How do the Chinese drink hot water? Why do the Chinese drink hot water when it's hot? A glass of water with lemon, honey, vegetable oil

If you visit China, you will immediately notice that the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom drink a significant amount of hot water throughout the day. Despite the well-known stereotype about the importance of tea ceremonies in Chinese culture, boiling water occupies one of the first places in the Chinese food system. Why do the Chinese drink so much hot water?

Traditional reasons

Every Chinese person is taught to drink boiling water from childhood, since this tradition dates back to the times when imperial dynasties ruled in China. According to one of the folk legends, hot water saved one of the heirs from a terrible illness. After this incident, drinking hot water became widespread.

During the period of famine, Chinese peasants saved themselves from death with the help of boiling water, which, according to ancient healers, allowed the body to last the maximum amount of time without eating food. Drinking hot water has also become firmly established in the lives of Tibetan monks, who are confident in the healing power of the water element.

Medical reasons

From the point of view of traditional Chinese medicine, hot water is a source of life-giving energy and can cure many diseases. For a person with a European mindset, such a statement is difficult to understand. However, the Chinese themselves firmly believe that boiling water can cure many ailments.

Chinese doctors to this day, in addition to medicines, recommend drinking hot water during illness. This is especially true for women, as water helps balance energy levels during menstruation. Another healing function of water is to relieve any pain and remove mucus accumulated in the body.

Don’t be surprised if at a meeting, in a cafe or restaurant, the first thing they serve you is a glass of warm water - these are traditions. Even orange juice in a jug may be slightly warm.

“Tired, sick, things aren’t going well at work or in your personal life, you’re not in the mood? Drink warm water, everything will pass!” - the Chinese advise.

In China, parents teach their children to drink the national “warm water” from childhood.

The Chinese get used to drinking hot water from early childhood. Source:

People often carry small thermos bottles (bei zi) with them. They can be of various shades, sizes and shapes - from light plastic to large metal with thermal insulation. Something like the popular My Bottle today.

Many people have special thermos bottles for hot water. Source:

This way, a supply of liquid is always at hand, which is very convenient. But why, for example, not juice, but water, and certainly in a warm form?

1Good for health

The Chinese believe that drinking hot water every day helps prevent many diseases.

“Always drink hot water, it’s good for your body and health,” this is how the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire explain their habit, for whom it is something taken for granted.

But in China they don’t like cold water. It is believed to be harmful, in particular by destroying teeth and damaging the gastric mucosa. By the way, many doctors support this point of view.

There is always time for a glass of regular warm water. Source:

And one more thing - if during a cold you try not to stuff your body with pills, but immediately try to regularly drink a sip of hot water, the disease will recede much faster, it has been verified.

2Maintains harmony

It turns out that the balance of yin and yang energy in the stomach is also important, and cold drinks can mercilessly destroy this harmony.

At least, this is the unusual argument that representatives of traditional Chinese medicine give. Sometimes doctors insist that patients over 40 years old should not eat food that is below room temperature.

Sometimes the principle is explained visually by comparing the stomach to a frying pan in which fat has frozen. Will all this mess be washed off with cold water? But hot water promotes better absorption of fats and food in general.

Wise Chinese know that you need to drink a lot of water.

The eating habits of the Chinese often surprise visitors. For example, Europeans, who are accustomed to replacing traditional Americano with ice coffee in hot weather, are very surprised that the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom, even in the heat, prefer to drink plain hot water. What is this: taking care of your health, or just another oddity?

The Chinese are accustomed to drinking hot water from childhood. Even for schoolchildren, parents buy small thermos bottles from which they can drink heated water at any time. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that with age they retain this healthy habit, and instead of cola or sweet juice they often drink regular heated water. This habit continues among the locals until old age. So, don't be surprised if you go to a business brunch or romantic dinner with a Chinese guy and they offer you a cup of warm water or slightly warmed juice. By the way, at gas stations and in many offices, instead of water coolers, there are special devices from which you can get heated water for free.

This innovation, by the way, appeared relatively recently. Equipment for supplying workers with boiling water appeared in the 50s of the last century. The Communist Party thus showed concern for the health of workers in factories. At the same time, branded red thermoses came into fashion, which many still associate with China.

