A story on the topic of numerals. Scientific text with numerals

Numerals play a big role in sentences. Let us say that there were five pears, and not few and not many, exactly 5. And that’s how we write it. Or for example, 10 days have passed since my mother left, so we write that ten days have passed. Therefore, numerals are very important for our speech.

The numeral is an independent part of speech that combines words denoting abstract numbers, the number of objects and their order when counting. Numerals are combined as a quantitative determinant only with nouns and form with them an indivisible phrase, which in a sentence is one member of the sentence. Numerals cannot be determined by adjectives.

Based on their composition, numerals are divided into: simple, complex and compound. Number categories: quantitative (denote an abstract number or the number of homogeneous objects): two, twenty-five;

Fractional (indicate a fractional value: two-fifths); collective (denote the number of objects as a totality: three, both); ordinal (denote the order in which objects appear when counting: first, third, twenty).

Cardinal numbers are inflected (change according to cases, but have neither a gender category nor a number category). Exceptions: Numerals one and two have gender forms. They agree with the noun in case, the numeral two - in case and gender, the numeral one - in gender, number and case. If a compound numeral ends in one, then the noun is put in the singular form (three hundred fifty-one rubles).

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Old Russian names were given not according to the calendar, but according to the order in which children were born. The first names were numerals. And if there were seven children in a peasant family, then they could be called like this: Pervush, Second, Tretyak, Chetvertak, Pyatok, Shestok, Semoy. Nicknames were also added to these names, for example: Zhdan Pervush (that is, the desired first-born), Nezhdan Semyi (that is, the unwanted seventh child), Krikun Pyatok, Egoza Shestok, Puzan Chetvertak, Veselka Tretyak. These numerals later became surnames. This is interesting

In addition to numerals, other parts of speech can also have numerical meaning. Numerals can be written in numbers, but other parts of speech can only be written in words. Nouns - who? what?: Double, deuce, adjective - which one? double, seven-day, three-month. Numeral noun - how many? which? Five, five, one hundred twenty-four. Verb - what to do? what to do? Double, triple, tenfold. Adverb - how? how? Five times, two times, three times, two times.

Ordinal Quantitative Can be any member of a sentence. They change according to cases. The numeral one varies by gender and number, two only by gender. How many? Names the number (quantity) of objects when counting. They change according to cases, numbers and genders. 3. Morphological characteristics Which one (by count)? 2. Question Definition, less often - predicate and subject. 4. Syntactic function Names the serial number of objects when counting. 1. Meaning of a numeral as a part of speech

Cardinal numbers Ordinal numbers Singular number Plural number case Singular number Plural number. number Masculine neuter Feminine gender No. Five-fifth-fifth-fifths Gender. fifthmo fifthyo fifths Cardinal numbers change only by case.

Cardinal numbers Two and two - four. We bought three notebooks. The museum opens at ten o'clock. Two boys approached the school. Ordinal numbers The second bell rang. Cardinal numbers can be different parts of a sentence, and ordinal numbers are usually definitions.

Numerals Six Eight Hundred Forty Six Eight Hundred Forty Sixteen Eighty Five Hundred Twelve Sixteen Eighty Five Hundred Twelve One Hundred Five Sixty Two Four Hundred Thirty First One Hundred Five Sixty Two Four Hundred Thirty First Simple Complex Compounds

In a request (request), to eight (eighth) After a soft consonant standing before the soft consonants g, k, b, m, resulting from changes in the corresponding consonants eighth, braid, fate After a soft consonant standing before a hard consonant horse, six, put At the end of a word (except for hissing ones) album, herring After a soft l standing before any consonant The use of a soft sign as an indicator of the softness of a consonant

b is not written b is written Soft sign in numerals At the end of numerals from 5 to 20 and in the numeral 30 At the end of numerals from 5 to 20 and in the numeral 30 In the middle of numerals from 50 to 80 and from 500 to 900 In the middle of numerals from 50 to 80 and from 500 to 900 in the middle of numerals 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 in the middle of numerals 15, 16, 17, 18, 19

Declension of numerals 1,2,3,4. The numeral one (one, one) is declined as the pronoun this (this, this): one (this) boy, one (this) girl Numerals two, three, four have peculiar endings in the nominative and instrumental cases (two, three, four - two , three, four) and similar endings of the numeral are the same in the genitive, dative and prepositional cases (one - two, three, four; one - two, three, four; some - two, three, four).

