16 personality types described by function. Sociotype, or description of personality types in socionics

Good day everyone! On the path of self-development, it is very important to recognize yourself, sometimes even get to know yourself, because the more we understand about our characteristics, the more conscious our life becomes. Recently, we discussed a topic such as: And today, in addition, I will provide you with a description of 16 types of people that psychotherapists and psychologists usually use.

History of the theory

There is a science called socionics. It was created in 1970 by Aušra Augustinavičiūtė with the aim of studying people and the relationships between them. The basis was the 8 species proposed by K. Jung, as well as the concept of information metabolism by A. Kempinski.

The main idea of ​​this concept is that the process of information exchange between the world and a person is very similar to the metabolism in the body. Mental health is greatly influenced by the quality of information, as is the physiological quality of food. That's why scientists are sounding the alarm about mindless TV watching and gadget addiction.

By the way, have you noticed the relationship between how a person eats and, for example, reads a book? The process of consumption and assimilation, or, as it is also called, assimilation, is very similar. Some people are able to finish a full plate in a couple of minutes, not really enjoying the food, not enjoying the process, but simply gobbling it up.

The perception of something new is the same, they do not bite off some news to check for edibility, but swallow it whole, then suffering from inability to assimilate, constipation, pain and vomiting, in case of disgust. Some are able to make a whole show out of dinner, slowly, dividing it into small pieces and chewing thoroughly.

I won’t torment you with details, if you are interested in getting more information, you can read Aushra's book "Socionics". Lighter reading on this topic: “The potential of personality and the mysteries of human relationships” Alexander Bukalov And "Do what you were born to do" Paul Tiger.

Types according to Jung


Their energy and interest are directed outward, they are very sociable and have difficulty withstanding loneliness, from which they most often escape into any relationship. They are active, so much so that they can easily encourage others to take action, and easily adapt to changes and new conditions. They are risky and commit rash actions, under the influence of emotions or other people. Because they are impulsive, they are easy to manipulate. They rely on the opinions of others about themselves, since recognition and approval are very important.


Their psychology is such that attention is directed deep into themselves, since they have a whole world inside that inspires and gives strength. Because of this, they prefer solitude, which makes them radically different from bright and noisy extroverts. Adapting to changes in the world can sometimes be very difficult, most often due to conservatism. Introverts are excellent conversationalists because they value quality over quantity. Able to concentrate on something for a long time and listen carefully.

3.Touch view

Loves numbers, facts and arguments. More inclined to do than to think, in other words - a practitioner. When communicating, I like to receive precise answers, on topic and briefly. Accordingly, he asks the same questions. Information is absorbed sequentially; it is difficult for such people to perceive it in general, so they first try to sort it into sections, without associations and impressions of the narrator. There may be difficulties with humor, because they understand everything literally, without revealing the veil.


He prefers fantasy to action, which is why he constantly thinks. Relies on the future, as a result of which it does not notice reality or does not attach importance to it. Captures connections between things that seem completely different and incoherent to others. Most often considered misunderstood by others.

5. Thinking temperament

It is more characteristic of men who can be restrained, unperturbed and even under significant circumstances do not lose their composure. As a result, feelings are suppressed, or they are simply not given importance, because the most valuable thing is thinking and all sorts of intellectual formulas.

6. Feeling

Correspondingly, it is more characteristic of women who make some decisions based only on their feelings and the emotions of other people. Sometimes too subjective, but very responsive. Due to increased attention and interest in the lives of other people, they can cause hostility among other species.

7. Decisive

He definitely brings the job to the end, you can rely on him and trust him. It is very difficult to adapt to changes, and it is difficult to endure situations when you need to change your decision or rules. Organized, establishes order, because clarity is important. Able to plan and bear responsibility for decisions made.


Such people are very disorganized, the complete opposite of the previous option. Spontaneous and absent-minded. Life in uncertainty is a normal state of affairs for them. You should not expect them not only to fulfill their obligations, but also to recognize them. They open up best and show their best side if you allow them to work without preparation, impulsively and improvising.

Complete list of 2 species and 16 subspecies


1.Logical-sensory (LSE)

An able-bodied person who knows how to be part of a team and is able to do work together. He plans his activities and always carries them through to the end, despite the difficulties. Can be overly direct, which makes him seem harsh and easily hurt others. He is open and sociable, cares and values ​​his family. The energy, as they say, is “boiling,” so he makes an excellent leader who knows how to motivate employees to achieve and inspires action with his example. Loves noisy companies and parties.

2.Logical-intuitive (LIE)

Prefers active, dynamic and extreme sports. The character is sociable, he looks at the world positively and optimistically. He has a very valuable skill - to determine his capabilities and relate them to reality. In his actions he relies on intuition, he is risky and easy-going, he is very easy to inspire and motivate. She uses modern technologies in her work, as she is always up to date with new products. To develop, he constantly analyzes his actions and mistakes.

3. Ethical-sensory (ESE)

A versatile personality, active and sociable. But at the same time, he is an excellent manipulator; no matter what kind of relationship there is, it is easier and more important for him not to ask, for example, but to manipulate, “push.” He needs recognition and praise, and has the right to it, since he is independent and knows how to achieve success on his own, without enlisting the support of anyone. Capable of sacrificing his own ambitions and interests for the benefit of another person.

4.Ethical-intuitive (EIE)

Excessively emotional, so much so that even gestures and facial expressions are very expressive, sometimes harsh. Emotionality helps them understand the feelings of other people, this ability is called empathy. And thanks to empathy, they recognize lies, insincerity and easily notice inconsistencies between words. Also, trusting their intuition and feelings, they sometimes anticipate some events for which they boldly prepare later. They know how to support, sympathize and just be there. They have difficulties with trust and are extremely jealous.

5.Sensory-logical (SLE)

They make excellent athletes because they achieve success because of their need to win. It is simply their meaning and purpose in life. Even mundane tasks are analyzed for gain and benefit, competed and rivaled. But at the same time, if such a person has planned something, he will not rest until he implements it, and will not retreat from any obstacles; in extreme cases, he will even use force or cunning in order to realize his plans. It is very uncomfortable and unbearable when you find yourself in conditions where you have to obey.

6.Sensory-ethical (SEE)

Like many extroverts, he tries to lead in relationships rather than obey, so he initially chooses people who are weaker than himself, or who have the opposite need - to be led so that the other is responsible. He uses manipulation techniques to satisfy personal interests and most often presents to the world some qualities that, in fact, he does not possess, again to create an image in order to realize his needs.

7. Intuitive-logical (ILE)

He adapts well to changes because he avoids the feeling of routine and everyday life, and he himself is very unstable, as a result of which he often changes conditions in life. Coziness and a feeling of comfort are important. It takes a long time to make a decision until he is convinced of its correctness, having weighed all the pros and cons. Such individuals are essentially just a storehouse of ideas that flow from them in a stream, and at the same time they can clearly explain even the most difficult moments.

8. Intuitive-ethical (IEE)

They are born dreamers and creative people. They are easily offended or hurt because they are very sensitive, so they avoid tense and conflict situations. Routine for them is like death, and to avoid it, they look for entertainment and socialize a lot. They have a great sense of humor and attract cheerful people into their lives who know how to rejoice and enjoy life. They are responsive, and if there is no way to do something, they will at least help with advice.


9.Logical-sensory (LSI)

Such a definition as an introvert already speaks for itself, so it is not surprising that this type of people has a pedantic character. Order and clarity, above all. Prefers privacy and a narrow circle of friends. Will start doing work if he is confident that he will do it perfectly. Those around him trust him, feeling reliable and due to perfectionism. He doesn’t have his head in the clouds, but looks at life and its realities soberly.

10.Logical-intuitive (LII)

They love heart-to-heart conversations and philosophizing, only in a very narrow circle of close people. They are calm and balanced, but when meeting people they may have difficulty communicating; for them this is unbearable in terms of their level of anxiety. They prefer to demonstrate their independence to others. At their core, they are practical people, but when they don’t find a logical explanation for something, they rely on their intuition.

11. Ethical-sensory (ESI)

A fighter for equality, he will defend his principles and views to the last. He often analyzes his mistakes and finds fault with his personality. Aware, which helps him notice the insincerity and falsehood of other people. Loyal, always ready to stand up for his loved ones, even if the battle is unequal.

12. Ethical-intuitive (EII)

They make excellent teachers and educators because they know how to support and recognize the talents of other people, helping them develop. They love to read, study and generally engage in self-development. There is a need for intimacy, trust and love, and sometimes it is too exposed, bringing suffering. They do not forgive betrayals, betrayals and lies in general. For them, the very concept of the word anger and aggression causes anxiety and fear, so they avoid conflict situations in every possible way.

13.Sensory-logical (SLI)

This type of person experiences the world primarily through sensations, so they choose a profession that allows them to work with their hands and use motor skills. For example, builders, engineers. They prefer to stick to the plan, bringing the job to an end and completing it on time. They don’t like to obey, and difficulties create excitement instead of resistance and a desire to give up.

14.Sensory-ethical (SEI)

A simple, open person. He loves to have fun, joke and he manages to enjoy life, even if the day is similar to another. He has altruistic characteristics, he may well work as a volunteer, participate in charity events, and even on the street he will not pass by an old woman with a heavy bag without offering his help. She values ​​her personal space, not allowing anyone to violate it, while respecting other people’s personal boundaries.

