Single-user licenses 1c terminal server. 1C:Enterprise software licenses on the terminal server

1C terminal access, in some cases, helps solve multi-user access problems that arise when network equipment fails. Why else is it needed, how to organize it, what are its strengths and weaknesses - we will try to answer all these questions in this article.

When terminal access may be needed

Fig.1 Remote desktop connection window.

With other methods of working with the database, either a significant part of the work, or all the main work with the database, occurs on the user’s computer, while working in terminal mode, the user’s PC actually turns into an information input/output device. This leads to the first important advantage that the 1c terminal mode provides - a reduction in the minimum system requirements for the operator’s workplace.

In addition, the terminal server for 1C:

  1. Allows you to significantly reduce network load. Instead of a large array of data transferred back and forth, in fact, a picture is transferred to the client, and only the entered information is transferred to the server;
  2. Protects the database both from unauthorized attempts to access it and significantly complicates copying the database from third-party resources;
  3. Significantly speeds up work if the file mode is configured;
  4. Significantly reduces the material costs required for modernization. To improve the quality of work, it is enough to update the 1C terminal server, leaving the client-side hardware unchanged;
  5. There is no need to install the platform on all operator computers.

Important! The main requirement for a client computer in terminal mode is the screen size and resolution. Sometimes, even on 17′ low-resolution screens, some form elements are displayed incorrectly.

Licensing in terminal mode

When considering this issue, first of all it is necessary to decide what licenses the 1C company issues. They can be divided into two main types:

  1. Client;
  2. Server.

In turn, client ones can be divided into:

  • Multi-user. Such licenses, purchased for a certain number of users, allow you to run the program on several personal computers. Licensing occurs either through the web server module or through the license issuing server;
  • Single-user. In this case, an unlimited number of applications can be run on one computer.
  • Combined - initially contains both licensing options, but after activation with a PIN code, they work exclusively in one selected mode.

When setting up a terminal server for 1C, you should take into account that server licenses are divided into 32 and 64 bit versions, while the latter installed on the server allows you to run the 32 bit version without any problems.

In this case, the multi-user license installed on the 1C terminal will be used as several single-user ones.

Thus, setting up a 1C terminal server supports the use of any type of license. In this case, distribution is carried out not only for clients connected in desktop mode but also for users working through a remote application. In the latter case, a situation often arises where each new user connection creates a new session, and, therefore, one license is occupied. To correct this unpleasant situation, it is necessary to limit the user to one session in the terminal server settings.

Problem when running 1C with terminal access on Windows Server 2012R2

Some users have encountered a situation where 1C slows down in the terminal on WS 2012R2. At the same time, all the hardware indicators are quite high, installing another OS significantly increases the operating speed, and overloads are not noticeable.

Naturally, there can be many reasons. Last but not least, you should take a closer look at the Dynamic Fair Share Scheduling mode, which first appeared in this version of the server operating system. Enabling this mode allows the operating system to independently distribute CPU resources between users. Thus, even on a powerful computer, this mode can artificially limit processing speed.

To disable this mode, you need to change the parameters in the register branches HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE->SYSTEM->CurrentControlSet-> Control-> Session Manager-> Quota System(EnableCPUQuota parameter to 0) and in the branch HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE-> SYSTEM-> CurrentControlSet-> Services-> TSFairShare-> Disk (EnablaFairSharealso to 0).

We won’t say that this is a panacea, but it is quite suitable as one of the cures for terminal server slowdowns.

Software protection is tied to the hardware and the installed operating system:

In the box with the program you will find a yellow piece of paper. The registration number of the program will be written at the top, and PIN codes for the program keys will be given at the bottom. How to install it is written in detail on the same sheet.

Types of software licenses

  • All software licenses are divided into client and server. There are three types of client licenses:
  • Single-user - allow you to run an unlimited number of applications in thin and thick client mode, as well as the Configurator on one PC.
  • Multi-user - allow you to run the number of applications specified in the license rating in thick, thin and web client mode, as well as the configurator on an arbitrary number of PCs. The 1C:Enterprise server or web server extension module is responsible for issuing multi-user licenses to clients.

Combined - contains licenses of both types, but only one can be activated; if a single-user pin code was activated first from such a set, then in the future it will no longer be possible to use this license as a multi-user one.