The Chinese take pride in how they take care of their health. They are confident that hot or warm water can solve and prevent many problems. That's why they drink it in such large quantities. But on the contrary, they have a negative attitude towards cold water. In China, it is believed that chilled water is quite harmful to health. It destroys teeth and harms the gastric mucosa. Even local doctors agree with this point of view and heat the water before drinking.

It is accepted here that if you regularly drink hot water during a cold, it will go away. And so it is with many diseases. Therefore, many prefer to give up pills and trust time-tested Chinese medicine. Surprisingly, it works. True, it’s difficult to understand what this really is: the miraculous power of hot water or just a placebo effect. If you go to the hospital, do not be surprised that after passing a dozen tests, the doctor will tell you: “You rest at home, drink a lot of water and everything will be okay.”

By the way, the same applies to food. Chinese doctors do not recommend their patients eat cold food, especially if they are over forty. The food temperature should not be lower than room temperature. The explanation of such recommendations is very interesting. In order for a person far from medicine to understand this diagram, the human stomach is compared to a frying pan on which fat is distributed in a thin layer. It is impossible to wash it off with cold food, but warm water and broths will do the job. Therefore, those who adhere to the rules and heat the liquid before drinking have a better digestive system, and food is absorbed faster.

Due to this, many manage to lose a couple of kilograms, or even a couple of years. After all, everyone who takes care of themselves and monitors both their diet and the temperature of the water they drink remains healthy longer and looks younger than their peers.

In addition, such a useful habit has one more advantage. Europeans and other Westerners do not always drink bottled or filtered water. And in ordinary tap water, as you know, there are many harmful substances, and this liquid is unlikely to help improve your health and rejuvenate the body. Boiling helps kill germs, so even initially unsafe water becomes healthier. By the way, it is possible that this was one of the main reasons why they began to boil water in China.

For example, in the 17-18th century there were many common diseases and epidemics in the Middle Kingdom - drinking boiled water was one of the ways to protect yourself from various infections. Now the water in many Asian countries is still very dirty, and in some cities, even unsafe for health. Therefore, it is much better to drink boiled water and not be afraid of the consequences.

Another reason to take a few sips of hot water regularly is that it helps restore harmony with your body . The Chinese believe that the balance of feminine and masculine energy is the key to normal well-being and a harmonious relationship with oneself. And cold water destroys this balance. And to restore this harmony, they drink warm water. This is calming and allows you to tune in to a peaceful mood, no worse than meditation.

There is a very interesting traditional explanation for this behavior, which has been practically forgotten over time. According to one ancient legend, hot water saved one of the emperors. The heir to the throne was seriously ill and was actually on the verge of death. And the only thing that helped him was hot water. Turning to historical records, one can find another interesting point in them. There have been many difficult periods in Chinese history. And when there was not enough harvest to feed everyone, people died. And, oddly enough, one of the ways they used to escape from starvation was hot water. She helped a person survive for several days without food. Later, when everything became much more prosperous, Tibetan monks began to use this method. True, they did this not to save their lives, but simply to support their body during numerous cleansing fasts.

Many tourists, by the way, believe that the Chinese drink a lot of hot water because of their love for tea. They say that the locals are so used to drinking everything hot that they simply don’t like cold water. But this is a dubious version. The fact is that in neighboring countries - Japan and Korea - they love tea in the same way, but they are not fond of drinking hot water.

Now many people no longer think about why they drink hot water. Many of them do this out of habit. This is especially true for the older generation. Hot or warm water is consumed both with food and just like that.

Chinese philosophy is simple: if you are sick, feel unwell or just tired, drink hot water and everything will go away. However, now young people are increasingly looking towards the West. Chilled alcoholic drinks, ice water in the fitness room and other newfangled trends are also becoming the life of modern Chinese.


The right time to drink water is very important.
Drinking water at specific times maximizes the body's efficiency:
2 glasses of water after waking up - helps to activate internal organs
1 glass of water 30 minutes before meals - promotes digestion
1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure

1 glass of water before bed helps prevent stroke or heart attack

As you know, water is an inexhaustible source of life. It supports many functions in the human body, including being responsible for its cleansing. Among the numerous recommendations, diets, and methods for losing weight, hot water is especially valued, which should be consumed at night and in the morning on an empty stomach. So, is hot water on an empty stomach really beneficial and is there a scientific explanation for this technique?