Declension of numerals from 5 to 30 and from 50 to 80. (reference word bone) I. bone five fifteen fifty R. bone five fifteen fifty D. bone five fifteen fifty B. bone five fifteen fifty T. bone five fifteen fifty P. bone five fifteen 30 and from 50 to 80. (reference word-bone)

Declension of numerals 200,300,400 and numerals by – hundred (control phrase - bone mouth(s) I. bone mouthTwo hundred Three hundred Six hundred R. bone mouthTwo hundred Three hundred Six hundred D. bone mouthTwo hundred Three hundred Six hundred V. bone mouthTwo hundred Three hundred Six hundred T. bone mouthTwo hundred Three hundred and Six hundred P. bones mouth two hundred three hundred six hundred

From 50 to 80 From 500 to, 300, 400 I. fifty five hundred two hundred R. fifty five hundred two hundred D. fifty five hundred two hundred V. fifty five hundred two hundred T. fifty five hundred two hundred P. about fifty about five hundred two hundred For complex numerals from 50 to 80 and from 200 to 900, both parts are declined .

1.Num. two have in I. p. zh.r. form two. 2.Num. one change by gender, number and case. 3. Simple cardinal numbers. from five to thirty hang around like a noun. 3 cl. 4.In quantity number from 11 to 19, the letter i is written at the end. (By fifteen o'clock). 5.The numerals 40, 90, 100 have two forms. 6. For complex numbers. Both parts incline from 50 to 80 and from 200 to 900. SUMMARY:

A fractional number usually consists of two parts: the first part names the numerator of the fraction and represents the cardinal number, the second part names the denominator of the fraction and represents the ordinal number. When declension of fractional numbers both parts change. If fractional numbers denote quantity, then the noun with it is placed in the genitive case.

The cardinal numbers include the words one and a half, one and a half hundred. One hundred and fifty is the number of items equal to 150. Number. hundred and fifty has 2 case forms: I., V. – one and a half hundred (pages) R., D., T., P. - one and a half hundred. Number one and a half means 1.5. I., V. – the forms of the genus differ – one and a half meters, one and a half tons). R., D., T., P. – the form used is one and a half (kilograms of apples)

Collective numerals are combined with nouns denoting male persons: two comrades three drivers with nouns denoting male persons: two comrades three drivers with nouns used only in the plural or denoting paired objects: two trousers three scissors two gloves (i.e. . two pairs of gloves) with nouns used only in the plural or denoting paired objects: two trousers three scissors two gloves (i.e. two pairs of gloves) with nouns denoting young animals: three kittens five cubs with nouns denoting young animals : three kittens five bears personal pronouns we, you, they: there are five of us, they sent four of you, there weren’t three of them personal pronouns we, you, they: there are five of us, they sent four of you, there weren’t three of them

Formation and modification of ordinal numbers Ordinal numbers are formed from cardinal numbers. When forming complex numerals, an internal ending appears, and when forming compound numerals, only the last word changes. Ordinal numbers change like adjectives by gender, number and case.

