish itself. For a non-alcoholic option, you can try black tea.


To make real fondue, you don't have to build a fire under a clay pot. Nowadays many different sets for this dish are sold. A special cauldron is called a caquelon; it can be made of cast iron or ceramic. The first option is considered more practical, as it is also suitable for meat fondue in hot broth. The set also includes forks for dipping fillings into cheese - this is convenient and safer, because you can easily burn yourself with melted cheese.

It is difficult to replace caquelon with something else, since it is important that the fondue container is heated all the time. But here is the code where a special burner is located. So, you've provided yourself with fire, cheese and wine, it's time to put everything together and make a real fondue!

Fondue recipe

250 g classic cheese

250 g intensely flavored cheese

200 ml dry Riesling “Sauk-Dere”

1 clove of garlic

1 tsp. lemon juice

Salt, pepper, nutmeg - to taste

First, the caquelon must be grated with a clove of garlic. Then add wine and lemon juice and heat over low heat. And only then you need to gradually introduce the cheese, constantly stirring with a spatula. Please note that the dish does not need to be brought to a boil.

If the fondue turns out to be liquid, you can add a little more cheese. If the fondue is too thick, thin it with wine.

What to pair fondue with?

The most common option is small pieces of stale bread. They are dried to make it easier to prick them onto forks and dip them into the cheese - in this form they will not fall off the fork. And it tastes better if the bread is a little crunchy.

But don't limit yourself to just bread! You can dip whatever you want into hot cheese. Seafood, shrimp and mussels are especially good. For meat lovers - a variety of smoked meats or pieces of boiled beef. Excellent fillings for fondue include diced vegetables, small baked champignons, mini-potatoes, or even fruits that also go well with cheese.

Life hacks for fondue

At the end, we will share with you three useful tips.

Firstly, the Swiss customarily stir the fondue with a large wooden spatula, while making a figure eight, the so-called infinity sign. This is how the cheese mass turns out homogeneous and without lumps. And a wooden spatula prevents the cheese from curdling.

Secondly, when pricking a piece of bread or vegetables on a fork and dipping it into cheese, try to reach the very bottom with the fork. This way, the fondue mixes naturally and won’t burn.

Third, give each guest a plate. After dipping the food into the fondue, you need to slowly twist the fork so that the cheese “wraps” around the piece of bread. But you can’t put it in your mouth right away - it’s hot. To prevent the cheese from dripping, and to make your guests feel calmer, it is better for everyone to put a small plate, especially for insurance against drips. Convenient and safe!

We hope these helpful tips will help you create the perfect wine and cheese fondue!

What is the cheese fondue recipe? What ingredients you need to have for cooking you will find answers to these and other questions in the article. Fondue is a winter Alpine dish. If you want to spend the coming weekend with your family chatting and dipping bread in hot cheese, make some! The instructions below will help you with this.


Few people know the recipe for cheese fondue. Classic fondue is cheese melted in wine, into which dried slices of wheat bread are dipped. It is believed that this dish originated in Switzerland, although it is also popular in other Alpine countries.

Legend has it that fondue was invented by shepherds. But making it without knowing certain subtleties is quite difficult. And yet, anyone can master this skill, since the secrets of creating fondue are not kept secret.


The main ingredient of the dish we are considering is cheese. In Switzerland, up to five types of this product are used, although you can limit yourself to just one. It is important that it belongs to hard cheeses, but is meltable and flexible, does not crumble and has a high fat content.

In Switzerland, preference is given to Emmental, Gruyère, Appenzeller, and Vacherin cheeses. Also great for fondue are “Gouda”, “Lambert”, “Edam”, “Tilsiter”, “Russian”. If desired, you can find another alternative among the products of domestic manufacturers.

Here it is important not to take too hard cheese (it does not melt well) and pickled cheeses. You can also buy a ready-made fondue set.


Everyone wants to learn a cheese fondue recipe. The second important component of this dish is wine. They use only white, sometimes dry, semi-dry. The acid contained in wine helps the cheese melt quickly and gives a unique taste to the dish.

A lot depends on the quality of wine, so you shouldn’t skimp on it. It is necessary not only for creating a dish. After all, fondue is usually washed down with white wine. Some people prepare fondue without wine, although this is already a deviation from the original recipe. For example, at home you can use milk, apple juice or cider, or grape juice.