A server license allows you to run an unlimited number of 1C:Enterprise server worker processes (rphost) on one server, divided into 32-bit and 64-bit, while a 64-bit license allows you to run a 32-bit version of the server.

A single-user license is supplied with the main distribution or as a license for one seat. Can be installed on a computer, 1C:Enterprise server, web server extension module or terminal server. If installed on a server, it is combined with other licenses activated on the server and is used, in addition to the terminal server, as a multi-user license.

Multi-user licenses are supplied in sets of 50, 100, 300 and 500 licenses and can only be installed on a 1C:Enterprise server, web server extension module or terminal server; in the latter case, they are used as single-user licenses.

Sets for 5, 10 and 20 users are combined, the license type is selected at the time of activation of the first pin code.

For single user PIN code versions look something like this:

  • 111-111-111-111-111
  • 222-222-222-222-222
  • 333-333-333-333-333

The first pin code for the initial installation of a license. The remaining two & spares. When the spare key is activated & the first one is deactivated. I recommend marking the name of the computer on which the key is activated, and also saving the organization data requested during activation to a file and printing it out and storing it as the apple of your eye, since when replacing a computer and activating a spare license, they must be entered exactly the same as the first time.

Network (multi-user) versions:

For network versions two types of pin codes are given & single-user and multi-user . Each type has main and spare keys.

Let's say the 5-user version will have: 5 main single-user ones and 2 spare ones, or 1 multi-user version and 2 spare ones.

The question arises: In what cases should one or the other be used?

Let’s say you put the database on the server in a file version, and users will log in over the network and each will have the platform installed locally, in this case we will activate single-user licenses. There is one inconvenience in this case. Now the 8.2 platform often has new releases and you need to periodically update it on all computers from which you access 1C. To prevent damage to the Information Base, you cannot run it from different computers with different platform releases. After such a launch, internal tables may be damaged, and archived copies of programs created during such operation will not open.

If users access the server through terminal access, RITMIX and others, i.e. work directly on the server, then activate the multi-user license. In this case, we update the platform on the server.

I recommend marking each key with the name of the computer on which it was installed and printing a file with the organization data that you enter during activation and storing it in a secluded place, along with the regankets.

The 1C Enterprise licensing system is quite specific, as noted by many administrators who have used 1C licenses. In this publication I would like to understand the ornateness of the issue of using 1C keys, 1C software and server licenses. This is going to be a big discussion, so get some coffee and sit back, let's begin...

I remember that the first time I came across the 1C Enterprise licensing system at work, the Internet didn’t really help. The official 1C website published answers to general questions on this topic; a search through publications gave partial answers to questions of interest, but I couldn’t find anything that would be intelligible and in one place. Although, maybe I was looking poorly! In any case, I want to fill this gap, so this post is dedicated to 1C licenses. 🙂

To cover this topic as fully and clearly as possible, and so as not to confuse you with the abundance of 1C licenses, I propose to consider the 1C licensing system using the example of the growth of a company from its foundation to a large corporation, because in this case the number of users simultaneously working in 1C Enterprise will increase.

Therefore, the plan for our conversation today will be as follows:

If we described the licensing system in two words, it would sound something like this:

The licensing strategy of the 1C company is structured in such a way as to charge money for licenses in proportion to the size of the company that uses 1C Enterprise configurations. Accordingly, the larger the enterprise uses 1C configurations, the more money needs to be spent on licenses.

Let's consider how this strategy is implemented and currently works at different stages of enterprise development. But before that, to better understand the material, let’s consider proposed by 1C company types of licenses.

1. Types of 1C licenses in the 1C licensing system

There are two types of licenses in the 1C licensing system:

  • Hardware licenses 1C (USB keys 1C) having a physical medium in the form of a flash drive connected to a computer via a USB port, which is why they are also called 1C keys;
  • 1C software licenses (in the form of PIN codes), as the name implies, these are 1C licenses without a material medium, in the form of a registration code.

