What to eat to speed up your period. What needs to be done to speed up the monthly process

There are many ways to speed up your periods. This can be done using folk remedies or taking medications. It must be borne in mind that all these actions are aimed at changing hormonal levels, which can have a detrimental effect on women's health.

Sometimes situations arise in which it is necessary for menstruation to come and end faster. These include a wedding, a long trip, a vacation. In this case, a one-time intervention will not harm the body. In this case, you should remember the exact date of the end of menstruation and the duration of the menstrual cycle.

We recommend weighing the possible benefits of speeding up your period against the potential health risks. Only deliberate actions, which it is advisable to coordinate with a doctor, are safe. It should be noted that calling menstruation is necessary for a disease such as amenorrhea, in which regular bleeding does not occur in women of childbearing age.

Sometimes there is a need to speed up menstruation in a completely healthy woman. For example, a long trip, vacation, or special event awaits you. Sometimes menstruation can ruin plans. But there is a way out! It involves bringing your period closer by a few days so that you feel comfortable and confident when the time comes. We recommend bringing your period closer using folk remedies, as this is the safest method that does not have a strong effect on hormonal levels.

Often, when there is a disruption in the functioning of the female sphere, disruptions in the menstrual cycle occur. A disease in which menstruation disappears for several months is called amenorrhea. It is caused by a hormonal imbalance that regulates the menstrual cycle.

If the body does not produce enough progesterone and estrogen, this may result in the absence of regular menstruation for several months, or even years.

There are other diseases that pose the threat of menstrual irregularities. These primarily include:

  • ovarian cyst;
  • inflammation of the appendages;
  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • tumor neoplasms.

It should be noted that if there is no bleeding for two months, you should immediately consult a doctor to determine the cause and undergo appropriate treatment. It should be taken into account that the absence of regular menstrual bleeding does not always indicate a disease. The onset of menstruation may be delayed by up to two weeks due to changes in temperature. Often such a failure occurs in the off-season, when the weather and temperature change sharply. The body simply does not have time to adapt. Sometimes, during abnormal heat, menstruation may be delayed.

Changing your diet can also contribute to a delay in menstruation. Often this condition occurs with sudden weight loss due to a strict diet. On the one hand, the body does not receive the nutrients necessary for normal functioning, and on the other, the hormonal system does not have time to adapt to the new weight.

It should be noted that problems with the menstrual cycle are often observed in girls who are too thin and weigh less than 45 kilograms. Taking certain medications can disrupt your menstrual cycle. Before taking any medications, be sure to read the list of side effects.

Sometimes the onset of menstruation does not occur on time due to intense physical activity or emotional stress. The fact is that the production of hormones is influenced by the pituitary and hypothalamus glands. The hypothalamus is unusually sensitive to emotional stress, stress and anxiety.

But of course, the most pleasant reason why periods do not come on time is pregnancy. It is very important to understand that you can speed up the onset of menstruation only if its absence is not caused by pregnancy and diseases of the female reproductive system.


An effective way to speed up the arrival of your period is to take medications. To make menstruation come faster, you can take Duphaston. We recommend consulting a doctor before resorting to this method. Duphaston increases the level of progesterone in the body, thereby regulating the menstrual cycle. After using this method, menstruation should begin on the 3rd – 4th day.

Unlike the hormonal Duphaston, the drug Pulsatilla refers to homeopathic remedies on a natural basis. This means that taking it is much safer for women's health. At the same time, it effectively helps your period come faster. It is necessary to take 6 granules of the remedy every morning and evening to normalize the menstrual cycle and speed up the onset of menstruation by several days.

Taking oral hormonal contraceptives according to a special regimen can also speed up the onset of menstruation. The fact is that they contain the hormone progesterone, which is known to regulate the cycle. The following drugs are very popular: Marvelon, Silest, Yarina. Each drug contains different doses of hormones. For this reason, you should definitely consult a doctor before using them.

