The phone number has changed, how to enter Odnoklassniki. Change mobile number in Odnoklassniki

A login is a set of alphabetic (Latin) and numeric characters that users use to log into a social network. On Odnoklassniki it is selected when the user registers or is installed automatically. Often, for greater convenience and to avoid frequent requests for data loss, a phone number can be used instead of a user login, which is not always convenient.

Change login to OK

Changing personal data on Odnoklassniki is a free, publicly available option, but not every social network user knows how to change their login and password. Let's figure this problem out! We bring to your attention step-by-step and most detailed instructions for the process of replacing a login on Odnoklassniki:

First of all, you need to open your page on Odnoklassniki. When you log in, you will be given the choice of entering the phone number you specified during registration, or your own email address, as well as a security password.

The page will contain information such as:

In order to replace data, you need to enter the settings menu, which is located directly under your photo and is called “Change settings”.

The “Basic” setup menu contains information about the user and you can change it here. Move your mouse cursor to the window called “Login” and the “Change” function will become available. The password changes in the same way.

To change the information, you need to confirm your actions by entering a code that the system will send to your phone number absolutely free of charge. It is previously impossible to change your login without using the phone number specified during registration. If you have not yet linked your page to a phone number, then in order to replace data and carry out any other operations, you will have to do this.

Enter the 6 received numbers in the special window and click on the “Confirm code” button.

Now you need to enter your old login password and the new login that you created for yourself and click on the “Save” button.

Login rules

  1. The combination should not be too short, that is, consist of less than 6 characters. For example: Fiona.
  2. To compose, you need to use only Latin letters and Arabic numbers, otherwise the system will say that the login was entered in the wrong format.
  3. You cannot use a combination that is already occupied by another user. If the combination you came up with was previously liked by someone else, just add a few more letters or numbers to it. For example: Fiona4 is a busy login, but Fiona4Fiona4 or Fiona443322 are free.


how to change phone number in Odnoklassniki?

  1. And so, to change the phone number in Odnoklassniki, you need to move the mouse cursor over the item on your page and press the left mouse button once, after which an additional menu will open in which you need to select the item change settings.

    When you select Change Settings, a page with additional settings will open in your Internet browser.
    And so, to change your phone number in Odnoklassniki, you need to select the Phone number item.
    How to change phone number in Odnoklassniki

    When you select Phone number, a window will open in your browser in which the phone number linked to your Odnoklassniki page will be indicated.
    To continue and change your phone number in Odnoklassniki, you need to hover your mouse over the Change number link and click the left mouse button once.
    How to change phone number in Odnoklassniki

    After which a window will open on your computer in which we can indicate a different phone number in Odnoklassniki.
    And so opposite the Country line, select your country; by default, Russia will be indicated in this window.
    Now, in a special window, indicate the ten digits of your number to which you want to change and click on the Send button.
    When you click on the Send button, a free SMS with a code will be sent to your number. Typically, SMS delivery will take about two to three minutes.
    Please note: a free SMS will be sent to the phone number that you want to link to your Odnoklassniki page.
    How to change phone number in Odnoklassniki

    After an SMS with a code is sent to your phone number, you will need to enter the code to link a new number. And so, in a special window, enter the received code and click on the Confirm code button.
    How to change phone number in Odnoklassniki

    When you click on the Confirm code button, a window will open in your browser in which you will see the new phone number in Odnoklassniki. To complete the settings, click on the Close button.
    Now you know how you can change your phone number in Odnoklassniki.
    How to change phone number in Odnoklassniki

  2. In settings

When your page is linked to a mobile phone number, you can always restore access if you forget your password or if your page is hacked. This happens to people often. Therefore, it is necessary to indicate your phone number. In addition, your number is your login (username for logging into the site).

Is it possible to link two pages or several pages to one number in Odnoklassniki?

Many people are interested in this - can there be two pages in Odnoklassniki on one number? No, you cannot register two pages for one number. If you try to link a page to a number that is already linked to another page, nothing will work. But even if you delete the old page, three months must pass before you can register a new page for this number (or link it to the page).

How to access the old page if it was linked to the same number?

Two pages cannot be linked to the same number at the same time. Someone will say: “But no, I’m tied!” - such a person is wrong. He may have created a second page for the same phone number, but he still doesn’t know that the first page has become disconnected from him, and he can’t restore access to it later. Or maybe one page has already been deleted, maybe the number has been changed - whatever it is, the rule is simple: one number - one page.

How to restore a page in Odnoklassniki by phone number?

If you had a mobile phone number on your page, it’s easy to restore the page:

  1. Click on the link "Forgot your password" on the main page of Odnoklassniki or here.
  2. Click the button "Telephone" and enter your phone number.
  3. If the page was linked to this number, you will be sent a recovery code via SMS.
  4. Enter this code in special field(the code may not come immediately, you will have to wait a few minutes).
  5. Ask New Password your page.

If it doesn’t work, other ways to restore the page are here:

And if you can’t log into the site for some other reason, look here:

How to change your phone number?

To change your phone number in Odnoklassniki, you need to:

  1. Open your page.
  2. Click under your main photo "Change settings."
  3. In the "Basic" settings find "Phone number" hover over it and click "Change".
  4. A window will open, click there "Change number."
  5. They will ask for a phone number - enter new number.
  6. Click "Send"- an SMS will be sent to your phone with a code that indicate for confirmation new number. That's it.

The phone number has changed (I forgot the number, lost it, the old one is no longer there), and when entering Odnoklassniki the code is sent to the old one. What to do, where to change the phone number?