The advantages and disadvantages of using each type of license are obvious:

License type Facilities Flaws
Hardware license 1C Enterprise (or USB key 1C) Allows you to work on any computer with the 1C Enterprise platform installed without restrictions and additional activations A chip with a 1C license is a physical medium that can be lost or broken, stolen, etc.
Software license 1C Enterprise Installed to the user's computer and makes it possible to work with 1C Programs without additional devices The license is tied to the hardware of the computer or server, respectively, when changing the computer (server) the 1C license must be activated according to the new registration code

I would also like to add to the table data that 1C Hardware licenses (1C USB keys) are higher than the cost of a 1C Software license, probably due to their material basis. At the time of writing 1C hardware license(USB key 1c) costs 8200 rub., software6300 rub.

The effect of using licenses is the same - users get access to 1C Enterprise configurations. True, there are nuances when working over a network of multi-user licenses, which we will discuss below.

Each 1C Enterprise user decides independently which of the proposed types of licenses to use in their work in accordance with their tasks.

2. 1C licensing system for basic versions of 1C Enterprise configurations

The 1C company makes fairly loyal demands on small businesses, offering basic versions of 1C configurations for affordable prices. 3000 - 5000 rub. For this money, 1C users get the opportunity to use all the functionality of 1C configurations with the following technical limitations:

  • Only one user can work at the same time in the basic version of 1C;
  • You can keep records only one organization in one basic version of 1C, and for accounting several organizations it is necessary to create a separate database for each of them;
  • You can work in basic versions of 1C from only one workstation, and 3 base transfers are allowed to new jobs;
  • It is not possible to make changes to the standard functionality of 1C Enterprise 8.3;
  • There is no possibility of organizing any connections with other applications; technically speaking, there is no possibility of organizing distributed databases, using COM connections and an Automation server.

As can be seen from the limitations, the basic versions of 1C Enterprise configurations are suitable for organizations that kept records in Excel or in accounting journals, since there were not very many accounting transactions. But due to the fact that there are more operations and accounting is becoming unmanageable, we came to the decision about the need to purchase automation tools for this process and, as a time-tested solution, chose 1C Enterprise configurations. Those. This is the very initial stage of enterprise development.

Basic versions of 1C Enterprise contain the same functionality as professional versions. From basic accounting, you can submit financial statements and exchange bank statements through client-bank processing. These questions are asked very often, so I want to dispel all the fears of users here.

1C licenses for basic versions of 1C Enterprise exist only in the form of registration codes that the user receives in the box with the program.

After activating all three licenses, you must purchase a new basic version 1C Enterprise and use its registration codes for the following activations.

This is such an unexpected decision. 💡

Recently, 1C electronic licenses have appeared, by purchasing which the user receives only a list of activation licenses and a program PIN code without a box or any other materials. The truth is that the cost is much lower.

3. 1C licensing system for several 1C Enterprise users

Let's move on... The company grows, develops, and one day comes to the conclusion that one user is not enough to work in 1C and an assistant is needed to simultaneously enter primary documents. By this time, usually, the company has already occupied its niche in the market, so at this stage the licensing policy of the 1C company becomes slightly stricter.

Since the simultaneous work of several 1C users becomes necessary, the basic version is no longer suitable (read the restrictions above). It is necessary to update (in technical language - upgrade) to the professional (PROF) version of 1C with the purchase of additional 1C licenses for new users.

3.1 Transition from basic to professional versions of 1C Enterprise

To avoid confusion, I will structure the discussion as follows: first, I will consider the cost of purchasing professional versions of 1C Enterprise without an upgrade, and then we will calculate the cost of purchasing the PRO version of the program with an upgrade.

3.1.1 Purchase of the professional version of 1C Enterprise and one additional 1C license

Professional versions of 1C configurations are divided by license type (read above), so if in the 1C price list you see the names of configurations with a postscript USB, this means that the configurations are sold as a USB flash drive; without any postscript - with 1C software licenses(in the form of registration codes).

The cost of PROF configurations 1C is:

  • with software licenses – in the area 13000 rub.;
  • with hardware licenses (USB keys 1c) - in the area 16000 rub..

Included in the cost of professional 1C configuration the cost of one 1C license is already included. Accordingly, for the second and each subsequent user to work, it is necessary to purchase an additional license:

  • additional cost software license 6300 rub..;
  • additional cost hardware license (USB key 1c) 8200 rub..