There is another drug that can induce menstruation. But please note that this information is provided for informational purposes only. It's about Postinore. Taking it can cause premature onset of menstruation. But it should be borne in mind that the drug has an extremely negative effect on women’s health. It can disrupt the menstrual cycle, as a result of which you will have to undergo a long and difficult course of treatment. Many qualified doctors say that it is better to take regular oral contraceptives for several days to prevent pregnancy and speed up the onset of menstruation than to take two Postinor tablets.

Traditional methods

To make menstruation start faster by a few days, you can use folk recipes. One method involves taking 100 milliliters of parsley decoction twice a day. In 3 to 4 days, menstruation will begin. Another recipe for speeding up the onset of menstruation involves taking cornflower decoction. You need to take 10 tablespoons of herb per 1 liter of water and prepare an infusion in a water bath. After this, you need to drink a decoction of 100 milliliters twice a day until the process of rejection of the functional layer of the endometrium occurs.

Carrot seeds help menstruation start faster. You should consume 5 grams of dry seeds daily before your main meal to induce menstruation. This method is very effective. However, using seeds will not harm your health. Drinking chamomile decoction can also speed up the onset of menstrual bleeding.

There are many ways to speed up your periods. But before resorting to them, it is necessary to understand exactly how justified such measures are. We recommend using exclusively folk remedies, and not medications that can disrupt hormonal levels.

It should be noted that it is important to find the reason if menstruation does not come on time. Typically, a long delay of more than 2 months occurs with diseases of the female reproductive system.

In the life of every woman, a situation may occur when menstruation does not come on time. Then she has a question about how to speed up her periods. There may be other reasons for accelerating the process of menstruation. For example, a representative of the fair sex is planning an important event, meeting, holiday or vacation trip. Of course, a woman wants to be confident in herself and her appearance, not be afraid to wear a short dress, a light skirt and sunbathe in a swimsuit, etc.

Menstruation gives women not only physical, but also psychological discomfort, and for some they are accompanied by severe pain. In order for these features of the female body not to spoil all plans, we have to look for answers to the question of how to speed up the onset of menstruation.

Acceleration of menstruation: is it safe for health?

Women's health is a very delicate mechanism that requires special attention and caution. Menstruation is a natural process in the body of representatives of the fairer sex, which confirms a woman’s ability to conceive and bear a child. It is regulated by the entire hormonal system.

Therefore, when a woman tries to independently disrupt the cyclicity or duration of this process, she must be clearly aware that in this way she is making her own adjustments to her hormonal balance, and as a result it can fail.

To the question of whether it is possible to speed up menstruation, the answer will be positive. Modern pharmacology provides women with a large selection of hormonal drugs that will help them speed up their periods or get menstruation on the day they need it. In addition, there are many different traditional medicines that can also affect the duration and onset of critical days.

Such drugs really work; many ladies have already tested their effect on themselves. But before you expose your body to such stress and change the course of your menstrual cycle on your own, you need to think carefully. None of the manufacturers of hormonal medications that speed up menstruation gives consumers a guarantee that menstruation will be regular or occur at all in the future. Such risks should only be taken if absolutely necessary.

If a girl nevertheless decides to take such a responsible step, then she needs to first get acquainted with what methods there are to speed up menstruation and choose the most suitable one for herself.

How to stimulate menstruation if there is a delay?

Sometimes menstruation does not come on time, and then the fair sex thinks about how to induce it artificially. Particular concern about this arises among those women who are not yet planning a child and are afraid of an unwanted pregnancy, or those who are tormented by premenstrual syndrome.

If the question arises about how to stimulate menstruation if there is a delay, a woman has 2 options: seek help from a specialist or traditional medicine.

For patients who are dealing with the problem of delayed menstruation or in cases where this process is very painful, gynecologists most often prescribe the drugs Duphaston, Pulsatilla, Silest and Marvelon. The action of these medications is aimed at increasing progesterone in the female body. It is because of the lack of this hormone that menstruation does not occur.

Despite the fact that today there are many medications that stimulate menstruation that are freely available, experts do not recommend taking them without consulting a doctor.

Only a good doctor will be able to choose a safe and suitable medicine for the patient based on the individual characteristics of her body. After all, some drugs have contraindications and can negatively affect health and disrupt reproductive function.