How to melt cheese in wine?

The recipe for cheese fondue is simple. Typically, the cheese is melted in wine on the stove, placed in a special pot called a caquelon. In common parlance it is called a fondue pot. It comes with a burner, on which it is placed after the cheese has melted and acquired the required consistency.

This is to keep the cheese in a melted state longer. If you want to make fondue without a fondue maker, you need to ensure that the cheese cools for a long time. For this at home, you can use clay pots that maintain the desired temperature for a long time. Just warm them up before placing the cheese in them, pouring 50 ml of water into each and placing them in the microwave for 10 minutes.


Everyone likes the homemade cheese fondue recipe. It is known that for this dish it is advisable to take wheat bread, which does not crumble too much. It’s good to dry it before eating.

The fondue should be served immediately after the cheese has melted. It should not be overcooked, as it will become viscous and dense and will be difficult to chew.

If the cheese mixture separates into liquid and cheese or turns out to be very liquid, add a little starch. If the dish is too thick, thin it with wine.

When you dip your fork into the cheese, twist it slightly so that the piece of bread is completely covered with cheese.

During the meal, you need to make sure that fabric or paper does not come into contact with the burner of the fondue pot, otherwise a fire may occur.

There is no need to serve anything else with the fondue, as this dish is considered self-sufficient. However, you can also put pieces of dried meat and pickled vegetables on the table.

Usually the fondue bowl is placed in the center of the table, dishes with slices of bread are placed next to it, and a special fondue fork and a fondue bowl are placed in front of each guest. The fork is equipped with three prongs. Fork handles often vary in color. This is done so that guests do not confuse their cutlery with someone else’s.

Classic recipe

Now let’s look at the classic recipe for cheese fondue. To create this dish you need to have:

  • 400 g Gruyère cheese;
  • 400 g Emmental cheese;
  • 0.4 l dry white wine;
  • 400 g wheat bread;
  • one clove of garlic;
  • a pinch of nutmeg;
  • a little pepper mixture;
  • a little ground paprika;
  • a pinch of dried onion;
  • a little dried garlic.

Agree, the classic recipe for cheese fondue is very simple. You need to prepare the dish like this:

  • Cut the garlic into two parts.
  • Rub the inside walls of the caquelon with pieces of garlic.
  • Now pour the wine into this container.
  • Next, grate and finely chop the clove of garlic.
  • Place the pot over high heat and boil the wine.
  • Add cheese little by little, stirring the contents of the pot. It is necessary that all the cheese melts.
  • Add prepared spices and garlic, stir. You don't have to add the spices right away. They can be sprinkled on cheese periodically during meals.
  • If you are not satisfied with the consistency of the fondue, dilute it with wine or thicken it with starch, adding half a teaspoon at a time. and stirring the cheese.
  • Has your cheese reached its optimal texture? Move the fondue maker from the stove to a special heating pad.

Now quickly invite guests to the table and enjoy the unique taste of the world-famous Swiss dish and communication. There is no need to throw away the crust remaining on the walls of the pot, as it is very tasty. You can afford to eat it at home without causing discouraged looks.

How to cook without a fondue pot?

So, you already know how to prepare cheese fondue at home. Consider the following recipe. To make the dish we are considering without a fondue pot, you need to have:

  • 0.25 ml white wine;
  • 0.3 kg of hard cheese;
  • a couple of cloves of garlic;
  • starch (as much as needed);
  • spices.

Place a small saucepan over medium heat and rub the bottom and sides with garlic. Pour wine into it and boil it. Now grate the cheese on a fine grater, mix it with one tsp. potato starch. Pour the cheese into the wine in small portions and, stirring, wait until it melts. Bring the fondue to your desired consistency using starch.

Heat ceramic or clay pots for roasting in the microwave or oven, fill them with fondue and place on the table. This simple cheese fondue recipe is one of the most accessible. Here you don’t even need a fondue pot, which not everyone has in their kitchen.

Fondue without wine

Even kids can eat this dish. Everyone needs to learn the recipe for cheese fondue without wine. To create this dish you need to have:

  • half a kilo of Gouda cheese or similar;
  • 0.25 l milk;
  • 100 g cow butter;
  • five egg yolks;
  • spices to taste.