In total, the cost of purchasing a professional version of the configuration for two users will cost:

  • with software licenses - 13,000 rubles. + 6300 rub. = 19300 rub.,
  • with hardware licenses (USB keys 1c) - 16,000 rubles. + 8200 rub. = 24200 rub.

We calculated the cost of purchasing professional versions of 1C Enterprise 8.3 without taking into account the fact that you purchased the basic version of the 1C configuration. If you have a basic version of 1C Enterprise, you can upgrade to the PRO version and save a little.

3.1.2 Upgrade from basic to professional configuration 1C Enterprise 8.3

Formula for calculating the cost of an upgrade from basic to professional versions of 1C Enterprise 8.3 is:

Cost of professional 1C configuration – Cost of basic 1C configuration + 150 rubles,

but not less than half the cost of the purchased 1C product.

For our example, we get: if the cost of the basic configuration is 3,300 rubles, and the cost of the professional configuration is 13,000 rubles, then upgrade cost will:

13000 rub. – 3300 rub. + 150 rub. = 9850 rub.

Half the cost of the professional version of 1C is 13,000 / 2 = 6,500 rubles. The cost of the upgrade is more than this amount, which means the amount 9850 rub. is final.

To this amount you need to add the cost of an additional 1C license, then, in the end, you will receive the final amount of upgrade from the basic version of 1C Enterprise to the PRO version with software licenses for two users, equal to 16150 rub..

3.1.3 Several questions that arise when purchasing additional 1C Enterprise licenses

As the company using 1C Programs develops, each new user will need to purchase an additional 1C license. Here I would like to dispel a few misconceptions:

  1. An additional license gives the user the right to work with unlimited number of 1C Enterprise 8.3 configurations located on the same network, i.e. one user, with a 1C license, can immediately work in 1C Accounting 3.0 and 1C Trade Management 11 and in other configurations, located on the same network.
  2. Simultaneous operation of 1C hardware and software licenses is allowed, i.e. if a software license is activated on one user’s computer, then the second user can connect to the database via the network using a hardware license (USB key 1c) without any restrictions.
  3. Professional versions of 1C products are serviced by 1C partners.

3.2 1C licensing system for several users working on the same network

With the transition from basic to professional 1C configurations, new opportunities for 1C users to work appear. Currently, 1C technologies allow:

  • carry out the work of users within the same network;
  • organize the work of distributed 1C Enterprise databases;
  • connect remote users to the 1C Enterprise database via the Internet.

I'll start from the first point. We are considering the option when the main computer is selected, where the 1C Enterprise databases are installed and all 1C users join this computer via the network. In this case, to connect to the 1C database every computer on the network must have a software or hardware license. When adding a new computer to the network, you must purchase another additional 1C license.

Let's look at the connection diagram using an example. Let's assume that 1C Accounting 3.0 is installed on one computer, and 1C Salary and HR Management 3.0 is installed on the other (see picture).

In this case, all computers on the network must have a license (software or hardware) that will allow you to run an unlimited number of 1C Enterprise databases from workstations. In our example, all users received simultaneous access to both 1C configurations.

3.3 1C licensing for several users working remotely through distributed databases

To simplify the presentation of the material, let’s assume that the company has a warehouse located on the other side of the city, with not very good Internet, where a second user is planned to work and it is necessary to organize exchanges between databases.

To automate such business processes, the 1C platform offers a mechanism distributed databases. In this mode, an initial image of the existing 1C configuration is created with the same structure and data. You can enter data into the created configuration, which, when exchanged, will be transferred to the main 1C node, and the data of the main node will be transferred to the initial 1C image, i.e. the bases will be mutually exchanged.

To organize a distributed database, you need to buy two PROF 1C configurations both to the office and to the warehouse. PROF versions of programs already include one license, so you don’t have to buy additional licenses.

As a result, the cost of organizing exchanges between two 1C nodes through distributed databases with 1C hardware licenses (1C USB keys) will be about RUB 26,000., with 1C software licenses near 32,000 rub.