Folk remedies are reliable helpers for delayed periods. They are safer for health, and their effects have been tested on many women. The following recipes will help you bring menstruation closer using traditional medicine:

  1. Before meals you need to take 3-5 g of dry carrots. With its help you can easily achieve the desired result.
  2. A decoction of onion peels is another proven method. Only 1 tbsp. A strong brewed drink stimulates the appearance of menstruation.
  3. If you drink 0.5 tbsp every day. strong decoction of parsley, then within 2-3 days from the start of taking it, menstruation will begin.
  4. Due to its effective action, a drink made from cornflowers is popular among women. To bring menstrual bleeding closer, 2 tbsp. l. dried flowers pour 1 tbsp. boiled water, leave for about an hour, and then drink 2 times during the day.
  5. In order for the result to come in just a few hours, traditional medicine suggests that ladies use homemade candles from the upper part of the gladiolus bulb.

Women should remember that if they interfere with their hormonal system on their own, it can have bad health consequences, including the inability to have children.

Approaching menstruation using hormones

It is possible to manage your menstrual cycle with the help of contraceptives. Regularly taking birth control pills will allow you to expect your next period to arrive on the day the woman wants.

How to speed up your menstrual cycle by taking medications? The mechanism of how hormones work is very simple. To understand it, you first need to find out how the female body functions. In the first half of the cycle, the hormone estrogen is produced, and in the second - progesterone. When progesterone levels decrease, menstruation occurs. So everything is very simple. In order to cause monthly bleeding, you just need to take oral contraceptives that lower progesterone.

Many medications can affect a woman's hormonal levels. Modern pharmacology provides the fair sex with a large selection of drugs. Medicines such as Duphaston, Norkolut, Utrozhestan, etc. are popular among women.

Sometimes representatives of the fair sex use birth control pills in order, on the contrary, to postpone their periods. Once the first package of medication has taken effect, a woman can enjoy “dry days” for a whole month, so she often wants to prolong this pleasant feeling. By drinking one pack of contraceptives after another, a woman risks canceling her periods not for 1-2 months, but forever.

Gynecologists warn that such experiments with one's hormonal system can lead to serious problems with reproductive function. It is permissible to use this method only 1-2 times a year, otherwise it may cause unwanted problems.

The most dangerous way to delay your period is to use emergency contraception. Just one use of such contraceptives threatens a girl with long-term treatment of its consequences for the female body.

You should not take birth control pills to affect the duration and timing of menstruation without consulting a gynecologist. An experienced specialist will be able to select for each patient the drugs that are suitable for her based on the individual characteristics of her body. Not every woman, when buying oral contraceptives, pays attention to contraindications and side effects. As a result, she can significantly harm her health. Playing with hormones can be dangerous for a woman, and she will end up losing.

How to speed up the arrival of menstruation without medications?

Those who do not consider the risk of taking birth control pills justified are interested in how to speed up periods if they are delayed without taking medications. First of all, you need to pay attention to how many days they were delayed. A delay of 1-2 days should not alarm a woman, since even minor stress can be the cause.

If a girl nevertheless decides to speed up the natural process, she can try to do this with the help of safe non-drug means that will not cause harm to health.

A popular way is to take a hot bath and make love afterwards. The arrival of menstruation after such actions is explained by the fact that the genitals are toned, the flow of blood to the uterus increases, so the long-awaited menstrual bleeding occurs. This method is valid, but it is a little risky, since hot water can cause too much bleeding.

A reliable and absolutely safe solution would be to use natural acid, which is rich in parsley, lemons and ascorbic acid. Vitamin C helps fight infections and can speed up your period. It will be useful to engage in active sports: run, ride a bike, jump rope, join the gym. Moderate physical activity helps normalize the cycle.

Folk remedies for approaching menstruation

It is very simple to bring the day of menstruation closer using folk remedies, but before using them, every woman must be sure that she is not pregnant.

After all, medicinal herbs can cause miscarriage.

