Pumpkin pie. American pumpkin pie

It is traditional to bake sweet pumpkin pies throughout the fall. For example, in America, delicious and aromatic pumpkin pie can be enjoyed on holidays such as Halloween, as well as Thanksgiving and, of course, Christmas. Today I propose to prepare just such a pastry - the famous American pumpkin pie or Pumpkin pie.

When I decided to make it, my husband, unfortunately, was at home. Why unfortunately? He doesn’t just not like pumpkin - it seems to me that he has an ineradicable stupid stereotype that it cannot be tasty by definition. I mean pumpkin dishes. However, she happily eats all the baked goods that contain red-haired beauty - I just know how to mask the characteristic taste of pumpkin.

In general, I survived his skepticism during the cooking process and even the words “No, I definitely won’t eat that...” When I took the finished pie out of the oven, which was simply fragrant with fabulous aromas, I heard from the audience something like “What are you doing there?” Are you baking something delicious?” And finally, when I cut myself the first piece and defiantly began to eat it, the wall fell and I heard “Let me try it.”

And then the children came home... In the morning there were only two small pieces of pumpkin pie left, but I thought I would have to eat it alone. So don’t be afraid that your non-pumpkin lovers will refuse to enjoy this delicious dessert - feel free to cook it. And as a gift you will receive a fragrant and fabulously beautiful American pumpkin pie based on soft chopped dough and the most delicate sweet filling. And “Thank you very much. Can I have another piece?..” from my family!


Chopped dough:


(450 grams) (3 pieces) (300 grams) (1 teaspoon) (0.25 teaspoon) (1 pinch) (1 pinch) (1 pinch)

Cooking the dish step by step with photos:

The recipe for this pumpkin pie includes the following ingredients: thick pumpkin puree, sweetened condensed milk, butter, chicken eggs, wheat flour, drinking water, and spices. In the products, I listed those that are suggested in the original recipe (cloves, ginger, allspice and cinnamon - I changed the quantity to suit myself), but I also used others (more on that below).

The first step is to prepare the chopped dough. You can do it by hand, but in a food processor it’s much faster and easier. Sift 210 grams of premium wheat flour into a bowl, add a pinch of salt and cold butter, cut into cubes. It is best to put the butter in the freezer for an hour beforehand.

Using a metal knife, punch everything into fine butter crumbs. This will literally take 20-30 seconds. Now add 1 egg yolk (the white can be frozen and used for other recipes), as well as a tablespoon of ice water.

Once again we punch everything through (preferably in pulsating mode) so that we get such a fatty crumb. Try to put it together. If it still falls apart, add another spoonful of water - it depends on the moisture content of the wheat flour.

While the dough is cooling, you can make the filling. I made pumpkin puree in advance: steamed the pumpkin pulp in a slow cooker and then rubbed it through a sieve. You can also grind it with an immersion blender - it’s much easier. To make the puree thick, place the steamed pumpkin pulp in a sieve for 10 minutes - the excess liquid will drain off (it is not needed). So, the filling. Break 3 chicken eggs into a bowl.

Add pumpkin puree and spices. About spices: in the original, this pie contains 1/4 teaspoon of dried ginger, allspice, cinnamon and cloves (all ground). Frankly speaking, I was simply afraid to add so much, especially since I don’t particularly like cloves. I literally took a pinch of it, as well as ground allspice. I added a quarter of a teaspoon of ginger (remember that this is a rather spicy seasoning), but I didn’t skimp on the cinnamon - a whole teaspoon went into the filling. While making American pumpkin pie, I decided to experiment a little more: add a teaspoon of dried orange zest (very handy) and a pinch of vanilla. You decide for yourself what you like best.

All that remains is to mix everything thoroughly so that all the ingredients are combined. At this stage, taste the pumpkin mass and, if desired, add certain spices to your taste. If you think the filling is too thin (it should be a little thinner than pancake batter), you can play it safe and add a couple tablespoons of corn or potato starch.