3.4 1C licensing system for several users working remotely via the Web interface

If the Internet in a remote warehouse is more or less good (it is possible to “surf” on social networks 😉), then it is technically possible to organize work with the 1C database via the Web interface. In this case, communication with the 1C Enterprise database will be carried out via the Internet. At the same time, the 1C user will have the opportunity to work with the 1C database both through an Internet browser (the same as social networks, only instead of “Vegetable Garden” it will be possible to enter primary 1C documents) and through the 1C platform.

To organize the work, you need to install the Web extension of the 1C platform and publish the 1C database on the web server. These operations should preferably be done by technical specialists or 1C partners. It will be difficult for an ordinary user to cope with such a task.

After publishing the 1C database on the Web server, the computer in the warehouse will be able to work with the 1C database via the Internet in several modes:

  • via browser just like with a regular website without using the 1C platform. In this case licenses activated in the office will be used. In our example, a 5-user license is used, with 4 licenses used in the office. When the 5th user connects via a browser, he will use the latest 5th license and all subsequent users connecting both through the web interface and over the network will not be able to connect due to a lack of licenses.

  • via the 1C platform in Thin Client mode. In this case, the license will be searched on the warehouse computer and, if not found, the office license will be used. In the same office, as in the example above, remote users connect through the platform in thin client mode (see figure).

  1. The first user uses a 1C license on a computer; when connected, the 1C licensing system will detect it and allow it to connect to the 1C database via the web server.
  2. The next user starts without a license, so when trying to open the program, the license will be searched on the user’s computer, but will not be found; The search will continue for office licenses, and the last free one will be found, which will allow you to open the program.
  3. The lowest user, when trying to open the 1c configuration through a thin client without using a 1c license, will fail, since the 1c licensing system will not detect the license either on his computer or on the network.

Take these points into account when planning 1C user connections.

4. 1C licensing system for the client-server version of 1C Enterprise

The company has developed, the existing 5 concurrent 1C users are not enough to enter all the primary 1C documents, and when adding the next 1C user, the work in the program slows down significantly. The file version of the 1C database cannot cope with the load and begins to slow down.

To work with a larger number of users, it is necessary to organize a client-server version of 1C. In this case, the database with 1C data will be stored not in a file, but in a relational database (the most popular MS SQL or PostgreSQL). Then all operations will be performed by server resources, and workstations will only reproduce the results of calculations, which increases the speed of 1C Enterprise significantly.

4.1 Purchasing a 1C Enterprise server license

To create a 1C client-server database you need:

  • Server or powerful computer;
  • Relational database - paid MS SQL or free PostgreSQL;
  • Server license 1C.

The cost of the first two components varies over a very wide price range and is selected depending on the needs and tasks to be solved, therefore it is beyond the scope of the discussion of this publication.

1C server licenses exist 32 bit And 64 bit. The difference is due to the allocated amount of RAM for running processes when running 1C Enterprise. During large-scale operations and a lack of resources, the operation will fail with an error, therefore, in order not to “risk”, 64-bit 1C server licenses are usually purchased because of their versatility - they work in both 32 and 64 bit systems. 32 bit licenses work only on 32-bit systems.

1C server licenses vary in cost, see table:

A 1C server license is installed on a computer (server) with the 1C server installed (selected in components) and allows 1C client applications to work with it. To put it simply, the scheme is as follows: the 1C user application connects to the 1C server, which in turn connects to the database where the 1C database is deployed.

After installing the 1C server license, you need to decide on installing 1C client licenses. If everything is more or less clear with single-user licenses, then in the client-server version of 1C work they use multi-user 1C licenses. This is where the fun begins...

4.2 1C Enterprise licensing system for operating the 1C client-server version over the network

Multi-user 1C licenses (like all other types of 1C licenses) come in hardware and software. But, besides the physical difference, these licenses behave differently in 1C client-server systems.

Multi-user 1C hardware licenses (1C keys) are inserted into the USB port of the server machine where the 1C server is installed and distributed to user computers over the network through the HASP License Manager, which counts computers on the network, from which 1C Enterprise configurations are launched and does not allow running the 1C application from another computer if the permissible license threshold is exceeded. At the same time, an unlimited number of 1C Enterprise configurations can be launched on each computer.

In our example (see figure) a 5-user hardware license is used, with 5 users on the network running 2 configurations (blue lines) without any restrictions. The 6th user cannot connect due to insufficient licenses.