It is possible to speed up your periods without medications with the help of some herbs. Chamomile is popular due to its effective action. A decoction of the flower not only helps to hasten the onset of menstruation, but also regulates the cycle and reduces the amount of discharge. As already mentioned, parsley decoction helps speed up menstruation. If you take a drink from this greenery 2 times a day, blood will begin to flow within 2-3 days.

Even when our grandmothers were young, tea made from mint and lemon balm was popular. It has a calming effect and has a positive effect on women's health.

If you regularly pamper your body with this drink, then in gratitude it will give the woman a regular menstrual cycle and its painless course. In order to bring menstruation closer, you need to drink mint and lemon balm tea 2 times a day.

With the help of folk remedies, you can not only bring your period closer, but also push it back by several days. For example, if you eat 1-2 lemons before the “red days” arrive, their arrival will be postponed by at least 3 days.

The herb elecampane has a strong effect. Just a few doses of the decoction stimulate the arrival of menstruation. To induce menstruation, you need to drink no more than 100 g of elecampane decoction per day in 2 doses.

To make your period pass faster

Sometimes there are situations when a woman needs her period to end faster than usual, and she is looking for ways to speed up the end of her period on her own.

Doctors are against such manipulations with their body, but once a girl decides to do this, she can use one of the methods listed below:

  1. Folk remedies. Nettle decoction helps menstruation pass faster. You need to drink 50 g of this drink 3 times a day, starting from the first day of menstruation.
  2. Sport. Yoga and simple stretches will speed up the process.
  3. Vitamins C and E help stop menstrual bleeding faster.
  4. Food. Pomegranate juice, currants, oranges, cabbage, and fatty fish are rich in vitamins A, C and E, which have a positive effect on the cycle and bring the end of your period closer.

There are many options for how to speed up your periods, and each representative of the fair sex can choose the best one for herself.


The reasons for such a desire among women may also be different, but one must always remember the responsibility a woman bears for her health, influencing her hormonal system and disrupting the natural course of processes in the body.

A stable menstrual cycle is considered a good sign of women's health. At the same time, there are often situations when you want to speed up the onset of their appearance. For some, this is associated with a special event, a long-awaited vacation or a planned trip to nature.

Regardless of the goal, it is worth understanding how to speed up the onset of menstruation so that this does not lead to problems in the functioning of the body in the future.

Security Issues

When wondering how to speed up the onset of menstruation, you should be aware that such actions are a direct intervention in an established biological process. The onset and delay of menstruation can be caused by a woman’s lifestyle. Constant stress, lack of sleep, physical activity, and lack of nutrition can cause disruptions in the process of menstruation. In such cases, it is enough to eliminate the causes, and the cycle will be established.

In a significant proportion of cases, the desire to speed up the process of menstruation is associated with a reluctance to experience discomfort from their arrival in certain situations that are important for a woman. Provoking the appearance of menstruation is an unsafe process, so resorting to such recipes is necessary only in extreme situations. Moreover, the responsibility for such a decision lies only with the woman.

The use of methods to correct the appearance can affect the general condition of a woman and even provoke pathological processes. The consequence may be:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • onset of infertility;
  • the appearance of painful sensations;
  • disturbances in the further cycle;
  • uterine bleeding.

All means of how you can speed up your periods so that they start faster can be classified into the following types:

  • medications;
  • traditional medicine recipes;
  • food;
  • physical impact.

Particular care must be taken when using medications that provoke the onset of discharge. In the matter of how to speed up your periods so that they start faster, they are very effective. At the same time, their incorrect use is fraught with serious problems for the female body, so their use should occur under the supervision of a doctor.


Taking hormonal medications is one of the most effective ways to speed up your periods so that they start faster. All drugs of this kind are developed taking into account the characteristics of the menstrual cycle in the female body. When taken, the production of hormones is stimulated, after which they are sharply suppressed, and menstruation is caused.

The features of taking hormonal drugs to speed up the process of the appearance of menstruation differ for women who have previously used them and for the category who have decided to take them for the first time. For those who use the drugs on an ongoing basis according to the 21-day regimen, it is enough to stop taking the pills a few days before the end of the period. In most cases, discharge begins within a couple of days after this.