Scientists unanimously declare that a morning cup of hot water can prepare the gastrointestinal tract for daily work. According to gastroenterologists, at night various food debris (digestive waste), gastric juice, and mucus settle on the walls of this organ. All this is called waste and toxins. Hot water, drunk on an empty stomach, seems to flush out everything unnecessary from the gastrointestinal tract, cleansing it and preparing it for new loads.
By the way, doctors are sure that warm water significantly reduces cramps, heartburn and other ailments associated with the gastrointestinal tract. This is explained simply - the water that gets into the stomach, before eating, gently forces it to work, preparing it with hard and heavy food.

Hot water will come in handy for those who want to preserve their youth. After all, as you know, clean water accelerates natural metabolic processes, quickly delivers oxygen to the cells, and supplies them with the necessary nutrients. The body transforms and becomes younger.
This is why drinking water on an empty stomach is necessary and beneficial - it not only has a laxative effect, due to which you can lose weight painlessly, but is also considered a kind of “cleaning agent” for the whole body.

So, for those who are interested in how to cleanse the stomach, rejuvenate and effectively lose weight, it is recommended to drink a glass of warm clean water in the morning, half an hour before a meal, and in the evening, before going to bed. Hot water (about 30-40 degrees) should be drunk in small sips. It is advisable to use unboiled liquid, because it is poorly absorbed by the body. If you do not have the opportunity to purify tap water using special filters, drink boiled liquid acidified with lemon juice or sweetened with honey. These products will improve the elimination of toxins and enrich the body with vitamins. Let's take a closer look at several methods of cleansing the body with hot water.


As noted above, honey can “improve” the properties of water. You should eat a spoonful of honey along with your water in the morning. It is recommended to carry out the procedure before breakfast, 15 or 25 minutes. Honey will thus be better absorbed, and water will be able to perform its functions of cleaning the gastrointestinal tract.
According to scientists, water with honey on an empty stomach helps to cope with many ailments. It helps cure herpes, colds, ulcers, gastritis, and allergic rashes. It will cleanse the kidneys and liver, have a calming effect on the nervous system, and give energy and vigor. But if you add lemon to water with honey, you can achieve an amazing healing effect. By the way, water is also used as a “reagent” in many diets.

POPULAR DIET - “TWO GLASSES OF WATER BEFORE MEAL” Among women all over the world, the so-called lazy diet - “Two glasses of water before breakfast or lunch” is especially popular. Drink 2 glasses of pure water (200 milliliters each) within 15 minutes and after eating you should not drink for 2 hours. During the meal, you should also not drink any drinks. Such a diet, or better called its diet, allows you to lose several kilograms in just 3-4 weeks.
Thus, hot water on an empty stomach allows you to effectively correct your figure, get rid of unnecessary harmful substances, rejuvenate the body, and recharge yourself with vigor and lightness for the whole day.

It’s amazing how many opportunities a glass of clean and healthy water gives a person.

Almost every diet is accompanied by a recommendation to expand your drinking regime and drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water per day. Nutritionists advise drinking it warm, with lemon, vinegar, soda, and ginger. But few people know that drinking hot water without any additives is good for weight loss. This helps cleanse the intestines of old waste and toxins, which helps normalize the gastrointestinal tract and speed up metabolism.

Efficiency of the technique

A glass of hot water, drunk on an empty stomach after waking up, forces the body to wake up and tune in to the daily routine.

  • The remains of undigested food after the evening meal are cleaned from the walls of the stomach and intestines.
  • The gastric juice is diluted and the acidity of the stomach decreases. This causes a decrease in appetite, as well as the possibility of heartburn after eating.
  • Feces are liquefied, the intestines are stimulated, and their contractility increases - defecation occurs within a few minutes and passes with ease;
  • Lipid metabolism and metabolic processes are launched in areas of potential obesity - on the hips, abdomen and buttocks;
  • If your stomach is already full, you will need a smaller portion than usual to fill you up during breakfast. You don’t have to force yourself to put the plate down – a small portion will completely satisfy your body.