Multi-user software licenses 1C can be activated:

  • like multi-user on 1C server, in this case, the distribution of licenses will be carried out by the 1C server, which counts number of database connections and does not allow you to make another connection if the license threshold is exceeded. To put it simply, the number of simultaneously running 1C applications from all computers is counted and each new launch is “cut” if the number of installed licenses is exceeded. Do you feel the difference with hardware licenses?

If multi-user hardware licenses (1C keys) are counted number of computers, on which 1C Enterprise applications are running, then multi-user software licenses are calculated number of running 1C applications for all users working through the 1C server.

In our example, we activated a software license using one PIN code for the 1C server. When 3 users tried to launch 2 1C applications, one of them was able to load only one 1C configuration, since all five valid applications would be launched and the software license prohibited the launch of the 6th application.

  • as single-user on all computers on the network, in this case, users will be able to run an unlimited number of 1C applications from their computers.

And now we have activated a multi-user software license not with one PIN code on the server, but for each working computer on the network. This license activation option allows you to run an unlimited number of 1C applications from each computer. In this case, all 3 1C users managed to launch 2 1C applications, leaving 2 unused licenses.

4.3 1C Enterprise licensing system for operating the 1C client-server version via a terminal server

If a client-server version of 1C operation is organized through a terminal server, then the licenses (regardless of the type - both hardware licenses (1C keys) and software licenses) apply to the terminal session. This means that if a user session has received a license, the user will be able to run an unlimited number of 1C Enterprise applications. Accordingly, the number of sessions under which users will be able to run the 1C application is limited by the license threshold.

All! The operation of the 1C Enterprise licensing system is illuminated. I hope I haven't forgotten anything. If something is not clear, then ask a question in the comments or on the forum.

1C Enterprise licensing system - detailed description: 35 comments

    the cost of server licenses does not correspond, the costs of hardware and x64 licenses are mixed up

  • Good afternoon Is it possible for one user to work from different places (I need a connection in the office and at home). Or do I need to buy two licenses anyway? I apologize if the question is stupid, because... encountered 1C for the first time

  • How are licenses distributed across configurations and keys? We have several users simultaneously from one computer who can work in different databases and different configurations.

    The question is that on the same network there are many file databases of different organizations but with the same configuration, for example accounting Prof.3.0, but for a different number of client licenses of different types (software and hardware). Will organizations “eat up” each other’s licenses?

    Will users of the Accounting configuration take over the licenses of SPP (server platform) users?

    If there is any software that allows you to track all licenses on the network (including software)?

  • [If a client-server version of 1C operation is organized through a terminal server, then the licenses (regardless of the type - both hardware licenses (1C keys) and software licenses) apply to the terminal session. This means that if a user session has received a license, the user will be able to run an unlimited number of 1C Enterprise applications. Accordingly, the number of sessions under which users will be able to run the 1C application is limited by the license threshold.]
    1. Do I understand correctly that this option is described provided that the client licenses are located on the terminal server?
    2. What will happen if licenses are distributed by the 1C application server when using a terminal server?
    3. How many databases can you run on each workstation if a 1C application server distributes a 5-user hardware license?

  • Good afternoon
    1.When moving from a file database to a client-server one, what happens to the already installed user licenses? Will they be accepted when such a database is launched, since the license is tied to the hardware? Or is it necessary to separately purchase special client licenses to work with a client-server database?
    2. Can anyone share from personal experience what, in addition to the 1C server license and the database license, is necessary to switch from the file version to the client-server version.
    Thank you!

Type HASP4 Net, n 1C:Enterprise software products can be protected from copying using a software licensing system. This system allows users to collaborate without any additional physical devices. Software licenses will be discussed below.

1. Software license file

A software license is a special file with the extension .lic, which, after receiving, can be located in the following directories (in Windows OS):

  • Directory of files for a specific platform version. Default - C:\Program Files\1Cv82\8.2.XX.YYY\bin\conf
  • Directory %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\1C\1Cv82\Conf or in %LOCALAPPDATA%\1C\1Cv82\Conf for Windows Vista and higher.
  • The directory that is specified in the conf.cfg file located in the bin\conf directory of a specific platform version.
  • Directory %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\1C\1Cv82\Conf or in %ProgramData%\1C\1Cv82\Conf for Windows Vista and higher.