The recipe for cheese fondue without alcohol requires the following steps:

  • Cut the cheese into small pieces, pour in milk and place in the refrigerator for an hour.
  • Place a container of milk and cheese in boiling water. Stirring, cook for half an hour in a water bath.
  • Add cow's butter and cook until the mixture becomes thick.
  • Pour the resulting mixture into the fondue pot. Place it on a special heating pad.
  • Beat the yolks and add them gradually to the cheese mixture.

Now invite your guests to try an amazing cheese treat.

Fondue "Neuchâtel"

The article presents photos of fondue. Many housewives collect recipes for this dish. By the way, you can also add greens and finely chopped champignons to any cheese fondue. This dish will add new shades of taste. How to make Neuchatel fondue? You need to have these ingredients:

  • 450 g Gruyère cheese;
  • 0.3 l dry white wine;
  • one clove of garlic;
  • 225 g Emmental cheese;
  • 10 g potato starch;
  • one tsp. lemon juice;
  • kirsch (1.5 tbsp.);
  • a pinch of nutmeg;
  • ground black pepper (to taste).

This recipe for cheese fondue with wine is very attractive. To make a dish, follow these steps:

  • Rub the inside of the fondue pot with garlic. Coarsely grate the cheeses and stir in the pot. Place over medium heat, add wine, lemon juice and starch. Stir with a wooden spoon in a figure 8 pattern until the cheese is melted.
  • Add nutmeg, kirsch and pepper. Keep on fire until the mass becomes homogeneous. Then place on the burner (the cheese should boil constantly). Dip cubes of bread on long forks into the fondue.

With vegetables

To make cheese fondue with vegetables you need to buy:

This dish should be prepared as follows:

  • Mix flour with cheese.
  • Rub the inside of the pan with garlic, place over medium heat and pour wine into it.
  • Add the cheese before the wine boils. Then nutmeg.
  • Reduce heat to low and stir until cheese is melted and bubbly.
  • Transfer the mixture to a fondue bowl. Stir it from time to time.

Fondue with champagne and three types of cheese

To prepare this dish you need to have:

  • four tsp. corn starch;
  • one tbsp. l. lemon juice;
  • one shallot;
  • 1.25 tbsp. dry champagne;
  • 200 g Gruyère cheese;
  • 85 g Brie cheese;
  • 140 g Emmental cheese;
  • a pinch of nutmeg;
  • a pinch of ground white pepper;
  • one French baguette.

To make this dish, follow these steps:

  • In a small bowl, combine lemon juice and cornstarch.
  • In a heavy-walled saucepan, combine chopped shallots and champagne. Place over medium heat and heat for a couple of minutes.
  • Remove from heat and add finely chopped Brie cheese, as well as all the remaining grated cheese. Mix well. Now add lemon juice and starch.
  • Place the pan over medium heat again, wait for the cheese to melt and simmer for 12 minutes. Add white pepper and nutmeg. Place on the fondue burner and keep the dish warm.
  • Break the bread into small pieces and serve with the dish.

It should be noted that carbonated drinks and hot cheese fondue are not categorically combined. You can also use hard goat cheese instead of cow cheese. This fondue will be sharper and richer; its taste will be identical to blue cheeses with noble mold. Bon appetit!

What is fondue? Cheese melted in white wine, bubbling appetizingly over low heat in a special bowl... But not only that. Fondue does not tolerate loud music, dancing or active recreation. His element is close friends gathered around, talking peacefully, dipping pieces of bread into bubbling cheese and washing down their meal with light wine.

Today we will prepare a classic Swiss fondue with Chef of the Blue Cat restaurant Alexander Loktionov.

What you need

Classic Swiss fondue is made from two types of cheese: Gruyère and Emmental, taken in equal proportions. This is the best combination; the cheeses complement each other perfectly in taste. In our stores, these two varieties are quite available: there is always a large selection of cheese, in chain hypermarkets - for sure.

If you still don’t have these particular cheeses, then you can take any cheese or even several, the main thing is that you like the taste of the selected varieties. “But this will no longer be a classic dish of Swiss shepherds,” warns Alexander Loktionov.