15. Intuitive-logical (OR)

A person loves solitude to reflect, to be in silence; at such moments he recovers and gains strength. He can safely be called an erudite, as he is a “walking encyclopedia.” He is very neat and values ​​order. In relationships, he is cautious and does not let anyone get close to him for a long time until he is convinced that he can be trusted.

16. Intuitive-ethical (IEI)

These creative people simply love to dream, read or write poetry. They attach great importance to appearance and are ready to spend their last money on new clothes just to attract the attention of the opposite sex. And, by the way, they succeed very well. They love rest, to lie around and indulge in their favorite pastime - dreams and fantasies.


If you couldn’t decide which type you are, it’s okay, you can take a test online, for example, the Myers-Briggs test. If you are interested in this topic, please write in the comments, I will be happy to discuss. Good luck to you on your path of self-development!


A person who is determined by the relative arrangement of functions. Socionics considers 16 types of information metabolism, or sociotypes.

The sociotype determines a person’s capabilities when interacting with the surrounding reality and, in particular, in relationships with people, his strengths and weaknesses. Each type has its own strengths and weaknesses, characteristics, way of thinking and decision-making, outlook on life and values. People from completely different strata of the population can have the same types: a politician, a scientist, a street child, and many others. But they are united by similar reactions to similar situations, similar views on life.

According to socionic theory, a person’s sociotype remains unchanged throughout life, although the information content of various functions and aspects may change.

Logic/ethics dichotomy

Deals with information queue. Even any communication for a logician is primarily an exchange of information. “So many words and no specifics. Let’s talk about the matter already?”

Trusts facts, judges according to parameters: right - wrong, logical - not logical, fair - unfair. “I promised, so I will do it” Talks about facts, about givens. Valid by agreement, by law. Usually “standard” facial expressions and gestures.

The logician is unsure of his relationships with people: who likes him and who doesn’t. He judges others by their actions, listens to what they tell him, not how.

Usually jumps to facts and logical conclusions, even when asked about human relationships.

Deals with energy. For ethics, communication is an exchange of energy. Judges by the intonation, facial expressions, and gestures of the interlocutor. He looks at how the interlocutor speaks, pays less attention to what exactly. “He just said “Hello,” but everything was immediately clear to me.”

Judges by parameters: moral - immoral, humane - not humane. He talks about people, about relationships, even when the questions are logical: “What do I do?” Oh, we have a very friendly team! Such wonderful people.” Competent in the field of human relationships. Acts according to the heart and mood. Very varied facial expressions, lively.

A logician needs an ethicist in order to maintain his mood, improve relationships, and encourage him. Help to understand interpersonal problems, inspire. An ethicist can suggest a line of behavior, what position is best to take in communicating with certain people.

An ethicist needs a logician to find out the expediency or inexpediency of actions, calculate costs, identify logical connections, help deal with logical information: laws, technologies, etc.

In a work team, it is easier for a logician to draw up business plans, allocate resources, and develop concepts. An ethicist is better able to find an approach to people, motivate them, and maintain the atmosphere in the team.

Sensing/intuition dichotomy

Lives here and now, lives in a world of concrete sensations. Well versed in the sensations of his own body. His own territory, things, objects are important to him. He can work long and hard and finish what he started. Can lead people, achieve what is required from someone. Worries about unpredictability, worries about what lies ahead.

“Spreads” over time, lives in the world of ideas and thoughts. Feels probabilities and can predict the development of events. He does not pay as much attention to his own space, and cannot always defend his opinion by force for a long time. Feels ideas and trends, “snatches” them out of thin air. He is usually not very good at getting others to listen to him. Cannot enjoy the moment, does not feel the sensations of his body very well when he is sick or does not feel well.

A sensory person needs an intuition in order to understand where the situation is leading, what course is best to choose, what alternatives exist.

An intuitive person needs a sensor to help him defend his opinion and bring things to an end. In addition, the sensor will tell the intuition when and how to pay attention to your health.

Dichotomy of rationality/irrationality

Has a goal, gets things done. Aimed at preserving traditions and patterns, both logical and ethical. Prone to planning, the absence of a plan gives a feeling of instability and uncertainty.

Easily changes the goal or can exist without a specific goal at all. Destroys existing norms, does things in his own way. Doesn't like plans, any plan limits.

This world needs rationals in order to maintain stability and pass on traditions.

The world needs irrationals to find new ways where old ones are no longer effective.

Extroversion/introversion dichotomy

Moves from the particular to the general. Operates with objective facts. Can cover a large amount of new information. Can easily communicate with several people at once, even with a crowd. Focused on wasting energy. Expands the field of its activities. Objective perception of reality.

Moves from the general to the specific. He talks about his opinion, his views. “Loads” each new external object into itself. Communicates one-on-one with a specific person, has difficulty maintaining attention on more than three people. Focused on energy conservation. He tends to deepen and detail what he undertakes. Subjective perception.

An introvert needs an extrovert to show him how wide this world is; an extrovert brings new information into the introvert’s world and supports it with its energy. An extrovert expands the field of an introvert.

An extrovert needs an introvert to help focus on a specific issue, to refine and bring to mind what the extrovert started. And also to show that not everything is from the outside, a lot is also inside. An introvert channels the energy of an extrovert.

16 socionic types

When dividing the entire socion into four Jungian dichotomies (logic-ethics, intuition-sensory, extraversion-introversion, irrationality-rationality), 16 socionic types are formed:

  • "Don Quixote", “Seeker” - intuitive-logical extrovert (logician, intuitive, extrovert, irrational)
  • "Dumas", “Mediator” - sensory-ethical introvert (ethicist, sensory, introvert, irrational)
  • "Hugo", “Enthusiast” - ethical-sensory extrovert (ethical, sensory extrovert, rational)
  • "Robespierre"(Descartes), “Analyst” - logical-intuitive introvert (logician, intuitive, introvert, rational)
  • "Hamlet", “Mentor” - ethical-intuitive extrovert (ethicist, intuitive, extrovert, rational)
  • "Maxim Gorky", “Inspector” - logical-sensory introvert (logical, sensory, introvert, rational)
  • "Zhukov", “Marshal” - sensory-logical extrovert (logician, sensory, extrovert, irrational)
  • "Yesenin", “Lyric” - intuitive-ethical introvert (ethicist, intuitive, introvert, irrational)
  • "Napoleon"(Caesar), “Politician” - sensory-ethical extrovert (ethicist, sensory, extrovert, irrational)
  • "Balzac", “Critic” - intuitive-logical introvert (logician, intuitive, introvert, irrational)
  • "Jack London", “Entrepreneur” - logical-intuitive extrovert (logical, intuitive, extrovert, rational)
  • "Dreiser", “Keeper” - ethical-sensory introvert (ethical, sensory, introvert, rational)
  • "Stirlitz", “Administrator” - logical-sensory extrovert (logical, sensory, extrovert, rational)
  • "Dostoevsky", “Humanist” - ethical-intuitive introvert (ethicist, intuitive, introvert, rational)
  • "Huxley", “Adviser” - intuitive-ethical extrovert (ethicist, intuitive, extrovert, irrational)
  • "Gaben", “Master” - sensory-logical introvert (logician, sensory, introvert, irrational)

Knowledge of sociotypes is useful as clues about the strengths and weaknesses of a person, but referring to your type by refusing to do something that is difficult is dishonest and indecent. In a normal organization, it would never occur to any employee to say: “I’m a sensory person, so I won’t think about planning for the day, week and month.” Likewise, it would be strange to hear: “I’m intuitive, so I can’t follow through with things.” At a certain level of personal development, conversations “I’m intuitive - I’m sensory” are no longer appropriate.

Incredible facts

What type of woman are you? Let's first understand the basic psychological personality types.

The Myers-Briggs typology is one of the most accurate ways to determine personality type, confirmed by science.

It was developed by researchers Isabel Myers And Katherine Briggs based on the theory of personality types created by the famous psychotherapist Carl Jung.

To date Myers-Briggs test is the most used psychological tool in the world.

Based on the test answers, all people can be divided into 16 personality types in accordance with 4 scales:

    Introversion (I) or Extraversion (E)

    Feeling (S) or Intuition (N)

    Thinking (T) or Feeling (F)

    Judgment (J) or Perception (P)

Read also:

Knowing your 4-letter personality type on the above scales will help you better understand your strengths and weaknesses, choose the right profession and build relationships.

16 personality types test

If you don't know your Myers-Briggs personality type, try this short 4-question test.

1. You get energy

    When you are around people (E)

    You need to gain strength away from people ( I )

2. Which description suits you best?

    You rely on facts, details, live in the present ( S )

    You are a dreamer, prefer theories, concepts, abstract thoughts (N)

3. How do you make decisions?

    You make objective decisions, regardless of how you feel in a situation, and deal well with conflicts. ( T )

    You make decisions by listening to your heart, intuition, and do not like conflicts ( F )

4. How do you plan

    Plan everything in advance, organizer (J)

    Flexible person without a specific plan, go straight to action, decide according to the situation (P)

For each of the four questions, choose one option and the letter that corresponds to it. As a result, you should receive a four-letter code indicating what personality type you are (eg INFP).