You can resort to such techniques no more than 2 times a year, otherwise disruptions in the process of menstruation are guaranteed. It is worth taking care during this period to prevent unwanted pregnancy. It is necessary to use condoms for another 14 days after starting to take the pills.

For those who do not use hormonal medications on a periodic basis, but are considering ways to speed up the arrival of their periods by a few days, the following medications may be considered:

  • Duphaston is a synthetic drug, to speed up the process of the onset of menstruation, it is taken for 5 days during the onset of 10-24 menstruation cycles;
  • Utrozhestan is a natural drug in the form of suppositories or tablets that provokes the onset of discharge on days 2-3, it is taken for 5 days on days 15-24 of the cycle;
  • Norkolut is a hormone of synthetic origin, taken according to a regimen, the effect of which occurs within 2-4 days.
  • Progesterone is a natural hormonal agent taken by injection in a 1-2% solution, the effect of which occurs after 2-4 days;
  • Postinor is a hormonal remedy, often used after unprotected sex, which has an immediate effect in the form of the arrival of menstruation on 2-3 days.

All these drugs have an effect on the liver and kidneys, therefore, before accelerating the onset of menstruation with such drugs, you must carefully study the instructional material regarding use. It is worth weighing the pros and cons and assessing how necessary it is to get them to arrive faster.

Folk remedies

When considering ways to speed up the onset of menstruation, you should pay attention to traditional medicine recipes. Such methods are effective and do not require significant expenses, since most of the ingredients for such recipes are always on hand. The following recipes are known to speed up the onset of menstruation:

  • Chew 3-5 grams of dried carrot seeds and take before meals, the total amount of consumption should not exceed 3 times - onset within 24 hours;
  • Brew onion peel in 1 glass until dark brown in color and organize a reception for 1 day, dividing the volume into 3 doses - onset within 2 days;
  • Parsley decoction can be taken once a day, half a glass, for the arrival of menstruation - onset within 3 days;
  • a decoction of elecampane 100 grams is divided into 2 doses and can cause menstruation the next day, as it has an abortifacient effect;
  • decoction of cornflower flowers in the proportion of 2 tbsp. l. per 1 glass of water, divided into 3 doses - onset within 3 days.

Chamomile infusion has a good effect of normalizing the menstrual cycle, which also helps to bring menstruation closer, reduces the volume of discharge, and helps relieve inflammatory processes.

Food Opportunities

The onset of menstruation will occur faster if a woman adheres to a certain diet. By eating foods rich in vitamins C and E, you can shorten the overall period of your period and reduce the volume of discharge. A large number of such elements are contained in the following products:

  • black and red currants;
  • citrus;
  • rose hip;
  • pomegranate;
  • all types of cabbage.

Taking regular ascorbic acid will also help the onset of menstruation to occur faster. This effect is due to the fact that vitamin C reduces the level of influence of progesterone; in the uterus, the endometrium begins to detach from the walls and discharge occurs. When using this method, it is necessary to drink a large amount of water, as this helps remove the substance from the body. It is not recommended to use it if you have stomach problems or low blood pressure.

The onset of discharge can be accelerated by eating foods that increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

These include hematogen and pomegranate meat. This method can be considered the safest and most beneficial for the body. It is necessary to exclude salty, spicy and fatty foods from the diet.

Means of physical influence on the appearance of menstruation

Taking a hot bath helps accelerate blood circulation in the body, so this method can provoke a faster onset of menstruation. Staying in hot water should not exceed 20 minutes. If sexual intercourse occurs after such a procedure, then you can expect your period in 1-3 days.

This method should be approached with caution by those who have problems with high blood pressure and thyroid diseases. An enhanced effect is achieved by adding rock salt and iodine to the water in a volume of no more than 8 drops.