Turn on the oven to warm up at 180 degrees. Take a springform baking dish with a diameter of 20 centimeters if you want a tall cake like mine. If you choose wider, the finished baked goods will be lower. Line the bottom of the mold with baking paper. Take the chopped dough out of the refrigerator and place it in the mold. Using your hands, distribute it evenly over the bottom and make high sides. Now we also make sure to prick the dough at the bottom with a fork so that it does not swell during baking.

In addition, we add an additional weight to prevent the dough from rising. I have lentils (1 kilogram), which I once bought and forgot about. Now it is used for this purpose - as cargo. Place baking paper between the dough and cereals (peas, beans, pearl barley). Place the pan with the dough in the hot oven and bake for 10 minutes. Then remove the load and bake for another 5-7 minutes.

For the test:

  1. flour – 200 g
  2. butter – 125 g
  3. sugar – 2 tbsp
  4. eggs – 2 pcs (yolks)
  5. water – 2 tbsp
  6. flour (as needed)

For the filling:

  1. pumpkin – 700 g
  2. sour cream – 300 g (fat homemade!)
  3. eggs – 3 pcs.
  4. sugar – 6 tablespoons
  5. nutmeg

"Pie" is the word for pie, which is what it sounds like in English ("pie"). And in our understanding, the traditional American pie is... That is, one in which the filling is not covered with a layer of dough. Our famous rastegai pies are also pies with open filling. Well, everyone knows that pumpkin pie is incredibly loved in America.

To make the pie (pie) taller, I baked it in a small pan 18 cm in diameter. But in general, the recipe is designed for a 22-23 cm mold. It’s better to bake in this one.

So let's prepare the dough for the bottom crust.

Grind butter with sugar. In principle, you can safely use margarine here. But I have long switched to butter in any baking. Too much has been written about the dangers of trans fats in margarines.

Add 2 yolks to the butter, grated with sugar. We will have unused whites.

add the yolks to the grated butter and sugar

Now add all the flour.

Add 2 tablespoons of cold water and

…. knead the dough. It forms well and easily into a ball like this.

Now take a baking dish and place the dough, spreading it evenly over the entire bottom. I just flattened it with my hands. And place the dough directly in the mold in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

While the dough is in the refrigerator, prepare the filling.

Peel the pumpkin and cut into small pieces. Place on a baking sheet.

I covered the top of the baking sheet with baking foil to create a steam room effect.

Place the baking sheet with the pumpkin in the oven for 15 minutes. Temperature – 200 degrees.

When the pumpkin becomes soft in the oven, take it out and grind it in a blender.

For the pumpkin filling, add additional:

  • 300 g sour cream
  • 3 eggs
  • 6 tablespoons sugar
  • nutmeg (I love the smell of nutmeg very much. So I put a lot)

Please note: regular store-bought sour cream will NOT WORK! If you don’t have fatty market sour cream, buy cream.

Add the sour cream and sugar mixture to our ground pumpkin. The consistency of the filling is like pancakes. It is not runny and will thicken as it bakes. But if your filling turns out to be liquid (the pumpkin may be very juicy, the sour cream may be liquid...) - add 1-3 tablespoons of flour.

Another nuance: you need to mix cooled pumpkin puree and sour cream, it is better to take it from the refrigerator.

After the required time has passed, we remove the dough from the refrigerator and bake it separately without filling for about 15 minutes in the oven. Prick the crust with a fork in several places before baking.

When the bottom crust of our pie is baked, take it out and cool!

When the cake has cooled, pour our pumpkin filling onto it and put the cake back in the oven for 40-45 minutes.

In principle, the pie will be ready in 40 minutes. The top pumpkin filling shouldn't float, but it won't be hard either.

Until the pie is completely ready, let it cool at room temperature, and then put it in the refrigerator for another 3 hours. Then the pumpkin filling will finally “set” and you will have an incredibly delicious American pumpkin pie. In classic recipes, the pie is not placed in the refrigerator. But this is because the filling does not use baked pumpkin, but ready-made thick (in jars)

And only then can it be cut into pieces. Then the top layer will show off gently.

Much also depends on the type of pumpkin. I came across a very sweet and bright orange pumpkin at the market. This is exactly what the pie needs.