But what this will tell you about what kind of psychological type of women you are.


You are a female accomplice. Whatever unknown adventure you are called to, and whatever crazy idea your chosen one comes up with, you are not only all for it, but also rejoice the most.

In love you are the same as in everything else - passionate and do not tolerate restrictions. Your lover will never have to guess what feelings you have for him, whether you are interested in a relationship and whether you are ready for new adventures. You need adrenaline no less, and maybe even more, than he does.


You are a passionate woman. No one is capable of loving as deeply and all-consumingly as you. It is important for you to know everything about your chosen one - his fears, desires, deep wounds.

You are one of the women who need very close communication with their partner. You are used to expressing your love not only with words, but also with actions and through creativity. The object of your admiration often becomes an inspiration for the creation of poetry, music and any other form of art.


You are a caring woman. Happiness for you lies in being fully involved in your lover's life. You are ready to help him grow and develop, becoming a faithful friend on the path to his success.

You will do everything possible to make your partner feel comfortable in your relationship and not complain about anything. In a romantic relationship, you become a real psychologist. If a man is happy, then you are happy.


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You are a woman who loves to death. You are not interested in casual relationships, and if you choose someone, it is only because you see a future next to this person.

Having made a choice, you will be close to your loved one no matter what the difficulties. You always strive to understand your partner on a deep level and support him in all his endeavors. You look at relationships as teamwork and are ready to put all your efforts into making them work.


You are a resilient woman. You are an incredibly strong person who needs an equally strong partner. Men (and women) know that you won't waste your time on meaningless connections.

They need to really show what they are worth and really impress you. If this happens, then you will be the most devoted lover, and are ready to go to the end, expecting the same in return. You need a man who is not afraid to take responsibility.


You are an impeccable woman. You are not one of those who will lose your temper, forget promises and shirk responsibility. You are the one you can rely on.

If you're in a relationship, you're completely committed and there's nothing you're not willing to do for it. You are a fairly mature person, ready for a serious relationship and will not settle for less.


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You are a wild woman. The soul of any company and the center of everyone's attention. Don't be afraid to make some noise and turn everything upside down.

Your chosen one knows that relationships with you are never boring. You are always in the thick of things, leading an active life and always on the move. Every new day with you is an adventure, and they love you for it.


You are an independent woman. You need a lot of space to do your own thing, and you will only be happy with an equally self-sufficient partner.

Although you like to relax and have fun sometimes, you are ultimately most comfortable relying on yourself. Men value your independence and know that if you chose someone, it was only because you truly love him, and not just to be with someone.


You are a cool woman. You are witty and know how to approach everything with a healthy dose of lightheartedness. It is this attitude that attracts many fans to you.

Anyone who wants to be with you must be willing to break the rules. You are fast and few can keep up with you. But at the same time, you are not ready to wait for anyone and just move on.


© Artem Varnitsin

You are a smart woman. Books have become your first love in life, and you are not interested in dating someone who does not have the same thirst for knowledge.

The man with whom you are ready to build a relationship should understand many things, be able to participate in discussions and not stop growing and developing with you. You cannot be called a very romantic person, because you love with both your heart and your mind. And it makes you damn attractive.


You are a strong woman. You know how to pull yourself together when necessary, and never lose your temper. Taking risks is in your blood, and potential suitors must either accept it or have nothing to look for next to you.

You are ready to enter into a relationship only with an equal partner and do not settle for less. You set a high bar for your partners because, first of all, you are just as demanding of yourself.


You are a challenging woman. It's not that you lack caring, love, and support. It’s just that for you, love manifests itself precisely in the fact that you push yourself and your partner to become better.

You constantly generate new ideas and help your partner see things from a different perspective. To love means to develop together, and the right person will definitely love you for it.


You are a rock woman. In simple terms, you are a potential wife. You know what you want in a relationship and don’t waste yourself on fleeting connections, preferring to build long-term relationships.

You put your all into the relationship. If you have met a person with whom you see a future together, you will do everything to make your relationship happy.


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Are you a woman with traditional views on life?. The point is not that you are behind the times, but that you believe in real relationships.

When a man, through his actions, wins the attention of a lady, courtes her and demonstrates worthy behavior. You lose yourself in the relationship and expect the same from your partner. Nobility and romance will not disappear as long as you walk the Earth.


You are a sensitive woman. You easily read a man’s mood, needs and desires, perceive his problems as your own and always feel the mood in a relationship.

Although sensitivity may hinder you in other areas of your life, it is in your relationships that it is at its best. You can always tell when there is friction and misunderstanding between you and your significant other and are ready to make things right.


HYSTEROID is an upstart for whom it is important to be the center of attention. This type receives energy for life from the outside, by receiving emotions from others. At best, emotions of admiration, but if this is difficult, then any emotions will suit him. If ignored, he achieves his “doping” with hysterics, hence the definition of this type.

Many other psychotypes build this quality into themselves and cultivate it, because the hysterical model of behavior attracts more attention, fans, and social significance to the individual.

Appearance of a hysteroid

  1. Brightness, contrast with others. It is important for him to be different from everyone else.
  2. Plasticity - light, relaxed gait, flexibility of the hands, ease.

Facial expressions and pantomimics of a hysteroid

  1. He always fits his role. He instantly grasps what role he needs to get used to, and instantly turns out to be who he needs.
  2. Often overplays, getting overly involved in the game. Sometimes he instantly leaves the character as soon as the need to shine with his acting talent disappears.
  3. He is flirtatious, constantly flirts, shows off, shines, is able to carry on a conversation on any topic, but does not have deep knowledge. Therefore, when he needs to delve deeper into a topic, he prefers to change the audience so as not to be branded stupid.

Thinking and speech of a hysteroid

  1. Easily suggestible, overly emotional. It’s easy to catch him emotionally and persuade him to cooperate. This is exactly the “spy’s find” that the proverb refers to.
  2. There are many “I”s, he is not able to talk about anyone other than himself. Constantly draws attention to himself and his loved one.
  3. Good creative thinking, great imagination. Talks a lot about nothing.
  4. The erudition is extensive, but not deep. Under no circumstances should you be an accountant or other responsible employee.
  5. Unusually artistic, always in different images. All for the sake of attracting more attention (energy).

Communication and behavior of a hysteroid

  1. Superficiality - it is easier to change the flock than to delve deeper into the topic of conversation.
  2. Ability to interest
  3. Great manipulative abilities
  4. He loves gifts, although he can flirtatiously declare that gifts are not important to him. For this type, gifts are more important than for a representative of any other psychological type.
  5. Scandalist, starts with half a turn.


3. Showbiz figure

5. Seller. Variety and attention from others are very important.



EPILEPTID- prone to seizures, to a state of passion, irritable. Aimed at preserving information and one’s own well-being. Achieves this by establishing order and control everywhere.

Routine is very important for him, sleep, food, sex on a schedule. Anyone who brings discord into his life is an enemy. This psychotype can be compared to a balloon that is constantly inflating and is about to burst. It is important for him to constantly deflate in order to avoid an explosion.

An individual in this category is greedy for representatives of the opposite sex to satisfy natural physiological needs, loves food because it helps maintain vital activity and health, loves order in business, because everything should be in order and that’s right. Often he teaches others about life.

He doesn't like displays of emotion. All government bodies are built according to their template, that is, everything is according to instructions. They make good accountants and administrators.

It has a scanner running all the time. He subconsciously identifies strong people, identifies weaknesses in a person and knows how to use this information for his own benefit.

Very executive type, controlling, disciplined. Will succeed where you need to dig deep. A good specialist with a narrow profile.

Appearance of the epileptoid:

  1. Strong constitution, well-developed muscle mass. Athletic build.
  2. A well-defined chin, a strong jaw, possibly thick eyebrows and powerful brow ridges.
  3. Heavy look
  4. Short functional hairstyle
  5. Accuracy
  6. Clothes according to the script. That is, if it is customary in a certain place to be dressed in something specific, he will dress exactly like that. Even if the situation turns out that circumstances have changed. For example, the weather is not right. But he will endure the weather, but he will dress correctly.

Facial expressions and pantomimics of an epileptoid:

  1. Discreet
  2. Limited by certain stereotypes
  3. Harshness with those who prevent him from performing certain functions and distract him from performing his duty

Thinking and speech of an epileptoid:

  1. Clearly focused on action, not on empty blah blah. These are the ideal military. In moments of danger, the brain turns off and reflexes turn on. Without panic, he resolves issues as they arise.
  2. The individual depends on physiological needs - food, sleep, sex.
  3. Rough or neutral progressive
  4. Clumsiness, clumsiness
  5. Doesn't like to explain

Communication and behavior of an epileptoid:

  1. Responsibility. But if they sit on his neck, he quickly notices it and gets rid of the manipulator mercilessly
  2. Subordination, difficult to let people into your circle. Very restrained in expressing feelings.
  3. It is even possible to be aggressive to test the recruit's strength. Thus, he weeds out those who are not suitable for him.
  4. Vengefulness, remembers the insult for a long time
  5. Strives to control everything
  6. Can't sell

Emotions, feelings of an epileptoid:

  1. The process of discharge is important, there will be no tenderness
  2. Manipulates partner


1. Monotonous affairs (accounting, tax accounting, administration)

2. Power structures (army, police)

3. Local officials

4. Security guards



PARANOYAL- called upon to carry out global reform, to transform the world. Able to manage human resources in order to achieve a great goal. Without pity, without conscience, he will walk over the bones to complete the task.