An additional bonus from hot water on an empty stomach is that bad breath disappears, which very often causes emotional distress in the morning. You wake up in the morning next to your loved one, and instead of pampering yourself a little more and pleasing him with a morning kiss, you run to the bathroom.

It also has a positive effect on other systems of the human body - nervous and cardiovascular.

Warm liquid is absorbed, body temperature rises, softening the transition for blood vessels from a state of rest to wakefulness. The blood is thinned, which reduces the possibility of blood clots, the walls of the veins are cleared of cholesterol deposits - when the body temperature rises, they dissolve.

Favorable changes also occur in the nervous system - blood pressure stabilizes, unpleasant morning symptoms - dizziness, "cloudy" in the head - do not occur.

How to drink hot water correctly

Drink a glass of hot water on an empty stomach every morning. It quickly stabilizes intestinal function, relieves stagnation - constipation, and helps quickly transition from sleep to wakefulness.

But hot does not mean boiling water. The maximum water temperature should be 40ºC, otherwise irreparable damage will be caused to the gastric mucosa.

Losing weight will happen faster if you drink an extra glass before bed.

Hot water diet

To radically combat excess weight, you can go on a water diet, which is called the “diet for the lazy”, since with it you do not need to prepare special dishes, count calories, or eat by the hour.

The method is harmless, since the diet is limited to only “useless” food - sweets, fatty foods, and the amount of alcohol is reduced - it is too high in calories.

During a diet designed for 10-14 days, you need to follow simple rules:

  1. In the morning before breakfast - 30-40 minutes - you need to drink 500 ml of hot water.
  2. Before meals - an hour - drink 1.5-2 glasses.
  3. During meals, food is not washed down - a deliberate lack of fluid at this time starts the process of breaking down fat deposits - the body needs to satisfy its needs.

Food is also digested to the maximum. All drops of moisture are extracted from it, which means that beneficial substances are absorbed in full. If you create a daily menu of salads that use raw fruits and vegetables, the result will be impressive - minus 4-5 kilograms in 2 weeks.

The feeling of hunger that you experience while dieting creates emotional discomfort. Irritation appears, which sometimes cannot be dealt with. To alleviate the condition, you can diversify the “water” menu.

  • Hot water with honey

If the acidity of the stomach is increased, ordinary honey will help eliminate sucking in the pit of the stomach. Drink one glass of water in its pure form, add a teaspoon of honey to the second. You should try to drink the liquid in small sips.

If the acidity of the stomach is normal or low, lemon juice is an alternative to honey.

  • Hot water with lemon

The stimulating properties of lemon drink are superior to those of tea and even coffee. Lemon juice removes toxins, has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, and normalizes the acid-base balance in the mouth and stomach.

Lemon has a mild choleretic and diuretic effect, stimulates the intestines and urinary system, which activates the invigorating effect of hot liquid.

  • Hot water with ginger

A teaspoon per glass starts the fat burning process and “spurs” the body weakened by diet. If you have high acidity, it is better to avoid ginger.

To achieve sustainable results, after finishing the diet, you should not refuse a glass of hot water on an empty stomach - this will help maintain your weight at the same level and prevent the return of lost kilograms.


  • Digestive diseases: gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, Crohn's disease.
  • History of colitis of various etiologies.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Psychological and emotional problems.

But do you know how important the temperature of the liquid is? In our article we will tell you why it is so important to drink warm water. Don't miss it!

As we all know, the human body is 80% water, which means that you need to drink plenty of fluids every day. When we say liquid, we mean clean drinking water.

After all, store-bought juices and sweet carbonated drinks contain dyes and preservatives that slowly but surely harm your health. On the contrary, it has many beneficial properties and undoubtedly has a positive effect on health.

Also, don’t forget this: if you care about your health and drink a lot of water a day, be sure to monitor its temperature. Drinking too cold water can have a number of unpleasant consequences and negatively affect your body's health and immune system, including causing a cold. This especially applies to those who love drink cold water during breaks during exercise.

Therefore, we draw attention above to the fact that water is indeed healthy, but only when you drink warm water(room temperature). So she better perceived and assimilated.

You've probably never heard of this before, but warm water actually has so many beneficial properties that it's hard to imagine.