And it turned out to be a very tender and bright culinary miracle. Bon appetit!!!

American pumpkin pie

Americans simply love this pie. Thanksgiving is not complete without it, just like we have New Year without Olivier. It is also a common Halloween table decoration. There is even a joke that American housewives came up with the recipe for this pie to recycle the pumpkin pulp that remained after Halloween celebrations. But that's not true. In America, pumpkin puree from which this pie is made is sold all year round. There are several recipes for making this pie on the site. I offer you another one, which differs in the method of preparing the filling - pumpkin puree.

wheat flour - 200 gr.
butter - 100 gr.
sugar - 50 gr.
chicken egg - 1 pc.
salt - 1/2 tsp.
pumpkin - 500 gr.
milk - 100 ml.
sugar - 100 gr.
cream (33%) - 150 ml.
chicken egg - 2 pcs.
cinnamon (stick) - 1 pc.
vanillin (Haas) - 1/4 tsp.
powdered sugar (haas vanilla flavored) - 2 tbsp. l.
seasoning (ginger, cloves, star anise, cardamom, lemon zest, allspice) - 1 tsp.

Preparing the filling for the pie. We clean the pumpkin and cut it into small cubes.

Add sugar, milk and a cinnamon stick to the chopped pumpkin and simmer over low heat for 30 minutes.

While the pumpkin is stewing, prepare the dough. We take cold, but not frozen butter, salt, flour, sugar, egg. You can grind everything by hand, but it’s easier to chop and mix using a food processor.

Knead a soft elastic dough and put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Take a convenient mold with a diameter of 22-24 cm, roll out the dough, transfer it to the mold, and make sides.

Place a sheet of baking paper on top, beans or peas on it so that the dough does not “puff up”, place in an oven heated to 220* C and bake for 20 minutes.

To the finished pumpkin, add Haas vanillin and seasonings as desired: ginger, cloves, star anise, cardamom, lemon zest, allspice.
Grind the pumpkin into puree. (Remove the cinnamon stick first).

Add cream (I whipped it beforehand) and eggs to the cooled puree. Mix everything with a blender or mixer.

Take the pie base out of the oven, remove the beans, and pour in the filling.
Reduce the temperature in the oven to 180* C. and bake the pie for 50 minutes until done.

We take out the finished pie and let it cool completely for about 2 hours.

Sprinkle the finished cake with Haas vanilla flavored powdered sugar.

Enjoy your tea!

Good afternoon, dear friends! Once again, thank you all so much for your congratulations and kind words, I was very, very pleased! I love and miss you all, I really do. I’ve been wanting to write a blog for a long time, there was a lot of zucchini this year, and new recipes from them too, but I only got around to writing now, when the children’s holidays started and everyone ran out of zucchini. But there are still pumpkins left. And I still have recipes and photographs from last year and three huge pumpkins under the table. Moreover, it’s such a significant day... How can you not post a recipe for pumpkin pie with gloomy photos?!

or a little less gloomy:

The recipe is simple, and the pie is very tasty.

I found the recipe for the filling on the Gastronom website, and the base for the pie is my favorite, tested many times and worked on over the years.


For the crust:

  • flour - 1 1/4 cups

  • sugar - 1/2 tsp.

  • salt - 1/2 tsp.

  • butter - 113 g

  • ice-cold vodka from the freezer - 2-3 tbsp.

For the filling:

  • pumpkin pulp - 500 g

  • sugar - 1 glass

  • butter - 100 g

  • eggs - 3 pcs.

First, prepare the dough for the crust: cut the cold butter into cubes. Place butter, flour, salt, sugar in a blender bowl and chop it all until buttery crumbs. Add ice-cold vodka (first add 2 tablespoons and turn on the blender for a few seconds, if the dough starts to clump, then turn off the blender, if the dough is still crumbling, add another tablespoon of vodka and turn on the blender again briefly, until until the dough starts to come together). Place the dough from the blender into a plastic bag, form it into a small flat cake (we make the cake directly through the bag) and place it in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

After the specified time has passed, remove the dough from the refrigerator, roll out thinly, place in a greased pan with low sides so that the bottom and sides are covered, prick with a fork and put in the refrigerator for another 30 minutes.