Unlike the previous type, he knows the goal, but does not know HOW to go towards it. But having chosen a direction, he will achieve his goal, no matter what the cost. He inspires and motivates those around him to carry out their own programs.

He is inclined towards a Spartan lifestyle and thinks little about health. The stomach often “flies”, thanks to hard work and dedication in the name of an idea.

It is dangerous to get help from him. When he needs it, he will receive the debt in the amount that he needs. He has no irreplaceable people. As soon as one person (cog) wears out, he will replace it with another.

He can easily steal an idea, he is a workaholic, cruel and without rules.

Appearance of paranoid:

  1. Tension, officialdom, like a core.
  2. Commitment to style, depending on your own goal. Carries his idea through clothes.
  3. Status of your own style

Facial expressions and pantomimics of the paranoid:

  1. Total suppression of emotions
  2. Cynical, suspicious look (tense lower eyelid)
  3. Lips become thinner thanks to self-control
  4. Motivating gestures, wider than those of an epileptoid
  5. Slashing movements
  6. There is an accusation in the speech, very suspicious

Thinking and speech of the paranoid:

  1. Not suggestible. To influence him, it is necessary to destroy the halo of the goal, to introduce a shadow of doubt. Another way is to hint at the transience of life, that he may not have time to complete his mission on earth.
  2. Speech is smooth, strong, reasoned, inspiring
  3. Able to persuade
  4. Focused on business

Emotional and sensual sphere of the paranoid:

  1. There is no time for love, he chooses a partner according to necessity - who is more suitable for the business.
  2. Wedding - staged for the right people
  3. Uses a partner to achieve his own goals, often very cynically
  4. This is a strategist; a hysterical steroid is most suitable for him in a partnership - it will work as a beautiful screen in his affairs. Or the epileptoid is the executor of his grandiose plans.


1. Lawyer

2. Career growth is important. Salesperson with the opportunity to become a director

3. Politician

4. High level official

Motto: “The end justifies the means”


EMOTIVE- the man is God's dandelion. He treats everything around him kindly. He wants to harmonize and humanize everything around him.

This is a brilliant actor, because he does not dress up the role, but lives the life of the hero he plays. They have extraordinary empathy for people, they are very sensitive to any manifestations of lies. But they will never offend their partner with suspicion.

A person does not know how to refuse people, and those around him take advantage of this. Often the emotive person promises more than he can deliver due to his inability to say NO. This implies that he is not obligated; he simply cannot do some things.

This is the most faithful psychotype. He will never cheat on his partner, he will wait for him all his life if fate separates them. Often they love unrequitedly, while the other party lives with another partner.

If an emotional person flares up, he then becomes very worried, tormented by a feeling of guilt, etc.

Appearance of emotive:

  1. Dresses with taste, cute, aesthetically pleasing, harmonious, comfortable. The tones are calm and soft.
  2. Women most often have long hair
  3. No contrasts
  4. Correct facial features

Facial expressions and pantomimics of the emotive:

  1. Sad, mournful, heartfelt.
  2. Sincerity, naturalness
  3. Kindness, honesty
  4. Romance
  5. Tact

Emotive thinking and speech:

  1. Reflects the premonitions and experiences of the individual
  2. Quiet
  3. Melodic
  4. Apologetic
  5. Competent
  6. Knows how to listen

Communication and behavior of emotive:

  1. Goodwill
  2. Statement
  3. Hyperresponsibility
  4. Shyness, shyness
  5. Patience
  6. Reliability
  7. Sacrifice
  8. Inability to say NO
  9. Guilt
  10. Love is a deep feeling
  11. Can't lie


1. Teacher, educator

2. Nanny, nurse, doctor

3. Psychologist

4. Designer

5. Actor, poet, artist

Motto: “Guys, let’s live together”


HYPERTIME- eternal child. Lives to gain new emotions through high social activity.

He lives quickly and immediately enters into communication. This is an emotional addict, he feeds on new impressions and adrenaline. Loves adventures.

Rarely works in one place, on one project. Freedom is important to him.

This is an ideal seller as long as there is a sense of newness

Thinking and speech hyperthymia:

  1. Focus on immediate resolution of issues
  2. Excitedly
  3. Adrenaline junkie, joint inside
  4. “Simplicity is worse than theft.” He may give out confidential information without thinking about the consequences.
  5. Emotionally colored

Treatment and behavior of hyperthymia:

  1. Non-binding
  2. Focus on emotions and novelty
  3. Unreliability
  4. Love is like entertainment. Pickup, Free Love - for him
  5. Noisy, restless, like all children
  6. Active
  7. Positive, sociable, adrenaline junkie

Appearance of hyperthyma:

  1. Functional (dressed to go everywhere). Ingratiates oneself, but cannot be placed in responsible positions
  2. Some confusion due to haste

Facial expressions and pantomimics hypertim:

  1. Movable, bright
  2. Other-oriented
  3. Fast-paced, full of ideas. It is important to write down these ideas, otherwise the hypertrim quickly switches and gets distracted.
  4. Widespread
  5. Charging


1. Tour guide

2. Teacher, counselor

3. Animator, toastmaster at a wedding

Motto: “Oh, grief is not a problem!”


SCHIZOID- strange, “out of this world.” They live in their own world and seem not entirely adequate from the point of view of other people. A striking example is Dr. Brown from the movie "Back to the Future".

Constantly looking for something new. This new thing will not necessarily be practical or necessary, but he is fully involved in the process.

Society does not accept him, he is an object of ridicule. Therefore, a schizoid person often withdraws into himself and goes into the virtual world of the Internet. No one understands him, so he rejoices and opens up to those who understand him. It is through this channel that it is easy to gain confidence in him.

He doesn't understand life. Having started one thing, you may end up with the opposite. A creative person, trying to understand everything, a deep inner world. He doesn't feel time. Order is not necessary for him.

Thinking and speech of a schizoid:

  1. Philosophizing
  2. Designing something new that doesn’t exist yet. Not necessarily useful
  3. Non-standard
  4. Doesn't know life
  5. Slurred speech
  6. Confusion of the speech algorithm

Communication, behavior of schizoid

  1. Not clear
  2. Communicates with someone who understands him
  3. Irresponsibility
  4. We hurt easily
  5. Internalizes stereotypes

Schizoid appearance:

  1. Hoodie, hood, headphones
  2. Something new, non-standard
  3. Untidy
  4. Ungroomed hairstyle
  5. Strange, it's a black sheep
  6. Possible beard
  7. Hands get in the way
  8. Unusual pose
  9. Loves backpacks and big bags

Facial expressions and pantomimics of the schizoid

  1. This is an orchestra in which everyone plays whatever they want.
  2. Doesn't understand his size, so he's quite clumsy
  3. Splitting - can be in several processes at once
  4. Complexly structured speech
  5. Doesn't understand jokes, reacts inappropriately


1. Programmer

2. Inventor, if you have the ability

3. Minimal communication with people



PSYCHASTHENOID- an unusually timid and indecisive person. He will spend hours talking about empty, uninteresting things in order not to take decisive action. He is more afraid of making decisions than nuclear war. He is terribly suspicious, shy, always afraid for his loved ones, which can drive them crazy. An ideal performer, trouble-free at work. What everyone and anyone is using.

Appearance of psychasthenoid

  1. Just in case, he is pedantically careful, because he is afraid of trouble. With the help of an impeccable appearance, he tries to neutralize additional fears
  2. The tones of clothing are gray and beige. Tries to be inconspicuous so as not to attract attention to himself
  3. He wears the same clothes for a long time, which is why he lags behind fashion.
  4. Women hide their hair in a ponytail or bun. They say about such women: “Gray mouse.”

Facial expressions and pantomimics of the psychasthenoid

  1. Without strong emotions
  2. Extremely indecisive
  3. Often there is a frozen emotion of sadness on the face
  4. The movements are minimally sweeping, not completed.

Thinking and speech of a psychasthenoid

  1. Speaks quietly, hesitantly, “eats” the end of words
  2. Stutters
  3. Does not use gestures to illustrate speech
  4. When talking, does not make eye contact, lowers jaw
  5. Does not expect attentive attention from people. And if someone took care of him, the psychasthenoid will remember this for the rest of his life

Communication and behavior of a psychasthenoid

  1. He never asks for anything because he is afraid of refusal.
  2. Prefers solitude
  3. Finds a more courageous and decisive person, and voluntarily submits to him
  4. Loyal in friendship, as he finds it difficult to get along with new people


HYPOTHYME- a terribly negative, pessimistic type. Moreover, with low self-esteem. Depression is his eternal state. Eternal self-digging drives him to madness.