White, dry. It is best to take the wine of the region from which the cheese originated. Therefore, in our case, French is suitable.


It is also sold ready-made. But you can do it yourself. To do this, take a tablespoon of butter, heat it in a frying pan and add 2 tablespoons to the butter. flour. Fry, then gradually add flour to form fatty large crumbs. This mixture is used to tighten sauces; it is also suitable for fondue, so that the cheese mass is not too liquid.

Strong alcohol

The classic version uses 30 ml of cherry kirsch, a colorless distillate from cherries, with a strength of about 40 degrees. “But you can do without strong alcohol at all - it will turn out even tastier,” assures Alexander.

Special dishes

You can't do without it. It is called Caquelon and is not uncommon and can be purchased at stores with a good selection of cookware or at large hardware stores.

It is difficult to replace it, since it is important that the fondue container is heated all the time. There is a burner underneath it. Caquelon can have a ceramic bowl or a cast iron bowl. The second option is more practical - since in such a container you can also prepare meat fondue, using broth.

The fondue set includes forks for dipping the fillings into the cheese and a burner. Sometimes gel or dry burner tablets are included, but most often you will need to purchase them separately.

What to dip

Classic - dried small pieces of bread. They are dried to make it easier to prick them onto forks and dip them into the cheese - in this form they will not fall off the fork. And it tastes better with crusty bread.

In addition, you can dip whatever you want into cheese. Seafood, shrimp and mussels are very tasty. A variety of smoked meats are great. Vegetables cut into cubes, small baked champignons, and tiny potato tubers are simply wonderful as fondue fillings.

Ingredients for cheese fondue

Servings: 2

200 g Gruyere cheese

200 g Emmental cheese

200 ml dry white wine

30 ml cherry kirsch

2-3 cloves of garlic

1 tbsp. butter

3-4 tbsp. flour



It is quite difficult to say exactly how much cheese you need to take per serving. Since the dish is for company. And also for a long evening. Therefore, 2 servings are conditional. If you stay up late, you will have to add cheese mass to the dishes.

What to do

First you need to take a pan with a thick bottom and walls to prepare the cheese mass in it. Since it’s inconvenient to do this in a caquelon, we melt the cheese on the stove.

The cheese must be grated on a coarse grater. Add wine. Crush the garlic cloves and add them to the cheese. Salt, pepper, add nutmeg, pour in the kirsch and add flour puff.

“It’s better to salt the fondue,” says Alexander, “although the cheese is salty, the wine gives acid, so there won’t be enough salt.”

Place on medium heat and stir. Constantly, otherwise it will burn. The cheese does not take long to heat. After the cheese mass has become liquid, it needs to be kept on the fire for another 5-7 minutes. Stirring all the time, reaching with a whisk to the bottom and moving along the walls. So, stir the fondue and add the flour sauté. Gradually. The cheese should thicken a little and linger a little on the whisk when we remove it from the pan.

As soon as the sauce thickens, remove the fondue pan from the heat. Cut a clove of garlic lengthwise and rub it into the cast iron fondue bowl. This is done to prevent the fondue from burning. And throw a pinch of salt to the bottom - for the same purpose.

Then we pour the cheese mass into a fondue pot and take it to the table, where there is already a lit burner, plates with filling are placed, and guests are sitting nearby, waiting.

As is

Prick a piece of bread or shrimp onto a fork and dip it in the cheese, trying to reach the very bottom. This way the cheese is mixed and does not burn.

Then you need to slowly twist the fork so that the cheese “wraps” around the piece of bread. And - bring it to your mouth. But since the cheese is very hot, you can’t put it in your mouth right away; it will burn you. To ensure that the cheese does not drip and the guests feel more comfortable, each person is given a small plate, especially to protect against drips. You need to keep it under a piece of bread in the cheese while you carry the fork from the caquelon to your mouth.

Guests take turns dipping their stuffed forks into the cheese. Thus, the process of eating fondue does not stop; the cheese mass on the fire is constantly mixed and does not burn.

By the way, usually the strength of the fire under the caquelon is regulated. It's best to start by putting it on medium heat. But you may need to add or subtract a little more; it is important to maintain a balance here: the fondue should not cool down, but at the same time it should not burn.