The onset of menstruation in a shorter period of time can provoke active sports. Recommended activities to speed up the arrival of menstruation include running, cycling, jumping rope, and swimming. Acceleration of blood circulation occurs when performing exercises to work the abs and perform bends in various techniques. This method of accelerating the arrival of menstruation is recommended for girls who have a sufficient level of physical fitness and no problems with the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

It is possible to speed up the onset of menstruation, and you can use various methods. Medicines guarantee a faster effect, but are fraught with serious complications for women's health. Other remedies can lead to the onset of menstruation within a few days. However, such recipes should be used with caution if necessary, since the consequences of their use can be very negative, ranging from short-term menstrual irregularities to infertility.

The female body is a complex system, the work of which must be interfered with with caution. But situations often occur in which there is a need to correct the menstrual cycle, for example, before some significant event. When trying to get into shape before an important event, you need to know how to speed up your period.

Girls who want to know what to do to get their periods early should understand whether it is safe. You should take any measures to call for critical days only after consulting with a specialist who will help determine.

You can force your periods to speed up. Usually this is resorted to if the cycle has shifted by more than 7 days. As a rule, this happens if the body is exposed to stress or mechanical stress.

The need to speed up the onset of menstruation by a couple of days often arises among women before vacation, when they are planning a trip to the seaside. If there are several days left before the onset of menstruation, then in the absence of gynecological pathologies, measures can be taken to forcibly induce monthly bleeding.

Before proceeding with artificial cycle correction, it is important to assess the possible risks. Consequences that may occur when interfering with a natural physiological process:

  1. Hormonal imbalance.
  2. Uterine bleeding.
  3. Infertility.
  4. Dysmenorrhea (painful periods).
  5. Failure of the menstrual cycle.

In some cases, such intervention can be fatal. But if you take precautions, possible risks can be avoided. Now let's talk about how to speed up the arrival of your period.

How to stimulate menstruation when delayed

Women interested in the question of how to speed up the onset of menstruation should know what helps stimulate uterine contractions.

If there is a delay, it is necessary to take a pregnancy test. If it is negative, then corrective measures can be taken and menstruation can be initiated a few days earlier. You can speed up your periods in the following ways:

  1. Taking hormonal drugs.
  2. Stop taking oral contraceptives.
  3. Hot bath/shower.
  4. Sports exercises that strengthen the abdominal muscles.
  5. Lumbar massage.
  6. Sex.
  7. Eating salty and spicy foods.

Healthy girls who are sexually active rarely experience a prolonged absence of menstruation, since regular orgasm promotes uterine contractions. And this speeds up the arrival of critical days.

Traditional methods also help speed up the onset of menstruation. For example, you can induce menstruation by taking a decoction of parsley.

Approaching menstruation using hormones

Let's talk about how to speed up your periods with medication so that they go faster. Prescribing medications on your own is highly discouraged.

Hormonal medications help menstruation begin. Taking large doses of these medications is contraindicated.

The most popular medications that help bring your periods closer are Pulsatilla and Duphaston.


Inducing menstrual bleeding is very easy with this medicine. It is enough to take the capsule 1 time. It needs to be placed under the tongue.

In case of a 10-day delay, you will need to take Pulsatilla for 2-3 days, 2 capsules.

Pregnant women are contraindicated to use this medicine.

When the cycle normalizes, you cannot stop taking the medication. For preventive purposes, it is recommended to drink capsules for 1–2 days from the beginning of menstruation.

The simultaneous use of hormonal medications and alcohol is unacceptable.


Doctors advise taking Duphaston in the second half of the cycle, then the onset of menstruation will not take long.

In order for menstruation to begin earlier and hormonal functioning to be completely normalized, it is recommended to take this medicine for 1–2 months.

Pregnant women should not drink Duphaston.

How to speed up your period without medication

You can bring your period closer not only with medication. To ensure that your critical days come early, it is recommended to take a hot bath. It also helps speed up the onset of your period by a few days.

There are several other ways to get your period to start earlier.

  1. Physical activity. To prevent your monthly cycle from going astray, you need to regularly strengthen your abdominal muscles.
  2. Alcohol. As you know, alcoholic drinks dilate blood vessels, and this brings menstruation closer.
  3. Warmer. It should be applied to the lower abdomen. The effect of using a heating pad is no worse than that of a hot shower/bath.
  4. Have a nice time. Psycho-emotional tension and stress provoke a delay in menstruation. If you surround yourself with pleasant people and positive emotions, the cycle will be normalized.
  5. Lemon. Eating this citrus fruit will help speed up the onset of menstruation. It gives the same effect as ascorbic acid.