Appearance of hypothyma

  1. Treats everyone with caution, takes offense for a long time at the slightest provocation
  2. Direly needs friends to complain about life, but pushes everyone away
  3. Makes new acquaintances with difficulty, practically does not make them at all

Facial expressions and pantomimics hypothyma

  1. Always sad and angry. Emotions of sadness and anger on the face
  2. Tries to be less visible to avoid possible shocks
  3. Behind the mask of a bore, he can show affection and support to loved ones. But he doesn’t know how to accept gratitude, so after he’s helped, he may leave or even become rude.

Thinking and speech hypothyma

  1. Doesn't like and doesn't know how to communicate
  2. Avoids people
  3. Speech is poorly developed, although he may be well-informed intellectually

Communication and behavior of hypothyma

  1. Never expects anything good
  2. Can ruin the mood of any person, even the most positive one
  3. Constantly analyzes his mistakes, even the most insignificant ones. Inflates them to the size of the Universe and suffers. He counts himself among the losers, and revels in his torment.
  4. Works conscientiously and is especially critical of the results of his work
  5. Chooses a profession where he can be in solitude and peace

Hypotyma's motto: “Not everything is as bad as it seems. Everything is much worse."


CONFORMAL- a representative of the gray mass of opportunists. He quickly changes his mind as soon as he comes under the influence of a new leader. Always supports someone whom he sees as an authoritative person.

Appearance of conformal

  1. Like everyone else

Facial expressions and pantomimics of conformal

  1. Ingratiating

Conformal thinking and speech

  1. Never have an opinion
  2. Captures the general mood of the crowd well and clearly voices the general opinion

Communication and behavior of conformist

  1. Tries to be convenient for the one he considers a leader

The motto is “Think like everyone else, do like everyone else, and have everything be like everyone else.”


UNSTABLE- extremely mobile, unable to concentrate. Absolutely no opinion of his own, and easily subject to the influence of any person.


ASTHENIC- extremely tired, painful, suspicious. An unusually capricious greenhouse flower.

No. 13. LABILE

LABILE- a person with severe mood swings from minor events. Any little thing can make him angry, at the same time the same little thing brings him into a state of joyful ecstasy


CYCLOID- a person with cyclical mood swings. Absolutely unpredictable and unbalanced. The mood changes for no apparent reason. In life it is very difficult to communicate.


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Scientists: Don Quixote, Jack London, Robespierre, Balzac

Don Quixote. Intuitive-logical extrovert, ILE

1. Pie in the sky. He sees prospects and opportunities very well. What has been done always seems insignificant to him in comparison with the prospects that are opening up, which it is impossible to refuse and cannot be exhausted. I am inclined not to publish scientific work indefinitely, believing that the main results are still to come. He lives for the sake of the future, the lack of recognition does not bother him for the time being. He does what is interesting, not what is profitable.

2. Recharging. Needs constant emotional uplift and excitement. To do this, he needs continuous sensory-emotional “pumping”. He cannot provide it himself; therefore, he strongly depends on the environment. If there is no dual nearby who feeds him with impressions, he becomes sour with positive emotions, loses his ability to work and his taste for life. Sometimes, instead of just one dual, he contacts a large number of friends, conducts active social activities, creates clubs or scientific schools.

3. Supervisor. A good organizer because he sees the potential of people and situations. Needs justification: why exactly he is in power: a critical situation in which no one else can cope /Churchill became prime minister at the most difficult moment of the war for England and was re-elected immediately after its end/, the choice of the most manageable, an appointment from above. Begins by analyzing the interest of subordinates. He tries to do everything for them and only then demands /Suvorov/.

4. Servant. Dependence on the emotional field of others is expressed in extreme compliance when it comes to little things and everyday life. Moreover, the attention freed up in this case can be switched to his favorite pastime - comprehending the essence of things and phenomena. Doesn't divide people into friends and foes. He tries to be equally useful to everyone.

5. Undifferentiated feeling. Believes that all people are good and kind, everyone loves each other. He is quite funny when the situation requires initiative in showing feelings - he does not understand this at all.

6.Danger. Thrilling sensations recharge him in the same way as the good emotions of others. The more emotions and panic there are, the more active and confident he is. Don Quixote cannot be intimidated - this leads to the opposite effect. Willingly takes responsibility in critical situations. But in peaceful, calm conditions, he loses confidence in his right to occupy a responsible post. He can't stand the competition and leaves.

7. Loves familiarity, but does not show initiative in this; he expects it from others.

Jack London. Logical-intuitive extrovert, LIE

1. Time doesn't wait. A tireless worker, he enjoys doing science or any other objective matter. He does everything very quickly, the work is in full swing in his hands. He even walks in a peculiar way - bouncing a little, and if possible, he prefers to run. Jack London himself changed many professions in life: peddler, worker, prospector, sailor, writer. It was self-immolation - in the name of art and in the name of success.

2. Romantic. Very often engaged in mountaineering and tourism. He is drawn to distant distances, he is the first to rush into all dubious enterprises. He often fabricates romantic adventures and then believes in them. These fictions usually have a real prototype in life. Loves to demonstrate his fearlessness. His carelessness in appearance is also like a brave challenge to everyone.

3. Absent-minded Professor. Due to his developed abstract thinking, he is inattentive to appearance. He always walks disheveled, completely trusts his partner’s taste, and allows him to boss him around in everyday life. He can’t stand being looked at point-blank / that’s why his dual Dreiser avoids looking his interlocutor in the eye/. After all, because of his inattention to his surroundings, he does not understand how others see him, he is always unsure of his appearance and is a little worried about his imaginary ugliness. He needs a partner with a developed aesthetic sense, whose taste can be trusted; he needs to feel that he likes me, despite the fact that his taste is developed, picky and even pretentious.

4. Optimist. Reacts quickly to everything that evokes emotions - especially positive ones. He is programmed to raise the mood of his, always, as it were, slightly frightened or angry dual. Constantly radiates friendliness, positive emotions, and smiles. He tries to make him laugh, disturbs and tugs his partner in every possible way until he provokes a reaction from him - positive or negative. Otherwise, it does not receive information about its status. Loves to tell and discuss what he read and heard. It is easy for him to approach a stranger.

Robespierre. Logical-intuitive introvert, LII

1. I think - therefore I exist. A person with developed logic and a strong ability to analyze. He knows how to logically get to the bottom of phenomena and reveal their internal structure. A representative of this type, Carl Gustav Jung, developed the foundations of the typology used in socionics. “Providence created me for quiet office work, giving it all the delight of my soul,” said Thomas Jefferson, during whose presidency the territory of the United States almost doubled. He considers all life situations from a logical point of view.

2. "Justice is my craft." A type of revolutionary or political conspirator. In a conflict situation, a committee is organized to combat the offender. Believes that everything in the world should be logical, and therefore fair. Capable of neglecting his own benefit and safety while protecting the offended. Places higher demands on himself. It is impossible not to take care of him: he will simply bring himself to exhaustion. Garibaldi, Robespierre, Dzerzhinsky, Jefferson are revolutionaries who dedicated themselves to the idea.

3. Ascetic. Has an extremely unyielding appearance. Often - a piercing gaze from under the overhanging forehead. He hardens himself by accustoming himself to cold, hunger, deprivation and the disapproving attitude of others. The only thing in which he willingly obeys his partner is in matters of clothing, taste, and everyday life. Having to do this himself irritates him. Usually doesn't notice what he's wearing. Does not tolerate any command. His dual Hugo, as if not knowing this, involves Robespierre in the work not by direct instructions, but by starting to fuss and make a lot of unnecessary movements. After this, Robespierre turns on and the work goes quickly, logically and well. He himself is not very proactive, closed and silent. 4.

4. Sissy. His selflessness in defending justice becomes especially amazing considering that he has an aversion to anything that disturbs the quiet and measured course of his life. He is very careful about his health. Thus, Rene Descartes “considered the health of the body as the main benefit of this life after truth.” In his youth, he is often inclined to a cheerful lifestyle with friends, cards, and drinking. Then he comes to the conclusion that he needs. Not particularly ambitious, but does not tolerate being passed over for promotion - out of the same sense of justice. He finds himself in a particularly difficult situation, having ended up with a boss whom he does not respect.

5. "He lived happily who hid himself well" Quite secretive, does not like uninvited visitors. Reacts sharply to comments, but sometimes hides irritation behind a somewhat artificial smile

Balzac. Intuitively logical introvert, OR

1. "Imagination rules me." Has a strong, intellectual imagination. Honore de Balzac created portraits of 2,000 people that seem more alive than the real ones: “it can only be compared with a city government,” Maurois wrote about him. The phantasmagoric world of Gabriel G. Marquez is also striking in its precision of detail. Thanks to this quality, he sees the future well. From individual actions of a person it seems to be a working model. In general, he knows everything in advance. If he hadn’t warned in advance about some threatening trouble / luck / he would have felt like an extra person.

2. "Pastoral dispassion." He almost never shows emotions and protects his loved ones from them. I am sincerely convinced that too strong passions bring death to a person. O. Balzac invariably shows how a feeling grows, like a monstrous cancer, corroding souls and, in the end, suppressing everything. As for his Napoleon dual - an overactive and addicted personality - this is absolutely true.