Let's give an example: if you train yourself to drink warm water on an empty stomach in the morning, and after a while drink another glass of water with the addition of lemon juice and a spoonful of honey, then soon you will feel a pleasant feeling of cleanliness and freshness spreading throughout your body. This simple method will help a lot cleanse the body and remove toxins and harmful substances from it.

But that's not all! Warm water has many other beneficial properties, so we are happy to share the most interesting of them with you.

Removes waste and toxins from the body

Warm water is especially beneficial in the morning, on an empty stomach, because it does an excellent job of removing it from the body, something that cold water can't handle.

Thanks to its properties, warm water will effectively help cleanse the kidneys, skin pores, and many other organs of the excretory system of our body from harmful substances and toxins. Despite the fact that they perform the function of removing toxins, very often they themselves need help.

At the same time, remember that the result is achieved through hard work, which means that it is not enough to drink one glass of warm water a day and wait for a noticeable improvement. In order for the properties of warm water to have an effect, you need to drink it regularly and several times a day, at regular intervals.

Soothes pain

Surprisingly, warm water can have a pain-relieving effect. For example, it will come to the rescue with diseases such as rheumatism and arteriosclerosis.

In addition, it will be useful for you to know that warm water good to drink for fever and chills. Such an easy way immediately helps reduce body temperature.

This occurs due to the fact that warm water dilates blood vessels, thereby facilitating blood circulation and at the same time removing all the toxins accumulated in it from the body. In a word, warm water helps restore the natural functioning of internal organs, which means that you will soon feel better!

Drink warm water to lose weight

There is no doubt that this item will not leave you indifferent! We're willing to bet that you didn't know that before. Can simple drinking water be an excellent remedy against overweight and obesity?

All you need is to simply include warm water in your diet as one of the main components of your diet.

We have already said that warm water effectively relieves hunger and helps control the amount of food consumed. If you regularly drink warm water, you will disappear the desire to “snack” during the working day and eat something sweet and tasty in between main meals. This means that the body will not receive extra calories and you lose excess weight quickly.

And of course, don’t forget about physical activity, because it must accompany any diet for it to bring a quick and noticeable effect! If you follow all these tips, you will be able to quickly and easily get rid of extra pounds and, most importantly, without harm to health!

Regulates pH in the body

Regular consumption of warm water also helps control indicator (pH) in the body. Undoubtedly, this will have a beneficial effect on your health and appearance.

What else is worth remembering?

It is best to replenish the lack of fluid in the body through clean drinking water, because it is of natural origin and has many beneficial properties.

After all, store-bought juices contain dyes and preservatives, which slowly but surely harm your health.

You should not abuse the amount of water you drink per day: 1.5 - 2 liters per day of clean drinking water at room temperature is the most optimal and healthy choice.

Follow our advice and you will see that your body will thank you!

Experts strongly recommend that all people drink a glass of water in the morning on an empty stomach. Nutritionists have long studied and voiced the benefits and harms of this approach. In their opinion, a simple procedure can improve a person’s health in just a few weeks, preventing the development of a number of pathologies and simply unpleasant conditions. True, everything is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Only adherence to the procedure technology can guarantee the desired result with minimal risk of side effects.

Benefits of drinking water in the morning

There are many different healing techniques based on a specific pattern of water consumption. The approach of drinking a glass of liquid every morning on an empty stomach is the simplest, but also quite effective. Not only does it allow the body to wake up, there are many positive consequences for the body:

  • The colon is cleansed of processed food, toxins, and mucus. This allows you to maximize the absorption capacity of the mucous membrane. The beneficial substances in the food that will enter the intestines during the day will not only pass through the body, but will begin to enter the necessary tissues and organs.
  • Removing toxins from the body has a positive effect on the condition of the epidermis. Within a few days after starting the technique, the skin will become noticeably cleaner.
  • Drinking a glass of water in the morning on an empty stomach helps you lose weight. This occurs due to the removal of excess fluid from tissues and acceleration of metabolic processes.
  • Water drunk in the morning triggers chemical reactions that stimulate cell renewal. It also accelerates the synthesis of blood cells and muscle fiber components.
  • A glass of water in the early morning helps maintain optimal functioning of the lymphatic system. That, in turn, is responsible for immunity indicators and provides the body with protection from infections.