How to reduce the duration of menstruation

If there is a need to get “in shape” faster and speed up your periods, you need to take measures aimed at reducing their duration. However, in this case, it is important to take into account the consequences that such a cycle adjustment may lead to. Therefore, before interfering in any way with natural physiological processes, it is recommended to consult a specialist.


The passage of menstruation can be controlled with the help of medications. Tablets with a hemostatic effect:

  • Ascorutin. It is recommended to use the medicine during long periods. Its action is aimed at strengthening blood vessels, and this shortens the duration of menstruation. These tablets should be taken on the 4th day of menstruation.
  • Vikasol. The action of this drug is aimed at increasing the rate of blood clotting. It should be taken on the 2nd day of menstruation.
  • Vitamin E. Helps increase the amount of blood released during menstruation. But at the same time it affects the reduction in the duration of menstruation.

You can also correct your cycle using hormonal contraceptive medications. Regardless of the choice of medication, you should carefully read the attached instructions before taking it.

Folk recipes

Folk remedies help to correct the onset and duration of menstruation at home. But before taking a decoction of medicinal herbs, you should remember the precautions.

So, to speed up menstruation:

  1. Parsley decoction. An excellent remedy to stimulate the arrival of menstruation. To prepare a healing drink, pour boiling water over the herb and simmer over low heat for 30 minutes. Then the liquid is filtered and cooled. This medicine must be taken on an empty stomach. A glass of decoction should be drunk at one time.
  2. Nettle infusion. This medicinal herb helps speed up the completion of critical days and normalize the cycle. It needs to be poured with boiling water, then left for 15 minutes. The cooled liquid must be filtered. Drink this medicine 3 times a day, 5 spoons.
  3. Infusion from shepherd's purse. Dry grass is poured with hot water and infused for 40 minutes. The medicine is taken on the 2nd day of menstruation in small sips.

If you have any diseases associated with dysfunction of internal organs, adjusting the duration of menstruation using traditional methods is contraindicated.

Sometimes a woman needs to speed up the arrival of menstrual flow when her menstrual cycle is delayed. But before resorting to this or that medication or folk remedy, you should undergo an examination by a doctor and coordinate your next steps with him. If the remedy is chosen incorrectly, the reason for the delay is not established - this can provoke a worsening of the situation and cause harm.

Medicinal formulations

Before taking this or that medication, it is worth agreeing with your doctor - it is important to establish the reason for the delay at the very beginning and make a decision after that. Most often, doctors prescribe hormonal drugs - they help normalize hormonal levels and this will be the starting point for the onset of menstruation.

Among the hormonal drugs doctors most often prescribe are:

  1. Pulsatilla.
  2. Duphaston.
  3. Oral types of contraceptives.

You should not choose them yourself, prescribing a course of treatment for yourself - this can be harmful. In addition to the medication course, you can stimulate the onset of menstruation using folk remedies.

Herbal preparations

Such drugs cannot be called 100% safe, although they cause less harm compared to medications.

  1. Carrot seeds are an excellent folk remedy for stimulating menstruation. It is enough to eat them at a time, simply chewing them and drinking warm water - this should be done 3 times a day, before the main meal. The duration of this stimulation course is 1-2 days.
  2. Regular onion peeling will also help speed up a woman’s menstrual flow. It is enough to steam 2 tbsp in a glass of boiling water. with a pile of husks and let it brew for half an hour. After straining, take it before meals before meals - as a rule, menstruation occurs in 5-6 hours, less often - a day.
  3. A decoction of the color of cornflower - these blue inflorescences will help provoke the premature onset of the menstrual cycle. It is enough to steam 2 tbsp in a glass of boiling water. l. raw materials and let it brew for about an hour. After this, divide the volume into two servings - take one at night, before bed, and if menstruation has not started in the morning, drink a second serving.
  4. To stimulate menstruation prematurely, you can use a gladiolus bulb, or rather its upper part. It is thoroughly washed and cleaned, and then inserted into the vagina, leaving it overnight. Menstruation occurs within 24 hours - this can provoke its premature onset.