3. Deep analyst. I am sure that if you are not aware of the order prevailing in the world, then it is impossible to live. Anyone who does not take into account the actual state of affairs is heading towards disaster. Prefers cynicism to hypocrisy. In any situation that he is told about, he understands it thoroughly and very soon begins to tell his amazed interlocutor those details, roots and aspects that he missed. His analysis is devoid of any self-delusion. “All this is no better than a kitchen - it stinks just as much, and if you want to cook something, get your hands dirty, only then be able to wash off the dirt well; that’s the whole moral of our era.” - says Vautrin about life. This misanthropy can discourage anyone - except Napoleon.

4. "He is kind above all". For all his negativism, he is a very soft person by nature. The above words about Balzac belong to George Sand, who knew a lot about kindness. He loves strong people, who know their way well, who demand concessions, people who free him from the need to come up with goals, and they themselves use the invented methods of action, of which he is a great master. He knows how to pour a bucket of water on an enthusiast, but he also knows how to extinguish despair when others are unlucky, when everything falls out of hand, when fate seems hostile.

5. This is how student Laima /Napoleon/ describes the knight of her dreams: he must be handsome and smart. The eyes are large and sad. Taciturn, does not give compliments. And therefore, it creates the impression of inaccessibility. He is tormented by dozens of problems that, in my opinion, should not be paid attention to. I am attracted by his sadness and seriousness, I try to cheer him up, lift his spirits, make him happy. If there's a guy like that at a party, I don't miss it." This is a figurative description of Balzac, who is very constant in his feelings, not prone to adventure, and desires complete dependence on a demanding loved one.

Managers: Zhukov, Stirlitz, Gaben, Maxim Gorky.

Zhukov. Sensory-logical extrovert, SLE

1. The end result is the only thing that interests him. He considers everything that is needed to achieve this “Final Result” to be his hardest work. A strong-willed, purposeful person. “If the stars light up at night, it means someone needs it.” Not pointedly demonstrative, does not care about the impression left on others. “I don’t understand, repeat,” said S.P. Korolev. Not every manager could afford this “I didn’t understand.” Everything he does, he does with enthusiasm, passion and intends to see it through to the end. He has the character of a restless fighter who must at all costs gain the upper hand over one or another opponent. “You shouldn’t avoid difficulties! You need to be able to overcome them” is his motto.

2. Decisive and tough character. The expression “Strict, but fair has become banal in relation to such people. Marshal Zhukov was very, very cool. But only he could tell Stalin: “if you think that the chief of the General Staff is only capable of talking nonsense, then he has nothing to do here. I ask to be relieved of my duties as chief of the General Staff and sent to the front." He does not doubt his right to lead people. With all his love for collegiality, he will always have the last word. This is usually compensated by deep passion for the work and the ability to captivate people. 3. Good tactician. Quickly grasps the current situation and the balance of power. Makes a decision and acts. Capable of political maneuvering, but he will never miss his line. He has a strong logic, but this is a purposeful, “partisan” logic. It serves not for philosophical reasoning, but for a creative search for the shortest path to the goal. It is easier for him to give up logic than purpose.

4. Little susceptible to fear, hatred and other negative emotions. He is not surprised or envious. The more dangerous the situation, the more collected and decisive he is.

5.Doesn't like to talk about feelings. This is not his signature. And if he says anything, he feels as if he had betrayed himself. Afraid of love as an undeserved luxury. Afraid of any other feelings. Judging others by oneself, one has no doubt that one can be desired; but one is rarely sure that one is also loved. Needs emotional support from a partner and subordinates his emotions to him. In his actions he is not inclined to adapt to his partner, but only to dictate.

Stirlitz. Logical-sensory extrovert, LSE

1. Fast, clear, sober brain. Able to act intelligently and logically. Athletic bearing, sharp, hard facial features, as if they were now ready for granite, and hidden nervousness, high poetry. Strength and inner fullness, duty and underlying nervous vibration. A born intelligence officer - collects information through all channels, achieving complete clarity for action (Richard Sorge, Sherlock Holmes).

2.Everything I do I do well. "There is a gift that great players and great teams in baseball are endowed with. It is assertiveness. It is the ability to run faster than necessary, move more quickly than necessary, be more persistent than necessary (F. Brooks). Initiative, decisive, likes to be in center of attention. Defends his ideas boldly and with great passion. He is not shy in front of his superiors, he is even aggressive. He knows that things are going well if the appropriate pace is communicated to him immediately. He is a passionate fighter for quality and thoroughness of work. Able to work 19.5 hours a day (Edison).

3. "Brightness is the great god of strong people." Tends to bring others out of a state of complacent calm. He doesn’t talk about good things, he takes it for granted. He strives to confuse the emotions of those around him with his grumpy emotions. He believes that excessive emotions tire people and - as for his dual (Dostoevsky) - this is fair. In a conversation, he puts pressure on the interlocutor, even tries to intimidate, but if they are not afraid of him, he becomes courteous and polite. Fury is his refuge in an extreme situation that he himself cannot cope with. Its purpose is to mobilize the partner, and when this task is solved, he calms down.

4. Belief in fair play. Considers obedience to rules to be a strong trait, a manifestation of character. Does not tolerate cunning and deceit, hates swindlers and tricksters. “Political maneuvers can lead to quick results, but only persistent daily work gives a truly long-term and reliable effect” (Kim Philby). He loves order: having bought a new thing, he will definitely study the instructions and only then turn it on. Amundsen, traveling all his life, avoided difficult situations. “Victory awaits those who have everything in order,” he said, “and this is called luck.” Adherent to honest work. “If everything seems easy, this unmistakably proves that the worker has very little skill and the work is beyond his understanding” (Leonardo da Vinci).

5. "The military's inherent restrained power". Outwardly smart, distinguished by bearing, even if he has never served. Dresses well and elegantly, but does not dress up. He wears his clothes for a long time and constantly surprises with their freshness, as if the time factor does not affect him. He himself does not wear uncomfortable shoes, but everyone else should dress only very nicely. Esthete.

Gaben. Sensory-logical introvert, SLI

1. Iceberg in the ocean. Stubborn, reserved, almost always equally cold and mysterious. The movements are calm, precise, extremely economical. From the outside it seems that the achieved result is always greater than the effort expended. Discreet, quiet perseverance with the obligatory completion of everything started, internal responsibility for the work and modesty. “The English are not demonstrative in their attitude towards work,” just as they are not demonstrative in the manifestation of their feelings in general. At first it may seem that they are doing everything coolly, carelessly. But gradually you begin to understand that their slowness reflects the general rhythm of life: a combination of looseness and orderliness.

2. Talented laziness. He is not Don Quixote and will not work aimlessly. A born inventor, he is in no hurry to implement his ideas until the conditions for maximum return are ripe. He is proud of his ability not to do anything that is not useful. Loves comfort and convenience. When doing things together with someone, everything is sweetly and unobtrusively arranged in a way that is convenient for him. In the accessible area of ​​space, everything is organized ideally for work and relaxation. An esthete who completely trusts his taste. He dresses very neatly, tastefully, but not provocatively. Sensitive skin: “the princess and the pea” is about it.

3. Restrained emotional intensity. It is the tendency to hide emotions under the guise of inaccessibility and coldness that gives them a subtle polish and even expressiveness (V. Vysotsky, A. Mironov, A. Celentano). Calm under all circumstances, but in different ways. Remains coldly inaccessible when he loves. He is in no hurry to believe in the feelings of his somewhat frivolous dual (Huxley). Very jealous and distrustful: he is terrified that his emotions will be exposed to ridicule. In dangerous situations, he is stubbornly not afraid of anything and calmly approaches the source of danger. This is his main move to go straight at the enemy; the one who is stronger endures. This is the main pose of the actor Jean Gabin - stubbornness, intransigence, inner rightness and fearlessness. The more lonely, the more inaccessible.

4. Goals and methods. If his dual is not nearby, he can be mistaken for a lazy person and a talker. He talks a lot, but doesn’t do anything, he waits for something. He really is waiting - a cry for help. He will not work aimlessly, and he does not know how to invent goals himself. Only the ardent enthusiast Huxley owns the key that launches Gabin’s precise and error-free mechanism. Gaben's reward is the joy he brings with his work. He judges the sincerity of his desires by the intonations that automatically mobilize him. Huxley is the best at demonstrating both desire and joy; he is also a great master at finding talent and sincerely admiring it. And Gabin must be a favorite, he does not tolerate leveling. You can buy it only with sincere feelings expressed through your eyes and intonations.

Maxim Gorky. Logical-sensory introvert, PWD

1. Consistent Adept. He knows how to very sensibly and accurately choose the best of the available systems, dogmas, and with uncompromisingness, reaching the point of stubbornness, fight for its implementation. She categorically rejects everything that cannot enter into it. Brings this system to an ideal state. Very reliable in implementing his system - even if this system is impermanent. Thus, Talleyrand managed to occupy the position he needed under the Bourbons, the commune, the directory, Napoleon and again under the Bourbons, and died in the wealth and luxury that he aspired to.

2. Sober realist. He never falls into despair and does not succumb to illusions; he is always equally even, calm, and logical. He himself is not prone to fantasies and does not like manilovism in others. 3. Researcher. Has a penchant for deep research into narrow problems. Painstakingly establishes their connections with what has been previously studied. Knows how to listen to the interlocutor. Often able to hear two speakers at once. High rate of loneliness. He reads little, thinks a lot - this is his favorite state. Knowledge is always brought to a state of practical application. To those who do not have his thorough understanding of the situation, his actions seem paradoxical and unpredictable. Sees a way out where others do not see it.