Advice: Even such an effective approach will not be beneficial if you limit yourself to just one glass of liquid per day. Only by drinking 1.5-2 liters of water per day can you count on all the positive effects promised by experts.

The listed types of influence can be used for a variety of purposes. Experts believe that by drinking water in the morning, you can reduce the severity of pain during menstruation, get rid of nausea, and speed up the recovery process after an illness. A glass of water drunk early in the morning on an empty stomach is used as one of the remedies for kidney disease, headaches, sinusitis, constipation, angina pectoris, asthma and even blood cancer.

A glass of water with lemon, honey, vegetable oil

After some time after starting to use the technique, many people develop a useful habit; they simply cannot imagine their morning without a glass of water. Sometimes getting used to it is not so easy, you have to control yourself. It happens that clean water in the morning simply “doesn’t work” and you don’t have the strength to force yourself to drink it. In this case, you should use flavor enhancers. There is no need to be afraid that they will reduce the effectiveness of the impact; quite the contrary, the benefits of the approach will only increase:

  • Honey. If you add just one teaspoon of liquid honey to water, you can get a miraculous drink. It will actively resist the activity of viruses and bacteria, cleanse the kidneys and liver, and energize you for the whole day. This composition also calms the nervous system, elevates mood and eliminates anxiety.

  • . A glass of water with a couple of slices of lemon, drunk in the morning on an empty stomach, will provide the body with vitamins and minerals. Its action will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the digestive organs, heart and blood vessels, protect against free radicals and accelerate the elimination of harmful cholesterol. The composition activates brain function and normalizes blood pressure. The abundance of pectin and fiber in fruit juice will relieve hunger and speed up bowel cleansing.

  • Vegetable oil. Few people add a teaspoon of olive oil to their morning glass of water. But such a mass increases the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, actively cleanses the intestines and liver, and destroys cholesterol plaques. The healing drink is especially useful in old age. It has a good effect on the condition of the blood vessels in the brain and allows for faster recovery after a stroke.

Everyone can choose a drink according to their taste and list of additional properties. Nutritionists still recommend drinking a glass of clean water every morning, from time to time using one of the given compositions.

Rules for drinking water for medicinal purposes

The technology for drinking a glass of water in the morning is quite simple. The maximum effectiveness of the technique will be achieved if the following conditions are met:

  1. The liquid should be drunk immediately after waking up, even before brushing your teeth.
  2. For manipulation, exclusively purified drinking water is used. The boiled product does not contain the necessary substances, it is considered “dead” and can even provoke the development of unpleasant consequences.
  3. Eating should take place no earlier than half an hour after drinking the liquid.
  4. You should drink water not in one gulp, but in small sips for at least 1-2 minutes.
  5. Manipulation can also be carried out in courses. In this case, it will take at least 2 weeks to get rid of the signs of dehydration. It will take 2-3 weeks to cleanse the body. You can get rid of high blood pressure in about 1.5 months.

There is another very important point - the temperature of the liquid. Nutritionists say that it does not have to be warm. It all depends on the state of the body and the desired effect:

  • Warm water at room temperature. The best option for those who want to carefully and accurately adjust their body for the coming day. It will help get rid of heartburn, start the digestion process and the renewal reaction.
  • Chilled water. It has an irritating effect on the gastric mucosa, which is why the body begins to actively produce energy to warm itself. This allows you to wake up instantly. It is also believed that this technique increases life expectancy.
  • Hot water. An option that triggers rejuvenation of the body. A very warm, almost hot liquid washes away mucus most effectively, starting metabolic processes, stimulating the saturation of cells with oxygen.

It is strictly forbidden to drink water in the morning and then refuse breakfast. Such experiments can lead to an impressive list of negative consequences. At a minimum, it will increase your appetite so much that your body will crave food even after eating. In some cases, the start of digestion leads to the stomach beginning to digest itself, provoking the development of gastritis.

Potential harm of the technique

By acting strictly according to the plan and following the rules, it is difficult to harm your body. Doctors recommend caution only in case of edema, chronic hypertension and certain heart diseases. If you have such diagnoses, it is better to first consult with your doctor about the appropriateness of the approach.