Ordinal numbers ending in -thousandth, -millionth, -billionth 8,000eight thousandth twenty-two thousandth one hundred thousandth three hundred eighty-seven thousandth five millionth ninety millionth three billionth forty-three billionth

Tenth -hundredth-thousandth-millionth fiftieth sixtieth seventieth two hundredth three hundredth four hundredth five hundredth two thousandth three thousandth four thousandth two millionth three millionth four millionth five millionth remember: ninety thousandth one hundred thousandth

Cardinal numbers. Whole numbers Fractional numbers Collective numbers Change by case 1) one, two – change. by birth (one - one - one; two - two); 2)2) three, four – special forms in declension (three, three, three); 3)3) from 5 to 30 – as a noun. 3 lines (five - five); Change by case 1) both parts change; 2) the first part is declined as a cardinal number, the second as a plural adjective. (to two thirds) 3) The numbers ¼ and 1.5 are read in different ways; A set of objects (two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, both, both) 1) Declined as adjectives (new seven, new seven); 2) Combined - with nouns denoting persons. husband. gender, children (three kids, four boys);

Whole numbers Fractional numbers Collective numerals 4) 40, 90, 100 – two forms (forty – forty); 5) From 50 to 80, from 200 to 900 both parts are inclined (fifty, two hundred); 6) From 50 to 80, from 500 to 900 in the middle - b (fifty, six hundred); 7) A thousand = like a cloud, Million, billion = like a stadium. 4) 1.5=one and a half, 150=one and a half hundred; 5) Combine with creatures. m.r. and average (one and a half) and female (one and a half) (one and a half, one and a half, one and a half, one and a half hundred - one and a half hundred, one and a half hundred); 6) They have two forms (one and a half, one and a half, one and a half, one and a half hundred - one and a half hundred, one and a half hundred); -With noun names denoting young animals (seven kids); -- with nouns used only in the plural. h. (four sleighs, five scissors)

Ordinal numbers are formed, as a rule, from numerals denoting whole numbers, usually without suffixes: six – sixth; Ordinal numbers, like adjectives, change according to gender, number, and cases. In compound ordinals, only the last word is declined. The endings of ordinal numbers are determined in the same way as the endings of adjectives. When specifying a date after an ordinal number, the name of the month is put in the genitive case: by the first of September, before the tenth of October. The ordinal number in the names of events and holidays after the words holiday, date, day is placed in the nominative case. Keep in mind that when replacing a noun denoting the name of a holiday, you must write it with a lowercase letter, and the numeral with a capital letter.

The Old Russian language initially lacked such a part of speech as a numeral. Adjectives and nouns were used to denote quantity, often going back to

names of parts of the human body: elbow, five< пясть. Счетные слова в древнерусском языке характеризовались морфологическими категориями и синтаксическими особенностями прилагательных и существительных. Выделение числительного как части речи начинается с XIV в., в XVII в. такая часть речи уже бесспорно есть, но не со всеми современными особенностями, а вот с XVIII в. числительное окончательно оформляется как часть речи.

In the Old Russian language there were initially only 12 words denoting quantity: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, съто, thousand, from the 13th century. the word appears

fourty. All other counting words were formed from a combination of the above words. A large number was denoted using the words darkness, legion, voron, deck, leodr.

Counting words in the Old Russian language belonged to either adjectives or nouns. So, words one - four were adjectives, and the rest of the counting words were of origin

they are nouns (they had categories of gender, number, and could have definitions).

The counting word one changed according to gender (m. r. - one, zh. r. - one / one, cf. r. - one / one), declined according to the pronominal declension of the solid variant - like the pronoun tb (cf. T. pad. one, as thm, and in modern Russian - one by analogy with the hard version: if in the hard version it is -ym, then in the soft version it is -im)), was used with nouns in singular. h. (in the plural form, this word was combined only with nouns,

having no units h.). In the 19th century you can find the form f. r. pl. part one, which develops under the influence of those (the form itself arose from the endings of indirect cases - cf. thхъ, thmi).

The counting word d'va is an adjective in origin. It was combined with nouns that were in the dual number. The word d'va itself was also used only in dual

number and had the endings of the dual number of the pronominal declension of the solid version:

Im.–V. d'va (m.r.), d'vh (f. and middle r.)