Folk remedies for stimulating menstruation

The following remedies from the arsenal of traditional medicine, although they seem safe, can provoke negative consequences if used incorrectly. Therefore, before using this or that remedy, you should consult with a gynecologist and take into account the individual characteristics of the body, intolerance to one or another component.

  1. To stimulate menstruation for 2-3 days, it is worth increasing your fluid intake by one and a half times. These can be juices and compotes, decoctions and herbal teas - this approach will thin the blood and speed up the release of mucous membranes, increasing bleeding. But it is worth remembering that if you have problems with your kidneys or heart, then you should not practice this method, creating additional stress on them.
  2. A decoction of nettle greens is an effective folk remedy that will speed up the onset and completion of menstruation. It is enough to steam 5 tbsp in half a liter of boiling water. l. dried, or preferably fresh, plant and boil over low heat for about 20 minutes. Then remove from heat, cool and take 5 times 3 tbsp throughout the day. l. – the counting day is considered to be the 2nd day of the menstrual cycle.
  3. A decoction of shepherd's purse will also speed up the onset of menstruation - steam 2 tsp in a glass of boiling water. dried plant and leave for half an hour. Strain the broth and take half a glass in the morning and evening before bed.
  4. A sharp increase in the level of hemoglobin in the blood can also speed up the onset of menstruation - for this you should eat 2 hematogen bars and 1 pomegranate fruit daily. The result in the form of the onset of menstruation can be observed on days 2-4.
  5. Tincture of water pepper - taking 40 drops. diluted in a glass of water 3 times a day, before meals, and due to this you can speed up the onset of bleeding by 2-3 days. Take this solution half an hour before meals.
  6. The Boat exercise will also help speed up the onset of menstruation - it puts additional stress on the body, more precisely the peritoneal area, stimulating the discharge of the woman’s mucous membrane. It’s easy to perform - just lie on your stomach and stretch your arms forward and, with increased will, pull your socks back. Next, you should lift your arms and legs off the surface and lean only on your stomach - this way you strain the abdominal area and hold in this position for at least 8-10 seconds.
  7. Lemon juice is also an effective and efficient remedy for speeding up the onset of menstruation. To provoke the onset of the latter 2-3 days ahead of schedule, it is enough to drink a glass of lemon juice diluted with water in equal proportions in the morning. Drink a glass of juice in the morning and evening - as medical practice shows, it is a lethal dosage of vitamin C that leads to thickening of the walls of blood vessels and the onset of menstruation ahead of schedule. This method has a limitation - these are diagnosed problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  8. Active sex - this is the method that is often recommended for premature activation of menstruation. The essence of this method is that during active sexual activity, the uterus and its muscles contract intensively, which in turn provokes heavy menstrual flow.
  9. Sports – this is what is actively recommended to practice for the premature onset of menstruation. First of all, it is worth paying attention to those exercises that are aimed at training the abs and peritoneum. This could be simply riding a bicycle or an exercise bike, as well as jumping, just squats with weights in your hands and pumping the press at home. But in this case, it is worth understanding that in case of pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, such methods, namely excessive stress on the body, are prohibited.

When not to interfere with the natural cycle

As doctors note, in medical practice there are cases in which it is not worth interfering with the natural cycle and, it would seem, such a negative phenomenon as a delay or the desire to provoke its onset earlier. In particular, conduct experiments on your own body in the following cases:

  • If the menstrual cycle has not yet established itself, this situation is typical for a teenager or during menopause.
  • For diagnosed pathologies and diseases of the uterus and appendages.
  • For blood diseases, in particular, with a tendency to form blood clots.
  • During the recovery period after childbirth, when a woman’s hormonal levels return to normal.
  • When diagnosing an infectious nature of the disease and an increase in body temperature.
  • After suffering stress and when diagnosing problems with conception.

In such cases, you should consult a doctor and not take any independent measures to stimulate the onset of menstruation.