Water with oil is not recommended for people with gallstones. The drink can trigger the movement of the stone, causing an attack. And you will have to give up water with lemon or honey if you have increased stomach acidity, exacerbation of gastritis and peptic ulcers.

It is worth considering that the listed results can only be achieved by drinking water. Juices, coffee, black or green tea, and various decoctions will not provide the same effectiveness. These drinks have their own specifics and require a special approach.

If you want to lose excess weight, you should not drink handfuls of special medications and pills. Give preference to regular water. The liquid can be drunk either cold or hot. In each form, it affects the human body differently. Let's take a closer look at what the hot or cold water diet involves.

How does water affect weight loss and the body as a whole?

  1. To lose weight and feel good, it is recommended to drink about two liters of water per day.
  2. Water takes part in the metabolic processes of the body. With its constant intake, metabolism improves. Thanks to this, all eaten dishes are completely digested, energy is consumed. The body does not even think about storing fat deposits on the hips or waist in reserve.
  3. If you think you're not hungry but want to snack, drink a glass of cold water. The liquid successfully suppresses the signal of false hunger and quenches thirst.
  4. To refresh your mind and stimulate mental activity, instead of chocolate and sweets, it is better to drink a couple of glasses of quality water.
  5. It is important to correctly calculate the individual dosage of liquid. To do this, weigh yourself. For every kilogram you will need 40 milliliters of water. For example, if your weight is 62 kilograms, the daily fluid intake is 2480 milliliters.

What is the best water to drink to lose weight?

Today it is not entirely clear what kind of water helps to lose extra pounds. What is known is that people who often have chronic throat diseases should not drink very cold drinks.

Hot water does not suit everyone's taste, but it has a better and more beneficial effect on the human body.

Important point! It is best to drink water 30 minutes before a meal or two hours after a meal. You can also drink any amount of liquid between meals. It is important to drink at least eight glasses of water a day.

There is an opinion that melt water has the best effect on metabolism, due to which excess weight is lost. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that frozen water changes its structure. At home, melt water can be prepared by freezing the liquid in the freezer.

People usually drink water in hot weather to restore the body’s water balance and get rid of thirst. But not everyone realizes that its temperature is of great importance for health.

For example, Chinese residents drink warm drinks in hot weather. This tradition, which developed in the country many centuries ago, has remained relevant in modern times. The longevity and excellent health of the Chinese confirm that doctors are completely justified in drinking unboiled but well-heated water in hot weather.

What are the benefits of hot drinks

In the offices of many companies in the Middle Kingdom, water heaters are installed instead of coolers. On hot days, the Chinese carry small sealed bei zi thermoses. Children are also taught to drink warm water in hot weather. Parents always give mini-thermos flasks with water at 37-40 o C to kids and school-aged children.

According to the theory of Chinese medicine, such drinking is extremely beneficial for people over 40 years of age. It speeds up metabolism, normalizes digestion and improves immunity. Everyone who has made it a rule to drink warm water in hot weather looks younger than their age and rarely gets sick.

Drinking cold drinks on a hot day results in stress for the body caused by a sharp temperature change. The Chinese add that at the same time they damage the top layer of tooth enamel, irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa and disrupt digestion.

The latter occurs when food, cooled by liquid, leaves the stomach too quickly, without having time to be absorbed. The lipids coming from it accumulate on the intestinal walls. When exposed to cold, they harden and can transform into malignant cells. By replacing chilled juices and fruit drinks with water in hot weather, you can dissolve such deposits. When exposed to heat, they will be removed, like a greasy layer from dishes after rinsing with boiling water.

Drink extra hot water in hot weather

Among other reasons to drink heated water in the heat, doctors name:

  • removal of toxins and waste;
  • weight loss;
  • cleansing the kidneys and gallbladder from sand and small stones;
  • acceleration of blood circulation;
  • relief of systematic headaches and muscle pain;
  • reduction of symptoms of psoriasis, osteochondrosis and atherosclerosis.

Drinking warm water in hot weather is recommended to restore beauty and youth. It removes all toxic substances from the body, preventing premature aging and the development of skin diseases. To maintain your attractiveness, you need to drink 2-3 glasses of water heated to 37 degrees a day.