The directories are listed in search order; once the license files are found, further search stops.

Attention!!! The license file should not be copied or moved. If 2 or more license files are detected for the same program PIN and serial number, the license file becomes unusable and is blacklisted.

2. Types and options of software licenses

All software licenses can be divided into 2 types: “Client” and “Server”

  • Client licenses are required to run the 1C:Enterprise client 8. Client licenses are:
    • Single-user— allow you to run an arbitrary number of application instances on one computer within one Windows session.
    • Multiplayer— allow you to run no more than a certain number of program instances from arbitrary computers. The number of simultaneously running client applications is determined by the license value.
  • Server licenses are required to run a 1C:Enterprise server cluster. Can be 32-bit or 64-bit. Moreover, a license for a 64-bit server allows you to use 32-bit workflows.

It's also worth noting that CALs can be combined. In this case, the final license type depends on the activation option. Initially, both types of licenses are available, but if the single-user license is activated first, then the single-user license set is considered selected and further activation of the multi-user license becomes impossible. And vice versa, if a multi-user license is activated first, then it will no longer be possible to activate a single-user license.

3. About PIN codes and license activation

To obtain and activate a license, you need pincode And kit serial number. This data is included in the 1C:Enterprise delivery kit and is located in an envelope labeled “Software license PIN codes”. The envelope contains all the necessary information.

Upon receipt of a software license, the PIN code activation. You can only get one license per PIN code. The number of PIN codes included in the delivery set and the number of simultaneously active PIN codes are determined by the license option. PIN codes, additionally included in the delivery, can be used if changed key parameters systems. The fact is that when generating a software license, information is collected about the computer for which the license is obtained, namely:

  • Operating system name;
  • Operating system version;
  • Operating system serial number (Windows OS only);
  • Operating system installation date (Windows OS only);
  • Computer network name;
  • Motherboard model;
  • Amount of RAM;
  • BIOS type and version;
  • List of processors and their parameters;
  • List of network adapters and their MAC addresses;
  • List of hard drives and their parameters.

If during operation it is changed at least one of the key parameters, it will be necessary to obtain a software license again (computer parameters are polled no more than once a day). It is at this point that you will need additional PIN codes included in the license delivery. If for some reason all the pin codes included in the delivery kit have been used up, you should contact the Licensing Center to obtain additional pin codes.

4. License options

Software license options are presented in the tables below.

Table of options for user software licenses 1C:Enterprise 8
Type Licenses Users Active pincodes Pin codes supplied
1 user
1 1 1 3
5 users
5 1 5 8
5 1 3
10 users
10 1 10 14
10 1 3
20 users
20 1 20 25
20 1 3
50 users
50 50 1 3
100 users
100 100 1 3
300 users
300 300 1 3
500 users
500 500 1 3
Table of options for server software licenses 1C:Enterprise 8
Type Description Active pincodes Pin codes supplied
Server room,
Ability to run any number of 32-bit worker processes on a single physical computer 1 3
Server room,
Ability to run any number of 32-bit and 64-bit workflows on a single physical computer 1 3

5. Features of accounting for client licenses

The following options for accounting for software licenses are possible:

6. Obtaining a license

Obtaining a license may be required in one of the following cases:

  • Initial license acquisition— performed during the first installation on a computer of “1C:Enterprise” from this delivery kit. A new pincode is being used. The process of initially obtaining a license is described in detail.
  • License update— is performed in case of loss of a previously obtained license for a given computer, provided that its key parameters are preserved. The PIN code used to obtain the lost license is used.
  • Re-obtaining a license— Performed when installing the 1C:Enterprise system on another computer or after changing key computer parameters. You must specify the PIN code of the active license that is to be terminated, and another PIN code from the delivery set for which a license has not yet been obtained.
  • Contacting the Licensing Center— if for some reason all the pin codes from the delivery set have been used up, you should contact the Licensing Center to obtain additional pin codes. To do this, you need to send an email to [email protected] with the subject “Request for an additional PIN code.” In the letter you must indicate the registration number of the product and attach a file - a request for a license.

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