Meanwhile, let's make the filling: cut the pumpkin into small pieces and boil in boiling water until soft. Cool slightly. Beat pumpkin, sugar and butter in a blender. Change the whisk attachment and add the eggs one at a time, beating thoroughly each time.

Remove the form with the dough from the refrigerator. Cover the dough with a sheet of parchment, cover with dry peas or beans and place in an oven preheated to 175C for 10-15 minutes. Remove the beans and parchment, pour the filling into the mold with the dough and place in the oven for 40-45 minutes.

Cool the pie in the mold and only then carefully remove it.

This is one of the most tender and delicious fillings for pumpkin pie (albeit high in calories) and probably the simplest - in order to prepare this pie you don’t even need to go to the store (if pumpkin is available, of course), you have all the necessary ingredients at home. And from various photographs in this post, you can conclude that I baked this pie often last year. And I will be in this. Without a doubt.

I congratulate everyone who is celebrating on the holiday, and I wish the rest of you to buy yourself something nice or useful with a big Halloween discount :)

I have a completely different story with pumpkin. Literally until last fall, I had never eaten it at all, or I ate it, but I don’t remember it at all, since it was at a very young age.

I saw it later, at a conscious age, a couple of times in stores, but at that time it cost some exorbitant money, for completely unknown reasons. “Screw her,” I thought and walked past.

But, having gone to the village to visit my grandfather and grandmother, to harvest the harvest, the collective farmer, of course, from me, of course, that one :)), begging for several pumpkins (for some reason they were very small that year, they did not want to grow), I First she began to feed everyone, the taste of which delighted the people. They were probably even more delighted by the fact that the soup was made from pumpkin, a product unusual for our Siberian tables :)

After the soup, it was time for main courses, sauces, and then desserts and baked goods began (all made from pumpkin, yes!). I have already shown one pie (). Now here's the second one - pumpkin pie, in the best American traditions! Yeah!

Needed (for forum 25 cm in diameter):
for test:
125 g butter
200g flour
2 yolks
2 tbsp sugar
2 tbsp cold water

for filling:
900g pumpkin
300g sour cream
3 eggs
6 tbsp sugar
pinch of anise
pinch of cardamom
pinch of nutmeg

Cooking time: 1.5 hours +2 hours cooling

Leave the margarine/butter at room temperature until it softens, add sugar and stir. Beat in the yolks, then add the flour. We begin to knead with our hands. If the dough turns out stiff, add a little water (I used exactly 2 tablespoons). The dough should become elastic, homogeneous, and easily roll into a ball.

Take a baking dish (preferably a springform pan) and place the dough in it. You need to distribute it evenly so that there are no tears or holes.

Once done, put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Let's make the filling.
Peel the pumpkin from seeds and peel. Place on a baking sheet, cover with foil and bake in the oven at 200C for 15 minutes.

After 15 minutes, remove the pumpkin from the oven, check for doneness: poke it with a knife - it should become completely soft. Now you need to cool it a little. Do not turn off the oven.

Place the cooled pumpkin in a blender (or in a saucepan if the blender is an immersion blender), or a mixer, or rub through a sieve. Anyway, you need to make pumpkin puree. Now add everything else to it: eggs, sour cream, sugar, spices, mix everything well to get a smooth, homogeneous mixture.

We take the dough out of the refrigerator, make light holes with a fork (not too tight, not to the bottom) - this is so that the dough does not bubble. Place in an oven already heated to 200C. Bake for 15-20 minutes until golden brown.

Once the pie pan is baked, it needs to cool. We also cool the oven to 180C.

Pour the pumpkin filling into the cooled shortbread pan and place in the oven, baking for about 30 minutes.

Afterwards, the pie needs to be cooled, preferably for at least 2 hours.

Remove the already cooled pie from the mold.

You can serve with whipped cream (well, this is traditional), you can replace it with a spoon of sour cream or a scoop of ice cream. Or you can just eat it.