R.–M. two

D.–T. davhma

Compare: I.-V. two brothers two sisters

R.-M. two brothers two sisters

D.-T. darling brother darling sister

Early on, the basis d'vu- began to be perceived as a common basis (cf. two-core). Traces of the old form have been preserved, for example, in the words cousin, mutual, double-edged. The dual number was lost around the 14th – 15th centuries. and was replaced by the plural. Consequently, the counting word d'va also has plural endings. including pronominal declension, which are added to the base davu-: R. pad. two-x, D. pad. two-m, M. pad. two In T. pad. observed to

also the influence of the declension of words three, four: two< контаминация дву-ма + трьм’и, четырьм’и.

The counting words three and four were adjectives, but were declined according to the nominal declension: three was declined as a noun with the stem in *i, and four was declined as a noun with the stem

to a consonant.

These counting words were combined with nouns that were placed with them only in the plural. h. Consequently, the counting words themselves were also used only in the plural. h.: ​​Wed.

Them. three brothers three sisters three lakes

R. trii brother trii sisters trii lakes

T. three brothers three sisters three lakes

Speaking about the development of modern forms of words three and four, the following changes should be noted: 1) R. pad. and M. pad. these words arose under the influence of the declension of pronouns and adjectives

(three > three, like those good ones), 2) in T. pad. there was a transformation m'i > m'a as a result of the influence of the dvhma form, 3) the distinction by gender was lost early.

The counting words five - nine were feminine nouns, characterized by the category of number, but were used only in the singular and were inflected according to the type of declension with the base on *i. Since these words related to nouns, they controlled R. pad. nouns, which, as usual with words with the meaning of quantity, were used

Them. five houses

R. five houses

T. five > five houses.

The names of the numbers ten and one hundred also belonged to nouns. Ten was a masculine noun, changed in numbers and cases, the type of declension was a consonant:

Unit h.: ​​Im. = B. ten

R. = M. ten

D. ten

T. ten

Them. ten

R. ten, etc.

Early, perhaps even in preliterate times, the word ten was included along with other names of numbers in a single generic class, i.e., it began to be declined in the same way as the words

five – nine.

The counting word s'to was a neuter noun, varied in declension with the base on *o of the solid variety (cf. village), varied in numbers and cases:

Unit h.: ​​Im. sto Mn. h.: ​​s'ta

R. s'ta s't'

V. s'to s'ta

D. sutu stom

T. s't'm s'ty

M. сътх сътхъ

Counting words denoting quantities from 11 to 19 were formed as follows: the units added to ten were indicated - one, two on ten, i.e. one, two over ten.

Consequently, initially it was a phrase in which the name of units grammatically dominated, it controlled the word ten in M. pad. with the preposition on. In combination with up-

The main word must be changed, i.e. name of the units.

In this case, the words one - four in grammatical gender and case had to directly agree with the noun, as when used independently. The noun must stand with 11 in the singular, with 12 in the dual, and with 13, 14 in the plural. Wed: d'vh on ten (d'vh controls M. pad. with the preposition of the noun ten) lakes (the entire phrase d'wh on ten is consistent with the noun ozerh, which is in the dual number), five on ten (five controls M. pad. with the preposition of the noun ten ) ozery (the noun ozer governs the entire phrase five by ten). Subsequently, case inflections are unified and the given phrase is lexicalized, i.e. transformation of a phrase into a word, which most noticeably affected the formation of indirect cases, because when declension of phrases, only the name of the units changed, and in the second part of the phrase there was a phonetic simplification (on ten > nadyat > natatsat with reduction [e] after the consonant [d], as a result of which the consonants [d] and [s] appeared next to each other, changed in [ts]). The meaning of plurality became a characteristic of these combinations themselves, and not of the counting words that were part of them.