Take your time, think: if you could change your phone number without having access to the page, then any stranger could do it. Then what would be the point of a phone number, a password, if anyone could break into your page? First you will have to restore access to Odnoklassniki and somehow prove that you are exactly you. There are different ways in this link; you can choose the one that is more understandable to you.

If the SIM card is lost (or the phone along with the SIM card is lost) and not too much time has passed, we advise you to contact your mobile operator to restore this number. Then you can - this is the easiest and fastest option.

Remember: whenever you are going to change your phone number, you need to remember which accounts you have linked to the old number, and promptly change this number in the settings - in particular, in Odnoklassniki. It is better to do this when you have access to both numbers - both the old and the new.

How to log into Odnoklassniki without a number?

If you have lost your password and are trying to recover it, you should be sent a code that you must enter to regain access. I'll have to get my phone out!

If you want to view the Odnoklassniki website without logging in under your name and without registering, then there is nothing you can do about it - these are the rules, you need to register. More details are provided here:

If you really don’t want to use your main number for registration, buy a cheap SIM card and register using it.

To find out how to recover your password in Odnoklassniki if your phone number has changed, read the contents of this article, because many users of this social network face such a problem. Recovery in this case can be quite difficult, but if you do everything according to the instructions, you can save a lot of time. In this case, you are deprived of the easiest way to enter the page, so if you change your phone number, we recommend that you immediately change the information about this in your personal account.

Login to the site without entering your mobile phone

How to recover a password in Odnoklassniki without a phone number using E-mail? This is a very simple and popular way to enter a page when the key has been lost, but to use it, the condition must be met that you have attached your email address to your page on this social network. You must also have access to your email; if you cannot access your email, then this method will not work for you. But don't despair, because , You can do it in different ways, you just need to find the one that is convenient for you.

  • First of all, you need to go to the main page of the site, select the “Forgot your password?” and follow the link;
  • after the transition, you will find yourself in the corresponding menu, which will offer you to choose one of the recovery methods;
  • in our case, we can select the “Mail” item, which is located in the center, click on this link;
  • you will be prompted with a field in which you need to enter your email address, if you remember it, then this will not be difficult;
  • After filling out, click “Search” and select your box.
  • An email with a code will be sent to your email address;
  • Next, you need to go to your mailbox and enter the code from the letter from the OK administration in a special field;
  • Next, you will be asked to create and enter a new password;
  • if you don’t remember which E-mail is attached to your account, or have forgotten its name, then you need to follow the link “Personal data”, enter information about yourself in a special field, and then select your page from the list of those suggested by the computer;
  • Thus, when you find yourself, you will need to confirm the sending of the letter to the address that you entered when registering your account, then log into your mailbox and follow the instructions contained in the letter.

This is one of the easiest ways to solve this problem.

What to do if the number is lost, how to resolve the issue with the help of support?

Many users are interested in the question of how to log into Odnoklassniki if they have forgotten their password and phone number? After all, this is the simplest and fastest method. But if the number has changed, the situation may become more complicated. To the question: “What should I do if I forgot my password in “OK” without a phone number?”, you can answer: “Log in via email,” but not every user attaches the address of their mailbox to their account on a social network, especially for those who recently registered.

Owners of pages on social networks often ask the question: “I forgot my password on Odnoklassniki, how can I recover it without a phone number?” And so, you can only use the support service; to do this, select the appropriate menu item on the page. To get started, select the “Help” section at the bottom of the page.
or when the data changes again and write down the information in a notepad. Since the support service may refuse your request. The user, if he has changed his phone, must immediately make the appropriate changes on his page on the social network. You can find out more about how to recover your Odnoklassniki password if your phone number is lost in other articles on this topic.

How to recover your password if your phone number has changed?

Almost every resident of Russia or the CIS countries has their own personal page on the Odnoklassniki social network. This popularity is due to free registration, a user-friendly interface and the ability to communicate with your friends, even if they are on the other side of the world. In addition, this social network allows you to share personal photos, view other people's pictures, write small notes on the wall, and also play interesting games.

To register with Odnoklassniki, the user only needs an email address. However, in order to use all the features of the site, you must link a valid phone number to the page. In the future, you can change your phone number in Odnoklassniki if the old one is no longer available or for any other reason.

Quick navigation through the article

Changing your phone number

In order to change the phone number that is linked to your personal page on Odnoklassniki, you must:

  • Log in to your account using your username and password.
  • Go to the “Change settings” section from the list located under the main photo.
  • Find the “Phone number” item and click on the “Change” button.
  • Enter the new phone number in the appropriate fields and click on the “Submit” button.
  • Receive a message with a code that must be entered into a special form and click “Save”.

The old phone number will be unlinked automatically.


In the main settings, you can also change the email address to which the profile is linked. Email is required to receive notifications and also to recover your password. In order to change your email, you first need to log into your personal page in Odnoklassniki, and then click on the “Change settings” button on the left side of the screen. Next, you need to select the “Basic” section and find the email address item, where you need to click “Change”. First, you need to enter the phone number that is linked to the page and click send; this procedure is required in order to avoid the page being hacked. Receive the code, which usually arrives within a few seconds, and enter it in the appropriate field. Next, you need to enter a password and a new address, and then click on the “Save” button.


The user may need to change the login, which defaults to email. However, it can be anything and in order to change it, you need to log in to your personal profile, and then go to the “Change settings” section. Select the “Basic” item on the left side of the page and find the “Login” item, after which you need to click on the “Change” button. The site cares about security, which is why you need to enter the phone number linked to the page, and then enter the received code in the appropriate field and click “Verify code”. After this, you need to enter the password for the page and a new login, click on the “Save” button. The new login can be used to enter the page.