4. A mixture of delicacy and adventurism. Quite closed and secretive. Doesn't like to be the center of attention. In communication he is sensitive and unobtrusive. At the same time, he needs listeners. He attracts people with his determination to implement his own system. If he sees something accurately, but others not accurately, he becomes aggressive. Stubborn and uncompromising (Martin Luther). As a leader, he tends to tighten the screws. He is tactful, feels people, but treats them as tools. Personal feelings, likes and dislikes do not distract him, the results are important. Ethics is subordinated to logic (Stalin). He does not tolerate people touching his things - this is a deep grudge for him. He has a hard time with aggressive people, although he does not enter into arguments with them.

5. Stoic. Hardy and unfair, does not waste time on everyday life. Prefers to hide his feelings: hunger, fatigue, pain, fear. A sick child does not moan so as not to injure the mother. 6. Close ones. He doesn’t hide his attractions, sometimes it even seems like he’s deliberately demonstrating them. Does not let any person of the opposite sex go unnoticed and unappreciated. He judges the feelings of others only by their external manifestations: how he looks, how his partner talks to him. Therefore, it is relatively easy to make a mistake and mistake your desire to be loved for the feeling of a partner. He knows about this, therefore he is trusting and suspicious.

Socialists: Napoleon, Hugo, Dumas, Dreiser.

Napoleon. Sensory ethical extrovert, SEE

1. Proud of his influence on people, their love and respect, popularity, leads with pleasure, is bold and categorical in eroticism, but cautious in relations with the objective world, distrustful of new scientific ideas and, in general, of everything objective. His conscience is clear only when he manipulates people, and not the objective world.

2. Restless activity, greed for practical activities. Not only does he not hide his feelings, but on the contrary, he is proud of them. It is relatively easy, if it suits his inner mood, to express his admiration. Both in words and in looks. He is always for full love, both physical and mental, if only he needs it. Even when the feeling is short-lived, he knows very well what he wants from the object of love, he is not inclined to adapt, but only to dictate. Arrogant. Optimistic. He does not shy away from a difficult situation, but tries to solve it immediately on the spot. 3. Pays a lot of attention to the aesthetics of the environment, order. Most often, he has innate taste, knows how to dress well and demands the same from others. Attentive to the physical characteristics of the partner. He is very proactive in all his activities. But he has no sense of proportion to measure what he has done. Constantly not sure that I did everything I could.

4. His life is poisoned by the demands of his loved ones to think about his activities., act smart. He cannot stand this, such a demand infuriates him, he really stops taking into account logic. He acts intelligently and logically as long as this is not demanded of him, as long as he is “respected” and “taken into account.” You can't argue with his logic. You can influence him only by opposing his goals with other, more noble and more difficult to achieve goals.

5. Initiative and efficiency are so great that no criticism, not even the constant grumbling of his Balzac dual, which condemns almost every manifestation of activity, spoils the mood. On the contrary, criticism reassures, shows that he has done and is doing enough that his activities are noticed. 6. Due to his initiative and exactingness, quite often becomes disillusioned with the objects of his feelings. They turn out to be “not like that”, not understanding enough the impulses of their soul. But the point is that you need a person to whom you can adapt without adapting. If there is no dual nearby, he plays pranks to attract the dual.

Hugo. Ethical-sensory extrovert, ESE

1. Fiery. Emotions are strong, colorful, and often powerful. He knows how to catch fire with an idea and be faithful to it all his life - Schliemann, as a child, decided to excavate Troy, for which it was necessary, despite poverty, to get an education, and then also get rich. A fan of the arts as a source of conscious joy. He creates his own mood and knows how to convey it to others. Emotionally sensitive, kind, compassionate.

2. Tireless. Constantly active. Always among people, always on the run. Easy to switch. Works very hard. He takes on any job and persistently brings it to the end. The work does not distinguish between the interesting and the uninteresting - this is not a subject for reasoning and analysis, it must be done and that’s all. From the outside he seems very self-confident and self-sufficient; he succeeds in everything he undertakes. Seems to work quickly and achieve good results. He himself often adheres to the opposite point of view, which is why he is very fond of frank praise of his work.

3. My home is your home. A pleasant conversationalist, an exceptionally attentive listener. Knows how to find an approach to anyone. By giving joy to others, he himself rejoices. Loves feasts and fun. A guest is a favorite. Knows how to understand, admire, approve, sympathize. Trusts people. Not envious, rejoices in the success of others. Subtly notices people's shortcomings, makes fun of them, but does not insult them.

4. Conservative. Does not look for and does not like new solutions, prefers old, proven paths. Complex issues can only be resolved when left alone. He pays too much attention to people, they distract him. When working in public, he makes a lot of unnecessary movements, as if to hide what he is really doing. Thus, he includes in the work his dual (Robespierre), who does not tolerate any command. He likes to be believed, does not like to prove. Not aggressive, but defends itself very actively. He doesn’t let himself be offended even by his superiors.

5. Lover of order. He likes to dress and takes care of his appearance. Does not tolerate disorder and uncertainty in everything, from appearance to garage and storage room. He does not want to adapt to the taste of others. Compliments on his appearance go in vain - he believes that he himself knows what he looks like. Notices not only the spiritual, but also the physical qualities of a partner.

6. Life connections. Those around him take his opinion into account, but try to avoid close contact. There are few close friends. It is not always easy to withstand his emotional pressure. He achieves everything for himself through his own labor and does not rely on the help of others. Family for him is the most important thing in life. If he had to choose between love and a dissertation, he would choose the first - this is his life purpose, and science is a selfish pleasure.

Du ma. Sensory-ethical introvert, SEI

1. Friendly, always good and optimistic person. Does not impose his will on others. He hides his real feelings. Always equally warm, caring, smiling. He cannot forgive or demand services; he tries to satisfy all his needs on his own.

2. Has a keen sense of nature and art. Able to remember and reproduce once experienced emotions. This is how Aivazovsky painted his seascapes in a room with dark red walls facing the side opposite to the sea. Appreciates life in all varieties. He loves pleasure and knows how to give it. An artist in love.

3. Considers the comforts of other people very much, is attentive and caring. Very fast, conscious emotional reactions aimed at learning and changing the emotions of others. This is the reason for many jokes, which, if they are inappropriate, are quickly abandoned. There is constant emotional creativity, a search for the most effective options that will activate the partner. With special zeal he controls the moods of his loved ones.

4. Can't make a scandal, say no, interrupt an unwanted acquaintance. Therefore, he is afraid of those who can “stick”. He needs a person who, in any aggravation, is also not inclined to get into a scandal, but leaves slamming the door. This is exactly how his dual, Don Quixote, behaves. Dumas the father himself chose Ida Ferrier from his many mistresses because she kept him on a longer leash than the others. 5. Sees people's needs, the system of their motivations, with pleasure agitates and persuades everyone. But he needs Don Quixote to know who is worth persuading and to what, because Don Quixote knows the potential of people, ideas, and undertakings.

6. Doesn't like to be reminded of himself until he's needed. He tries not to stand out, either as a leader or as a laggard. Doesn't like to compete. He is proactive only on his own territory. Initiative and responsibility in this dyad are the prerogatives of Don Quixote, even if Dumas does everything. It is interesting that the great Dumas needed a secret co-author - Max, who wrote the drafts of The Three Musketeers, The Count of Monte Cristo and most of the other novels before the writer himself took on them.

7. Poor health forces him to hide and lie down. When your mood drops, you cannot manipulate people. Then why communicate?

Dreiser. Ethical sensory introvert, ESI

1. Easily gains people's trust. Polite, tactful, has a subtle aesthetic taste and knows how to use it /Turgenev, Fitzgerald/. He unmistakably knows who loves whom, who doesn’t love whom, who wants what, who influences whom, and why. Moralist. Often distinguished by harsh assessments /Machiavelli/. He remembers both good and evil very well, and considers it necessary to repay them. He values ​​friendship very much and does not forgive betrayal. In love before marriage, he shows inconstancy, since he does not consider it possible to prolong an exhausted relationship. He does not love those who cannot love themselves. Relationships are regulated not so much by words as by tone and expressive gaze. Doesn't show emotion, so he seems cold. He does not look at his interlocutor, as if in order not to incinerate him. A difficult ethical situation inspires him.

2. In a new company, this is usually a quiet, modest person. He watches and listens to understand whether it is possible to persuade those present to himself, to his ideal of interpersonal relations. If it is impossible, he continues to remain silent or even leaves. Among his own people he is active and talkative. And his own are those who accepted his ethical standards. Subordinates emotions to the emotions of others. Among the cheerful - cheerful, among the evil - evil.

3. The enemy must be jealous. He will never show anger or hatred; he will be emphatically polite and self-satisfied. Only a good friend can see him disheveled and not fit enough. Always “buttoned up”, Internally mobilized. Extremely intolerant of untidiness and disorder.