The history of the numerals two hundred, three hundred, four hundred, five hundred - nine hundred is to a certain extent parallel to the history of the words twenty, thirty, fifty - eighty. So, for example, five hundred

originally was a phrase where five controlled the word съто in R. pad. pl. h., with declination only the name of the units changed:

Them. five eat bird

R. five eat bird

T. eat a bird with five.

Wed. also two hundred, which originally was a phrase where dva agreed with the noun that stood in dv. h.:

Them. dvh sjth birds

R. I eat a bird

T. d'vhma s'toma poultry.

Various nouns were used as names for fractions in the Old Russian language: polъ (declension *u), third and quarter or chet (declension *i), pyatina, osmina (declension *a).

Collective numerals in the Old Russian language were declined partly according to the nominal (like neuter nouns with *o), partly according to the pronominal declension.

Ordinal numbers in the Old Russian language belonged to adjectives and were characterized by the same forms; they could be nominal and members - five, five. In modern language, only full forms of ordinal adjectives have been preserved.

A numeral refers to one of the parts of speech that denotes the quantity, number and order of objects, answering the following questions: which, how many and which. The numeral is divided into lexico-grammatical categories, there are three of them:
- quantitative (one, five, twelve, four hundred fifty-five);
- collective (both, seven, two);
- ordinal - (one hundred forty-first, twentieth, fiftieth).

Cardinal numbers.
They include the following numerals: indefinite-quantitative and definite-quantitative. The first include numerals indicating the number of units (indefinite), for example, a little, little, a lot, etc. The second ones have the meaning of a certain number of units, for example, three, four, twenty, one and a half hundred, there are pronominal ones, such as, for example, how many, how many, several.

Numerals have the following two meanings:
1. Quantitative-numerical, it is presented in two particular meanings, namely:
- quantitative (quantity here is a sign of an object: eight centuries, three stools, fifteen days, several orders) and numerical (can be both an abstract quantity and a number: eight is divided by eight without a remainder, three times nine is twenty-seven, the numeral is several is not any indefinite quantity: since it can be two, four, ten, or just a lot or a little).
2. Counting-ordinal, which names the ordinal place of each object that, when stopping the count, turns out to be the last in the entire row of similar ones: house ten (house, tenth in a row of houses, if stopping the count is limited to the number of ten); car fifteen, place thirty-six (place, place, ten); is the last in the row if the count stops, limited to 36 places).

On the spelling of cardinal numbers.
Simple numbers include numbers consisting of one base, for example: “four” (4), “seven” (7), “six (6).

Complex numerals include those that consist of two stems; these are written together, for example: “nineteen” (19), “ninety” (90), “nine hundred” (900).

Compound numerals include those that consist of several words; they are written separately: “ninety-nine thousand nine hundred ninety-eight” (99998).

About the spelling of numerals.
1. In the numerals “nineteen, five thirty and twenty” there is a soft sign at the end, and in the numerals “nine hundred, seventy, five hundred” it is written in the middle of the word.
2. Numerals “one hundred and ninety” with the ending o in the accusative and nominative cases; in the rest, the letter “a” is written at the end, for example, “to spend ninety dollars”, “there are not enough ninety dollars”). In the numeral “forty”, which has a zero ending in the accusative and nominative cases, in the rest the letter “a” is written at the end (“the product is not worth forty rubles”). “Two hundred” in the accusative and nominative cases is written with the ending “and”, and numerals such as “four hundred and three hundred” - “a”, for example, (“this monument has stood for four hundred years”).
3. Complex numerals, both quantitative and ordinal, which consist of two bases, should be written together, for example (“nineteen, nineteen, eight hundred, eight hundred”).
4. Compound numerals have separate writing, for example, (“seven hundred fifty-eight”), not counting the zeros.
As for ordinal numbers that end in “- millionth, - thousandth, - billionth”, they are written together (“one hundred millionth”, “two hundred and forty billionth”).
5. Fractional numbers are written separately (“four tenths”, “eight whole and one fourth”), however, such as “two-, three- and four-half” are always written together. In the numerals “one and a half hundred” and “one and a half”, which have only two forms of cases: nominative and accusative, one and a half hundred and one and a half are written in all other cases where there are no gender differences.