4. Sexual freedoms are not for him. She remains faithful to her spouse not for his sake, but for the sake of self-respect. The Dreiser woman cannot bear the thought that somewhere there is a man who “had” her. It is unpleasant for him when someone delves into his abilities, potential capabilities, or brags about his own abilities compared to others.

5. Lives only for today and does not like to wait. Prefers work that can be done quickly and admire the result. It seems to him that he is constantly late, while others consider him punctual. The need to do something by a certain deadline makes him nervous. Therefore, his dual, having bought theater tickets a week in advance, will not talk about it until the last day.

6. Loves not in word, but in deed, but is not inclined to invent these “things” himself and with pleasure, in all everyday concreteness, submits to the will of his partner. At any time, he gives up one thing and starts another, if his partner wants it. May sacrifice himself to serve society. For example, he can take on the entire burden of everyday life if the partner is busy with socially significant work.

Humanities: Huxley, Hamlet, Yesenin, Dostoevsky

Huxley. Intuitive-ethical extrovert, IEE

1. Ardent enthusiast. Highly spiritual, artistic personality, quickly resolves personal difficulties. Always relies on one's ability to improvise on the spot, instead of preparing the work in advance. Loves situations of a new, interesting undertaking, when you can demonstrate your own and other people’s abilities; when one can still assume the most incredible development of events.

2. Don Juan. Sees many different virtues in people and cannot resist telling them this in the most emotional form. Often his splashing emotions are mistaken for feelings, which is why he owes his reputation as Don Juan. In fact, in his feelings he is quite conservative, he becomes attached to a narrow circle of his people, whose opinion is extremely significant for him and completely determines his mood, behavior, and knowledge. If he really is a rake, he doesn’t hide it.

3. Touch-me-not. His speeches about love and longing are fiery, his smiles are seductive, but things don’t always go beyond that. His motto: emotional power over everyone and sexual freedom from everyone.

4.Not ambitious, because may be pleased with the company of friends and in anticipation of something interesting. Unlike Napoleon, who likes to be the obvious manager of a situation, he strives to be its secret manager. At the same time, his influence is aimed mainly at forcing others to show their abilities and talents.

5. Pundit. Sensitive to assessment of one's mental abilities. He often strives to defend his dissertation and achieves academic degrees and titles. This gives him the opportunity to work calmly. He is extremely sensitive when ideas that are dear to him are touched, when the possibilities of him and his loved ones are denied. Therefore, he strives to contact people who are close to him in their ideological creed.

6. Man of moods. Everything depends on your mood: plans for the future, attitude towards yourself, idea of ​​the world. Rosy plans can give way to painful experiences, but interesting news, praise, or an interesting opportunity that suddenly presents itself instantly changes the mood. Boredom just makes you sick.

7. For others. Ready to help people solve their problems. The greatest pleasure is to find a way out of a situation that others seem hopeless. Friendliness and goodwill can be demonstrated to anyone. He does something for those he takes seriously. And then he does much more than is expected of him and what he himself promises.

Hamlet. Ethical-intuitive extrovert, EIE

1. To be or not to be? A serious person focused on global issues. He sees the world in dramatic and even tragic colors. Waiting for all sorts of troubles. Its leitmotif is four notes from Beethoven - the theme of fate. I tend to pose and solve personal problems by and large. Often he strives to benefit humanity at the same time.

2. Romantic. Prone to constant doubts and hesitations. Sometimes he is perceived by others as an unbalanced, easily excitable person. For example, he is irritated by any unnecessary movements; he sees the world as too dynamic. Doesn't like to take initiative. Places feelings above reason.

3. Boldly enters the situation, if you got to know her well, you prepared everything carefully. He waits, covers the situation from all sides, insures himself against all possible troubles, and then acts with certainty. The strategist knows how to distribute his forces over time. He takes any work seriously, with great responsibility, and strives to see it through to completion. Achieve victory at all costs; It is easier for him to fail than to compromise. In extreme situations, no trace remains of his hyper-caution.

4. Good and evil. He will never do what he considers evil, and is very intolerant of evil in others. However, he creates an ethical theory for himself, regardless of customs and authorities. Sometimes his views on the problems of good and evil are very peculiar. In any case, he consistently adheres to them and persistently defends them.

5. Attentive to people, and sometimes even intrusive and demanding, sympathizes with them, tries to help in difficult times. It is not easy for those around him: there is no ease of perception of life in him. More often he is a good family man. He expresses his feelings for his partner not through specific concern for him, but through dramatic stories and warnings about the dangers that may befall him. This is important for the dual - he does not really feel the future. Hamlet can be called at night; to the question “Did I wake you up?” He will cheerfully answer, “Yes, I woke you up.” (Dostoevsky, also very prone to sympathy, will nevertheless answer no, he didn’t wake him up, in such a tone that you will understand your tactlessness).

6. Does not like to do household chores in front of witnesses, cannot work on people at all. If he can, he sends everyone out with instructions. He is very afraid that his movements and actions are unaesthetic.

7. Has a peculiar, seemingly arrogant demeanor. From the outside it seems that for some reason he is putting on airs and pretending to be something. Not a bad leader.

Yesenin. Intuitive-ethical introvert, IEI

1. Somewhat dreamy romantic, a man of thought rather than action. Individualist. He generally cares little about the present; he is inspired by the brilliant prospects of bright cities that will probably someday be built. He is quite emotional, understands the feelings of others well and does not hide his own. But his emotionality is always a little incomplete, with rather pronounced elements of expectant observation. He shows emotions not when someone else’s cup would be overflowing, but when he himself considers it necessary. The approach to emotions is very creative: for example, rage can be considered ethical, and restraint unethical.

2. Amorous. For him, what sets someone apart from the gray mass is strength, determination, and intelligence. Undoubtedly, if this power lends itself to his emotional expansion. We are very tolerant of people, understand them and try to forgive their weaknesses.

3. Smile of Tutankhamun. In extreme conditions, his weapon is the ability to demonstrate his attitude to what is happening, to show its funny sides. Hence the subtle sense of humor /Jerome K. Jerome/ and a very characteristic transparent smile in poignant moments. A smile is warm, warming and exciting. Smiling is most often a sign of anxiety. Because of this disturbing smile, Gagarin became the first cosmonaut. The purpose of this smile is to raise morale and excite your partner.

4. Elegant. Looks balanced and fit. Wide open eyes almost never close their eyes. The eyebrows are generally arched, with no tendency to droop. Elegance for every day, not on holidays. You rarely see him in an inelegant pose, his intonations are exquisite. Plasticity of movements and rhythm. All the more surprising are two things: he does not pay much attention to the elegance of others / his dual - the beetles - is not emphatically demonstrative/; His apartment is filled with chaos and things, and the people who end up in his house must find a place for themselves. Or someone should suggest this place. 5. Maecenas. A fighter for the emotional liberation of people. Feels responsible for the mood of his loved ones, their vitality. Uses his subtle sense of humor to stir up people. In a group, he looks around those gathered not to determine how someone is dressed, but to see how someone feels./This is exactly what should be retold to others/. By and large, he dreams of bringing harmony to society. History for him is the history of art. A pronounced attraction to beauty: poetry, painting, elegant trinkets. He tries to be graceful. She loves to communicate with artists, poets, bohemians and generally exotic people.

Dostoevsky. Ethical-intuitive introvert, EII

1. The bearer of a quiet, inner look, an imperceptible sea of ​​feelings. The world of his feelings is so subtle and rich that verbal proof of love is not needed. He sees without words who loves whom and how, who needs whom, and who does not need whom. The most valuable property is the ability to adapt to the emotions of another person. Empathize, relieve emotional stress, calm.

2. He is usually a quiet, friendly person, who in the company is more silent and observes, among close friends it’s the opposite. He cannot be called too shy, because he perfectly sees how others treat him and knows how to improve this attitude. He seeks to subordinate other people to his understanding of what is ethical and what is unethical. But he never imposes his own emotions, but accompanies and empathizes with the emotions of another. Demonstrates a kind of emotional fading. I am sure that others need him to be calm, even, serene. Wants to be a kind of “compress” that others can apply to their wounds.

3. If he is asked to do something, he cannot refuse. Therefore, it is often exploited. We need a dual, by obeying which we can isolate ourselves from the unnecessary. In relations with people, his interests are limited only to a certain group of people, but in the objective world he is interested in absolutely everything: complete omnivorousness at the level of his intellect and abilities. Incapable of assessing the quality of his work and the time lost in the process. Can't figure out what's small and what's important. Knows what can be done, but does not know what needs to be done. It cannot help but work when everyone is working, and continues to work when everyone is not working. He really doesn’t like it when, with one unfinished job, they entrust another.

4. Critical of one’s own beauty, will, energy. Their disapproval is painful to bear. Compliments on this topic are not perceived as ambiguity only if they are said in private, in a soft tone, without emphasis. He needs silent or quiet recognition. Can't afford to be unkempt.

5. The partner provides the pleasant emotions necessary for this type with his rationality, logic, exactingness, and ability to protect. You need to not be late for dates, keep your promises, be polite and caring. No more proof of love or talk about it is needed. If the smartest partner expresses his opinion in the form of reflection, and not in the form of short, categorical formulations, then next to him Dostoevsky feels constantly dissatisfied and unhappy. His most important requirement for a partner is fidelity. Doesn't forgive infidelity.